Report on the assessment of receivables. Assessment of the value of the accounts of the accounts of the enterprise, the assessment of debt obligations. The concept of "receivables"

Marble 14.11.2020

Debt liabilities of the organization reflect the valuation of financial obligations to borrowers to be repaid. The obligations of the enterprise, depending on the duration of the repayment, are divided into short-term (maturity of no more than a year) and long-term obligations (repayment period for more than a year) and are reflected in the company's balance liabilities.

Objectives of the Company's obligations

Swiss evaluation company SWISS Appraisal allocates the following objectives of the preparation of the Debt Evaluation Report of the Organization:
  • Evaluation of the financial condition of the organization, making management decisions
  • Assessment of the creditworthiness of the enterprise, taking into account debt obligations
  • Estimation of payables for legal proceedings in unlawful requirements by the creditor
  • Evaluation of short-term and long-term obligations under the bankruptcy of the enterprise
  • Evaluation of the rights of the demand of the borrower on long-term obligations
  • Revaluation of obligations during inventory

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Evaluation of the accounts payable

Accounts payable refers to the short-term organizations of the organization and must be repaid during the year. If the repayment period passed, it goes into long-term commitments. The emergence of payables of the enterprise is associated with the features of calculations with counterparties and violation of payment terms.

Types of payables

The evaluation company SWISS Appraisal in the preparation of a report on the assessment of payables of the enterprise uses the following classification:
  • debt in front of contractors and company suppliers
  • obligations to employees of the organization
  • credit debt to state extrabudgetary funds on compulsory social insurance (taking into account fines and penalties)
  • obligations to NPF to provide employees of the organization
  • short-term obligations to budget for taxes and fees
  • credit Debt of the Organization to buyers and customers in the event of an advance payment for the supply of goods and services (including commercial loans)
  • short-term and long-term commitments to the founders of the company for the payment of dividends or the market value of the company's share package upon coming out of society
  • other payables debt
Find out the details about payables assessment services - leave your application on the website or call us by phone +7 495 120-2962.

The need to evaluate the accounts of the company's accounts usually as part of an assessment of the value of the business as a whole, when a full-scale assessment of the property and the obligations of the enterprise is carried out. In this case, it is very important to correctly determine the turnover of accounts by payables, i.e. Set as far as quickly and timely the company pays off with its suppliers and creditors. Assessment of accountability of payables allows reliable information about the solvency of the enterprise, its financial sustainability, the efficiency of resource use. The coefficient of discharbility of payables is calculated as the ratio of the cost of manufactured products and sold goods to the average for the year of payables.

But when assessing accounts payable, it is necessary not to just calculate the turnover ratio, but also to determine the trend of its changes in recent years, while analyzing changes in the turnover of receivables. In itself, the decline in turnover has not yet been saying. If, when evaluating short-term obligations of the enterprise, a decrease in accountability of payables, it may indicate both problems in the procedure for authorizing and paying bills, and about the qualitative organization of a relationship policy with suppliers involving a more profitable schedule of payments.

In addition to evaluating the entire business, the assessment of the accounts of the organization's accounts can be in demand when disputed situations arise between the debtor and the lender. For example, to resolve loan judicial claims. In this case independent score Short-term and long-term liabilities allows the debtor's enterprise to refer to the current market value of the obligations and thus obtain the opportunity to challenge the unfounded claims of the lender on the payment of fines, penalties and contest. A report on the assessment of the creditor of the enterprise may be an excellent argument to resolve controversial situations that arise from the discrepancies of the loan agreement.

Borrowed funds of the company

The organization's borrowed funds can be both short-term and long-term debt obligations depending on their repayment period. For borrowed funds include:
  • loans
  • banking, budget and commodity loans
  • bills and bond commitments
The assessment of borrowed funds is to determine the actual market value of short-term and long-term bank loans and loans. Often the purpose of such an assessment is the pre-trial and judicial settlement of mutual requirements.

Assessment of debt must take into account the timing of the formation and timing of debt repayment, the terms of the contract, the presence of penalties and fines at the time of the assessment. The discount rate used is usually taken equal to the average lending rate of commercial banks. In the event that the assessment goes on each lender separately, the discount rate may correspond to a specific bank rate. The methods of assessing the Organization's obligations depend on the specific specifics and may vary from the case of the case. Score payables I.

Under the assessment of the debaters understand the integrated activities aimed at identifying market price Debt.

The procedure is carried out when taking into account the deadlines for the occurrence of debt, the nature of its formation and risks of non-miss.

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The assessment is based on current value Money at the time of holding and allows you to get the most accurate result.


Accounts, in general, is an active article balance of the organization. The amount of debt of counterparties should be included in that part of the funds that the company can spend on improving the technological process, equipment and materials.

This type of asset in some way is similar to bills, debt receipts and similar securities. The debator can contact the open market, but only in a certain form.

By itself, not being a commodity, receivables can only be sold in a concession situation of the right claim on the basis of market assessment valid value.

Under the assignment, the requirements of the requirement understand the following situation:

  • the initial lender for any reason wants to sell debt;
  • finding face, ready to buy the right of claim;
  • based on the contract of assignment, within the framework of an open auction, the transfer of rights is committed.

At the same time, the debtor does not require consent. It is for the purpose of selling receivables and need an estimate - after all, it will allow you to determine what specifically the price can realize the debt.

In addition, the market assessment of the debate may be required in the following cases:

  • to analyze the effectiveness of the company's economic activity;
  • when settling claims in pretrial order or when debt collection from the debtor in accordance with the procedure for legal proceedings;
  • in the bankruptcy of the debtor and the realization of his property from public bidding.

Stages of holding

To speak briefly, the assessment of the enterprise receivables includes the following steps:

  • preparatory activities;
  • collection and preparation of the necessary information - internal documents of the Company, local and general regulatory acts;
  • analysis of economic stability in the company;
  • directly calculating the market price of debt;
  • the process of coordinating the results of the assessment with the management of the enterprise;
  • registration of the evaluation report.

Preparatory procedures

At the preparatory stage, the appraiser sorts the available receivables, relying on the following criteria:

  • the term of occurrence;
  • maturity;
  • amount of debt;
  • implemented activities in the company aimed at pre-trial settlement;
  • opportunities for repayment of debt;
  • the presence of unrealistic commitments to the recovery.

At this stage, the appraiser classifies the debts of counterparties by category:

  • short-term (repayment is expected within 1 year from the reporting date);
  • long-term (repayment is expected after 1 year from the reporting date);
  • overdue;
  • with an expired limitation period.

Important! The smaller the organization, the more accurate the results of the assessment. This is due to the fact that the appraiser, by virtue of the human factor and limited time, can not make a thorough analysis of each counterparty-receivers.

After the distribution of debaters according to subgroups, the appraiser starts directly to the estimated calculations.

Main events

Within the framework of the main procedures for assessing the debaters, the following criteria are analyzed that directly affect the amount of debt:

  • sales in the company, since profit increases necessarily leads to an increase in debt from counterparties;
  • the procedure for calculations with counterparties - the more loyal terms of the calculations, the greater the amount of debt;
  • debt collection policy, operating in the organization - the more actively pre-trial and judicial procedures are held, the smaller the amount of receipt will be;
  • the level of payment discipline of counterparties.

Appraisers take into account the circumstances that have a significant impact in determining the market value of the debt:

  • are the obligations of one of the forms of collateral provided for in (guarantee, pledge, deposit, etc.);
  • are there written claims from the debtor regarding the inconsistency of the supply or non-fulfillment of other terms of the contract;
  • the financial and economic condition of the company-receivers.


Evaluation of the market price debt is carried out on the basis of the use of methods.

Highlight three approaches:

  • profitable;
  • cost;
  • comparative sales method.

The main features of the assessment methods:


Key features

Profitable The basis of this method is the calculation of the cost of the asset by determining the expected income
Cost The main indicator when using this method is the amount of funds invested in the recovery of receivables. When calculating, a discount rate is used, which depends on factors such as debt repayment time, the presence of overdue, the financial condition of the debtor, etc.
Comparative This method is based on the comparison of the value of similar in the parameters of assets that exist in the market. That is, analogs of the arrears of the counterparty are taken - with the same maturity and other features

The choice of which evaluation method is used in a specific situation is assigned to the appraiser. It is usually used that method that, according to the appraiser, will show the most accurate and objective result.

Information about the appraiser used methods necessarily indicates the evaluation report, along with information about regulatory and legal acts and reference materialswhich were applied during the work.

Registration of results

All information received during the preparatory and basic evaluation measures are subject to enhancing in a special document referred to as a report on the assessment.

The document indicates the exact market value of the debate at the time of the evaluation measures.

This document is not only information, but also evidence - information from it can act as evidence in the occurrence of disputes.

The report is also used in other situations when documentary confirmation of the real value of the assets of the organization is required.

Important! Market value The debaters specified in the report may differ from the account! This is due to two factors:

  • the appraiser takes into account not only the value of "clean" debt, but also various penalties, penalties and fines due to pay from the counterparty;
  • when calculating, not only the current situation on the economic market, but also the inflation component is taken into account.

Any company before assessing its assets should analyze all firms involved in the relevant work, and choose the one that has a fairly large authority and license to carry out activities.

Often, illiterate appraisers come across, which are not able to properly obtain accurate information.


Assessment Report is a documentary certification of the market assessment of obligations. The report serves as an official evidentiary document and can be provided to any controlled body - ranging from the court and ending with federal structures.

Each report on the assessment necessaries the following information:

  • about the organization-to-customer;
  • on the applied debt assessment method;
  • about the examined obligation in the context of counterparties and debt itself;
  • on the results of the assessment.

The report is drawn up in accordance with the legislative requirements, it is definitely stitched, and the pages are numbered.

At the end of the document, the provisions of the appraisal company and the signature of the employee are controlled.

In competitive production

Accounts receivable is a part of the company's assets belonging to it, but in use of other persons (often in unlawful use).

As the debator is exactly the same property of the organization, as, for example, chairs or tables located in the company's office, to the implementation of debt in public bidders are subject to applying the regulations provided for in terms of property implementation.


In some assessment companies, the cost of the service is calculated individually and depends on the amount of work carried out.

The fact is that establishing the price for the service in a solid equivalent is quite problematic - the size of the companies differ greatly, and indebtedness too.

Large enterprises, often have an extensive frame of counterparties with which interaction is constantly being carried out.

Accordingly, the volume of receivables in such organizations is greater than in small firms. Conduct an assessment in a large organization and in small - these are two different procedures.

The price is also affected by the complexity of the assessment. For example, obligations may be different in the type of occurrence, in size, by the possibility of repayment. At the assessment of the criteria for different practices, quite a lot of time can escape.

All this and take into account estimated companies, exposing the "price tag" for your services. Based on the analysis of several structures, we present the averaged values:

Risk assessment of receivables

When evaluating the debitor, the appraiser must be borne in mind that with long-term deferments of the repayment of obligations (which are more than 3 years), accounting services are entitled to write off hopeless debts to the costs of the current period (for example, in account 91).

Information on these cancellations is reflected on the off-balance account 007. The appraiser must check whether there were writings on an overdue receipt, and, if so, in which volume.

If the cancellations were made, the appraiser is obliged to express, whether it agrees with the size of the write-off, or not. In case of disagreement, he must carry out independent adjustments to the amount of the debate, pushing out from the nominal amount of debt.

As a rule, after 3 years from the date of the occurrence of debt, its price becomes close to zero, provided that before the expiration of this time, the claim for the debtor was not submitted.

If the risky factors were taken into account in the amount of debitors, subsequent adjustments that reflect the temporary factor (delaying the payment), you need to be carried out by discounting the expected debt on the risk-free rate.

If risky factors have not reflected in the amount of debitors, subsequent adjustments that reflect both the time factor and risks should be carried out by discounting at a rate that takes into account the risks of non-receipt of debaters.

The concept of "receivables"

Accounts receivable is the debt of buyers, customers, borrowers, accountable persons, etc., which the creditor plan plans to receive within a certain period.

Receivables arises as a result of negotiable relationships when the moment of transition of ownership of goods (work, services) and their payment does not coincide in time.

Accounts receivable is taken into account in the balance sheet at the actual value of the implementation, based on the amount of funds, which should be obtained during its repayment, and includes calculations:

with buyers and customers / on promissory benefits / with subsidiaries and dependent societies / with participants (founders) on contributions to share capital / on issued advances / with other debtors.

At the same time, the nominal value of receivables, taken into account in the balance sheet, is the upper limit of value.

The real market value is often lower than the nominal, which is due to the following factors:

    the longer period of repayment of receivables, the less income from cash flowing on debtors, since money invested in assets should profit;

    cash to be returned to the enterprise is depreciated by inflation.

Certificate of recognition of receivables by moneyless

Deciphering the line "Accounts receivable" as of December 31, 2016

The name of the debtor

The amount of debt, rub.

Date of arrears

Cause of debt (operating, investment, financial)

Debt Characteristic (hopeless, overdue, current)

Enterprise A.



Enterprise B.


Enterprise B.




445 000 000,00

The assessment of the market value of the Company's receivables is carried out on the basis of the analysis of its structure and the duration of repayment.

The essence of the methodology for assessing receivables is reduced to the definition of hopeless debtors and reduce the carrying value to this value, as well as bringing to the current value of future payments on receivables.

According to the data provided by the owner of the asset (certificates of recognition of moneyless receivables), a hopeless debt was revealed at the date of assessment in the amount of 24,000,000 rubles.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with hopeless debts (debts, not real for recovery) recognize debts to the organization:

    according to which the prescribed limitation period has expired;

    for which, in accordance with civil legislation, the obligation is discontinued due to the impossibility of its execution;

    based on the Act of the State Body;

    based on the act on the liquidation of the organization.

According to Art. 195 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the statute is a period during which the debtor can be filed due to the fact that he did not fulfill its obligations under the contract (for example, did not pay the purchased products). Total time The limitation of three years (Article 196 of the Civil Code).

Thus, hopeless debt is 24,000,000 rubles. The market value of hopeless receivables is taken equal to 0.

Overdue operating debt with an increased risk of investment in this type of asset is at 400 0,000 rubles.

To obtain the real value of receivables, it is necessary to adjust taking into account the date of repayment of debt debt and liquidity, according to the formula:

PV \u003d C / (1 + R) N, where

PV - current cost;

R- discount rate;

n is a period of turning (time to repayment).

As a discount rate for current operating receivables, weighted average interest rates on loans to non-financial organizations were used in rubles that have developed on the evaluation date.

The average receivability of receivables is according to the analysis of indicators of business activity 391 days. This turnover term corresponds to the weighted average interest rate on loans to non-financial organizations in rubles for December 2016 in the amount of 12.86%. (Source: Statistics of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Interest rates and structure of loans and deposits for urgency,

The discount rate for overdue debts was calculated by the cumulative method. This method comes from a certain classification of risk factors and estimates of each of them. Database takes a risk-free rate. It is assumed that each factor increases this rate for a certain amount, and the overall premium is obtained by adding "deposits" of individual factors. The classification of factors and the size of their deposits "is listed in the table below.

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