Palm oil in russia, usa, europe. Palm oil: demand rises, reputation falls Per capita consumption of palm oil

Aviary 16.10.2020

We bring to your attention another vegetable oils market research from "AB-Center": " Global palm oil market in 2001-2013, January-September 2014 ". The study examines indicators, including the production of palm oil by countries of the world, the dynamics of world prices for palm oil.

The study pays special attention to the foreign trade of palm oil. Volume data displayed exports and imports of palm oil by country TOP-20 largest exporters and importers in the dynamics of 2001-2013

Important! Vegetable oils market research is published here: Database. Vegetable oils (oilseeds and products of their processing)

World production of palm oil

Palm oil production in the world in 2012, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it amounted to 53.2 million tons, which is 2 times more than in 2002. Over the past 20 years, the production of palm oil in the world has increased 4.1 times, over 30 years - 8.6 times, over 50 years - 36.1 times.

Main share palm oil production in the world falls on Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In 2012, these three countries provided 89.1% of the world production of this type vegetable oil... In addition to these countries, the TOP-10 leading palm oil producers include Nigeria, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Honduras, Ecuador and Brazil.

TOP 10 key producing countries provide 96% of global palm oil consumption. Total palm oil is produced in 43 countries the world.

World trade in palm oil

Over the past 5 years, the volume of the world palm oil trade on average varies from 35 to 40 million tons. For comparison, in the early 2000s, the indicators were at the level of 15-20 million tons.

Global palm oil exports

Indonesia is currently a leading country in both production and export of palm oil... Volume palm oil production in Indonesia in 2012 amounted to 26.9 million tons, which is 2.8 times more than in 2002.

Export of palm oil from Indonesia in 2012 amounted to 18 845.0 thousand tons, and in 2013 it reached 20 578.0 thousand tons. In 2013, Indonesia accounted for 49.9% of the world's palm oil supply.

The main Indonesian palm oil consumers- India, China, the Netherlands (which are actively re-exporting it), Pakistan, Italy, Singapore, Egypt, Bangladesh, Spain and Ukraine.

In 2013, Russia was the twelfth largest market for palm oil from Indonesia(about 3.7% of the oil exported from Indonesia was sent to the Russian Federation).

Over 10 years, the total export of palm oil from Indonesia has grown 3.2 times. In the first quarter of 2014, there was no increase in the export of palm oil from Indonesia compared to the same period in 2012. The volumes of supplies abroad decreased by 1.9% to 5,391.0 thousand tons.

Until 2005, Malaysia held the leading positions in the production and export of palm oil in the world. The country currently ranks second in these indicators after Indonesia. In 2012, Malaysia produced 18 785 thousand tons of palm oil, exported 15 609 thousand tons, in 2013 exports amounted to 15 251 thousand tons. Malaysia accounted for 37.0% of global palm oil exports in 2013.

In the first half of 2014, Malaysia supplied 6,921.7 thousand tons of palm oil to world markets, which is 5.4% less than in the same period last year. Also in the TOP-10 largest exporters of palm oil in 2013 are the Netherlands (re-export - the volume of 1,552.6 thousand tons), Papua New Guinea (562.1 thousand tons), Thailand (549.2 thousand tons) , Guatemala (361.9 thousand tons), Germany (347.2 thousand tons), Honduras (289.9 thousand tons), Ecuador (213.3 thousand tons) and Colombia (185.0 thousand tons) ...

World imports of palm oil

TOP-10 largest palm oil importing countries in 2013 includes India (8 389.7 thousand tons), China (5 979.6 thousand tons), the Netherlands (2 925.6 thousand tons - this country exports a significant part of the imported volume), Pakistan (2 248.6 thousand tons), Germany (1,467.4 thousand tons), Italy (1,392.2 thousand tons), USA (1,373.2 thousand tons), Spain (902.8 thousand tons) , Bangladesh (883.7 thousand tons) and Russia (770.6 thousand tons).

The TOP-10 key importing countries account for 64.5% of world imports. The share of Russia in the total volume of world imports in 2013 amounted to 1.9%.

World prices for palm oil

Average palm oil prices(CIF, North-West Europe) in August 2014 amounted to 762 USD / t. Compared to July 2014, they decreased by 9.4%, over the year by 8.1%, over two years - by 23.6%, over three years - by 29.6%. Palm oil prices dropped to levels observed in 2009.

The weakening of world prices in recent years has been observed not only for palm oil, but also for other types of vegetable oils.

For example, prices for sunflower oil (FOB, ports of North-Western Europe) in August 2014 amounted to 828 USD / t. Over the month they decreased by 6.7%, over the year - by 13.7%, over two years - by 36.3%, over three years prices sank by 37.6%.

Soybean oil prices (EXW - factory price, EU) in August 2014 amounted to 857 USD / t. Over the month, prices fell by 3.5%, over the year - 14.2%, over two years prices decreased by 31.5%, over three years - sagged by 35.6%.

I have been reading about palm oil for a long time and became interested in it. I must say that they write a variety of things: that palm oil is knocked out of the trunks of palm trees, that its production is 75% of all vegetable oil in the world, that it is not digested by humans.
All this is nonsense.
Palm oil is made from the fruit of the oil palm.

The oil palm grows in hot and humid equatorial climates, with the optimal average annual temperature for this plant being 24-28 °. Optimal annual precipitation: 1500-3000 mm.
In the wild, the oil palm is a tree up to 20-30 m high, in culture it rarely exceeds 10-15 meters. The trunk appears only in the fourth or sixth year of life. Wild palms bloom and bear fruit only in the 10-20th year of life, in culture the plants begin to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. The maximum yield reaches at the age of 15-18 years, but in total the life of this plant is 80-120 years.
Up to 600-800 fruits develop in the inflorescence, the total mass of the fruit cluster is 10-30 kg, sometimes even more. 3-6, sometimes up to 10 such brushes are formed on one plant per year.
The fruit of the oil palm is a simple drupe the size of a plum (3-5 cm long), weighing an average of 6-8 grams.
Two types of oil are obtained from the fruit of the oil palm:
Pericarp pulp contains 22-70% fatty oil(the so-called "palm oil"). It is orange-yellow in color, contains many carotenoids, and hardens at room temperature. It is used in the production of soap, candles, margarine.
The seeds contain up to 30% of the so-called "kernel oil". It is almost colorless, has a nutty flavor and is considered one of the best vegetable oils. It is used as food, in the culinary industry, in the production of margarine, in medicine - as a base for ointments.
The oil palm is propagated by seed. To stimulate seed germination, they are exposed to an elevated (37-40 °) temperature. After germination, the seeds are sown in nurseries. Up to 20 thousand seedlings are obtained from one hectare of nursery, this is enough for planting 60-130 hectares of industrial plantations
The oil from the fruits of this plant has been made for a long time. A jug with traces of palm oil was discovered during archaeological excavations of African burial grounds dating back to the third millennium BC. NS. However, it began to be cultivated on an industrial scale only in the 20th century, when companies producing margarine and soap became interested in oil from its fruits. In 1911, large-scale oil palm cultivation began in Indonesia, and in 1919 in Malaysia. Also, the areas occupied by oil palm in African countries have been significantly expanded. Now the oil palm has become one of the leading oilseeds in the world. In Malaysia, oil production employs 500,000 people.
In 2012, global palm oil production was estimated to be 50.57 million tonnes last season.

If we talk about the consumption of palm oil per capita, then in the EU it is 11.2 kg, in the USA - 3, 25, in China - 4, 4, in India - 5.5, in Russia - 4.5.
If we talk about the share of palm oil among other types of vegetable oil, then the share of soybeans is 33, 47 million tons / year and 33.47%; sunflower - 9.65 million tons / year and 9.14% in world production; rapeseed - 15, 93 million tons / year and 15.1%; palm - 33.52 million tons / year and 31.77%. The share of olive and corn oil, along with all other types, is insignificant.
As you can see, soybeans and palm are in the lead.
At the same time, palms occupy much less area than soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower. In particular, 4.22% of land allotted for production versus 42% for soybeans.

Now about what is in palm oil.
The digestibility of palm oil is 97%. Vegetable oils and fats in general are assimilated in the range of 93-98%. In this regard, palm oil is no worse than others. It also contains vitamins.
Palm oil is one of the record holders for vitamin E. Vitamin E consists of tocopherol and tocotrienols. The latter are very rare in plants, and palm oil is an exception.
Palm oil has been included in the list of the most vitamin A-rich foods. This oil contains 15 times more vitamin than carrots. But all of this is true for unrefined palm oil, which we have never seen. It is red in color and is used by ourselves local residents... And for the food industry, colorless and odorless refined oil is used. Palm oil at room temperature (20 ° C) is in a semi-solid state.
Palm oil is composed of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. It contains palmitic, linoleic, oleic (approximately 2.6 mg per 100 g of oil), stearic, myristic and arachidic acids.
The degree of unsaturation (the ratio of the mass of unsaturated fatty acids to the mass of saturated) in palm oil is 1.0. For comparison, in butter the degree of unsaturation is two times lower - 0.5. Thus, butter more saturated (contains more saturated fatty acids).
The main saturated fatty acid found in palm oil is palmitic acid. The main unsaturated fatty acid is oleic acid. Studies that compared the health effects of palm olein and olive oil (both high in oleic acid) found that palm olein and olive oil have similar useful properties allowing to modulate cholesterol, thereby protecting the human body from cardiovascular diseases.
Palm oil contains no transgenic fats.
But, unfortunately, there are many more saturated acids in palm oil than unsaturated ones compared to other types of vegetable oil.
Oil: Monounsaturated / Polyunsaturated / Saturated
Palm 40/10/50
Olive 75/10/15
Corn 30/54/16
Soybean 25/69/15
Sunflower 13/77/10

Melting temperature of milk cow fat - 28-38 degrees, palm oil - 27-39, beef fat from raw lard - 42-52 degrees.
Palm oil is resistant to oxidation.

But in the food industry, palm oil is added to foods, both in natural form and in hydrogenated form. When hydrogenated, it is certainly more harmful. But this applies to any hydrogenated fat.

Still, palm oil products are not recommended for patients. diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.
A 2011 analysis of 23 countries shows that every kilogram of palm oil consumed annually increased deaths from ischemic disease hearts, although the rise in deaths in high-income countries was much smaller.
In addition, clinical studies have shown a decrease in calcium absorption from infant formula containing palm olein compared to formula without it. The proportion of absorbed calcium in one study decreased from 57.4% (in the infant formula without palm oil) to 37.5% (in the infant formula with palm olein), and in the second from 53.3% to 38.2 % respectively.
Such studies have not been conducted on adults, but it is interesting how things are for patients with osteoporosis.

All over the world, palm oil is used for the preparation of special fats, such as milk fat substitutes, cocoa butter equivalents, filling fats, glaze fats, etc. These special fats are subsequently used for the preparation of final food products. In its pure form, palm oil is used as frying fat (oil for frying).

Today, 50% of packaged foods are made with palm oil. On the packaging of a product containing palm oil, you will most likely see the inscription "vegetable fat". From 2015, in the EU countries it will be necessary to indicate the type of vegetable oil.
We do not have this yet, but it is clear that if there is “vegetable oil” on supposedly cottage cheese, cheese, ice cream or sour cream, then we are talking about palm oil. The situation is similar with cookies, all kinds of baked goods, etc.

Vegetable oils produced for the food industry are edible, and for other needs, for example, the manufacture of soap, lubricants, etc., are technical. Technical oil has harmful impurities (I don't know where they come from). People are afraid that technical palm oil gets into our food industry, although there is a GOST for edible oil and this is monitored by the relevant services. Back in 2011, we identified cases of the use of technical oil (after refining) for the needs of the food industry.

To summarize, I want to say that palm oil is very beneficial for the food industry, and its share will only increase. It is not an absolute evil, but it is better to cook more yourself and partially abandon dairy products if you are not sure about the manufacturer, as well as from purchased cookies, muffins, dough, mayonnaise and much more. Although, based on the above, butter is an absolute evil: it contains more saturated fat. Palm oil replaces butter, milk. So maybe it's good, what replaces?
Such issues are difficult to understand. But butter is definitely tastier. And the most harmful is margarine. But it is made from any hydrogenated vegetable oil. So what's wrong with palm oil?
Personally, I do not like products where palm oil was put instead of milk fat, because of its bad taste. As a result, I stopped buying cottage cheese, cheese curds, cookies, rolls, ice cream, cheeses with a few exceptions. And this is a shame.

Now there is a lot of controversy about palm oil. Some consider it very harmful, others believe that everything is not so scary, and its danger is exaggerated. Where is the truth?

- a product obtained from the fleshy part of the fruit of the oil palm. It has been known since ancient times. It was traded back in the times of the Egyptian pharaohs, that is, more than five thousand years ago.

It is widely used in tropical countries where palm trees grow.


Palm oil is orange-red in color and tastes and smells similar to the oil palm fruit. It has a semi-solid structure, it melts at a temperature of 33-39 C.

It should be noted that the Food and Agriculture Organization, established by the United Nations, and the World Health Organization (WHO) included it in the list of 17 types of vegetable oils that meet the established food standards.


Palm oil is widely used all over the world. Main role economic expediency plays here. Another reason why manufacturers use it so widely is that it has the ability to extend the shelf life of food.

It is used as a substitute for milk fat, glaze fats, cocoa butter, etc. Further, it is used for the preparation of food products, such as soft oils, processed cheeses, curd masses, bulk margarines, mayonnaises and sauces, confectionery fats, soup mixtures, frying oils, etc.
At the same time, the taste of the products remains practically the same as when using other vegetable oils.

As we can see, palm oil is contained only in industrially prepared food that has passed through the production conveyor. It is absent in those that come to the counter in their natural form (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, cereals, nuts, seeds, etc.).

Production and consumption of palm oil in the world

The largest producers are Malaysia and Indonesia.
And who is the leader in consumption? According to the statistics of its consumption per capita, the European Union is in the first place. Then there are India, Ukraine, Russia, Japan, China and the United States (listed in descending order).

Environmental threat

The oil palm is extremely productive. If we compare it with sunflower, then, for example, for the production of 1 ton of sunflower oil, 2 hectares of land are required. And oil palms from the same area give 7 tons of oil - that is, 3.5 times more.

But manufacturers want to make even more profits. This leads to threatening consequences for nature. Environmentalists have long sounded the alarm that the growing worldwide demand for palm oil is leading to the disappearance of tropical forests. They are destroyed in order to plant palm plantations in their place.

But orangutans live in the virgin forests of Southeast Asia. Due to deforestation, they are in danger of extinction. The Greenpeace organization carried out a wide action and arranged a boycott of Kit Kat chocolate, which is produced by the world famous company Nestlé.

Malaysia has responded to the demands of environmentalists and stopped deforestation. The country's authorities have changed the agricultural policy by using already developed land and allocating it for planting oil palms.

Effects on health

Palm oil contains approximately 2.3 mg per 100 g of oil. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), the maximum intake of cholesterol should be no more than 300 mg per day (for healthy people). For people with cardiovascular problems - up to 200 mg per day.

WHO advises to minimize the intake of cholesterol-forming fats in the diet. This is butter and ghee, cream, cream cheese, food fried in butter, margarines, hamburgers, sausages, fatty pork, lard, liver, liver, poultry skin, egg yolks, chocolate.

Doctors advise replacing these products with rapeseed, sunflower, olive and corn oils, nuts, seeds, and fish oil. As for margarine, only soft (not hard) can be used.

Research results

V different countries ah studies have been conducted on the health effects of palm oil. Their results are mixed. Here are some of them:

A 1993 study showed that its consumption did not affect cholesterol levels, provided that the intake of cholesterol in different foods does not exceed 400 mg per day.

Another study suggests that excessive consumption of palm oil increases blood cholesterol levels and may cause heart disease.

A large 2005 study concluded that palm oil consumption increased the likelihood of heart attack by 33%.

Another study suggests that palm oil is beneficial because it increases the percentage of "good" cholesterol in the blood and reduces the content of "bad".

A major 2011 study in many countries found that palm oil consumption was associated with an increase in deaths from coronary heart disease. At the same time, mortality was high in countries with low per capita income, while in high-income countries it was significantly lower.

Read to everyone! Because other than full 3.14 ZDets it cannot be called. Great article article and interviews that say that if you take away all the palm g @ clearly, the shelves will quickly empty. I wrote about this back in 2014 after the introduction of the food embargo.

And one more thing, which I wrote about a long time ago. A bad local business learns very quickly, but a good one is really unlearned. Basically. Which is proven by time.

Go to any store. Cheese of absolutely incomprehensible origin, incomprehensible color and consistency costs about 1000 rubles per 1 kg. While in neighboring Finland 1kg. excellent daily Oltermani cheese made from natural milk costs about € 4 (~ 300 rubles). Do you feel the difference? This is what the food embargo has led to! To the difference in price between a surrgate and a high-quality natural product, which, moreover, has become 3.5 times unavailable. A surrogate costs 3.5 times more!

... The rapidly growing global production of palm oil can destroy tropical flora and fauna in many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Doctors warn about the dangers of its use in food, some Western states are about to completely ban its import. However, more and more palm oil is being imported to Russia - otherwise store shelves may become noticeably empty. experts say. At the same time, most people do not even suspect in what the most diverse food this product can be hidden.

India, Russia and China are the three world leaders in the consumption of palm oil, 90 percent of which today comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. Three years ago, the volume of palm oil produced all over the world came out on top among all other vegetable oils, outstripping, for example, sunflower oil by 2.5 times. And the oil palm, which is native to West Africa, where it comes from at the end XIXcentury was imported by British colonialists to Southeast Asia for decorative purposes, to decorate gardens, a little over a century later it became a plant that brings local businessmen enormous profits - for which they have already half destroyed the unique nature, forests and animals of their countries.

The world's largest oil palm growing area is the third largest island on Earth, Borneo, divided between Indonesia, Malaysia and tiny Brunei. Over the past 15 years, exactly half of all tropical forests have been cut down here for the sake of breaking up oilseed plantations. In total, oil palm plantings on the planet already occupy more than 250 thousand square kilometers - this is more than the area of ​​countries such as Great Britain or Romania.

International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN) On June 26 issued a special report stating that the massive logging of the jungle for oil palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as in recent years in Central Africa and South America, has supplied some of the native species of animals, including orangutans, tigers, rhinos and monkeys, to the brink of extinction. At the same time, the authors of the document point out that even if the world community and the governments of these states impose a ban on the expansion of production, this will not solve the problem, but only transfer it to some other region of the planet, since the demand for vegetable oil is growing very quickly - it is used for food by more than half of the world's population.

Since the beginning of 2018, Russia has imported 335 thousand tons of palm oil of various varieties and its fractions, which is more than 30 percent more than in 2017. , judging by the statements of Rosstat. According to forecasts, by the end of the year the volume of its import will reach one million tons. Palm oil, as experts constantly emphasize, is part of more than half of all food products sold, from rolls, chocolates, ice cream and pasta to surrogate or simply counterfeit cheeses, butter and cottage cheese, where they are substituted for milk fats. At the same time, very often the inhabitants of Russia, due to the fraud of importers, food manufacturers and corruption in the supervisory authorities, use not even edible varieties of palm oil, but technical ones - filled with carcinogens, mutagens and a host of other nasty things.

Jungle destroyed for oil plantation. Indonesian part of the island of Borneo

At the same time, in Russia, unlike most other states, there is no and in the near future there will not be any legislative acts regulating the import of palm oil. The growth of its import into the country, as experts point out, is associated not only with economic, but also with political factors.

For example, Moscow, faced with political isolation from the West, is actively trying to build allied ties wherever possible, including with Indonesia, with which in the spring of 2018 it signed a contract for the supply of 11 Su-35 fighters worth 1 billion 140 million dollars. According to the terms of the deal, Indonesia will cover about half of this amount by sending tens of thousands of new tons of its palm oil to Russia.

But the main reason is that after the introduction in 2014 by the Russian authorities of the so-called "food embargo" on the import of food products from the US and the EU, it led to an increase in domestic agricultural production - but only in some areas and only in large agricultural holdings with state participation. Elimination with food market foreign competitors with their quality products allowed to quickly fill the market with cheap products, in the creation of which palm oil plays the most active role, replacing expensive animal fats or olive oil.

Economist Tatyana Rybalova tells about all this in an interview with Radio Liberty:

- In the production of what food products in Russia is palm oil mainly used? Many people know about it, but maybe in some cases consumers do not even suspect that it is there.

- The range of products in the production of which palm oil is used is very wide. Consumers only know about those about whom the media talk and write a lot. For example, dairy products. Because the people are accustomed to dairy products, they consume a lot of them, and the fact that they have changed their taste, appearance, and so on, clearly enough shows that they began to add there. But in fact, the same confectionery industry uses just as much palm oil! It's just that the confectioners somehow try not to notice these questions. However, all long shelf life bakery and confectionery products use palm oil. As well as palm oils are used in other industries, but in smaller volumes, of course. The main consumers of these imports are the dairy and confectionery industries.

- What varieties of palm oil are we talking about when it comes to importing it to Russia? After all, this is not one homogeneous product, it has different varieties, degrees of quality, and in general it is used in completely different ways in the world. For example, in the European Union, more than half of imported palm oil is added to fuel - but not food.

- But in Russia this issue is not being discussed loudly at all - what quality is the palm oil supplied? My biggest concern is that technical grades of oil are being imported, and, moreover, in improper, non-food containers, in wagons intended for products that are not used in the food industry. Even frankly technical oils with poor purification are used for the production of products!

- Why are the governments, parliaments of different countries of the world more and more actively discussing the topic of palm oil, they are trying to regulate its import, they introduce bans, and there are a lot of them - but in Russia, as I understand it, there are no legislative acts on this score?

- Russia, firstly, later came to the very idea of ​​using palm oils for food, only in the late 80s - early 90s, since that time they began to be imported. Their use makes it possible to increase the shelf life of products, and of course, businesses in many countries use it all. The explanation is simple - the authorities' concern for the health of their own population in developed Western countries is stronger. As for the food industry, both the negative comes from there, and the positive - as once the idea of ​​using such vegetable oil came to us, we did it on the basis of the experience of Western countries, so, probably, in the issue of the ban, we will also follow the lead these countries.

Today, from my point of view, there is no active struggle in Russia against the use of palm and other tropical oils for one reason: people's incomes are not the same! The import of these oils makes it possible to produce cheaper products so that store shelves are not empty! In general, this problem has not yet been solved by any regulatory or laws. In addition, the volume of milk production in Russia has now begun to grow - and at the same time, cases of detection of counterfeit products, including the replacement of milk fats with palm oil, have become aggravated. Most likely, in the next five years, the fight against its widespread use, especially illegal, when it is substituted for a real product, without indication on the label, will intensify.

- In Russia, it turns out, there is a powerful lobby of importers of palm oil, which opposes the producers of animal fats?

- Of course! Business is business, and everyone defends their interests. There is such a Malaysian Council of Palm Oil Producers ( MPOC), which protects the interests of its suppliers all over the world. Their advertising materials are regularly published in Russia, they speak at conferences and in the media. Their interests are also lobbied by our, Russian, in professional slang, "fat and oil", which also tell us about the exceptional benefits of consumption and the unique dietary properties of palm oil, while hushing up many aspects ...

What worries me most of all is that in the country, I repeat, there is a lot of falsification! Against the background of speeches that "we will make a cheaper and more accessible product", for example, margarine is made, which is called the word "butter" - and which costs much more than it would cost if it was frankly written on it that it is a spread prepared using palm oil. If the law was respected and all products that are on store shelves were correctly labeled, then buyers would have a choice: what we have funds for, and what we have a desire for, then we buy. And then the next stage would have already begun, when, in contrast to the "palmists", we would begin to conduct our explanatory work about the benefits of, say, pure milk fats and the negative impact of palm oils on the human body. But for now, people automatically buy these "butter", "cheese" and "cottage cheese", and so naively thinking that they are made of milk! You know that when the liquid fraction in the processing of palm oil turns into a solid fraction, the formation of those most dangerous trans fats, with which such a struggle is now being waged all over the world, takes place.

- That is, all these consumer horror stories about the fact that palm oil is actually incredibly high in saturated fatty acids, that it causes incurable allergies, endocrine diseases, especially in children, infertility, heart attacks, that it spoils the taste of products, and so on. - is it true or fiction?

- Says "spoils the taste" incorrectly, because very often these products are tastier than natural ones. When a product is made using palm oil, the manufacturers do not spare other ingredients, usually purely chemical, that help to bring the taste of the product to perfection. And with closed tastings it comes to ridiculous - a person can choose the same milk product not natural, but just so artificial, because during their production there are more opportunities to give a creamy taste, and curd, and whatever. With regard to the medical aspect: healthy person can safely consume foods using palm oil, but within certain limits! But in order to choose the style of food, diet, we must understand what we are eating! And if they write to you that this is a natural product, and you have no idea how much you consume of this "palm tree"? If a person has gastrointestinal, endocrine problems, then palm oil can be harmful; in general, for many different diseases, the use of palm oils is not recommended. Real research should be carried out, real medical results should be presented, recommendations should be given, and not just - on TV in advertising the doctor recommends not to eat this, but it is. This is not yet happening in Russia.

- Incredible takeoff, the success of palm oil in Russia in recent years is closely related to politics, with Russian "food counter-sanctions"? I mean the ban on food imports from Europe in the first place.

- Of course, there is a connection. Maybe not straight. The economic well-being of Russians has deteriorated. If the incomes of the bulk of the population are declining, then, of course, people prefer cheaper products - which can only be made with palm oil. But not only with him, by the way. The most different ways falsifications, which reduce the cost of production even more. For example, the same beef fat, starch, and so on are used. Russian businessmen are very creative! The volume of imports of palm oil is growing, it is also used for the production of soap, in general, various industrial products. But their production is not growing, but it is the production of food products using the "palm tree" that is growing, ”says Tatiana Rybalova.

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