Gear 2 30 instructions for use. Improved Gear. Samsung S Health app

Children's 27.09.2020

Heterodyne resonance indicators (GIR) are simple measuring instruments designed to detect and indicate resonance in electronic devices containing resonant circuits. Typically, a GIR is a small box in which an XC generator of sinusoidal oscillations and a meter of the current it consumes or a simple RF signal indicator are mounted. The alternator coil is replaceable and is mounted on a block, a variable capacitor (air or mica) has a scale calibrated (for each replaceable coil) in frequency.

If you place the GIR coil near the resonant circuit, then when the generator tuning frequency approaches the circuit frequency, the generator energy will be sucked into the circuit. This is clearly visible even when the GIR coil is several centimeters away from the circuit. During suction, the current consumed by the generator from the power source changes, which makes it possible to determine the moment of resonance.

GIR is quite a handy device. Typically, its application does not even require connection to the circuit under test. When testing a radio receiver, the tuning frequencies of the input circuits, the circuits of the intermediate frequency amplifier and the local oscillator circuits can be evaluated. Often GIR is used to determine the resonant frequency of antennas, such as shortwave radio stations, as well as the resonant frequencies of feeders and coaxial cable segments.

In the USSR, GIR-1 and GIR-2 devices were mass-produced. However, GIR does not apply to professional instruments due to the low measurement accuracy and strong influence on the device under test. However, GIRs are widely used in amateur radio practice. Descriptions of these useful devices can be found in amateur radio literature (for example, in the collections of the Radio magazine) and on the Internet.

A simple GIR on a single field-effect transistor

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, a GIR on a tube triode was described. Nowadays, it is much more convenient to use a field effect transistor. On fig. 1.59 shows a diagram of the simplest GIR on a field effect transistor, often found on the Internet. This is a typical inductive three-point circuit.

Rice. 1.59. Scheme of the simplest GIR on a field-effect transistor

Structurally, this GIR is mounted in a small metal box. An indicator device and a variable capacitor equipped with a tuning scale are installed on the front panel. A connector is installed on the side of the case, to which the inductor XI is connected.

To cover the range of 25-40 MHz, the coil has the following parameters: the frame diameter is 20 mm, the winding length is 30 mm, the winding consists of 9 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 1.6 mm with a tap from the second turn (counting from the bottom according to the scheme). When using a set of interchangeable coils, the device covers the frequency range from 3.0 to 150 MHz. GIR is used to determine the resonant frequencies of LC circuits, antennas and coaxial cable segments. As noted, the operation of the device is based on the absorption of high-frequency energy by the circuit or antenna under study at the moment of the coincidence of their own resonant frequency and the GIR tuning frequency. At this moment, the readings of the indicator device have a sharp dip. This dip is the greater, the stronger the connection between the GIR and the oscillatory circuit and the higher the quality factor of this circuit.

To accurately measure the resonance, it is necessary that the GIR be inductively coupled to the antenna at the current antinode point. As is known, the antinode of the current is located at a distance of 1/4 wavelength from the end of the vibrator. It is to this point that the GIR should be brought. By changing the tuning frequency of the device, they find the minimum of the indicator readings and read at this moment the corresponding frequency from the scale. This frequency is the resonant frequency of the antenna. It must be remembered that the indication of resonance occurs not only at the fundamental frequency, but also at the harmonics.

If the resonance frequency of the antenna is measured in close proximity to the ground, then it is shifted towards lower frequencies. When lifting the antenna to the mast, the resonant frequency will shift up by 0.2-0.4 MHz. Using GIR, it is possible to select the length of the coaxial cable for operation in the mode of a tuned transmission line (the electrical length of such a line is equal to an integer number of half-waves). To do this, one end of the cable is short-circuited, and a GIR is brought to the other and resonance is determined near a frequency of 27 MHz. By gradually shortening the cable, resonance is achieved at the middle frequency of the range used.

GIR on a transistor analogue of the negatron

An interesting GIR scheme is shown in (Fig. 1.60). It uses a transistor analogue of a negatron with an A-shaped CVC based on two bipolar transistors T1 and T2. Due to this, the generator circuit does not require taps and separate positive feedback circuits. A highly sensitive RF voltage detector with a pointer indicator is built on a TK field-effect transistor and an operational amplifier.

Rice. 1.60. GIR on a transistor analogue of the negatron

This GIR can serve as an indicator of the operation of external generators and a common indicator of resonance in passive resonant circuits. Resistor-potentiometer P1 can be used to set the mode of absence of generation or its presence. In the absence of generation, the device reacts to external RF radiation: if the tuning frequency is close to the frequency of this radiation, the indicator readings increase. You can also set the generation mode, in which the indicator needle deviates by the value specified by the setting of the potentiometer P2. Then, if the frequency of the generator coincides with the frequency of the external resonant circuit, the indicator readings decrease due to the suction of energy from the generator by the external circuit.

In you can find the data of the GIR coils in the frequency range from 1.3 to 50 MHz. A variant of the circuit with amplitude modulation of the generator signal is also described. This will allow you to more accurately determine the resonance of the sound of phones.

Everyone who has dealt with a heterodyne resonance indicator knows that working with it is a rather painstaking task, because. during the measurement process, it is necessary to manipulate not only the frequency adjustment knob, but also the sensitivity control of the device, and in some designs, the mode knob.

This is due to the fact that in almost all generators tunable over a wide frequency range, the RF voltage amplitude also varies over a wide range. In order not to miss the moment of resonance, the tuning knob must be rotated as slowly as possible and carefully observe the readings of the dial indicator.

Working with the GIR is greatly simplified and accelerated if it is supplemented with a device that fixes the moment of resonance with some kind of light indicator.

On fig. 1 shows a diagram of a GIR with an LED resonance indicator. Its operation is illustrated by the graphs in Fig. 2 and fig. 3. The higher the rotation speed of the rotor of the tuning capacitor, the steeper the front of change in the HF voltage on the circuit (line A1 in the graphs of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).

The task is to fix a sharp decrease in the RF voltage level. It is solved by using a differential amplifier, which, in the general case, does not respond to the absolute value of the parameter, but to its change in any direction.

The GIR master oscillator is assembled on a VT1 transistor according to the scheme described in. The differential amplifier is assembled on transistors VT3, VT4, VT5. When tuning down the range

capacitance or, what is the same, in the direction of increasing the RF voltage (shown by the arrow in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3), the rectified voltage of negative polarity at the VT3 gate increases smoothly. On the drain VT3 and the left plate of the capacitor C7, the positive polarity voltage also increases smoothly. Transistors VT4 and VT5 are locked. At the moment of resonance, the voltage at the VT3 gate changes sharply towards a positive potential, there is a sharp drop in the drain potential of VT3. Capacitor C7 "transfers" this potential drop to the base VT4. As a result, VT4 and VT5 open and the HL1 LED flashes brightly. Flash duration depends on the C7R7 charge time constant.

On the transistor VT2, a DC amplifier for the measuring device is assembled

Q - quality factor in arb. units
U - high-frequency voltage in arb. units
a is the angle of rotation of the condenser rotor C, deg.
C is the capacitance of the capacitor.
t is the time of rotation of the capacitor rotor, arb. units
v.1 - moment of resonance.

RA. Resistor R5 sets the required sensitivity of the device. With the help of the R4VD4 chain, an additional positive bias is applied to the source VT2. With resistor R3, the arrow of the device is set to any place on the scale that is most convenient for observing the moment-resonance.

MHz range

Working with the device is very simple. The investigated oscillatory circuit is connected with the GIR circuit. The tuning knob quickly moves the capacitor from the maximum capacitance position to the other extreme position. If there was no LED flash, there is no resonance in this subrange.

If a flash of the LED was observed, setting the tuning knob approximately to the position at which there was resonance, set the maximum sensitivity of the measuring device with resistor R5, set the arrow to the middle of the scale with resistor R3 and, slowly turning the GIR tuning knob, determine the moment of resonance in the traditional way. For a more accurate determination of the moment of resonance, a "stretching" tuning capacitor with an air dielectric C5 with a capacity of 2 ... 15 pF is used, the handle of which is displayed on the front panel of the GIR. The value of the resonance frequency is read on the scale of the frequency meter.

The values ​​of L, C* are given in the table. Radio amateurs themselves can calculate the values ​​​​of L, C * and winding data L based on the selected cutoff frequencies of the sub-bands, the available variable capacitor and frames for the inductors. The method for calculating L, C * has been repeatedly cited in the technical literature, for example.

When repeating the GIR according to this scheme, it must be taken into account that in the low-frequency range, periodic disruption of oscillations (relaxation) can be observed due to the high quality factor of the circuit and the large POS. You can get rid of this either by including a 47 - 200 Ohm resistor in the tap from the coil, or by making a tap not from the middle of the coil, but closer to the "ground" end. It should also be noted that the LED will flash every time the capacitor rotor rotates rapidly in the direction of increasing capacitance, because. in this case, the RF voltage on the circuit decreases.

1. Transistor GIR // Radio. - 1971. - N 5. - S. 55.
2. Borisov V. GIR // Radio. - 1974. - N3. - S. 53.
3. Gavrikov V, Prakhin P. Amplitude-stable local oscillator // Radio. - 1984. - N 2. - S. 22.
4. Biryukov S. On the calculation of oscillatory circuits of generators // Radio. - 1992. - N11-S. 23.
5. Malinin R.M. Handbook of radio amateur-designer. - M.: Energy, 1978.

Also often viewed with this scheme:

A complete review of the fitness bracelet Samsung Gear Fit 2 and the user manual in English will help you learn and set up this sports watch in the right way.

The Fit 2 has a nice display, a decent design, a heart rate monitor, and built-in GPS. In addition, it is possible to store music and play it directly from the device. With so many features, this fitness bracelet is more like a smartwatch.

The package includes a Fit 2 device, a charging stand with a USB plug and a user manual.

Design and comfort

The bracelet has an attractive and fashionable design, offering a curved, responsive display with an oleophobic coating and a sporty rubber strap. The Super AMOLED screen size is 1.5 inches with a resolution of 432 × 216 pixels.

However, opinions about this form factor are different. On the one hand, this can make it difficult to digest information, especially when displaying large text, such as in a message notification. Sports watches or fitness trackers that have a large square screen have a distinct advantage in their display capability, as reading content from a wider display is more comfortable. But on the other hand, its curvature makes it easier to work with the gadget when you have to scroll through the content with your finger.

While the bright colors of the Super AMOLED screen can be so intrusive that they even interfere with sleep, outdoors in direct sunlight, the display does not look as expressive as we would like. Of course, monochrome or reflective displays are better suited for sports bracelets, but in this way the user loses the functionality of a fitness tracker.

As for the strap, it is very flexible, made of soft comfortable elastomer material and is attached to the case using a proprietary connector. This means that it can be replaced by a bracelet of a different color or size, but only designed specifically for the Fit 2.

Samsung ships the second generation Gear Fit in two sizes:

  1. small S - for wrists 125-170 mm
  2. large L - for wrists with a circumference of 155-210 mm

On the “back” of the tracker is an optical heart rate monitor. Next to the sensor are two pinpoint contacts for a wireless charging cradle that holds the Fit2 horizontally while charging. The tracker does not have ports for a wired connection.

The two physical buttons on the side of the device are used to go home and navigate back to the previous screen. Each other button function depends on the active screen.


The Fit 2 has a set of horizontally scrolling screens, each with a specific function. The screens are scrolled with a finger, and the “back” and “home” buttons located on the side of the device serve as an additional way to interact with the bracelet.

You can also close the screen with your palm to turn it off.

Informs about the time, and also provides data on the number of steps taken, steps and calories burned.

Swiping left opens the notifications screen, while swiping right lets you scroll through widgets, which you can learn more about. we will talk below.

  • 24 hour magazine. Shows a linear progression of your activity over the past days: periods when you were inactive, active, sleeping or not using a fitness bracelet on your wrist.
  • The exercise. Allows you to start exercising or exercising by setting the activity type, time goal, and other settings. You can also view a log of previous activity.
  • Steps. Step counter and measures how close you are to your daily goal.
  • Steps. Shows the number of steps you climbed/descended today, with the ability to view the history of data for the week.
  • Heart rate. The most recent heart rate readings and when they were recorded are displayed, as well as the highest and lowest heart rate during the day. You can view weekly data here.
  • Water. Write down the number of cups of water you drink per day.
  • Caffeine. Note how many cups of coffee you have consumed today.
  • Together. Set up scoring tasks with your friends' scores and track your progress against them.

In addition to these screens, by pressing the bottom side button "home", you can bring up "Music player", "Find my phone", "Timer" and "Stopwatch". Here you can also record how many cups of water or coffee you have drunk, start a timer or use the Find My Phone function.

Here you can see icons for indicators of networks, battery charge, screen brightness level and more by scrolling down the Home screen.


You can use all the functionality of the tracker if you download the mobile application to your phone. Paired with a sports watch, it will help keep track of all your workouts and will generate graphs and display statistics on daily physical activity and other activities.

Samsung S Health app

S Health displays everything that the Fit 2 collects, and also opens up even more options for entering data via your phone, such as your weight or food intake. It's a pretty handy software that displays information well, but be aware that if you've used a fitness tracker before and already have a lot of data stored elsewhere, it's not possible to import to S Health. The program is available in the public domain.

The separation of functions between S Health and another application called Gear can confuse the user. In this case, you can use the Gear to manage the Fit 2's connection to your smartphone without resorting to S Health.

On the other hand, the Fit 2 is able to work offline without a connected phone, but it's unlikely that someone will wear a fitness bracelet without the ability to view statistics in a mobile application.

The Gear mobile app is a channel for connecting a smart bracelet to a phone and is available for almost any smartphone running Android 4.4 KitKat and above. You can download.

Here you can control which apps can send notifications to Fit 2, change quick replies to messages, switch and customize watch faces, change the layout of apps, and install more apps when they become available.

With the Gear, you can use the music files on your phone to play them on your device without using your smartphone.

If your Fit 2 gets lost, the Find My Gear feature in this software will make the tracker vibrate to better locate it. In addition, before the smart bracelet is detected, you can remotely block it from reconnecting from another device.


Fit2 is not just a gadget that counts steps and distance, showing time and heart rate, but also a multifunctional tool for monitoring health and connecting with other users of the same device.


Fitness watch Samsung Gear Fit 2 (Gear Fit 2) provides the ability to receive notifications coming to your smartphone. However, responses will be limited due to the device's small screen size. Through the program in the phone, the user is given the opportunity to choose which software can send alerts to the smart bracelet. You can only reply with quick messages, which are also configured in the mobile application.


Despite the fact that the device determines the phases of sleep, there is no smart alarm clock in the bracelet. And in order to use the usual alarm clock in the watch, you need to install it after downloading it from the Gear Market.

According to user reviews, the tracker emits rather weak vibration signals to wake up the owner. Therefore, if you sleep soundly, you may not feel a slight vibration on your wrist.

Heart rate control

The heart rate monitor requires a few seconds of stillness to measure your heart rate. The Fit2 automatically records and tracks your heart rate when you're at rest, but when you're active, you need to pause for a moment to check your pulse.

The optical monitor also performs automatic tracking, focusing on heart rate through measurements every 10 minutes.

When "Auto HR" control is enabled, the Fit 2 will track your heart rate every time it detects rest periods. The results are displayed in the heart rate widget on the tracker itself, and you can also view them in the S Health app.

In order for the tracker to track sleep, you must make sure that everything is set up correctly in the S Health app. If you are an iPhone owner, this can be difficult because the device is designed to work with an Android app.

Run the program and go to the "Options" section, select "Manage items", activate the "Sleep" item.

You also need to register your device in order to create a connection between your phone and Gear Fit2. In the mobile app, the device breaks down the quality of sleep into three categories - restless, light and still, and displays them on a graph with a corresponding timeline.

Active Activity Tracking

Samsung placed in Fit2 various sensors, including pedometer, GPS and heart rate monitor. Most of these sensors function automatically depending on the selected function or fitness panel. They also automatically detect when you are exercising and what exactly you are doing. Fit2 accurately tracks walking, running and laps. In addition, it recognizes when the user has been stationary for too long and advises to move a little (these notifications, as well as exercise detection, can be turned off if desired).

Exist different kinds activities you can choose from and they include:

  • walking
  • hike
  • Bike Lane
  • orbitrek
  • exercise bike
  • elliptical trainer
  • Treadmill
  • lunges
  • twisting
  • sit-ups
  • Pilates
  • rowing
  • other workouts

You can set goals based on pace, duration, distance, calories, or base workout. Whatever aspect you choose as your goal, the Samsung Gear Fit 2 fitness bracelet will show you your best result. Once you start exercising, you'll get an update with important metrics like pace, calories burned, elapsed time, and more. It also notifies you when you reach half of the goal and when you complete the set goal. If you're stationary for more than an hour, the tracker will push you to take a walk.

During and after a tracked workout session, the user can access information such as:

  • workout duration
  • distance
  • calories
  • speed
  • maximum heart rate
  • % time in active intensity zone

GPS workouts

With built-in GPS, Fit2 can track your walks and runs and record your route. However, it will not track the location when auto-discovered exercise. You need to manually adjust your runs through the Exercise panel. Once you enter your activity type and desired run time, Fit2 will track your movements as soon as you hit start.

The tracker will record the location and display the form of the route that you choose yourself (you can check it in the watch's exercise log). But it won't display a map to provide details and surroundings of your path until you sync it with your smartphone so it can download map information. Once this is done, the results will be detailed and accurate.

The heart rate and speed graph, along with a map of your tracked GPS session, are shown on the display of the Fit 2 itself, provided that location detection is enabled.

During the GPS-enabled workout itself, by swiping the screens to the right or left, you can view duration, distance, heart rate, pace, speed, and calories burned.

Static exercises

In total, there are three types of exercises that can be performed under the close supervision of the tracker: lunges, crunches, and squats. By following the recommended technique for performing them, you can be sure that the device will accurately count the number of repetitions and record them directly into the tracker.

The ideal way to perform is displayed immediately before the start of classes on the bracelet display.

However, it is not very convenient to start and end this or that exercise every time by pressing a button and move on to another. It would be much more practical if the user were given the opportunity to create their own training complexes from these three proposed types.

Other than that, the workouts are mostly focused on the legs and abs, neglecting the arm muscles. Although you can download third-party software from the Samsung App Store.


The fitness bracelet has some features that allow the user to use it comfortably: they include battery life, moisture protection, the ability to play music without pairing with a smartphone, and others, which we will discuss in detail below.


The Samsung Gear Fit 2 comes with a range of extras that a proper fitness device needs, including GPS, Bluetooth, a heart rate monitor, and 4GB of onboard storage.

While the Gear Fit2 connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, it also has a Wi-Fi connection, allowing your network data to automatically transfer from your phone.


The Fit 2 has one drawback: it only works with Android smartphones (4.4 or higher).

Samsung notes that it can be used regardless of mobile phone, so if you have an iOS device and would really like to wear this particular fitness tracker, you can do it. But in this case, you will not receive smart notifications from your phone, and you will have to view training data directly on the bracelet display.

You don't have to use a Samsung smartphone to enjoy the Fit 2's benefits, as it can be paired with other phones that have Gear Manager and S Health installed. From other devices, you can also view the information transferred to them through the S Health program installed from the Play Store.

The sports bracelet is IP68 certified, which means you can submerge it up to 1.5 meters deep for 30 minutes without worrying about water damage. However, this does not mean that it is sailable. It is also not recommended to wear the tracker while taking a shower: the water pressure varies depending on the type of shower head, and the device may not be able to cope with high pressure.

Waterproof for intense sports with heavy sweating and occasional splashes from handwashing and rain.

Fit 2 without phone

You can use Fit 2 without a mobile device. However, some functions will not be available without connecting to a smartphone.

Obviously, notifications, music downloads, and fitness information sync won't be able to run when the tracker is in phone-free mode, but it can still do a lot. Fitness elements will be available, including heart rate monitoring, as well as many options and user settings, such as different watch faces and changing the order of use of applications in the Fit2 menu. The fitness band also works great, allowing you to set the display to an always-on option and manually set the time via the touch screen.

Battery life

According to the company, the tracker is capable of holding enough charge on its 200mAh battery for 3-4 days of use. Standby time is 5 days. Samsung estimates that running GPS during exercise drains the battery in 9 hours. But even turning off GPS while tracking your exercise will drop battery life expectancy to around 2 days.

Keep in mind that the brighter the display, the faster the battery drains. The display is not always on, you can select a timeout of 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 1 minute.

Fortunately, the manufacturer has included a special power-saving feature of the gadget, which is very similar to the Ultra Power Saving mode for smartphones. When the power is not enough, you will be prompted to turn it on, effectively turning off most functions (except exercise and time) and turning the interface into one workplace, entirely in grayscale.

The branded charger includes a magnetic stand in its design. It has a magnetic latch that should hold the tracker well in an upright position. The charging cable connects to the USB port standard.

Full charge time is about 40 minutes.

How to extend battery life

Your device provides various options to help you conserve battery life.

  • When you are not using the device, switch to standby mode by covering the screen with your palm.
  • Turn on power saving mode.
  • Disable Bluetooth
  • Deactivate the Wi-Fi function when not in use.
  • Decrease screen brightness.
  • Deactivate the "always on" function.
  • Customize the notification settings in the Samsung Gear app on the connected smartphone.

In addition to GPS, one of best features The Fit 2 has 4GB of onboard storage that you can use to upload music to the band. Those who listen to music while exercising can use the Spotify app on the Fit 2, but this requires the phone to be in range. On the other hand, users can transfer local music files to the device via the Gear Manager and listen to music that way - just connect a Bluetooth headset to the Gear and it will play music from the built-in music player.

The player works quite well and provides a convenient way to stream audio while playing sports without having to rely on a smartphone. Sound prompts about how long or how far the physical activity has progressed are also transmitted through the headphones, which is very convenient and useful for the user.

Specifications Gear Fit 2

  • GPS and heart rate monitor
  • 4 GB memory
  • the ability to play music without a smartphone
  • automatic tracking of physical activity
    • too big for small wrists
    • screen shape is not ideal for notifications
    • short battery life
    • the display is hard to read in the sun
    • no support for iOS smartphones

    The Samsung Gear Fit2 SM-R360 fitness bracelet comes in black (dark gray), blue (blue) and dark pink (pink) and costs $ 179. For a mid-range sports watch from a major brand, the price is quite acceptable, although, for example , Fitbit Alta as an alternative to Samsung Fit 2 is more attractive with its price of $130.

    While the tracker comes with features like GPS and a music player and is priced lower than some of the competition, the lack of iPhone support and short battery life limit its appeal.

    Assuming Samsung can work things out, the Gear Fit 2 could be one of the best fitness trackers out there, though it needs a lot of work.

    Weight28 g, 30 g
    Band sizeLarge: 108mm x 95mm (4.25" x 3.74"), for 155-210mm wrists
    Small: 84mm x 95mm (3.3" x 3.74"), for wrist circumference 125-170mm
    ScreenSuper AMOLED 1.5" 432×216 pixel display
    CPUDual-core, 1 GHz Exynos 3250
    BatteryLi-ion 200 mAh. Charging time 40 min
    Battery lifeUp to 4 days
    Bluetoothv4.2, USB 2.0, NFC, Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n
    heart rate monitor
    Smart alarm clockNot

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