Cupid's son. Cupid god of love. Chinese dragon tattoo

Heating 16.08.2020

Many are interested in the question, what is the name of the god of love among the Romans, since there are many different versions. In fact, Cupid, Cupid, Eros and Eros are all one deity, which is known not only in Roman culture, but throughout the world. His images are used in various souvenirs, which are especially popular on Valentine's Day. Cupid is a symbol of inevitable and passion. FROM Latin His name translates as "lust".

The story of the god of love in ancient Roman mythology

Cupid is the son of Venus and Vulcan. Although some sources have other information, according to which this god appeared from a golden or silver egg. They represented the god of love as young men or a child with a mop of golden hair. He had wings on his back, which allowed him to hit his targets from any convenient place. The god Amur always carried a bow and golden arrows with him, which struck the hearts of people. The god of love made people who refused their own feelings suffer. Interestingly, the arrows not only sent, but also killed feelings. Sometimes Cupid was depicted blindfolded, which symbolized the randomness of the choice. There is information that this is where the expression “love is blind” came from.

Cupid was Aphrodite's assistant, and only he enjoyed real divine worship. The arrows of the god of love in Roman mythology could not be resisted not only by ordinary people, but also by the gods. Zeus himself recognized that love is an invincible force. Cupid was revered not only as the god of lovers, but also as the patron of male friendship. In educational institutions, it was often placed between the statues of Hermes and Hercules. They made sacrifices to him before the battle in order to rally and reinforce loyalty to each other.

The myth of Cupid and Psyche

Venus envied the unearthly beauty of Psyche, who was mortal. She ordered her son to punish her. Instead, seeing the beauty, the god of love Amur made her his wife. Since mortals could not look at the gods, the girl did not even know exactly what her husband looked like. All was well until Psyche's sisters persuaded her to follow Cupid and look at him. This angered God, and he abandoned her, taking with him all the benefits created for his beloved. Young woman for a long time suffered and decided to go to the temple of Venus and turn to the mother of her beloved. The goddess said that she would tell about Cupid, but only after Psyche had passed numerous trials. The girl decided to prove her love at all costs, so she accepted the offer. The last task was to deliver Pandora's Box to the underworld. There was an important condition - not to open it. Curiosity still won, and out of Pandora's Box escaped dead dream and Psyche died. Cupid found his beloved and brought her back to life. The strength of this pair was admired not only by people, but also by the gods.

Roman god of love in art

As already mentioned, the image of Cupid is used in the manufacture of various souvenirs, and they may differ in the actions and appearance of the god. In general, each of the incarnations has a certain meaning that you should know. and take into account. Cupid can be represented in such images:

  1. With a flaming heart in your hands, this is a sign of love, and the heart burns with feelings for the object of adoration.
  2. With a hand covering the fire of a torch, this is an indication that if one neglects the feelings of another person, then love can disappear.
  3. A hammer striking on the heart is a symbol that it is worth moderating your ardor and doing everything meaningfully.
  4. With a fishing rod in hand, this is an indication that a person often swallows love bait and is caught, and this brings many problems and sorrows.
Eros, Cupid, Cupid

Cupid in the form of a child (worker Etienne Maurice Falcone, after 1757, Hermitage)

Eros - the world deity, connecting the gods into marriage couples, was considered a product of Chaos (dark night) and a bright day or Heaven and Earth. He dominates both external nature and the moral world of people and gods, controlling their heart and will. In relation to the phenomena of nature, he is a beneficent god of spring, fertilizing the earth and calling to being new life. He was represented handsome boy, with wings, in more ancient times - with a flower and a lyre, later with arrows of love or a flaming torch.

In Thespiae, every four years, a festival was held in honor of Eros - Erotidia - accompanied by gymnastic and musical competitions. In addition, Eros, as the god of love and friendship that united young men and men, was revered in gymnasiums, where statues of Eros were placed next to images of Hermes and Hercules. Spartans and Cretans usually sacrificed to Eros before the battle. His altar stood at the entrance to the Academy.

Mutual love youth found a symbolic image in the group of Eros and Anteroth (otherwise Anterot, Anteros), located in the Eleatic gymnasium: the relief with this group depicted Eros and Anterot, contesting the palm of victory from each other. Ovid mentions "both Eros". The nurses of Eros the Charites went to Delphi to Themis with a question about his small stature.

Eros served as one of the favorite subjects for philosophers, poets and artists, being for them an eternally living image of both a serious world-ruling force and a personal heartfelt feeling that enslaves gods and people. The LVIII Orphic hymn is dedicated to him. The emergence of the group of Eros and Psyche (that is, Love and the Soul captivated by it) and the well-known folk tale that developed from this representation belongs to a later time.


  • Hesiod, Theogony
  • Apollodorus, "Mythological Library"



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    Lat. Cupido, inis, actually: desire. Roman god of love. Explanation 25000 foreign words that came into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson AD, 1865. CUPID among the Romans is the god of love; depicted as a winged ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Eros, boy, love, handsome man, cupid, handsome, Cupid, Eros Dictionary of Russian synonyms. cupid 1. see Cupid. 2. see handsome c... Synonym dictionary

    - (Cupido). See Eros. (Source: A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities. M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, A. S. Suvorin, 1894.) CUPIDON (from Latin cupido, “strong passion”), in Roman mythology, the deity of love. Corresponds to the Roman Cupid and ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    CUPID, cupid, husband. (from the name of the Roman god of love Cupido, lit. lust). 1. (To uppercase). In mythology and poetry, the god of love, love; the same as cupid (poet. obsolete). "And it happened to me to find out what kind of bird Cupid is." Pushkin. 2. Handsome, ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    For the Latin name of the ancient god of love passion (cupido passion), see Eros. Literary encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    CUPID, in Roman mythology, the deity of love (compare Cupid and Eros). Cupids were portrayed as playful boys... Modern Encyclopedia

    In Roman mythology, the deity of love, the personification of love passion; the same as Cupid or the Greek Eros. Cupids were portrayed as playful boys... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Cupid- a, m. cupidon m. , lat. Cupido cupidus thirsty for love. In ancient Roman mythology, the deity of love passion, unbridled desire. In this he differs from the more restrained and romantic Cupid. Vlasov 2001 4 45. Pink ones played on the ceiling ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Cupid- a, m. 1) In Roman mythology: the son of Venus, the deity of love, the personification of love passion. Cupid is knocking on a good friend, let the tired worker doze! Wake up, young man, reject, he whispers, insensible and sluggish peace (Baratynsky). ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Then the indispensable "attributes" of this holiday of love are certainly one of the gods of Roman mythology, Cupid, and the symbol of love - the Burning Heart.
However, what do we know about besides the fact that this winged youth, the son of the goddess Venus, loves to "pierce" the hearts of young men and women with his magic arrows of love? Why is the Burning Heart considered a symbol of tender love?

There are many legends about Cupid. But I will tell 2 of them and I hope someone will support me and write other legends related to cupid.

The legend of how Cupid "found" .

Once the Thunderer Zeus called the young god of love Cupid to him and gave him the task to come up with the perfect symbol of this tender feeling. What seemed at first glance an easy task turned out to be not so simple. Neither painful day-night reflections, nor observations of the manifestations of their feelings by earthly girls and young men gave a single answer to the question:

"What symbol can express love?"

Already very diverse and dissimilar were external signs mutual

From presenting each other with a wide variety of flowers and gifts to applying to their bodies. The deadline for reporting to Zeus was inexorably approaching and Cupid became gloomier and gloomier.

What should he say to the thunderer?

And so, when his despair reached its climax and he had already decided to tell Zeus that love is a feeling that cannot be expressed in one symbol, his beautiful wife, Psyche, came to the aid of the young god.

She was once an earthly woman (you will learn more about her and Cupid from the 2nd legend) and experienced for herself what love is. She suggested to her husband that he should not look at external ones, but pay attention to what is happening with a man in love. Cupid did just that.

God flew to earth and met a young man and a girl - the guy had just confessed his love to his girlfriend and his love was mutual. Looking into their souls and saw them ... hearts burning with happiness, which were fragrant, catchable only by the gods, with the smell of ripe cherries.

When Zeus opened a small chest brought by Cupid, he saw in it a burning heart that trembled with love just like the heart of a lover. Zeus liked this symbol and since then Cupid has been rewarding with this symbol everyone who has experienced or sought to know this tender and bright feeling - LOVE.

And one more - about how Cupid married Psyche.

There lived a king on earth who had three beautiful daughters. But the most beautiful was the youngest of them, Psyche. She was so beautiful that she aroused the envy of the goddess Venus. She sent her son, Cupid, to Earth to punish Psyche for her beauty - he must "fall in love" with an earthly beauty in a monster.

But Cupid himself fell in love with Psyche and took her as his wife. He settled her in with. But Psyche could not see her husband - earthly people did not have the right to see the true appearance of the gods.

Despite the prosperity, the prosperity surrounding her and the gentle, caring, albeit invisible, care of her husband, Psyche very soon began to yearn for loneliness. She asked her husband for permission so that her sisters could visit her. The sisters envied Psyche's prosperity and, according to the teachings of Venus, seduced the younger sister to look at her husband. They said that her husband was a monster who was fattening Psyche in order to eat him later.

With candles in one hand and a knife in the other, Psyche crept in at night. She saw the true face of her caring handsome husband and burned with true love for him. She was so fascinated by the beauty of Cupid that she did not notice how the candle burned out, burned out and a drop of melted wax fell on his shoulder and woke up God. Cupid was angry that Psyche violated the ban not to look at God, and left her.

Psyche was saddened and went to the temple of Venus to ask for forgiveness from the goddess, hoping through her mother to earn the forgiveness of her husband. Venus, experiencing the love of Psyche, gave her several very difficult tasks, which seemed impossible for a mere mortal to complete. But Psyche passed all the tests with dignity, earning the respect of the gods (including Venus herself) and the forgiveness of her husband. In addition, the gods made Psyche equal to themselves.

These are such beautiful legends. Do you know any? If you know, share your knowledge with others...

Eros (Eros) - in Greek mythology the god of love, understood as a special world deity and as an inseparable companion and helper of Aphrodite. According to Hesiod, he is one of the five gods born of Chaos (Theogony, 116-122). According to the mythographer of the 5th century BC. e. Akusilaya, Eros was the grandson of Chaos, born of his children Nikta and Erebus.

The tradition of Greek classical poetry presents Eros as a son (Euripides, Hippolytus, 533), the offspring of Iris and Zephyr (Alcaeus, Fragments, 80). In later traditions, Eros is usually called the son of Aphrodite and Ares, so that he gradually takes on the features of a "golden-winged" god, marking a gradual transition to the graceful, light and capricious Eros of Hellenistic poetry.

He became, as noted by Apollonius of Rhodes, a beautiful wayward and hard-hearted boy, full of cunning and cunning, a cruel tormentor of gods and people. He flies everywhere on his golden wings, thoughtlessly shooting arrows that arouse love not only between a man and a woman, but also same-sex. Eros dominates both external nature and the moral world of people and gods, controlling their heart and will. In relation to the phenomena of nature, he is the beneficent god of spring, fertilizing the earth and bringing new life into being. He was represented as a beautiful boy, with wings, in more ancient times - with a flower and a lyre, later - with arrows of love or a flaming torch.

The type of Eros received artistic development under the chisel of the sculptors of the younger Attic school - Scopas, Praxiteles and Lysippus. Skopas owned a statue of Eros, located in Megara; Praxiteles sculpted Eros for the Mysian city of Paria at the Hellespont, and - a masterpiece of Greek sculpture - for Thespiae, where there was also a statue of Eros by Lysippus.

The cult of Eros existed in Pariah, and chiefly in Thespiae, where originally a rough stone served as an image of the god. In Thespia, every four years, festivities were held in honor of Eros - Erotidia, accompanied by gymnastic and musical competitions.

In addition, Eros, as the god of love and friendship, uniting young men and men, was revered in gymnasiums, where his statues were placed next to the images of Hermes and Hercules (Pausanias, IX 27, 1-3). Spartans and Cretans usually sacrificed to Eros before the battle; the best Theban detachment of warriors had its patron and inspirer in Eros; the Samians dedicated gymnasiums to Eros and celebrated their eleutheria in honor of him. The mutual love of youth found a symbolic image in the group of Eros and Anteroth, located in the Eleatic gymnasium: a relief with this group depicted Eros and Anteroth, contesting the palm of victory from each other.

The emergence of the symbiosis of Eros and Psyche (Love and the Soul captivated by it) belongs to the later time. A similar symbolic-allegorical image of Eros is given by Apuleius in his work Metamorphoses.

The original myth about Eros, not a deity, but a demon, a companion of Aphrodite, expressing the eternal desire for beauty, is given by Plato. For him, Eros is the son of Poverty and Wealth, conceived on the birthday of Aphrodite and inherited from his parents a thirst for possession, a craving for wandering, stamina and courage. In Roman mythology, Eros corresponds to the Roman gods Cupid and Cupid.

(Excerpt from the tragedy "Antigone" - Sophocles)

Eros, the all-conquering god,
God of love, you are above the great
Celebrate and then
Lulled, rest in peace
On the cheeks of a slumbering maiden,
Flying across the seas
You enter the poor hut.
Not a single one in a mortal tribe,
None of the gods
Alien death, not saved,
But they suffer and rage,
Defeated by you.

* * *
The myth of EROS and PSYCHE

Somehow Aphrodite was imbued with envy of the beauty of a mortal girl named Psyche. The goddess, seized with jealousy, ordered her son to pierce the heart of the girl with a golden arrow so that she would fall in love with him. disgusting man in the world. Eros agreed to fulfill his mother's wish, but when he saw Psyche, he himself fell in love with her.

The beautiful Psyche became the wife of the invisible and mysterious Eros, who flew to her every day, however, only at night and in the dark, while warning her beloved that she should not bring fire into the bedroom and see him without cover of night.

Psyche fell in love with Eros despite not even seeing him. However, the jealous sisters tried their best to convince the girl that she had married a terrible monster who was going to harm her. So slowly they led her to the idea of ​​killing her husband.

One fateful night, curiosity and fear took over, and Psyche decided to hide an oil lamp in her bedroom along with a knife. When Eros fell asleep, she lit a fire in the lamp, preparing to see the monster, but instead she saw an unusually handsome youth sleeping on her bed.

At the sight of his beauty, Psyche was seized with a trembling trembling - so that a few drops of red-hot oil from the lamp fell on his skin. Eros woke up in pain and noticed the knife in the hands of his beloved. Seeing such a betrayal, he immediately flew away ... Psyche, in desperation, went to look for her lover all over the world.

Eros returned to his mother, who healed his wounds, but completely exhausted poor Psyche. After several difficult tasks, Aphrodite ordered Psyche to go down to the Lower World in order to take the box from Persephone with a particle of her beauty. Psyche did not know about the intentions of the goddess, who hoped that the girl simply could not stand such a dangerous path. However, in spite of everything, she managed to achieve her goal, thanks to the instructions of the talking tower, with which she wanted to throw herself down in order to take her own life. After receiving the box from Persephone, Psyche opened it in the hope of regaining the love of Eros, but instead fell into a deep sleep like death.

Eros, already healed from his wounds, yearned for his beloved and began to look for her everywhere. Having found Psyche, he woke her up with a prick of his arrow and immediately flew off to Zeus to ask the Father of people and gods to take his side in a dispute with an angry Aphrodite. In the end, Aphrodite was appeased, and Zeus, having blessed Psyche and Eros, turned the girl into a goddess, giving her immortality.

The Roman god of love, corresponds to the Greek Eros, beloved of Psyche. Among the Romans, Cupid is a playful, winged putti, more in line with the image of the Hellenistic Eros than the suffering demon of ancient times. It is also a symbol of life after death, which explains the common use of cupids on ancient sarcophagi, where they sometimes play with satyr masks (copied by Poussin in a series of paintings dedicated to putti). The same images were transformed into decorative winged cherubs of Christian churches. There were medieval thinkers who identified Cupid with the angel of the Annunciation. However, Cupid remained a symbol of carnal passion. With the development of the ideal of refined and romantic love, Cupid with his bow and arrow becomes a symbol of the inevitability of love; he is often depicted blindfolded, suggesting the random choice of his victims; and, like its patroness Venus, does not forgive dispassion and ignoring love. Since the Renaissance, Cupid has often been depicted with Venus and Vulcan, his legendary parents - as in two Tintoretto paintings, but more often with Venus, whom he pushes around like a capricious child. Correggio, Titian, Poussin, Velasquez, Rembrandt have left us images of a playful god.

Cupid is the god of love

Cupid is the god of love

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