Reverse long lunges. Lunges to strengthen the legs and buttocks. Main muscles involved

landscaping 27.09.2020

Reverse lunges with dumbbells are a basic, multi-joint exercise aimed at developing the quadriceps of the thighs, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles.

A variant, reverse lunges, takes most of the load off the knee joint.

Main working muscle group: thighs, buttocks.

Auxiliary muscle group: leg muscles, arm muscles, abs.

Reverse lunges with dumbbells - execution technique.

1. Take a dumbbell in each hand desired weight and stand up straight. This is your starting position.

2. Take a step back, with either foot, the other leg remains in place. On an inhale, squat down, keeping your body straight. The knee of the leg that is in front should remain in line with the foot and not go back, forming a developed angle in the knee joint. The shin of the leg that is in front should be perpendicular to the floor.

3. On an exhale, pushing off the floor with your back foot, return to the starting position. Transfer half of the load to the heel of the front leg, thereby loading the gluteal muscles and quadriceps.

4. Perform the required number of repetitions, then change legs and do the same on the other leg, or do the exercise alternately, with each leg.

You can also do split squats when one leg is already in front. In this case, you will only need to perform an up and down movement, lowering and rising with the weight.

Lunges can also be performed using a barbell on the shoulders.

For those whose number one excuse is “no time and money for gym”, there is an alternative that you can’t just turn away from. These are home workouts to create an attractive, toned and lean body. At the very beginning, for many women, the number one task is training aimed at a beautiful line of the hips and buttocks.

At home, you can also effectively engage in, knowing the right set of exercises for the most problematic areas of the body. At the same time, girls with any type of figure excite the buttocks, because some want to pump them up, while others want to make them more slender and elastic. And for any of the goals set, there is a certain complex that will help to achieve in a relatively short period of time. Make it a rule not to start the day without a workout, or start breakfast without one. So it will be much easier for you and you will develop such a good habit. You can do it once a day, you can do it in the morning and in the evening, everyone decides for himself. After all, if you set too high requirements, then it will be much more difficult to fulfill them. And then it will grow into another long list of "excuses".

Working on the gluteal muscles, most of the girls try to remove excess fat to the maximum, and thereby reduce the volume of this zone, give them elasticity, or vice versa increase in volume, pumping them up.

Complex training for the buttocks

In striving for any of the above goals, one way or another, you will have to use strength training. So, if you do yoga, morning jogging, gymnastics or massagers, they all do their job perfectly, but the modeling effect is not achieved, as with various exercises. And in the event that the option with gym far from yours, then start exercising at home. Regular workouts will not keep you waiting long, the main thing here is to start and persevere towards the goal. There are numerous proofs and inspiring examples of this.

The buttocks are made up of three main muscles: small, medium and large gluteal. As with other large muscles, they respond to training with loads with their growth. And naturally, for the most part, it is achieved thanks to the gluteus maximus muscle. That is why, all training exercises should affect the load on this muscle and its enhanced work. The muscles of the buttocks can be perfectly pumped up from loads with the help of strength exercises. And although the arsenal for practicing at home is not so huge, the main thing here is to observe regularity and perseverance. Even with a small variety of exercises, you can achieve a toned buttocks and beautiful hips.


Classic squats, if performed correctly, are considered indispensable for giving the body the right shape and fit. They perfectly accelerate metabolism, so it’s just a sin not to include them in your daily workouts. At the same time, you can perform with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands, or you can do it with your own weight. As they say, all means are good. It is not advised to immediately start squats, you need to warm up your muscles, stretch your knee joints, so you will be sure that you will not harm your body.

  • The initial pose looks like you are going to sit on an imaginary chair, feet shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly turned out.
  • Straighten your arms at head level.
  • After that, you can directly "sit on a chair", bend in the lower back and pull the buttocks back. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor as you squat.
  • When you go down, you inhale, and when you rise, exhale.
  • Recommended volume - four sets of 20 reps.

Reverse long lunges

Long lunges will allow you to model a beautiful line of the hips and buttocks, give them elasticity. For a home workout, such activities are simply irreplaceable, so do not forget to include it in your complex.

  • Feet stand at the width of the pelvis, put your hands on the belt, this will be the initial position.
  • While inhaling, take the maximum length step with your left foot, leave your right foot in place, but bend at the knee at a right angle.
  • Pay attention that the knee of the working leg is on the same level with the toe.
  • Push off with the heel of your right foot, exhale and return to the starting position.
  • The usual load is 20 times, then the legs are changed, as recommended do up to 4 sets.

Squat plie

It gives an excellent load on the inner side of the thighs, and no less on the buttocks. Such training will not make you wait long for the result. But for this you need to learn how to properly perform it.

  • Spread your legs as wide as possible, bending at the knee, socks turned outward.
  • Hands on the belt, this will be the starting position.
  • As you inhale, you lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push back and exhale.
  • Repeat about 20 times total do 3-4 sets.
  • If such a squat has already become easy for you to do, then you can complicate it somewhat by adding dumbbells to your hands.

Lunges from the bench

The exercise involves the use of not only a bench, but also an armchair, a sofa, and other supports. Such lunges are still called Bulgarian in the sports environment.

  • Stand with your back to the support, which should be no higher than the level of the knee.
  • Take one leg back and put the toe on the support. The other leg is put forward, its knee should be on the same level with the toe, and does not go beyond it.
  • Put your hands on your belt.
  • While inhaling, lunge with your leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Then exhale and return to the starting position.
  • In one run, try to complete the maximum possible number of times for each workout preferably 3-4 sets.

Glute Bridge

This kind of training very clearly gives a load on the muscles of the buttocks. It is these muscles that are tensed and working to the maximum here, which means that the effect of this exercise will please you soon. Since the load is given to the gluteal muscles is large, it is better to do this exercise last. In this case, you will also need any support in the form of a bench, sofa or something else.

This movement is used to strengthen the buttocks and legs. It is known from history that this type of exercise was used in ancient Rome to develop strong muscles in warriors.

Lunges can be long and short: when performing long ones, we work out the buttocks, and when doing short ones, we give a load on the thigh muscles. These exercises are very effective for tightening the gluteal muscles, contribute to the formation of their beautiful shape.

Exercise "lunges for the buttocks" at home is one of the best of its kind, yielding, perhaps. With regular use, it gives a wonderful effect on the "fifth point". In order to understand why they give such a result, consider which muscles work when performing these movements.

The structure of the gluteal muscles and the effect of exercise on them

The gluteal muscle is a combination of large, medium and small muscles.

Big the muscle is responsible for the shape of the buttocks. If this muscle is poorly developed, it could suffer from the use of low-calorie diets: in this case, the butt will look "saggy". Medium and small the muscles are under the large muscle: they are responsible for the roundness of the buttocks. Their function is to move the hip back and to the side. When performing lunges, the gluteal muscles also work.

This exercise gives the desired relief, which is the cherished dream of many women. Performing a complex with lunges, you involve almost all the muscles of the lower extremities. These movements are very effective also because when using their various options, different muscle groups are worked out.

A positive result of such an exercise is also that the abdominal muscles are loaded and worked out, a flat tummy is formed! A very attractive result of these exercises is that their regular use gives relief to the muscles of the legs. The legs become slender, and the hips are taut.

Great results can be achieved by using extra weight. But experienced instructors advise you to do this gradually, so as not to harm yourself!

How to do lunges for the buttocks at home?

  • Doing the exercise control your breathing! Tension - on the exhale, relaxation - on the inhale.
  • If you first decided to do this type of gymnastics, consult a trainer.
  • Perform a light, muscle-warming warm-up to stretch those muscle groups that will work (buttocks, front and back of the thigh, lower leg). By warming up, you can avoid injury during the main workout.
  • At the beginning of the workout, do not do deep lunges, do not lower the body completely. Stretch the muscles gradually until they adapt to the loads.
  • The leg that you put forward is bent only at right angles, and the knee does not go beyond the line of the fingers. Otherwise, the knee will experience the greatest load, which threatens to injure it. The possibility of damage to the knee joint is quite significant if performed incorrectly.

When doing this movement with a solid weight, remember that you are pumping, first of all, the muscles of the legs, not the buttocks.

Top 7 effective execution options (video)

So, the technique for performing lunges for the buttocks without weights is under the weight of your own body and using weights: barbells or.

Attention! The number of approaches and the number of exercises performed is selected individually for each person. (On average - three sets of five exercises).

1. Classic

  1. We put the feet parallel to the width of the thigh. We keep our back straight, we follow the correct posture. Then we bend the back a little in the lower back and slightly bend the knees. Do not tilt the body, keep the head straight.
  2. We take a step - we push one leg forward, stretch the other leg and lean on the toe. We transfer the load to the leg located in front. We bend it and gently sit down.
  3. Lean on the foot of the leg put forward, and smoothly, without jerking, rise. We return to the original position due to the muscles of the leg, put forward. We use the back leg as a support, without loading it.
  4. The next step is to change the leg put forward and make a lunge.

See the video for more details:

Important! The leg that you extended is bent at a right angle. The leg located behind should be straightened. We perform the exercise until the knee of the straightened leg is close to the floor. At the same time, we do not touch the floor - in this case, the gluteal muscles will receive the intended load.

2. Jumping

We stand in the classic starting position. We jump with force, and during the jump we change legs.

Exercise is very efficient at burning calories. Recommended for those who want to not only strengthen the gluteal muscles, but also lose weight. This exercise not recommended for beginners, since it is quite difficult to perform, and there is a risk of stretching the tendons.

3. In the process of walking

When walking lunges, choose the widest, but comfortable step width for you. Maintain balance, do not lean to the side. All movements are carried out by muscle tension - walking inertia should not be used.

Do you know about the unique from Professor Neumyvakin? This practice can be found on our website.

4. With dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells for the buttocks for girls are done with alternate legs. Available in different versions:

  • We hold dumbbells on our hands, located along the torso.
  • We hold dumbbells on our shoulders. Next, we perform according to the classical technique.

5. With a barbell

It is performed similarly to a lunge with dumbbells. Exercise contributes to the excellent study of the gluteal muscles. We take a step forward, the leg in front smoothly bends at the knee until a right angle . The tense muscles of the back and abdomen help to keep the body in a balanced position.

Doing exercises with weights, control posture, look forward.

6. With support leg

We put the foot, which is located behind, on a chair. Next, we perform the exercises, as in the previous cases. Such a lunge increases the load on the gluteal muscles and tightens the ass.

7. Side

  1. We put our legs a little wider than our shoulders.
  2. Take a deep step to the side with one foot. The distance between the legs should exceed the width of the shoulders. We begin to sit down, smoothly bending the leg at the knee.
  3. At the end of the exercise, the thigh of the supporting leg should be parallel to the floor, and the other leg should be fully extended.
  4. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

Should the “fifth point” hurt after a workout?

If the movement is performed correctly, then there is tension in the gluteal muscles and a slight burning sensation at the moment of their maximum stretching.

The lunge must be as deep as possible in order to maximally load the gluteal muscles. At the same time, the thigh muscles hurt, since the load in this case is directed to them.

Beneficial features

Applying different diets and exercises, it is not always possible to form beautiful and elastic buttocks. Why? Maybe there are some secrets that we don't know about?

Fitness trainers know all sorts of tricks and always include, in addition to a variety of exercises, different kinds lunges. These simple exercises have many supporters. It is they who help to achieve the goal and get an excellent result.

This exercise helps good study muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Perfectly burns calories, speeds up metabolism, promotes the formation of strong muscles. Elastic buttocks, slender legs, tightened hips - you will get such a result by regularly practicing a set of exercises with lunges.

Lunges are an indispensable exercise that can make your legs and buttocks beautiful and elastic. You can perform them using your own body weight or various weights, such as dumbbells or a barbell. When performing a long lunge, the load falls mainly on the buttocks, while with a short one there is a shift in pressure on the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Main muscles involved

Among the strength exercises, lunges are among the most effective, developing the front surface of the thigh and gluteal muscles, drawing the middle and lower parts of the quadriceps femoris, and forming the relief of the leg muscles. This is a multi-joint exercise, in which various large and small muscles are involved. Almost the entire lower body works with lunges.

The exercise can be performed in various ways, while the load will be shifted from one muscle group to another. During lunges, the quadriceps and buttocks work to a greater extent, the large adductor and soleus muscles are involved as synergists, and the biceps femoris and calf muscles are used as dynamic stabilizers. Additionally, the abdominal muscles, extensors of the spine, square muscle of the lower back, etc., serve as stabilizers.

Lunges back with dumbbells / barbell

Reverse lunges have an average difficulty of execution, however, it is not recommended for beginner athletes to start immediately with weights. This is justified by the fact that at first it may be difficult to maintain balance. At first, it is better to train using your own body weight. Experienced athletes can use dumbbells.

Do not lower your head and do not look under your feet, this will round your back, and the effectiveness of the exercise will drop sharply.

As with any exercise, reverse lunges with dumbbells must be performed with impeccable execution. Otherwise, you risk, at best, being left without results, and at worst, injuring your knee.

When performing the exercise, the back should always be flat, and the spine should remain in a neutral position.

Reverse lunges from the platform

Back lunges are most effectively performed using a platform. The essence of this method is to put the foot on a hill and lower the squat during the lunge, due to which more load falls on the muscles of the buttocks.

When performing, it is necessary to lean back a little with the body, directing the weight of the body into the heel of the front leg. Having reached the bottom point, a delay is made for a moment in the position, after which, with the effort of the quadriceps of the front leg, you need to return to the original position. The exercise is repeated with the other leg.

Important! You can not rise from the bottom point to the starting point with the help of a push with the back foot. Only the muscles of the working leg should be involved in the upward movement.

  • Dumbbells when performing reverse lunges must be held using the entire hand, and not just the fingers; the bar should be supported by the hands, and not be slung over the shoulders.
  • The position of the back at all stages of the movement remains invariably straight and in no case rounded.
  • The body, like the back, is held straight. Tilts to one side are not allowed.
  • If you are a beginner, do not avoid the support at first. Over time, when the muscles get stronger, the support can be removed and you can start doing the exercise yourself.
  • During the exercise, the gaze should be directed forward, the neck should serve as a continuation of the ridge, otherwise you can stretch the muscles or injure the vertebrae of this section.
  • If you are poorly stretched, the exercise may be difficult at first, so it is necessary to warm up and do a little stretching. The main thing is not to overdo it. At first, it will be possible not to lower completely until the muscles become sufficiently elastic.

Lunges forward and backward: what's the difference?

Unlike the classic forward step, when performing reverse lunges, the working leg remains motionless, and the step is taken with the supporting leg. With such a movement, the load on the knee joints of the working leg is significantly reduced. They are recommended for athletes with knee injuries, older people, as well as girls who are actively involved in step aerobics, because their knees already have an excessive load.

However, when performing reverse lunges, the muscles are worked out worse due to the relative ease of the exercise. That is why experts recommend using the platform to restore normal traffic.

When training, it is important to choose the method that will be most comfortable for you. You can even do both options, alternating them with each other.

Reverse lunges are among the most effective exercises on the development of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, however, the proper effect can be achieved only if the execution technique is followed. If you do not follow all the above rules, you can long time not see the expected result or even get injured.

Be sure to read about it

  1. Stand straight, take a dumbbell in each hand. This will be your starting position.
  2. Take a step back with your right foot, leaving your left foot in place. While inhaling, sit down without bending at the waist and keeping your back straight. Hint: Don't let the knee of the leg that is in front go forward. It should remain on the same parallel with the feet. The shin of the leg that is in front should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Pushing off the floor with your feet, as you exhale, rise and return to the starting position. Push off the floor with your toe if you want to hit your quads and use your heel to push into your glutes.
  4. Perform the desired number of repetitions, then change legs.

Warning: This exercise requires a good sense of balance. If you are doing this exercise for the first time or have trouble keeping your balance, try the exercise without a barbell using only your own weight as weights.

Variations: There are several variations of this exercise.

  1. You can do lunges alternately, then with the right, then with the left foot.
  2. The starting position can be one in which one leg is already in front. In this case, you will only need to perform an up and down movement, lowering and rising with the weight.
  3. A more complicated version of the exercise is steps with a lunge. Instead of taking a step back after a lunge and returning to the starting position, you take a step forward again, thus alternating legs.
  4. Lunges can also be performed using a barbell on the shoulders.

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