Cucumbers are waiting for a garter. How to grow cucumbers in open ground: should you tie them up or not? How to hang cucumbers correctly

Roof 17.10.2023

The quality and volume of the harvest depends on whether the cucumbers are tied or not, since the yield is affected by the amount of light falling on their stems. It is important to carry out all manipulations with the support for cucumber bushes in time, as shown in photo in the article so that the climbing plant can crawl upward. The article says how to tie it correctly .

Is it necessary to tie cucumbers?

When answering the question about the importance of tying cucumbers, it is necessary to list the main reasons why all gardeners prefer to tie the plant.

All the positive aspects of the garter:

  1. a tied cucumber produces longer shoots, that is, it increases the area for setting inflorescences, which means the amount of harvest will increase;
  2. being infected with a fungus or virus, a cucumber on a support throws out new shoots upward, which allows them to grow healthy;
  3. a climbing plant takes up minimal space in the garden, growing vertically;
  4. It is easier to harvest without looking for fruit on the ground under the leaves.

Do I need to tie up cucumbers?? Without a garter, they will also bear fruit, but then the cucumbers will not produce long shoots and the harvest will not be so abundant. Some cucumber stems break under the weight of the crop without support. Many fruits will have a twisted appearance, and some will even rot due to the wet soil.

Properties of cucumbers

Cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family. Growing, the plant can reach a length of two meters. There are tendrils along the entire stem of the plant, with which it clings to nearby supports. That is, nature itself says that cucumber bushes need garter.

If a tree or bush grows next to the cucumbers and touches it with its branches, then you can observe how the cucumber will catch on the branch with its antennae and grow even higher. This is a unique feature of cucumbers. Thereby:

  • the climbing plant will have stronger leaves and the stems will grow beyond their nominal length.
  • The harvest from such a bush differs in size and abundance. This once again proves that, having good support, bush cucumber will delight you with an excellent harvest.

Watch the video! Trellis for cucumbers

How can you tie cucumbers

For garters, it is better to use long strips of fabric 2-3 cm wide. This will reduce the amount of damage to delicate plant stems. You should carefully pick up the stem under the first or second leaf from above, wrap a strip of fabric around the stem and support in this place, and tie a loose knot. The tension of the ropes should not be strong, but slightly lower.

There are several ways to tie cucumbers:

  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical;
  • Mesh for cucumbers and others.

Horizontal garter

The horizontal method is the simplest; even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. You should take a couple of pipes or wooden sticks and fix them in the ground along the edges of the cucumber bed.

Then stretch a rope or wire between the supports, making several rows from top to bottom at a distance of 20-25 cm. All that remains is to direct the plant stems to the lower stretched rope.

You can also stretch the ropes vertically, hooking them onto horizontally stretched ones. The cucumber will cling to additional support with its shoots.

The disadvantage of this method of gartering is that the cucumber, having grown to the very top tension rope, then begins to send out shoots that fall down, shading the rest of the bush with its leaves. This can be avoided by making the supports as high as possible and monitoring the height of the bush.

Vertical garter

This method will also require two supports, between which a rope is stretched at the top. Wide strips of fabric are tied to it along its entire length. The other end of the strip is tied to young cucumber bushes. The number of ropes is equal to the number of cucumber bushes.

As the cucumber grows, it wraps around a rope tied vertically. This method is convenient because it allows you to plant cucumbers at a small distance from each other. The main supports in both methods can be placed in a triangle, making the structure three-dimensional rather than flat. This method is also called hybrid.

Advice! You can also use a separate support for each stem, but then you will need more supports.

This method is used both for greenhouses and for planting in open ground.

Cucumber mesh and other tying methods

Stores sell special nets with large sections for growing climbing plants. They are made from reliable durable material. The mesh is stretched by attaching it to vertical supports or any rigid support. Cucumbers, clinging to the mesh cells, weave along it.

If you plant cucumbers along a suitable fence, they will grow, clinging to it with their tendrils. But, after harvesting, it will have to be cleared of dried weaves.

You can use a support in the form of an arc, tie ropes along the entire length of which and attach them to the stems of the cucumbers at the other end. Or place a circle of iron or plastic at a height, securing it to the same supports.

How best to tie Everyone chooses their own cucumbers. Some craftsmen, studying methods, how to grow this crop is planted. As the plant grows, it hangs down from the barrel. Those who try this method are satisfied as it reduces the area occupied by cucumbers and can be used for growing cucumbers at home. Read about how to grow cucumbers in a barrel in a separate article.

When is the best time to tie cucumbers?

After planting, when the cucumber stem reaches 30 cm and 4-6 leaves appear on it, it’s time for tying. Until this time, the plant does not need support. After this time, gartering is also possible, but there is a risk of breaking the plant stem.

Until the cucumbers have grown to the required length, you can prepare the area for the upcoming tying:

  • drive in stakes;
  • pull the ropes;
  • put up a net.


It is necessary to ensure that cucumbers, when placed on supports, do not grow more than 2 meters. Otherwise, they begin to shade the rest of the mass with their shoots. To prevent this, you need to pinch the bush in time. Below is video, which shows how to properly tie cucumbers.

Watch the video! Two options for gartering cucumbers in open ground

The process of growing cucumbers includes not only watering, loosening, fertilizing, but also tying them to a support. Many summer residents completely neglect this procedure, allowing the lashes to spread along the ground. Today we will tell you the benefits of tying cucumbers and share the variety of ways.

Cucumber is a member of the pumpkin family. It tends to throw out long curly vines. However, some gardeners are inclined to believe that the plant develops well without staking, and its proximity to the ground provides the bush with moisture. In fact, the weaving plant is constantly looking for support. As a result, it becomes damaged, dry and breaks easily.

The garter provides a number of advantages:

  1. The cucumber bush receives more sunlight, therefore, a sufficient number of ovaries are formed faster.
  2. On a tied stem, many lashes are formed on which ovaries are formed.
  3. Saving space on the site due to the vertical arrangement of the bush.
  4. The absence of contact of green mass with soil minimizes the likelihood of rotting or fungal infection of roots, stems and fruits.
  5. It simplifies the care of orderly tied lashes, as well as harvesting.

Disadvantages of growing cucumbers without a garter

Cucumber bushes that have not been tied up may well develop and bear fruit, spreading across the garden bed. If, for some reason, a decision is made on this method of cultivation, then do not forget the disadvantages of the method:

  1. Thickened bushes are less resistant to diseases and develop poorly.
  2. Excessive watering or rainy weather causes the plant to rot and die.
  3. The resulting fruits are accessible to pests and rodents.
  4. The lashes on an untied bush are shorter and give less yield.
  5. As a result of the intertwining of shoots, weeding and loosening of the soil is difficult, ventilation of the root system is limited, and mold develops.
  6. The plant does not form; the disorderly growth of the vine makes it impossible to determine the degree of soil moisture and the need for fertilizing.
  7. In the density of green mass it is more difficult to find ripe fruits in a timely manner.
  8. During growth, the tendrils cling to their own lashes or entwine neighboring plants, complicating their growth.

Based on the above arguments, it is clear that a garter is necessary, since the fruits grow wrinkled, deformed, and tasteless. Getting a good harvest is unlikely.

How to tie cucumbers in an open garden

It is advisable to start the procedure when at least five full-fledged leaves are formed on the seedling. Usually the fifth leaf appears on a three-week-old seedling 30 cm high. You should not delay the procedure because the stem is quite fragile and there is a high probability of damage.

  • to avoid damage to future roots, install trellises before sowing or planting seedlings in open ground;
  • use ropes 3 cm thick so that when loading the lashes, wounds and damage to the stem do not form;
  • it must be tied under the first leaf of the seedling;
  • fix the side shoots separately to avoid independent weaving on the main stem;
  • Pin the crown when the stem reaches a height of two meters, which will activate the growth of lateral shoots and fruits.

Plan to tie cucumbers in the morning, before the onset of hot weather. When fixing the stem, do not fasten it tightly; make a loose loop. For garter material, strips of unnecessary fabric and rope are suitable.

When all the devices are ready, decide which type of tying is most convenient. There are many different ways to garter cucumbers in open ground. More common:

  • horizontal garter;
  • vertical fastening of the bush;
  • arrangement of lashes on the mesh.

Horizontal garter

The most affordable option, suitable for beginning vegetable growers. It is necessary to dig supports made of metal or wood into the ground at the opposite ends of the bed. Choose trellises at least two meters high. Stretch parallel ropes from one support to another, spaced 30 cm apart.

Before installation, treat the bottom of the wooden supports with a disinfectant. If you are installing a metal structure, apply a mixture that will protect against corrosion.

After installing the structure, tie the cucumber stems to the lower level of the ropes. In the future, the branches will cling to ropes or twine and stretch upward. When the stem grows to the top level, pinch.

The horizontal method is perfect for varieties that are characterized by active branching of lateral shoots. Natural weaving conditions are created for the plant.

Vertical garter

Place two supports at opposite ends of the cucumber bed. Between them, at the top, pull the rope (rope, wire) tightly. Next, tie the remaining ropes along the entire length and lower them down to the cucumbers. As it grows, the vine will wrap around the support. Tie the stems of the seedlings very carefully, without damaging them. Prepare ropes in advance according to the number of bushes available.

The vertical method is equally convenient in a greenhouse and open ground. Plants are protected from damage, well ventilated, and open to sunlight. Do not forget to monitor the growth of the stem in order to secure it in time. Otherwise, the plant may break under the pressure of the weight of the lashes with fruits.

Use a vertical garter if you plan to form bushes into one stem. Vegetable growers use the vertical method for bunched varieties.

Cucumber net

Attaching to the mesh differs little from previous methods. The key difference is that they stretch a coarse mesh instead of ropes. If you have long rows, you will need an intermediate support to eliminate sagging of the mesh under the load of the plant.

You can use plastic or fabric mesh. They are available at a low price and are stored for a long time without losing their properties. Do not purchase a mesh if the cells are small. This will interfere with normal branching, leaf and fruit development.

Other garter devices

The variety of devices is great, depending on the available materials, imagination and experience of the summer resident. So, there are alternative options for attaching cucumbers.

Application of an arched trellis. A metal or plastic arc is used as a trellis. The structure is placed over the garden bed and many ropes are pulled to which the stem will be attached.

Attaching cucumber bushes to the fence. A simple way to arrange beds along the fence, which replaces the trellis. Twine is attached from the bush to the fence for weaving a cucumber.

Growing cucumbers in a barrel. This unusual option is acceptable in cases where space is limited. Planting is done in tall barrels with soil. The plant stretches, and gradually the lashes hang freely over the edge. The method is convenient because it saves space, eliminates the need to install the structure, and is easy to maintain and harvest.

Pyramid design. Cucumber seedlings are arranged in a circle. A support is fixed near each bush. The upper parts are connected in the form of a pyramid at an angle of 70 degrees. In another version, the pyramid is made of ropes. A tall metal pipe is dug in the center, then ropes are brought in from each bush.

Do not neglect gartering cucumbers if you are aiming for a rich harvest. Don’t be lazy, choose the option for gartering cucumbers that is suitable for your garden, and the result will not be long in coming.

Growing cucumbers is one of the most favorite activities for summer residents. Experienced gardeners are proud of their rich harvest every year. Beginners will have to learn a lot about the agricultural technology of growing vegetables in order to learn how to repeat the exploits of their experienced colleagues. Including how to tie cucumbers.

How to tie cucumbers in open ground

Gartering cucumbers in open ground is the most important operation in the process of growing the crop. Untied cucumbers produce much less fruit and often get sick. In addition, it is very unpleasant to harvest while wading through a tangle of tangled stems.

The main purpose of the garter is to provide the plant with maximum sunlight and space for full development.

3 weeks after planting, the seedling reaches 30 cm in height. At the stage of 4-5 leaves, the plant must be tied to a support.

You need to tie the bush under the bottom leaf. The loop should be free. There are many options for gartering fruits: on a trellis, on a net, on separate supports; it all depends on the varietal characteristics of the fruit and the imagination of the gardener.

Choosing the type of garter

As a rule, when gartering cucumbers, you have to choose one of three options. This is a vertical, horizontal or mixed garter. Let's figure out how to tie the lashes correctly.

Horizontal garter

It is advisable to use a horizontal garter if you are dealing with a cucumber variety that has strong lateral branches and pinching of the side shoots is not performed. To do this, dig one column at the ends of the bed. The support can be made of wood or metal. Several rows of wire or rope are stretched between the supports. The distance between the rows of wire should be no more than 30 cm. The side branches of the plant will naturally be distributed along the support. The bush will feel comfortable. This factor can be attributed to the undoubted advantages of the horizontal garter. The lower side lashes will braid part of the ropes located below, and the upper ones will use part of the ropes located higher as support.

Sometimes the lashes slightly outgrow the support, and some of the shoots begin to hang down, obscuring the light of the main part of the plant. In order to avoid this trouble, the support needs to be made higher.

It should be taken into account that this method of gartering is not effective for cucumbers that do not produce lateral branches - a lot of material is wasted.

Vertical garter

This type of garter is used when growing cucumbers with weakly expressed lateral branching. Or if the plant is formed into one stem.

For vertical garter, a trellis is installed at the ends of the bed. In this case, each seedling rises along its own separate support. This method allows the cucumbers to receive maximum lighting and access to fresh air. Caring for plants is very comfortable, since all the leaves and fruits are visible.

It is recommended to use a vertical garter when growing cucumbers with a bunch type of fruiting.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the development of the seedling. If the plant is not fastened to a support in time, the overgrown crown may break under its own weight, since the cucumber is not able to wrap around the support without human help. A few side shoots can cling uncontrollably to the main central trunk, shading and suppressing it.

Garter methods

There are many options for gartering cucumbers in open ground. This is a garter on a trellis, on a net, on separate supports, it all depends on the varietal characteristics of the fruit and the person’s imagination.

Garter of cucumbers in a pyramid

One of the low-cost types of cucumber garters is the pyramid. There are two ways to build this structure. Several stakes or metal rods need to be connected with their vertices at one point, thus building a kind of cone. Dig up a bed, giving it a round shape, and install a structure on it. We plant seedlings in a circle. Wrapping around the support, the cucumbers will entwine the entire frame and give the composition an attractive look. You can build a pyramid in another way. We install a wooden post in the center of the round bed. Its height must be at least 3 meters. We attach hooks to the top of the support. We drive one peg near each seedling. We fasten the end of the rope around one of them, pull it through the hook, wrap it around the next peg, pull it through the hook again, thus pulling the rope through all the fasteners.

This method of garter does not require large material costs.

Garter of cucumbers on a trellis

Gardeners most often use trellises for gartering cucumbers. Its arrangement does not require special skills. We dig two pillars at opposite ends of the bed. We connect their upper parts using a crossbar. Depending on the number of seedlings, we tie ropes to it. We tie each plant, securing the end of the rope under the second leaf and wrapping the top of the stem around the rope clockwise. You need to tie it carefully, without pulling the rope too tightly.

The height of the above-ground part of the trellis should not exceed two meters, otherwise the cucumbers will be difficult to care for. It happens that the lashes grow very long and significantly outgrow the height of the trellis. In this case, simply throw the whip to the other side of the support. The trellis, consisting of wooden slats, looks very presentable. Due to the fact that the slats are knocked together in the form of a lattice, the lashes are easily fixed to the support.

It is recommended to treat the above-ground parts of a wooden trellis with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. This will avoid fungal infections. The ends of wooden posts intended for burial in the ground are treated with an antiseptic. The opposite supports of the trellis, made in the shape of the letter “A”, are especially stable. They are most suitable for installation in open spaces, as they are not afraid of gusts of wind.

Placing plants on an inclined trellis is very effective. Its frame is located at an angle, thanks to which all the lashes are illuminated as much as possible by the sun. The garter material is secured to the trellis with a loose knot or bow. A loose knot allows you to adjust the length of the rope. A knot tied with a bow will allow you to quickly remove and dispose of used garters at the end of the season. It is best to mulch the open area of ​​land between the trellises with straw or sawdust. This will help prevent the soil from drying out, which is extremely harmful for cucumbers.

Garter of cucumbers on pegs

When growing short-stemmed varieties of cucumbers, you can tie the plants to stakes. To do this, when planting a seedling, a peg is dug into the hole. The height of the support should be commensurate with the height of the adult plant. After the seedling reaches thirty centimeters in length, it is tied to a peg. This method of gartering is used less often than others, as it is not very convenient. But for certain varieties this type of garter is preferable.

Garter of cucumbers on stairs and arches

The ability of cucumbers to entwine any support is successfully used by garden design lovers. Tied to a garden arch, long vines of cucumbers will not only decorate the area, but also produce a harvest. Using a vine for decorative purposes does not in any way affect its fertility. Curly shoots of cucumbers can be combined with other decorative flowering vines. This composition will not leave anyone indifferent!

On sale there are not only arches, but also all kinds of decorative stairs, and ready-made supports for climbing plants. All these structures can be successfully used for growing cucumbers.

New and unusual ways to garter cucumbers

In recent years, frame methods of growing cucumbers have become increasingly popular. The formation of a vine in the form of a cell looks very unusual. In order to build the structure, you need to cut 2 meters from a roll of metal mesh. Form it into a cell. The side of the frame should be 50 cm. Place it above the hole, pull the lashes out, and tie them on all outer sides to the mesh cells. This composition looks very original, but it is difficult to care for.

Due to the mesh walls of the frame, it is difficult to weed and fertilize the plant.

In the same way, you can form a structure in the form of a ball or a triangular prism. Of course, the main goal of such experiments is aesthetic.

cucumber tree

Another unusual way to grow cucumber vines is to form the plant into a tree. To do this, isolate the central shoot and tie it vertically to a high trellis. The side lashes are pulled to the sides and secured to the bottom of the support. After the appearance of female ovaries on the side branches, the lashes are lifted and tied closer to the central shoot. Excess shoots are removed as they appear. The tendrils from the main stem wrap around the side shoots.

Application of barrels

Small plots often do not have enough space for garden beds. The method of growing cucumbers in a barrel filled with soil comes to the rescue. This composition saves space and looks very attractive. The lashes are picturesquely distributed over the surface of the barrel.

Such an unusual bed does not require scrupulous care, and harvesting from it is very convenient. With proper garter of the vines, you can collect a fairly decent amount of cucumbers from one barrel.

Using a natural trellis

If the site is located in a sunny, warm place, you can try to build a natural trellis. To do this, the middle of the cucumber bed is sown with corn or sunflowers. After they rise a little, cucumber seedlings are planted. Tall sunflower stems will serve as a support for cucumbers, and also act as a screen, protecting the vine from the wind. Many varieties of cucumbers require pollination; corn and sunflowers will attract bumblebees. Another way to create a natural trellis is very simple to implement. To do this, it is enough to plant cucumbers on the border of the plot, using the fence as a support. Cucumber vines will not only successfully fulfill the role of ornamental plants, but will also produce a harvest. Of course, caring for such a bed can be a lot of trouble, but the result is worth it.

You can use any tree, post or wall projection as a support for the trellis. A little imagination and your site will be transformed.

Garter under arches

Arcs can be used as support. They will completely replace the traditional trellis. To do this, you need to install them above the garden bed. Attach ropes to the arches for gartering seedlings. In addition, by throwing a piece of covering material over the arcs, you can build a real greenhouse. This will create ideal conditions for growing cucumbers. Breathable material will allow moisture and light to pass through, retaining heat inside the shelter.

Applying grids

Gartering cucumbers using a net is a very convenient and inexpensive way to tie cucumbers in open ground. The method can be called universal, since it combines the advantages of horizontal and vertical garters. The mesh is pulled over a support consisting of two pillars or metal pipes. The pillars are dug into the ends of the cucumber bed. The lashes are tied to the mesh cells. You need to try to distribute the shoots evenly, providing them with maximum lighting.

Using the mesh, you can build supports of any configuration. Plants entwined with mesh look more attractive than lashes secured with ropes.

There are special trellis nets on sale. They are made of plastic, wire or rope.

The plastic mesh is durable, does not rot and can withstand the weight of overgrown lashes. Metal mesh is also reliable, but it rusts easily, which is why it is not popular. The rope mesh consists of synthetic fiber, does not rot and has a safety margin. It folds easily and takes up little space when stored.

Use of plastic bottles

You can tie whips to a support not only with rope or wire. It is very convenient to use clamps made of soft plates. Plastic bottles are perfect for this purpose. Having cut out parts of the required size from them, you can easily fix the shoot using an ordinary stapler. Such a holder will gently attach the stem to the support and will last for many years.

Devices for gartering cucumbers in the garden

There are many devices on sale for fixing and shaping cucumber vines. These are various metal, wooden and plastic frames, arches and trellises, garter materials and hooks. All this can be purchased or made with your own hands.

Ropes for gartering cucumbers

The material for gartering cucumbers should be soft and preferably elastic. You can make your own garter rope. To do this, you need to sew strips of fabric 3-4 cm wide together. For the same purposes, old nylon tights, twine and even bandages are used. There are special materials for tying up plants on sale. They are made of thermoplastic rubber. Thanks to the wire rod, this garter is very easy to handle.

Despite the fact that it is customary to use cotton twine for garter, experienced gardeners recommend using synthetic material. When exposed to moist air, twine made from natural material quickly rots and breaks. As a result of the accident, the vine ends up on the ground. It is unlikely that it will be possible to tie the whip again. The big heavy shoot will inevitably break. In addition, it is not recommended to re-tie the whip. Usually after this procedure the shoot stops bearing fruit. A two-core insulated wire can be used to tie cucumbers. It holds the vines well and does not sag under their weight.

Hooks for gartering cucumbers

In order to freely adjust the length of the rope, there are hooks for gartering cucumbers. With this simple device you can easily loosen the tension of the support or tighten it tighter. In mid-summer, the plants gain mass, and the garter holding the vine sags under the weight of the shoot. This is where the hook comes in handy to restore tension. The opposite situation happens - the soil with the planted bush settles, and the tension in the rope becomes too strong. This situation can lead to the death of the seedling. Using a hook you can quickly loosen the rope. Another type of hook is used to support the stems of cucumbers. It helps make the task of holding heavy lashes easier.

Mistakes when tying cucumbers in open ground

If it was not possible to tie up the cucumbers in time, it is better to leave them to grow in a lying position. Otherwise, you can damage the lashes.

Hard material for garter can injure the whip and lead to the death of the plant. A very tight loop on the stem can lead to drying out of the lash and death of the entire plant.

Twisting cucumbers when gartering

As soon as the height of the seedlings reaches 30 cm, we begin to tie them to the support. Every 3 days, the regrown shoot is twisted around the garter. When tying the stem, we focus on the sun. To make the shoot turn towards the sun, twist it clockwise when looking at the lash from above. Gradually the plant will learn to turn towards the light on its own.

When tying the lashes, you need to ensure that the fixing loop remains free. This will allow the seedling to develop normally.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers without a garter?

Of course, cucumbers can grow and bear fruit in a creeping form. This method of growing has the right to life, but you need to remember the dangers that await the seedlings. Lack of light and air weakens plants and creates conditions for the development of diseases. Bushes are especially often affected by powdery mildew. In rainy summers, cucumbers lying on the ground rot and spoil. There is a risk of being left without a harvest. Seedlings are attacked by rodents and other pests. Due to the tangled mass of stems and leaves, a significant part of the cucumbers remains unharvested, as they are simply not visible. The plant belongs to the pumpkin family, produces long lashes and has tendrils. Therefore, by its nature it needs support. In any circumstances, the vine will cling to blades of grass and neighboring lashes. As a result, the shoots will break and dry out.

We have discussed many ways to garter cucumbers. Guided by the knowledge gained and personal experience, you can get an excellent harvest. The main thing is not to be lazy and believe in your own strength.

When growing cucumbers, many summer residents focus their efforts on watering and fertilizing and simply forget about the garter. And in vain! After all, the normal development of the bush, its illumination and susceptibility to disease depend on this manipulation. What is worth knowing about tying cucumbers in open ground and in a greenhouse?

Why do you need to tie cucumbers: advantages

Many gardeners do not use any supports for growing, which allows the plant to spread freely along the ground. Despite the great popularity of this method, it is incorrect: climbing vines can be damaged when climbing onto a nearby support, and fruits hidden under the leaves can go unnoticed and become overripe.

It is advisable to garter cucumbers for the following reasons:

  1. Cucumbers will take up much less free space, which will allow you to plant even more plants in the garden bed.
  2. Fruits hanging from a support are easier and faster to collect. In addition, it is almost impossible to damage the plants.
  3. Stems and fruits that are not in contact with the ground are less susceptible to infection with diseases inherent to the crop.
  4. The plant sends out long shoots and forms more inflorescences, resulting in an increase in yield.
  5. A cultivated garden bed is much easier to care for than a heap of climbing stems.
  6. On well-lit plants, fruits form and fill faster.

If you neglect the garter and leave the plant to creep along the ground, the bush quickly becomes dense, which increases the risk of fungal diseases, and the fruits become deformed and wrinkled.

Cucumbers begin to be tied after they reach a length of 30-35 cm. At this time, the plant completely forms 4 to 6 leaves. You can carry out the manipulation at an older age, but the risk of damage to climbing stems increases significantly. It is recommended to perform the manipulation in the first half of the day, before the onset of extreme heat.

When tying up a plant, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • In order not to damage the roots, and also not to miss the optimal time for the manipulation, the trellises are mounted in advance.
  • It is not advisable to use thin ropes as a supporting material, since under the influence of strong gusts of wind they dig into the stem and severely damage it. To prevent this from happening, it is best to use strips of fabric 2-4 cm wide instead of ropes.
  • You need to fix the stem with a rope under the first or second leaf.
  • When the crop grows greatly, the long lateral shoots must be tied to a separate rope, otherwise they will climb onto the main stem and entwine it, which can cause minor injuries.
  • If the stem has grown more than 2 m in length and has begun to peek out over the trellis, its top needs to be pinched. Without doing this, the top of the plant will continue to grow and inhibit all side shoots.

Important! When tying, do not tighten the fixing ropes tightly around the stem.

Methods for gartering cucumbers

In order to build a trellis for cucumbers, you will need 2 metal or wooden supports, cotton fabric strips, ropes and wire. Contrary to popular misconception, you cannot use pieces of nylon or nylon to tie up plants, since the stems will slip off after the fruits form.

Instead of the last two materials, you can use coarse mesh, which are sold in specialized stores. To construct supports in greenhouses, special hooks are used, the purpose of which is to regulate the length of the string.

Before installation, the bottom of wooden supports is treated with an antiseptic, and metal pipes are opened with special mixtures to protect against corrosion.

Video: DIY cucumber trellis

Important! The supports must be installed before sowing the seeds; by deepening the posts immediately before the garter, the root system can be damaged.

After preparing the devices, you should decide on the type of garter. The following methods are used for gartering cucumbers:

Horizontal. 2 metal tubes or wooden stakes are buried near the cucumbers. Several ropes are pulled between them at a distance of 25-30 cm. As the climbing stems grow, they will braid new tiers. As additional support, you can attach several vertical ropes to the horizontal ropes.

Thanks to the ease of installation, building such a trellis is very simple and quick. The main disadvantage of the horizontal method is that stems that have outgrown the support bend down and cast a shadow on the rest of the bush. To level out this feature, you need to build high trellises and neglect to pinch the tops. This method of tying cucumbers can be used both in open ground and in small greenhouses.

Vertical. By analogy with the previous method, 2 supports are driven into the soil near the cucumbers. Then one rope is pulled at the top between the posts and other ropes are tied to it, the number of which is equal to the number of stems that need to be tied. The ends of the plants are carefully tied to a hanging rope. This method is very convenient to use for gartering a large number of cucumbers. The vertical method of gartering cucumbers is used both in open ground and in greenhouses.

There is another version of the vertical method: instead of a U-shaped structure, a small peg or twig is driven in near each plant and the plant is tied to it. This method is used for gartering tomatoes and cucumbers.

Cucumbers growing at an angle or upwards receive a lot of light and are less susceptible to mechanical damage.

Hybrid. If the cucumbers were planted in a circle, several supports are installed around them, thus forming a pyramid. The columns are connected at the top point at an angle of 65-70 degrees. The structure is installed in the middle of the bed. You can tie 10-20 plants at a time in this way.

According to the second hybrid method of gartering cucumbers, a metal pipe 3 m high is driven into the center of bushes planted in a circle. Then long ropes are wound around its top. After tying the stems, the shape of the structure resembles a Christmas tree. Such structures not only promote normal plant growth, but also give an aesthetic appearance to the summer cottage. Mesh garter. You can also tie cucumbers using a large-mesh plastic mesh, which is attached to 2 supports. To prevent the material from sagging, in long beds several more pillars are driven into the ground as additional support. Some gardeners make a net for gartering cucumbers from thin wooden planks or metal rods. This support simultaneously combines horizontal and vertical methods.

Please note that fine mesh nets cannot be used to implement this method, as they interfere with the normal development of leaves and fruits.

Some gardeners practice gartering cucumbers on a trellis in the shape of an arc. To construct such a structure, on both sides of the row in which the cucumbers are planted, wooden rods are buried in the ground and ropes are pulled between them. The stems are attached to ropes, and they gradually wrap around the trellis.

There are also summer residents who assign the functions of a trellis to a fence that surrounds the area. In this case, cucumbers are planted along the fence, thereby allowing the crop to climb an improvised trellis.

As an alternative to a trellis, cucumbers are planted in high barrel. As they grow, the stems are removed from the container and hang down freely. The advantage of this method is that sowing cucumbers does not require much space and there is no need to install a trellis.

By the way! Read about how to grow cucumbers in barrels In this article!

Important! To reduce the risk of damage to the stems and to be able to control the tension of the strings, sliding loops are made at their ends.

Video: how to tie cucumbers in open ground

Features of gartering cucumbers in open ground and in a greenhouse

If the purpose of gartering in open ground is to minimize contact of fruits with the ground and simplify harvesting, then gartering cucumbers in the greenhouse has owning goals:

  1. Bushes growing vertically receive a lot of sunlight, which is very important when growing indoors.
  2. The plants do not intertwine with each other, and mold does not grow in them, which causes rotting of the fruits.
  3. Thanks to this arrangement, the side shoots are better formed and the plant is easily pollinated.

In addition to the above, the following methods are used for gartering cucumbers in open ground in greenhouses:

The main advantage of both methods of gartering is that cucumber bushes placed in this way do not shade each other, as a result of which they practically do not get sick and bear fruit better.

Video: how to tie cucumbers in a greenhouse

A gardener who aims to harvest a good harvest of crispy cucumbers must definitely take the time to tie up the plant. The simplest manipulation can improve the condition of the crop and its fertility. In addition, an intricate design braided with green stems will be a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage.

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The cucumber plant is a tall vine that grows up to two meters or more in length. Under natural conditions, the ancestors of the modern cultivated cucumber grew in tropical forests, climbing tree trunks and branches towards the light. This biological feature poses a pressing question for the vegetable grower: is it necessary or not to create supports for cucumbers and tie them up? In this article we will tell you how to properly tie cucumbers in open ground and give advice to gardeners.

Methods for growing cucumbers in open ground

There are two ways to grow cucumbers in open ground: on supports and spread. In the first case, cucumbers are given the opportunity to realize their biological ability to curl upward. In the second, they are left to trudge along the ground without support. Compared to spreading cultivation, the method of cultivation with a garter has several important advantages:

  • saving space and the ability to place more plants in the garden bed;
  • easier plant care;
  • facilitating the collection of greens that are in plain sight, reducing the number of overgrown fruits;
  • each plant receives more sunlight, blooms more intensely, is better pollinated and forms more ovaries;
  • the risk of infectious lesions of cucumber plants is reduced.

Arrangement of supports and garter, of course, increases the labor intensity of cultivating cucumbers. But in general, fewer greens are harvested from a cucumber bed where supports are not installed. Read also the article: → “How to increase the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground.”

When grown without support, cucumbers form impenetrable thickets that are difficult to care for.

🎧 How to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers?

An interesting interview with expert summer resident Andrei Tumanov: “How to achieve a good harvest of cucumbers?” For 20 years, the author broadcast on TV a number of programs dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - “Hacienda”, “The Bed”, “Our Garden”, “Rural Hour”, “Field Work”.

Horizontal and vertical method of gartering cucumbers

When growing cucumbers with a garter, two main methods are used:

The specific implementation of any of the main methods depends on the imagination of the vegetable grower. The most common methods will be discussed below.

Tip #1. It is advisable to grow cucumber varieties with a bunch type of fruiting, which are rapidly gaining popularity, in one stem and exclusively with a garter. Only in this case will the variety be able to fully realize its yield potential.

Garter of cucumbers on a trellis

The trellis method is one of the most popular types of vertical cultivation of cucumbers. It is used when cultivating medium- and long-climbing varieties - Zasolochny, Izyaschny, Konkurent, Leader, etc. Read also the article: → “Recommendations for growing cucumbers on trellises.”

You can arrange a trellis in the following way:

  • dig high posts at the ends of the bed;
  • tie them together with a horizontal beam, metal rod or strong wire;
  • tie a piece of twine above each plant;
  • secure the lower end of the twine with a free loop under the second leaf of the central stem of the cucumber;
  • twist the top of the stem around the rope.

The trellis is usually not made too high. Typically limited to a height of about 1.8 m. This greatly simplifies the care of the top part of the plants.

Tip #2. If a long-climbing cucumber outgrows the height of the trellis, the top of the stem is allowed to trail horizontally or thrown over the trellis to the other side.

Trellis cultivation provides convenient access to the plant from all sides.

Garter of cucumbers on a net

This is a universal method of growing cucumbers, combining the capabilities of both vertical and horizontal gartering. Special trellis nets with a large cell size (150*150 mm) are used for it. Modern garden centers offer several types of trellis nets:

The selected mesh is stretched between the posts dug in at the ends of the bed. The growing vines of the cucumber are tied to its cells, distributing them so that each shoot is provided with enough light and air.

Climbing seals such as peas or beans can be planted on the mesh between the cucumber plants.

Garter of cucumbers on pegs

This method is good for growing bush and short-stemmed varieties of cucumbers: Korotyshka, Katyusha, Debut, Malyshok, etc. This garter is performed as follows:

  • when planting cucumbers in the ground, a peg the height of the future plant is placed in each hole;
  • when the cucumbers grow enough, their central stem is tied to a peg;
  • As the stem grows, it is attached to the peg in several more places.

For pegs, you can use various available materials: pieces of plastic pipes, metal rods, cut branches, etc.

Using pegs you can form huts and pyramids from cucumbers.

Garter of cucumbers on stairs and arches

Cucumber vines are quite decorative, so inventive summer residents sometimes use them in landscape design for vertical gardening of walls or creating decorative arches. This allows you to combine business with pleasure, since such experiments do not affect the yield of cucumbers.

In order to increase the decorative effect of gartering cucumbers in this way, you can purchase and install ready-made supports for climbing plants on the site. Garden centers offer many options for such structures - fan, arched, in the form of ladders, pyramids, etc. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the growth type of cultivated cucumber varieties:

In open ground, it is convenient to grow cucumbers on supports for clematis and climbing roses.

Growing cucumbers on frames

Another interesting method of gartering cucumbers is used relatively rarely - on a frame in the form of a cage. To implement it, a large-mesh plastic trellis mesh is used:

  • a piece 2 m long is cut from a roll of mesh 2 m wide;
  • the mesh is bent in the form of a cage with a side of 50 cm;
  • the resulting frame is installed above the cucumber hole;
  • As the lashes grow, they are released outside and tied to the mesh cells on all sides of the frame.

It should be noted that this method of growing cucumbers, although original, is not very convenient. The frame around the plant makes it difficult to access, and care (weeding, fertilizing, mulching) becomes problematic.

Mistakes when tying cucumbers in open ground

When gartering cucumbers, you must avoid the following mistakes:

Mistake #1. Belated garter.

Cucumber vines are fragile, and if you are late with their garter, they can break under their own weight. If it turns out that it was not possible to organize support for the plants in time, it is better to leave them to grow in the spread. There is no need to disturb overgrown lashes. Read also the article: → “Grid for cucumbers. Growing cucumbers using a net. Answers on questions".

Mistake #2. The garter is too tight.

Do not tie cucumber shoots too tightly. In this case, the growing and thickening stem will be crushed. The lash's nutrition will deteriorate and it will gradually die.

Mistake #3. Using rigid materials for garter.

Harsh twine, plastic clamps and other hard materials easily injure the skin of cucumber shoots. Such microtraumas are initially invisible, but can subsequently lead to plant disease, becoming an open entrance gate for fungal spores.

Mistake #4. Untimely twisting of the top.

As the cucumber grows, it is necessary to twist its top around the support. The plant is not capable of doing this on its own, since it is adapted to cling to support with its mustache, and not with its stem, like loaches. If you don't help it in time, the top will fall down and may even break.

Current questions about cucumber garter

Question No. 1. What materials can be used to tie cucumber lashes?

Any sufficiently elastic and soft materials will do. Often, pieces of bandage, synthetic or cotton fabric, old nylon tights, and even soft polyethylene are used to tie cucumbers. Garden centers also offer ready-made garter materials. A garter made of thermoplastic rubber with a wire rod inside has proven itself to be excellent. It bends easily, holds its shape well and holds plants in place.

Question No. 2. How to make a wigwam from cucumbers?

This is an interesting way to grow cucumbers, especially suitable in areas where children grow up. To build a wigwam, a circular area with a diameter of 1 m is marked and dug up almost along the entire circumference. A strong column 2 meters high is installed in the center of the circle. Cucumbers are planted in a dug circle. From the top of the column, ropes are directed to the growing plants, with which the cucumbers are tied in the usual way. By mid-summer the wigwam will be completely closed.

Instead of ropes, you can attach a trellis net to the post.

Question No. 3. When should you start tying cucumbers?

As soon as the plants reach a length of 30-35 cm, they can be tied up. It makes no sense to do this earlier, and what the delay with the garter leads to was described above.

Question No. 4. What is a sliding loop?

As cucumbers grow, it sometimes becomes necessary to shorten the rope to which it is tied. To avoid having to cut the twine from the support and tie it again, make a sliding loop: the end thrown over the trellis, about 25 cm long, is passed around the twine and tied with a figure eight. The result is a knot that can move freely along the base. Thus, if necessary, you can easily tighten the rope or lengthen it.

Cucumbers are cultivated in open ground in almost every household plot. After all, such cultivation at low cost and with proper care can not only provide the family with a healthy and favorite vegetable, but also serve as additional income. How to grow cucumbers and how to achieve high plant productivity, what points in their cultivation should you pay special attention to?

Specifics of growing vegetables in open ground: pros and cons

When growing cucumbers in open ground, you need to know that this pumpkin crop is very demanding of moisture, light and heat. It needs protection from the winds, shelter from unexpected frosts, and regular watering. It is not always possible to grow an excellent harvest, since it often depends on weather conditions. The process from seed to fruit is very labor-intensive. In addition, it requires the necessary knowledge of some of the features and secrets of growing fancy plants.

Advantages of growing cucumbers in open ground:

  • low costs;
  • the ability to clear the field of weeds before sowing (since late sowing is carried out);
  • huge sales market;


  • requirement for heat;
  • the need for regular watering;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • manual collection

How to grow cucumbers in open ground: popular methods

Growing up

With this method, cucumbers are grown in beds. The cucumber vines are spread evenly across them and receive enough sunlight for the entire plant to grow. But the downside is that changing the position of the vines, which cannot be avoided when caring for them, leads to oppression of the leaves and delays the ripening of fruits in the future.

Trellis method

This is a two-line method of planting cucumbers on a support. It is more labor-intensive, but has many advantages: space is saved, free access of air, good lighting and convenient care of plants, long-term fruiting and better quality of fruits, less susceptible to disease.

With this method, trellises or slats are installed on metal supports, which are driven into the ground to a depth of 30–40 cm. The bushes are formed and tied when the trellis is at least 1 m high. If the trellises are low, the cucumber stems are thrown to the other side without shaping and not tied. The trellis method is rightfully considered more productive than growing.

Growing in barrels

Metal barrels are filled with rotted plant residues, compost, the last layer is ordinary nutrient soil. The substrate is well watered and covered with plastic film for heating for a week. 5 seeds are sown in a container or ready-made seedlings are planted, covered with film. After the plants begin to grow, supports in the form of arcs are installed around the barrel. Plants are watered regularly as the soil dries out. This original method allows you to get an earlier harvest, saves space and time for caring for the plant, the fruits are always clean, and the structure itself with curly cucumber vines has a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

A barrel with a cucumber roof is an incredible sight!

Preparing soil and beds

Selecting a site for sowing seeds

You need to choose a site for planting cucumbers carefully, taking into account all their whims. First of all, choose a well-lit place, protected from cold winds. If there is no such place, it is created artificially by planting tall plants in the cucumber rows. Typically, corn and sunflowers act as protective barriers.

Proper crop rotation plays a major role in preparing future cucumber beds. Under no circumstances should you plant cucumbers where beets and pumpkin crops were previously grown. Good predecessors are legumes (with the exception of beans), nightshade crops, and cabbage.

Soil preparation

It is necessary to take care of fertile soil in the fall. Cucumber responds well to organic matter. Therefore, when digging or plowing for the winter, compost and rotted manure of 5–8 kg/m2 are added to future beds. If there is no manure, use mineral fertilizers (potassium salt - 200 g/m2, superphosphate - 300 g/m2). Plants do not like acidic and heavy clay soil. If there is no choice, it is diluted with limestone sand 10 kg/m2. And, conversely, sandy soil is diluted with the same amount of clay.

10 days before sowing, experienced gardeners recommend adding ammonium nitrate 100 g/m2, and adding mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:20) diluted in water to the planting holes.

Beds for cucumbers

How to correctly choose the type of future bed? It all depends on several factors: the depth of the underlying groundwater, the soil content, and the willingness to perform labor-intensive work.

Regular beds

In areas with prepared soil, ridges 1 m or 0.5 m wide are formed with the same passages between the rows. For vigorous growers

– on beds without insulation, we form them 90–100 cm wide, 20–25 cm high, leaving a 30–40 cm path between them. However, narrow beds (45 cm each) with wide passages (70–90 cm) are more suitable for vigorous plants ). Then the strands of cucumbers will not intertwine and therefore be damaged. If you plan to grow cucumbers in a virgin area, it is better to form the beds in the fall, especially if the site is located in a damp lowland, or the soil in the garden is heavy clay, or the fertile layer is small.

Raised beds

Ridge beds (width 0.4–0.5 m, height 0.3 m) will be appropriate on clay soils and areas with shallow groundwater. This helps ensure that the root system of cucumbers does not dry out. After all, in such a bed, water flows from the ridges during watering and rain. The beds are easy to maintain: tillage, fertilization. Disadvantage: in rainy weather, after contamination of the leaves, cucumber diseases may develop.

Warm beds

Creating warm beds is ideal for cucumbers. There are two types of such ridges:

  1. Dig a trench (at least 1 m), fill it with organic matter (use rotted and unrotted plant residues, manure) to the level of the path. In the future, the contents of the trench will not only nourish the plants, but also provide them with heat and saturate the root system with carbon dioxide.
  2. Everything is done in the same way as in the previous version. A border is made around the trench from wooden boards or flat slate 20–30 cm above the ground level. High beds protect from the cold and retain moisture well.

Warm beds allow you to make a film shelter, reduce the number of soil treatments, and water the cucumbers easily and simply. The large amount of work required to prepare the beds is daunting.

Note: an area with heavy clay soil and shallow groundwater will contribute to moisture retention in the trench, which can lead to plant rotting.

Photo gallery: arrangement of different types of beds

How to properly plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds

Preparing seeds for sowing

Cucumber seeds that are 2–3 years old are considered productive, although they can remain viable for up to 8 years. When buying seeds, you should give preference to pelleted ones, which do not require preparation for sowing. Other seeds are prepared for sowing in advance:

note: early sowings are done with dry seeds to avoid frost damage. In later rows, with stable heat, the germinated seeds are sown in moist soil.

This is what properly germinated seeds look like

Time for planting in the ground

The timing of sowing cucumber seeds in open ground has long been associated with church holidays and folk signs. These days almost always coincide with favorable days for sowing this crop in the lunar calendar. You can never go wrong if you stick to these traditions. And using all the recommended dates and sowing in stages, you will enjoy cucumbers until the first frost. Of course, the exception will be situations when the soil has not had time to warm up to 18o C, and the night temperature is below 12o C.

  • The first sowing falls on May 19 and is dedicated to the memory of Job the Long-Suffering;
  • The day of Falaley-Borage, Gryadochnik, Teplovey (June 2) will be suitable for the second stage of sowing;
  • The last stage is mid-June. At this time, the poplar blossoms (folk sign). It is necessary to choose a favorable day according to the lunar calendar.

Sowing seeds in open ground

To sow cucumbers, make a furrow with a hoe or by hand, 3–4 cm deep. If possible, water it, and place the seeds at a distance of 15 cm from each other. First, they are covered with 1.5 moist soil, and then always dry, in order to avoid the appearance of a dry earthen crust, which retards the growth of seedlings and air access. The soil is compacted well.

How and what to cover

Table: covering materials for cucumbers - advantages and disadvantages

How and when to cover

After sowing, the soil is sprinkled with peat, rotted manure, sawdust, straw to a depth of 3–4 cm, that is, mulched. Mulching not only helps conserve moisture, protects against diseases and weeds, but is also the first shelter for crops from the cold (soil temperature rises by several degrees when mulching). In order to maintain moisture and provide protection from return frosts and cold weather, the crops are covered with plastic film or other covering material even before germination. The film is removed 2 times a week to ventilate the beds. If the shelter is made of non-woven materials, it does not need to be removed. After the appearance of young shoots, the shelter is removed. In early June there are unexpected night frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the weather forecast and make shelter in time. You can regularly cover your cucumber beds at night until mid-June.

Good protection for seedlings - covering the bed after sowing with spunbond

Some gardeners use covering materials until the end of fruiting in order to create additional warmth and protection from rain and wind.


After the cucumbers have 2 true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out. This is done carefully, manually pinching the sprout at the base so as not to damage the roots of neighboring plants. You can leave two plants in the nest. The number of plants per linear meter depends on the variety of cucumbers. Vigorous cucumbers (Buyan, Farmer, Little Boy, etc.) require more area for stems. Therefore, on 1 linear meter you can leave 2 plants with a distance of 0.5 m between them. For varieties with small vines (Parker, Gherkin, etc.), a distance of 30 cm between plants is sufficient. After thinning, the soil in the beds is loosened to a depth of 10 cm. When 5–6 true leaves appear, the plants are hilled up by adding moist soil to the base. Thanks to this operation, new roots are formed and the cucumbers receive additional nutrition.

How to form a bush

Formation of a cucumber bush

In the beds where bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers with a large number of fruit-bearing shoots are grown, it is necessary to pinch them. Usually it is done after 4 sheets. Without this procedure, the development of many shoots with unlimited growth will lead to depletion of the plant and a decrease in yield. Hybrids do not need pinching.

How to form plants growing on a trellis?

Plants grown on a trellis are much more difficult to shape. Vigorous varietal cucumbers and hybrids are subject to formation. First of all, the lower leaves on the stem are removed up to the 5th leaf, which promotes free access of air to the entire plant. During the growth process, side shoots are pinched one by one, starting from the bottom. First, shoots are pinched after the 2nd leaf, then several shoots are pinched after the 3rd leaf. And the last row of shoots - after 4 leaves. The upper lash of the central stem is lowered down, leaving 1 leaf on it and pinching it at a height of 1 m to the soil level. The result is a bush in the shape of an inverse pyramid. This is a professional and labor-intensive scheme for plant formation.

The cucumber bush after reverse pyramidal shaping looks compact and aesthetically pleasing

If you are not ready to do the shaping according to professional patterns, just pinch the plant after the 6th leaf and tie the side shoots to the trellis. In this case, the lower 3 leaves are removed, and later additional shoots appearing from the axils of the shoots are cut out. After removing leaves and shoots, stumps should not be left behind!

Note: Not all varieties require shaping and do not need to be pinched.

How to tie

Nature has endowed this vegetable with tenacious tendrils that silently ask for support. This fact confirms the idea of ​​the need to garter the plant. A tied plant saves a lot of space, produces more shoots, is less susceptible to disease, resulting in increased productivity.

The plant begins to be tied when it reaches a height of 30 cm and at least 4 true leaves appear. An older plant breaks when tied up. Carefully tie the stem under the first leaf, pull the rope loosely and tie a knot so that the young plant does not get uprooted. The best material for a garter is a durable soft fabric tape 2–3 cm wide.

The easiest to perform is a horizontal garter. A rope is pulled in three rows between the supports driven into the ground. Young shoots are directed around the bottom row of the stretched rope.

When tying vertically, a rope or wire is attached to the supports on top. Along the entire length of the wire, ropes are tied above each plant, the lower end of which is tied at the base of the stem.

The plant feels comfortable on a mesh trellis, which is attached to the supports. Cucumbers on a high trellis (from 1 m) need a garter.

Recently, triangular and spherical supports have been made, which have a decorative appearance. The choice depends on your capabilities and imagination.

Cucumbers tied on a triangular support look original

How to water and feed


Water the cucumbers with settled, warm water (not lower than 22 C). In summer, water can be heated in the sun in any container. The best time for watering is evening. But if the night temperature is too low, watering is done in the morning. Before flowering, plants grown in areas with light soil need to be watered 2 times a week, and in clay areas - 1 time. But with the onset of flowering and fruiting, they require daily watering. In this case, the soil must be constantly moist to a depth of at least 10 cm. Of course, weather conditions are taken into account.

Young plants can be watered using a watering can and a hose with a sprayer. Adults may be susceptible to fungal diseases from such sprinkling. As a result of watering at the root, the root system is exposed and gradually dies, and the yield of the vegetable decreases. Therefore, it is better to water them in furrows, mulching the soil after watering.

Top dressing

The plants are fed for the first time after the first loosening. It is better to feed with a solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20). If there are no organic fertilizers, complex mineral fertilizers (50 g/10 l) are suitable. The solution is evenly distributed along the grooves around the roots at a distance of 10 cm from the plant. The second feeding is done during mass flowering. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used. It is advisable to add 0.5 g of boric acid, 0.3 g of potassium permanganate, 30–40 g of potassium sulfate to the bucket. The third feeding is done during fruiting. Along with the organic matter, add 1 teaspoon of urea and potassium sulfate to the bucket. If necessary, after two weeks, feed the plants for the fourth time in the same way as the third feeding.

Whether cucumbers need feeding or not can be seen by their condition. Ugly fruits indicate a deficiency of potassium and nitrogen. A lack of phosphorus is indicated by the predominance of male ovaries on the vines. In this case, it is useful to foliar feed the cucumbers.

Features for regions, including the Moscow region

If in the south and central zone of Russia (including the Moscow region) it is quite possible to grow cucumbers in open ground without seedlings, then in Siberia it is better to prepare seedlings. The short summer and harsh climatic conditions of this region make growing the crop difficult.

In the Moscow region, the soil warms up to 12o C, usually in the last days of May. Therefore, cucumbers are sown in this zone, starting from the end of May and ending in the second ten days of June. In the south, sowing in open ground can be done as early as the third ten days of April, ending with the second ten days of July. Warm, stable weather in the southern regions allows for several cucumber harvests.

For the south, it is appropriate to take varieties from ultra-early to late; in other regions, late varieties in ordinary open-ground beds simply will not have time to bear fruit. Therefore, residents of central Russia and Siberia try to grow plants mainly on warm ridges in order to get a harvest as early as possible. At the same time, preference is given to early and mid-ripening varieties, the ripening period of which does not exceed 50 days (for the central regions) and 40 days (for Siberia).

In order not to be left without a harvest, it is necessary to select zoned hybrids and varieties that have been tested in the climatic conditions of the region. Usually 5–7 varieties are sown, among which there are bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic varieties. For Siberia, the bee-pollinated varieties Altai, Brigantina, Dalnevostochny, hybrids Miranda, Chinese, Crocodile Gena, etc., have proven themselves well. For the climatic conditions of the Moscow region, Magnificent, Nezhinsky, Competitor, VIR 505, etc., universal hybrids Annushka, Aist, Masha, Metelitsa, etc. are suitable. Rodnichok, etc. Released varieties for the south - Success, Signal, Yubilei, Donskoy, Pobeditel, etc.

Every year, new regionalized hybrids of cucumbers are developed, surprising with their productivity, resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions. But we should not forget that in order to obtain excellent harvests in any region, it is important not only to select a zoned variety, but also to follow simple rules, from preparing seeds to harvesting.

Growing cucumbers in open ground is difficult, but enjoyable. By investing your soul, energy and time into it, you can please yourself and your loved ones with the real homemade taste of a fresh vegetable.

A teacher by training. My hobby is growing flowers. I try to experiment in the selection of garden and indoor plants (irises, Saintpaulias). I share my experience with the viewers of my channel on You Tube.

Cucumbers are light-loving plants, and therefore they are not only planted in sunny areas, but also tied up. Thanks to this, the plant receives more sunlight, and accordingly the volume of the harvest and the quality of the fruit increase. Therefore, if you decide to grow this crop, it is important to know how to tie cucumbers correctly.

The garter not only provides better lighting for plants, but also has the following advantages:

  1. A tied cucumber produces long shoots and a large number of inflorescences on them, which ensures a good harvest.
  2. If a cucumber on a trellis is affected by a viral disease, the problem can be solved by removing part of it or the entire plant, without infecting neighboring plants.
  3. Space on the site is significantly saved, since the shoots are located in a vertical plane.
  4. The convenience of harvesting increases: the fruits do not lie on the ground and are not covered by leaves.

Some gardeners do not tie up cucumbers, considering this procedure unnecessary. But in this case, the risk of stems and fruits drying out or rotting increases. Plus, cucumbers can be irregular in shape and twisted due to constant contact with the ground.

The right time to garter

Regardless of whether you grow cucumbers in open ground or in a greenhouse, it is correct to make a garter when the plants reach a height of 30 cm and have 4-5 true leaves. There is no point in tying up the shoots before this point, but there is no need to delay it either, since it is easier to damage the plant when tying it up late.

How to choose a garter method?

Each gardener has his own way of tying up plants, which is convenient for him. If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, the dimensions of the room should be taken into account. Each of them has its own advantages, which we will discuss below.


This is the simplest method, in which ropes or garden twine are pulled onto vertical supports. In this case, the plants, clinging to the threads, will spread out to the sides and grow mainly in the horizontal direction. This type of garter is suitable for greenhouses of any height.

Another advantage is the ease of harvesting, so gardeners often use this method for tall varieties of cucumbers.

To perform a horizontal garter, you will need to do the following:

  1. At the beginning and at the end of the ridge with cucumbers, you need to dig two metal pipes or wooden blocks (their height should be 1.5 - 2 m, depending on the variety of cucumbers).
  2. Stretch a strong rope or garden twine onto the bars in several tiers in increments of about 25-30 cm.
  3. The shoots are first attached to the bottom row by tying or using a special stapler with staples. This is done at the stage when the tendrils of young sprouts begin to reach the first string.
  4. As the plant grows, lateral branches usually weave along the lower tiers, and the main shoot along the upper.
  5. If the stems grow much higher than the strings, they are pinched back to prevent them from drooping down and shading neighboring plants.

When tying horizontally, cucumbers that have mastered the next level often fail to “find their way” to the next, so you should direct the shoots upward and wrap their tendrils around the rope.

Alternatively, the ropes can be stretched not in one, but in two rows, between which there is a ridge with cucumbers.


Compared to the previous method, vertical garter provides a more natural position for plants that stretch upward towards sunlight. Plus, by directing the shoots upward, you will save a lot of space, which is especially important for owners of small plots of land.

The sequence of actions for vertical garter is as follows:

  1. A support in the shape of the letter “P” is mounted. Two pillars are driven into the sides of the bed, and a wire or thick rope made of durable material is stretched at the top.
  2. The required number of ropes are attached to the horizontal part, the free ends of which must be attached to the cucumber bushes. There should be a slight tension so that the stems do not sway under the influence of gusts of wind.
  3. As the shoots grow, they need to be wrapped around the twine and directed upward.

This method provides several variations:

  • 1 to 1. An individual supporting structure is installed for each bed.
  • 1 to 2. Ropes for two adjacent rows of cucumbers are attached to one support. The ropes are not located perpendicular to the soil, but at a slight angle.
  • Individual. If there are not many plants, it is possible to drive a separate peg into the ground for each bush.

It is advisable to use the vertical tying method for varieties that do not tend to send out many side shoots, or if the gardener forms the bushes into one stem.


This method is a hybrid of vertical and horizontal garter and is suitable for plants planted in a circular bed with a diameter of 1.5 - 1.8 m. A beam (or pipe) is dug into the center of the circle, and several more of the same beams are fixed around the perimeter of the circle.

The latter are dug in obliquely and attached to the central bar, forming something like a cone. This body is covered with twine, maintaining the same distances between “floors” as in the horizontal method.

Instead of twine, you can use a mesh with a large cell, which will be discussed later. The cucumbers will climb the trellis on their own; just twist their tendrils around the bottom rope.

other methods

In addition to the options described, gardeners also use other well-proven methods in practice.

Applying a grid

Gardening stores sell a special plastic mesh with large cells for climbing crops.

It is used instead of ropes, stretched between the supports, and so that the mesh does not bend under the weight of the stems with fruits, additional supports are placed so that the distance between them is from 1 to 1.5 m. If you do not want to buy a ready-made mesh, you can assemble it yourself using a metal one wire, twigs or wooden slats.

Important! A fine mesh net will not be suitable for this purpose, since cucumbers will not be able to climb on it.


The main goal of this method is to reduce the growth of cucumbers upward and wider. The main shoot must be tied to a support, after which all lateral branches and tendrils that are located higher than 50 cm from the soil surface are cut off.

As a result, all the plant’s resources are spent on the formation of fruits on the main shoot, the risk of diseases is reduced, and neighboring beds do not suffer from shading.


This type of garter involves the formation of a bush divided into two halves. Attach two ropes to the top of the support structure and tie the plant to it at its base.

Arc-shaped trellis

An arc garter is convenient if there are plastic or metal arcs left from greenhouses. Twine or wire is pulled over them at different heights, and cucumber vines are directed towards it.

Features of gartering cucumbers in open ground and in a greenhouse

In open ground, many vegetable growers grow cucumbers spread out, refusing to tie them up at all. If you decide to install trellises, you can use any of the above methods without any restrictions.

Tying in a greenhouse is different in that the shape of the trellis depends on the width and height of the room. The horizontal tie is used for low greenhouses and greenhouses, and the vertical tie is used for tall structures.

Important! The convenience of the vertical method is that the twine can be attached to the upper side metal profile of the greenhouse.

Various methods of forming bushes, the use of plastic nets is also appropriate only in high rooms.

What to tie it with?

Before tying, you need to stock up on short strips of material to attach the shoots to the guides. The choice of material for these strips is very important: not all materials are suitable. For example, if you attach a plant with wire, it can later cut the stem.

The ideal candidate for this role is cotton fabric. Cotton is soft, does not damage the stem and does not slip on it. Take some old clothes and cut them into strips. Ribbons should be 5–7 cm wide and 15–20 cm long.

If you want to use twine for fixation, you must do this very carefully. There are varieties with thin, fragile shoots for which such material is absolutely not suitable. If the choice is nevertheless made in its favor, the plant must be tied up at the moment when it has 6-7 true leaves.

A special stapler for tying, which comes with soft staples, is also suitable: such equipment significantly speeds up the process.

When tying vertically, it is important that the cucumber tendrils are not damaged and do not slide down. To make a trellis, it is preferable to use natural materials: jute twine or strips of cotton fabric.

The second option is not very practical, as the material may tear. It is not recommended to use nylon or nylon twine: it can injure the plants, plus the lashes, especially with fruits, slide down along it.

General rules

To make plants comfortable on the trellis, it is important to follow some simple rules:

  1. First, the supports are mounted and the twine is pulled (the net is hung), and only after that the seedlings are planted in the ground. By violating this sequence, you risk injuring the plants.
  2. Do not pull the cords too tightly to avoid cutting them into shoots and leaves.
  3. When tying, do not tighten the loops too tightly - the stem should have room to grow. It is recommended to place the loop under the first or second leaf.
  4. The ideal supports are metal ones, as they can withstand high loads.

How to install the support?

Metal structural elements should not come into contact with plant rhizomes, since oxidized metal has a detrimental effect on the roots.

What else needs to be considered?

Sometimes the following picture occurs. The cucumber bush produces strong side shoots that grow, and if they are not secured, they curl onto the main shoot, preventing it from growing and even damaging it. To avoid such a situation, powerful side vines should be sent along separate ropes.

With the vertical method, you can tie the twine not to the plant, but to pegs driven in nearby. Thanks to this, the cucumbers do not stretch upward so much, and the risk of exposing the roots is reduced.

The garter significantly increases the yield of cucumbers and facilitates the harvesting process. From a variety of methods, you can choose the most suitable one, based on the available materials and dimensions of the greenhouse.

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