That we call the Motherland a plan-outline of a lesson on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic. “What do we call Motherland? The house in which we live ... What we also call the homeland

PVC panels 10.02.2021

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.



What do we call motherland?The house we live in!

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.


  1. What country were you born in?
  2. Which country are you a citizen of?
  3. Do you know the capital of Russia?
  4. What military town do you live in?

We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with swings, a sandbox and a wooden slide.

In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!

Small Motherland.

Small Motherland -

An island of earth.

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench -

Affectionate little

My motherland!

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that many of you have your favorite green meadow near the house or by the lake. Here, under the supervision of your mother or grandmother, you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or motley butterfly.

When you become adults, the memory will surely return you to serene days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood.

Field of childhood.

Glade of childhood! How far are you...

Only in my memory you remained:

With a winding overgrown river,

With a weeping willow that bent over her.

With a high silky spikelet

With the innocent look of a white daisy,

With a cozy house-tower of a snail.

We all have a glade of childhood.

On it, carefree crumbs frolic,

Joy hovers over her, laughter flows.

It has bright sources of our life!


  1. Tell us about your "meadow of childhood."
  2. What flowers grow on it?
  3. What trees and bushes surround it?
  4. What games do you play with your friends in this clearing?

Why do you think childhood is called “the morning of life”?

Right! Because Morning is the beginning of the day, and childhood is the beginning of life. The child has his whole life ahead of him! With its discoveries and joys, difficulties and worries. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time of life. Maybe that's why they call it "golden" ?!

"Golden Childhood"

Why do we call

Our childhood golden?

Because we are playing

We have fun and play pranks.

Because it surrounds

We care about the family,

Because they love

Us relatives and friends!


  1. Why is childhood called the "golden time of life"?
  2. Tell us about the most interesting and memorable events of your childhood.
  3. What poems, songs, stories about childhood do you know?

Working with pictures:

from the series “Conversations from pictures” by L.B. Fesyukova. (A set of visual aids - X. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007)

Picture #1

  1. How are the children dressed? What are they holding in their hands?
  2. Who do you think the guys are celebrating so solemnly?
  3. And on what river does the city of Saratov stand?
  4. Have you seen this river? What is she?
  5. What do you think, is there something in common between the words "parents" and "Motherland"?
  6. What do you especially like in our town?

Fizminutka: (children show all movements with their hands)

"There is a lump on the stump

What is a small animal?

He opens the thorns

Yawns very wide

Washes the muzzle

And ruffles the bangs!

Picture #2

  1. How are the children in the picture similar and how are they different?
  2. How do children play? What?
  3. Can black skin color or an unusual name interfere with the friendship of children?
  4. What can a girl treat them goodbye to?

Exercise: "Let's save everything beautiful on the planet"

Children tell what they would save on our planet Earth.

  • Fresh air
  • Transparent rivers
  • Blooming meadows
  • eared meadows
  • ancient forests
  • Birds and animals
  • Springs and lakes

Today we have a very important meeting with you, dear guys! We will have to discuss and accept with you"Real Citizen Rules"which will not:

  • Annoy people;
  • Offend the house and the city;
  • Jump and jump in the apartment;
  • shout in a loud voice;
  • Open the door with your foot
  • Play with buttons in the elevator;
  • And draw on the walls;
  • Throw rubbish on the street;
  • Follow traffic rules.

Journey - game: "Around the world" (Exercise on the world map)

Sliding a stool against the wall

Climb onto her,

To the map of the world in colorful cells

I'm showing interest.

I'll walk through Antarctica

I will conquer the South Pole.

What for? - ask me.

I'll feed the penguins!

Goodbye, miracle - countries,

Burma, India, goodbye!

african savanna,

Meet me now!

Atlantic waters

I watch with a little breath

Past the Statue of Liberty

I'm coming to the USA soon.

Along the way, by the way

A park called Disneyland.

I really want to stay

In the world of fairy tales and legends.


Creative task: "What are you proud of?"

Draw what you are proud of in your town? Tell me, where would you like to go on vacation? Why?

Let's all sing together previously learned song:"Wider Circle"

"The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends,

Ships are friends in the sea,

Children of the whole Earth are friends ... "

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