Value name archup. Interpretation of the name. Archka - the value and origin of the name indicates the name archup

Plaster 24.11.2020

Archka - an old nickname, characterizing a lovedant of horses, because his interpretation sounds like "Chief of Connection" or "Senior Horseman".

Origin of name

Once popular in Russia name archup comes from Ancient Greece. It was in those regions that the first boy was born to the light was born. It is formed from the merger of two Greek words "Arch" (higher) and "IPGO" (horse, horse).

general characteristics

The little archka loves increased attention to his person, often suits the hysteria in the presence of parents, so that they pay all their attention to him. Particularly capricious in front of the mother, however, with other relatives or strangers, it tries to hold back.

The teachers in the garden have to fall out with a small tutor, he strives to constantly make some prank sope, to keep track that the baby does not draw trouble, it is almost impossible. Archway with joy takes part in any mischief.
Despite not too good behavior, the reputation of the Drachi and the jackets behind the archup is not fixed. The boy is leading and the main thing is not aspiring, but it will never allow to offend himself.

With the beginning school classes The little hooligan becomes more disciplined, trying to learn well, although his behavior is not particularly corrected. Complaints from teachers on a schoolchildren regularly come regularly, and loving parents must instill good manners, but it is not worth paining it too strictly for the trick.

Positive traits character

Disputes do not deliver a boyfriend of pleasure, he always tries to avoid conflict. Although, just only the case concerns personal interests, the archup is ready to insist in his opinion until the last, and it is impossible to convince him.

Mortification, the guy becomes serious, thinks out the issued phrases, so as not to say superfluous or not offend the interlocutor. He also tries not to make reckless solutions, acts carefully, weigly and confidently, analyzing and predicting in advance every step. For calm and sobriety of thought in difficult situations, the young man respects not only close people - in the working team, it will value his opinion and always listens.

The owner of the name is not malicious, he forgets small insults very quickly. Serious misdemeanor archup is also able to forgive, but for this he needs more time.

Negative character traits

The eternal severity of the archhar makes it thoughtful and sullen. He is not too smiling, often dwells in a bad mood. With a sense of humor in the guy, a real misfortune, he is not able to cheer even the funny joke.

A man is not distinguished by a friendly and interest in communication. Ever busy business, he does not like talking to distracted topics. It would be nice to rest well to this person to learn to relax.

Zodiac sign

Zodiac sign, harmonious than the rest combined with the nickname archup - Virgo. Fate is subject to the influence of Mercury - planet, managing intellectual activity. Color gamma, most suitable name - Yellow, red and brown shades. To protect the archup from the invisible evil will serve as a marble talisman.


Archup, archipers, Arch, Archupushka, Arik.

Names name

Arkhip, Arhippos, Arkippes, Archippus, Arshipp, Arkipo, Archip.

Historical Persons

IV century - Rev. Arkhip.
1841 -1910 - Russian artist, painter-headband Arkhip Quinji.

Name day


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V.A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (looking to the name). Ed. Soviet Russia. Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing House "AST". Moscow, 2005.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The male name of the archup occurred from the ancient Greek architect and means "Horse Manager", "Konya", "Horses Lord", "Chief Horseman". Distribution received in recent years.

Astrology named

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Planet Patron: Saturn
  • Stone Talisman: Amber
  • Orange color
  • Plant: Asparagus
  • Animal: Raven, Dog
  • Favorable day: Friday


The name of the archup hides a lot of secrets and conflicting information. Under it is hidden an extraordinary, thoughtful, peace-loving and efficient character.

In childhood, the archka is painful, impressionable, silent boy. In the youth team, he stands out by a calm character and a negative attitude towards the "starters" and leaders. Understanding that it does not have advantageous advantages, will climb into a fight that protects the weak. Interest in school exhibits only in those sciences that he likes. If the owner named the archup is convinced of something, it is impossible to change the situation. This is a person in whose character faith and spirit make up a single whole. It has intuition, listening to the inner voice, takes unexpected decisions, is endowed with the gift of healing.

Do not try to fool him. It will not only be ashamed, but also bad. The carrier of this name surrounds herself with smart and talented friends. Criticity distinguishes from criticism and does not perceive in his address, but the opponent is capable of "Disassembled around the bones". It is difficult to argue with him, it is better to drupt.

Hobbies and hobby

The interests of the archup are so diverse that they are difficult to systematize. He is interested in history, architecture, theology, parapsychology and the study of ancient languages, medicine, folk crafts, healing and hypnosis. Each sector of knowledge is looking for something necessary to improve certain practices, research, experiments.

Profession and business

Often, the archup chooses scientific work, practical research in a certain direction. This is a first-class performer. Serious, silent, responsive - he is of interest and the trusting attitude of others. The work of the investigator, criminalist, doctor, lawyer, judges, scientist brings him financial welfare. But it does not get satisfaction due to fatigue. Most often, such a person is trying to focus his strength, faith and knowledge on the study of previously unknown pages of history, events, a phenomenon of clairvoyance, philosophy, religion.


It is strengthened over the years. The archup does not like to discuss this topic. He will faster talking about the state of health of the interlocutor, what complains about fatigue or headache. It believes that it completely depends on the mood, laziness, greed and nonsense. He is convinced that doctors can cure a disease, but to make a person healthy - this task is not in their forces.

Sex and love

Archka - secretional and great skeptic. His chosen must have some bright advantage excreasing her from the crowd beautiful women. A girl who fell in love with him is necessary, first of all, to improve his knowledge. Such a man and in bed need intelligence. Sex without love is incomprehensible to him, the blunt flirt considers loss of time.

Family and marriage

A feature of the name of the owner named archup is that he can look for his chief all his life. He is not easy to confess to love, tell about his feelings. But if he is solved on this, then nothing can stop him on the way to creating a family. Only the spouse can dedicate to their secrets, to make a like-minded person and spiritually close man.

In the house patiently permits problems, engaged in raising children without screaming, petty pickiness, without connivance and obsessiveness, seriously and friendly. Such a father serves to children with a positive example for life. He is calm, clear, confident and bright man.

The male name of the archup occurred from the ancient Greek architect and means "Horse Manager", "Konya", "Horses Lord", "Chief Horseman". Distribution received in recent years.

Astrology named


The name of the archup hides a lot of secrets and conflicting information. Under it is hidden an extraordinary, thoughtful, peace-loving and efficient character.

In childhood, the archka is painful, impressionable, silent boy. In the youth team, he stands out by a calm character and a negative attitude towards the "starters" and leaders. Understanding that it does not have advantageous advantages, will climb into a fight that protects the weak. Interest in school exhibits only in those sciences that he likes. If the owner named the archup is convinced of something, it is impossible to change the situation. This is a person in whose character faith and spirit make up a single whole. It has intuition, listening to the inner voice, takes unexpected decisions, is endowed with the gift of healing.

Do not try to fool him. It will not only be ashamed, but also bad. The carrier of this name surrounds herself with smart and talented friends. Criticity distinguishes from criticism and does not perceive in his address, but the opponent is capable of "Disassembled around the bones". It is difficult to argue with him, it is better to drupt.

Hobbies and hobby

The interests of the archup are so diverse that they are difficult to systematize. He is interested in history, architecture, theology, parapsychology and the study of ancient languages, medicine, folk crafts, healing and hypnosis. Each sector of knowledge is looking for something necessary to improve certain practices, research, experiments.

Profession and business

Often, the archup chooses scientific work, practical research in a certain direction. This is a first-class performer. Serious, silent, responsive - he is of interest and the trusting attitude of others. The work of the investigator, the criminologist, doctor, lawyer, judges, scientist brings him financial well-being. But it does not get satisfaction due to fatigue. Most often, such a person is trying to focus his strength, faith and knowledge on the study of previously unknown pages of history, events, a phenomenon of clairvoyance, philosophy, religion.


It is strengthened over the years. The archup does not like to discuss this topic. He will faster talking about the state of the health of the interlocutor than complain of fatigue or headache. It believes that it completely depends on the mood, laziness, greed and nonsense. He is convinced that doctors can cure a disease, but to make a person healthy - this task is not in their forces.

Sex and love

Archka - secretional and great skeptic. His chosen should have some bright advantage that emitting it from the crowd of beautiful women. A girl who fell in love with him is necessary, first of all, to improve his knowledge. Such a man and in bed need intelligence. Sex without love is incomprehensible to him, the blunt flirt considers loss of time.

Family and marriage

A feature of the name of the owner named archup is that he can look for his chief all his life. He is not easy to confess to love, tell about his feelings. But if he is solved on this, then nothing can stop him on the way to creating a family. Only the spouse can dedicate to their secrets, to make a like-minded person and spiritually close man.

In the house patiently permits problems, engaged in raising children without screaming, petty pickiness, without connivance and obsessiveness, seriously and friendly. Such a father serves to children with a positive example for life. He is calm, clear, confident and bright man.

Compatibility of the archhar in love and marriage

Dates name of the archup

Name Day for the name archup is celebrated 5 times a year. One of these dates is the day of the Angel of a man who is the name of the archup.

Each person can have only one nameman in the year, which are determined by the day of birth. Your birthday is the date that falls on the birthday itself or follows him.

Brief form name archup. Anria, Arik, Archup, Arkhipko, Archook, Arch, Archo.
Synonyms named archup. Archip, Archip, Arkippes, Archippus, Arshipp, Arkipo, Arkippo.
Origin of the archup. The name of the archite is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name of the archup has a Greek origin, is a derivative version of the ancient Greek name of the architecture. The name archup was originally writing with two letters "P".

The name of the archup appeared from a combination of two semantic parts. The first - "Archos" (ruler) or from the "arch" (from above), and the second is "hippos" (horse). Therefore, the name archup is literally translated as "the ruler of horses", "the one who controls the horses", "owned over the horses." In modern translation, you can find various free interpretations of these options: "Lord of Horses", "Chief Horseman", "Konya", "Head of Connection".

In the Russian people, the form of the name archup is used, while the archite has no pair of women's name.

The name of the archup wore the associate of the Apostle Paul, mentioned in the New Testament. The date of the Catholic name of the archup is March 20. The rest of the specified dates are Orthodox names.

The owner named the archup most often looks for others as strict, courageous, and at the same time rather sharp, energetic, impatient man, with pretty strong characterBut attracting like a magnet. He is equally capable of kindness and tenderness, and, of course, acts in his own interests, especially when he wants to please or seduce someone or there is any benefit for him.

In this person, a manifestation of dichotomy is possible, so his behavior can confuse. Despite his splitness and the desire to be on the side "yes" or the side "No", in most cases the archup is indeed a kind, thoughtful, polite person seeking to be helpful. However, he can suddenly become outside of anger, most often in cases when it comes to someone's defense or if it is incorrectly criticized. This happens because the owner of this name cannot perceive any form of injustice.

Archka demanding man, perfectionist. It rarely forgives disturbed promise, dishonesty or angry. In childhood, it is extremely sensitive, very susceptible and easily affected by his mother. The archup can be very impressionable, tries to creatively express himself. Therefore, it is very important to give him a sense of confidence in our own power, encourage sports in combination with music, for example. It is very emotionally dependent, and school performance is usually much better if the boy feels intimacy and understanding from his teachers.

The archup feels at home in various companies, groups and at meetings, where he manifests himself as a good narrator, speaker, and ready for consent and cooperation. It is also sensitive to wealth and prosperity, pays attention to the smallest things in life to the same as the status, position in society and profession.

Love often comes to him on the mind, and this man becomes a gentle and understanding partner, although sometimes the archup may be a little rude. He loves his family, his home. But, perhaps, it will relate to their father's duties somewhat dismissively due to excessive attachment to his mother, and this can make certain difficulties in his family life. He often has difficulties in choosing a wife because of its high expectations and uncompromising.

This ambitious man will be able to realize its potential in the financial and social sphere, business, sports, also the archup will succeed in providing advice (psychology, tax consultant or medicine).

Name day archup

Famous people with the name Arch

  • Arkhip (archite) Perrttunen ((1769-OK.1841) Karelian hereditary man. His songs are considered the best in the Karelian epic tradition. It was the runes of this singer who were collected and treated with Elias Lenrotom for the Karelian-Finnish heroic epic "Kalevala". Overall 6000 poems.
  • Arkhip Alexandrov ((1921-1985) Soviet Chuvash playwright)
  • Archka Teslenko ((1882-1911) Ukrainian writer. Most of his works was published after the death of the writer.)
  • Archka Quanji ((1841/1842-1910) Surname at birth - Emendji; Outstanding Russian artist, master of landscape painting. The most famous paintings by the artist: "Dnipro in the morning", "Moonlight on the Dnieper", "Birch Grove", "Raduga", "Sea. Crimea", "Ukrainian Night", "After the rain", "Snowy peaks" and many others. The archite Quinjdi was an unsurpassed Master of the image of the world and its reflection.)
  • The archite of Osipov ((1802-1840) the Russian soldier (ordinary) of the Tenginsky regiment, the hero of the defense of the Black Sea coastline. In memory of his feat, "Cross" was put in the village of Krasnodar Territory - Archo-Osipovka.)
  • Arkhip Abaginsky ((1907-1960) This surname - Kudrin; Soviet poet, wrote in Yakutsky. Awarded medals over the years of the Great Patriotic War. I wrote about the Communist Party, I translated the verses of A.S. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky, the works of I.Turgenev, M. Gorky and other writers into Yakutsky. The most significant works are the poems "Shanghai" and "I am the Son of the People.")
  • Archka Lulleka ((1908-1984) Soviet scientist, constructor aviation engines. The developer of the first turbojet engine of the aircraft used in the future on aircraft A N.Tuolev, P.O.Sukhogo, S.V. Ilyushina and G.M.Beriev. Hero Socialist Labor of 1957, twice owner of the Stalinist Prize (1948, 1951). In memory of the designer, a square is named in Moscow.)

"Head of Calf"

Origin of the name Arkhip

the name comes from the Greek roots "arch" - "Higher" and "IPGO" - "horse".

Characteristic named archup

it is born a weak child, it is too early to transfer to artificial nutrition. But the boy will quickly grow up and after the year it becomes mobile, not listening to the parents by mischievous. The leaders do not seek, but stand up for itself. At school, the archup is glad to study only those objects that interest him. Usually he early chooses his profession, enters the university, it is successfully energized and suggested in life. He knows his price, knows how to find workarounds in achieving the goal. Easily adapts to any life situationsmaybe everyone quit and start from scratch, it is not afraid to change the place of work. The archup is usually married, because it believes that the divorce does not solve the problems, and no other woman can become perfect wife. The archup, as a rule, adores friendly parties, is well versed in music, painting. At the same time, he is not bad oriented in financial issues And can always provide a family.

Famous personalities:Arkhip Ivanovich Kindji (1841-1910) - Russian Painter Movement.

Name Arhip - When is the name day?

Derivatives name Archka:


What signs of the zodiac will be the name archup:

The name will suit Capricorn and Lions.

Harmony with name media:

Incompatibility with name media:


The St. Archip of Herotopsky Sixty-year-old served the Podomar at the temple of the Holy ArchRatch of Mikhail, where he came another 10-year-old teenager. Once the pagans decided to sink the temple and sent water from two Nagorny Rivers. The Ponoloire Archip appeals to heaven, praying to save the temple to which he dedicated life and ministry and who was a spiritual refuge of many believers. This plum heard the Holy ArchReart Mikhail and revealed his miracle: He was a break of the rod, he slammed a big stone near the temple, and in the brine of the glass of the glass all the water. After that, the Holy Archip continued to live with the temple to old age and died 70 years old.

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