On the current prices of ferrous scrap. About current prices of scrap of ferrous metals New MPP code

For fitting and assembly work 14.11.2020

The government of Moscow


About current prices of ferrous scrap

Based on clause 4.2.5 of the Regulations on the Moscow City Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects, approved by the Moscow Government Decree of February 24, 2011 N 48-PP

I order:

1. To approve and put into effect from February 29, 2016 the Protocol for monitoring current prices for ferrous scrap.

2. Establish that the protocol prices are applied when calculating returnable amounts in the estimate documentation for construction, reconstruction and overhaul enterprises, buildings and structures carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.

3. To the Department of financial support, tender procedures and control over subordinate institutions (Koreshkova Yu.A.) to place within 3 days on the Moskomexpertiza website the Protocol for monitoring current prices for ferrous scrap.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

V.V. Leonov

Appendix 1. Protocol for monitoring current prices for general construction materials

Consumer: Participants in the investment and construction process financed from the budget of the city of Moscow

Product name, purpose and brief technical characteristics

Unit of measure

Unit price
(RUB kop.), VAT exempt

included in the report. period


Scrap of ferrous metals.

Scrap type 3A.

Scrap composition: overall steel lumpy scrap and waste, cleaned of harmful impurities (piece dimensions not more than 800x500x500 mm; metal thickness not less than 6 mm; channels and I-beams with a wall thickness of not less than 4 mm in an amount of not more than 20% of the batch weight; pipes with an outer diameter of not more than 150 mm and a wall thickness of at least 6 mm; pipes with a large diameter must be flattened or cut along the generatrix)

Scrap type 5A.

Scrap composition: oversized steel lumpy scrap and waste (metal thickness not less than 6 mm)

Scrap type 12A.

Scrap composition: high-quality waste, roofing, pipes (metal thickness less than 6 mm; maximum linear dimensions no more than 3500x2500x1000 mm)

Scrap type 17A.

Scrap composition: overall cast iron scrap and waste (piece size no more than 300 mm, weighing no more than 40-20 kg, but not less than 0.5 kg)

Scrap type 20A-22A.

Scrap composition: oversized cast iron scrap and waste

Note: prices are ex-warehouse of the receiver. The price applied in reporting period, approved by Order of July 16, 2015 N 79.

Chairman of the Moscow City Committee
on pricing policy in construction and
state expertise of projects
V.V. Leonov

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and verified by:
official website of Moskomexpertiza
mke.mos.ru (copy scanner)
as of 23.03.2016


Moscow City Committee on Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects

ORDER of September 22, 2016 No. FEM-OD / 16-51

On the approval of the consolidated index of the change in the cost of material resources not provided for by the TSN-2001 estimate and regulatory framework in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000, the indices of the change in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level 2000, the coefficients of change in the cost of "other work" of the consolidated estimate in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000

In accordance with clause 4.2.11 of the Regulations on the Moscow City Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects, approved by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 48-PP dated February 24, 2011, I order:

1.1. Aggregated index of the change in the cost of material resources not provided for by the TSN-2001 estimate and regulatory base, at the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000 in the amount of 4,97 .

1.2. Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000 (Appendix 1).

1.3. Coefficients (indices) of changes in the cost of "other work and costs" of the consolidated estimate in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000 (Appendix 2).

2. The Department of Financial Support, Tender Procedures and Control over Subordinate Institutions to ensure the placement of indices and coefficients on the official website of Moskomexpertizahttp: // www. mke. mos. ruuntil September 25, 2016

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Chairman V.V. Leonov

Appendix 1 to the order of Moskomexpertiza

Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base level of prices in 2000

P / p No.



Economy as a whole


Agriculture, hunting and providing services in these areas


Food production, including beverages


Textile production


Woodworking and manufacture of wood and cork products, excluding furniture


Publishing and printing activities, duplication of recorded media


Production of coke and petroleum products


Chemical production


Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products


Metallurgical production


Manufacturing of finished metal products


Manufacture of office equipment and computers


Manufacture of electrical machines and electrical equipment


Production of equipment for radio, television and communication


Manufacture of medical equipment, measuring instruments, optical instruments and apparatus, watches


Manufacture of cars, trailers and semi-trailers


Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water


Collection, purification and distribution of water




Wholesale trade, including trade through agents, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles


Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household goods and personal items


Hotel and restaurant activities


Land transport activities


Water transport activities


Air transport activities




Financial intermediation




Real estate operations


Provision of other types of services


Compulsory social security




Health care and social services


Deleting Wastewater, waste and similar activities


Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports


Appendix 2 to the order of Moskomexpertiza

Coefficients (indices) of changes in other work and costs of the consolidated estimate in the current price level of the IV quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000

P / p No.

Name of other work and costs of the consolidated estimate


Land payment upon withdrawal (redemption) land plot for construction


Rent for land for the period of design and construction


Compensation for cut down green spaces in cash (included in the local estimate for cutting down green spaces)


Compensation for the demolished buildings and orchard plantings, compensation for losses and losses on the transfer of buildings and structures (or the construction of new buildings and structures to replace the demolished), in case of compensation for losses in the allotment of land


Reimbursement of expenses related to the relocation of residents from demolished residential buildings


Compensation for losses of forestry production caused by the seizure (redemption) for the construction of forestry lands


The costs of transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by road or reimbursement of costs for organizing special routes for urban passenger transport. Taken into account when construction is carried out outside Moscow and the absence of urban passenger routes


The costs associated with the secondment of workers to perform construction, installation and special work. If the transportation of workers is carried out by the construction organization's own or leased transport, travel costs are not included in travel expenses, but are accounted for in accordance with clause 7


The costs associated with the maintenance and operation during the construction of environmental facilities: treatment facilities, wastewater treatment, etc.


The cost of paying for the traffic police services for escorting oversized and heavy cargo


ORDER of 23.12.2016 N FCE-OD / 16-72

On the approval of the consolidated index of changes in the cost of material resources,
not provided for by the TSN-2001 estimate and normative base, at the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the baseline price level of 2000, indices of the change in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the baseline price level of 2000, coefficients (indices) of the change in value "Other works and costs" of the consolidated estimate at the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the base price level of 2000

In accordance with clause 4.2.11 of the Regulations on the Moscow City Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects, approved by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 48-PP dated February 24, 2011, I order:

1.1 The consolidated index of changes in the cost of material resources not provided for by the TSN-2001 estimate and regulatory framework, at the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the base price level of 2000 in the amount of 4,92.

1.2 Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the base price level of 2000 (Appendix 1).

1.3 Coefficients (indices) of changes in the cost of "other works and costs" of the consolidated estimate in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the base price level of 2000 (Appendix 2).

2. The department for financial support, tender procedures and control over subordinate institutions shall ensure the placement of indices and coefficients on the official website of Moskomexpertiza www.mke.mos.ru in accordance with the established procedure.

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

V.V. Leonov

Annex 1
to the order of Moskomexpertiza
from 23.12.2016 N MKE-OD / 16-72

Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017 to the base price level of 2000

P / p No. Industry Index
1 2 3
1. Economy as a whole 3,73
2. Agriculture, hunting and service provision in these areas 3,73
3. Food production, including beverages 4,22
4. Textile production 3,79
5. Woodworking and manufacture of wood and cork products, excluding furniture 3,42
6. Publishing and printing activities, duplication of recorded media 3,63
7. Production of coke and petroleum products 4,34
8. Chemical production 4,46
9. Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 3,70
10. Metallurgical production 4,37
11. Manufacturing of finished metal products 4,22
12. Manufacture of office equipment and computers 3,88
13. Manufacture of electrical machines and electrical equipment 3,88
14. Production of equipment for radio, television and communication 4,06
15. Manufacture of medical equipment, measuring instruments, optical instruments and apparatus, watches 3,96
16. Manufacture of cars, trailers and semi-trailers 3,80
17. Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water 4,24
18. Collection, purification and distribution of water 4,15
19. Construction 3,63
20. Wholesale trade, including trade through agents, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles 3,80
21. Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household goods and personal items 3,85
22. Hotel and restaurant activities 4,60
23. Land transport activities 4,00
24. Water transport activities 4,35
25. Air transport activities 4,44
26. Connection 2,87
27. Financial intermediation 3,78
28. Insurance 4,02
29. Real estate operations 3,75
30. Provision of other types of services 4,00
31. Compulsory social security 3,36
32. Education 3,49
33. Health care and social services 3,48
34. Wastewater, waste disposal and similar activities 3,63
35. Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports 3,48

Appendix 2
to the order of Moskomexpertiza
dated 23.12.2016 N MKE-OD / 16-72

Coefficients (indices) of changes in the cost of other works and costs
consolidated estimate calculation at the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2017
to the base price level of 2000

Item No. Name of other work and costs of the consolidated estimate Coefficient
1 Payment for land upon withdrawal (redemption) of a land plot for construction 5,99
2 Rent for land for the period of design and construction 5,99
3 Compensation for cut down green spaces in cash (included in the local estimate for cutting down green spaces) 5,65
4 Compensation for the demolished buildings and orchard plantings, compensation for losses and losses on the transfer of buildings and structures (or the construction of new buildings and structures to replace the demolished), in case of compensation for losses in the allotment of land 5,65
5 Reimbursement of expenses related to the relocation of residents from demolished residential buildings 6,34
6 Compensation for losses of forestry production caused by the seizure (redemption) for the construction of forestry lands 5,65
7 The costs of transporting workers of construction and installation organizations by road or reimbursement of costs for organizing special routes for urban passenger transport. Taken into account when construction is carried out outside Moscow and the absence of urban passenger routes 6,34
8 The costs associated with the secondment of workers to perform construction, installation and special work. If the transportation of workers is carried out by the construction organization's own or leased transport, travel costs are not included in travel expenses, but are accounted for in accordance with clause 7. 6,34
9 The costs associated with the maintenance and operation during the construction of environmental facilities: treatment facilities, wastewater treatment, etc. 5,65
10 The cost of paying for the traffic police services for escorting oversized and heavy cargo 6,34

Order of the Moscow Committee on Pricing Policy in Construction
dated January 22, 2016 No. MKE-OD / 16-2

"On approval of conversion factors estimated cost construction of state order objects at the current price level "

In accordance with clause 4.2.11 of the Regulations on the Moscow City Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects, approved by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 48-PP dated February 24, 2011, I order:

1.1. Aggregated index of changes in the cost of material resources not provided for by the TSN-2001 estimate and regulatory framework, at the current price level of the first quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000 in the amount of 4.69.

1.2. Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000 ().

2. The head of the department of financial support, tender procedures and control over subordinate institutions Koreshkov Yu.A. ensure the placement of the index and the annex specified in cl. 1.1, 1.2 on the official website of Moskomexpertiza http://www.mke.mos.ru within 3 days.

3. I leave control over the execution of the order to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee - the head of the contract service R.Yu. Maslov.


to the order of the Moscow Committee
on pricing policy in construction
and state expertise of projects
dated January 22, 2016 No. MKE-OD / 16-2

Indices of changes in the cost of equipment in the current price level of the 1st quarter of 2016 to the base price level of 2000

P / p No.



Economy as a whole


Agriculture, hunting and service provision in these areas


Food production, including beverages


Textile production


Woodworking and manufacture of wood and cork products, excluding furniture


Publishing and printing activities, duplication of recorded media


Production of coke and petroleum products


Chemical production


Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products


Metallurgical production


Manufacturing of finished metal products


Manufacture of office equipment and computers


Manufacture of electrical machines and electrical equipment


Production of equipment for radio, television and communication


Manufacture of medical equipment, measuring instruments, optical instruments and apparatus, watches


Manufacture of cars, trailers and semi-trailers


Production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water


Collection, purification and distribution of water




Wholesale trade, including trade through agents, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles


Retail trade, except trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household goods and personal items


Hotel and restaurant activities


Land transport activities


Water transport activities


Air transport activities




Financial intermediation




Real estate operations


Provision of other types of services


Compulsory social security




Health care and social services


Wastewater, waste disposal and similar activities


Activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, culture and sports

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