Exercise for a teenager: a set of exercises, a description of the execution technique. Exercises for teenagers Morning exercises for children 14 16 years old

For fitting and assembly work 12.09.2020
For fitting and assembly work

At the age of 13 and older, many schoolchildren, unfortunately, are careless and with little interest in morning exercises, but surprisingly many go in for sports, considering this kind of physical activity to be more useful. It is important to explain to such children that the benefits of morning exercises are very high and, in addition, it is easy to combine exercises during exercise with exercises that are important in the chosen sport. Try it with your child or advise him to create your own set of exercises for morning exercises, but make sure that he is not overwhelmed.

Possible morning exercises for teens:

  • Starting position - standing feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Perform circular movements of the head in one direction and the other. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Previous starting position. Perform torso turns to the sides. Repeat 5 times.
  • Previous starting position. Perform leg swings back, forward and to the side. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.
  • Previous starting position. Spread your arms to the sides and, on exhalation, tilt forward, touching the toe of your left leg with your right hand; while inhaling, straighten up, return to the starting position. Then tilt with the other hand. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.
  • Previous starting position. Perform squats at a calm pace.
  • Previous starting position. Perform circular movements with the pelvis in one direction and the other.
  • Starting position - standing feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Clench your fingers into a fist and perform circular movements with your hands forward and backward.
  • Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Jump in place. The tempo is arbitrary, if possible.
  • Previous starting position. Jump sideways over a small obstacle such as a ball or box.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight and wide apart. Stretch forward, then to one, then to the other leg.
  • Lie on your back and perform the "scissors" exercise with your legs, crossing your legs slightly raised above the floor.
  • Lying on your back, perform the "bicycle" exercise alternately bending and unbending your legs.
  • Get on all fours, arch and arch your back.
  • Finish exercising by walking calmly

During puberty, adolescents experience a rapid growth of the skeleton, while the muscles simply do not keep up with it (therefore, adolescents are characterized by increased fatigue, impaired coordination of movements). As a result, the gymnastic complex of exercises for children 10-14 years old should include exercises for flexibility, coordination of movements (as mentioned above). These exercises are general strengthening, they can also be used as a warm-up before playing sports. Thanks to them, the muscles of the whole body are harmoniously included in the work.
Care must be taken to ensure that all exercises are performed with the correct starting position. In this case, all muscles will move symmetrically, the left and right halves of the body will develop in the same way. The range of motion should be full - so that the muscles of the working part of the body contract and relax completely.

Physical exercise for children 10-14 years old:
1. I. P. - standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Walk in place. Further - walking with movement. Do the exercise for 1 min.
2. I. P. - standing, feet together, arms along the body. Get up on your toes, while simultaneously raising your arms through the sides and arching your back. Then return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.
3. I. P. - standing, legs slightly apart, palms bent at the elbows - in front of the chest. Perform:
a) Jerking elbows to the sides and back - 2 times
b) Extend your arms to the sides and make 2 jerks back with straight arms
c) Grab oneself by the shoulders, while the left hand lies on the right shoulder, and the right one on the left.
Return to starting position. Repeat the entire exercise 5-8 times.
4. I. P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Sharply raise one hand up and look at it. Return to starting position. Then sharply raise your other hand up and look at it, return to its original position. Repeat 8-10 times.
5. IP - standing, feet together, hands on shoulders. Rotate your elbows forward and then back. Perform 20-30 s.
6. I. P. - standing, feet together, arms along the body. Swing the left leg back and forth, return to the starting position. Then swing your right leg back and forth. Repeat 8-10 times.
7. IP - standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your arms up. Then exhale - bend forward and reach the floor. Repeat 8-12 times.
8. I. P. - standing, feet together, arms along the body. Take your leg back and lean forward ("swallow"). Return to starting position. Then sit down, tilt your head and cover it with your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.
9. I. P. - standing, legs slightly apart, with one hand to hold the back of the chair. Perform:
a) Squats - 10-12 times.
b) Squats on one leg - 3-5 times (as you master the exercise, you can do it without a chair).

Exercises for children 10-14 years old with a ball:
1. Throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the floor and then catch it. Repeat 8-10 times.
2. Throw the ball against the wall and catch it from the summer. Repeat 8-10 times.
3. Throw the ball against the wall, clap your hands three times and catch the ball from the summer. Repeat 6-8 times.
4. Throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the floor, then hit the ball against the wall and catch it from the summer. Repeat 6-8 times.
5. Throw the ball against the wall, hit it with your palms again against the wall and then catch the ball from the summer. Repeat 6-8 times.
6. Throw the ball against the wall, hit it three times with your palms against the wall and then catch it from the summer (standing close to the wall). Repeat 6-8 times.
7. Throw the ball against the wall, hit it three times with your palms against the wall (while standing close to the wall) and then, moving away from the wall, let the ball fall to the floor, and then catch the ball. Repeat 6-8 times.
8. Throw the ball against the wall, let it fall to the floor, roll over and catch the ball. Repeat 6-8 times.
9. Standing with your back to the wall, throw the ball over your head against the wall, then let it fall on the floor in front of you and catch it. Repeat 6-8 times.
10. Throw the ball over your head against the wall, while standing with your back to the wall, and then catch it from the summer. Repeat 6-8 times.

Girls, these fitness exercises are for you! Cute teenage girl Jessy Lipke, who follows a healthy lifestyle from an early age and exercises daily, will show weight loss exercises for teens.

If you want to lose weight or just have a beautiful figure, do these exercises 3-6 times a week. And in a month you will see dramatic changes! Girlfriends will envy you, and boys will not be able to pass by.

Girls, don't wait until you grow up to become adult women! Get started now, following the example of Jesse Lipke. While her teenage friends spent their time watching TV, playing video games and eating fast food, Jesse Lipke under the guidance of her parents (her dad is a doctor and trainer, and her mom is a nutritionist), gymnastics, Pilates, dance coaches and other fitness professionals engaged and ate exceptionally fresh, whole foods daily, containing quality proteins, healthy carbohydrates and "right" fats ().

Now Jesse Lipke leads herself fitness for teenagers according to a program developed by her father, a professional trainer and doctor.

This fitness workout will only take you 20 minutes. It starts with, then comes the cardio exercises necessary for losing weight (be sure to do them, they burn fat very well!). Then you do some strength exercises to give your muscles amazing shape and you're done.

Fitness slimming exercises for teenage girls:

Warm up:

  • walking and running in place
  • small circles with hands
  • large circles with hands
  • side bends
  • swing your hands

Cardio Slimming Exercises:

  • running in place
  • jumping with arms
  • 3 bouncing steps forward and 3 backward
  • jumping over towels
  • running in a semi-squat in place

Water break 🙂

Strength exercises for a beautiful figure:

  • push ups
  • squats
  • plank
  • forward
  • moving bar
  • invisible chair against the wall
  • raising the knees to the chest while lying
  • bicycle
  • "Hitting the ceiling" with your feet

Water break 🙂


  • leg stretch
  • stretching the tendons
  • abdominal stretch

Fitness exercises for teenagers (for weight loss and a beautiful figure):

Good health, dear athletes and those who wish to become one! In this article we will talk about probably the most useful thing that needs to be done on a daily basis, although many do not adhere to it. Yes, this is morning exercises!

Why is it so effective and why almost every doctor advises to do it? This is what will be discussed below. You will learn the types of exercises, many useful exercises for men and women, as well as other nuances associated with this topic.

The benefits of morning exercises

Anyone knows that even a small physical activity makes our heart beat at a faster pace, and, accordingly, increase blood circulation. This is the point of charging. During sleep, the body relaxes, which is why the cells do not need a lot of oxygen and nutrients, and in the morning it experiences stress as we begin to move.

Consequently, by increasing blood circulation with a light load, all the necessary substances will enter the tissues, cells and brain much faster, which will improve overall well-being. Also, a warm-up partly triggers oxidative processes, due to which a small proportion of fat is burned.

Where is it better to do it outdoors or at home?

As discussed above, the body needs to be saturated with oxygen. It is he who activates all processes, and makes the muscles wake up. Based on this, it is best to do exercises in the fresh air and in the cool, when its density is higher. The low temperature will also allow for some hardening, which will boost immunity. The ideal option would be a park or forest with a lot of oxygen.

However, you can also do a warm-up at home. It may not be as spectacular as in the air, but you will be able to cheer up. It's great if there is a balcony. He will be able to fully replace the street and help you warm up after waking up.

Do I need to eat before morning exercises?

Considering the fact that exercise is performed a couple of minutes after sleep, then it is better not to eat food. Otherwise, it will not be very convenient to do exercises with a full stomach, and it also affects metabolic processes adversely.

But drinking a glass of sweet liquid is a must. It will thin the blood, making it easier for the heart, and sugar will temporarily provide the muscles with energy. Hot tea or juice is ideal. But after charging, you can eat tightly without fear of tone, since all the fat will work out throughout the day.


Conventionally, morning exercises can be divided into 3 main types.

  • Classic exercise - does not exceed 7 minutes in time and includes a complex of physical education type (stretching the neck, pelvis, legs, etc.).
  • Warm-up - performed for 15 minutes and covers basic gymnastic elements (pull-ups, squats, push-ups, etc.).
  • Full charge - requires 30 minutes of time, as well as the presence of shells (dumbbells, weights, treadmill).

Which of these types to choose, everyone decides for himself. The best, of course, is considered to be a full-fledged exercise, which works out all muscles. In this case, you will not only feel good, but also with a toned body shape.

Morning exercises

Exercise, like any workout, has its own credo that must be met. Remember the most important thing - you need to enjoy a little exercise early. That is, if during execution you do not feel a cheerful state, then you are probably making a mistake in something. Pay attention to the following nuances.

  • Charging is best done outdoors or in a ventilated area.
  • The warm-up will be interesting if you do not do it alone, but, for example, with your family or with friends.
  • Clothes should be comfortable and not interfere.
  • The optimal number of repetitions is considered no more than 10 times.
  • Calm pace of execution.

That is, in order to achieve the effect of morning exercises, you need to at least partially comply with these rules, because everything is down the drain.

Lesson schedule

In fact, there is no special schedule required. It is enough to do morning exercises for every day and devote at least 10 minutes to it. If we talk about time, then you can focus on the following schedule.

  • 5:00 - rise.
  • 5: 00-5: 15 - after waking up, you can lie in bed for 10-15 minutes to finally wake up.
  • 5: 15-5: 45 - after drinking a glass of water with lemon before charging, you can sweat thoroughly for half an hour.
  • 6: 00-6: 30 - half an hour to take a shower.
  • 7:00 - it's time to have a hearty meal.

Then you can already build a daily routine at your discretion. But try to devote at least a couple of hours to morning exercises, water procedures and breakfast so that you can walk with a cheerful head throughout the rest of the day.


Exercise will be much more useful if you add light physical activity to simple physical education. These can be additional shells, weights, barbells, etc. However, small dumbbells are the best option. What to do with them and how, you don't have to think too much. Just add this shell to your usual complex exercises. For example, with dumbbells, you can perform bent-over rows, lifting them above yourself, also during the warm-up of the press. Such morning exercises will give your body an excellent shape.

Exercise intensity

It is important to understand that simple exercise is not a workout, so it should be accompanied by a heart rate of no more than 160 beats per minute. This is the state of the body when the back begins to sweat. There is simply no point in increasing the intensity. Although in the cold season (in winter), the pace can be increased, while combining gymnastics with light jogging. Cold will allow the body to harden to some extent, which is also necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

Warm up and stretching

Stretching is also considered a wellness center and goes well with morning exercise. But this business is not for the lazy, because first you need to do a full charge and warm up well, and only then stretch. Prepare for the fact that this procedure will cause discomfort, as you will pull on the tendons, tissues and ligaments, but over time they will become more elastic, and the pain will gradually begin to disappear.

Stretching is good for the whole body because it strengthens tissues and muscles, which means that the risk of injury is reduced. This is especially true for those who are involved in professional sports according to a certain program.

A set of exercises for charging

There are plenty of exercises for your morning warm-up. They are difficult, for weight loss, gymnastic, but are classified only by focus. That is, depending on which part of the body they are working on.

  • For legs - squats on one and two legs, walking on heels and toes, swing.
  • For the back - a boat and raising the lower back, lying on the back with bent legs.
  • For the torso - rotation of the pelvis, body tilts.
  • For the neck - turns and tilts of the head.
  • For the hands - rotation of the hands, movement of the arms in the elbow and shoulder joints, alternate hand swings.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that these exercises should be performed correctly and slowly in order to feel every movement. Below is a photo of the most correct execution.

For women

The most suitable for the female is the following morning exercise complex.

  1. Hands - folded into the lock, reach up, to the chest and down, without moving the body; stretching to the sides, rotate with the hands, and then with the elbows; alternate swings; push-ups from the table; biceps warm-up with light dumbbells.
  2. Torso - plank; keeping the legs at an angle of 45 degrees, lying on the back; tilts to the right, left, forward, backward; torsion with a fixed pelvis.
  3. Legs - swing forward, backward and to the sides; rotation of the hip joint; squats; knee warm-up.
  4. Neck - primitive bends and rotations.

For each exercise, no more than 15 high-quality repetitions are allocated, after which you can make a set of squats in various variations - classic, with legs apart, etc. Since the complex is designed for girls, its action is aimed more at maintaining the figure. There is a video below where this is described in detail.

For men

Since men with a sports part, in most cases, everything is much better, the exercises for them should be harder. Conventionally, these are the same movements as in women, but with additional subsequent load.

  1. Squats are the most primitive, from a standing position, several sets of 20 times.
  2. The lying emphasis is typical push-ups, 2 sets of 20 times.
  3. Lunges - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  4. Twisting - 40 reps in total for 2-3 times.
  5. Raising the legs - also 40 times.
  6. Plank - several sets, 1 minute long.

This exercise is designed to work on all muscle groups. It will provide a lean, toned body and basic pumping, which is especially important for beginners in sports or for dryers.

For teenagers

The morning workout for teenagers is similar to the complex for women, but with the addition of a couple of stretching elements (stretching).

  1. Turns and circular movements of the head.
  2. Rotation of the hands and arms in the elbow joint.
  3. Torso bends.
  4. Squats are a versatile exercise suitable for both women and men with teens.
  5. Circular movements of the knees and pelvis.

For each of these elements, 10 repetitions are enough, after which you can proceed to stretching. The following exercises will be suitable.

  • "Bicycle" (lying on your back).
  • Lunges on each leg.
  • "Scissors" in a lying position.
  • Backbend while on all fours (also good for the spine).
  • Tilts in a standing position (we reach the floor with our palms).

These exercises are also suitable for adults, only they must be performed carefully so as not to be injured. You can also add a gymnastic base to this list, for example, a handstand or pull-ups. Well, in general, the load is not terrible for a young body, of course, within reason. To better navigate by the names of the elements, you can use the Internet and see everything in pictures, where the execution method will be clearly and with a description explained.

Key charging errors

The main mistakes that almost everyone makes are the following:

  • Looping over one exercise.
  • Too heavy loads that turn exercise into a full-fledged workout.
  • High speed of execution.
  • Hopes for improved physical fitness.

Remember the most important thing: exercising in the morning is not a workout! It is not designed for muscle growth, but only emotionally. It also makes it easier to adapt to a new daily routine that will relieve the ever-tormenting bed attachment.

Motivation also plays an important role. To make it easier for you to cope, there are various ways to encourage yourself. For example, keep your own healthy lifestyle schedule or take photos and then observe the changes. This will keep you in a good mood.

How to eat after charging?

So, we figured out the exercises, now a little about nutrition. Everything here will depend on what your goal is. If the priority is exercise for weight loss, then it is better to refuse high-calorie food. The fact is that after any load, the body must replenish with energy, and it, to a greater extent, is a complex carbohydrate that will be processed throughout the day. That is, these are cereals, herbs, fruits with vegetables, dairy products, legumes, etc. It is better to eat after a short pause, after 30-40 minutes after the warm-up. By the way, bread for weight loss, according to Cindy Crawford, is better not to eat at all.

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