Figures Bunin meaning. Bunin, analysis of the piece of figures, plan. I. Organizational moment

Boilers 02.10.2020

We reflect on the reading story "Figures".

To the question: "Who is to blame in a quarrel of a boy and uncle?" - It is impossible to answer unequivocally. At first glance, it seems that the cause of the quarrel is the behavior of a boy who keeps his legs into the floor. But if we do in the story more carefully, we will see that uncle annoyed precisely from what aware of her original lie and spiritual laziness, which prevented him to immediately buy a child pencils, paper and show numbers. He understands his guilt, but it is difficult for a person to realize himself guilty; He feels irritation from this and looking for a reason to pour his irritation. Such a reason becomes the prank of the child. The reason for the pranks of the boy Uncle calls an excess vital energywhich is looking for exit in physical activity in motion. Own act uncle condemns: "I was already embarrassing, and I lit a cigarette, without raising the eye to my grandmother."

Grandmother and Mom support Uncle: Mom believes that it is necessary to be impartial, so that the child is not grew by spoiled, and the grandmother in favor of the uncle and mom "barely sat in place." The story is conducted on behalf of the uncle, so it is very difficult to put out the position of the author in the work. In our opinion, the task of the author in this story is not to support Uncle or the boy, but to show the inner world of uncle and the boy, the need for an adult is peering into the inner world of the child and analyze the motives of their actions.

The story "Figures" describes two main characters, uncle and his nephew. Bunin shows no simple relationship between adults and children in it, but not always adults understand that children also have a sense of self-esteem, there are any desires and dreams. Many adults hurt them with their actions and words, without understanding that, it is still gentle, sensitive souls.

Or maybe sometimes they should also be remembered in childhood, their joys and sorrow and then will be much easier to understand their children. Do not hurt children, showing them your superiority over them. Children will grow up and, of course, still forgive, but sometimes their desires can be performed.

Just in this story and it is shown, the fact that the child's not always the desires should be perceived as a whim. Do not shout and apply force, as it happened in a story with a small boy. After all, he did not ask for something expensive or impossible, just adults turned out to be lazy to spend his time on him. And sometimes attention is more expensive than any gifts.

This story is not written for moraling children, but in order for adults to watch themselves from. By virtue of his age, the child can not understand such a refusal, and there is no experience due to the age of age. Therefore, often children arrange a riot. And not always adults admit that wines in some cases are them.

However, in this story, the boy has come tortured, first asked for forgiveness, but for what? The price of children's openness and purity will overcome the conflict. The numbers were a dream boy, and uncle knew them ...

Uncle will later rolling himself for laziness, he will be ashamed. And the children's heart does not remember evil for a long time, he, of course, forget everything, and will continue to live with love for his relatives and relatives.

By this story, Bunin gives to understand how important it is to appreciate and understand each other in life, not offended, because it is quite easy to offend, and the first to go to reconciliation is difficult. Sometimes it is not necessary to follow the rules, but you need to listen and your heart.

A quarrel between heroes takes us on the relationship between adults and children. Do people always understand each other always? Are adults always can understand children? Come to mutual understanding is sometimes very difficult, and children suffer from this. And adults can make unforgivable mistakes.

The author raises not only the problems of relationships between adults and children, but also the philosophical problems about the confrontation of a person with generally accepted laws of life, with which the adult can accept them, who can not yet.

The story in the story is conducted from the first person, more precisely, on behalf of the narrator hero. For the author, it is important to understand what they feel and what thoughts are the hero and his nephew.

"My dear, when you grow up, do you remember how one day you came out of a nursery in the dining room, stopped on the threshold," it was after one of our quarrels with you, "and, lowering his eyes, did such a sad face?
I must tell you: You're big shalun. When anything hobble you, you do not know. You often from early morning to late night you do not give rest to all houses with your cry and running. But I don't know anything touching you when you, having enjoyed your riot, try, wander around the rooms and, finally, you will come and lonely stick to my shoulder! If it happens after a quarrel, and if I tell you at least one at least sweet Nothing, you can not express that you are then doing with my heart! As a pusher, you throw, you kiss me, how hard you whistled my neck, in an excess of that selfless devotion, the passionate tenderness that only childhood is capable of! "

But this time the quarrel between the uncle and the nephew was too strong.

"Restarting your grief, your heart with a new passion returned to the cherished dream, which so captive you all this day. And in the evening, as soon as this dream again mastered to you, you forgot my insult, and your pride, and our firm solution to hate me all my life. You paused, gathered forces and suddenly, in a hurry and worrying, told me:
- Uncle, forgive me ... I will not be anymore ... And please show me numbers! You are welcome!
Is it possible then to slow the answer? And I still knew. I see, very, very smart uncle. "

It is surprising that the author describes his hero with such epithets: smart, judicial, wise, - so the narrator characterizes himself. But is this reality? Very often these words sound with irony. Is it smart and judicial - this is the one who comes like everyone else? The second chapter allows us to see the beginning of the conflict.

"You have woke up with a new thought on this day, with a new dream that captured your whole soul.
You have just discovered for you not yet looked joy: have your own books with pictures, pencils, color pencils - certainly colored! - And learn to read, draw and write numbers. And all this immediately, in one day, as soon as possible. Having twisted my eyes in the morning, you immediately called me in the nursery and fell asleep with hot requests: to write you a children's magazine as soon as possible, to buy books, pencils, paper and immediately take on numbers ...

But the joy mixed with impatience, worried you more and more. And so, when we are a grandmother, mom and I sat in front of tea in the evening, you found another outcome to your excitement. "

The boy disagrees to wait for the fulfillment of a dream, and this is an external conflict, but at the same time internal conflict appears in the soul of uncle. Uncle, as it should be, should wait time, he comes as the rule requires, and the child does not understand him. But uncle continues to show his hardness. "The heart quietly told me that I do a great sin at that moment - deprive you happiness, joy ... But then the wise rule came to mind: it is harmful, it is not necessary to indulge children." So, internal conflict develops in the shower of uncle. How to do it: as the heart tells or as it should be according to the rules?

In the third chapter, we can trace the continuation of the conflict. "I not only did not forget about you after your bold cry, but the whole frowning from a sudden hatred for you. And already had to use efforts to pretend that I do not notice you, and continue to play the role of calm and judicious. " All adults at this moment are combined against the boy. It hurts all of them, they are all worried, but withstand this pause.

"From pain, from acute and sudden insult, so rudely hit you in a heart into one of the most joyful moments of your childhood, you, flying out of the door, rolled out with such a terrible, such a piercing alt, at what no singer in the world is. And for a long time, for a long time, froze ... Then I scored in the light air even more and raised Alt to an incredible height ...
Then the pauses between the upper and lower notes began to shrink, the screams flowed without silent. Squares were added to the screams, sobbing - cries about help. "

"... I lied a cigarette, without raising an eye on my grandmother. And the grandmother suddenly trembled her lips, eyebrows, and, turning to the window, she began quickly, quickly shed a teaspoon on the table ...

And grandma barely sat in place.
Her heart rushed into the nursery, but in favor of me and mom, she was attached, looked from under the trembling eyebrows on an indiscriminate street and quickly knocked a spoon on the table.
I understood then and you, that we decided not to give up that no one climb your pain and resenting kisses, plenty of forgiveness. "

The boy screams to exhaustion, at that moment his condition is shown not as a whim, but as a real human grief. And adults understand that for a child every moment of his life is the discovery of something new and this moment he is experiencing much more acute than adults. The child feels this insult, she penetrated much stronger in his heart. But the conflict continues. Something makes you go to reconciliation. Grandma struck the living.

"- And who will buy him a penalty, paper, book with pictures now? What a penalty! Pencil - there and here. And numbers? After all, you can't buy any money. However, she added, "do you know. Sit here alone in the dark.
And came out of the nursery.
Cerenne, - Your pride was broken! You were defeated. "

"What is the impractication of the dream, the factory, than the depletive, the impossible. I already know it.
From the earliest days of my I'm in power. But I know that the more expensive I was my dream, the less hope for achieving it. And I have long been in the fight against it. I'm sly: I pretend that I am indifferent. But what could you do?
Happiness, happiness!
You opened my eyes overcrowded in the morning, happiness. And with childish gloominess, with an open heart rushed to life: Rather, rather!
But life answered:
- Be patient.
- Oh please! - you exclaimed passionately.
- Saluch, otherwise you will not get anything!
- Well, the long time! - you shouted viciously.
And at the time of Small.
But your heart rushed. You have gotten up, the chairs were filled with a roar, I beat my feet to the floor, screened with a joyful thirst with an overwhelmed heart ... Then life from all over the scope hit you in the heart of a blunt knife of resentment. And you have rummaged with a rabid cry of pain, call for help.
But here, not a single muscle on the face of life did not flinch ... Committed, set off!
And you humble. "

In the next chapter in the soul of the hero, love and tenderness returns again. The conflict is overcome, and has been overcome by the price of children's humility.

"Do you remember how timidly came out of the nursery and what did you tell me?
- Uncle! - You said to me, exhausted by the struggle for happiness and still Alka him. - Uncle, forgive me. "

The price of children's generosity, cleanliness and openness overcomes the conflict between the uncle and the nephew.

"- Well, God is with you! Carrying here to the table chair, let's give pencils, paper ...
And what joy you shook your eyes!
How did you choose! As I was afraid to cut me, what submissive, delicate, careful in every movement tried you to be. " (Fig. 2.)

Fig. 2. Uncle and nephew ()

The perception of the uncle of the nephew allows us to conclude that uncle understands the boy very well and sees why the child behaves like that. He admires his joy, but very often his heart begins to indignant when the child does not obey the field of adults. Acute pity for the boy overwhelms uncle, and he understands that the child is also able to experience insults. Now let's see how uncle perceives himself.

"The heart quietly talked to me that I do a great sin at that moment - deprive you happiness, joy ... But here it occurred to the wise rule: harmful, it is not necessary to indulge children ...

It was nursing and me. I wanted to get off the place, open the door to the nursery and immediately, in some hot word, stop your suffering. But is it consistent with the rules of reasonable education and with the advantage of a fair, albeit strict uncle. "

All the time the uncle behaves unnaturally and comes as it should be. And here there is another conflict - the conflict between the heart and mind. In our case, the mind wins, Uncle is withstanding the pause, and the child first goes to reconciliation. But no wonder after many years, the boy no longer remembers this case, but in the shower of uncle, this case remained. And now the heart wins, and despite the past years, Uncle understands that he was wrong.

By his story, Ivan Bunin wants to say how in life it is important to understand each other, try not to offend. It is very difficult to offend to offend it, and go first for reconciliation is much more difficult. Let's go back to the name of the story. Figures as a dream, numbers as a calculation symbol (uncle smart, he knows the numbers). But not always in life you need to be smart and follow the rules. Sometimes you need to listen to your heart.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook for grade 7. Part 1. - 20th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.
  2. Vantenkov I.P. Bunin-narrator (stories 1890-1916). / I.P. Vantenkov. - Minsk, 1974.
  3. Kucherovsky N.M. I.A. Bunin and his prose (1887-1917) / N.M. Kucherovsky. - Tula, 1980.
  4. Scientific library of dissertation and abstracts Dissercat ().
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  • Answer the questions.

1. How did Zhenya behave after uncle refused to show him the number? Suppose your words quotes from the text of the story.
2. How did you feel uncle at the time of a quarrel with a nephew? Is it possible to consider his attitude to his wife cruel? Justify the answer.
3. What conclusion can be done about the character of the boy? What qualities the author endowed him?
4. Why adults did not regret crying Zhenya? Is this true in your opinion?
5. What tells the story I.A. Bunina "Figures"?

  • In writing answer the question: why is the story I.A. Bunin named "Figures"?
  • Write a characteristic of one of the heroes of the story.

1) Features of the genre. The work of I.A. Bunina "Figures" belongs to the genre of the story.

2) the characteristics of the narrative in the story. The story in the story is conducted from the first person, on behalf of uncle, who describes the case that happened and gives a moral assessment to his act. By punishing the boy, Uncle feels not right, so he "after half an hour after you sat down, looked into the nursery. And how? She approached the doors, made a serious face and dissolved them with such a kind, for sure I had some kind of business. " An adult man was in front of a moral choice: to admit his guilt and make up with a child. But the pride, the desire to withstand the character did not allow the uncle to immediately establish relationships with the nephew. It was morally a wiser turned out to be a small hero of the story, which was coming, timidly left the nursery and asked uncle for forgiveness: "Uncle, forgive me. And give me at least a drop of that happiness, the thirst for which so sweet torments me. " Many years have passed, but it is uncle who remembers all the details of that longtime, since at that moment could not be rightfully assessing the situation.

What person is the narration in the story? (on behalf of uncle)

How does a narrator characterizes childhood time? (it's time "selfless, that passionate tenderness")

What, according to uncle, the child is different from an adult? (The child is not able to smear, quickly forgets the offense, seeks to immediately fulfill his dream.)

3) Features of the plot of the work. Plot story I.A. Bunina "Figures" is based on the description of a quarrel between the boy and the uncle, which occurred because of the boy's desire as quickly as possible to find out the numbers and unwillingness of the uncle to show them on this day. Both heroes were in front of the choice: the nephew should have wait until tomorrow, and uncle was not guided by the wise rule: "harmful, it is not necessary to indulge children." The immediacy of children's nature led to the fact that the boy "came up with an excellent game: bouncing, beat the whole strength with his legs to the floor and at the same time wake up so angry that we almost burst the drumpipes."

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

What was the cherished boy's dream? (see the numbers)

What was the quarrel between the uncle and the nephew? (The boy wanted to make his desire as quickly as possible: see the numbers, and uncle decided to withstand the character and show the numbers to the nephew the next day.)

What guailed uncle, deciding not to show the niece of the numbers on that day? (Wise Rule: "Harmful, it is not necessary to indulge children")

How did the boy behave, having learned about the decisions of the uncle not to show the numbers on this day? (The nephew began to stale)

Why did the uncle shouted on the nephew, what brought him out of himself? (The nephew was rebeling to the uncle)

Who is to blame in a quarrel between a boy and uncle? (and uncle, and nephew) Explain your point of view<

Whose side occupied mom and grandmother? (Uncle) 11 go?

What ended the quarrel between the boy and uncle? (the boy came up and asked uncle forgiveness)

Did you forgave myself uncle for this quarrel? Explain your point of view. (Uncle did not forgive himself, otherwise he would not remember the quarrel.)

5) Features of the author's position in the story. The author is trying to objectively assess the situation, not accusing anyone. Each (and the boy, and uncle) in his own way to the quarrel, in the WCU, the same adult should be wiser and try to find a way out of the situation.

6) The meaning of the name of the story. Story I.A. Bunin is called "figures", since the numbers are a boy's dream, an object, because of which there was a quarrel between the nephew and uncle.

The psychological subtleties of creativity Ivan Bunin is still interested in the reader, although the realities of which he wrote was riveted in the fly. The problem of a small nobility is no longer relevant, but all also indestructible the theme of man's mature, which is the semantic center of the story "Figures".

Already in the second half of the XIX century, the tradition of appealing to the theme of childhood has developed in Russian literature. Lion Tolstoy, Sergey Aksakov, Maxim Gorky and others wrote about this beautiful lifestyle. To look at the world through the eyes of a child, to understand what he feels and is experiencing, what this little dreams about and not until the end of the prevailing, but already a distinctive personality, "all this interested and continues to be interested in writers. The problem of childhood is devoted to the story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Figures".

The work is written in 1906 and is a confession of an adult, uncle, in front of his nephew. Before the reader, a first-person story in three parts about one case, rather even an incident, from those times, when a little wife, Zhenya, had just learned to read, count and write, and his biggest dream was as soon as possible to learn the numbers.

Meaning of the name

Why was the story of Bunin called "figures"? Dream to learn the numbers completely captured the main character. She was put by the author in the title of the story. However, this is more than just the whim of a young zhenium.

The name "Figures" is a symbol of a childhood dream, and at the same time it can be interpreted as an apple of discord, the subject that put an adult and the child to the opposite sides of the conflict, in which it is very difficult to find the right.


In the center of the plot, the works are conflict between Uncle and his nephew, a boy of Zhenya. The child, fulfilled the energy to learn, asks him to show him the numbers, but an adult laziness to go beyond pencils to the city, and he refuses, putting the lesson all the time.

Zhenya, so firing around with a knowledge of knowledge, can not tolerate and begins to behave too actively than annoying his uncle. As a result, a large quarrel occurs, during which none nor another want to recognize their wrongness - but meanwhile, it is characteristic of both of them - only grandmother makes attempts to reconcile "men." In the end, she succeeds, and, passing through this conflict, both, and the child, and an adult, bringing a life lesson from him, sit at the table and are engaged in a score.

Genre, Direction, Composition

The story consists of seven parts, in each of which the story is the uncle himself. He begins his story with the appeal to his wife with the words about a certain quarrel that occurred between them in the past. Thus, the author immediately defines the subject of which we are talking about. With the help of a "look in the past" reception, the writer forms a special perception of this story - an instructive, instructive. At the same time, the narrator himself appreciates his actions and makes the moral conclusion from them.

With his speech - this is not just a statement of events, it is a living memory; The author's language is easy, dynamic and emotional, thanks to which we sincerely empathize with the heroes and try to find an excuse for them in this quarrel.

Main characters and their characteristics

Central images are, of course, the narrator and his nephew. Their relationship is moving and become the basis of the conflict of the work. Despite the fact that all that happens we see by the uncle, his words are quite objective and contain a component of the analysis.

Very touching and at the same time, the exact description of the zhenium is given in the first part:

... you are a big chaloon. When anything hobble you, you do not know. You often from early morning to late night you do not give rest to all houses with your cry and running. But I don't know anything touching you when you, having enjoyed your riot, try, wander around the rooms and, finally, you will come and lonely stick to my shoulder!

The characteristic of the zhenomena is an active, curious and very loving child, despite the fact that sometimes the caprises are peeling. Uncle loves him very much, every time he was required by rigor, inflexibility, as from an adult, he was insanely sorry for the child. However, in a quarrel between them, two there is a considerable share of his guilt, because he could not manifest condescension and tenderness in time; Up over him took pride and stubbornness. This is a characteristic of uncle - a person of emotional and hot-tempered, but sincerely attached to the nephew.

Also in the story there are moms and grandmother of the Zhenya, who also divided into views: Mom on the side of the uncle, and grandmother - Zhenya. However, she does not scold harmful, but trying to reconcile them. Grandma, as a sample of wisdom and a suspension, as an experienced person in life, understands the stupidity of this discord, and in the final only she managed to establish the world between the main characters.


The topic of the story is the relationship between children and adults. For a child, all surrounding is an unknown reality, it is curious and mounted, and for an adult this reality no longer represents such interest. As a result, a misunderstanding arises, which leads to a conflict.

The author demonstrates the children's perception of the world to the adult reader, in order to fill in the abyss of misunderstanding between members of one family. Childhood will be speedless, it is easily forgotten, so adults are very difficult to realize and feel what the child is experiencing.

However, the early time of life is the most responsible time when the foundation is laid. From whether parents can understand their heir, his fate depends. Uncle must encourage the curiosity of the nephew with all their might, only he will grow up by an educated person. However, at the same time, it is impossible to indulge in peaks, otherwise the whole educational effect of enlightenment will come to no.


In his work, the author raises the problem of upbringing, adults and children, differences in the perception of the world around them. Also important are the issues of children's curiosity and dreams, the desire to learn and develop peculiar to every child, the issues of human nature, which stubborn and laziness prevents a reasonable solution to the problem.

The moral problematics of the work directly indicates the eternal flaps of people of all ages: categorical, egoism, optional, etc. Adult man over the years over the years aggravates children's shortcomings and competes with a child, succumbing to nervous excitation. Showing how quickly the venerable gentlemen fell into childhood, the author draws attention to the fact that maturity is determined by the ability to control itself, and not age.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that in communicating with children it is necessary to behave in an adult. Numbers in definition do not mean anything, because over the years a person may not change. Uncle easily goes out, showing a capricious pupil. A bad example. He can, he, but will learn, but will give an emerging personality even more negative features like stubbornness, hot tempering and categorical.

The idea is that uncle under the influence of everyday wisdom from the lips of Grandma elects the right way: he returns back and corrects his mistake, realizing this promise for a long time. Zhenya and his educator are pacified for the study of numbers.

What does it take?

The author makes us think about what to remember and take into account this difference in experience in relation to the world, because the child is completely different, unlike adults, creature and requires a special approach. The conclusion is simple: it is necessary to accommodively approach the growth of the younger generation, without applying the negative example.

Moreover, in the conflict, it is impossible to unambiguously allocate the right side, because in any conflict, each has its own truth, but everyone and to some extent it happens, so you should always be able to compromise and find it. This is the moral meaning of the story.

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