She took off her husband for an hour. Be my husband ... for an hour. And did not take money

Adhesives 06.09.2020

An employee of the "Husband for an Hour" service anonymously told The Village how to make 300 thousand on household repairs, what to do with dishonest clients and whether it is possible to sexually hammer a nail.

  • Gaya Marina Garbaruk May 31, 2012
  • 165098
  • 49

A little bit about yourself

I am 33 years old, I was born in Tajikistan, grew up and studied in Altai. My mom is Russian, and my dad is Uzbek-Tajik. I also recently graduated from a technical school in absentia - I studied refrigeration and compressor units, and now I was immediately taken to the university for the third year of MGSU, so I will be an engineer. Someday I will open my own business, but for now I work for someone else's uncle. In general, since the third grade, I worked part-time, repaired watches: at the age of ten I had a student, a man of 40, he still earns his bread in Tajikistan with this craft. I untwisted, repaired, assembled back - and now I can do the same with any thing: figure it out, think it over, fix it.


The first time I saw the expression “husband for an hour” on stickers in the metro was as soon as I arrived in Moscow, six years ago. I thought then: "What a nightmare, probably, pornography under the guise of a hammer." A year and a half ago, I came across an ad on the Internet: the company is looking for craftsmen to perform household repairs of varying degrees of complexity, we provide clients. So I turned out to be this "husband for an hour" - however, I still do not introduce myself to my acquaintances, so that stupid questions do not arise. They didn’t ask for any documents in the office, they didn’t sign contracts - it’s all unofficial. You also have to take care of taxes yourself, although I honestly don't know anyone who pays. You need to take shape as an individual entrepreneur - it's a bunch of hemorrhoids.

Market competition

Now, if you google, there are fifty such services in Moscow. Someone makes an expensive site with the expectation of a rich client with claims, and most do not bother with the site at all, the main thing is that the phone number is indicated. Moreover, everyone has a stupid filling - continuous repetitions, in order to be highlighted in the search. In some offices foremen work for a salary, regardless of whether they worked well or badly. Then they have clear prices. And there are companies organized like a social network, we call it a guild among ourselves: there is a system of ranks, a rating based on reviews, and the ability to earn decent money depending on quickness. I just work in this. And what kind of master you get is a pure lottery.


I know the owner of the company only by his voice. I suspect that he is from St. Petersburg. Probably a tough person: he once warned that he could listen to all our conversations. Otherwise, our guild is a real capitalism that encourages competition. At first you are just a master. Based on the rating, the number of completed orders and the money brought, you can be assigned an expert. The rating is based on customer feedback. The higher the position, the more chances that you will be sent an application. We kind of buy orders using SMS. First, the call-center with the client negotiates the approximate amount and scope of work, then the masters who work in the area receive an application, and they participate in the tender: who will throw 100 rubles for the order, who 150. Whoever paid the most, takes the order. That is, in fact, the guild is an intermediary to whom you give 10-15%, and the rest you work for yourself.


In Moscow, people constantly do not have enough time to do some small things, it is easier for them to pay, so the demand is consistently good. You will not call a construction company to hang a cornice for you. And the master came, hung it up in an hour - earned a thousand or two. Most often we are called by single girls over 25. I’ll say right away: I have never heard of office romances against the background of renovations. There are no well-written beauties among us, and, to be honest, the process itself is not very attractive. Male clients rarely come across - usually, when something difficult needs to be done that you can't do alone, you can put together a huge wardrobe, for example. Pensioners call the housing office the old fashioned way, although I do not advise anyone to contact them. There usually work illiterate pedagogues who have not been taken anywhere else. I changed the electrician a bunch of times after the housing department, only with plumbing they have fewer problems. They come and swear, they are dirty. Very rude, boorish people. They behave as if the whole world depends on them.


Of course, we have no trade union or corporate parties. We don't really know each other, there are only a few stories, when I came to clients, told them about our company, and then they also got a job with us. The rating of the masters is also good because we are still men - just let us win someone. Therefore, in the top 10 of the best masters there is constant movement: people gain experience, get good reviews from customers and go on the warpath. I quickly entered the top five. It’s not that we lock ourselves up with books on "How to nail a nail sexually" on weekends, here everything only comes with experience. By the way, women also work here: painters, cleaners. They are called "wives for an hour" - not at all in human terms.


Sometimes you can come, ask for a minimum price and do everything super to make the client satisfied, leave you a good review and recommend to friends. It is important not to be rude, not to say too much, to do everything quickly. Another plus is if you clean up after yourself. The client generally watches you, counts how many ridiculous movements you will wind up there. Once I worked with my brother for a man, I hung shelves in the kitchen, and sent him to the bathroom. So the client was surprised: they say, why does it cost you 150 rubles to drill a hole, and your brother's - 120. Then I say: well, look how he works - like a pig, dirt is all around. And I substitute the vacuum cleaner - and it turns out faster and cleaner. I have not a single speck of dust over the carpet or over the furniture. That's the difference in price.


I get at least three thousand rubles a day, and if you start working before lunch, then you will have time to make 6-8 thousand. But here you have to get up early, and ride the subway with a backpack with tools, and not stand in a car in traffic jams. The only problem is that you have to carry kilograms of tools on yourself: you don't know what order will come. My brother had a record of earnings - more than 300 thousand a month, but he was seriously running around.


Nice people, according to statistics, 80%, but there is always an error of unpleasant. They didn't deceive me directly, but there were cases. If you feel that the client is tricked, you write everything down on paper, all kinds of small work and the cost, because people are used to freebies and strive not to pay. I usually do this if the order is from 10 thousand, so that there are no misunderstandings. There was also a story when a rich client asked him to glue the leather on the sofa at the same time, gave me superglue, and he leaves black marks. So I ruined the furniture for him. But he realized that he was to blame, he did not swear. Here, of course, everything depends on the level of a person's culture. At the same time, one more master worked with me, older, larger - this is how the client shouted at him, and he was very respectful to me. Well, apparently, how you put yourself.


It is important not to shy away from work and not bend your fingers - they say, I studied, I have a higher education. If you are an idiot, you will be an idiot with a diploma. They offered me a job in the office, but I realized that this is mortal boredom. And so I constantly move around the city, meet new people. And the brain is constantly working, it's always such a puzzle: not only how to do it technically correctly, but also how to quickly, aesthetically, without noise and dust.

I am 33 years old, I was born in Tajikistan, grew up and studied in Altai. My mom is Russian, and my dad is Uzbek-Tajik. I also recently graduated from a technical school in absentia - I studied refrigeration and compressor units, and now I was immediately taken to the university for the third year of MGSU, so I will be an engineer. Someday I will open my own business, but for now I work for someone else's uncle. In general, since the third grade, I worked part-time, repaired watches: at the age of ten I had a student, a man of 40, he still earns his bread in Tajikistan with this craft. I untwisted, repaired, assembled back - and now I can do the same with any thing: figure it out, think it over, fix it.


The first time I saw the expression “husband for an hour” on stickers in the metro was as soon as I arrived in Moscow, six years ago. I thought then: "What a nightmare, probably, pornography under the guise of a hammer." A year and a half ago, I came across an ad on the Internet: the company is looking for craftsmen to perform household repairs of varying degrees of complexity, we provide clients. So I turned out to be this "husband for an hour" - however, I still do not introduce myself to my acquaintances, so that stupid questions do not arise. They didn’t ask for any documents in the office, they didn’t sign contracts - it’s all unofficial. You also have to take care of taxes yourself, although I honestly don't know anyone who pays. You need to take shape as an individual entrepreneur - it's a bunch of hemorrhoids.

Market competition

Now, if you google, there are fifty such services in Moscow. Someone makes an expensive site with the expectation of a rich client with claims, and most do not bother with the site at all, the main thing is that the phone number is indicated. Moreover, everyone has a stupid filling - continuous repetitions, in order to be highlighted in the search. In some offices foremen work for a salary, regardless of whether they worked well or badly. Then they have clear prices. And there are companies organized like a social network, we call it a guild among ourselves: there is a system of ranks, a rating based on reviews, and the ability to earn decent money depending on quickness. I just work in this. And what kind of master you get is a pure lottery.


I know the owner of the company only by his voice. I suspect that he is from St. Petersburg. Probably a tough person: he once warned that he could listen to all our conversations. For the rest, our guild is a real capitalism that encourages competition. At first you are just a master. Based on the rating, the number of completed orders and the money brought, you can be assigned an expert. The rating is compiled based on customer feedback. The higher the position, the more chances that you will be sent an application. We kind of buy orders using SMS. First, the call-center with the client negotiates the approximate amount and scope of work, then the masters who work in the area receive an application, and they participate in the tender: who will throw 100 rubles for the order, who 150. Who paid the most, the order takes. That is, in fact, the guild is an intermediary, to whom you give 10-15%, and the rest you work for yourself.


In Moscow, people constantly do not have enough time to do some small things, it is easier for them to pay, so the demand is consistently good. You will not call a construction company to hang a cornice for you. And the master came, hung it up in an hour - earned a thousand or two. Most often we are called by single girls over 25. I’ll say right away: I have never heard of office romances against the background of renovations. There are no well-written beauties among us, and, to be honest, the process itself is not very attractive. Male clients rarely come across - usually, when something complex needs to be done, which you can't do alone, you can assemble a huge wardrobe, for example. Pensioners call the housing office the old fashioned way, although I do not advise anyone to contact them. There usually work illiterate pedagogues who have not been taken anywhere else. I changed the electrician a bunch of times after the housing department, only with plumbing they have fewer problems. They come and swear, they are dirty. Very rude, boorish people. They behave as if the whole world depends on them.


Of course, we have no trade union or corporate parties. We don't really know each other, there are only a few stories, when I came to clients, told them about our company, and then they also got a job with us. The rating of the masters is also good because we are still men - just let us win someone. Therefore, in the top 10 of the best masters there is constant movement: people gain experience, get good reviews from customers and go on the warpath. I quickly entered the top five. It’s not that we lock ourselves up with books on "How to nail a nail sexually" on weekends, here everything only comes with experience. By the way, women also work here: painters, cleaners. They are called "wives for an hour" - not at all in human terms.


Sometimes you can come, ask for a minimum price and do everything super to make the client satisfied, leave you a good review and recommend to friends. It is important not to be rude, not to say too much, to do everything quickly. Another plus is if you clean up after yourself. The client generally watches you, counts how many ridiculous movements you will wind up there. Once a man and his brother worked for me, I hung shelves in the kitchen, and sent him to the bathroom. So the client was surprised: they say, why does it cost you 150 rubles to drill a hole, and your brother's - 120. Then I say: well, look how he works - like a pig, dirt is all around. And I substitute the vacuum cleaner - and it turns out faster and cleaner. I have not a single speck of dust over the carpet or over the furniture. That's the difference in price.


I get at least three thousand rubles a day, and if you start working before lunch, then you will have time to make 6-8 thousand. But here you have to get up early, and ride the subway with a backpack with tools, and not stand in a car in traffic jams. The only problem is that you have to carry kilograms of tools on yourself: you don't know what order will come. My brother had a record of earnings - more than 300 thousand a month, but he was seriously running around.


Nice people, according to statistics, 80%, but there is always an error of unpleasant. They didn’t deceive me directly, but there were cases. If you feel that the client is tricked, you write everything down on paper, all kinds of small work and the cost, because people are used to freebies and strive not to pay. I usually do this if the order is from 10 thousand, so that there are no misunderstandings. There was also a story when a rich client asked him to glue the leather on the sofa at the same time, gave me superglue, and he leaves black marks. So I ruined the furniture for him. But he realized that he was to blame, he did not swear. Here, of course, everything depends on the level of human culture. At the same time, another master worked with me, older, larger - this is how the client shouted at him, and he treated me very respectfully. Well, apparently, how you put yourself.


It is important not to shun work and not bend your fingers - they say, I studied, I have a higher education. If you are an idiot, you will be an idiot with a diploma. They offered me a job in the office, but I realized that this is mortal boredom. And so I constantly move around the city, meet new people. And the brain is constantly working, it's always such a puzzle: not only how to do it technically, but also how to do it quickly, aesthetically, without noise and dust.

The business with the ironic name "husband for an hour" has firmly taken its place in the market of services for the population. It is based on the ability to do well "male" work in order to be ready, for example, to repair an electrical outlet, change the faucet or assemble furniture.

To provide small consumer services, you do not need any special narrow-profile knowledge. After all, the main clients of the "husband for an hour" are female representatives who need to hang a chandelier or curtain, put on a switch or even drive in the most ordinary nail.

Advantages of the "husband for an hour" over large repair companies

  • The most important thing is that the “husband for an hour” service will cost much less than calling a specialist from a well-promoted repair and construction company. Therefore, the demand for these very services is growing.
  • A client contacting a large firm will likely have to wait for their turn on the client list. Or maybe they will refuse him altogether, since they will consider the order too small. “Husband for an hour”, on the contrary, will arrive at the client in the shortest possible time and will repair even the smallest breakdown.

This type of business will not bring millions to its owner, but it can provide a stable monthly income.

In addition, becoming a "husband for an hour", you will quickly earn the money invested. Usually this business pays off within one to two weeks. What do you need to implement a business idea, how much will you have to invest and what income should you count on?

Business registration

If you seriously decide to engage in this type of business, then you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Registration practically does not require expenses, does not provide for the hiring of an accountant and payment of property tax, unlike a limited liability company and other forms of ownership. It turns out that such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur is optimal for a small business.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must determine the main activities according to the OKVED codes. Usually this:

  • Electrical work production - code 45.31
  • Joinery and carpentry - code 45.42
  • Plumbing works - code 45.33

Which tax system to choose

You will need to send a notification to the tax office about the transition to the selected taxation system. There is little choice - (single tax on imputed income) or (simplified taxation system).

If the state has one or two "husbands for an hour", and the range of services provided is wide, it will be easiest to use the STS "income" 6% of the profit, since the UTII may have problems due to the variety of services provided (some of the types do not fall under the definition of "household" according to OKUN).

The main advantage of the UNDV is that when applying this system, a fixed amount of tax is established, which does not change, regardless of the amount of income.

In order to choose a tax system that is more favorable to you, you need to calculate the approximate amount of income and expenses. It will also be correct to consult with an experienced accountant who will clearly explain all the pros and cons of each of the systems.

How much should be invested in the implementation of the business idea "husband for an hour"

Before starting work, you need to spend a certain amount of money on equipment, business advertising, overalls, etc.


It is up to you to purchase the necessary equipment or use the existing one. But if you still decide to stock up on new instruments, then here is the main list and the average cost of each position:

  • A set of tools (a full set of screwdrivers, pliers, a chisel, a set of open-end wrenches, a chisel) - 4,000 rubles
  • Electric drill and a set of drills - 3,000 rubles
  • Two or three hammers of different sizes - 1,000 rubles
  • Bulgarian (small) - 2,000 rubles
  • Respirator, protective gloves and goggles - 500 rubles
  • Tool box - 1,000 rubles
  • Consumables (a large number of different washers, staples, nails, screws, screws, etc.) - 500 rubles

Separately, it is worth focusing on workwear, which can be sewn to order and put a logo with the name of your company on the workwear. The cost of sewing varies within 1,500 rubles.


Do not neglect good advertising, because the number of your customers depends on it. Use regular loose-leaf ads, advertise in newspapers and on local sites. You can promote your services through social media and large online message boards.

Order quality business cards and leave them to each client. The cost of one business card starts at two rubles. Having made 300 business cards for a start, you will spend about 600 rubles.

In addition, you can use your personal car for advertising purposes by pasting the inscription “Husband for an hour. Inexpensive repair services ”with a phone number.

Calculating the money that is supposed to be spent on advertising, you can stop at an amount of 2,500 thousand rubles. This will include print ads (2-3 times per month), ordering business cards, printing paper and ink, and gasoline costs for posting and distributing leaflets.

Total cost

Adding all the expenses, we get 16,000 rubles. This amount is an average, but you can focus on it when drawing up a business plan "husband for an hour". Here you need to add the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur and taxes.

Business income

  • You must determine the cost of repair work yourself. List a price list for standard services such as assembling furniture, repairing electrical outlets, replacing wiring, etc.
  • For special types of work that require a lot of time and labor, it is best to set an hourly wage. For example, the installation of a conventional bathroom faucet may be charged according to a set rate. And replacing the electrical wiring in the house will require additional time, since you will have to look for everything you need in the stores, do the calculations. Therefore, in this case, it would be best to apply the hourly wages.
  • Determine the payment for the "false" call when the service was not needed for some reason, but you spent time and money on the road.
Example. If the average cost of one hour of work is 300-500 rubles, then for an 8-hour working day you can earn about 2,400-4,000 rubles. With a sufficient number of orders, your average monthly earnings minus weekends will be 40,000-80,000 rubles.

Remember, the number of your potential customers is equal to the number of advertisements and flyers you have posted. Therefore, do not neglect "paper" advertising.

How to be those who do not have sufficient knowledge and skills

If you are not a master with "golden hands", but want to implement the business idea "husband for an hour" and have the necessary funds for this, then you can hire employees who will carry out all the repair work. It will be more profitable to hire people living in different parts of the city. So the employee will spend a minimum of time and money on the way to the desired place.

You will have to set workers a fixed wage or a certain percentage of the daily wage, usually at least 70 percent of the transaction value. If you set a lower percentage, then be prepared for the fact that workers will begin to steal a little. Individual copies can give you

Several wonderful stories from the life of the Master for an hour.

A customer calls. Pharmacy in the city center... It is necessary to change the armstrong lamps to diode lamps, replace the water heater, conjure something over the sign and put a switch there (this is already outside). Payment by bank transfer, you need to issue an approximate invoice, moscow pays dietary supplements... The city where, as you know, 80% of the money of All Russia.
A friend of mine arrives, who can do everything and can, with a notebook, a tape measure and a smart look and assistants. They measure and count.

Approximate estimate:

  • Change fluorescent bulbs to LED bulbs in armstrong lamps - 50 rubles. joke, number - a lot;
  • Replacing the water heater 2000 rub.
  • Work on finishing the external signboard, adapters, squeegees, fasteners for a water heater - 1500 rubles.
  • Purchase of materials for cash by the contractor and delivery to the facility at his own expense.

TOTAL: 5000 bank transfer with VAT.
Answer: customer from Moscow:
- Oh, you sho expensive-expensive! Moscow will not give a drain!
P.S. In Moscow, they probably think that in the regions, everything can be arranged for a bottle of liquid currency?

Husband stories for an hour client # 2

A customer calls.
Someone sits alive in my exhaust pipe and moves.
This means, the hood from the gas water heater, between the column and where it goes either to the street or to the vent. building channel. Something has been sitting there for 2 days and is moving.

I call the master, and he says:
- Blen, what if it's a man's shiz, and not a white mouse?
Could it be like that? In general, the inspection was postponed until tomorrow.
Oil painting: The master arrives the next day - he sticks his hand into the pipe, and there a half-meter rat, like a master, took a bite and ran away to the next floor, infecting the master with all kinds of diseases. Treat yourself later.

As a result, the client calls on the trail. day:
- Oh, you know, everything is gone ... disappeared by itself, does not move, does not bother.

Husband stories for an hour client # 3

The client (s) calls.

Drusta we need 2 cornices to hang, the area is, how quickly can the master leave?

- 1 minute, now I'll clarify, I'll call you back (it's not comme il faut to negotiate for the master, and then suddenly he has diarrhea or scrofula?)

Immediately I throw an SMS saying - 2 cornices the area is so fast, fast!

Master: Yes, okay, now I'll dial (lives nearby), i'll drive up and do it.

Immediately calls back: "Someone is already coming to them agreed on 1400 rubles."

That's what NG means (26th) on the nose, everyone is sitting without work, everyone is happy with any Kolyma, because you need to buy caviar for the New Year's table.

I call the client, I say the master lives in your area and he can:

  • 1) Drive up faster
  • 2) Make it cheaper, maybe even for 1000r.

And I ask how they found the master so quickly, if not a minute had passed since her call?

Client: Yes, I still have HUSBAND calls other masters, the two of us are looking for.
I still thought, but what a man like that? It is not clear that to putty the walls and disconnect the shields, you need to be able to do this, but cut the cornice into 2 screws to the wall, and without notches.

My master for 1000r. refuses, says that the average price in the city: 1400-1500 for 2 cornices.

I call the client back and say - they say you know the master refuses to do it for 1000 because he previously announced the price of 1400 to you, but since another master is already coming to you, then I apologize for creating fuss and once again the name. Immediately, in parallel, my master calls me and says.

- And we have already agreed on 600 rubles. thing that is, 1200r of all business, she agrees, I'm leaving.

Bleeeeeen? Well, when did they have time to talk, if I only hung up the phone, called the foreman, hung up and called the client?

On that and agreed, real capitalism and competition, in the absence of services and services.
It's like a story with a grandma who lived her whole life under capitalism. A story about her below.

Husband stories for an hour client # 4

The client (granny) calls.
Granny: Draste, I need to outweigh the sconces from one place to another, how long do you have, 700 rubles?
I: Yes, departure is 700 rubles. it includes minor repairs, outweighing and connecting, etc., we will outweigh the sconces for you without question.
Granny: No it's expensive! I would do it myself, but there you have to stand on a table-chair - I can't, even a hook hangs from the wall where to hang it, just connect the wire and use the legs to move the sconce from room to room.
I: I understand you, the price of work is 100-200 rubles. but the master will not go for them, it is not profitable for him, gasoline + advertising costs, especially the master carries a full luggage of the instrument with him, the master would come to you if he was in your area, but now he is not there, he is a little overhead for 100 rubles go, so the price of work with a call to the master is 700r. around town. Or try to search on Avito - there are students, they are 300 rubles each. ready to go (in fact, there are no students there). I even thought to myself, damn it, what prevents her from simply asking her neighbor, brother, matchmaker, friend - to outweigh her sconce? if there are only 2 wires to connect and you don't need to drill anything?

Granny: How? What? A-B-I-T-U? What is this? Newspaper?
I: No, this is a site of private ads, there the masters post their services.
Granny: What kind of site what site? What is the name of? AVIT? The first time I've heard!
Blen, is this how she found my phone? I don’t pay for advertising anywhere, only the website. No sheet, no newspapers, no business cards, only digital only hardcore. However, she found and called! And not me alone, about Avito does not know, but found other masters on the Internet.

Granny's monologue: “No, well, 700 rubles. me dear and 500r. expensive, I'm ready to pay 300 rubles, why don't you agree? Why don't you have competition? Where is capitalism and its advantages? I have lived under capitalism for 70 years! They fight for the client and make concessions, but in your country, where is capitalism?

Why don't you lower the price? Here work for 10 minutes! Maybe you have a master in my area? Or he will drive by, I live there (by the way, not much along the way, but in the center). I'm ready 300 r. give, let the master come. Koshmaaaaaaaaar, why don't you cut the price and compete with each other? "

In general, we agreed on that, that is, on nothing.

Husband stories for an hour client # 5

The client calls and says that the paper has come from the power grid to replace the electricity meter.
Is it just paid or free? How much does it cost?
- The price of replacing the counter is 800 rubles. + I advise you to replace your old cork switches (black) with modern (white) and reliable machines.
- Well, 800 rubles. is it a price with a counter?
- No, the counter is bought separately, a large variety of them from 700 rubles. and up to several thousand, if you have 1 phase, not 3 phases
- We just live in a village such and such, 50 km from Ryazan. I want to know if the counter is paid or free?
- Well, what do you think? How many people work for us for free?
- Well, we work in the village for free ... ..

And here I do not know what to answer this question. in fact, by world standards, most residents of the Russian Federation also work for tears or almost for free, because salaries of 9-12-15 tr. comparable to income levels in Africa…. And this is in a supposedly superpower with oil and gas. Okay, so as not to drive sad thoughts, I do not enter into controversy and tell the client that: Replacement 800 rubles, counter 800 rubles, each additional. automatic machine 200 r. + the machines themselves are 100 rubles. + remoteness from the city - this is also for gasoline for the master.

We agreed, as always, on nothing.

Husband Stories for an Hour - Intimacy to Offer

Oh, a wonderful story and quite fresh, and there are even witnesses.

Means. Sunday, 9-10 pm, I'm already drinking beer, the weekend was a success, we worked and earned, well, what else to do on Sunday evening? Neither watch TV.

A woman calls: “UUUUU trouble emergency, we have water from the tap gushing in all directions - help! Save. "
Well, I think "popos" because on Sunday evening, figs who will you find, out of all the friends of 5 plumbers, all are busy or also under gas.
I say to madam: "I will try to find you a master now." And honestly I take and call all my 3.5 plumbers who at least pick up the phone.
The result is of course predictable:

  • One puts the child to bed.
  • The second one is drunk and unable - the day off.
  • The third stupidly does not pick up the phone.

And then I call a person who is ready to break loose and go, and he even offers to go together (because he is bored alone). I say: “Okay, but I’m without a car and I’ll go there for the devil knows how long.”
A master who really knows how to do almost everything agrees and says the price is 5000 r.
Not cheap agree? But I specify if he has everything he needs? And it turns out that there is not only a tool, but also a spare crane for replacement, a whole crane!
And cut the thread in the piece of iron and adapters, and a soldering iron if on polypropylene. In general, there is everything you need for prompt repair. I agree, 5000 p. for two - good money. A man is ready to bring me and pick me up from the stop.

I call the client back and say: “There is a master, but the price of repair with a call is 5000 rubles. - you understand the evening, the weekend double tariff and we are going. "
Client: “Ooooooooo yeah you know what …… The stripper is 5 times cheaper!”
I: Well, let the stripper change your cock!
Client: “Well, no, you didn’t understand the young man: we have a single woman here, we’re sitting here drinking (a female voice-over) we would like a man, everything is in order with the tap, 5000 rubles. expensive, can you just come? Let's take a walk by the hand, have a drink, sit down, everything, the weather is good, the evening, what else to do? "
Well, in short, I had to come up with excuses that all the masters are married and all that and all honest - "the face of morality", etc.

Husband propose sex for an hour

During the working week, things are piling up in the apartment: hammering in a nail, hanging a shelf in the bathroom, fixing the toilet and putting a socket into the kitchen. Until you get home after work, you have neither the strength nor the desire to do anything. And then there are no suitable tools, as luck would have it. At such moments, “husbands for an hour” come to the rescue.

A man for an hour is usually called a man who knows and is able to solve any everyday problems: from breaking pipes to repairing household appliances, says Nikolai Svistunov, who has been working as a jack of all trades for over a year.

But you should not be afraid of the large number of skills necessary for work. Perhaps any household man can handle such a job.

The main thing is that there is a desire, and the hands grow from the place from where it is necessary, - the masters smile. - Even if a beginner in this business does not know or is not able to do something, he can always look at the instructions on the Internet or ask his comrades. But, of course, you need to take the work that you can definitely do, and not all in a row.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not only single and elderly women who call the masters of a wide profile. As the masters themselves say, not everyone has the strength and patience to assemble furniture, or to repair. Many simply do not know what "husbands for an hour" is given in just a few minutes. One call costs 750 rubles.

In principle, you can live on this money, - says Nikolai Svistunov. - It so happens that you do not have enough money to pay for your main job. And then you earned extra money as a master, bought food and you can live peacefully on. One order costs approximately 700-750 rubles per hour. During this time, you can make several outlets, fix the TV, hang a mirror.

Novice “husbands for an hour” often have a question: “What if the customer will cheat. You will do all the work for them, and they will not pay. Moreover, they will insult ”.

Yes, all sorts of people come across - our heroes do not hide. - It happens that I have not yet managed to come and start work, they already tell you that you are not doing everything that way. But basically, good customers come across. They always thank, they pay normally.

To become a master for an hour, you can find a large specialized company, of which there are a lot in the cities of the Sverdlovsk region. The management of such firms is happy to expand the staff, since there is always work. But hands are periodically not enough. But getting a job in a company is, in principle, optional. Many "husbands for an hour" are looking for orders on their own via the Internet.

I made my own website, and through it I am looking for orders. I do not earn much yet, but the support for the family is still good, - Nikolai Svistunov sums up.

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