Cryptocurrency earning calculator. Online cryptocurrency mining calculators for preliminary calculations. What determines the BMC rate and who manages it

Blocks 05.07.2020
Blocks - browser mining or scam?

5 (100%) Votes: 3

Hey! For several days now, I have been seeing posts about browser mining all over social networks and forums. Today I nevertheless decided to check if this is a scam or if you can really make money there.

Earlier I wrote about browser mining Minergate, where it was possible to mine cryptocurrency using a browser, but later this function disappeared there, it was replaced by cloud mining. The mining function with the help of a special program remains, you can read about it in the article about (a great way to mine for beginners).

Can Browsermine replace the former Minergate? This is exactly the question I asked myself.

Legend of the project:

In short, the point is this: For mining in the browser, you move the slider to the right to increase the power, the more power, the more you will receive cryptocurrencies. The speed is measured in BMH/s (BrowserMineHash per second), every 10 minutes the collected BMH is converted into local cryptocurrency BMC (BrowserMineCoin). It will be possible to withdraw money by typing at least 0.1 BMC.

The site says that BMC is not a cryptocurrency that is traded on exchanges, but a mix of other cryptocurrencies. That is, in fact, you mine other cryptocurrencies, I even guess which ones (it’s only one), and you get BMC for this, which is then converted into another currency for withdrawal at the internal rate.

They also write to us that it’s impossible to earn a lot:

You should not consider browser mining as a replacement for the main income or compare an open browser window with professional mining on dozens of expensive video cards

To begin with, I registered on the site, it was so easy to do that that I didn’t need confirmation by mail or even entering a captcha. I just received a congratulations on the registration in the mail, thank you ...

After logging into my account, I immediately dragged the slider all the way to the right to earn a million dollars at least something, and then I was upset that mining did not start, power was 0. The site says that some browser extensions can block mining (AdBlock…), so you need to disable them or change your browser. I thought that disabling AdBlock on such a site is not too kosher, so I decided to change my Chrome to Opera for a while (AdBlock is also running), fortunately there is one just in case of a fire. And what do I see? As soon as I went to the site (I haven’t logged into my account yet), mining immediately started automatically. Where are the mined BMHs going? admin? Or maybe they are saved in the browser cache and then automatically charged when you log into your account?
I don’t know, if it’s not difficult, then you can check and unsubscribe in the comments about your experiment.

Let's continue: I logged into my account and mining automatically started again, moved the slider to the right, ten minutes later I saw the following.

The speed was 9.47 BMH/s, the average then was about 6 BMH/s (because I was playing around with that slider). The power is small, because I'm sitting from a laptop (Core i3-4010U CPU 1.7GHz), I saw a speed of about 60 BMH / s on the forums. Ten minutes later, all earned BMH were transferred to BMC and it turned out to be 0.000000313227 BMC. I dragged the slider to the left (disabled mining), and after a couple of seconds I see how my number of blocked advertisements on the AdBlock icon, I immediately closed the browser (that's why I didn't have time to take a screenshot). What was it? Did the AdBlock extension bug or did the site really open a shitty cloud of ads (the counter was 157 in a couple of seconds)? I decided to visit the site again, mining no longer worked, the same situation was before with Chrome. Next, I decided to go back to Chrome and disable the extension, mining earned again(Advertising did not pop up, at least it was not visible). The speed was already stable at 12.24 BMH / s, after 10 minutes there were already 0.000001421412 BMC on the account, if we subtract the previous result, then at 12.24 BMH / s in 10 minutes I earned 0.000001108185 BMC, that is, 0.00000664911 BMC per hour.

If the minimum withdrawal 0.1 BMC, then with such speed I will dial it behind 15039 and a half hours or 626 days. At the current rate, this is $ 6.27, SIX DOLLARS FOR A YEAR AND A HALF But what about electricity costs?

You can earn much more by playing bitcoin games, I advise you to read the article about making money on cryptocurrencies.

Here is a small formula that will approximately show after how many hours of mining (X) you will earn 0.1 BMC, substitute your mining speed instead of (Y): 0.1/(0.00000054322*Y)=X

What are we still “mining”? Most likely it is XMR (Monero). I think that the site admin just installed a script from Coinhive, which allows you to mine the Monero cryptocurrency in the browser, and everyone mines the XMR admin together, and he unfastens people a pretty penny, in the truest sense of the word.

The site says that they are developing their entire mining system, thanks to which the earnings will grow, but something is a little hard for me to believe. It is also written that “Really serious earnings can be achieved here by working with our affiliate program”, that is, you will bring new people who will mine even more for the admin, and you will simply receive a percentage of referrals.

In addition, some kind of multiplier is under development, here is what they write about it: “Soon you will be able to multiply the earned funds by 2-100 times with a certain risk.” Most likely this is a random game, which will give a chance to increase the pennies earned.

To summarize regarding

I think it's normal lure for new cryptocurrency users who still have poor knowledge of the crypt and will mine cryptocurrency for a penny to their uncle admin (who will really make money on this). In addition, there are no registration data, addresses and names on the site. It’s all the more impossible to make money there with a weak PC, so try not worth it. Miners with good power will also not mine there, because they can do real, "adult" mining, and can mine whatever they want, taking all the profits for themselves. If you still want to check everything on your own skin, then here is the registration link - BrowserMine, but I advise you not to spend too much time on this service. If you are new to cryptocurrency and want to try mining, then I advise already start mining in Minergate. The service has been tested for a long time, and you can earn much more there.

In addition, it is also ideal for beginners where you buy computing power and it works for you, and you make a profit (but first it’s better to calculate everything).

What do you think, is it possible to make money on Leave your comments below!

P.S. If suddenly I made a mistake somewhere in the calculations, please write in the comments, thank you.
P.S.S. Be sure to subscribe to my Telegram channel, there I post only high-quality projects.

UPD 28.09: After my review, is down, coincidence?
UPD 09/28/2: The site is working again, it is written that it could not withstand the large influx of people.
UPD 07.10: Another non-mining has appeared, a BrowserMine clone called, I advise you to familiarize yourself with .

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This section contains the most common questions and answers to them. The section is constantly updated. If you have already read this section and you have questions that were not answered here - read the section again, perhaps the answers have already appeared.

How it works?

Our server sends tasks to your computer for mathematical calculations necessary for the operation of cryptocurrency systems. Your computer performs these tasks and sends the solutions to our server. For each solution, your balance is credited with the local currency - BrowserMineCoin, abbreviated as BMC.

How much will I earn?

Your earnings depend primarily on the power of your processor (and video card, when mining through special programs), the mining speed you configured, the duration of your computer with our service, the total complexity of the network, and the coin rate at the time of withdrawal.

What is network complexity and how does it affect revenue?

The complexity of the network (mining) is calculated from the performance of all devices that are in this moment doing mining. The cryptocurrency itself produces a certain amount for its miners for a certain period of time. This amount is divided among all who mined it, in proportion to the performance of their equipment. In fact, this is a scheme for working only with a common pool (which is essentially our system), at the core everything works a little differently, but for ease of understanding, we will not delve into all the technical details. To make it clearer, let's give an example in dollars. For example, a cryptocurrency generates $1,000,000 per minute for its miners. If only one person is engaged in mining, then he receives 1,000,000 dollars per minute. If 1,000,000 people are mining, and everyone has the same speed, then everyone gets $ 1 per minute. Everyone does not have the same speed, so in real conditions not everyone will get $ 1, but someone more, someone less, depending on the performance of their equipment. Most often, difficulty jumps depend on the course of the coin. If the rate falls, some participants begin to quit mining, due to this, the cryptocurrency income of those who have not quit grows. If the rate grows, the interest in mining this currency grows, more miners connect, due to this, the cryptocurrency income of all participants falls, in other words, it becomes more difficult to mine. Also, new people who have just learned about this type of earnings are constantly connected to mining. Due to the constant growth of new members, the income of each user falls over time. In simple words, the earlier you start mining, the more profitable it is in the future, today you can mine more cryptocurrency than in a month for the same period of time.

Is it worth mining if my equipment brings too little income?

The most profitable can only be mining for the future, and not in order to withdraw something as soon as possible. Immediately and a lot, without impressive investments in equipment, you will not earn on mining, nowhere and never, the complexity of the network will not allow you to do this. This applies not only to our project, but to earnings on mining in general. The main prospect of mining is the prospect of an increase in the rate. A few years ago, the complexity of the Bitcoin network was low, it could be mined on a regular computer and in large quantities. But almost no one did this, because then Bitcoin cost less than 1 cent and no one needed it. And then it went up to $20,000. Everyone who mined Bitcoin, when no one needed it and cost a penny, became dollar millionaires, and someone became a billionaire. Just because they were engaged in Bitcoin mining when it was not profitable, i.e. with a view to the future, or just out of interest, because it was not difficult. And when it became profitable, many other people were already interested in it, who raised the complexity of the Bitcoin network to such heights that it would no longer be possible to mine it on a regular computer. Now for Bitcoin mining, you need to buy expensive equipment and in large quantities. We offer you mining, which is available now for a regular computer and even a smartphone, and what you can mine today can turn into a huge fortune in the future, as happened with Bitcoin.

What is BMC?

BMC (BrowserMineCoin) is a local currency that is actually made up of other individual cryptocurrencies. We choose the most relevant cryptocurrency, which is currently technically possible and most profitable to mine in the browser, your browser mines it. So that you do not have confusion when changing the current cryptocurrency, the result is converted into local BMC. Please note that in addition to the similar abbreviation BMC (BrowserMineCoin) has nothing to do with BMC (BlackMoon Crypto) and any other similar abbreviations.

What can you do with earned BMC?

To which payment systems can I withdraw earned funds?

Earned funds can be withdrawn only to those payment systems that are indicated on the withdrawal page. If the list does not contain the payment system you need, then we do not have a withdrawal to this payment system. If we do not add other payment systems, then there are reasons for that (usually these are too high commissions). Other payment systems will be added as far as possible. At the request of users, other payment systems are not added and withdrawals are not made to them. If you are interested in withdrawing to a payment system to which we do not withdraw, you can withdraw funds to any payment system available to us and exchange it for the one you need through exchangers.

How to withdraw BMC?

What is the course for the withdrawal of BMC?

What does the BMC course depend on and who manages it?

Why is the output not available?

Because you have not reached the minimum withdrawal amount.

What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

Why can't I withdraw less than the minimum amount?

For any cryptocurrency transfer, you must pay commissions, on small transfers, the cost of these commissions may exceed the amount of the transfer itself. The only way to recoup these commissions is to subtract them from your income. We try to keep the minimum withdrawal amount such that we do not have to significantly underestimate your income. For those who want to withdraw as little and as often as possible, despite significant commission losses at the moment, we are developing a system for withdrawing any amount without restrictions, instead of underestimating the income of all users, additional commissions will be deducted only from those who want to withdraw an amount below the minimum.

How long are withdrawal requests processed?

Withdrawal requests are usually processed automatically and instantly. When you request a withdrawal, the money is immediately sent to your account and is credited to it within a few minutes. Sometimes we can switch the withdrawal system to manual mode, in which case the processing of applications can take up to 24 hours.

Are there any additional fees? Do I have to pay for anything here?

We don't have any additional or hidden fees. You don't have to pay for anything.

What happens to the earned funds if I log out of my account or turn off the computer?

Nothing will happen. Everything will remain in place.

Why do BMCs disappear after restarting the browser?

Most likely because your browser is configured in such a way that when you restart it, it does not load up-to-date information from the site, but shows you the old page that it once saved in its cache. To see the latest information, you need to refresh the page (press Ctrl+F5).

Why is mining not working?

  • You could disable the miner yourself. If the speed setting slider is moved to the leftmost position, then the miner is disabled, move the slider to the right.
  • Try refreshing the page (press Ctrl+F5), there may be problems with the Internet or access to the site.
  • Try clearing your browser cache (in your browser settings).
  • Perhaps you are using a browser that does not support mining functions. Try changing it to something else.
  • Some antiviruses can recognize mining scripts as malware and block their work, in which case disabling the antivirus or adding the sites site and (and their subdomains) to the antivirus exclusion list (if the antivirus provides such an opportunity) will help. More detailed information about antivirus locks and unlocking methods is available at this link.
  • Perhaps your browser has plugins / extensions / add-ons that block mining, try disabling them (these can be ad blockers or anti-virus modules).
  • Perhaps you have additional tabs open with our site, in which case mining will work only on one of them. Try closing all additional tabs and refreshing the page.
  • A technically possible but unlikely case - your ISP could block mining.
  • If mining worked and then stopped - refresh the page, restart the browser, try clearing the browser cache. If it doesn’t help, you may have updated some application (for example, an antivirus) or a plug-in / extension / add-on in the browser that did not block before and after the update began to block the work of the miner, try disabling them.
  • If problems with mining appear on our side (due to problems in the operation of the site) - we will quickly notice this and write about it in the news. If we don’t have news about problems with mining, then everything works for us, the problem is most likely somewhere on your side (browser / antivirus / provider).

Can I mine in multiple browsers at the same time?

Can. But from the fact that you will use several browsers, your processor will not become more powerful, but will distribute its power to all browsers, the mining speed in all browsers will decrease. In simple terms, using multiple browsers on the same device will decrease overall mining performance rather than increase it. We recommend running mining in one browser, which provides the highest mining speed.

Is it possible to mine from one account on several devices?

Can. In this case, the performance of all devices will be summed up. The mining speed displayed on the site for each device is different. BMC balance is common for all devices. For mining on additional devices, we recommend using (click on the icon with a question mark there and read everything that is written).

Which browser is the most profitable to mine?

Browser performance depends not only on the browser itself, but also on its version, settings, installed extensions, operating system, processor. Usually the most productive mining is in the Google Chrome browser. But on your device, a different browser may be more productive. Try it in all browsers that you have, where there will be the highest speed there and the income will be higher.

Can I register multiple accounts?

If everyone mines, then you can, otherwise those who do not mine can be blocked.

Will the processor burn out?

Processors are designed to work, not idle and burned from work. Only a defective processor, or a processor with problematic cooling, can burn out from the browser. In any case, such a processor will burn out, even though you will mine on our site, even though you will not. Browser mining creates the same load on the processor as computer games or video processing programs.

Why is your currency not traded on exchanges?

Because it is a local currency that actually consists of other cryptocurrencies (which are traded on exchanges).

Why is my email missing from my profile?

There may be two reasons for this.

  • Check the activity log in your account. Perhaps someone else has gained access to your account and deleted your e-mail.
  • Our system can automatically remove e-mail addresses from profiles that for some reason do not accept mail from our service, so that you do not have problems logging into your account due to the fault of your mail provider.

Why does the site look so simple? Where are the pretty pictures?

Displaying every detail of the site, especially graphic elements, consumes processor resources. If we add extra graphic elements to the site to earn money on such a site, your processor will be half as much, because it will spend half of its power not on mining, but on displaying the site. For this reason, we try not to add anything extra to the site.

What is a personal account?

Personal account is a site after registration and login. After logging in (entering your login and password), you are in your personal account. If at the top right you have the links "Profile" and "Exit", then you are in your personal account. To log out of your personal account, you must click the "Logout" link at the top right.

What link to invite new partners?

To invite new partners, you need to use the link located in the affiliate program section under the inscription "Your link to invite new members:". All users who register after clicking on your link will be registered under you, and you will receive a percentage of their income.

Why is the participant I invited not showing up in the list of invitees?

If a participant is not displayed in the list of invited participants, it means that he did not register using your link, or he deleted his account.

  • Some users, instead of registering by invitation, first look for information about the project in search engines and, as a result, register not at your invitation, but through links found in search engines - this is the most common reason.
  • You may have submitted the wrong registration link. The link must be exactly the same as indicated in the affiliate program section. Some users in their advertisements add punctuation marks to the end of the link or forget to put a space between the link and the next word - such links are not valid, registration through such links will not be equated with registration at your invitation.
  • If a member was and disappeared, then he deleted his account or was blocked.
  • In order for a new user to be guaranteed to be registered under you, he must follow your link and immediately register from the same device. If he decided to register from another device or go to other sites before registering, he may not register for you.
  • The system does not rearrange referrals either on its own initiative or at the request of users. Permutation of referrals is not technically provided by the system. Who registered under whom under that forever and remains.

Why can't I log in after registering?

  • If the site shows an error and prompts you to refresh the page, this is a JavaScript processing problem. Either JavaScript is disabled in your browser, or some applications / extensions installed in the browser block its operation. Try turning them off.
  • If your username or password does not match, try entering your e-mail instead of your username.
  • Approximately 5% of users cannot fill in their E-Mail correctly, they constantly register with us with boxes in the zones "mail.ri", "mial.u", "", "yandx.ri" and so on, such mail services do not exist. These users usually fill out their username, password, and payment details just as carelessly. If, after successful registration, you cannot enter your personal account due to an inappropriate login (e-mail) or password, you may be one of such users, and during registration you entered the wrong data under which you are trying to enter.
  • If the password does not fit and you know for sure that it is correct, your password may have been stolen, an attacker entered your account and changed it. In such a case, when entering your personal account, there are password recovery and e-mail sections.


Where did the mined BMCs go?

If you did not bet on multiplication and did not withdraw funds, then most likely someone did it for you, because you did not follow the rules for the safe use of the Internet (most likely out of ignorance) and unintentionally gave the password to your account to attackers. In your profile there is a log of actions in the account. If this log contains actions that you did not perform, then your password was stolen. In this case, you urgently need change password in the profile .

Why would someone steal my password if my balance is low?

Passwords are stolen en masse. Attackers collect a password database and immediately enter all accounts from which they managed to collect passwords. Thus, from each penny, attackers can collect a decent amount. If your account does not have enough funds to withdraw, the attackers can try to increase your balance through multiplication bets and withdraw funds if you win, or simply lose them and leave.

How could my account password be stolen?

There are a huge number of ways to steal your password. Here are the most common:

  • They slip you a site that looks exactly like ours, but there is a typo in its address - either some letter is missing, or some letter has been replaced, or it is a completely different address. You enter a password on such a site, the attackers take it and enter your account on the real site, and on the fake site they instigate that the site has some kind of failure while you are trying to understand why nothing works on the fake site, the attackers are trying to withdraw your funds from this site. Check website addresses carefully before entering your username and password.
  • There are many unscrupulous sites on the network, the administrators of which collect user passwords in order to later log in to other sites for you. This is usually done by one-day projects that worked for a while and then closed. If you registered on other sites with the same password as ours, you could become a victim of this type of password theft. For each new site, you must set a new unique password, and do not use it anywhere other than this site.
  • Passwords can be stolen by some browser extensions. For example, your browser has an extension with full rights to operations with visited pages. Such an extension can do whatever it wants with any sites you visit, including stealing passwords from them.
  • Passwords can be stolen by trojans (viruses) on your computer.

Leakage of passwords from our server is 100% excluded. We do not store and do not know your passwords. Instead of passwords, the database stores hashes that cannot be decrypted. When registering, your password is hashed (irrevocably encrypted) and entered into the database, when you log into your account, your password is hashed again, the received hash is compared with the hash stored in the database, so the storage of authorization data in our database is 100% safe, even if our the database will be hacked (which is extremely unlikely) Your passwords cannot be removed from it, because they simply are not there.

I see that everyone on the Bearded Question asks questions about making money on maning in the browser. I think, let me try, because I have an obscenely decent processor without castration.

OK! I am registering and filling in the data. It was possible to register since the twentieth time, because the overload of the site does not allow it to be used normally.

I launched the task manager and we see that the percentage is working at the limit.

This is the speed it gives:

Who has more, huh?

That's how much dough has been dropped. Too bad it's not bitcoin!

I turn to the withdrawal of money, and there, the minimum withdrawal is 0.1 BMC. And then I got sad!

Output is not available. Minimum withdrawal amount: 0.1 BMC!!!

Can you imagine how many percent should be racing to earn these kopecks?

I dug up a course on the net:

Blackmoon Crypto in rubles for today:
1 Blackmoon Crypto (BMC) equals 44.77 Russian ruble (RUB)
1 Russian ruble (RUB) equals 0.022338 Blackmoon Crypto (BMC)
The exchange rate of Blackmoon Crypto for rubles according to cryptocurrency exchanges on 09/26/2017.

Bitcoin calculator online calculates the equivalent amount in rubles, euros or dollars. When you enter any number, the bitcoin is automatically converted into another currency.

Quick calculation at the current rate of any amount. Given the possible fractional part of the bitcoin calculator online and instantly show the corresponding amounts in other currencies. There is no need to keep in mind all the courses, especially since they change every minute.

How to use the bitcoin calculator

The calculator calculates on its own. Enter the amount in the free field and get the finished result.

You can use bitcoin converter online in two directions. Either calculate how much your bitcoins are worth now, or, conversely, find out how many bitcoins you can buy for the currency you have. Just enter a number in the appropriate field.

It works like this:

The online bitcoin to dollar calculator calculates at the weighted average bitcoin rate;
- online calculator of bitcoins to rubles recalculates at the current exchange rate to the ruble;
- bitcoin to euro calculator online recalculates at the rate of the euro.

To deal with the issues of payback of video cards and ASICs, you should decide on the basic concepts and indicators that are used to calculate the profitability and payback of mining.

  • The payback period is the period of operation of the equipment, during which the total profit will cover the costs of acquiring a farm for mining and paying for electricity.
  • Hashrate - the speed of calculating passwords for signing data blocks (hashes) by a video card or ASIC. The higher this indicator, the more coins you can get per unit of time.
  • The complexity of mining cryptocurrency is an indicator on which, as well as on performance (hashrate), the payback of mining depends.
  • Miner is a device with which cryptocurrency tokens are mined. It can be a graphics card for mining, a PC processor or an ASIC.
  • Mining farm - a complex of equipment for the extraction of cryptocoins, located in one room.
  • Power consumption - the amount of electricity consumed by the equipment during operation. In addition to the consumed kilowatts, you need to take into account their cost, which varies greatly in different countries and regions.

All these indicators are taken into account by the mining payback calculator.

Please note: you will begin to receive profit only after you return the expenses for the purchase of equipment.

GPU farm profitability calculator for mining

With the help of video cards, you can mine dozens of cryptocurrencies based on many algorithms. To calculate the profitability of mining, you can use an online cryptocurrency calculator designed to calculate profit when working with the popular algorithms DaggerHashimoto and Equihash.

Most often, the service interface is organized in such a way that the user only needs to indicate the model of the video card, so that the online calculator calculates the profitability for all available crypto coins. This allows you to quickly select the most profitable cryptocurrency at the moment and maximize profits.

The most authoritative and accurate mining profitability calculator is the WhatToMine service. After entering the equipment model, the system calculates the receipt of tokens according to all known algorithms, depending on . To calculate most accurately, you only need to enter the cost per kilowatt-hour of electricity in your city.

Nicehash service is a cryptocurrency calculator that ranks second among competitors. Its peculiarity is the presence of an additional function for calculating the payback forecast for the GPU. It takes into account market value device, hashrate and current exchange price of cryptocurrency tokens.

Cryptocurrency mining calculator on ASIC

Cryptocurrency mining using ASICs is much more efficient than GPU mining. You can calculate the income from using ASIC using the model profitability calculator on the Asictrade website. It allows not only to estimate the current amount of earnings on mining, but also to make a long-term forecast for up to a year and a half. At the same time, the calculation of profitability is made taking into account the growing complexity of mining various cryptocurrencies. Profit calculation is available for all popular integrated circuit models.

Using the calculator is extremely simple. For the calculation, it is not necessary to enter device performance parameters. It is enough to select it from the drop-down list or a known hash rate, as well as current price electricity. The system will do the rest by itself. After clicking the "Calculate" button, complete information about the costs of electricity and income from the work of the miner will appear. Cash flows can be presented in dollars, euros, rubles or hryvnias.

Online Cryptocurrency Calculator provides visual tables containing detailed information on energy consumption and earnings for the day, week and month in four different currencies. Thanks to this, you can compare different models in order to decide on a purchase. Practical assistance in choosing equipment using a calculator is difficult to overestimate. Calculating income takes a matter of seconds and does not require special knowledge and a deep understanding of the methodology for calculating the return on investment.

Mining efficiency calculator on the CPU (processor)

Mining bitcoins with the help of the CPU has not been effective for a long time due to the high complexity of calculations and the low efficiency of devices. However, there are cryptocurrencies, the extraction of which with the help of the processor has a sufficient level of "profitability". You can calculate the profit using the NiceHash service. But it should be noted that due to the insufficient speed of calculations, it is worth using the CPU in mining only in conjunction with a video card (or video cards). In this case, it will bring additional benefits. Separate use of the processor does not make commercial sense.

The reason is that the algorithms in which the processor can be used are also supported by video cards. If you open the graphics card mining calculator, you will see that their hash rate is significantly higher with less power consumption. Thus, buying when you can invest in video cards is pointless.

How to calculate mining profit for different cryptocurrencies

The benefits of mining tokens, even those based on the same algorithm, can vary greatly. This is due to the difference in exchange rates and the different complexity of hash calculations for the blockchain. Consider a few simple calculators for popular currencies.

You can calculate the profitability of bitcoin mining based on the SHA256 algorithm on the Cryptocompare website.
In addition to calculating profit and payback, taking into account investments in the farm and performance and energy efficiency indicators, you can find equipment reviews on the site to understand which miner is better to take in a particular situation.

It is worth considering that long-term profitability forecasts are not accurate enough. They cannot take into account changes in the exchange rate and electricity prices

The advanced calculator from has many detailed options that allow you to set individual calculation parameters. It is suitable only for experienced users who can correctly interpret input values ​​and know exactly the value of each input parameter.

To take into account variable factors, the service has the ability to indicate the expected changes in the complexity of the exchange rate. This can be done both for the entire billing period, and for each month separately. In the “BTC Income” column, you can see the earnings of bitcoins for the month and the entire interval. The column “Income RUB minus expenses” reflects the amount of earnings, taking into account the cost of electricity. If the energy efficiency of the miner is low, this column may contain negative values ​​with positive income in the bitcoin graph.

Similar mining calculators exist for other popular cryptocurrencies: Ethereum, Zcash, Dash.

When using calculators, please note that they cannot provide 100% accuracy of calculations. The reasons for the discrepancies lie in the amount of overclocking of the video card, downvolting, and the specific GPU manufacturer.

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