Here you can download textbooks and problem books on theoretical mechanics. Download technical mechanics textbook Technical manual technical mechanics

Aviary 01.08.2020

The textbook was created for the professions associated with metalworking.
The fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, parts and mechanisms of machines are stated; examples of calculations are given. Information about the main methods of improving the mechanical properties of materials and the development trends of machine and mechanism designs are given.

Connections and their reactions.
A body that can make any movement in space is called free; an example of a free body is an airplane or a projectile flying in the air. In various kinds of structures and structures, we usually meet with bodies whose displacements are constrained. Such bodies are called non-free. A body that restricts the freedom of movement of a rigid body is a bond in relation to it. If the forces applied to the body tend to move it in one direction or another, and the connection prevents such a movement, then the body will act on the connection with the force of pressure on the connection.

Main notation used
Section 1. Theoretical Mechanics
1.1. Basic concepts and axioms of statics
1.2. Connections and their reactions
1.3. Flat system of forces
1.4. Elements of the theory of friction
1.5. Spatial system of forces
1.6. Determination of the center of gravity
1.7. Point kinematics
1.8. The simplest movements of a rigid body
1.9. The laws of dynamics, equations of motion of a material point, principle D "Alamber"
1.10. Forces acting on points of a mechanical system
1.11. The theorem on the motion of the center of mass of a mechanical system
1.12. Work of force
1.13. Power
1.14. Efficiency
Section 2. Basics of strength of materials
2.1. Basic concepts
2.2. Stretching and squeezing
2.3. Basic mechanical characteristics of materials
2.4. Tensile and Compressive Strength Calculations
2.5. Shearing and crushing
2.6. Torsion
2.7. Straight bend
2.8. Determination of displacements in bending by the Vereshchagin method
2.9. Calculation of a beam for the combined action of torsion and bending
2.10. Strength under dynamic loads
2.11. Stability under axial loading of the bar
2.12. Disclosure of the static indeterminacy of rod systems
Section 3. Parts and mechanisms of machines
3.1. Machines and their main elements
3.2. The main criteria for the performance and calculation of machine parts
3.3 Engineering materials
3.4. Rotary movement details
3.5 Body parts
3.6 Springs and Springs
3.7 Permanent connections of parts
3.8 Detachable connections of parts
3.9. Plain bearings
3.10. Rolling bearings
3.11. Couplings
3.12. Friction transmissions
3.13. Belt transmission
3.14. Gear transmission
3.15. Worm gears
3.16. Chain transmission
3.17. Transmission screw-nut sliding
3.18. Rolling screw-nut transmission
3.19. Rack transmission
3.20. Crank mechanisms
3.21. Rocker mechanisms
3.22. Cam mechanisms
3.23. General information about gearboxes
Section 4. Improving the mechanical properties of materials and structures
4.1. The main ways to improve mechanical properties
4.2. Hardening treatment by plastic deformation
4.3. Increased wear resistance of surface layers
4.4. Surface coatings
4.5. Strengthening of surface layers by chemical heat treatment
4.6. Reinforcement of lead screws
Conclusion. Trends in the development of designs of machines and mechanisms
1. Hot-rolled steel equal-flange corners (according to GOST 8509-93)
2. Hot-rolled steel unequal angles (according to GOST 8510-86)
3. Hot-rolled steel channels (in accordance with GOST 8240-89)
4. Hot-rolled steel I-beams (according to GOST 8239-89)
5. Conventional graphic designations in diagrams. Elements of kinematics (according to GOST 2.770-68 *)

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Technical mechanics. Vereina L.I., Krasnov M.M.

8th ed. - M .: 2014.- 352 p.

The textbook is intended for the study of the subject "Technical Mechanics" and is part of the educational and methodological kit for disciplines of the general professional cycle for technical specialties. The fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, parts and mechanisms of machines are stated; examples of calculations are given. Information about the main methods of changing the mechanical properties of materials and the development trends of machine and mechanism structures are given. The textbook can be used in the study of the general professional discipline OP.02 "Technical mechanics" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for vocational education in specialties of a technical profile. For students of institutions of secondary vocational education.

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Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Theoretical Mechanics 8
1.1. Basic concepts and axioms of statics 8
1.2. Relationships and their reactions 11
1.3. Flat system of forces 15
1.4. Elements of the theory of friction 23
1.5. Spatial Force System 26
1.6. Determination of the center of gravity 32
1.7. Point kinematics 39
1.8. The Simplest Rigid Body Movements 45
1.9. Difficult movement of point 54
1.10. Addition of two rotational movements 58
1.11. The laws of dynamics, equations of motion of a material point. Principle D "Alamber 66
1.12. Forces acting on points of a mechanical system 70
1.13. The theorem on the motion of the center of mass of a mechanical system 72
1.14. Work of power 75
1.15. Power 80
1.16. Efficiency 81
1.17. Moments of inertia of a rigid body 82
1.18. Theorems about the change in the amount of motion of a material point and a mechanical system 84
1.19. Theorem on the change in the angular momentum of a material point 90
1.20. The theorem on the change in the angular momentum of a mechanical system 92
1.21. The theorem on the change in the kinetic energy of a material point 94
1.22. Differential equations for the translational motion of a rigid body 96
1.23. The differential equation of the rotational motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis 96
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Strength of Materials 99
2.1. Basic concepts 99
2.2, Tension and Compression 101
2.3, Basic mechanical properties of materials 108
2.4. Tensile and compressive strength calculations 110
2.5. Shear and Crush 111
2.6. Torsion 114
2.7. Straight transverse bend 120
2.8. Determination of bending displacements 144
2.9. Theory of limit stress states - 150
2.10. Understanding fatigue resistance 160
2.11. Dynamic strength 168
2.12. Stability under axial loading of a bar 170
2.13. Revealing the static indeterminacy of rod systems 180
Chapter 3, Machine Parts and Mechanisms 191
3.1. Machines and their main elements 191
3.2. The main criteria for the performance and calculation of machine parts 194
3.3. Engineering materials 202
3.4. Rotary Movement Parts 207
3.5. Body parts 208
3.6. Springs and springs 211
3.7. Permanent connections of parts 213
3.8. Detachable connections of parts 233
3.9. Sleeve bearings 247
3.10. Rolling bearings 253
3.11. Couplings 256
3.12. Friction gears - 260
3.13. Belt drives 261
3.14. Gear drives 270
3.15. Worm gears 288
3.16. Chain drives 300
3.17. Sliding screw nut 308
3.18. Rolling nut 312
3.19. Rack and pinion 314
3.20. Crank mechanisms 316
3.21. Rocker mechanisms 317
3.22. Cam mechanisms 319
3.23. General information about 320 gearboxes
Chapter 4. Changing the Mechanical Properties of Materials 325
4.1. The main methods of changing the mechanical properties 325
4.2. Hardening plastic deformation processing 326
4.3. Improving wear resistance of surface layers 328
4.4. Surface Coatings 329
4.5. Strengthening of surface layers by chemical-thermal treatment 331
4.6. Lead screw hardening 332
Applications 334
References 347

1. Arkusha. A.I.Technical mechanics. Theoretical mechanics and strength of materials: Textbook. for medium spec. study. institutions / A. I. Arkusha. - 4th ed., Rev. - M .: Higher. school., 2002 .-- 352 p .:

2. Arkusha A.I. A guide to solving problems in theoretical mechanics.

- M .: Higher school, 2002

Perm State Technical University

Department of General Physics


Methodical instructions and control tasks

for correspondence students.

Part I



Perm 2002

UDC 53 (07): 378

UMD plan 2001/2002 academic / year

Physics: Methodological instructions and control tasks for students of the correspondence department. Part I. Mechanics. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics / Perm State Technical University, Perm, 2002 .-- 71 p.

Compiled by: Zverev O.M., Ph.D., Loshchilova V.A.., Chernoivanova T.M., Yu.K. Shchitsina... Under the general editorship Tsaplina A.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Are given general recommendations on the application of physical laws and formulas to solving problems, rounding rules, work program, list of references, examples of solving problems on the topics "Mechanics. Molecular Physics. Thermodynamics", training problems with answers, a test test and tasks for performing two control works. Tables with option numbers and task numbers for each option are given, as well as reference tables.

Reviewer: Bayandin D.V., Ph.D., associate professor.

The publication is stereotyped. Approved at the meeting of the department.

ã Perm State

Technical University, 2002

Introduction ................................................. ............................................ 4

Bibliography................................................ ............................ 4

1. Brief guidelines for independent

studying the course ................................................ .................................. 5

2. Guidelines for solving problems ........................................ 5

3. About approximate calculations ............................................. ............ 7

4. Basic formulas. Kinematics. Oscillations and waves. Dynamics. nine

4.1. Examples of problem solving ............................................... ............. 15

4.2. Training Objectives ................................................ ............... thirty

4.3. Verification test ................................................ ....................... 33

4.4. Test № 1............................................................ 36

5. Basic formulas. Molecular physics. Thermodynamics ........ 45

5.1. Examples of problem solving ............................................... ................. 49

5.2. Training Objectives ................................................ ................... 57

5.3. Test work No. 2 .............................................. .................. 59

6. Questions to prepare for the exam ........................................... ..... 67

7. Reference tables .............................................. ........................... 69


The purpose of this publication is to provide part-time students with a work program and test assignments for the course of general physics.

The whole educational material The course program is divided into three parts:

1. "Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics".

2. "Electrostatics. Direct current. Electromagnetism".

3. "Optics. Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus".

Each of the parts contains: a work program, a list of educational literature, examples of problem solving, training tasks, control tasks, reference tables.

The distribution of the volume of classes and types of educational work in the study of physics for correspondence students of all specialties is given in table. 1.

Table 1

The main form of studying the discipline is independent work student over the recommended literature. It is advisable to work through the material, using examples of problem solving, training tasks, control tasks, reference tables.

Arkusha A.I. Guide to solving problems in theoretical mechanics, 1971
(8,5Mb) - Download
Arkusha A.I., Frolov M.I. Technical mechanics, 1983
(130Mb) - Download
Bat M.I., Janelidze G.Yu., Kelzon A.S. Theoretical mechanics in examples and problems,
vol.1- Statics and kinematics, 1967 (7 Mb) - Download
vol. 2 - Dynamics, 1966. (7.1 Mb) - Download
Berezova O.A., Druslyak G.E., Solodovnkov R.V. Theoretical mechanics,
Collection of problems, 1980. (7.2 Mb) - Download
Butenin N.V., Lunts Ya.L., Merkin D.R. Theoretical Mechanics Course,
vol.1- Statics and kinematics, 1979. (2.8 Mb) - Download
Gernet M.M. Theoretical Mechanics Course, 1973
(5.6Mb) - Download
Dievsky V.A., Malysheva I.A. Theoretical mechanics. Collection of tasks, 2009
(25Mb) - Download
Ishlinsky A.Yu. Theoretical mechanics. Letter designations of quantities, 1980
(0,3Mb) - Download
Kepe O.E. Collection of short problems in theoretical mechanics, 1989
(8Mb) - Download
Kirsanov M.N. Reshebnik. Theoretical mechanics, 2002
(2.8Mb) - Download
, 1986 and later years of publication.
(6Mb) - Download
I. V. Meshchersky Collection of problems in theoretical mechanics, 1975
(9Mb) - Download
Loytsyansky L.G., Lurie A.I. Theoretical Mechanics Course,
vol.1- Statics and kinematics, 1982 (10.3 Mb) - Download
vol. 2 - Dynamics, 1983 (12.9 Mb) - Download
Novozhilov I.M., Zatsepin M.F. Typical computer-based theoretical mechanics calculations.,
1986 (2.2 Mb) - Download
Olofinskaya V.P. Technical mechanics, 2007
(10Mb) - Download
V. I. Setkov Collection of problems in technical mechanics., 2003
(7Mb) - Download
Starzhinsky V.M. Theoretical mechanics. A short course on full program VTUZOV, 1980
(0,8Mb) - Download
Targ S.M. A short course in theoretical mechanics, 1986
(6,5Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics. Methodical instructions and test tasks for part-time students of construction, transport, machine-building and instrument-making specialties of higher educational institutions. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 3, 1982.
(1.9Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics: Methodological instructions and test assignments for part-time students of heat power, mining, metallurgical, electrical instrument building and automation and technological specialties, as well as specialties of geological, electrical, electronic engineering and automation, chemical-technological and engineering-economic higher educational institutions. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 3, 1983.
(2.8Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics: Methodological guidelines and test assignments for part-time students of energy, mining, metallurgical, electrical and automation engineering, technological specialties, as well as geological, electrical, electronic engineering and automation, chemical-technological and engineering-economic specialties of universities. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 4, 1988.
(1.1Mb) -

The manual contains the basic concepts and terms of one of the main disciplines of the subject block "Technical Mechanics". This discipline includes such sections as "Theoretical Mechanics", "Strength of Materials", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines".

The manual is intended to assist students in self-study of the course "Technical Mechanics".

Theoretical Mechanics 4

I. Statics 4

1. Basic concepts and axioms of statics 4

2. System of converging forces 6

3. Plane system of arbitrarily located forces 9

4. The concept of the farm. Farms calculation 11

5. Spatial system of forces 11

II. Point and Rigid Kinematics 13

1. Basic concepts of kinematics 13

2. Translational and rotational motion of a rigid body 15

3. Plane-parallel movement of a rigid body 16

III. Dynamics of point 21

1. Basic concepts and definitions. The laws of dynamics 21

2. General theorems of the dynamics of a point 21

Strength of materials22

1. Basic concepts 22

2. External and internal forces. Section method 22

3. The concept of voltage 24

4. Stretching and compression of a straight bar 25

5. Shifting and crushing 27

6. Torsion 28

7. Transverse bending 29

8. Buckling. Essence of the phenomenon of buckling. Euler's formula. Critical voltage 32

Theory of mechanisms and machines 34

1. Structural analysis of mechanisms 34

2. Classification of flat mechanisms 36

3. Kinematic study of flat mechanisms 37

4. Cam mechanisms 38

5. Gear mechanisms 40

6. Dynamics of mechanisms and machines 43



I... Statics

1. Basic concepts and axioms of statics

The science of the general laws of motion and equilibrium of material bodies and of the interactions arising from this between bodies is called theoretical mechanics.

Statics called the section of mechanics, which sets out the general doctrine of forces and studies the conditions of equilibrium of material bodies under the influence of forces.

Absolutely solid such a body is called, the distance between any two points of which always remains constant.

A quantity that is a quantitative measure of the mechanical interaction of material bodies is called by force.

Scalar quantities Are those that are fully characterized by their numerical value.

Vector quantities - these are those that, in addition to their numerical value, are also characterized by a direction in space.

Force is a vector quantity(fig. 1).

Strength is characterized by:

- direction;

- numerical value or modulus;

- the point of application.

Straight DE, along which the force is directed, is called line of action of force.

The set of forces acting on any solid body is called system of forces.

A body that is not attached to other bodies, to which any movement in space can be imparted from a given position, is called free.

If one system of forces acting on a free rigid body can be replaced by another system without changing the state of rest or motion in which the body is located, then such two systems of forces are called equivalent.

The system of forces under the action of which a free rigid body can be at rest is called balanced or equivalent to zero.

The resulting - it is a force that alone replaces the action of a given system of forces on a rigid body.

A force equal to the resultant in absolute value, directly opposite to it in direction and acting along the same straight line, is called balancing force.

External the forces acting on the particles of a given body from the side of other material bodies are called.

Internal the forces with which the particles of a given body act on each other are called.

The force applied to the body at any one point of it is called focused.

The forces acting on all points of a given volume or a given part of the body surface are called distributed.

Axiom 1... If two forces act on a free absolutely rigid body, then the body can be in equilibrium if and only if these forces are equal in magnitude and directed along one straight line in opposite directions (Fig. 2).

Axiom 2... The action of one system of forces on an absolutely rigid body does not change if a balanced system of forces is added to it or subtracted from it.

Corollary from the 1st and 2nd axioms... The action of a force on an absolutely rigid body will not change if the point of application of the force along its line of action is transferred to any other point of the body.

Axiom 3 (axiom of the parallelogram of forces)... Two forces applied to the body at one point have a resultant applied at the same point and depicted by the diagonal of a parallelogram built on these forces, as on the sides (Fig. 3).

R = F 1 + F 2

Vector R equal to the diagonal of the parallelogram built on the vectors F 1 and F 2 is called geometric sum of vectors.

Axiom 4... With any action of one material body on another, there is a reaction of the same magnitude, but opposite in direction.

Axiom 5(curing principle). The balance of a variable (deformable) body under the action of a given system of forces will not be violated if the body is considered solidified (absolutely solid).

A body that is not fastened to other bodies and can make any movement in space from a given position is called free.

A body whose movements in space are impeded by some other, fastened or in contact with it, bodies are called unfree.

Everything that limits the movement of a given body in space is called communication.

The force with which this connection acts on the body, preventing one or another of its movements, is called by the strength of the bond reaction or communication reaction.

Communication reaction is directed in the direction opposite to the one where the connection prevents the body from moving.

Axiom of connections. Any non-free body can be considered as free if one discards connections and replaces their action with the reactions of these connections.

2. System of converging forces

Converging forces are called, the lines of action of which intersect at one point (Fig. 4a).

The system of converging forces has resultant equal to the geometric sum (principal vector) of these forces and applied at the point of their intersection.

Geometric sum, or main vector several forces is depicted by the closing side of the power polygon built from these forces (Fig. 4b).

2.1. Force projection on an axis and on a plane

The projection of the force on the axis is called a scalar value equal to the length of the segment, taken with the appropriate sign, enclosed between the projections of the beginning and end of the force. The projection has a plus sign if the movement from its beginning to the end occurs in the positive direction of the axis, and a minus sign if it is negative (Fig. 5).

Axis force projection is equal to the product of the modulus of force by the cosine of the angle between the direction of the force and the positive direction of the axis:

F X = F cos.

The projection of the force onto the plane is called the vector enclosed between the projections of the beginning and end of the force on this plane (Fig. 6).

F xy = F cos Q

F x = F xy cos = F cos Q cos

F y = F xy cos = F cos Q cos

Sum vector projection on any axis is equal to the algebraic sum of the projections of the terms of vectors on the same axis (Fig. 7).

R = F 1 + F 2 + F 3 + F 4

R x = ∑F ix R y = ∑F iy

For equilibrium of the system of converging forces it is necessary and sufficient that the power polygon built from these forces be closed - this is a geometric condition of equilibrium.

Analytical Equilibrium Condition. For the equilibrium of the system of converging forces, it is necessary and sufficient that the sum of the projections of these forces on each of the two coordinate axes be equal to zero.

F ix = 0 ∑F iy = 0 R =

2.2. Three Forces Theorem

If a free rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of three non-parallel forces lying in one plane, then the lines of action of these forces intersect at one point (Fig. 8).

2.3. Moment of force relative to the center (point)

The moment of force relative to the center is called a quantity equal to taken with the appropriate sign, the product of the modulus of force by the length h(fig. 9).

M = ± F· h

Perpendicular h dropped from the center O on the line of action F is called shoulder force F relative to the center O.

The moment has a plus sign if the force tends to rotate the body around the center O counterclockwise, and minus sign- if clockwise. methodical allowanceBook >> Philosophy

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