Floor of death listen online, download. Audiobook by Lee Child. Floor of Death listen online, download Lee Child audio

Heating 09.11.2020

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Vasil 61

murinex wrote:


Vasil 61 wrote:

murinex wrote:

69630953 because there are no other readers for this series

I never understood what drives readers to voice already voiced books http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5007853 . You have nothing else to do, that the whole cycle has already been voiced and this last book from the Jack Reacher cycle, or are there few other books not voiced?

I answer. At the time when Valery Stelmashchuk posted his voice acting, I had more than half of the book ready (if you are interested, this is explained in detail in the chat in that hand). I already "broken off" once when I voiced several chapters of the book "Floor of Death" , and then very unexpectedly I saw it performed by Igor Knyazev (although in general NOBODY was going to continue voicing this series for a long time after several well-read books), who usually likes to perform more peculiar books. I did not compete with him in voice acting (I haven’t matured yet), and there wasn’t much started. Although I would have voiced some moments differently - I even wanted to insert a music for the atmosphere that Reacher hummed under his breath in prison - and the blues is not bad, it’s strange that he is a lover of jazz and blues (as I understand it), Igor Knyazev didn’t include this song in his voice acting. Yes, and occasionally the TONE of the music didn’t always suit me personally - for some reason, after the conviction that Reacher’s dead brother was found, such a cheerful music plays, although Reacher must have been stno (this is one of the clearest examples, and it clearly didn’t look like a banter, but apparently it was inserted automatically - there are, in fact, two or three melodies for the whole book, albeit normal ones). And Igor specifically unsubscribed that the continuation is 100% will not read - I began to read the second book in a sinful deed. Valery, apparently, also decided to voice it with thoughts that there was no one to continue. Therefore, in this case, it turned out UNPLANNED duplication and lack of coordination with another reciter. And I didn’t want to throw out any work done in the trash once again, and I decided to finish it. This, it seems to me, is sometimes the appearance of repetitions of the voice acting of some books. OUT OF ORDER IN THE SERIES, because the reciters are afraid to repeat themselves with other readers. I used to swear at this too, but later I realized this problem (see explanations above). But now there is plenty to choose from, as the moderators taught me when I myself was not satisfied with the next well-read the same book, and gave the same arguments like "there is nothing to read or something?". It is believed that it would be better to have 10 options than none (or one). On some trackers, they even get banned for such questions sometimes I hope , I answered your quite reasonable and reasonable question. I dare to draw your attention to the fact that I am going to continue the series, with the hope that they will not get ahead of me with the next book. And with another and let them get ahead of the books from this series for now. Otherwise, I will read the entire series for a long time
Thank you for drawing the attention of the listeners to another version of the voice acting.
!!! IvanVanch , Satellessen (for your first reading and distribution separately), tumanov9- and thanks to everyone else for "thank you". I hope I pleased you at least a little with my slurred reading

Vasil 61

murinex wrote:


Vasil 61 wrote:

murinex wrote:

69659286 At the time when Valery Stelmashchuk posted his voice acting, I had more than half of the book ready (if you are interested, this is explained in detail in the chat in that hand).

It changes everything. I apologize for the sharp tone. But you must understand me, sometimes the choice of low-quality books by reciters infuriates me. I look forward to hearing from you throughout the series. THANKS.

I didn’t hear a very sharp tone from you - everything was adequate and decent. And it’s quite understandable, for me personally, the reaction to the next voice acting of the same book (which I wrote about above), so everything is fine. As a former pioneer, ALWAYS READY to hear ANY remarks, if only on the case. In this case, everything is on the topic. Thank you for the answer and wish:. After the holidays I will start reading the third book.


salem2556 wrote:

I VERY liked the voice acting (although there were doubts for the first 15 minutes)
looking forward to the sequel, thanks!

For the first 15 minutes I doubted myself, but could I voice it? , comparing my reading with Igor Knyazev. Therefore, I began to read with caution and insinuatingly. Moreover, I am a novice reader and, of course, I make mistakes. But then I plucked up courage and decided, what if something happens? ... I tried to loosen up. In some places I read the book with long breaks (the work did not always allow me to find time, but it was there that I voiced it), but like that gradually, something like something in half a year or even more, something it happened there
Thank you for taking the time to strike out a couple of kind lines - it adds to the mood when working on a sequel. I'll try to read it faster than this book




Karm307 wrote:


began voicing book number 3 "The Trap"

Will wait. I often look into this topic and look forward to continuing the series. God help.

Thank you, but I’m unlikely to manage it before April. It would be possible to make a weekly distribution, but personally I never liked this option, and I still waited for the end of the recitation, so that later I could download the whole book and calmly listen to the ENTIRE book.


SmagerAD wrote:

69919886 Thank you very much for the book!
The cinema was excellent. Then I listened to the first book performed by Knyazev. Again excellent. In some places I do not believe (the author of the book), but in general, very soundly. Now let's hear the second book in your performance, Sergey.
I hope you don't disappoint

I'm waiting for an assessment. I hope that parents will not be called to school


NataZ wrote:

69974616 I listened to the first files in this distribution and in alternative voice acting to choose which one to download. Reading is normal, but in my opinion thin. literature should be read a little slower, this is not news, here, in addition to perceiving information in the head, one must have time to create a visual image and enjoy it. But the sound quality is just terrible. The sound is dull and rattling, like from a tin can. I listened with headphones.

As for the speed of the recitation - unexpectedly. As a rule, most listeners suffer from the opposite, too slow reading (I'm not talking about my distribution, but about the frequently encountered reviews on many other audiobooks).
I won’t argue much about the sound quality and advise you to pay attention to the settings of your equipment, maybe it’s the headphones. Or maybe my hands are crooked. so please forgive me humbly. I am an amateur and voice, of course, at the level of quality available to me.
Thanks for your comments - I'll try to match.




NataZ wrote:


murinex wrote: As for the speed of the recitation - unexpectedly. As a rule, most listeners suffer from the opposite, too slow reading (I'm not talking about my handout, but about the frequently encountered reviews on many other audiobooks).

It's really very subjective. I watch films and TV programs at a speed of 1.1-1.3, and the old ones before 1990 at an even higher speed. And books, on the contrary, when they speak quickly, you perceive only information, but you do not have time to think and mentally visualize. But everything, of course, is very conditional. Very slow recitation is also annoying. I don’t remember his last name now, but there is one very famous reciter, he has diction, like Soviet announcers. His slowness is just annoying. I like Knyazev and Petronik the most. And I made my opinion solely on the first file. Maybe something else is different, both speed and sound quality. In any case, thank you for your work and the opportunity to rest your eyes from constant staring at the computer. And good luck in mastering the art of scoring

Thank you very much for your answer and wishes. Let's start with the fact that this book is still more an action movie than a detective story. Accordingly, the actions should unfold specifically, without much fuss, which means quickly and dynamically. Therefore, my style of recitation was originally smart- fast in most moments. You really should have listened not to the beginning, but to about the middle, when I "smelled" both myself and the author's style, although considering that I read quite insinuatingly almost until the middle of the book (as it seemed to me), it is strange to hear about too fast reading (I won’t say anything about the sound quality, there’s probably a joint). And thank you so much for listening at least a little. It’s clear that I can’t take EVERYTHING into account, and I can’t please EVERYONE, but some of your moments that you commented on, I will try to take into account in the next book, if
for example, about very fast reading. THIS, A BOOK in my modest performance, and not just the first files, I sometimes seem to be not bad there, as it seemed to SOME listeners.
My wife says that I have pauses on time.
I tried to bring your comments and wishes in the new book, the third - not everything, probably, turned out. Especially before your comments, I managed to read almost half. There will be something to mock
TOTAL: AGAIN Thanks for your comments. I will try to take into account your nuances, claims and wishes in the subsequent reading. Please do not be offended if ALL your wishes do not come true.
I apologize for the repetitions in the answers - I wrote on the holiday of February 23

Description: Jack Reacher got into the thick of criminal events, although he was only trying to help a pretty girl on crutches. People with weapons push Jack and the girl into the car and take him away in an unknown direction. She claims to be an FBI agent and goes undercover. An unusual couple is being driven in an unknown direction. Given the time spent on the road, Reacher...

People say that good deeds can lead to problems. Jack Reacher, who recently helped a good man free himself from the extortionists' claws, is captured by the FBI sheep and taken to headquarters, where they begin to interrogate him. Jack realizes that he is considered the main suspect in the murder of two military women, whom he investigated when he was a military policeman. According to the psychological portrait, one hundred percent is obtained ...

Description: Jack Reacher, a former policeman, and now a nomad, travels through the cities of the country. In the small, quiet town of Margrave, where Jack arrives the day before, a murder occurs that hasn't happened in the past thirty years. The main suspect in the crime is the only stranger in the city, which turns out to be Reacher.

Description: chance meeting on the street spawned a whole adventure full of dangers. Returning home, Jack Reacher meets Quinn with his eyes - the man whom he personally executed more than ten years ago. How could the bastard survive? To get closer to Quinn, Jack agrees to help the FBI get their employee out. To do this, he will need to create the perfect legend in order to seamlessly integrate ...

Description: The once free town is now under the control of one man. Any enterprise, bank and even a modest church - all this is his. In this city, strangers are very disliked, even those who visit the city for a short time. Jack Reacher only wanted to drink strong coffee in a small cafe, and ended up getting into a fight with four ...

The storyline of the novel takes place in 1997, six months before the events described in After Death. Still in service main character gets a new job. In the state of Mississippi, in the vicinity of the Marine Corps, a girl was brutally murdered, who was raped before that. The police are sure that the rapist is one of the Marines. Jack Reacher is tasked with...

Jack Reacher has been with the police for over a decade. For all my professional activity he caught a lot of maniacs, murderers, rapists, thieves, leaders of criminal gangs. So many were not able to catch together the employees of the department. Ten years ago, Jack caught and executed with his own hands the most dangerous and cunning villain named Queen. He forgot about it long time ago...

Jack Reacher is the name of the protagonist, a former military policeman who, after completing his service, settled in a quiet town. One day, Jack learns that a certain person from the New York detective agency, who called himself Castello, has come to the cafe that he visits every day. This person began to ask all the visitors and employees questions about Reacher, who is, ...

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Oct 14 2018

Name: Little Wars
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Murin
Playing time: 01:16:30
Description: The Porsche was discovered early in the morning by four soldiers in a Humvee who were trying to find their way back to Smith after making every possible mistake in positioning in a nighttime exercise. They recognized the car from afar. It was already known on the base as the car of the new planning lady. Hot stuff, smart and rich, and they didn't think anything wrong. At all. Maybe she had a flat tire and needed help.

Posted by at 19:25 Tagged with:

Jun 09 2018

Name: Night school
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Murin
Playing time: 11:31:21
Description: In 1996, Jack Reacher was still a Major in the Military Police, solving crime after crime and earning well-deserved rewards. Suddenly, he was informed that he was heading ... to an evening school for advanced training.
Surprised, Reacher arrived at his new duty station. It turned out that school and education are just a screen, a “smoke screen”. In fact, he and a few other cool specialists from the FBI and the CIA have to perform a mission of the highest importance. The intelligence services have received information that an American living in Hamburg, Germany, is to receive one hundred million dollars from Afghan terrorists.

Posted by at 11:44 Tagged with:

Oct 29 2017

Name: A business
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 96 kbps
Executor: Sergey Murin
Playing time: 13:51:06
Description: The novel is set in 1997, six months before the events of the first novel in the series, Death Floor. Jack Reacher is still serving in the military police of the US Armed Forces - and receives a new assignment ... In the vicinity of the Marine Corps base in Mississippi, a young man was brutally murdered beautiful girl. Before her death, she was raped. The first suspicion of the local police immediately fell on one of the Marines. And the task received by Reacher from his commander has one goal - to save the honor of the army, save its heroic appearance from shame and find the killer...

Posted by at 18:37 Tagged with:

Dec 29 2016

Name: Guest
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Murin
Playing time: 13:41:33
Description: It is true what they say that good deeds are punishable. Before Jack Reacher could help a good man get rid of extortionists, FBI agents immediately grabbed him and began to ask strange questions, from which it follows that he is suspected of killing two women, former military personnel, whose cases he led as a military police officer. The circumstances of the death of both women are mysterious and incomprehensible. Compiled by FBI experts psychological picture criminal, and Jack Reacher is the best match for him.

Posted by at 19:23 Tagged with:

Jun 18 2016

Name: Trap
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Sergey Murin
Playing time: 13:36:54
Description: Jack Reacher, an ex-military cop living a modest life in a quiet resort town, didn't like it when Costello, a New York private detective, showed up at his favorite coffee shop and started asking everyone questions, trying to track down Reacher. But even more he did not like it when he found in a dark alley the still warm body of this man. Reacher decides to get to Costello's employers and find out who and why needed to look for him and why it is so important for someone to prevent this.

Posted by at 16:53 Tagged with:

Jun 29 2015

Name: means of persuasion
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Playing time: 15:53:44
Description: Having accidentally met a man named Quinn on the street, former military police officer Jack Reacher cannot believe his eyes, because ten years ago he personally executed the scoundrel. How did he manage to survive? To get to his enemy, Reacher agrees to help two federal agents out of trouble their employee, who worked undercover for drug dealer Zachariah Beck, who is closely associated with Quinn.

Posted by at 15:46 Tagged with:

Jun 29 2015

Name: At the cost of your own life
Format: MP3, 44.1 kHz, 128 kbps
Executor: Valery Stelmashchuk
Playing time: 19:01:54
Description: Jack Reacher Lends a Helping Hand attractive woman on crutches, and the next moment both of them are under the gunpoint of two pistols. Reacher and a woman who claims to be an FBI agent are kidnapped and driven across America to who knows where...

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