Yuri Larin history of the universe. Larin Yuri Borisovich. Unified theory of the universe. Other books on similar topics

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What was it? - Seeing Me, empty-handed, asked Uriel.
- As expected, the soul of a mortal, - I answered.
But why did she look like this? Michael was surprised.
“During life, the mortal to whom this soul belonged abused alcohol,” I began to explain, “and after the death of my body, this addiction was passed on to it. As you know, souls cannot drink or eat, but they do pick up scents. Leaving the mortal body, the soul of an alcohol addict rushes to the smell in order to find a mortal who is not indifferent to alcohol. Finding one, she clings to him. She wants to eat constantly, and she makes him drink alcohol again and again. Over time, it becomes a vile, disgusting entity, dragging out its existence only thanks to the vapors of alcohol.

I have never read anything more truthful than Yuri Larin's book "History of the Universe". I recommend it to anyone who is in doubt and has little idea of ​​the history of God.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 13.06.2017. The soul of a drunkard in the history of the universe.

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History of the universe
Yuri Larin

Who are we? Who are we to ourselves and to God? Only she, the book, can answer this question. As soon as she opens her pages before her eyes, the journey through the mysterious corridors of history will begin ... the History of the Universe.

History of the universe

Yuri Larin

Illustrator Olga Levina

© Yuri Larin, 2018

© Olga Levina, illustrations, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-5850-9

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Part one


From an ancient manuscript that miraculously ended up in my hands, I learned why we were born and live in this world. It details the origin of the planets, angels, demons, and more. This literally unique book turned my worldview upside down, made me look at life from a different perspective.

But first things first.

Over the long years of work as a special correspondent, he repeatedly became an eyewitness of how innocent people were seriously injured and died. When I retired, I bought a small house outside the city and decided to write a book about the injustice that is happening in our world. I have accumulated a sufficient amount of material about those who are guilty of bloody showdowns, and the reasons why the "powerful ones" broke the fate of millions of people. But the tragic incident that happened to my friend, the captain of a small fishing boat, abruptly changed the subject of the future book.

His ship, returning to the port with a good catch, was blown up by a mine from the First World War. Two more fishermen died with him, the rest received only minor injuries.

Walking from the cemetery together with a former colleague in the journalistic workshop, I said indignantly:

– Why is it so? Where's the justice? He has done nothing wrong in his life.

– If you are so interested, study the genealogy of all the dead, and you may find the answer. Believe me, there is something mystical in this! my colleague said mysteriously.

His answer awakened in me the desire to understand everything. I searched through many archives and found that the fishermen who were mortally wounded, the ancestors were military sailors. Moreover, at the beginning of the twentieth century they served on the same mine layer. analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that many years later, their descendants in some incredible way again ended up together on the same ship and possibly died from a mine set by their great-great-grandfathers. What's this? Just a coincidence, or some unknown force brought them together? But for what? These questions haunted me.

Day after day, I dug through the archives, studying such cases. I got carried away with this topic and completely forgot about my birthday, to which my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren arrived without warning, bringing gifts and treats with them.

I sat at a hastily laid table, listening to the wishes of health and longevity. When the idle congratulations ended, I unexpectedly voiced the first thought that came to mind:

- Thank you for your kind words, but long life should be wished to the young. And it's time for me to think about the soul. After all, not far off is the time when my death hour will come.

These words were remembered by one of my great-grandchildren. Like all children of his age, he was very inquisitive. Choosing the moment when I was left alone, he approached and asked:

- Grandfather, what will happen to you when you die? And what does it mean to "think of the soul"?

This way of posing the question has me baffled. Without thinking of anything better, I said:

You are still small, you will grow up and you will know everything yourself.

On the morning of the next day, yesterday's short conversation with my great-grandson surfaced in my memory. The boy's question got me thinking.

I retired to my office. He began to remember his youth and reflect on the topic of death.

In his youth and at a more mature age, he clung to life in all ways, just to survive. Fear of death pushed for rash acts, from which innocent people sometimes suffered. The instinct of self-preservation was above all. And in old age, the “bony” began to appear as something inevitable, and the feeling of fear of her noticeably decreased. But I didn't want to bring it too far ahead of time. After all, it is not known what awaits us after meeting with her. I intuitively felt that the boy's question was closely related to my latest research.

“Everything is decided,” I thought. “I will spend the rest of my life searching for answers to my great-grandson’s questions.”

Taking out a blank sheet of paper from the desk drawer, he made the first entry.

1. What awaits us after death?
2. What is the soul?
After some thought, I added.
3. Why are we born and live in this world?

I decided that I could find the answers in the Bible, and began to scrupulously study it, trying to read “between the lines.” But it turned out that after a few weeks I only increased the number of questions. Taking the initial list out of the table, I made another note.

4. How and where did God come from?

- "What's next? I thought. – There is also Alexandrian, Vatican, Sinai codex. Or maybe you should look for answers in the scriptures of other religions? - it dawned on me, and without delay I went to "surf" the Internet.

Later he met with researchers of various religious teachings, as well as with archaeologists who devoted their lives to searching for artifacts. I have read the Koran, the Vedas and other Holy Scriptures. I learned a lot of new things from them. But I did not find a clear answer to my questions, but only added new items to the list.

During the research, I published in one of the publications my version of the creation of the world, the confrontation between angels and demons, based on the Holy Scriptures and some artifacts. But this is just a theory, I did not have direct evidence.

I felt that death was not far off, and the fact that the great-grandson's questions remained unanswered was saddening. If earlier I went to the temple of God from time to time, now, in the hope of getting answers to my questions, I tried to visit it regularly.

And then one day at four in the morning I was awakened by a phone call. "What could have happened?" – I thought with alarm, because at such a time no one called me for a long time.

“Hello,” I said excitedly.

“Hello,” I heard a soft baritone on the other end of the telephone receiver, “sorry for calling so early, but the matter is urgent. I have read your article and I think I can help you to be more precise.

– Who am I talking to? I asked. – How can you help me?

My name is Michael, I'm an archaeologist, - continued a pleasant voice. – The fact is that during the excavation of an ancient temple, I found an amazing artifact. I think you will be interested in them. If you want, I can show it to you.

- Of course! I rejoiced. - When can we meet?

I'm passing through here and calling from the airport. If it's convenient for you, I'll come right now.

- Yes Yes! hastily agreed. “I look forward to seeing you,” and hung up the phone.

“I didn’t tell him my address! I hesitated, but immediately calmed down. “He found out my phone number, which means the address too. I need to put myself in order, in thirty minutes I should drive up.

I had barely finished taking the morning toilet when the doorbell rang, and I heard a familiar voice:

- Open it, it's Michael.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I shouted, putting on my shirt as I walked. He glanced briefly at his watch and noted to himself that no more than seven minutes had passed since the telephone conversation.

“I beg you,” opening the door, I said with slight excitement, “please come in.”

A blonde-haired man entered the house. Looking thirty years old tall dressed in a white suit and shoes of the same color. In his hands he held a large cardboard box.

“Hello, I’m Michael,” the blue-eyed man introduced himself with a kind look. A slight smile on his round face was conducive to communication.

“Now I’ll make coffee and sandwiches,” I fussed.

“Don't worry, we were well fed on the plane,” he said, still smiling. Besides, I don't have much time.

Michael put the box on the floor and slowly opened it. He carefully took out a book in a thick leather cover and handed it to me. With trembling hands, I took the weighty tome.

– Did you subject it to spectral analysis? What era does the book belong to? Who is the author? I bombarded Mikhail with questions.

“Read it,” Michael said in a serious tone, ceasing to smile. You yourself have to answer these questions.

Have you even read it yourself? I asked incredulously.

“Only the first page,” he replied. “Then I realized that it wasn’t meant for me. On this, allow me to take my leave, it's time for me. On my way back, I'll drop by to pick it up. Goodbye!

- Bon Voyage! I asked as I walked him to the door. - Thank you.

“Just in time,” I thought, when I saw a detachment of angels led by Gabriel and Metatron, who wedged into the ranks of evil spirits.
The depths of space lit up with flashes of fire - Asmodeus and his army furiously cut the seal on the gates of hell. The sparks created by the blades flew so far that mortals could see them through their powerful telescopes. A few thousand more blows, and the seal went out. At the same time, having broken the resistance of the troops of Python and Mammon, Gabriel and Metatron systematically moved through the hordes of demons to the opening gate.

I told you I'd get out of here!!! Lucifer roared as he flew out of hell. Following him, accompanied by demons, the figure of Beelzebub appeared.
- Enough! - I reasoned, and let out a blinding light. For everyone who was a participant or witness to this action, time has stopped. I flew up to Lucifer and brought his head out of its state of immobility. The revived eyes of the fallen one flashed angrily and stared at me.
- What now? he asked angrily, looking around.
“It all depends on you,” I said. - Look what your stubbornness has led to.

With a movement of my hand, I slowly turned it one hundred and eighty degrees. Hundreds of thousands of angels and demons froze in a furious battle. Many were already lying exhausted by the blows from the weapons.
- Look, here are the ones you hope for. - I zoomed in on a picture of members of the Diaspora. The tired look of Python and Mammon spoke of how hard it was for them to hold back the blows of the archangels, and Satan and Astaroth, being at a respectful distance from the battlefield, looked indifferently at what was happening. And only three heads of Asmodeus expressed stormy delight at the appearance of Lucifer. - If you managed to pay attention, then Belial and Abaddon are not here at all.

Why are you showing me all this? Lucifer asked rudely.
- So that you finally understand that there is no agreement and mutual understanding in your team. It is high time for you to understand that I will always be one step ahead and stop any of your ideas.
- So destroy us! Lucifer's eyes sparkled with hatred.
You know it's not in my rules. In the near future, you will liquidate yourself. And now I will send to hell all those whom you just saw.
"Well, well," Lucifer said gloomily. - Darkness is stronger than all, it will still free us, and what is happening behind your back proves this once again.

Turning around, I saw that Mammon, Python, Astaroth and Satan, who remained for a split second out of my field of vision, had disappeared without a trace.
- It turns out, - Lucifer continued with a grin, - that not everything is subject to you. Sooner or later, I'll get out of here.
"Fools," I tried to reason. - Without suspecting it, you only bring your death closer.
- So if you're not going to destroy us, then how can we die? Lucifer asked. - Or will you change your principles?
“You will perish from your own vices,” I replied calmly.
- Like this? Lucifer didn't understand.
“Think for yourself,” I said, making passes with my hands.

Lucifer tried to say something else, but the fiery whirlwind I called forth picked up the remaining members of the diaspora on the battlefield, and with a terrible roar dragged them into the half-open gates of hell. Having planted the seal in its place, I started time again, thus bringing my assistants out of their stupor.
- And where is all the evil? Metatron asked in amazement.
"Hell," I replied.
- The entire diaspora? Gabriel asked.
- Unfortunately no. Darkness somehow managed to wake Astaroth, and he managed to take Satan, Python and Mammon with him.

A few minutes later, on the signal sent by Gabriel, the rest of the archangels flew in.
- What happened here? Michael asked first.
"Failed attempt by the diaspora to free the prisoners of hell," Metatron replied.
- As a result of which, - Gabriel picked up, - Asmodeus replenished the purgatory.
- I wonder how long the Diaspora will go into the shadows? Uriel asked.
- No, - I answered, - Darkness will not let them sit idle. As soon as they come to their senses after what happened today, they will again begin to mischief. We should focus on the Earth. It is there that the Devil will throw his forces, but let's not forget about other worlds. As recent events have shown, they are masters of preparing large-scale provocations and wars.

Maybe set up a sign on Earth showing what will happen to those who do not honor God? Sandalphon asked. - Otherwise, people, yes, by the way, other civilizations that settled on the planet, forgot about their mission - to love and do good.
“I believe that any forced action will only alienate their souls,” said Raphael. - Another solution to the problem is needed. They must choose God with their hearts, not by imposition.
"You're right," Gabriel agreed. - Think that The best way direct people in the right direction - a personal example of one of them. He should clearly show what you need to strive for in this life, namely, to love and give good to others.
- Choose a suitable candidate, - I turned to Sandalphon. - And I will direct the Divine Spirit into his soul.
- What will be the essence of his mission? Sandalphon asked.
- It is very simple, - I answered, - he will give good.

That's good, said Sandalphon. But I also worry about the fact that this moment a ship is sent to Earth from Paros. He is taking the Atlanteans there, who have staged a riot in the city of Mir.
- Isn't it dangerous? Raphael asked. - Because they can do this!
"Don't worry," Gabriel replied. - Because they don't have death penalty and prisons, the court decided to clear their memory and send them to Earth so that their presence would not remind them of the tragic incident.
- But we know very well that with their lifespan, sooner or later, the memory will return to them. How then to be? Uriel asked.

You probably forgot, - Gabriel continued, - that life on Earth is very different, and their period will be no more than a thousand years. And if you take into account the fact that they were sent without a vitamin-mineral complex that supports life expectancy, then they are unlikely to be able to cross the three-hundred-year milestone.
“Besides,” Mikhail entered into a dialogue, “tireless hunters are already settling in on this planet. They will make sure that evil spirits do not approach the Atlanteans and do not stir up their memory. But, to be honest, I'm a little worried about my wards. Not only has the life span of the Saaram warriors been halved, but it is also alarming that they now contain the simple souls of mortals, and no matter how this affects their behavior.

The blood flowing in their veins does not contain information about addictions, so I think your worries are in vain, - Metatron stated.
- Well, if it is so, - Michael answered.
- Well, a new round of life begins on Earth. Its population becomes so diverse that only arouses interest in it. I ask you all to pay attention to it, but without damaging the systems entrusted to you. All the best! I finished.

Full version: https://ridero.ru/books/istoriya_mirozdaniya/


You have almost clearly demonstrated to my grandchildren how carnal vices arise, arise and develop, leading to murders, suicide, gluttony, alcoholism and non-traditional orientation and their consequences.

Thank you for this socially important philosophical work, which teaches how to resist vices and the forces of evil. Your work is a draft script for a multi-episode saga about the creation of the world and the battle for pure human souls.

Yuri, I wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas!
I wish you peace, kindness, well-being and more health, as well as creative success!
With a bow, Oleg Alexandrovich.


From an ancient manuscript that miraculously ended up in my hands, I learned why we were born and live in this world. It details the origin of the planets, angels, demons, and more. This literally unique book turned my worldview upside down, made me look at life from a different perspective.
But first things first.

Over the long years of work as a special correspondent, he repeatedly became an eyewitness of how innocent people were seriously injured and died. When I retired, I bought a small house outside the city and decided to write a book about the injustice that is happening in our world. I have accumulated a sufficient amount of material about those who are guilty of bloody showdowns, and the reasons why the "powerful ones" broke the fate of millions of people. But the tragic incident that happened to my friend, the captain of a small fishing boat, abruptly changed the subject of the future book.

His ship, returning to the port with a good catch, was blown up by a mine from the First World War. Two more fishermen died with him, the rest received only minor injuries.
Walking from the cemetery together with a former colleague in the journalistic workshop, I said indignantly:
- Why is it so? Where's the justice? He has done nothing wrong in his life.
- If you are so interested, study the genealogy of all the dead, and you may find the answer. Believe me, there is something mystical in this! my colleague said mysteriously.

His answer awakened in me the desire to understand everything. I searched through many archives and found that the fishermen who were mortally wounded, the ancestors were military sailors. Moreover, at the beginning of the twentieth century they served on the same mine layer. I analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that after many years their descendants in some incredible way again ended up together on the same ship and possibly died from a mine set by their great-great-grandfathers. What's this? Just a coincidence, or some unknown force brought them together? But for what? These questions haunted me.

Day after day, I dug through the archives, studying such cases. I got carried away with this topic and completely forgot about my birthday, to which my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren arrived without warning, bringing gifts and treats with them.
I sat at a hastily laid table, listening to the wishes of health and longevity. When the idle congratulations ended, I unexpectedly voiced the first thought that came to mind:
- Thank you for your kind words, but long life should be wished to the young. And it's time for me to think about the soul. After all, not far off is the time when my death hour will come.

These words were remembered by one of my great-grandchildren. Like all children of his age, he was very inquisitive. Choosing the moment when I was left alone, he approached and asked:
- Grandfather, what will happen to you when you die? And what does it mean to "think of the soul"?
This way of posing the question has me baffled. Without thinking of anything better, I said:
- You are still small, you will grow up and you will know everything yourself.
And in order not to answer his questions further, I quickly went to the guests, leaving the boy without an answer.

On the morning of the next day, yesterday's short conversation with my great-grandson surfaced in my memory. The boy's question got me thinking.
I retired to my office. He began to remember his youth and reflect on the topic of death.
In his youth and at a more mature age, he clung to life in all ways, just to survive. Fear of death pushed for rash acts, from which innocent people sometimes suffered. The instinct of self-preservation was above all. And in old age, the “bony” began to appear as something inevitable, and the feeling of fear of her noticeably decreased. But I didn't want to bring it too far ahead of time. After all, it is not known what awaits us after meeting with her. I intuitively felt that the boy's question was closely related to my latest research.

“It's all settled,” I thought. “I will spend the rest of my life searching for answers to my great-grandson’s questions.”
Taking out a blank sheet of paper from the desk drawer, he made the first entry.
1. What awaits us after death?
2. What is the soul?
After some thought, I added.
3. Why are we born and live in this world?

I decided that I could find the answers in the Bible, and began to scrupulously study it, trying to read “between the lines.” But it turned out that after a few weeks I only increased the number of questions. Taking the initial list out of the table, I made another note.
4. How and where did God come from?
- "What's next? I thought. - There is also Alexandrian, Vatican, Sinai codex. Or maybe you should look for answers in the scriptures of other religions? - it dawned on me, and without delay I went to "surf" the Internet.

Later he met with researchers of various religious teachings, as well as with archaeologists who devoted their lives to searching for artifacts. I have read the Koran, the Vedas and other Holy Scriptures. I learned a lot of new things from them. But I did not find a clear answer to my questions, but only added new items to the list.

During the research, I published in one of the publications my version of the creation of the world, the confrontation between angels and demons, based on the Holy Scriptures and some artifacts. But this is just a theory, I did not have direct evidence.
I felt that death was not far off, and the fact that the great-grandson's questions remained unanswered was saddening. If earlier I went to the temple of God from time to time, now, in the hope of getting answers to my questions, I tried to visit it regularly.

And then one day at four in the morning I was awakened by a phone call. "What could have happened?" - I thought with anxiety, because at such a time no one called me for a long time.
“Hello,” I said excitedly.
- Hello, - I heard a soft baritone on the other end of the handset, - sorry for such an early call, but the matter is urgent. I have read your article and I think I can help you to be more precise.
– Who am I talking to? I asked. - How can you help me?
My name is Michael, I'm an archaeologist, - continued a pleasant voice. - The fact is that during the excavation of an ancient temple, I found an amazing artifact. I think you will be interested in them. If you want, I can show it to you.
- Of course! I rejoiced. - When can we meet?
- I'm passing through here and calling from the airport. If it's convenient for you, I'll come right now.
- Yes Yes! hastily agreed. - Waiting for you with impatience - and hung up.

“I didn’t tell him my address! I hesitated, but immediately calmed down. - He got my phone number, so the address too. I need to put myself in order, in thirty minutes I should drive up.
I had barely finished taking the morning toilet when the doorbell rang, and I heard a familiar voice:
- Open it, it's Michael.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I shouted, putting on my shirt as I walked. He glanced briefly at his watch and noted to himself that no more than seven minutes had passed since the telephone conversation.
- I beg you, - opening the door, I said with slight excitement, - come in, please.

A blonde-haired man entered the house. He looks about thirty years old, tall, dressed in a white suit and shoes of the same color. In his hands he held a large cardboard box.
- Hello, I'm Mikhail, - a blue-eyed man introduced himself with a kind look. A slight smile on his round face was conducive to communication.
“Now I’ll make coffee and sandwiches,” I fussed.
"Don't worry, we were well fed on the plane," he said, still smiling. Besides, I don't have much time.

Michael put the box on the floor and slowly opened it. He carefully took out a book in a thick leather cover and handed it to me. With trembling hands, I took the weighty tome.
– Did you subject it to spectral analysis? What era does the book belong to? Who is the author? I bombarded Mikhail with questions.
“Read it,” Michael said in a serious tone, ceasing to smile. - You yourself have to answer these questions.
Have you even read it yourself? I asked incredulously.
“Only the first page,” he replied. - Then I realized that it was not intended for me. On this, allow me to take my leave, it's time for me. On my way back, I'll drop by to pick it up. Goodbye!
- Bon Voyage! I asked as I walked him to the door. - Thank you.

I proceeded to my office. He put the heavy book on the table. He sat down in an armchair and carefully opened the strange tome. In it, on time-worn pages, the following was written in calligraphic handwriting:
“Greetings, my friend! I see your perseverance and perseverance that you show during the next rebirth. And I decided to give you some clarification. This manuscript contains what mankind needs to know, and nothing more. Don't be surprised when you find blank sheets. Look closely at them, and you will see with your own eyes what I wanted to show you. In the world where I live, the chronology is different from the earthly one, so I ask you not to attach special importance to the numbers. If you have any questions, you can ask Michael later.”

“Strange,” I thought, taking my eyes off the book for a second. The yellowed, decrepit-looking pages proved to be very durable. Turning over a few pages, he found a blank sheet and began to stare at it intently. Suddenly, an image appeared, and, as if on a TV screen, I saw children in snow-white clothes, looking at each other with great interest. Involuntarily he slammed the manuscript shut. A slight chill ran down his back.
“Something mystical,” I thought. “Or maybe they decided to play a trick on me and put some kind of nanosheet with a developing image into the book?”

With some apprehension, he began to carefully examine the tome, but did not find any microcircuits or batteries. Opening the manuscript in the middle, I again looked at the blank page. This time I saw how a humanoid creature with wings behind its back was unsuccessfully trying to get out of the shackles of ice.
From a sudden approaching fear again abruptly closed the book.
Doubt crept into me, is it worth studying this manuscript? Isn't she dangerous? But natural curiosity forced me to open the pages again, overcoming my own sense of fear.
“That's it, stop being distracted,” I said to myself and continued reading.

Illustrator Olga Levina

© Yuri Larin, 2018

© Olga Levina, illustrations, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4493-5850-9

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Part one


From an ancient manuscript that miraculously ended up in my hands, I learned why we were born and live in this world. It details the origin of the planets, angels, demons, and more. This literally unique book turned my worldview upside down, made me look at life from a different perspective.

But first things first.

Over the long years of work as a special correspondent, he repeatedly became an eyewitness of how innocent people were seriously injured and died. When I retired, I bought a small house outside the city and decided to write a book about the injustice that is happening in our world. I have accumulated a sufficient amount of material about those who are guilty of bloody showdowns, and the reasons why the "powerful ones" broke the fate of millions of people. But the tragic incident that happened to my friend, the captain of a small fishing boat, abruptly changed the subject of the future book.

His ship, returning to the port with a good catch, was blown up by a mine from the First World War. Two more fishermen died with him, the rest received only minor injuries.

Walking from the cemetery together with a former colleague in the journalistic workshop, I said indignantly:

– Why is it so? Where's the justice? He has done nothing wrong in his life.

– If you are so interested, study the genealogy of all the dead, and you may find the answer. Believe me, there is something mystical in this! my colleague said mysteriously.

His answer awakened in me the desire to understand everything. I searched through many archives and found that the fishermen who were mortally wounded, the ancestors were military sailors. Moreover, at the beginning of the twentieth century they served on the same mine layer. I analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that after many years their descendants in some incredible way again ended up together on the same ship and possibly died from a mine set by their great-great-grandfathers. What's this? Just a coincidence, or some unknown force brought them together? But for what? These questions haunted me.

Day after day, I dug through the archives, studying such cases. I got carried away with this topic and completely forgot about my birthday, to which my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren arrived without warning, bringing gifts and treats with them.

I sat at a hastily laid table, listening to the wishes of health and longevity. When the idle congratulations ended, I unexpectedly voiced the first thought that came to mind:

- Thank you for your kind words, but long life should be wished to the young. And it's time for me to think about the soul. After all, not far off is the time when my death hour will come.

These words were remembered by one of my great-grandchildren. Like all children of his age, he was very inquisitive. Choosing the moment when I was left alone, he approached and asked:

- Grandfather, what will happen to you when you die? And what does it mean to "think of the soul"?

This way of posing the question has me baffled. Without thinking of anything better, I said:

You are still small, you will grow up and you will know everything yourself.

On the morning of the next day, yesterday's short conversation with my great-grandson surfaced in my memory. The boy's question got me thinking.

I retired to my office. He began to remember his youth and reflect on the topic of death.

In his youth and at a more mature age, he clung to life in all ways, just to survive. Fear of death pushed for rash acts, from which innocent people sometimes suffered. The instinct of self-preservation was above all. And in old age, the “bony” began to appear as something inevitable, and the feeling of fear of her noticeably decreased. But I didn't want to bring it too far ahead of time. After all, it is not known what awaits us after meeting with her. I intuitively felt that the boy's question was closely related to my latest research.

“Everything is decided,” I thought. “I will spend the rest of my life searching for answers to my great-grandson’s questions.”

Taking out a blank sheet of paper from the desk drawer, he made the first entry.

1. What awaits us after death?
2. What is the soul?
After some thought, I added.
3. Why are we born and live in this world?

I decided that I could find the answers in the Bible, and began to scrupulously study it, trying to read “between the lines.” But it turned out that after a few weeks I only increased the number of questions. Taking the initial list out of the table, I made another note.

4. How and where did God come from?

- "What's next? I thought. – There is also Alexandrian, Vatican, Sinai codex. Or maybe you should look for answers in the scriptures of other religions? - it dawned on me, and without delay I went to "surf" the Internet.

Later he met with researchers of various religious teachings, as well as with archaeologists who devoted their lives to searching for artifacts. I have read the Koran, the Vedas and other Holy Scriptures. I learned a lot of new things from them. But I did not find a clear answer to my questions, but only added new items to the list.

I felt that death was not far off, and the fact that the great-grandson's questions remained unanswered was saddening. If earlier I went to the temple of God from time to time, now, in the hope of getting answers to my questions, I tried to visit it regularly.

And then one day at four in the morning I was awakened by a phone call. "What could have happened?" – I thought with alarm, because at such a time no one called me for a long time.

“Hello,” I said excitedly.

“Hello,” I heard a soft baritone on the other end of the telephone receiver, “sorry for calling so early, but the matter is urgent. I have read your article and I think I can help you to be more precise.

– Who am I talking to? I asked. – How can you help me?

My name is Michael, I'm an archaeologist, - continued a pleasant voice. – The fact is that during the excavation of an ancient temple, I found an amazing artifact. I think you will be interested in them. If you want, I can show it to you.

- Of course! I rejoiced. - When can we meet?

I'm passing through here and calling from the airport. If it's convenient for you, I'll come right now.

- Yes Yes! hastily agreed. “I look forward to seeing you,” and hung up the phone.

“I didn’t tell him my address! I hesitated, but immediately calmed down. “He found out my phone number, which means the address too. I need to put myself in order, in thirty minutes I should drive up.

I had barely finished taking the morning toilet when the doorbell rang, and I heard a familiar voice:

- Open it, it's Michael.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I shouted, putting on my shirt as I walked. He glanced briefly at his watch and noted to himself that no more than seven minutes had passed since the telephone conversation.

“I beg you,” opening the door, I said with slight excitement, “please come in.”

A blonde-haired man entered the house. He looks about thirty years old, tall, dressed in a white suit and shoes of the same color. In his hands he held a large cardboard box.

“Hello, I’m Michael,” the blue-eyed man introduced himself with a kind look. A slight smile on his round face was conducive to communication.

“Now I’ll make coffee and sandwiches,” I fussed.

“Don't worry, we were well fed on the plane,” he said, still smiling. Besides, I don't have much time.

Michael put the box on the floor and slowly opened it. He carefully took out a book in a thick leather cover and handed it to me. With trembling hands, I took the weighty tome.

– Did you subject it to spectral analysis? What era does the book belong to? Who is the author? I bombarded Mikhail with questions.

“Read it,” Michael said in a serious tone, ceasing to smile. You yourself have to answer these questions.

Have you even read it yourself? I asked incredulously.

“Only the first page,” he replied. “Then I realized that it wasn’t meant for me. On this, allow me to take my leave, it's time for me. On my way back, I'll drop by to pick it up. Goodbye!

- Bon Voyage! I asked as I walked him to the door. - Thank you.

I proceeded to my office. He put the heavy book on the table. He sat down in an armchair and carefully opened the strange tome. In it, on time-worn pages, the following was written in calligraphic handwriting:

« Greetings, my friend! I see your perseverance and perseverance that you show during the next rebirth. And I decided to give you some clarification. This manuscript contains what mankind needs to know, and nothing more. Don't be surprised when you find blank sheets. Look closely at them, and you will see with your own eyes what I wanted to show you. In the world where I live, the chronology is different from the earthly one, so I ask you not to attach special importance to the numbers. If you have any questions, you can ask Michael later».

“Strange,” I thought, taking my eyes off the book for a second. The yellowed, decrepit-looking pages proved to be very durable. Turning over a few pages, he found a blank sheet and began to stare at it intently. Suddenly, an image appeared, and, as if on a TV screen, I saw children in snow-white clothes, looking at each other with great interest. Involuntarily he slammed the manuscript shut. A slight chill ran down his back.

“Something mystical,” I thought. “Or maybe they decided to play a trick on me and put some kind of nanosheet with a developing image into the book?”

With some apprehension, he began to carefully examine the tome, but did not find any microcircuits or batteries. Opening the manuscript in the middle, I again looked at the blank page. This time I saw how a humanoid creature with wings behind its back was unsuccessfully trying to get out of the shackles of ice.

From a sudden approaching fear again abruptly closed the book.

Doubt crept into me, is it worth studying this manuscript? Isn't she dangerous? But natural curiosity forced me to open the pages again, overcoming my own sense of fear.

“That's it, stop being distracted,” I said to myself and continued reading.

Starting point

My dream lasted for what seemed like an eternity. But he was interrupted by a blinding flash. I opened my eyes and found that I was alone in pitch darkness, surrounded only by my own light, which shines like a halo around me. "I wonder if anyone else is here?" - I just had time to think, as a white haze appeared under my feet. Absorbing my light, it rapidly condensed and turned into a small cloud.

"What kind of creature is this?" I was surprised, and making a small effort, asked as loudly as possible:

“Maybe it doesn’t understand the words? Or scared of my voice? - I just had time to think, as I heard a quiet whisper.

“I don’t know who I am, but your light attracts me. Let me be by your side.

“Stay, please,” I answered, “the two of us will have more fun.”

- Why two? the cloud wondered. “I see someone is hiding behind you!”

I looked around and saw a silhouette in the distance.

“Come with us,” I beckoned him with my hand.

He started up and, changing shape on the go, smoothly sank down next to me. Up close, it turned out to be translucent, and it was not easy to see it. When I touched him, I felt an unusual surge of vivacity.

- Who are you? I asked.

“I don’t know,” the silhouette uttered in a barely audible voice, “first I heard your voice, then I saw you. Amazing! - the silhouette continued to broadcast in a cheerful voice, - I feel the beneficial energy emanating from you, it gives me strength. Will you let me stay here?

- Of course, stay! If it doesn't mind? - pointing to the cloud, I said in agreement.

- I am for it! It happily agreed.

“And now,” he suggested cheerfully to the silhouette, “let's play catch-up!” - and ran on the cloud. The silhouette accepted my challenge and rushed in pursuit, periodically changing its outlines on the go.

Playing various games, we received joy and energy from communicating with each other. The silhouette filled me with its spirit, allowing me to radiate even more light, necessary to strengthen the cloud. It, in turn, gave energy to replenish the spirit of the silhouette, and also endowed me with extraordinary strength.

None of us knew about our innate abilities. Learned about them gradually. It turned out that I, the silhouette and the cloud can communicate with each other mentally. Since then, we have ceased to say the words aloud, as they caused certain inconveniences; from the vibration, the cloud began to bounce involuntarily, and the outlines of the silhouette blurred.

Between games, hoping to see something, I peered into the darkness that surrounded us. She frightened and at the same time beckoned me with her uncertainty. And then one day, having extinguished my light, I strongly pushed off the cloud and began to grow rapidly upwards until I felt how cold and emptiness tried to penetrate into my soul. At the same moment, cutting through the darkness, a ray of light escaped from my chest.

- Wow! - I was delighted with the discovery of another ability. "I wonder what else I can do?" He thought, looking into the distance.

And then I noticed countless tiny dust particles. When stationary, they barely reflected the light directed at them. Involuntarily waving my hand, I created a slight vibration that set them in motion.

“It would be great to put them together,” I thought, turning my palms towards them. And as if on cue, the particles stuck to my hands. Blinding them into a small ball, I landed on a cloud.

- Where have you been? the cloud and the silhouette asked in unison. - And how did you manage to rise so high?

“I don't know,” I said. – And this is a present for you, – the lump thrown together at the silhouette.

He easily caught the ball and could not get rid of it. I became very cheerful, and again I rushed up to collect dust particles. Lumps of various shapes were obtained from them, which I threw into the silhouette with pleasure. Staying on it, they made it even larger in size and reflected the light emanating from me. Thus, a reference point was launched, later called time. We played this exciting game and, without realizing it, with each new ball we won back the space from the darkness.

“Listen,” the cloud turned to me, “let me call you God.

– Why is it so? I asked.

“Because,” it began, “you, when you want, become Big, just Huge!” And you have a Big, and, sorry for the repetition, just a Huge soul! In a word, God.

“I would also add a couple of names,” the silhouette entered the conversation. – Almighty, you rise above everyone in an instant. You can also call you master. You fly away from us so quickly, and suddenly return, like a guest with gifts for me.

- I don't mind. Call me that if you like.

When will we have names? the cloud asked.

"Let's not rush things," I replied. And they started playing again. At the end of the games, laying down on the "snow-white blanket", we carefully examined it with the silhouette.

A pleasant surprise for us was that a small sprout appeared on the cloud. It rapidly increased, turning into a snow-white miracle! Two leaves, which were located on the stem like wings with soft fringe all around, fluttered at my touch, and the opened bud in the shape of a six-pointed star exuded a dazzling brilliance.

“Here he is, the first herald of new life!” murmured the silhouette. Let's call him Angel, he's so beautiful!

- How exactly did you choose the name, - I supported the silhouette, - in the word "angel" one can feel tenderness, grace and fearlessness.

- Beautiful name! the cloud was delighted. “I am so glad that I am ready to decorate the whole world with such creatures.

Since then, the cloud has been covered with various plants every new day.

“Listen,” I said searchingly to the cloud. – How do you manage to do it? Where does this extraordinary beauty come from?

“Watching you play carelessly,” it whispered tenderly, “I wanted to create beauty and comfort for you, and I began to look for suitable materials for this. My attention was riveted by particles that do not reflect your light. I named them Yota.

– Why is it so? the silhouette asked. - What a strange word.

"I don't know," the cloud continued. - This word arose spontaneously, it seemed to me very funny, so I decided to leave it. So, having drawn an iota to me, I gave it a small charge of my energy, and the first sprout appeared from it. I was very happy to see how delighted you were at the birth of a graceful snow-white flower from a small, inconspicuous iota. After that, I can no longer stop, and all the particles attracted by me turn into something that gives you joy.

- Joy, angel, iota - just some kind of Paradise! I exclaimed. Maybe that's your real name?

“And to me,” the silhouette enthusiastically picked up, “I really want to call it an island, sparkling with its unique beauty in the vast expanses of darkness.”

“It’s decided,” I concluded, “from now on we will call you Paradise Island.

- Wonderful! The cloud rejoiced. “I will do my best to live up to my name.

“It remains to find a name only for you,” the newly minted Paradise Island said to the silhouette.

I hope you don't have to wait long! – joyfully answered the silhouette, catching another ball launched by me.

Thanks to the energy of Paradise Island and the lumps that remained on the camp of the silhouette, he grew rapidly. And now I and the island were inside it.

- We will call you Universe! I solemnly said. - You grow up, and all the world stays inside you, so you have everything.

- I like this name, - the silhouette answered kindly, - and I want to grow even faster to find out what is on the other side of darkness. Maybe there are sentient beings out there, at least a little bit like us. Will you help me with this?

– Do we have a choice? – I wanted to laugh. – After all, we have become a part of you and will do everything to achieve this goal.

The island blossomed. He produced various, amazing plants, each time admiring us with their unique beauty. Watching their growth, I learned the secret of their reproduction. Gradually we became older, stronger and wiser.

As the universe grew, I no longer needed to tower over everyone to collect particles. All the right ingredients were now inside the universe, which made it easier to create new balls that reflect light. I launched them as far as possible into the darkness, illuminating the path of the universe. She rushed after them, and, absorbing them, increased in size.

After some time, I noticed one feature. If the particles of various gases are not mixed with dust, then they heat up and emit light by themselves. Having collected particles of gases, I blinded a huge ball and delivered it to the very edge of the Universe.

The sun, as I have named this bright and subsequently very hot creature.

Thank you for such a wonderful gift! thanked the universe. Sunlight, although not as bright as it comes from you, but also gives me strength. Now I can move even faster. - And she rushed in pursuit of sunlight.

The dust balls that I launched as a child now themselves attracted everything that was nearby, turning into huge planets. The universe had to make a lot of efforts so that they stopped colliding with each other. She began to successfully control all the objects located on it. Thus the first solar system with its lifeless planets.

Sanctuary, and its first souls

At some point, the universe stopped growing. She no longer had the charge that came from me and Paradise Island.

“Well, that’s all,” she sighed sadly, “we probably are not destined to find out what is on the other side of the darkness?”

"Don't worry," I reassured her. “It’s just that we need helpers who can radiate the energy you need.” But what are they made of?

“For such a cause,” Paradise Island whispered, “I will extract some of the light substance contained in the angelic flower.

– And I, – the Universe picked up, – will help to fill this substance with my spirit.

- Wonderful! I rejoiced at this zeal. “I will place the resulting ingredient in an invulnerable shell. Since the basis will be the spirit of the Universe, let's call this creation a soul. But something still worries me.

- What exactly? the island asked.

“The fact that I won’t be able to know what’s going on inside the soul. Suddenly she decides to hide something and thereby be able to harm us. I also need to somehow keep in touch with her if she inadvertently gets lost in the vast expanses of the universe. We must foresee everything and make sure just in case.

"You're right," said the island. – For this purpose, I will allocate a special place for the Divine altar, where it is possible not only to create helpers, but, thanks to the special property of the energy of the plant world, to open their soul.

In the blink of an eye, an energy wall rose up in the middle of the Garden of Eden. Having overcome it, I

I saw a dazzling column of light emanating from an immaculate altar woven over with plants unknown to me. Silver threads hung around the light pillar all around.

“Put your soul into this stream of light,” said the island, “and you will see everything that is hidden in it.

“Let me also contribute to this construction,” the Universe gave its voice. “Take it,” she continued, holding out the sparkling ball to me. “This is my storehouse of memory. It collects all the information that accumulates inside me. Just put your palm on the ball and see everything you need. Place it under the altar, it will be more reliable, because only the three of us have unhindered access here.

- Fabulous! Let's call this building the Sanctuary, - I said and started creating a soul for the assistants.

Having placed the spirit of the Universe in the obtained forms, I gave my future assistants my own image. But after a little thought, he changed the appearance of each received creature, dressing them in snow-white robes from angel petals. I admired the final result to my heart's content, and when I finished contemplating the fruits of my labor, I turned to the island and the Universe:

Let's think together what to name these creatures.

“I propose to name them after the first flower that appeared on the island,” said the Universe.

“I like the name too,” whispered the island.

- Perfect! I summed up. - We will call them angels, and for a greater resemblance to a flower, I will give them snow-white wings.

I taught the angels the ability to collect dust particles and move around the universe. The island taught them to love the world around them and take good care of it. Angels were very smart and hardworking. From them came the energy that was required for the growth of the universe.

“Accept one more gift from me,” the Universe addressed me, and a huge screen with twinkling dots appeared on Paradise Island.

- What is it? I asked.

“A star map,” she replied, “with its help you can not only communicate with angels, but also see any object located on me.

I sincerely thanked her for such a meaningful gift. I decided not to stop there and reproduce new assistants. Unlike the first created angels, I placed all subsequent angels in a shell taken from the previous ones. Thus, their invulnerability decreased with each new generation.

As mentors of the newly created angels, I appointed the first-born who had grown up and matured during this time, who received the rank of archangel.

- Creator! one of the archangels asked, “when will you give us names?” We really want this!

“Choose them for yourself and come tomorrow to the Sanctuary. I will place your souls on the altar and see if you match the chosen name.

The first to appear before me was an archangel with dark blond hair. On his oblong, snow-white face, loving eyes looked out from under thin eyebrows. Looking into his soul, I saw a cold-blooded and reasonable mature husband. He chose the name Gabriel.

“So be it,” I said, “from now on you are Gabriel.

A fair-haired, stately young man with a round face came up next. A direct, kind look gave him an original beauty. In his soul, he turned out to be fearless, rushing forward to conquer territory from darkness as a warrior. "Michael" - I read his name.

Red-haired, slender, with a tanned face, the archangel, whose eyes shone with bright light, and whose smile filled with strength and healed those around him, chose the name Raphael.

Each archangel who passed the Sanctuary received a name. The only one who could not decide on his name in advance was a tall, black-haired archangel. small dark eyes looked at me pleadingly. In his soul I saw a request with which he did not dare to address me.

“Because of this,” I said, “you will receive a little Divine light, and with it the name Lucifer, which means Lightbringer.

The family of angels grew. To organize coherence and synchronism in their work, we had to build a hierarchical ladder. Having assigned them rank and status, I thereby obliged the younger ones to obey the elders. I no longer had to spend my time teaching young angels - this was done by the older ones. Now this form of government is accepted throughout the universe. Without it, there will be no order. Everyone should mind their own business and respect the hierarchy.

Once, during a short vacation on Paradise Island, Lucifer approached me.

“My God,” he said, “permit me to take the angels and go to the opposite side from you. So we will expand the boundaries of the Universe even more, and maybe just there intelligent beings will be found.

His offer seemed promising to me. Before sending the team of the Lightbringer to the edge of the Universe, I strictly forbade everyone to go beyond the borders of the Universe. Accompanied them to the place, collected them from particles of various gases the sun. It became the second in the universe. The darkness was far away, I was calm - the angels could work in safety.

The souls of the angels exuded such positive energy that the Universe, recharged by it, began to grow even faster. The distance between Paradise Island and the stars we were working on was gradually increasing. But we did not feel it, as we moved with the help of numerous portals located throughout the Universe. It took some time to move, but for us it passed unnoticed. And each time, finding ourselves on the island, we were amazed at its splendor and received an unprecedented boost of spirit.

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