Round mushroom without stem. Types, description and characteristics of brown mushrooms. Round baggy golovach

Door arches 14.10.2023
Door arches

I haven’t gone mushroom picking for a hundred years, but I remember that in many regions this is a rather dreary task. Yes, somewhere in the Vladimir region they go exclusively for porcini mushrooms or chanterelles. And in our region, they mostly go for boletus. Well, you can collect small slippery oils, but the big ones are still wormy. Then you'll have a lot of trouble cleaning up.

If only there was a mushroom like this, you could pick a couple, no worms or rot, cut it into pieces and here’s a whole frying pan for you!

Yes, this is the mushroom of your dreams!

Photo 2.

Langermannia gigantea is difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, and more precisely, it is impossible. Its spherical fruiting body resembles a huge white ball, the diameter of which can reach 50 centimeters.

Photo 3.

Most often, this mushroom can be found in a single specimen or in small groups. They grow in fields, meadows, the outskirts of deciduous or mixed forests, gardens and parks. As for distribution, the mushroom grows in vast areas of Western Europe, the European part of Russia, the Far East (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories) and Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

Photo 4.

The golovach has a spherical or slightly elongated fruiting body with a diameter of 10 to 50 centimeters. The average weight of such a mushroom is 1-4 kilograms. But there are specimens up to 25 kilograms! The cap and leg are missing.

Photo 5.

The outside of the mushroom is covered with a thin, sensitive skin. The color is white, but as it ripens it begins to turn yellow and green. Old mushrooms crack and expose their internal contents - gleba (spores). In a still young mushroom, it is white and in consistency resembles cottage cheese or marshmallow. As the gleba matures, it also darkens and eventually becomes olive-brown.

Photo 6.

Fruiting bodies are formed in August-October, and in the south of Russia - until November.
This mushroom is edible, but it should be eaten at a young age, while the flesh is white.

Photo 7.

Giant bighead contains the antibiotic calvacin, from which a drug is made that suppresses the healing of malignant tumors and sarcoma. Spores of a mature fungus have hemostatic properties.

Photo 8.

Don Smith was walking with his daughter's dog in the town of North Dorchester, near Woodstock, when he noticed something white and large in the bushes. I came closer and saw that it was a mushroom.

"I've never seen raincoats this big before in my life," Don Smith told CBC Windsor.

Don carefully cut it off and brought it home. The mushroom weighed seven kilograms. It reached half a meter in diameter.

Photo 9.

The mushroom picker's daughter posted a photo of this find on her Facebook page. In just one evening, people shared this photo 2,600 times.

This is not the first time such giant mushrooms have been found in southwestern Ontario. In 2011, the London Free Press reported on an eight-cologram raincoat with a height of one and a half meters.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, a record-breaking raincoat with a height of 1.7 meters was found in the UK in 2010.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Well, why did you eat such a mushroom? Can one mushroom really feed the whole family?

The brown mushroom is found quite often in forests and is distinguished by its tasty and aromatic pulp, which is why it is highly valued among mushroom pickers. However, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Brown mushroom is found quite often in forests

A fairly popular species is considered to be from the moss fly family. It mainly grows near the following trees:

  • oak;
  • beech;
  • spruce.

The diameter of the cap ranges from 4 to 12 cm. Initially it has a convex shape, but over time it can become flat. The skin does not come off and is dry and smooth to the touch, but becomes a little slippery in wet weather.

The flesh of this mushroom is fleshy and dense; when cut in the cap, it turns a little blue, and then becomes light again, and on the stem it turns blue, and after a while turns brown. The aroma is pronounced, mushroom, and the taste is distinguished by its softness.

The leg is from 4 to 12 cm in height, and 1-4 cm in thickness, has a cylindrical shape and can be somewhat narrowed or, conversely, swollen. This mushroom is widely used for preparing various dishes, and is also excellent for drying and pickling.

Gallery: brown mushrooms (25 photos)

Popular brown mushrooms

There are a wide variety of brown mushrooms, which are quite possible to either collect in the forest or grow yourself. When picking mushrooms, be sure to pay attention to the shade of the cap, crumb, rings and plates located on the stem. All mushrooms are divided into the following types:

  • edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • inedible.

A description of edible mushrooms, as well as a complete description of each species, will help you choose the most suitable mushroom, which is distinguished by its excellent taste and unique aroma.

Mushrooms collected in the forest are characterized by excellent taste. Of the self-grown ones, you need to highlight the champignons with a brown cap, as they have a richer aroma and taste.

The most popular brown mushrooms in great demand are:

  • White mushroom;
  • boletus;
  • milk mushroom;
  • boletus;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • truffles.

The porcini mushroom is not found very often, but has amazing healing qualities. It has a large convex cap of a light brown color, and its stem is white. It grows mainly in summer, which is why harvesting can be done at the height of the season. It grows mainly singly, usually in clean clearings and sand.

Depending on the area where it grows, the white mushroom can differ in the shape of the cap, stem, and the shape of the mycelium. The porcini mushroom is characterized by the fact that the shade of its pulp does not change at all. The cap has a spherical shape, and over time it becomes flat.

The aspen boletus belongs to the tubular type and, in terms of its value, occupies the next place, immediately after honey mushrooms. The cap of the boletus is quite rich brownish-brown in color, fleshy and large. The leg is white, quite large, widening towards the base. You can find boletuses under deciduous trees.

It has been known for a long time and is considered one of the largest in diameter among its competitors. It can only be found in coniferous forests, mainly on sandy areas, as it has the property of retaining moisture. The cap is large, can reach 20 cm in diameter. This is a very tasty plant with a dense, thick stem reaching the width of the cap. It has excellent taste when fried and pickled. Quite often it is used to prepare various sauces.

Butterflies are often found in coniferous forests. They have a very interesting appearance and taste, and are also suitable for consumption even raw. In the photo you can see these unusual plants. The tubular-type cap is somewhat convex, and appears to be covered with a slight layer of mucus on the surface. Because of this, it has a very beautiful and attractive shine. The stem of a young plant is thin and even, but over time it bends under the weight of the cap.

Butter is characterized by excellent taste and is especially suitable for fried consumption. The pulp is dense, dry, has excellent taste and a good mushroom aroma.

Honey mushrooms have the greatest value among all other species. The mushroom cap has a light brown color and excellent taste. At first it is slightly rounded, but over time it becomes flat.

They are considered a real delicacy. This is an interesting and peculiar type, having a dark brown color. Truffles grow underground and are somewhat similar to puffballs, but have characteristic depressions throughout their surface. They grow mainly at the roots of trees, mainly near oaks or pine trees, but the forest must be quite old.

In addition, there are many other brown-capped species that are distinguished by their excellent taste and high nutritional value.

Collibia oilseed

Collibia oilseed is considered to be quite interesting in its appearance and taste. Other names:

  • Collibia oily;
  • Rhodocollibia oilseed;
  • oil money.

The cap of a young plant is convex, light brown in color, but over time it becomes wide, with a slightly depressed middle. With increased humidity levels, the cap has a dark brown tint with a reddish tint, and then becomes light brown.

Collibia oilum is considered to be quite interesting in its appearance and taste.

The pulp is almost milky in color. This plant is characterized by a rather long and thin stem. At the base it is slightly thickened, whitish in color at the very bottom. The leg itself is light brown in color, it is quite dense and completely empty inside. It has good taste, is eaten mainly boiled and fried, and is suitable for preparing various sauces.

Unlike other similar types, it has an oily cap and good taste.

Common milkweed

Milkweed is quite common and is considered a pretty good edible mushroom. Other names:

  • milk mushroom red-brown;
  • redneck;
  • spurge.

Its cap is quite dense and fleshy, light brown in color, can reach 10 cm in diameter, its shape is flat, slightly convex at the edges, and has a small notch in the middle. The shade of the cap can be very different - from light yellow to dark brown. The flesh is light, but darkens very quickly when cut. Quite a lot of light juice is formed on the cut.

Milkweed is quite common

The taste is quite pleasant and slightly sweet. The leg has a color similar to the cap. It has good taste and is excellent for preparing various dishes; it is quite tasty when fried. Well suited for preparing various sauces, for salting and marinating. Before cooking, it is advisable to boil the mushrooms to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

Grows mainly under oak trees. Widely distributed, but quite rare. They grow mainly singly, but sometimes they can grow in groups.

Dark chestnut dog

Dark chestnut pine grows in coniferous and mixed forests. It also has other names, in particular:

  • brown petticoat;
  • chestnut dog;
  • brown-chestnut petitsa.

The fruiting body is 1-5 cm in diameter, initially it is almost spherical, and then becomes oval and somewhat flattened. The inside is matte, dark brown, sometimes with an orange tint. The pulp is quite thin, brittle, without a characteristic odor.

Dark chestnut pine grows in coniferous and mixed forests

It is quite possible to confuse it with other petitions. It is used mainly fresh and dried. To prepare, boil for a few minutes.

Autumn is the time of harvest, and for experienced mushroom pickers it is also an opportunity to fill your basket with healthy and tasty mushrooms. To know which mushrooms are edible and which are not, you need to carefully study encyclopedias and it is advisable to use the advice of experienced mushroom pickers. Mushrooms that have a lamellar cap structure are usually classified as edible, but not all of them have such a structure, so you should become more familiar with all descriptions of edible types of mushrooms.

Albatrellus ovine

The mushrooms are usually solitary, but can grow together with a lateral or central stalk. The stem of the mushroom grows about 7 centimeters in length and 3 centimeters in diameter, the shape of the cap is similar to an irregular circle, it is slightly convex in the center, and later becomes flat and elastic. The surface of the cap may be grayish-yellow, pale gray or white. When the mushroom is young, the cap is slightly scaly and almost smooth, then the scales acquire a more pronounced shape. The mushroom has white flesh, which tends to change color to lemon yellow when dried.

Auricularia (Ear-shaped)

A unique mushroom in terms of the amount of useful substances. It has an interesting shape that resembles a wrinkled ear; its cap grows 8 centimeters in height, 12 centimeters in diameter and 2 millimeters in thickness. On the outside it is covered with a small fluff and has an olive-yellowish-brown color, while on the inside it is shiny and gray-violet. The stem of the mushroom is usually difficult to notice, it dries out in drought and is able to recover after rain. This forest edible mushroom is found in trees and prefers oak, alder, maple and elderberry.


The mushroom has a hemispherical cushion-shaped cap, it is quite fleshy and convex, the span of the cap is 20-25 centimeters. Its surface is slightly sticky, smooth, its color is brown, light brown, olive or violet-brown. The mushroom has a fleshy cylindrical stalk, the height of which does not exceed 20 centimeters and 5 centimeters in diameter, it expands at the bottom, the outer surface has a light brown or white tint, and there is a mesh pattern on top. The larger half of the leg is usually in the litter (underground). This is one of the many edible mushrooms that are common in the Saratov region.

White boletus

The shape of the mushroom cap is hemispherical and then cushion-shaped, its diameter is about 15 centimeters, it is bare and can become slimy. The outer part of the cap can take on various shades of gray and brown. The leg is solid, cylindrical, the diameter is 3 centimeters, the length is about 15 centimeters. At the bottom, the stem of the mushroom widens slightly, its color is whitish-gray and there are longitudinal dark scales. The tubes of the spore-bearing layer are long, its color is white, turning into dirty gray.

White boletus

The mushroom is a large species, the cap reaches a diameter of 25 centimeters, the color of the outer part is white or some shades of gray. The lower surface of the mushroom is finely porous, white at the beginning of growth; in older mushrooms it becomes gray-brown. The leg is quite tall, thickens at the base, its color is white, there are oblong scales of brown or white color. The structure of the pulp is dense, usually it is blue-green at the base of the mushroom, and at the break it becomes blue, almost black. This species belongs to the edible mushrooms that are collected by mushroom pickers in the Rostov region.

The size of the mushroom cap varies from 2-15 centimeters, sometimes 30 centimeters; in young animals it is hemispherical; when mature, it becomes concave or flat-spread, usually has an irregular shape. The structure of the cap is scaly and smooth, the color of the outer surface is usually white, but yellowish-white caps are found in older specimens. The stem of the mushroom is thick, its height is only 4 centimeters, and its diameter is about 3 centimeters, it narrows closer to the base, the skin of young growth is white, becoming slightly yellowish with age. The pulp has an elastic structure, the plates of the spore-bearing layer are wide and white or yellowish-brown.

Bolethin swamp

The diameter of the mushroom cap usually does not exceed 10 centimeters, its shape is flat-convex, cushion-shaped, with a tubercle in the center. It is felt-scaly, fleshy and dry, the color of young mushrooms is quite bright purple or cherry-red, burgundy, and of older mushrooms it has a yellowish tint. The height of the stem reaches 4-7 centimeters, and the diameter is 1-2 centimeters; at the base of the mushroom the stem is slightly thickened; sometimes the remains of a ring are visible, under which it is red and yellow on top. The pulp has a yellow, slightly bluish color, the spore-bearing layer runs down to the stem, its color is yellow and then brown, the pores are wide.


The cap has a round shape at the beginning of growth, later it transforms into a flat-convex one, its color is dark almost black, the skin is smooth and slightly velvety. The pulp is dense in structure, its color is white and does not change when cut, it has a pronounced mushroom aroma. The leg is massive, club-shaped, it is very thick at the base, its color is terracotta, and on top you can always notice a white mesh. If you press the hymenophore with your fingers, you can observe the appearance of olive-green spots.


The cap grows from 8 to 12 centimeters in diameter, and sometimes 15 centimeters, and is colored yellow or brownish-yellow. The young have a spherical cap, which, when ripe, opens and becomes flat, it is shiny and smooth, and mucus is present. The shape of the leg is barrel-shaped or cylindrical, the length is 5-11 centimeters, and the thickness is about 3 centimeters, its color is white, but can be covered with brown spots. The pulp is quite fragile, it is white, but gradually darkens when cut until brown. The spore-bearing layer is white or dirty cream, the plates are narrowly adherent, frequent, and have different lengths.

Oyster mushroom

The size of the mushroom cap in diameter varies from 5 to 22 centimeters. The skin is found in different colors: yellowish, white, fawn, blue-gray, ashy or dark gray, the shape is shell-shaped, round or ear-shaped, its surface is matte and smooth, and the edges are thin. The short leg is cylindrical, its surface is smooth, the base is felt. The fleshy pulp is juicy, white and pleasant to the taste with a light mushroom aroma. The plates fall onto the stem, they are wide and mid-frequency, white in young animals, and then become grayish. This edible mushroom is common in Kuban.


The cone-shaped cap reaches 5-8 centimeters in diameter, it has a creamy-white color and darkens closer to the middle, the surface is very fleecy along the edges of the cap, fluffy. The stem of the mushroom can grow 2-8 centimeters in length and about 2 centimeters in thickness, the color of the surface does not differ from the outer part of the cap, tapering closer to the base. The pulp is brittle and white; milky juice is released at the break. The plates are descending, adherent, narrow and frequent, white in young mushrooms, cream or yellow in old mushrooms. This species can be found throughout the Moscow region.


The mushroom cap usually does not grow more than 5 centimeters in diameter, rarely grows to 7-10 centimeters, it has a convex shape, often with a small tubercle in the middle, secretes mucus in rainy weather, and can be gray, white, reddish or olive in color. The leg has a dense structure, its shape is often cylindrical, and the color matches the cap. The plates are sparsely located, they are thick, descending and waxy, and are white, pink or yellow.


The mushroom cap is usually small, only 3-6 centimeters in diameter, its shape is funnel-shaped, the skin is dry and smooth, the cap is very thin, its color is pale yellowish-brown, light chestnut or gray-ash. The cylindrical leg does not grow more than 4 centimeters in height and 0.5 centimeters in thickness, the color of the skin is pale yellow, it is always lighter than the surface of the cap. The plates are adherent, infrequent and wide, they are always light-colored or whitish.


A very unusual and peculiar representative of rain mushrooms. Its fruiting body is huge, has the shape of a skittle or club; in young growth the color is rich white. The height of the mushroom can reach 20 centimeters; its white flesh has a loose structure. The mushroom stalk can be much larger than the fruiting body or much smaller. Only mushrooms that are not fully ripe can be eaten; they can be easily distinguished from old ones, since they are darker and the outer surface of the cap is cracked.

Lattice mushroom

The size of the mushroom cap is about 5-11 centimeters, the outer surface can be brown, brown or reddish, sometimes with a red tint; in young animals it is slightly convex, then it becomes more even, flat, and smooth to the touch. The height of the cylindrical stem reaches 5-12 centimeters, the color usually does not differ from the cap, it is smooth to the touch, hard and dense, sometimes slightly curved. The flesh of the mushroom has a brown or yellow tint and becomes slightly pinkish at the cut site. The tubular layer is always slightly lighter than the cap, it is light brown or yellowish.

Pepper milk mushroom

The cap is convex in young animals and spread out in more mature ones, funnel-shaped in older ones, with a diameter of 13-15 centimeters. The skin is dry, matte, its color is white with small brown-yellow spots. Dense, thick, white pulp secretes a light milky juice when cut; it turns green over time. A distinctive feature of the mushroom is its narrow and frequent plates of white color with a creamy tint.

Black breast

The mushroom usually grows singly, despite its name, its color is not black, but greenish-olive-brown. The cap is flat or funnel-shaped with a hole in the middle, its surface is adhesive and astringent, the span is 10-20 centimeters. The leg is quite short, only 3-7 centimeters, its thickness usually does not exceed 3 centimeters, and is more narrowed at the base. The pulp has a grayish-white tint and darkens when cut, releasing milky juice. The lamellar layer is off-white and turns black when pressed. The land of the Kaliningrad region is very rich in this type of edible mushrooms.

Common dubovik

The massive cap, the span of which is 5-15 centimeters, rarely grows to 20 centimeters, is hemispherical in young animals, then opens and transforms into a cushion-shaped one. The velvety surface is gray-brown and brown-yellow, irregularly colored. The pulp is dense with a yellow tint; when cut, it immediately acquires a blue-green color and eventually turns black. The leg is club-shaped and thick, its height is 5-11 centimeters, and its thickness is from 3 to 6 centimeters, the color is yellowish, but darker closer to the base, there is a dark mesh. The hymenophore changes color greatly as the mushroom ages; at first it is ocher, then red or orange, and in older specimens it is dirty olive.

Blackberry (Blackberry) yellow

The diameter of the cap varies between 4-15 centimeters, its shape is unevenly wavy, convex-concave, and the edges are curved inward. The slightly velvety skin is dry and comes in reddish-orange and light ocher colors. The length of the leg is about 4 centimeters, the width is no more than 3 centimeters, the structure is dense, the shape is rounded-cylindrical, the surface is smooth and light yellow. The pulp is light, fragile and dense; when cut it acquires a brownish-yellow hue. The hymenophore has thick spines of light cream color that descend onto the stalk.

Yellow-brown boletus

The large cap grows about 10-20 centimeters, and sometimes up to 30 centimeters in diameter, its color is yellowish-gray and bright red, its shape changes with age, at first spherical, later becoming convex or flat (rare). The fleshy pulp at the break acquires a distinct purple tint, and later an almost black color. The leg is high, about 15-20 centimeters, 4-5 centimeters wide, has a cylindrical shape, thickens towards the bottom, white on top, with a green tint below. The spore-bearing layer is gray or whitish, the pores are small, the tubular layer is very easy to separate from the cap.

Yellow and yellow-brown moss

At first, the cap has a semicircular shape with a tucked edge, and then becomes cushion-shaped, size 5-14 centimeters, the surface is pubescent, gray-orange or olive, over time it cracks, forming small scales, they disappear when ripe. The leg is club-shaped, its height is 3-9 centimeters, and its thickness is 2-3.5 centimeters, the surface is smooth, lemon-yellow or slightly lighter, brownish or red underneath. The flesh is light yellow or orange, hard, and may turn blue in places when broken. The tubes are attached to the stem, the pores are small, and become larger as they mature.

Winter mushroom

A small cap can grow about 2-8 centimeters in diameter; in young animals it is convex-rounded, later it becomes convex-prostrate, the surface is smooth, the mucous is orange-brown, but slightly darker in the middle. The plates are sparse, cream-colored, and darken with age. The leg grows up to 8 centimeters in height, it does not exceed 1 centimeter in thickness, has a cylindrical shape, is usually yellow on top and darker below, brown or red. The flesh of the cap is soft, but the flesh on the stem is tougher and has a light yellow tint.

Variegated umbrella

The diameter of the mushroom cap is impressive, from 15 to 30 centimeters, and sometimes all 40 centimeters; it is ovoid at the beginning of growth and gradually transforms into flat-convex, prostrate and umbrella-shaped, with a tubercle in the middle. The surface of the cap is white-gray, pure white or brown; it always has large brown scales, with the exception of the center of the cap. The plates are adherent to the collarium, their color is creamy white, and over time red veins appear. The leg is very long, 30 centimeters or more, its thickness is only 3 centimeters, thickens at the base, the surface of the skin is brown.

Kalotsibe May (Ryadovka)

The size of the cap is 5-10 centimeters, in young animals its shape is pillow-shaped or hemispherical, it opens with age and loses its symmetry, the edges can bend. The surface is yellowish-white, dry and smooth, the flesh is dense, its color is white, and there is a distinct powdery odor. The plates are adherent, narrow and frequent, at first almost white and light cream in maturity. The width of the stem is 1-3 centimeters, the height is 2-7 centimeters, the surface is smooth, usually the shade is identical to the color of the outer surface of the cap.

Pink lacquer

The cap changes its shape with age; in young mushrooms it is bell-shaped or convex-depressed, and in adulthood it becomes convex with a depression in the middle and often cracks with wavy edges. The color, depending on weather conditions, can be carrot-pink, yellow or almost whitish. The plates are adherent, wide, usually their color matches the shade of the outer part of the cap. The length of the cylindrical stem is 8-10 centimeters, it is smooth, the structure is dense, slightly darker than the cap or has an identical color. The pulp is watery and has no special odor.

Lyophyllum elm

The cap is about 4-10 centimeters, convex in young animals, fleshy, the edge is rolled up, tends to transform into a more prostrate one when ripe, its color is light beige or white, and there are “watery” spots on the surface. The plates are attached to the stem like a tooth, they are frequent and always slightly lighter than the shade of the cap. The length of the mushroom stem is 5-8 centimeters, the diameter is usually no more than 2 centimeters, the shape is curved, the shade often matches the outer part of the cap.


The fruiting bodies of mushrooms are large and medium-sized; their shape is capped, the cap is almost funnel-shaped, fleshy, its edge is thick and blunt, the color varies within shades of red or yellow, rarely whitish. The stem is usually short and rather thick, the flesh is yellow or white, and when cut it generally becomes distinctly blue or red. The hymenophore is folded, the thick folds are not separated from the cap, but there are specimens with a smooth spore-bearing layer.

Oiler white

The diameter of the cap does not exceed 11 centimeters, it has a convex cushion-shaped shape in the early stage of ripening, and later becomes flattened or concave; in young animals, the surface is painted white and only at the edges the outer part is pale yellow, then acquires a yellowish or grayish-white tint, which darkens in wet weather. The skin of the cap is bare, smooth and slightly slimy, but when dry it begins to shine. The pulp has a yellow or white color; it tends to change it to wine red when cut. The height of the leg is 3-8 centimeters, the thickness is no more than 2 centimeters, its shape is cylindrical, but it can also be spindle-like at the base.

Oiler yellowish (Marsh)

Mushrooms grow singly and in large groups, on average the size of the cap is 3-6 centimeters, but can grow about 10 centimeters, young growth usually has a spherical cap, the mushroom takes on an open or cushion shape when ripe. Its color varies between gray-yellow and yellowish-brown, but it can also be rich chocolate. The thickness of the leg does not exceed 3 centimeters, there is an oily ring, above which the leg is white and below it is yellow. In young specimens the ring is white, in old specimens it is purple. The pores of the spore-bearing layer are round and small, the pulp is mostly white.

Summer oiler grainy

The mushroom gives the impression of being dry, since the surface of the cap is not sticky, its shape is rounded-convex, can grow up to 10 centimeters in diameter, and is first colored brownish-brown, red, then yellow-ocher and pure yellow. The thin tubular layer is light in young animals and light gray-yellow in maturity; the tubes are short with rounded pores. The pulp is quite soft, brown-yellow and thick, has almost no smell, but the taste is pleasant. The length of the leg is about 7-8 centimeters, the thickness is almost 2 centimeters, the surface is painted yellow.

Larch oiler

The size of the cap ranges from 3 to 11 centimeters, it is conical or hemispherical, elastic and fleshy, and when ripe it tends to transform into a convex or prostrate shape. The surface of the cap is shiny, slightly sticky, smooth and easy to separate. The tubes are short, adherent, the pores are small, their edges are sharp, and they secrete a little milky juice. The length of the leg is 4-7 centimeters, the diameter is about 2 centimeters, it is curved or cylindrical, and is hard. The pulp has a yellow tint and a dense structure; it does not lose color when cut.

Pepper oiler

The span of the cap is 3-8 centimeters, the convex-round shape is characteristic of the younger generation, later it is almost flat, the surface is velvety, dry, usually glistens in the sun, and becomes slimy with high humidity. The cap is colored light brown or copper, sometimes with an orange, brown or red tint. The length of the leg is 3-7 centimeters, and the thickness is only 1.5 centimeters, it is mainly cylindrical or slightly curved, tapering closer to the base. The pulp is yellowish, loose, the tubes descend to the stem, the pores are large, colored brown-red.

Late oiler

The diameter of the cap is about 10 centimeters, in young animals it is convex, then it transforms into a flat one, in the middle you can see a tubercle, it is colored chocolate-brown, sometimes there is a purple tint. The surface is mucous and fibrous, the tubes are adherent, the pores are small, pale yellow in young animals, then acquire a brownish-yellow tint. The solid leg has a cylindrical shape, no more than 3 centimeters in diameter, closer to the cap it is colored lemon yellow, and brown at the base. The pulp is juicy, soft, white with a lemon tint.

Oiler gray

The cushion-shaped cap has a span of 8-10 centimeters, is colored light gray, there may be a purple or green tint, the surface is mucous. The color of the tubular layer is usually grayish-white or brownish-gray, the wide tubules are descending. The pulp is watery, has no strong taste or smell, its color is white, but towards the base of the stem it turns yellow, turning blue at the break. The height of the stem is 6-8 centimeters, there is a wide felt ring that disappears as it matures.

Wet purple

The span of the cap does not exceed 8 centimeters, it is neatly rounded at a young age, when ripe, it opens and even becomes funnel-shaped, its color is lilac-brown with a wine-red tint. The outer part is smooth, in young animals it is mucous, the flesh does not have a strong odor, it is lilac-pink and thick. Wide plates descending on the stem, pinkish-purple in young animals, and in adulthood dirty brown even black. The leg is curved, 4-9 centimeters long, diameter 1-1.5 centimeters, its color usually matches the tone of the outer surface of the cap.


The cap has a hemispherical shape, the surface is brown and velvety, there are cracks on it, the diameter does not exceed 9-10 centimeters, in mature mushrooms the cap transforms into a cushion shape. The leg is thin (2 centimeters) and long (5-12 centimeters), tapers at the base, and is slightly curved. The color of the pulp is red or yellow; its distinctive feature is the acquisition of a blue tint when cut.

Honey mushrooms

At a young age, the cap is hemispherical, then it acquires an umbrella-shaped or almost flat shape, its scope ranges from 2-9 centimeters, usually the surface is covered with small scales, but as it matures, the mushroom gets rid of them. The color of the cap can be light yellow, cream or reddish, but the center is always darker than the rest of the surface. Mushrooms have a very long stalk, it can grow from 2 to 17 centimeters, and the thickness is no more than 3 centimeters. This type of edible mushroom is loved by mushroom pickers in Crimea.


Hat-footed fruiting bodies, growing to different sizes, create a common cobwebby blanket around themselves. In young animals, the cap most often has a conical or hemispherical shape, and when mature, it becomes convex, usually with a pronounced tubercle in the middle. The skin is colored orange, yellow, brown, brown, purple or dark red. The shape of the stem is cylindrical, but can also be club-shaped, usually its shade matches the color of the outer part of the cap, the fleshy flesh is yellow, white, olive-green, ocher or violet, and tends to change color when cut.

Gossamer violet

The span of the cap does not exceed 9 centimeters; at the beginning its shape is rounded-bell-shaped; as it matures, it becomes convex with a blunt tubercle of medium size, and then completely prostrate, often with a wide tubercle in the middle. The surface is smooth and shiny, its color is initially whitish-lilac or lilac-silver, and with age the yellow-brown or ocher center becomes more prominent. The plates are narrow, of medium frequency, attached to teeth; in young animals they are bluish-gray, then they acquire an ocher-gray or brownish-brown tint. The cobwebby blanket is dense lilac-silver, and later reddish. The height of the club-shaped leg reaches 5-9 centimeters, the thickness is usually no more than 2 centimeters, the flesh is soft and thick, watery in the leg.


The mushroom is quite interesting; as such, it has neither a cap nor a stem, it consists of a sessile fruiting body, which in young growth has the shape of a bubble, and when ripe it more closely resembles a saucer, the edges of which are wrapped. The diameter of such a saucer reaches 8-10 centimeters, the surface of the mushroom is smooth, painted in various shades of brown, and shines in damp weather. The flesh of the fruiting body is quite brittle and thin.


The mushroom has a cap-footed fruiting body, the size of which can be completely different. The shape of the cap is bell-shaped or spread out, usually with a small tubercle in the middle; the span of the caps varies between 2-20 centimeters. The surface is dry, fibrous, smooth and even scaly; its color varies from white to black, usually brownish-brown. The fleshy pulp is yellow, white or grayish, and does not change color. The cylindrical leg widens slightly closer to the base, the lamellar hymenophore is white or pink, but over time it acquires a brown tint.

Pluteus lion-yellow

The size of the cap is 2-5 centimeters, at the beginning of growth its shape is bell-shaped, later it acquires a flat-convex, convex or prostrate shape, its skin is matte-velvety, smooth to the touch, the color is honey-yellow or brownish. The wide plates are initially yellow, and in older mushrooms they become pink. The length of the leg is about 4-6 centimeters, it is quite thin, only 0.4-0.7 centimeters, the shape is cylindrical, it can be smooth or slightly curved, fibrous, there is often a nodule base, the leg is colored yellow-brown, always slightly darker closer to the base . The pulp, dense in structure, has a pleasant aroma.

Pluteus deer

The caps are usually small, their diameter is from 5 to 15 centimeters; in young animals they are convex, then they acquire a flatter shape, and in the center there is a tubercle; the skin is smooth, brownish or gray-brown. Wide plates are often located, their color is pink or white. The stem is thin and long, the flesh is fleshy, white and has a pleasant smell, a little like the smell of radish.

Black boletus obabok

The span of the mushroom cap is 5-10 centimeters, but can grow up to 20 centimeters; at first it has a hemispherical shape, later it is convex-pillow-shaped, the smooth skin does not separate from the cap, is covered with a small layer of mucus in wet weather, and is colored brown-black. The free hymenophore is easy to separate from the cap; it is white, becoming gray-brown with age. The leg is dense, 5-13 centimeters in height, thickness does not exceed 6 centimeters, usually widened at the base, the surface is covered with small scales.

Common boletus

The cap is hemispherical, convex or cushion-shaped, size from 6 to 15 centimeters. The shade of the outer part is gray-brown or brown, the surface is silky, usually hanging over the edge of the cap slightly. The hymenophore is light, turns gray with age, the leg of the young is club-shaped, thickened at the bottom, its height can reach 10-20 centimeters, but it is thin, only 1-3 centimeters, covered with scales of dark shades over the entire surface. The pulp is almost white, the structure in the stem is dense, in the cap it is loose. This is one of the many edible types of mushrooms that are found even in Siberia.

Boletus variegated

The mushroom cap is painted gray-white, its distinctive feature is the uneven color, its span reaches 7-11 centimeters, the shape can vary from closed hemispherical to slightly convex and cushion-shaped. The spore-bearing layer in young mushrooms is light gray, in old mushrooms it is gray-brown, the tubes are finely porous. The leg is cylindrical, 10 to 15 centimeters high, its diameter is 2-3 centimeters, it thickens closer to the base, usually it is densely covered with dark-colored scales.

Boletus turning pink

The cap is unevenly colored, it is small brownish-yellow, but there are also lighter spots. Initially, the tubular layer is white, maturing, and acquires a dirty gray color. The pulp has a dense structure, its color is white, but when cut it turns pink and then darkens. The stem of the mushroom is short, the surface is painted white, but covered with dark-colored scales; it is slightly curved, and thickens closer to the base.


The mushroom is a large one, there are specimens whose cap diameter is 30 centimeters, its shape is flat-convex, there is a hole in the center, the edges are concave, the surface is painted in light colors in young animals, and darkens with age. The plates are narrow and quite thin, usually white, but they can also be bluish-green. The stem of the mushroom is powerful, usually matching the outer surface of the cap, and wider at the base.

Milkweed (Euphorium)

The cap is medium-sized (10-15 centimeters) colored brown-orange, often the surface is covered with cracks, its shape is flat-convex, then becomes funnel-shaped. The dense pulp has a creamy-yellow tint and secretes milky juice at the break. The plates descending onto the stem are adherent, creamy-yellow, but immediately darken when pressed. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, height is about 10 centimeters, thickness is 2 centimeters, the color usually matches the tone of the cap.

Boletus boletus

The cap changes with age; at first it is hemispherical, tightly fitting to the stem, then it acquires a convex cushion-like shape, easily separated from the stem, and usually does not exceed 16 centimeters in diameter. The surface is velvety, red-brown in color, the notched hymenophore is easy to separate from the pulp, its color is white or creamy-gray, and turns red when pressed. The length of the leg varies from 6 to 15 centimeters, the thickness can reach 5 centimeters, it is cylindrical, solid, and can sink quite deeply into the ground. The pulp is dense, white, but immediately turns blue when cut.

Red boletus (Redhead)

The cap is distinguished by its bright red-orange color, its span reaches 4-16 centimeters, spherical at a young age, then it acquires a more open shape, the surface is velvety, protruding at the edges. The pulp has a dense structure, white color, turning black when broken. The spore-bearing layer is uneven, thick, white in young mushrooms, brown-gray in old mushrooms. The massive leg is about 5 centimeters thick, thickens at the base, the entire surface of the leg is covered with fibrous longitudinal scales.

Early field grass

Young specimens have a cap 3-7 centimeters in diameter, it is hemispherical, but when ripe, it tends to open up to a prostrate shape, the skin is indefinitely yellow, it can fade and become dirty white. The wide plates are attached to the teeth, are light in young animals, then acquire a dirty brown tint. The leg, 5-7 centimeters long, usually has an identical color to the cap, but is slightly darker at the base, and remnants of a ring may remain on top. The pulp has a pleasant smell, it is white in the cap and brown in the stem.

Semi-white mushroom

The cap is of medium size from 5 to 15 centimeters, and sometimes grows up to 20 centimeters, its shape transforms as it matures from convex to almost flat, the outer part is smooth, colored light brown. The pulp is yellowish, dense, does not change color when cut, and has a distinct odor of iodine. The length of the stalk is 5-13 centimeters, the diameter is about 6 centimeters, the skin on the stalk is rough and slightly fleecy at the base. The spore-bearing layer is yellow or olive-yellow, the pores are small and round.

Polish mushroom

The span of the cap is about 5-13 centimeters, but sometimes there are specimens of about 20 centimeters, at the beginning of growth it is hemispherical, then it becomes more convex and in old age it acquires a flat shape. The surface can be brown-red, olive-brown, almost chocolate or brown-brown, it is smooth, velvety and dry. The tubular layer is adherent, the pores are wide or small, colored yellow, but turns blue when pressed. The leg is massive, reaches 4-12 centimeters in length and 1-4 centimeters in thickness, the shape is usually cylindrical or swollen, the surface is smooth and fibrous. The pulp has a distinct mushroom smell; it is firm when young and becomes softer with age.

Float white

The medium-sized cap is ovoid in youth and opens in old age, but usually there is a tubercle in the center, the skin is white, and the edges of the cap are ribbed. The plates are frequent, free and white. The thickness of the leg is 2 centimeters, the length is no more than 10 centimeters, the entire surface is covered with white scales, the leg thickens at the base. The pulp is white and has no strong smell or taste.


The fruiting body of the mushroom is ovoid or spherical, 3-6 centimeters in diameter, the flesh is white and has a pleasant smell, the stalk is absent. The mushroom can be consumed only at a young age, when the color of the outer surface is still white; after it turns black, spores begin to be ejected.


The thick, fleshy cap reaches 4-13 centimeters in diameter, it is flat at a young age, later it becomes funnel-shaped with the edges turned inward, the surface is slightly covered with mucus, colored red or whitish-orange, but there are concentric circles of dark color. The plates are notched, adherent, narrow, their color is yellow-orange. The pulp is fragile, turns red when cut, and then turns green and secretes a milky juice. The cylindrical leg is usually colored identical to the cap, its height is about 4-6 centimeters, and its diameter is 2 centimeters. These edible mushrooms are often collected by mushroom pickers in the Stavropol region.

Sparassis curly

The fruiting body is a cluster of curly, fleshy lobes, in general it looks like a lush spherical bush, the lobes are wrinkled or smooth, their edges are wavy or dissected. The diameter of the fruiting body varies between 5-35 centimeters, its height is 15-20 centimeters, and it can weigh 6-8 kilograms. The root-like stalk is thick and is attached in the middle of the fruiting body. The spore-bearing layer is located on the blades (on one side), it is colored gray or creamy white. The pulp is fragile, but fleshy, its smell is completely different from mushroom.


In young animals, the shape of the cap is usually bell-shaped, spherical or hemispherical, later transforming from flat to prostrate or funnel-shaped with straight or curled edges. The surface can be of different colors, matte or shiny, dry, but sometimes wet, and easily separated from the pulp. The adherent plates are notched, free or descending. The leg is smooth, cylindrical, hollow inside, the flesh is fragile, dense, painted white, but tends to change color with age or when cut. The most delicious and common type of edible mushrooms in the Belgorod region.

Caesar mushroom

The diameter of the cap varies between 7-21 centimeters, at first its shape is hemispherical or ovoid, then it becomes convex-prostrate, the skin is colored fiery red or orange, bare, with a ribbed edge. The plates are frequent, free, yellow-orange. The strong leg reaches 6-18 centimeters in length, and does not exceed 3 centimeters in thickness, it is cylindrical-club-shaped, painted in a golden or light yellow hue. The pulp is strong, yellow-orange or white.

Golden scale

The mushroom grows in large groups, usually on or near trees. The span of the cap is from 5 to 20 centimeters, broadly bell-shaped at the initial stage of growth, later flat-round, the shade of the outer part is dirty golden or rusty yellow, red scales are present over the entire surface. The plates are attached to the stem with a tooth, are wide, and have a light yellow color. The height of the leg is 8-10 centimeters, thickness is 1-2 centimeters, the surface color is yellow-brown, the skin is covered with scales.


The size of the fruiting body can reach 5-25 centimeters, the massive cap has a dense structure, in young growth it is round, when ripe it takes on a flatter shape, the skin is smooth, rarely covered with scales, the color can be white, brown and brown. The plates are arranged freely, have a white color, and as they ripen they change color to pinkish and then almost black. The leg is smooth, central, hollow inside, there is a ring. The pulp is whitish and tends to turn yellow or red when exposed to air.

Message quote Learning to pick mushrooms.

You only need to collect friends mushrooms!
Mushrooms, which raise doubts, it is better not to take!

Therefore, in this review we will limit ourselves to describing the most common edible mushrooms, which will (hopefully) slightly expand the knowledge of mushroom pickers.

White mushroom (boletus)

Exceptionally high quality edible mushroom. It is considered one of the most valuable types of mushrooms. Porcini can be used fresh (boiled and fried), dried, salted and pickled. At the same time, when dried, the pulp of porcini mushrooms, unlike the rest, remains white.

The cap of the porcini mushroom is tubular, cushion-shaped, it can reach 20 cm in diameter. The color of the cap is very varied: whitish, light gray. It can be yellow, brown or brown, purple, red, black-brown. Often, the cap of a porcini mushroom is unevenly colored - towards the edge it can be lighter, with a white or yellowish rim. The skin does not come off. The tubes are white, later yellowish-olive or yellowish-greenish.

The leg is thick, thickened at the bottom, solid, with a mesh pattern, sometimes only in the upper part. The color of the stem often has the same shade as the mushroom cap, only lighter.

The pulp is dense, white, with a nutty taste and without much odor. When cut, the flesh does not change color.

Growing White mushroom throughout Eurasia in the temperate and subarctic zones. Fruits in June - October.

Confuse White mushroom It’s difficult with poisonous inedible mushrooms. But the porcini mushroom has an inedible counterpart - the gall mushroom. Its pulp is so bitter that even one small fungus entering the cauldron will ruin the entire dish. It will simply be impossible to eat it. The color of the gall fungus tubes is dirty pink, and the flesh turns pink when cut.


Edible mushroom exceptionally high quality. Some European peoples prefer it over porcini mushroom. In many countries saffron milk cap considered a delicacy. Particularly good saffron milk cap fried in sour cream. It is not recommended to dry only saffron milk caps.

Grow saffron milk caps, mainly in coniferous forests, especially pine and spruce. They prefer illuminated places: clearings, forest edges, young forests. Distributed in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Fruits from June to October.

The cap of an adult mushroom is lamellar, funnel-shaped with a slightly curled and then straight edge. Most often, the cap of the saffron milk cap is orange or orange-red, but there are green-ocher or grayish-olive caps. Darker concentric zones are clearly visible on the cap. The plates are frequent, thick, orange or orange-yellow. When pressed or broken, they turn green or brown

The leg of the camelina is cylindrical, hollow, smooth, the same color as the cap or a little lighter.

The pulp is orange, green when cut, with a characteristic pleasant resinous odor. An orange-yellow or orange-red milky juice is released on the cut. In the air it gradually turns green.

In addition to the usual saffron milk cap, it is found in our forests saffron milk cap red (with wine-red milky juice, which turns purple in the air), salmon camelina (its milky juice is orange and does not change color in the air) and red pine camelina (its milky juice is orange, and in the air it turns wine-red) .

Boletus (berezovik, obabok)

Edible mushroom High Quality.

boletus- a very common species, forms a community with various types of birch. Distributed in the Arctic, forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. Grows in birch and mixed forests, swamps and tundras. Fruits from June to September.

The cap of the boletus is at first hemispherical, later cushion-shaped. The color can be grayish, whitish, gray-brown, mouse-gray, brown, dark brown, almost black. The tubes are whitish, brownish-gray in maturity.

The leg is cylindrical or slightly thickened towards the base, solid, fibrous, whitish, covered with dark scales (grayish, dark brown or almost black). The pulp is white, dense, and does not change color or turn pink when cut.

This mushroom can be consumed boiled or fried, without pre-processing. This mushroom is suitable for all types of preparations. If there is a need to avoid blue discoloration that appears during processing, the mushroom should be soaked in a 0.5% citric acid solution. Boletus is processed similarly. Boletus is especially good when freshly fried or boiled.

boletus may be confused with the inedible gall mushroom.

Boletus (aspen, redhead)

Edible mushroom High Quality.

Boletus- one of the most common edible mushrooms in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. In terms of its nutritional value and taste, it, together with boletus, takes an honorable second place after porcini mushroom and saffron milk cap.

Boletus distributed in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Fruits from June to September.

The cap of the boletus reaches 20 cm, at first hemispherical, then flatter. Color varies from red and red-brown to whitish-brown or white. The tubes are dirty white, cream or grayish. The leg is cylindrical or widening towards the base, covered with fibrous scales. The flesh turns blue when cut, later turns black, and in some species it becomes reddish or purple.

There are quite a few subspecies of boletus. It is processed in the same way as boletus.

A good edible mushroom.

Distributed Polish mushroom in coniferous, less often deciduous forests. Prefers mature pine forests. Grows among mosses, at the base of trunks or on stumps. Common in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. This mushroom owes its name to the fact that it is widespread in the coniferous forests of Poland, from where it was widely exported to other countries.

Fruits in August - September.

The taste of the Polish mushroom is reminiscent of boletus, although it belongs to the genus of fly mushrooms. It is recommended to boil, fry, dry, salt, marinate.

Hat Polish mushroom reaches 12 cm. The cap is initially cushion-shaped, convex, later almost flat. The color of the cap of the Polish mushroom can be brownish or chestnut brown, with young mushrooms having a matte suede surface. The tubes are yellow-green and turn blue when pressed.

The pulp is yellowish, turns blue when broken, then turns brown, with a pleasant smell and taste.

The leg is cylindrical, solid, sometimes with a supine or slightly swollen base. The color of the leg is light brown, lighter at the base, fawn.

The inedible counterpart of the Polish mushroom is the gall mushroom.

Common dubovik (Poddubovik)

Poddubovik- an edible mushroom that can be used without prior boiling for preparing hot dishes, for pickling, pickling, and drying. The whole mushroom is used: cap and stem. In its raw form, the mushroom is poisonous, and in combination with alcohol it can cause severe poisoning.

Poddubovik(common oak), belongs to the genus of tubular mushrooms, grows in sparse oak-mixed forests. It often grows on the edge of the forest.

Poddukovik can be found from mid-summer to autumn. This is one of the most beautiful mushrooms in appearance and color in the middle zone. Its cap grows up to 20 cm in diameter, thick, fleshy, hemispherical, then convex, velvety, olive-brown, dark brown, yellow-brown, dry. The pulp is dense, lemon-yellow, turns very blue when broken, without any particular smell or taste. The tubular layer is finely porous, in young mushrooms it is yellow-green, later dark red, turns green when broken, and turns blue when pressed. The leg is up to 15 cm long, up to 6 cm in diameter, tuberous-thickened below, cylindrical, solid, yellow, yellow-orange under the cap, reddish below, with a reddish mesh above. Spore powder is brown-olive.

Edible mushrooms High Quality.

Fungi of this genus are distributed throughout the range of pine trees in the northern hemisphere. Some species of oilseed are found even in the tropics. Only in the territory of the former Soviet Union 15 species are known.

Butterfish are characterized by a smooth, sticky or slightly slimy cap. Less common are boletus with a fibrous cap. Usually the skin on the cap comes off easily. The partial cover on the bottom of the cap is either present or absent, and if the cap is not adhesive, then the cover is always missing. The leg of butterfish is smooth or granular, sometimes with a ring. The only drawback of this delicious mushroom is that it needs to be cleaned, which can be very tedious after a long journey.

Common oiler(late, true, yellow) - most common among boletus. It has a slimy brown, dark brown or chocolate cap. Less common is a yellow-brown or brownish-olive cap. Well-developed spathe, yellow tubes. The stem of this oiler is cylindrical, short, with a filmy ring. It bears fruit in July - September, often in large groups. Grows in pine forests, in sunny places, loves sandy soils. Distributed in the forests of Europe, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, and the Caucasus.

Late oiler It is good to fry, boil, marinate, salt and dry.

This mushroom is similar to the inedible pepper mushroom.

Larch oiler- grows in larch forests of Siberia, prefers young forests.

Its cap is lemon yellow, yellowish-orange or golden brown, sticky with an easily removable skin. The size of the cap is from 4 to 13 cm. The tubes are yellow, later olive-yellow. The flesh turns slightly pink. Fruits in July - September.

This oiler cook and marinate well.

Oiler grainy(summer, maslyuk, zheltyak) - grows in the subzone of mixed and coniferous forests. Prefers pine forests, often grows in dry places, on roads, clearings and in holes, rarely singly and mostly in groups from late May to early autumn.

Its mucous cap is shiny when dry, and can range from yellow-brown to brownish-brown. The skin is easily removed. The lower surface of the cap of a young mushroom is light yellow in color, covered with a white film, which in an adult mushroom comes off from the cap and remains near the stem in the form of a ring. The pulp is thick, dense, light yellow, yellow-brown, does not change color when broken, with a pleasant taste and fruity smell. The tubular layer is finely porous, thin, white, light yellow, then sulfur-yellow, with drops of milky-white liquid. The leg is short, up to 8 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, solid, cylindrical, light yellow, granular at the top.

Summer boletus- high-yielding, tasty, edible mushrooms, used without prior boiling for hot dishes, pickling, pickling, drying. Summer butterfly should be distinguished from the pepper mushroom, which is part of the butterfly genus.

In fact, there are 18 species of moss fly, distributed in temperate latitudes of both hemispheres. The most common are: marsh moss, green moss and yellow-brown moss. They are all consumed boiled, fried, dried, pickled and salted.

Boss moss its structure resembles a boletus. Grows in mossy places of coniferous forests. The cap and leg are yellow, with a brown tint. The spongy layer is green or yellow-olive. The pulp is yellowish, turns blue when cut.

Green moss widespread in various forests of Europe, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. His cap is cushion-shaped, dry, velvety, grayish or olive-brown. The tubes are yellowish-green with wide pores, sometimes descending onto the stem. The leg is solid fibrous, yellowish or with a reddish tint, with a brownish reticulation, the intensity of which is expressed to varying degrees. The pulp is dense, white or with a yellowish tint, does not change color or turns blue. They bear fruit in June - October.

Moss fly yellow-brown. Look like Polish mushroom. The cap is hemispherical to cushion-shaped, dry, velvety. In young mushrooms it is grayish or dirty yellow; with age it becomes olive or reddish yellow. The skin does not come off. The pores are yellow, then with a greenish or olive tint, turn blue when pressed, then turn brown. The leg is cylindrical, solid, yellow or ocher-yellow, brown towards the base with a reddish tint. The flesh is yellow and turns bluish-green in air. It grows in moist pine forests, often among blueberries and mosses. Fruits in July - October.

Edible mushroom with good taste but little nutritional value. Use without pre-boiling. The chanterelle is distributed throughout the temperate forests of the Old World. Fruits in July - October, often in large groups.

The chanterelle's cap is convex or flat, funnel-shaped at maturity, with a thin, often fibrous edge, and smooth. The entire fruiting body of the chanterelle is egg-yellow, with a reddish tint or pale orange. The pulp is dense, rubbery, whitish, with a pleasant taste and smell. Used chanterelles fresh, pickled, salted.

Often found in our forests. However, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to navigate their diversity. In addition, many species are not widespread. Representatives of the genus Russula distributed in the European part of Russia, Siberia, and the Far East. In addition, russulas are found in North America and East Asia.

These mushrooms have large or medium-sized fruiting bodies; their caps come in different colors, depending on the pigmentation of the skin. are very diverse and represent a very difficult genus with regard to species definition and limitation. The differences between species are sometimes very small, making these fungi difficult to identify.

These mushrooms appear in July, but there are especially many of them in August and September. Russulas are found in a wide variety of forest types. Most russula are edible mushrooms, mainly of the 3rd and 4th categories. Sometimes mushroom pickers eat some russula fresh with salt (hence their name). Only a few of the russula are poisonous, inedible, or mushrooms of no practical importance. The economic importance of russula is reduced due to the fragility of the fruiting bodies. Mushroom pickers do not use some types of mushrooms because of their pungent taste. The pungent taste disappears when salted.

They make up about 45% of the mass of all mushrooms found in our forests. The best mushrooms are those that have less red, but more green, blue and yellow. The cap of russula is initially more or less spherical, hemispherical or bell-shaped. Later, as it grows, it is prostrate, round, flat or funnel-shaped, depressed in the middle. The diameter of the cap is on average 2-20 cm. Some species have a characteristic edge of the cap. Thus, in some species the edge of the cap is long and strongly curled. But the edge of the cap may also be straight, especially in cases where the cap is spread out early. Sometimes the edge of the cap is striped or lumpy, wavy. The cap is covered with skin. The skin of the cap is dry, it can be shiny or matte. After rain and dew, the skin of the russula caps is sticky and shiny. In some russulas the skin is easily torn off, in others it is torn off only along the edge of the cap, etc. The skin is of very varied colors, very variable, but in many cases stable. It must be borne in mind that the color of the skin of young, developed and aging fruiting bodies may be different. Sometimes the color fades when exposed to the sun. Simultaneously with the blanching of the skin, coloring of the flesh of the cap is observed. Pigments are also destroyed when mushrooms are cooked. Russula's plates are free and adherent. The color of the plates ranges from white to ocher. The plates of young fruiting bodies are white, as an exception lemon-yellow.

It grows from June to October, on birch stumps or lying trunks, sometimes on the stumps of other deciduous, less often coniferous, trees.

The cap of the summer mushroom is up to 7 cm in diameter with thin flesh; in young mushrooms it is convex with a tubercle in the center, covered with a cobwebby blanket, then flat-convex, sticky when it rains. The color of the cap is yellow-brown, in the center the cap is lighter. The pulp is light brown, the smell and taste are pleasant. The plates adhere to the stem, sometimes slightly descending; in young mushrooms they are light yellow, in old ones they are rusty-brown. The leg is up to 8 cm long, up to 1 cm in diameter, hollow, cylindrical, curved, hard, brown, with a membranous brown ring, dark brown below the ring, with scales. Spore powder is dark brown.

- a delicious, delicious mushroom, the caps of which can be used without prior boiling for hot dishes, for drying, pickling, and salting. This mushroom, not known to all mushroom pickers, is very productive and is often found in Russian forests in large groups. The late autumn edible mushroom Hypholoma capita is similar to summer honey fungus. Unlike the summer honey fungus, Hypholoma cephaloforma does not have a ring on the stalk, the color of the plates is gray, and grows on pine stumps.

It is necessary to distinguish the summer honey fungus from the poisonous sulfur-yellow honey mushroom, bitter in taste, without a ring with sulfur-yellow plates, as well as from the brick-red honey mushroom, bitter in taste, without a ring, the cap of which is darker in the center, the plates of old mushrooms are gray or dark gray.

Autumn honey fungus (real)

Edible mushroom.

Honey fungus (autumn), belongs to the genus of the honey fungus family of the family of the lamellar group. This popular and very productive mushroom grows in large groups from late August to late autumn on stumps, roots, dead and living trunks of deciduous, mainly birch, less often coniferous trees, sometimes in nettle thickets. The caps are up to 13 cm in diameter; in young mushrooms they are spherical, with an edge curved inward, then flat-convex with a tubercle in the center. The color of the cap is gray-yellow, yellow-brown with shades, darker in the center, with thin small, sometimes missing brown scales. The pulp is dense, white with a pleasant smell, sour-astringent taste; in old mushrooms it may be slightly bitter. The plates are slightly descending, white-yellow, then light brown, in old mushrooms with dark spots, with a white coating from spores. The stalk is up to 15 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, slightly thickened at the bottom, with a white membranous ring at the top, light at the cap, brown at the bottom, with fibrous pulp in young mushrooms, hard in old mushrooms. Spore powder is white.

High-yielding edible mushroom. For young mushrooms (with a cape without a ring), the entire mushroom is used; for mature mushrooms with a ring, only the cap is used. Honey fungus is good for preparing hot dishes, drying, salting, and pickling. For hot dishes, these mushrooms must be boiled for at least 30 minutes, as there are known cases of poisoning by undercooked autumn mushrooms. Autumn honey mushrooms usually appear in early autumn for a short period of up to 15 days, after which they disappear. Under favorable conditions, when it is not hot and there is enough moisture, autumn honey mushrooms appear in July or early August, but they may not appear in the fall or bear fruit a second time.

Favorite places for autumn honey mushrooms are old birch forests with dry birch trees, on which honey mushrooms grow at a height of up to 5 m and higher, swampy birch forests with many lying trunks and stumps, birch clearings with stumps, swampy alder forests with dry standing alders and lying trunks.

Winter mushroom (Winter mushroom)

Edible mushroom.

It is found on the edges of forests, in bushes, alleys and parks. Always grows on trees: on dry trunks and stumps, as well as on dried parts of living trees. Grows in small clumps, prefers willow and poplar, as well as other deciduous trees. This is a widespread mushroom. It appears in the fall, but can also be found in the winter, as it is well preserved under the snow.

The cap of the winter honey fungus is 2-6 cm in diameter, slightly convex, sticky or slippery, the color of the cap varies from pale yellow to brown; in the center it is darker, at the edges it is lighter; in freshly cut mushrooms, stripes are visible along the edges of the cap. The plates are white or yellowish-brown, the same shade as the cap, attached. Spore powder is white. The leg is elastic, velvety-hairy brown, lighter at the top. At first, the leg of the winter honey mushroom is light, but quickly darkens, starting from the base. The height of the stem is 3-10 cm, with a diameter of 3-7 cm. Under a magnifying glass, hairs are visible on the surface of the stem. The pulp is whitish. The taste is mild. The smell is weak.

Only the caps are eaten; the stems are too hard. Winter mushroom is used in soups and stews, but does not have any special taste.

Winter honey fungus can always be recognized by its fuzzy leg; of course, it is best to use a magnifying glass for this. Very few mushrooms grow in late autumn and winter, so it is difficult to confuse it with anything else. In October, when the winter honey fungus appears, it can be confused with other varieties of honey mushrooms, including inedible ones, but the stem of these mushrooms is smooth, the plates are darker, and the cap is not slippery.

Edible mushroom.

Raincoat common grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows from June to autumn on the forest floor, manured soil or rotten stumps.

The fruiting body of the raincoat is of variable shape - round, pear-shaped, ovoid, up to 10 cm long, up to 6 cm in diameter, white, gray-white, yellowish, sometimes with small spines, covered with outer and inner shells. The flesh of young mushrooms is white with a strong pleasant odor, while that of old mushrooms is brownish-olive. A false stalk up to 5 cm long and up to 2 cm in diameter may be absent. Spore powder is dark brown.

The mushroom is edible when young, when the flesh is white. It can be used without prior boiling for hot dishes, for salting and drying.

It is necessary to distinguish raincoat edible, from young pale toadstools of the white variety with an unopened common veil. If you cut a young pale grebe, then under the general cover you can clearly see the leg and plates, which are always absent from puffballs.

Edible mushroom.

Ryadovka purple grows in mixed and coniferous forests, often in open places, along ditches, forest roads, on forest edges, in clearings from September to late autumn, singly and in groups, often large.

The cap of the row is purple, up to 15 cm in diameter, fleshy, in young mushrooms it is convex, with the edge turned down, then spread out, smooth, moist, brown-violet, fading. The pulp is dense, slightly watery, at first bright purple, then fades to white, with a mild pleasant taste and aromatic anise smell. The plates are free or slightly adherent to the stem, wide, relatively frequent, first violet, then light violet. The stalk is up to 8 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, sometimes widened at the bottom, solid, with a flaky coating at the top, with purple-brown pubescence at the bottom, first bright purple, then whitish. Spore powder is pink-cream.

- a productive edible mushroom. However, it is best to salt this mushroom, since during the fermentation process its dense pulp becomes softer. This mushroom is also advisable to use for preparing mushroom caviar.

Sometimes this mushroom is also called mouse

Grows in forests from September until frost. This mushroom often grows in rows, which is how it got its name.

The cap of the row is dark gray or ash-colored with a lilac tint, darker in the center, with radiant stripes, radially fibrous, sticky, fleshy, cracking at the edges. The peel comes off well. The pulp has a faint pleasant odor, is loose, brittle, white, and turns slightly yellow when exposed to air. The plates are sparse, wide, slightly grayish-yellowish. The stem is strong, smooth, white or slightly yellowish, and sits deep in the soil, so the cap barely stands out above it.

- edible, quite tasty mushroom. It is used boiled, fried and salted.

Edible mushroom good quality.

It usually grows on sandy soils under pine trees, usually along paths. True, sometimes it is difficult to notice, since only its cap is visible on the surface of the earth. Therefore, look closely at the bumps and elevations in the sand - a greenfinch may be hiding there. The mushroom is quite common. Less commonly, greenfinch can be found under aspen trees, but here it grows a little taller, so it is sometimes mistaken for another mushroom. Greenfinch grows in October - November. In the same places, red pine saffron milk caps are found, and where there is enough lime in the soil, there are noble saffron milk caps.

The main distinguishing features of the greenfinch are its yellow color, notched plates, and grows under a pine tree. The greenfinch's cap is 4-10 cm in diameter, convex, sticky, the color varies from light yellow to yellow-brown. The hat is colored unevenly, often pine needles or sand stick to it, since it straightens out already underground. The plates are bright, sulfur-yellow, frequent and notched. Spore powder is white. The leg is 4-8 cm high, 1-2 cm in diameter, cylindrical in shape, usually covered with sand at the base. Very often the entire stem is in the ground, only the mushroom cap is visible on the surface. The pulp is pale yellow. The taste is mild. The smell is weak, mealy or cucumber.

is a good edible mushroom, but you need to pick it carefully so as not to collect a lot of sand. When cutting a mushroom, you need to hold it vertically and immediately remove the base of the stem with the adhering sand; the cap should be cleaned with a brush or scraped with a knife. Now the sand will not get between the plates, and the mushroom can be safely placed in the basket. Greenfinch can be dried, frozen and salted. When dried, the taste of these mushrooms intensifies. Salted greenfinches retain their beautiful color. They are frozen in the same way as other mushrooms.

There are no dangerous greenfinch doppelgangers. The stinging row is also yellow in color, but its cap is cone-shaped, the plates are not as frequent and the taste is rather pungent. It grows under spruce and pine trees. In deciduous forests you can find poisonous varieties of spider webs similar to greenflies. They are yellowish in color, but at the base of the stem they have a tuber and the remains of a mucous film between the stem and the edges of the cap. These mushrooms never grow under pine trees.

The yellow-red row can be confused with greenfinch. It grows in pine forests on or near stumps. Severely faded specimens resemble greenfinches and are also edible.

It grows on stumps, trunks of dead and weakened deciduous trees, most often birch and aspen, from May to autumn, often in large groups, merging with legs into bunches.

The cap of the oyster mushroom is lateral, semicircular, ear-shaped, with a downward curved edge in young mushrooms, up to 15 cm in diameter, white-gray, fading to white. The pulp is white, the taste and smell are pleasant. The plates descending along the stem, sparse, thick, white. The leg is short, up to 4 cm long, 2 cm thick, hairy, eccentric.

Young mushrooms are edible; without prior boiling, they can be used for preparing hot dishes, for drying, salting, and pickling.

Edible mushroom High Quality. Champignon common is often found in large groups from early summer to late autumn in fields, meadows, pastures, gardens, vegetable gardens, forest clearings, and forest edges.

The cap of the champignon is up to 15 cm in diameter, hemispherical, then rounded-convex, the edges are curved down, fleshy, white or grayish, dry, with small brownish fibrous scales. In young mushrooms, the edges of the cap are connected to the stem by a white membranous blanket. As the mushroom grows, the cover breaks off and remains on the stem in the form of a white ring. The pulp is dense, white, turns pink when broken, with a pleasant mushroom smell, not bitter. The plates are frequent, free (not attached to the stem), white in young mushrooms, then they turn pink, darken, become brown, almost black. The stalk is up to 10 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, solid, white, in adult mushrooms with a single-layer white ring. Spore powder is dark brown.

Champignon- delicious edible mushroom, used without preliminary boiling for hot dishes, pickling, salting and drying.

Edible mushroom.

It grows in various forests, in clearings, along forest roads, on forest edges, in fields, pastures, orchards, and vegetable gardens from July to October, singly and in groups.

The umbrella's cap is up to 25 cm in diameter, at first ovoid, then flat-convex, outstretched, umbrella-shaped, with a small tubercle in the middle, whitish, white-gray, gray-brown, with lagging large brown scales, darker in the center, without scales. The pulp is thick, loose, cotton-like, white, with a pleasant nutty taste and faint odor. The plates are free, fused at the stem in a cartilaginous ring, first white, then with reddish veins. The leg is up to 30 cm long, up to 3 cm in diameter, cylindrical, hollow, swollen at the base, hard, light brown, covered with concentric rows of brown scales, with a wide, white above, brownish below ring, often free. The spore powder is white.

- delicious edible mushroom. Used without preliminary boiling for preparing hot dishes and for drying. It is sometimes fried whole (the cap) like a steak, rolled in breadcrumbs. It is better to dry cut mushrooms, including the hard stem, which gives dishes a special aroma.

edible mushroom good quality. It prefers humus soils in forests and pastures where there are thickets of bushes. It is found in many places, for example in small forests, as well as in forests on humus and limestone soils. Does not give preference to any particular types of trees. Often forms "witch rings". It first appears at the end of April, the peak season is in May, in June (depending

Did you know that one of the species of this mushroom was included in the Guinness Book of Records because of its huge size? Such a bighead was found in England, and its growth reached 1.7 m in height. It is often confused with a raincoat, but they are completely different species. What it looks like, what it is popularly called, and most importantly, where it grows and its harvest time, you will learn from this article.

First question: is the mushroom edible or not? Is it worth taking it home or is it better to pass it by? Of course, Golovach or in Latin Calvatia from the champignon family is edible and belongs to the fourth category in terms of taste.

The baggy bighead is considered the best for eating. Only young specimens can be eaten, since in adulthood the cap of the mushroom ruptures to release spore powder from the pulp or, scientifically, glebes.

There are more than a dozen species of bighead in nature; below is a description of the most common species in Russia.

Giant golovach

Latin name: Calvatia gigantea. Other names: Langermania.

Peculiarities: The cap is spherical, slightly flattened, can grow up to one meter in diameter and weigh up to 35 kg. When young it is milky white in color, but as it ages it turns brown and becomes unfit for food. The pulp resembles cottage cheese or marshmallow. It grows rapidly, so small specimens are practically never found. Unique in size and weight.

Where it grows: In forests of any type, prefers acidic and nitrogen-containing soils, loves the outskirts of forests, meadows and pastures, and is found in parks. Grows singly or in small groups.

When it grows: From August to September after heavy rains, in the south of the country it grows until November.

Baggy golovach

Latin name: Calvatia utriformis. Other names: round golovach, bag-shaped.

Type: Edible, category 4. The inside of the cap is suitable for food. Only young specimens need to be collected while the flesh is white. Be sure to remove the skin before cooking. Suitable for frying, can be eaten raw.

Peculiarities: The main difference: the surface of the cap has a warty structure and grows in diameter up to 20 centimeters. Has a false leg. Young specimens are white, turn yellow over time and become brown in old age. The pulp has a pleasant smell, is sterile and can stop bleeding.

Where it grows: In deciduous and mixed forests, it can be found on the edges, meadows, clearings and gardens. It grows mostly alone.

When it grows: From May to September.

Elongated golovach

Latin name: Calvatia excipuliformis. Other names: extended raincoat.

Peculiarities: Unlike its counterparts, it has a club-shaped cap, rather than a spherical one. It grows up to 15 centimeters in length and up to 5 centimeters in diameter. With age, the color changes from white to brown. When young they have growths on the surface, while old ones are smooth. Over time, the cap breaks and falls off completely.

Where it grows: In deciduous and coniferous forests, young plantings, throughout Russia. Loves bright places, clearings and forest edges. Grows both singly and in groups.

When it grows: From July to October.

Similar species

The closest relative of the bighead is the puffball. At a young age, they are practically indistinguishable. This is not dangerous, since both varieties do not have poisonous representatives and can be eaten.

For those for whom it is important to determine the identity of the mushroom, the difference is as follows: when fully ripe, the cap of the bighead rips off completely, while the puffball remains with only a small hole on the top of the head. Otherwise both types are identical.

Inexperienced quiet hunters may confuse the bighead with a false raincoat. The main difference here will be the color of the cap, which is much darker, and the presence of purple flesh. False puffball is not poisonous, but has an unpleasant bitter taste and is considered inedible.

Composition and nutritional value

Golovach is the record holder for protein content, it is more than boletus.

One hundred grams of fresh caps contains:

The chemical composition includes macroelements:

  • most potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium

From microelements:

  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Iron

B vitamins: B1 and B2, B6 and B9, also contains ascorbic acid, niacin, styrene.

In the 1960s, scientists isolated the biologically active substance calvacin from fruiting bodies. It was planned to use this drug for the treatment of malignant tumors. Calvacin triggered the process of apoptosis (death) of cancer cells in 13 known species out of 24. But due to the large number of side effects from the use of the pure substance on animals, further studies were abandoned.

Beneficial features

One of the main medicinal properties of this species is its antibactericidal effect. In medicine, it is used to create effective drugs against salmonella, streptococci, candida and other dangerous bacteria.

Scientific studies have shown that bighead is able to accumulate copper and zinc in the human body, as well as stop bleeding and serve as an antioxidant.

When consumed regularly, you can get the following effects:

  • Vision prevention. Thanks to the selenium content, which is sufficient to meet a person’s daily requirement, the threat of farsightedness or myopia, asthenopia, cataracts, and retinal dystrophy is reduced.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system. Due to the high potassium content in the product, diseases such as myocardial infarction, rheumatism, angina pectoris, and arrhythmia are prevented. Golovach is able to lower blood pressure and eliminate headaches.
  • Immune activation. For the immune system to function effectively, it needs ascorbic and folic acid and iron. The use of golovach allows you to saturate the body with all these three substances at the same time, which is the main advantage. Therefore, eating bighead can effectively combat ARVI.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in the bighead fish does this job well. It helps normalize the activity of not only the intestines, but also the kidneys and liver. Removes salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins, excess cholesterol.
  • Improving the condition of joints and teeth. Occurs due to the content of phosphorus and calcium in the product. These substances protect against arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, and osteoporosis. The likelihood of periodontal disease, caries and other dental problems is significantly reduced.
  • Tonic effect. Despite the low calorie content, after eating golovach you feel an increase in strength and your mood improves. That is why it is so beneficial during the spring blues, depression, and emotional exhaustion.

Important! The most useful part of the mushroom is the cap. After heat treatment, most of the beneficial substances are lost. It is healthier to eat raw.

Harm and contraindications

All mushrooms are difficult to digest, and bighead is no exception. General contraindications: do not use the product before bedtime, during a late dinner; at least 2-3 hours should remain before bedtime, as stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea may occur at night.

People with diseases should avoid its use:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Stomach or intestinal ulcers.
  • Gastritis in the acute stage.
  • Hypertension.

How to store

This type is not suitable for long-term storage. Freshly picked mushrooms, left even overnight in the refrigerator, have time to ripen, turn yellow and become unsuitable for food. They are not used in conservation. When salting or pickling, they are consumed immediately after readiness. They are good for making salads, sauces, or simply eating fried.

Drying can be one of the long-term storage methods. But here, too, you must first boil the mushrooms. Otherwise, during the drying process, they ripen and turn into spore dust. Or dry only very young mushrooms, cutting them into translucent slices so that they dry in an hour or two.

The second long-term storage method, up to 6 months, can be blast freezing. To store the mushroom, cut it into slices.


A pleasant feature of this species is its very rapid growth. The mushroom gains weight up to 10 kg in just a week. It can be grown on your own plot without any difficulties, since the roots of large trees are not required for growth. Temperature conditions, except in winter, are not lower than 14 degrees and not more than 29 degrees. It bears fruit often, every three weeks. For planting, choose semi-shaded places, for example, in raspberries and bushes.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened, the mycelium scattered evenly and covered with a centimeter layer of soil, and watered abundantly. The second method of cultivation: chop the mature caps with spores and fill them with water for a day, pour the solution over the prepared soil for planting and water well, sprinkle with grass and leaves. You can expect a harvest next year if the soil and growing conditions are suitable.

In cooking

This mushroom is related to champignons, so wherever every housewife uses them, you can safely crumble the bighead or puffball. These mushrooms are loved for their taste, aroma and ease of preparation. However, they are not suitable for cooking soups, as the broth has an unpleasant taste. Below are some delicious recipes.

Mushroom caviar

This dish is a lifesaver; it can be served on a holiday table, simply spread on sandwiches, or used as a filling for pies and pancakes.


  • Mushrooms
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Eggplant or zucchini
  • Animal fat

How to cook:

Peel all vegetables and mushrooms in equal proportions. Grind and fry in heated fat. Add salt and spices. Cool and blend with a blender until smooth.

Salad in five minutes

A really quick to prepare salad for all occasions.


  • Canned beans 1 can
  • Mushrooms 200 gr.
  • Tomato 1-2 pcs.
  • Greenery
  • Crackers
  • Onion ½ head
  • Salt pepper
  • Mayonnaise

How to cook:

Cut greens, tomatoes and mushrooms into cubes. Mix all ingredients, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. If you are not ready to eat fresh mushrooms, you can pre-fry them along with the onions.

Mushroom schnitzel

This original dish will delight even a sophisticated gourmet. It will take about an hour of your time to prepare, but the result is worth it.


  • Mushrooms
  • Ginger
  • Soy sauce
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Corn flour
  • Chicken eggs
  • Spices: allspice and pink pepper

How to cook:

Peel the mushrooms and cut into large round slices. Make notches along the edge of each slice.

For the marinade: grate the ginger on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a press, mix everything with soy sauce and spices. Marinate the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.

Beat two eggs. Prepare flour in a separate bowl.

For frying, heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. First dip each mushroom slice in beaten eggs, then roll in flour and fry for two minutes on each side.

Garnish the finished schnitzels with finely chopped herbs and serve with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit!

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