When the warships return to harbor. The corvettes Boikiy and Soobrazitelny returned to the military harbor of Baltiysk. Tatyana Altunina, resident of Baltiysk

Logs 16.10.2020

The corvettes Boikiy and Soobrazitelny, as well as the tanker Kola, returned to the military harbor of Baltiysk. As part of a three-month campaign, a detachment of ships carried out planned tasks in the regions of the North Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean.

At the entrance to the military harbor, families of sailors meet ships. The corvettes were built according to the same project, they can only be distinguished by their names and serial numbers. The first to the moorings of Baltiysk went "Smart". To greet midshipman "Boyky" Artyom Altunin, his mother, wife and aunt will have to spend at least half an hour in the cold.

Tatyana Altunina, resident of Baltiysk:

- We will see him, we will shout, we will wave, and only then we will go there, we will run, well, that's how it is! We will see him first, well, this is generally happiness. We would have taken his little son, but it's very cold!

"Boikiy" is the last to enter the military harbor. Here sailors are expected not only by relatives and friends. They are greeted by crews from the Soobrazitelny, the Kola tanker and the fire tug. All four of them took part in the campaign together.

Konstantin Morozov, correspondent:

- The corvettes Boikiy and Soobrazitelny returned to their native harbor of Baltiysk three months later. Warships made for the first time in their history a long-range ocean voyage. Off the coast of Somalia in the Gulf of Aden, they protected civilian ships from pirates.

Not only the crew was tested, but the whole detachment. One of the tasks that the command assigned to the captains of "Savvy" and "Boykoy" was to test weapons and military equipment in different climatic conditions.

Andrey Kuznetsov, Commander of the surface ships formation of the Baltic Fleet:

- The entire ship as a whole was tested, and this campaign confirmed that the equipment that was entrusted to us, it justifies itself.

After the performance of the anthem, the command to disperse followed. Even the January frost is unable to cool the emotions of combat officers and sailors. Midshipman Artyom Altunin falls into the arms of his relatives.

Artyom Altunin, midshipman of the Boikiy corvette:

- I have joy and pride - everyone returned home alive, healthy, and this is the most important thing, the son is waiting at home.

If necessary, the crews of "Boyky" and "Savvy" in 4 hours will be able to start the task again.

Alexander Nosatov Commander of the Baltic Fleet:

- The Baltic Fleet is growing, maturing, and there are more campaigns this year than last year. This is a necessity for the country to live in peace and develop normally, we must be combat-ready.

“Boikiy” and “Savvy” after replenishment of supplies will be ready to go to sea to perform combat missions.

On January 14, 2018, the press service of the Western Military District, a detachment of warships of the Baltic Fleet, consisting of the corvettes Boyky, Soobrazitelny and the tanker Kola, entered the military harbor of Baltiysk after completing tasks in the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The corvettes and the tanker were on the march for more than 90 days, covering more than 35,000 nautical miles during this time. During the trip, business calls were made to the ports of Limassol (Cyprus), Djibouti (Republic of Djibouti), Tartus (SAR). At sea, the crews of the ships as part of the OBC completed a set of combat training tasks, including air defense and anti-submarine defense exercises, ship exercises and training, as well as artillery firing.

Project 20380 Boikiy corvette of the Baltic Fleet enters Baltiysk upon returning from a long voyage, 01/14/2018 (c) Russian Ministry of Defense

The solemn rally dedicated to the meeting of the ships was attended by representatives of the command of the Baltic Fleet, the administration of the city of Baltiysk, as well as relatives and friends of the Baltic sailors.

The Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov, on behalf of the Military Council of the Baltic Fleet, congratulated the crews on the successful fulfillment of the assigned tasks of long-range ocean navigation and wished the sailors new successes in combat training.

The servicemen who distinguished themselves in the long-distance campaign were awarded with valuable gifts from the fleet command. A number of servicemen will be nominated for state and departmental awards.

The ships returned from a long voyage technically sound and ready, after replenishing the necessary supplies, to carry out the tasks for their intended purpose.

From the side of bmpd, we recall that a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet as part of corvettes "Smart" and "Savvy" project 20380 and medium sea tanker "Cola" project 160 from Baltiysk on October 14, 2017 and through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Mediterranean Sea on October 28. From 7 to 9 November, all three ships will make a business call to Limassol, Cyprus.
"Smart" after that, he continued to perform tasks in the Mediterranean Sea, including a stay from November 11 to 23 at the logistics center of the Russian Navy in Tartus (Syria). Corvette "Savvy" and tanker "Cola" November 11 through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea and subsequently carried out tasks in the Gulf of Aden, including twice making calls to Djibouti. 5 december corvette "Savvy" and tanker "Cola" proceeded through the Suez Canal back to the Mediterranean Sea, then also calling at Tartus. From 9 to 11 December, all three ships again called at Limassol in Cyprus.

Initially, it was reported that the ships should return to Baltiysk on December 30, 2017, but as a result, their stay in the Mediterranean was extended by two weeks. Only on January 2, 2018, all three ships proceeded from the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar to the Atlantic Ocean and headed back to the Baltic.

This is the first such long-distance trip of Project 20380 corvettes and their first trip to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the first passage of a ship of this type to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Before that, Project 20380 corvettes of the Baltic Fleet made six paired long-range trips (two trips each in 2013, 2016 and 2017), but in all cases they did not go beyond the Bay of Biscay, the North Atlantic or the coast of Ireland.

Corvettes "Boyky" and "Savvy" project a 20380 of the Baltic Fleet in Baltiysk upon returning from a long voyage, 01/14/2018 (c) Ministry of Defense of Russia

The wait was a bit long. Apparently the spaceship "Siberia" was delayed due to a powerful storm on the Sun. Even on Earth, covered by a thick atmosphere, the instruments began to go off scale, mimicking arrogant people, telling them that not everything is in their power, and Cosmos will have to be reckoned with. The weather was wonderful, the height of summer. It was warm and cozy. There was still plenty of time before evening. Those gathered at the cosmodrome, and these were mostly young people, were not very saddened by such a delay. A rather large mass of people, waiting for the landing of the ship, spontaneously dispersed into small groups, and animatedly discussed issues related to this epoch-making event, which they all greedily wished to witness.

A young man came out of the Cosmodrome Administration building, and quickly moving his eyes around, fixed his gaze on his peers who were standing not far from the entrance and quickly moved towards them. The guys were looking forward to him, and when he appeared, they put aside their jokes and conversations on general topics.

Well, what do they say there? - asked a young, very pretty girl, with lush, chestnut-colored hair.

Oh, Sveta, Sveta, you are irresistible as always! - Smiling broadly, unexpectedly and out of place, the young man expressed his attitude towards her to her.

I always, when I see you, the rest of the questions become very small, and somehow evaporate in a strange way.

The other two guys laughed merrily and strangely. And on their faces, against their will, an absurd expression arose. They knew it very well, but there was nothing they could do about it. Sveta, only sweetly expressed surprise, as if asking with her eyes: - Is it so? It was irresistible female coquetry. And the demons that played in her eyes at the same time completely fascinated the guys.

Well, why are we going to discuss me? My hair, figure, - Sveta said coquettishly, and then seriously tried to show interest in what was happening at the cosmodrome, but, unable to withstand a serious tone, she laughed.

Volodya, it seems that you wanted to tell us about something? - she asked seriously, through laughter.

Yes, of course, why did I run there. Boris Nikolaevich, will be out soon. And "Sibir" will land soon, she has to complete a few landing maneuvers, which, due to the storm, had to be included in the flight plan. Imagine, perhaps this will be the last starship landing in our history.

Who would have thought that this could happen at all, - picked up one of the guys, and Svetlana, with enthusiasm, dreamily continued the thought she had begun, - Imagine, then after many, many years, not without a share of romance and pride, we will tell our grandchildren about this ...

That's for sure. As BN now tells us about Gagarin's flight, Volodya added.

At that moment, everything at the spaceport began to move. Boris Nikolaevich Zvyagintsev, a legend of space science, emerged from the main entrance of the Administration building. He was already well over a hundred years old, and only a thick hat of gray hair spoke of his age. His movements were still as young and impetuous as when he was twenty, and he witnessed the same epoch-making event, when for the first time a person just fluttered out of his native nest, on a small and still completely imperfect spaceship. On such a small one - like a baby's cradle, in which it was even difficult to turn around, but which did its main job - confidently moved the process of knowing the mysterious and alluring cosmos forward. And from this began the endless movement of mankind beyond the chapels of the Earth into the darkness and emptiness of the Universe, for new knowledge, in search of other worlds, everything, accelerating and accelerating, opening and bringing closer more and more new horizons of the unknown.

There were many guests from the capital with Zvyagintsev, but here, at the cosmodrome, he was the main one, of course. He was an idol, a god and an authority, but you never know who else, but this is already depending on the state of mind of those who looked at him. Everyone was waiting for what he would say - a man of the old formation, who had acquired vast experience over a hundred-odd years, and from whom one could expect not only bright technical solutions and breakthroughs in individual areas of science, but also such philosophical generalizations that are not yet available youth because of their youth. Huge amounts of valuable information have accumulated and intertwined in his head, soul and heart. He had something to compare, he could lay out at a glance much of what was not yet given to his other, younger colleagues.

The tribune was opposite the entrance, and those present immediately involuntarily pulled closer to it, so as not to miss the solemn moment - the moment when new era, exploration of the universe.

Zvyagintsev easily climbed to the podium and without preparation, he immediately emotionally threw a powerful appeal over the heads of the audience:

People! Comrades! Brothers! We are on the verge of an amazing, exciting time that should finally bring happiness to everyone on our planet. The need of a reasonable person for knowledge of the world and self-development receives unlimited possibilities. We are already beginning to use the power of human spiritual energy on a full scale and widely. Thanks to this, now everyone has the opportunity to be creators. No wonder the Bible says, “Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness.” The similarity to the Creator was originally laid in a person, but only for the time being it was not realized. And now, the era of consumption has ended and the era of creation, creation has come - this is the highest meaning and image of the plan of the Almighty, and the essence of Nature itself. We have so far been only babies - our entire civilization as a whole. We were like babies, right after birth, we could only consume. At birth, a baby still cannot and does not know how to create, he only greedily consumes everything for his growth, but as he grows up, he begins to act independently, acquiring the ability to be creative. So, sooner or later, humanity had to grow out of the diapers of infantile consumption and acquire the image and likeness of the almighty creator of the world. Go from the reflex give! - to the reflex on! The Creator is a parent who experiences endless pleasure and happiness from creating to give, give, give. He creates by giving in order to be happy and make others happy. But, people still could not afford to be happy creators, because they were limited by the limits of finiteness and lack of matter. In order to create something, it was necessary to take something away from someone.

And now, thanks to the development of spiritual energy, these boundaries have expanded. We have already learned how to teleport up to two hundred kilograms, which gave us the opportunity to abandon the extensive method of space exploration and even return our last and closest spacecraft to Earth, Siberia, to put it in a museum as an exhibit, along with others.

Now much of what people spent many years and even lives on turned out to be unnecessary. Finally, everyone, without exception, will be able to truly touch the knowledge of the world and independently engage in creativity, because the next on the threshold of global discoveries is the synthesis of matter in any place, shape and form from the physical vacuum. Yes, there are still limitations in this, but they are connected only with our mental and spiritual state. You know you shouldn't let kids play with fire. Time to grow up guys! Try, as far as possible, to become people with a capital letter, because, the happiness of knowing and the happiness of creating, the greatest achievements and essential condition to be a man and given to us as a gift from above, - he froze for a moment, looking somewhere beyond the horizon.

Look and rejoice, - Boris Nikolaevich extended his hand to the side, - now we will meet our last spaceship, because a person no longer needs help and walkers, we get up and start walking like people.

“Siberia” appeared on the horizon, still like a point, but very significant for the history of mankind. The starship was approaching very quickly and the noise of its engines was already filling the surrounding space.

Rolling down the runway and ejecting the drag parachutes, it came to a halt smoking a little. Everyone was ready to run to him, but the dispatcher's voice imperiously stopped the impulse of the gathered youth. The starship had to be allowed to cool down a little, and the dispatcher gave the command to the tractors to drag the starship to its permanent parking place - to the museum, which was located at the end of the runway, to other similar rarities of space exploration.

And everyone, without hurrying, went to the museum in order to touch the frozen foray of the history of the exploration of the expanses of the universe.

Several kilometers that those present had to walk made it possible to put the starship in place, where, like a thoroughbred trotter, after a victorious race, it cooled down from the “hot cosmic winds” that had recently blown over it. It stood like a huge, beautiful airliner at the airport, but only with fewer windows and with burnt, sooty skin on its sides, telling everyone: “Please don’t compare me, and don’t confuse me with my home brothers - I’m not a home kitty, I am a tiger that was returned to the enclosure for some reason. I was born for the wild and Space is my element.

It began to get dark, the silhouettes of people lit up with an even light, illuminating everything around, from which it became light and comfortable at the cosmodrome, as if it were not a landing strip for spaceships, but a pedestrian zone in the city, intended for the walks of citizens, where you can hear a measured, unhurried the rhythm of tapping heels, so well lulled in the evening.

All slowly, they began to approach the "Siberia" and slap it on the cooling still slightly warm parts, and walking around saying goodbye to it, and with it to the whole era of development and knowledge of space and the world around it, animatedly discussing future prospects and a little sad about the romance of the pioneers with their: the dangers of flying, the joy of discovery, and with popular love.

Sveta walked slowly, the guys walked nearby, involuntarily forming a line that interfered with others, more hasty, because of which the waves of those hurrying to meet with Siberia washed them with multi-colored luminous streams, creating picturesque swirls in the general flow of people. But for this young company, the center of attention was not a starship, but a fragile girl who was the greatest of all mysteries for them and much more attractive than space. For the guys walking alongside, it was an endless and mysterious cosmos of feelings, not yet discovered and known at all, and perhaps it will remain so for them until the end of their days.

And why in the West, nothing happens, what do you think? - one of the guys suddenly asked a question.

I don't know, Igor. Boris Nikolayevich says that they have not matured spiritually. They have a split personality, - Volodya answered, as if the question had been asked to him.

What? Igor was surprised. The rest, waiting for an answer, looked at Volodya. He thought a little.

In the sense that ... - he again fell silent for a while, sorting through his thoughts, - maybe this is what he was just talking about: “They have not yet grown out of diapers and they still have only a grasping reflex - give it! »

Do you want to say, - Igor began to think, - that the use of spiritual energy is creativity, not consumerism? But the very expression "using spiritual energy" is also more like consumption - a paradox!

Sveta suddenly laughed, and, taking Vladimir and Nikita by the arms, that was the name of the third guy, she slyly asked: - And to love - what is it - to consume or give?

It is, to give myself to the last drop, I am ready for everything for the sake of my beloved, - Nikita said rather gloomily.

Sveta! Do not distract from the topic, - Igor immediately tried to cut off a new discussion, - the question is very important. What is the priority? And, by the way, it depends on what kind of love we will have.

And we still don't have any love, - Sveta laughed merrily.

I mean not here, but among all people, at least in the expanses of the Union, - Igor got a little angry.

Boris Nikolayevich says that the capitalist way of thinking itself carries a split and contradiction, in order to use other people's labor, it is necessary to use all sorts of silences. That is, I say one thing and mean another. I say, we will do it together, but I mean that you will work with a shovel, and I will count the number of abandoned shovels and the money that I will receive, and so on. And with this approach, the information that goes to the Noosphere upon request for execution does not receive the exact destination address for execution and remains, as a result, without embodiment. Nor is it possible to determine the starting and destination points in order to lay a straight through line. Where is the truth, and where is the lie, where is the real goal, the addressee? Something like this, - Vladimir expressed his thought rather extensively and a little chaotically and stopped, looking around.

They had almost reached the Sibir, and the crowd had dispersed a little. Here and there, people began to slowly lose their shape, and melt before our eyes. Their teleportation in space was very picturesque and charming, a man had just been here, illuminating everything around with his field, and suddenly he slowly melted somewhere, and somewhere he just as suddenly, but gently, will arise and continue his existence filled with various deeds. .

In general, with the development of teleportation, there was less fuss, - Vladimir thought about all this.

Sveta came close to Volodya and looked into his eyes, her Brown eyes were wide open, she smiled. They froze. It seemed as if eternity had descended like a soft veil over them. Light asked quietly, continuing to smile mysteriously, - Don't you have any bifurcation?

I don’t have, - Volodya answered with a sinking heart.

Quite quite? - as if about something, very sorry, Sveta asked.

At that moment, someone pushed Vladimir in the side and said, - Rise! It's time to wake up, - it was Igor, who was lying next to him in the hayloft, and had already woken up and began to toss and turn. And Vladimir, felt languor in his whole body, and, without opening his eyes, tried to hold back the images and sensations floating away into the distance, of that other space, another world, amazing and alluring. It was light in his soul, and the soft warm breaths of air washing his face continued to lull him, and he wanted to prolong this state of happiness that filled him. But consciousness slowly brought him back to reality. He finally realized that he was lying in the hayloft, the smell of fresh hay with a fragrant shade of a whole bouquet of herbs, most likely: tansy, wormwood and St. John's wort, of course, made this lying more pleasant, but at the same time it strongly brought back to reality.

It's amazing, is this ever going to happen? How would you like to live up to this. The mere thought of this makes my soul warm, - Vladimir thought, and sighed with regret about the unfulfillment of these wonderful, bright visions, but, having filled his lungs with the fragrant fragrant air of the hayloft, he was suddenly filled with the indescribable happiness of momentary existence.

Still, what a good life! - he came to the conclusion, and he really wanted to see Sveta as soon as possible. Where is she? Probably doing clothes with the girls. They have a lot of work now, large orders for dresses have come to the settlement again. What if they are already in the summer kitchen?

Igor, what time is it?” Vladimir asked immediately, as if coming to his senses, rising on his elbows.

Almost three, - Nikita muttered, stretching, from somewhere in the far corner of the hayloft.

Oh you! Vladimir involuntarily exclaimed.

Yes, they probably already ate everything without us, - Nikita concluded rather gloomily. Igor was silent, and slowly crawled down the hay.

Where are you going? Vladimir asked him.

Where where? All the same, maybe they didn’t eat it, they know that we are sleeping here, ”Igor answered. All three quickly got down from the hayloft, shaking off the sticky hay. The weather was wonderful. The sun was roasting to the fullest, in fact, it was still possible to lie down and soak up, because the heat had not yet subsided. The muscles, out of habit, had not yet rested at all, and lethargy and heaviness were present in the whole body, and I wanted to freeze at least a little at rest and not move, but some inner stronger motives pushed the young guys to go rather to the summer kitchen, where they might be It wasn't just food.

They went out of the hayloft to the utility yard, it was empty, and apart from a lonely standing cart, which they carelessly abandoned, spreading the shafts to the sides, having finished unloading the last cart of hay, there was no one and nothing. The men, most likely, went directly to the summer kitchen on the equipment, it was only the three of them who hesitated and they would obviously get to the end of the distribution, if they had time at all. But you still have to listen to the ridicule of fellow villagers that: "Whoever yawns, he sips water." But, they are very unaccustomed to shake. In the end, it's okay, you can wait until the house, sleep is sometimes sweeter than honey and more useful than any cabbage soup and borscht.

Leaving the yard fenced with poles, they went straight through the grove, past the flax pit, and then the pond with carps, past the clearing on which their worker, the mare Milka, grazed. Seeing the guys, she neighed happily, but continued to nervously dig the ground with her front hoof, since the grass had already been eaten up. I had to linger, rearranging her, apparently for such kindness to her, she slightly bit Volodya on the shoulder, or maybe she just begged for bread, and, out of the kindness of her horse, thus drew attention to herself, leaving a small mark from her teeth as a keepsake.

Well, what are you, what are you! Milka, calm down, - pushing the horse's muzzle aside with his hand to avoid the continuation of any horse tenderness and rubbing a fresh bite with his hand, Vladimir began to reassure her, - I'll bring you bread later, - he promised her in the end, and patted her on the back of the neck.

Then they quickly along the already well-trodden path, reducing as much as possible the intricate whirlwinds of the picturesque settlement stretching for several kilometers, all, accelerating and accelerating their pace, jumped out to the summer kitchen, which stood on the shore of a small pond with banks in the shape of a large bean. It was empty under the shed, although a tractor stood alone in the parking lot. Everyone had already apparently eaten and dispersed in all directions, tired of the summer heat, in order to enjoy the coolness. Two entrances with pergolas entwined with northern grapes formed a terrace along the edges, on which, behind a wooden railing, with chiseled balusters entwined with greenery, under a canopy, there was a large wooden table with a samovar at the end, and next to it, behind a stone wall made of a tiler, one could see the white side of the stove and around not a soul.

Eat hunting! Nikita suddenly said.

Nothing. Let's see. Maybe there is something left, - Igor reassured him. And the guys, having passed through one of the pergolas, moved to the saving stove.

Where are you going? Sony! Everyone overslept in the world, - out of nowhere appeared Manya.

I'm waiting for you here, waiting, and you? she lashed out.

Oh Mania! Why didn't you send one of the little ones after us? Igor was indignant.

The little ones with Seryoga have gone to swim, by the way, they haven’t eaten yet either, - Manya declared in response, shaking her head and mimicking him.

This is for a long time, now you can’t pull them out by the ears, - Nikita grinned, - It’s good that we are not the only ones like that, - he continued with some degree of pleasure.

Igor was fascinated looking at Manya, with red hair tied in a braid, laughing, beautiful eyes, and a full appetizing white face and rosy cheeks, as in the paintings of Kustodiev, which provoked him to mischievous thoughts. And he wanted to grab her, which became visible even from the outside. The guys were frozen in anticipation of what will happen? Will he decide or not?

And here’s grandfather galloping, ”she said joyfully and nodded her head towards the pond and the road along which someone had just passed.

Very good, - Volodya was delighted, - I really need him. Is that really him?

Yes, there is no one else, - Nikita noticed.

Manya at that moment slipped under Igor's arm, hurriedly grabbing a white linen tablecloth, and began to set it on a long wooden table. Igor also began to help her straighten the tablecloth.

Are you afraid of your grandfather? - flirting with her, Igor teased her.

Why should I be afraid of him? Since you are all gathered, we must feed you as soon as possible, otherwise you will completely go berserk with hunger. Look at you, what a greedy, hungry face has become, - Manya giggled, straightening the folds on the tablecloth.

Igor is not at all greedy for food now. Is that right, Igor? Volodya added fuel to the fire.

Until what? - sarcastically asked Manya, making surprised eyes.

Well, you never know what, - Volodya continued slyly shaking his head.

And the grandfather is already coming, - Manya laughed in response. The guys immediately, as if on command, turned towards the road, where grandfather appeared on the edge near the grove, hurrying to their kitchen. From his quick walk, the geese, peacefully grazing on the lawn in front of the pond, began to cackle and, spreading their wings and flapping them to intimidate the uninvited guest, ran to the water, seeking salvation in their native element. Their heavy bodies, one by one, plopped into the pond and, as is, in single file, one after the other, set sail from the shore.

The guys calmed down and sat down at the table, the three of them with their backs to the wall, exuding boredom and indifference on their faces, and modestly folding their hands on the table in anticipation of food. There was silence. Manya ran off to work at the stove.

Grandfather entered the kitchen with a flourish, still as if he had not cooled down from riding a horse. Surprised looked at those present, - And that's all? Where are the rest?

I don’t know, they are obviously very busy, - Manya laughed.

Oh, and you laugh, Manya, - not without pleasure, her grandfather scolded, and sat down in his place in the middle of the table, but immediately got up and went to the sink to wash his hands, saying, - Wrapped up, you need to rinse a little.

The guys also remembered that they had not washed after the hayloft and slowly and importantly went in line to the washstand.

Well? I looked at the hay, did you move everything? - the grandfather turned to the guys.

Yes, we decided to work hard today, time is short, customers are asking to finish debugging their program next week, - Vladimir explained.

And what about the press baler? - not paying attention to Vladimir's explanations, slowly smoothing out the wrinkles on the tablecloth, the grandfather asked.

Grandfather, you understand ... - Igor began.

Well, I'm listening, - grandfather gloomily waited for an answer.

We cannot lose so much time, we need to fulfill our obligations to customers, - Vladimir joined.

Soon it's Midsummer's Day, by the way. Customers are of course important! Freedom, what do you think? - the grandfather was indignant, - after all, this is also an obligation, but not before an individual customer, - he made a short pause, - but before the whole country, before the entire Union. Do you understand that?

Maybe even in front of the whole civilization, - Manya giggled from behind the stove, rattling dishes, the rest tried to hold back their smiles in response. Grandfather looked at Manya, frowned, and shook his finger at her.

This, to her girl, is permissible, and you are future men, you need to think, - the grandfather fell silent.

Grandfather, we all love you, - Igor began to reassure him, - But why are you exaggerating all the time? - as calmly and pacifyingly as possible, he tried to convey his idea to his grandfather, and as you could see from his tone and the reaction of the other guys, this was not the first time.

I don't exaggerate, my dears. Yes, I have already told you a thousand times about this. Well, what to repeat again? Then, in the twenty-ninth, we were not at all in the mood for jokes.

But nothing happened, - Nikita noticed.

Almost nothing happened. Thank God, I passed by, only slightly peeled off the atmosphere. But the main thing was not in this, but in the fact that we were then deceived. We hoped ... and when we found out the truth, it was already too late and many then even put them in their pants.

Grandpa, aren't you scared at all? - giggling merrily, Manya asked from behind the stove.

I’m a fatalist, you know, ”answered the grandfather, then, after a pause, he added,“ in any case, my pants definitely remained clean, ”and laughed, remembering how it all happened, and continued quite seriously,“ but my heart was very dirty, I confess ... And what are you doing there, beauty, are you sleeping or something? - the grandfather hurried his favorite, but Manya herself began to take out the plates, and then the tureen, and began to quickly pour the soup into bowls.

And where is the bread? - the grandfather turned in her direction, stirring the soup with a spoon, - and sour cream? - again he had to remind the hostess of her duties. Finally, the table was set as it should be, and everyone silently and with pleasure began to eat. They ate for the first time in a day. In the settlement in the morning it was not customary to eat, and late in the evening, too, so the stomach rested better, and the body gained more strength. Tea, of course, could be drunk, but is it really food? And even then, everyone drank it in the summer at home, more to quench their thirst, or to talk over tea. Of course, they also had lovers of food, but there were very few of them.

Oh, and well done you Manya! - eating up a baked potato with vegetables for the second and smacking his lips with pleasure, the grandfather praised the hostess. The guys, having eaten modestly, said thank you, and fell off with their backs to the wall, waiting for what would happen on the third.

Grandfather! Vladimir suddenly turned to him.

Yes! - Grandfather answered him, setting aside an empty plate.

Is that possible, do you think?” Vladimir began cautiously.

What are you talking about? Don't delay, I'm listening - his grandfather encouraged him.

I had a dream, - the guys chuckled, but Vladimir did not pay attention to this and continued, - fantastic. I saw such a bright future, it is even difficult to retell. And there, in the future, people learned to teleport, but only for some reason in our Union, and all this was connected with spiritual energy. One person there told me that in the west, because of the desire to profit from others, the consciousness is divided, and this is what prevents them from moving forward as fast as we do. Because of this bifurcation, they have incorrect requests to the Noosphere, and because of this, nothing works out for them, it does not answer them, and they cannot receive the necessary information, what do you say, is this possible?

Grandfather listened attentively and thought, then called Manya.

You are my beauty, have you completely forgotten about tea?

Manya really forgot about tea, leaning out from behind the stove and frozen in anticipation of what will happen next. At the very first words of her grandfather, she remembered about tea and buns and much, much more, about everything that related to her duties in the kitchen, and immediately disappeared behind the wall, so that she would immediately appear with a dish filled with muffin, and then with tea in a teapot. And everyone unanimously set to work on buns with tea, and the question hung in the air.

And what does teleportation have to do with spiritual energy? - Nikita suddenly broke the silence, - after all, matter is teleporting.

Don't tell! - Igor objected, - to some extent, teleportation can be called a transmitted, and then embodied package of information. For example, they send us various drawings and data packages by email, and we immediately translate them into matter on printers and machines, right? How is this not teleportation?

Well, what prevents me in this case, when transferring this data, to cash in on others, if I want it? - objected Nikita. Igor poured more tea leaves into a cup and went to the samovar for boiling water: in thought he almost poured over the edges onto the tablecloth, silently returned to his place, waiting with curiosity for an answer, and began to glance at the silent grandfather.

Teleportation is not the same as the duplication that you just said about, - Vladimir suggested, - if we are talking about teleportation, then we must talk about the role and continuity of consciousness, otherwise it is just duplication. Teleportation is so that: I have been somewhere and at the same time I understand that it was me, but not here, but somewhere very far away and instantly.

Well, you said! I didn’t understand anything,” Nikita laughed. Grandfather continued to be silent, carefully examining the crumbs on the tablecloth. Manya approached them, listening attentively to what in question, but, without interfering, she sat down on a bench and leaned her elbows on the table, after sitting a little, just in case, she asked, breaking the silence.

Or maybe bring you something else to eat?

Standard female decision question, - Igor laughed.

Pour me some more tea, Manya, - asked the grandfather. And then, slowly sipping the tea brought to him, he began to think:

Actually, teleportation as a phenomenon is possible. The possibilities of the universe are limitless, I believe in it. Do we have such dreams that you wake up and you don’t know if it was real or not? And in such a dream it happens, you fly away, the devil knows where. So what is this? Perhaps, in general, our whole life is a game of the imagination, who knows, there is such a philosophy. But, it seems, based on my own experience, the state of mind still plays a huge role in this. Here, let's think. Progress is a movement from simple to complex, that is, the complication of something, which means synthesis from simple to more complex, and exploitation is the appropriation of something, that is ... Separation and crushing of the common, pulling away the fruits of the common synthesis. Therefore, their civilization slows down progress and deeply seeks to destroy it with all its essence.

But what about the achievements that they still have, - Vladimir suddenly expressed doubt.

Yes, there is no contradiction here, - the grandfather explained, - there are no homogeneous phenomena in the universe, everything is mixed up. So it is with them: not all of them are by nature capitalists. Some appropriate and destroy, while others create, create, and move progress and enjoy it. The only question is who is more. When there are more dependents, the world is on the brink of collapse.

Here's how to take everyone who sits on the neck together and send them somewhere far away, - Manya said dreamily.

Look at how simple everything is, - Nikita chuckled at Manina's words, - how many thousands of years have passed, and humanity still has not resolved this issue.

Someday we will solve this, guys, - the grandfather reassured, - we just need to teach people to enjoy creativity, and not from the consumption of material goods. When everyone understands that even on our entire globe the amount of matter is limited, while creativity, on the contrary, is not limited by anything. Create - for the benefit of all and rejoice. And have fun for free. Even the ancient Epicureans said: "What kind of pleasure is it if you have to pay for it." But the main thing in your question is not this, Volodya, the main thing is the nature of creativity itself. In order to come up with something new, to make creative imagination work... in short, any energy, including creative energy, is born when there is a potential difference, in this case, different points of view and ideas. You need at least a binomial of information. But, if ... - the grandfather did not have time to finish the thought, the woman Olya entered the kitchen.

Well, old man, do you teach all the guys? she joked, sitting down next to him.

I'm not an old man! I still have five years to a hundred, you know it better than anyone else.

Well, okay, okay, you are not an old man, you are a grandfather - do not get excited. I totally lost you today. Where did you go while I was fiddling with sightseers?

I went to see what we have with water on the mountain, but what? he replied.

No, nothing. I just look, my grandfather is nowhere to be found. You need an eye and an eye for you,” she said, smiling.

What are you worried about, - the grandfather hugged his wife, - well, what can happen to me?

You see, Manya, what kind of men they are. We can't find a place for ourselves, can they? - and, turning her head towards Mani, Baba Olya jokingly pushed her husband in the side with her elbow, - so get ready, dear, for your difficult female fate.

Oh, oh, is it so difficult! - Grandfather laughed.

Manya came up and hugged Baba Olya from her back, who took her hands and, clapping her soft hands on them, began to jokingly say, “Yes, yes, that’s our lot.” You try, you try, and no thanks.

Baba Olya, and you don’t want to eat, I now, in a moment? Mania remembered.

No, I've already eaten, thank you, Manechka.

Or maybe some tea and biscuits?

Well, if only tea to drink.

Manya happily ran to the dishwasher for a cup. Grandfather got up, stretching with pleasure, the guys got up behind him.

Well? Come on, let's sit on the logs, - suggested the grandfather, and slowly went with the guys to the pond.

You see, I prevented them, - said the woman Olya Mane.

No, they had already eaten and just chatted here about different things, about some dreams, about ideas, energies ...

Well, nothing, we are now, too, a little whisper about our own, - drinking tea, and looking at how the men slowly walk along the lawn in front of the kitchen to the pond, said Baba Olya.

Vladimir immediately went next to his grandfather, so that it would be more convenient to talk, the rest also followed, waiting for the continuation. Moving away a little from the kitchen, the grandfather began not loudly, so that it was only audible to the guys walking nearby.

Women are the whole universe. As long as I live in the world, I discover everything new and new in them. They beckon me to them no less than the cosmos. Mania is very good! Lucky for the guy who gets it. The main thing when choosing a wife is to look at her mother and relatives, because a woman bears the stamp of her ancestors more than a man. And, if a girl does not know how to be happy, and is not happy with herself and others, and she has all sorts of problems ... and this is still in her youth, then what will happen later when family problems are added?

Yes, grandfather, we all know this, - Igor cut in, - and what if the parents don’t like the girl, then we need to wait a little and take a closer look, and so on ... did you want to say something else in the kitchen?

Grandfather stopped, - Oh, yes! I completely forgot, - and continued to go to the logs lying by the pond around the fire.

Well, sit down, let's continue our brainstorming, - suggested the grandfather. Everyone sat on the logs next to the grandfather.

In order for good ideas to be born, one must first of all have a clear and understandable goal. It's like picking mushrooms. If you collect mushrooms and immediately hide them from others, and even cover your tracks so that “God forbid” others do not find yours mushroom places, then most of the mushrooms will remain uncollected and disappear. This is called: "And I myself am not, and I will not give to another." How do we pick mushrooms?

All together, - the guys answered almost simultaneously.

That's it, and even a race, and in a common basket for the kitchen, right? And when you have more, it turns out, to pick mushrooms, when you are alone wandering through the forest, or when you are all together?

I just imagined that I was going alone to the forest for mushrooms, it’s hard to even imagine, unless it’s very necessary, if there is absolutely nothing to eat. The main thing in mushrooms is the company.

And it’s even better if with girls, it’s true, - the grandfather chuckled, - that’s the same with ideas - this is called a collective mind, when you throw your little mushroom into a large common basket and from this scale, this common basket takes your breath away and you want even more throw mushrooms in there. After all, no matter how big a mushroom you find, it will still be less than the total basket. The soul needs space to unfold. If we were sitting only in our yards, and we would have neither common affairs, nor workshops, nor our museum, nor our same summer kitchen, and most importantly the feeling of our huge huge country, how would you feel? The guys laughed in response.

And, this time, as an echo with the same joyful and laid-back laughter, the men who appeared from the grove echoed them, either from an unexpected meeting with their own, or just for the reason Have a good mood. And the meeting between them took place as if they had not seen each other for ages.

Oh, grandfather! - One of the men shouted joyfully, waving his hands up, greeting the whole company at once, and expressing with such a gesture natural joy from an unexpected meeting, then, going up to each of those sitting, shook hands, saying, - Hello, hello , kids.

Hello, Misha! - answered the grandfather. Misha was fifteen years younger than his grandfather, but they looked a match for each other, their age froze somewhere there, at around sixty. Two more men, the same as Misha after him, shook hands with everyone present, and sat down next to the logs.

What are we talking about? Misha asked.

About the collective mind, that one head is good, but much better, - answered the grandfather.

That's for sure, - Misha confirmed, - in this case, the main resonance, then usually the result is stunning. It's like a company going across a bridge, if everyone is in step, then the bridge will collapse.

That's for sure, - the rest of the men nodded their heads, and began to argue together: that resonance and harmony in this matter is the most important thing. What happens: one thinks, one thinks, and then they all get together - once they have decided everything.

While they were sitting and talking, Manya came out of the kitchen and went to the peasants. Seeing her, grandfather smiled, nodding his head in her direction, grinned: - Now you will have harmony, from Mani.

Grandpa, why aren't you going to eat? - she turned to one of the men with a red beard, and then to everyone else - And you, grandfather Misha and grandfather Kolya, why are you sitting? I'm waiting for you all, I'm waiting, by the way, I still have to wash the dishes and do the cleaning ...

That's grandfather Yura, you do not respect your granddaughter at all, - joking, the men got up from their seats and went to the kitchen.

Your balers are not working offline, without an operator. Yes, and without us, well, nothing, turning around, said grandfather Misha Vladimir, - again I had to pull one out, tied up to the very ears, - saying this, grandfather Misha went dancing merrily.

Grandpa, can you tell me why I can't? - Vladimir complained to his grandfather, - I seem to have tied everything to Glanass and even specially started a step-by-step debugger plan, in case of a failure. And something is not right. And all in the same place.

Now I can’t tell you anything, - the grandfather answered, - you need to look and figure it out, if you want, tomorrow morning and we’ll do it?

We will communicate with customers in the morning,” Igor interjected.

Well, then, when you are free, blurt out to me, I'll be waiting, because this also cannot be postponed. Soon it will be Ivan Kupala and the mowing should be finished.

Grandfather, we have lost so much time, well, why do you make us mow by hand every time, and even carry it on a horse, if we still harvest almost all the hay with machinery. This is archaism and just a waste of time! Igor was indignant.

Because you must be able to do it, and, by the way, do not forget that tomorrow evening we have a forge, and you, Igorek, will remake your braid. I told you then that you can’t do this, it will be heavy, and you will nod over all the bumps. What do you think, I didn’t see how you mow? - As if not noticing the objections, said the grandfather.

Listen, grandfather, do you want us in the twenty-first century, instead of moving our brains, to wield a shovel and a scythe? Yes, we will completely lose our qualifications, and all our customers will run away from us, and then what do you order us to do? We do not want to waste your life on any archaism, as you do, - the guys started shouting at once.

Tsyts, little ones, - the grandfather sharply interrupted the hubbub. - What do you think, you are so brilliant, and without you there will be no progress - or what? Everything is just the opposite, the wider your knowledge, the more chances to do something truly useful for people, - the grandfather spoke confidently and edifyingly, and the hushed guys, frowning, looked at him, holding their thoughts stubbornly until better times, because now they had few arguments on their side, except for the desire to do what they love and not be distracted by various trifles, in their opinion. Grandfather understood this very well, because he himself was like that, and inwardly he was even glad that they were business-minded to work, but he could not get past their lack of understanding of simple common truths, which were clear as daylight, acquired by him over many years by the method trial and error.

Customers are important to you, this is good, but family and friends are not important to you? If you lose them. You will lose everything that is so close to you, and this is only because of your unwillingness to sometimes learn what is needed, and not just what brings pleasure. You already have such healthy foreheads, and still have not learned to enjoy what is around, because it is so simple: it is only important that it is useful and gives you food for the brain. Do you understand? Do you think technology is everything? Highest achievement? For human thought it may be so, but not for nature. Its possibilities are endless, and only by studying it, you can endlessly improve your intellect. You look at these insects that are crawling around. They are perfect. Try to repeat them. And you can't even debug simple computer programs. Everything must be in harmony. And, by the way, nature produces trillions of such insects without straining, but because it has a comprehensive process, from the simplest bacteria to humans, everything is being improved at the same time. Do you understand? Simultaneously! - by syllables, already uttering the last word, the grandfather finished his speech.

At his voice and intensified gestures, the men and women who came from the workshops gathered, hastily having a snack, they looked with curiosity what was the matter, standing in a semicircle around the grandfather and the guys, who were forced to remain silent in view of the superior forces of the enemy. One of the portly-looking women suddenly could not stand it:

Grandfather, are you scolding my grandson?

And you shut up, Natalya, when the elders are talking, - the grandfather abruptly interrupted.

And why should I be silent, I want to know what the child is to blame for?

He’s not to blame for anything, he’s just stupid and that’s it, and instead of being indignant, it’s better to help convey to him the need to study.

What can I convey to him? He studied at school and knows everything. Smarter than me already.

Nikita turned to Natalya and said angrily:

Grandma, don't interfere, we'll figure it out ourselves.

Grandfather immediately gave Nikita a slap on the back of the head, saying:

Who talks to elders like that!

Those gathered supported the grandfather with exclamations, but at the same time, in their own way and kindly, they began to pat the guys on the shoulder, saying condolences to them, and advising them to listen more carefully to what the grandfather gives them, because he always speaks the matter.

Something has gone wrong with us, I see! - Grandfather Misha suddenly said loudly, - we should return everything to harmony, and calm my darling! - and began to dance.

It's possible! the women laughed. Baba Olya went up to her grandfather and took him by the arm.

Well, what are you worried about? Right now Pavlukha will come with her harmonization apparatus, and everyone will be fine and everything will immediately return to normal - at these words she laughed, pointing to the road with her hand.

On the road walked Pavlukha in a blouse with an accordion, and with him several women and peasants, also dressed in ceremonial sarafans and white shirts. The villagers greeted them with joyful cries. And Pavlukha, having found himself like a fish in water, having fallen into his native environment of fun, and picking up the mood soaring in the air, from afar began to play the harmonica, picturesquely stretching the furs to their full extent. And these were still only tunes, groovy with dashing busts, but bringing the state of mind of the audience to a common denominator. At this moment, in the middle of the circle, grandfather Mikhail was already giving out a pretzel with his feet. Natalya joined him, breaking away from her seat, stamping her heels. The audience began to clap their hands, cheering and joking to give them more liveliness. Grandfather Mikhail fervently sang a ditty about Natalya's legs, in response he received the same one about the fact that his legs are also good, but his head cannot keep up with them. Jokes fell from all sides, someone sang, someone from outside only teased and everyone laughed. The men snatched the gathered women out of the crowd, inviting them to dance with them and compete who will dance whom, the main thing in this was to set the right tone and pace and endure it to the end, without falling out of the general harmony of the dance that had just arisen. Sometimes Pavlukha started up a slow melody, some old dance: either the Amur waves, or something else. And the men and women circled in pairs in a circle, shining with their eyes and snow-white smiles. The youth looked shyly from the side.

More and more fellow villagers, who finished their work in workshops and workshops, converged on the general fun, like bees on honey, and the fun grew more and more every minute, and with the advent of new forces, the number of couples only increased, swinging the pendulum even more and more general spiritual resonance and fun.

Vladimir suddenly saw that Svetlana approached with the girls. Vladimir's heart immediately pounded restlessly, pouring through his body a languishing, sweet wave of various forebodings and desires. She was wearing a very beautiful lacy white blouse. Maybe he thought so, and it was just a reflection of his attitude towards her and the mood that suddenly arose, and hidden, fortunately for the others, but persistently manifesting itself in irrepressible glee, which, against his will, resonated with the couples dancing in front of him. He also wanted to grab Svetlana by the hand and pull her into the circle of dancers, but like weights on his legs chained him to the ground. The irrepressible desire to dance with her, in which he can finally find the long-awaited contact with his beloved, and the incredible timidity that paralyzed him from top to bottom, tore him apart.

Svetlana saw that he was looking at her, she herself approached him.

Hello Volodya! she said and stood next to me. There was a silent pause that seemed to them like an eternity. But such a sweet eternity that I did not want to interrupt it. And only an inner feeling of awkwardness from the thought that others might notice something wrong in their attitude towards each other, pushed to squeeze out of themselves, at least some phrase befitting this moment.

Hello Sveta! - overcoming the state of amorous paralysis, Vladimir answered with some delay. And again there was silence.

And at this time, grandfather Mikhail sang with might and main, famously, dancing in the circle of his peers.

Let's dance "Russian" together;
You see, young prowess
Walked in...

Someone jumped up and grabbed the hand of his neighbors, started a round dance, forcing others to do the same, twisting the rings of the round dance, like a whirlwind of an impending hurricane. Fun with jokes and laughter, the movement began, then in one direction then in the other, changing the rhythm and speed. Those who did not have time to adjust and fell out of the general mass, laughing more than anyone at their own awkwardness, quickly returned to the general circle themselves or were picked up by the caring hands of fellow villagers, thus supporting the unity of all those gathered.

Unexpectedly for themselves, Vladimir and Svetlana also found themselves in this whirlpool of fun and joy. And above all this fun, the peacock accordion was rushing to play. Vladimir held Svetlana's hand, afraid to tear himself away from her, but at the same time, to the point of trembling in his heart, fearing to unnecessarily squeeze her hand, as if he had got to hold not the hand of his beloved girl, but a small tender bird, the responsibility for whose life now fell entirely on him and which, as his heart told him, should grow into a big beautiful bird of happiness.

Vladimir, such responsibility warmed the soul and gave rise to a desire to protect her girlfriend from everything that could interfere with her joy. Holding her hand, and feeling every beat of her anxious pulse, it seemed to him that she was stunned by rapidly developing events and would like to retire from all this turmoil. Vladimir snatched her out of the round dance and ran to the side, continuing to hold her hand. He guessed her desire, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Crazy, she said.

Yes, Vladimir confirmed.

They stood and looked at the dancers, afraid to move their fingers, tightly clasped hands. Through which the energy flowed measuredly, giving rise to a completely new state of mind for them, and it was very pleasant for them to feel this corner of the universe of human relations that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Can we go for a walk? - Vladimir asked, wheezing a little with dry vocal cords.

With pleasure, - said Sveta, having already recovered a little from what had happened.

And they went towards the grove, leaving behind their fellow villagers, having fun on a warm summer evening, which naturally ended their working day, bringing them labor joys and new problems, which now naturally demanded emancipation and rest.

Good! - answered Sveta, slightly turning her head.

Oh, you need to go to the kitchen, - Vladimir suddenly remembered.

Why did you forget something? - Sveta was surprised.

We need to take bread, I promised to bring it to Milka when I rearranged it, - Vladimir explained.

You were already late, Vasily took her to the stable, I saw how he walked with her when we left the workshop.

So, you have to go to the stable, - said Vladimir.

Listen, Volodya, take her a double portion tomorrow morning and she will forgive you, - Sveta laughed, - and if you leave me for her now, I won’t forgive you for the second time.

And Svetlana moved away from Vladimir to the side on an outstretched arm, so that the trees began to interfere with their walking together, Vladimir had to let her go so as not to follow her.

What are you offended by? he asked seriously.

Well, why, study is study, but you took it and left, and if you wanted to stay in the settlement, you could study remotely. Grandfather, by the way, says that the most better education it is self-education.

Your grandfather will talk a lot. He tells everyone that you need to improve all the time and use the talent given from above to the maximum, but he himself took it and left everything for the sake of some kind of museum.

Well, not of some kind, but of allied significance, and the government did not support him, by the way - having been a little offended by her grandfather, Svetlana answered.

And for me, being a cool programmer and a museum curator are completely different weight categories.

You're right, there are many programmers, but there are still few functioning museums like ours, and ours became the first, and it is the founder of a whole new trend in science. He developed new principles of survival after that incident in 29. And now no one disputes his principle of system stability, - Svetlana was slightly indignant.

I probably don’t understand something, but why duplicate something that has long been forgotten? - succumbing to the spirit of rivalry, Vladimir continued the argument against his will.

The "Embryo" principle is not duplication. Nature is much more perfect than anything that mankind has created so far, it is strange even the human embryo goes through the stages of primitive development. What do you think, why is there such duplication in nature? - Svetlana asked her question and, smiling, began to wait for an answer, apparently already knowing its effect in practice and expecting an appropriate reaction. Vladimir chuckled, seeing a catch in all this, and after thinking a little, he decided not to get involved.

God bless him, we'll figure it out later," he replied. But Svetlana, not without pleasure, decided to put an end to it.

What do you think, in general, some kind of catastrophe can happen on our globe that will throw us back to the Stone Age? - she asked her next question.

Well, in principle, yes, - Vladimir answered shortly.

And in order to return as soon as possible to what has already been achieved, what is needed first of all? - Svetlana inexorably continued her interrogation. It was good at that moment to feel the inflexible core inherited from her grandfather.

Not! In addition, you still need to free up time for yourself to master this knowledge, which means that you need to maintain at least some level of antediluvian technologies, the only way you can win in the competition. While others will simply survive by scratching the bark with their nails, we will mow the grass with a scythe, possessing elementary technologies that will give us advantages. Falling into the abyss, deeper where there is no more absence of previously created chains along which we climbed up. Just imagine: if you are climbing a ladder high, high, and suddenly a step breaks under your feet, which option would you prefer? The first - all the steps you previously passed were destroyed, they are not there, as unnecessary, because you have already passed them, or the second - all the steps are in their places? - finished Svetlana. Vladimir thought, then went close to Sveta and, after a little silence, looking into her eyes, said:

Okay, I give up, you and your grandfather won. Today I saw an amazing dream in which you and I were together, what would it be for?

Well, you better know that, - Svetlana answered, and slowly went along the path. For a while they walked in silence. The grove quickly ended, and they came out to the estate, immersed in greenery in the truest sense of the word, the house was sunk into a hill with thick green grass instead of a roof, and only walls with windows of different, asymmetrical shapes protruded picturesquely from the slope. The lamps scattered around the estate, and along the road, have already begun to glow a little, compensating for the inexorably approaching twilight. And the orchard, which picturesquely filled the space near the house with arches twined with vines of grapes and actinidia, exuded the aroma of flowering and fragrance.

Look, Nikifor seems to have no one at home, - trying to defuse the silence, Vladimir said.

Everyone is having fun by the pond, - Svetlana suggested.

Behind the estate, above the road leading to the settlement, a shadow flickered in the foliage of the dense crowns of trees that naturally divide the estates among themselves.

O! The container has already arrived,” Sveta said.

What the hell are you waiting for? Vladimir asked.

Yes, we are waiting, - Svetlana explained.

Or maybe the blocks came to the guys? - suggested Vladimir, thus trying to maintain a not too briskly going conversation. Svetlana remained silent in response, expecting some other words, and Vladimir felt this, but it is not clear where the reappearing timidity fettered his speech and he again could not say anything to her.

I wonder what Sergey is doing now? - suddenly asked Svetlana.

I swam with the boys during the day, - Vladimir answered.

Yes, water is everything to him. He decided to go to study as an oceanologist. He is going to enter the St. Petersburg Institute of Meteorology and Geodesy, - Svetlana supported the topic.

And he will sail away to the distant seas from us, - Vladimir stated not without pleasure. And again there was a languid silence, in which only the anxious beating of hearts and the expectation of something were guessed, which they themselves do not yet fully know, but which beckons them and fetters their bodies and thoughts, preventing them from getting out of that sweet trap, given to them by nature. They just walked side by side and were silent, strolling along the picturesque roads and paths of the settlement, imperceptibly leaving its side chapels in the field, and also imperceptibly approached the river, where a green hill with an oak forest, a favorite place of young couples who fell, rose like a mighty ear over the entire surrounding space, like them, in a difficult position. From the hill, a picturesque view of the entire settlement and even the neighboring estates across the river opened up. Across the valley, like an elaborate pattern of lace, lights shone along the roads and monorail tracks, along which another container was moving almost silently, but quickly, not far away.

But now, this container is certainly ours, - Sveta was delighted, having an occasion to break the silence.

Yes, one or the other is definitely yours, - Vladimir agreed, - and now you can’t pull you out of work by the ears, - he added deliberately lamenting.

But why? If you want, on next week You can go to St. Petersburg, - Svetlana suddenly suggested.

Yes? - even Vladimir was surprised, and immediately delighted, - of course! - but immediately stopped short, - yes, but your grandfather will not let me go, I promised him to debug the program for the baler on a crooked field.

And we will ask him very much. He can debug the program himself if he wants to. We will say that we are going to the Museum of Ethnography, Zoya Vasilievna, by the way, invited me there.

Vladimir sighed deeply at the words of Sveta, it seemed to him that she herself almost agreed to all his hidden desires, which he had not expressed only because of the timidity that came from nowhere, but actively living in his heart and therefore apparently noticed by her. The mountain fell from his shoulders, and he shone like the morning sun.

Oh sure. I agree, - he joyfully responded to such a fabulous offer, but nevertheless, with all the forces still available, he tried, for decency, to restrain his emotions, which did not work out well, it seemed to him that his heart was already directly tapping out the Morse code of his feelings, from which his face was suddenly covered with a deep blush.

Well, that's good, with relief, - said Sveta.

I'll order a taxi then, - Vladimir suggested enthusiastically.

No, no, just not a taxi, I feel sick during takeoff and landing, - Sveta protested, - it’s better to take a piece of iron. Or maybe you're in a hurry somewhere, - Svetlana asked, as if just in case.

Yes, no you can and on a piece of iron. And let's get out at the arrow in Gatchina and start right from there. They have a wonderful park and palace there. And you can have a great walk, - suggested Vladimir

Let's! - Svetlana was delighted, - I have long wanted to go to their botanical garden with ponds, I really want to pick up something from aquaculture for us. Something like that! - she said, famously, twisting her fingers up.

Listen, let's, since it's like this, let's go to the Gatchina Institute of Estate and Landscape Urbanization and see everything in kind. Let's talk, share our experience, and maybe we'll see something like that there too?! - Vladimir raised his face and hands up to the sky, as if it should be something supernatural, - They developed such an activity there. They say that they already have options for all occasions, for all latitudes and heights, you won’t see all this on the network, but here there is such an opportunity to see everything at the same time.

Yes exactly! - Svetlana agreed, - and then we'll take the subway and we'll get to St. Petersburg. I think that a couple of days will be enough for us to travel, anyway, it will not be possible to embrace the immensity at once.

And I like to walk along the embankments in the white nights, when everyone is already sleeping and there are almost no people, and when the first trolleybuses are just starting to run in the morning ... Can you imagine! They still have real old trolleybuses running! This is such a romance! - Vladimir dreamily subsided, savoring the upcoming trip.

Yes, I can imagine, Svetlana also agreed no less dreamily, - let's go and tell Seryoga about this.

Sergei, why? Vladimir was surprised.

Well, why not, we’ll all go together, - Svetlana was surprised.

Can't we go without Sergei? Vladimir asked dejectedly.

Did you quarrel with Sergey? - she was surprised.

Well no. But I thought that we ... Maybe you like Sergey better, then say so, I'll go aside, - Vladimir decided right now to find out everything to the end.

No. I don’t love him yet, - Sveta answered.

Vladimir's heart was a little relieved.

And how do you feel about me? Vladimir ventured to ask bluntly.

As well as to Sergey, - Sveta smiled enigmatically.

Vladimir did not know what to do: “What did that mean? Why then all this? And who does she love then? - Tricky questions swirled in his head. “Maybe he doesn’t love anyone?” Something comforted him inside.

Let's go home, mine are already worried, - said Svetlana and slowly walked along the path. Vladimir went beside her. They walked in silence for a long time, then, apparently having come to a decision, Vladimir gently touched Sveta's hand, and she stopped.

What? she answered with a question at the touch.

You have become something else. Before, you always smiled at me,” Vladimir began. - And now, sometimes you are so mysteriously silent?

I used to be a girl, but now I've grown up. Now I know that someone you like can suddenly go somewhere without asking your opinion. And he might be right about that too. Relationships should be equal, only in this way can something work out. And the girl's dreams and her desires are not a reason to change her life, right?

Well, what are you talking about, Sveta?! How could I then think that you ... you were then still quite a schoolgirl.

What, schoolgirls can't love? - Sveta stopped and looked into his eyes, then quickly ran along the path to her house, hidden behind the trees.

Vladimir stood for a long time and looked at her house with white clay walls and a thatched roof, built by her grandfather in the retro style of southern huts, and such warmth emanated from this house, familiar to him from early childhood! Or maybe it just seemed that way to him? It even seemed to him that he sees through the walls, the light coming from her, and even more, how he pierces the years he lost in their relationship, and now fills his heart with such joy and strength that nothing is scary anymore! But there is still a long night ahead. And behind it there will definitely be a magnificent sunrise and a long, long life. long and happy life along with her. Together with all the villagers, with their favorite groves, ponds, fun and songs over the river, which carries its waters into the big ocean. With a sense of pride in his native country, in which there is such a place for his great love.

N.G. Alekseev

I bring to your attention a small review of the long-range cruises of our Navy in 2017. As in previous years, the main tasks of our fleet are:

1) Participation in the military operation in Syria

2) Ensuring the actions of our SSBNs

3) Control of the Arctic zone

4) Protection of maritime traffic

5) Demonstration of the flag, participation in international events.

Thus, it is possible to single out a zone of permanent presence (where our fleet is permanently located) - this is the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, where our operational squadron operates.

The areas of regular presence (where our ships are located for several months of the year) are the North Atlantic, the Arctic, Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

And the zones of periodic presence, where our ships are "raids", if there is a free pennant - these are the Caribbean Sea and the South Atlantic.

This requires intense and intense activity from our fleet, and the significantly “shrunken” ship composition compared to Soviet times forces our naval command to make remarkable efforts to correctly distribute combat-ready pennants across the World Ocean, maintain their combat readiness and quickly maneuver forces.

So, the main operational unit at the moment is a detachment of ships - a formation consisting of 1-2 ships of 1-2 ranks and 2-3 auxiliary ships. This is the minimum squad of forces capable of performing the above tasks. The operational Mediterranean squadron is a reinforced detachment of ships, which, in addition to 1-3 ships of 1-2 ranks, includes 1-3 smaller ships and boats, several diesel-electric submarines (and possibly nuclear submarines), as well as several auxiliary ships and large landing ships.

Also, the command is actively attracting ships of coastal navigation and the near sea zone to solve problems in the far sea zone. Last year they were Black Sea RTOs, this year they are Baltic corvettes. Despite the unusual tasks, the ships successfully carried out combat service.

Northern Fleet

The Northern Fleet is the most powerful of the 4, but it also has the largest area of ​​​​responsibility - this is the North Atlantic, the Arctic, and also (together with the Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet) the Mediterranean Sea and the western part of the Indian Ocean. At the same time, the presence of our fleet in the Arctic is of particular importance, since, unlike other operational commands, the main force in USC Sever is not the ground forces, but the Navy.

Despite the completion of the repair of two ships of the 1st rank (the cruiser Marshal Ustinov and the BOD Admiral Levchenko), the Northern Fleet slightly reduced its activity compared to last year. Or, rather, it will be returned to the usual mode of operation - 2 long-distance trips of single BODs + an Arctic trip. Somewhat apart is the transition of a detachment of ships to participate in the parade - this is a long trip, but not a full-fledged military service.

Long-distance voyage of the BOD "Severomorsk".

During the long-distance voyage, which began on October 15, 2016, the crew of the BOD Severomorsk solved tasks in the Mediterranean Sea twice. For the first time, the ship entered the Mediterranean Sea as part of an aircraft carrier group led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov" and acted there for three months.

In mid-January, the Severomorsk BOD began to carry out long-range missions accompanied by the Altai rescue and tugboat and the Dubna medium sea tanker. Through the Suez Canal, Russian sailors made the transition to the Red Sea and then to the Indian Ocean.

The crew of the ship adequately represented the Russian Navy in the AMAN-2017 international naval exercise, which took place in the waters of the Arabian Sea and at the coastal base of the Pakistani Navy.

Then the Russian sailors made a round trip around the African continent, visiting 10 ports in Africa and Asia: Salalah (Oman), Karachi (Pakistan), Victoria (Seychelles), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Pemba (Mozambique), Cape Town (South Africa) ), Walvis Bay (Namibia), Luanda (Angola), Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) and Praia (Cape Verde).

During the long voyage, the Russians also made business calls to the ports of Limassol (Cyprus), Tartus (Syria), Lisbon (Portugal).

On June 6, the ship arrived at the base. The long-distance voyage of the Severomorsk BOD took place under the flag of the chief of staff of the anti-submarine ships formation of the Kola Flotilla of diverse forces of the Northern Fleet, Captain 1st Rank Stanislav Varik. During the long voyage, a large anti-submarine ship traveled more than 40,000 nautical miles.

Participation of a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet in the Main Naval Parade

On July 17, a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet left Severomorsk for the Barents Sea to participate in the Main Naval Parade. The detachment included the cruiser "Marshal Ustinov", the BOD "Vice-Admiral Fists", several auxiliary vessels, as well as the world's largest combat attack ships with a nuclear power plant - the heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Pyotr Veliky" and the heavy strategic missile submarine cruiser appointment "Dmitry Donskoy".

At the same time, TPKSN pr. 941 "Dmitry Donskoy" was supposed to take part in the parade for the first time. And indeed, for the first time in its service, the largest nuclear submarine in the world appeared in the Baltic Sea. The passage of ships through the Baltic straits was an impressive sight, and many local residents came to look at our nuclear giants.

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On July 31, the ships took part in a grandiose parade, in which they were undoubtedly the main decoration.

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After the parade, the detachment of the Northern Fleet headed home. On the way, the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" separated from him, which headed for the Red Sea.

On August 12, the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky, the missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov, and the strategic nuclear-powered submarine Dmitry Donskoy arrived at the main base of the Northern Fleet (SF) Severomorsk, having successfully completed the inter-fleet transition after participating in the Main Military naval parade on the Kronstadt roadstead. Then "Dmitry Donskoy" moved on September 4 to the Belomorsk naval base, thus completing its 3-month campaign.

Campaign BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov"

On August 12, the BOD of the Northern Fleet “Vice-Admiral Kulakov” completed the passage of the narrowest part of the Strait of Gibraltar and entered the Mediterranean Sea. Then he made a call at the port of Limassol (Cyprus), replenished supplies and on August 25 entered the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. By this moment, during the long voyage, the ship had already left more than 8 thousand miles behind the stern.

From September 1 to October 17, the ship escorted foreign merchant ships from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean and performed anti-piracy tasks. During this time, the Chinese tanker Casco Jay, a bulk carrier under the flag of the state of Barbados, and an Indian tanker were escorted.

Twice in September, a call was made to the port of Salalah (Oman).

On October 19-21, the BOD of the Northern Fleet "Vice Admiral Kulakov completed the passage of the Suez Canal and entered the port of Alexandria (Arab Republic of Egypt).

On November 3-7, the ship passed Gibraltar and made a business call to the capital of Portugal, the port of Lisbon. This is the fourth business call by a Russian ship to a port of a foreign country since the start of the long-distance voyage. On November 28, the ship returned to the main base of the Northern Fleet, the city of Severomorsk. The direct long-distance campaign of the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" lasted more than three months. From late August to mid-October, the crew of the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" operated in the southern part of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The main task of the ship was to ensure the regular naval presence of Russia in the region and the safety of civil navigation.

During the long-distance voyage, the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" traveled more than 23 thousand nautical miles and made four business calls to foreign ports: Limassol (Cyprus), Salalah (Oman), Alexandria (Egypt) and Lisbon (Portugal).

Arctic hike

On August 10, a detachment of ships and support vessels of the Northern Fleet, consisting of the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk, the large landing ships Kondopoga, Alexander Otrakovsky and ", the tanker Sergey Osipov, the rescue tug Pamir and the killer ship KIL-164 in accordance with the combat training plan, he left the main base of the Northern Fleet of Severomorsk in the Barents Sea and headed for the eastern regions of the Arctic.

As part of a special exercise on the types of support for the forces of the Russian Navy, which started in the Northern Fleet on August 7, the departure of a detachment of ships and support vessels for the Northern Fleet from their permanent bases in the Barents Sea was ensured by the ship-sweeping group of the Kola flotilla of diverse forces.

Minesweepers "Kolomna", "Yelnya" and "Yadrin" also completed the tasks of short-range mine support along the deployment route of a detachment of ships and support vessels in the Barents Sea.

On August 13, a detachment of ships and support vessels of the Northern Fleet, led by the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk, left the Barents Sea for the Kara Sea through the Kara Gate Strait and on August 15 arrived at Dikson, the northernmost port of continental Russia.

After that, a detachment of ships first entered the port at the mouth of the Yenisei - Dudinka.

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Where major interspecies exercises took place.

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On September 1, officers and midshipmen of the BOD "Severomorsk" of the large landing ship "Kondopoga" took part in events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge in educational institutions Dudinka and held courage lessons for Taimyr schoolchildren.

On September 5, a detachment of ships of the Northern Fleet, performing the tasks of a long-range voyage to the Arctic, was divided into two groups. The first - as part of the large landing ships "George the Victorious" and "Alexander Otrakovsky" with the personnel and equipment of the Marine Corps and the Arctic Brigade of the Northern Fleet and a company of airborne paratroopers - left the Yenisei Bay for the Kara Sea and headed west.

The second group, led by the Severomorsk BOD, the Kondopoga large landing craft with personnel and equipment of the Northern Fleet’s Arctic Brigade, the Sergey Osipov tanker, the Pamir rescue and tugboat and the KIL-164 killer will carry out resupply and continue to perform tasks according to the plan of the Arctic campaign.

On September 6, in the Belushya Bay of the Yuzhny Island of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, an amphibious landing took place from the large landing ship (BDK) "George the Victorious". A unit of the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet (SF) on standard equipment was involved in the exercise.

After that, the BDK returned to the base. "Alesander Otrakovsky" - September 9, and "George the Victorious" - September 12.

The large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk", the large landing ship "Kondopoga" with the personnel and equipment of the units of the Arctic brigade of the Northern Fleet, the tanker "Sergey Osipov", the rescue and tugboat "Pamir" and the KIL-164 pilot continued to move in a northeasterly direction in the areas close to the route of the Northern Sea Route.

For the first time in history, an amphibious assault was landed on the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent - Cape Chelyuskin. The landing operation involved 2 platoons of the Arctic Brigade and 5 multi-purpose armored transporters MT-LBV, equipped with Kord heavy machine guns, landed from the Kondopoga large-caliber landing craft.

After landing from the BDK, Arctic motorized riflemen, supported by assault groups of marines from the Severomorsk BOD, practiced tactical actions to seize the coastal bridgehead and made a 5-kilometer march - a throw deep into the Taimyr Peninsula.

On September 10, a detachment of warships and auxiliary vessels of the Northern Fleet, continuing its passage from the Yenisei Bay to the New Siberian Islands, met with the nuclear icebreaker Vaigach in the Kara Sea and entered the Laptev Sea on September 11.

On September 14-23, a detachment of ships performed tasks in the area of ​​the New Siberian Islands. In particular, the large anti-submarine ship "Severomorsk" and the large landing ship "Kondopoga" ensured the landing of amphibious assault forces on the unequipped coast of Kotelny Island. During the landing operation, units of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet practiced combat tactics to capture and hold the coastal bridgehead with live firing from automatic small arms and grenade launchers.

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On September 28, the personnel and equipment of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade of the Northern Fleet (SF) for the first time in modern Russian history landed from the Kondopoga large landing ship on Golomyanny Island of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago.

The landing was carried out by the method at emphasis, during which the units of the Arctic motorized rifle brigade on four multi-purpose armored transporters MT-LBV, equipped with large-caliber Kord machine guns, worked out a number of issues on conducting raid operations on unfamiliar terrain in the Arctic.

On October 4, the large anti-submarine ship Severomorsk, together with the large landing ship Kondopoga and support vessels, arrived at the main base of the Northern Fleet - Severomorsk.

The detachment under the flag of the commander of the Kola flotilla of diverse forces, Vice Admiral Oleg Golubev, traveled more than 6,000 nautical miles over 55 days to the New Siberian Islands in the Laptev Sea through the waters of the Barents and Kara Seas, as well as along the Yenisei River to the port of Dudinka. The Severomorstsy carried out four amphibious landing operations on the unequipped coast. Three large landing ships "George the Victorious", "Alexander Otrakovsky" and "Kondopoga" were involved in the landing on the coast of the Yenisei near Dudinka.

During their stay in Taimyr, the military personnel of the Northern Fleet carried out a large cultural program. The ships of the Northern Fleet were open to the public as part of the military-technical forum "Army-2017" in the Northern Fleet. More than 10,000 residents of the Far North were on board. 160 Taimyr schoolchildren were accepted into the ranks of the Yunarmiya.

Campaigns landing ships.

On April 5, after successfully completing the tasks of a long-range voyage, the large landing ship "George the Victorious" arrived at the main base of the Northern Fleet under the command of Captain 2nd Rank Andrei Zharkov.

BDK "George the Victorious" went on a long voyage on May 5 last year and during 2016-2017 performed tasks mainly in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. During this period, the ship had about 4400 sailing hours.

In total, the ship covered more than 45 thousand nautical miles (if converted to kilometers, it turns out that the North Sea sailors circled the Earth 2 times along the equator). During the long trip, 2 boys were born in the families of the crew members of the BDK "George the Victorious".

On September 13, the large landing ship "Alexander Otrakovsky" left the main base of the Northern Fleet in the city of Severomorsk in the Barents Sea and headed for the western regions of the Atlantic. September 21 "Alexander Otrakovsky" completed the passage of the English Channel.

Baltic Fleet

Our Baltic fleet is the smallest (“former fleet”), moreover, 2 out of 3 ships of the far sea zone are under long-term repairs. This fact made us send a couple of corvettes on a long trip this year.

On October 14, ships of the Baltic Fleet under the command of Captain 1st Rank Andrey Kuznetsov, as part of the corvettes Boyky, Soobrazitelny and the medium sea tanker Kola, left the Military Harbor in Baltiysk today and headed for the Atlantic to carry out planned long-range missions.

On October 18, a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet, consisting of the Boiky and Soobrazitelny corvettes and the Kola tanker, performing planned long-range missions, passed the Scandinavian Kattegat straits, on October 23 - the English Channel and on October 29 entered the Mediterranean Sea.

On November 7-9, the Boikiy and Soobrazitelny corvettes, performing long-range missions, made a business call at the Cypriot port of Limassol. Further, the ships separated: the Boikiy corvette remained to perform tasks in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, and the Soobrazitelny corvette on November 14 through the Suez Canal entered the Red Sea, where it carried out civil ships for a month. At the same time, the ship twice called at the port of Djibouti (next to which, by the way, is the Chinese naval base).

Corvette "Soobrazitelny" project 20380 of the Russian Navy on the roads of Limassol (Cyprus)

On December 11, a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet, consisting of the corvettes Boikiy and Soobrazitelny, performing the tasks of a long-range voyage, completed a business call at the Cypriot port of Limassol.

In the first half of the year, the Baltic corvettes twice made long trips to the North Sea:

April 7 - May 1, a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet, consisting of corvettes Boikiy, Soobrazitelny, sea tug MB-123, tanker Kola, performed tasks in the North Atlantic. During the campaign, the detachment left over 4,000 nautical miles behind the stern, conducted dozens of shipboard exercises to search for a conditional submarine in various regions of the North Atlantic. The Ka-27 carrier-based helicopters have completed more than 20 flight shifts, performing combat training tasks.

In June, a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet was on a long voyage as part of the Boikiy and Guarding corvettes.

In addition, on January 29, the Ivan Shabalin large landing ship returned from a long voyage, and on May 7, a detachment of ships of the Baltic Fleet as part of the large landing ship (BDK) Korolev and the Kola tanker. Both campaigns were quite long in time - the Korolev large landing craft went on a hike in November 2016, and the Alexander Shabalin large landing craft in July 2016.

Black Sea Fleet

The Black Sea Fleet is the basis for the formation of our operational squadron in the Mediterranean, so all combat-ready ships of 1-2 ranks are on duty off the coast of Syria in shifts. Last year, the fleet was replenished with two new frigates, project 11356, which allows us to solve the problem of ensuring the actions of our group in Syria mainly on our own, despite the withdrawal of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, to the reserve.

This year, the operational squadron alternately included the Smetlivy TFR (from October 28, 2016 to March 5 and from May 23 to June 3), the frigate Admiral Grigorovich (from April 8 to July 12, from September 25 to October 4 , from December 1 to the present), SKR "Inquisitive" (from July 21 to August 3 and from September 13 to November 14).

Also, for the first time, the frigate Admiral Essen entered combat service, which began the inter-naval transition from the Baltic on April 28 and carried out combat service from May 5 to July 5 and from July 11 to September 22. At the same time, in May, June and September 2017, the ship carried out launches of Caliber cruise missiles at the shelters of ISIS militants during the operation of Russian troops in Syria.

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As you can see, in 2017 there was only one month when not a single one of our large ships was in the eastern Mediterranean - this is from March 5 to April 8. In the future, 1-3 of our frigates / TFRs were constantly on duty near Syria (and from the beginning of November to the beginning of December, the BF corvette).

In the course of military service, our ships repeatedly called at the port of Limassol (Grigorovich - 3 times, Essen - 1 time). Patrol ship "Inquisitive" took part in the first naval parade of ships in honor of the Day of the Russian Navy, which took place on the roadstead of the Syrian port of Tartus. From September 28 to October 1, the frigate of the Black Sea Fleet "Admiral Grigorovich" made a visit to the port of Kerkyra for Greek island Corfu.

Also in the Mediterranean this year, the Black Sea "Varshavyanka" began to be located almost on a permanent basis.

On May 6, the newest large diesel submarine of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) "Krasnodar" began an inter-fleet transition from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Then she served in the Mediterranean until August 7. In May and June 2017, the boat carried out launches of Kalibr cruise missiles from a submerged position at the shelters of IS militants during the operation of Russian troops in Syria.

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Submarine "Krasnodar" safely passed through the Black Sea straits and arrived in Sevastopol on August 9.

On August 28, two of the newest large diesel-electric submarines of the Black Sea Fleet, Kolpino and Veliky Novgorod, making an inter-fleet transition from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea Fleet, arrived in the Mediterranean Sea.

On September 14, Project 636.3 submarines Veliky Novgorod and Kolpino located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea from a submerged position launched a strike with Caliber cruise missiles at important targets of the ISIS terrorist group in Syria. The targets for destruction were command posts, communication centers, as well as depots of weapons and ammunition of militants in areas controlled by ISIS southeast of the city of Deir ez-Zor. 7 sea-based cruise missiles were fired at terrorist targets from a submerged position.

On September 22, at 10:11 a.m., the Veliky Novgorod submarine of the Black Sea Fleet, operating as part of the operational formation of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean, launched Caliber cruise missiles from a submerged position at terrorist targets in Syria. Targets for defeat were identified for last days strongholds, accumulations of manpower and armored vehicles, as well as ammunition depots of Jabhat al-Nusra militants in the province of Idlib.

On October 5, the submarines launched another 10 Caliber missiles at ISIS positions in the Deir ez-Zor area. On October 31, Veliky Novgorod diesel-electric submarine launched a salvo attack from the Mediterranean Sea with three Caliber cruise missiles, as a result of which a fortified area with a cluster of militants and armored vehicles was destroyed, as well as a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition of ISIS terrorists in the area. locality Abu Kemal in the province of Deir ez-Zor. On November 3, the diesel-electric submarine "Kolpino" repeated the attack on Abu-Kemal with 6 missiles.

In total, during the year, Black Sea Fleet ships fired 45 Caliber missiles at targets.

At the moment, the Veliky Novgorod and Kolpino submarines are serving in the Mediterranean Sea.

Also, the operational squadron included smaller ships. These are minesweepers Ivan Golubets (from September 2016 to January 25 and from November 4), Kovrovets (from January 25 to March 27), Valentin Pikul (from March 27 to August 10).

From April 11 to September 8, the squadron included the newest anti-sabotage boat of the Black Sea Fleet "Yunarmeets Kryma". A boat of this class for the first time made a long voyage beyond the zone of the Black Sea straits, proving its high seaworthiness.

On October 18-22, the large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Azov" stood in the Greek port of Pylos, where Russian sailors took part in events dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Navarino naval battle.

Pacific Fleet

The operational zone of the Pacific Fleet is southeast Asia and the eastern part of the Indian Ocean.

On January 25, a detachment of warships of the Pacific Fleet, consisting of the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs and the large sea tanker Boris Butoma, returned from a long voyage to the main base of the Pacific Fleet - Vladivostok.

Warships of the Pacific Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Eduard Mikhailov, Deputy Commander of the Primorsky Flotilla of Diverse Forces, have been performing long-range cruise missions in the waters of the World Ocean since October 15, 2016. During this time, the ships traveled over 17,000 nautical miles.

The Pacific sailors paid business visits to the Indonesian port of Tanjungpriok, where they took part in the international arms exhibition Indodefens-2016, and to the port of Sattahip in the Kingdom of Thailand.

In mid-December 2016, they called at the port of Visakhapatnam of the Republic of India and took part in the Russian-Indian naval exercise "Indra Navi-2016" in the Bay of Bengal.

In January 2017, we visited the port of Manila (Philippines), the port of Busan of the Republic of Korea and the port of Maizuru (Japan). Upon completion of the visit to the port of Maizuru, the crews of the ships took part in a joint Russian-Japanese naval exercise.

From April 01 to June 14, 2017, a detachment of warships of the Pacific Fleet was on a long voyage as part of the Varyag guards missile cruiser and the Pechenga tanker. During this time, the ships have covered over 11,000 nautical miles. During the long-range ocean voyage, the ships made calls at the ports of Busan (Republic of Korea), Manila (Philippines), Cam Ranh (Vietnam), Sattahip (Thailand), Changi (Singapore), Tajung-Priok (Indonesia) and Hong Kong (China). The Pacific sailors participated in the international maritime parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Navy of the Republic of Singapore and in the exhibition of weapons and military equipment "Imdeks Asia-2017" in the naval base of Changi. Conducted joint communications and maneuvering exercises with ships of the Singaporean and Indonesian navies. While anchored in the port of Manila, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the guards missile cruiser Varyag, was visited by President of the Republic of the Philippines Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

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On October 2, a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet, consisting of large anti-submarine ships "Admiral Vinogradov", "Admiral Panteleev" and a large sea tanker "Boris Butoma", under the command of Rear Admiral Eduard Mikhailov, Deputy Commander of the Primorsky Flotilla of Diverse Forces, left Vladivostok to carry out the tasks of a long-range ocean voyage .

On October 12-17, within the framework of the program for the development of military cooperation, a detachment of ships visited the port of Muara (Brunei). After the visit, a joint exercise "PASSEX" was held, during which the tasks of organizing communications, exchanging information and joint maneuvering were worked out.

On October 20-26, our ships visited Manila - the third time in a year. After that, the Admiral Vinogradov BOD returned to Vladivostok on November 9, having completed a 40-day campaign, while the Admiral Panteleev and Boris Butoma continued their combat service and made an unofficial call at the Cambodian port of Kampongaon.

On November 17-21, a detachment of Pacific Fleet ships, in accordance with the program of an unofficial visit to the Kingdom of Thailand, was in the port of Chuk Samet (Sattahip base of the Thai Navy).

27 "Admiral Panteleev" made an unofficial visit to Indonesia, and on December 7-10 - the port of Tilawa (Republic of the Union of Myanmar)

On December 21-24, a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet, consisting of the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleev and the large sea tanker Boris Butoma, made an unofficial visit to the Republic of Singapore.

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