Superpower horoscope true traits. Your ideal superpower according to your zodiac sign. Aries - unlimited energy

Hand tools 19.03.2021
Hand tools

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Let's look at this question from the point of view of astrology, since in reality each sign has its own abilities, inclinations and preferences, and therefore their choice would be different. So, what sign could read human souls? Which one of them likes the ability to change shape? And who would like to command fire?

1. Aries - unlimited energy

Aries would choose energy, unlimited and infinite. Deep down, he would like to be able to jump over skyscrapers in one jump and fly faster than a bullet. Such a superpower is absolutely consistent with the active and emotional nature of this sign.

2. Taurus is a superpower

Taurus would like to both emotionally and physically endure enormous loads, crushing blows and major disasters. He really wants to be strong and hardy, indestructible and inflexible.

3. Gemini - unlimited possibilities of the brain

Gemini would be happy to be able to perceive information in huge volumes in a split second: for example, upload an entire library to the brain or connect it to a computer. The Gemini's thirst for knowledge and information is unparalleled.

4. Cancer - empathic psychic abilities

Any Cancer has a latent or dormant ability to feel what others feel. Cancer can connect to the mental and emotional state and feelings of any living being: plant, animal and human.

5. Leo - control of the elements of fire

Having the power of the sun by birth, Leo would like to have or develop the ability to create and control fire. If someone (or something) threatens him or his loved ones, he could instantly conjure up a protective fireball.

6. Virgo - tornado man

The speed and energy of the Virgo in deeds and deeds could well make a tornado out of her. Then she would be able to move from place to place in swift impulses and complete everything planned in a matter of seconds.

7. Libra - the ability to change shape

Libra is able to adapt to any situation, so they would like to acquire a metamorphic ability, that is, the ability to change shape in order to be able to also adapt to environment or people. This power, according to Libra, allows you to experience life in its many forms.

8. Scorpio - seer of the soul

9. Sagittarius is a seeker of truth

Sagittarius would like to be able to make any person tell him only the truth. Deception, evasiveness, hypocrisy or refusal - nothing would hide from the ability of Sagittarius to see the truth and reality.

10. Capricorn - mind control

Capricorn would dream of developing his ability to persuade and persuade others to fulfill his desires. With such strength, Capricorn would have no obstacles on the way to achieving all his goals.

11. Aquarius - the ability to fly

Having the ability to fly, Aquarius would like to soar around the world to get acquainted with cultures unknown to him, to eradicate injustice, or simply to feel the fresh breeze with all his skin while flying.

12. Pisces - the creation of fairy-tale worlds

How Pisces would like to be able to make all their fantasies their own new reality. Whether it's an alternate universe, ancient Egypt, or just a tropical beach, Pisces' imagination would take them to whatever place they desire.

Some Signs of the Zodiac have pronounced psychic abilities, while others have mental power hidden until a special moment in life. You can determine your magical talent using a horoscope.


All Aries have a powerful energy field. The natural element of Fire charges the representatives of this Sign with its magnetic energy, which is embodied in the ability to intuitively feel ill-wishers and "burn" directed negative impact.

Aries are not afraid of most damage and evil eye: your natural defenses are not so easy to overcome. The full power of your power is revealed after 30 years, so if you do not feel confident yet, then just give yourself time.


The earth element is capable of endowing Taurus with the ability to heal and herbalism. At the birth of each Taurus, a favorite tree or flower enters his life: they are present in one way or another and are near the representative of this constellation throughout their life path.

Through this symbol, inspiration and natural abilities are manifested: if you want to reveal them to the fullest, then first of all you need to seriously study the properties, origin and energy of your favorite plant.


Air Gemini from birth is given the ability to see prophetic dreams. If in childhood, the Gemini, who are not aware of their strength, perceive special knowledge as a game, then at a conscious age, this talent, unfortunately, often burrows into the ground.

The frequent appearance of a feeling of deja vu indicates that your talent is trying to get out of the subconscious to an explicit level. You can unleash this power in yourself through the practice of lucid dreaming.


Naturally sensitive Cancers have the ability to clairvoyance. This talent justifies both excessive vulnerability and often excessive isolation. A subtle sense of the world around "sets" Cancer to more global issues than everyday problems and life's barriers.

The ability to predict the future can be revealed quite easily in card layouts, palmistry or meditation. Astrologers advise all Cancers to try various ways and choose the one you like the most.

a lion

Fire Lions are often gifted with the ability to influence the surrounding people and circumstances in their favor. Unconsciously capturing the mood right person and by pressing the "secret buttons" of his subconscious, Leo can get what he needs without much difficulty.

Leos can reveal their talent and achieve unprecedented success in the field of hypnosis, parapsychology and psychology. Understanding the natural mechanisms and causal relationship of actions on a karmic scale can give you a unique opportunity to influence the world, make it better.


Virgos have extremely powerful intuition and the power of words. Unlike other signs of the zodiac, Virgos are most often clearly aware of their ability to influence the course of events with the help of aloud intention. That is why most Virgos hate lies and insincerity, almost never allow themselves to tell a lie.

Virgos can greatly develop their verbal psychic abilities through incantation reading and visualization practice. With enough work, you can achieve success in a short time.


The air element of Libra often endows its representatives with the ability to put their inspiration and sincere wishes into ordinary things, turning them into powerful amulets and talismans.

However, since Libra, like Gemini, is a dual symbol, the power of intention can be expressed both in a positive and negative way. Unkind wishes addressed to the enemy of Libra can reach their goal extremely quickly. To tame your talent, you can use relaxing meditations.


Scorpions have an amazing ability to attract the attention of people around them like a magnet. On the energy level this is due to the talent for love magic. Among practitioners, there is rarely a person who will overpower the love spell made by Scorpio.

Knowledge of the meditative practice of attracting love will help you develop your magical talent and direct it in a good direction.


The element of Fire gave Sagittarius an amazing opportunity to easily forget insults and switch to other streams of consciousness. In terms of energy, this is manifested in a high ability to protect: you can protect not only yourself, but also your entire family with your energy. Your very presence can ease grief and pain, help you find a way out of a difficult situation and attract good luck.

Many Sagittarius until adulthood may not even suspect that it is on their energy that the family tree is kept. To strengthen and develop your talent, you can use the practice of filling and harmonizing the energy field.


Capricorns most often come into this life with a certain karmic task and embody it throughout the journey. Such a conscious existence allows Capricorns to immediately identify lies and see the true essence of a person.


Pisces are endowed with the ability to influence financial flows from birth. The water element helps the representatives of this Sign to easily find sources of profit and feel the slightest deception in the material sphere.

In revealing your talent, any financial rituals, enrichment practices and money amulets will be indispensable. With the right approach to their psychic ability, after a while, any representative of this Sign will be able to get rid of poverty forever.

Each representative has their own superpowers that help them achieve their goals. Based on the characteristics of each zodiac sign, all people have their own superpowers.
Not all of them help to take over the world, but they make the life of each representative of the sign even a little better.


His superpower is in his unshakable confidence in his own rightness. When a representative of this sign is confident in his abilities, he becomes simply invincible.
The second superpower is innate dexterity mixed with ingenuity. It is these qualities that help him get out of even the most seemingly hopeless situations.
The third is impenetrable optimism and the ability not to turn obstacles into a tragedy.
In general, Aries will overcome everything in their path.


Able to calculate moves ahead. At the same time, he does it sensibly, without listening to the vague advice of the sixth sense.
Taurus also have unbending perseverance, so they do not lose their goal under any circumstances. This makes them strong leaders who motivate those around them to do great things.
Hence the third superpower - the ability to properly manage money. He does not spend on unnecessary things, but saves up in order to solve his problems with the help of money with a guaranteed result.


The sixth sense helps Gemini out all the time.
In addition, they know how to give people love and support in the most difficult moments, helping them become stronger and more confident.
Hence the incredible charm that helps them sink into the soul of those who can be of some use to them, and get out of situations in which others would have long ago been pinched. Their regular frivolity is perceived by others as the lightness of being and causes not condemnation, but admiration.


Cancers have a second wind at the right time, when the rest of the signs are already beginning to doubt and are even ready to give up under the pressure of circumstances. Therefore, Cancers often greatly surprise others, conquering heights that they seem to be too tough for.
Another superpower that doesn't look very "superpowered" is dreams. Cancers have a unique ability to see the whole picture and make far-reaching plans, plunging into their dreams and doing everything to make them come true. At the same time, their dreams fill them with self-confidence.
Plus, representatives of this sign have amazingly developed intuition. And this applies not only to some life situations and threats to health, but also material wealth.

a lion

His superpower lies in the ability to put together a "dream team" with which it is simply impossible not to win.
Their inner fire helps the Lions overcome any difficulties and come out of them hardened. He becomes their driving force, giving them strength, confidence and causing sincere admiration from others.
The third superpower is a creative, creative approach. This helps them to be unique and turn even the most uninteresting business into something entertaining, therefore, enjoy life and everything they are fighting for.


The number one superpower is the ability to come up with a plan that will work, even in the apocalypse.
Plus, Virgos know how to benefit where defeat seems inevitable. They can twist any situation in such a way as to get much more than the effort was invested. They consciously, and sometimes unconsciously, try to communicate only with the "necessary" and "right" people, and shift all the "extra" actions onto other people's shoulders.
At the same time, Virgos have an innate ability to comfort and soothe those who need it, helping them overcome life's obstacles and find the strength to move forward.


They are able not only to see their hidden potential, but also have an incredible ability to realize it to the fullest.
Their creative approach invariably attracts the admiring glances of others.
In addition, this is a very friendly sign. Their manner of being good to everyone, backed up by small pleasant services, successfully opens the most securely locked doors for them.


Scorpios are connoisseurs of human sexuality, and in this they have no equal. As a rule, they break more than one heart on their own. life path.
Their second superpower is charisma. She literally draws people to them. It is charisma and love for life that allow them to find mutual language and influence everyone around you.
At the same time, they know how to find weaknesses in others and use it. They know perfectly well what and when to put pressure on, so that no one has either the desire or the ability to oppose their will.


Even Gemini can envy their intuitions. And the sixth sense helps Sagittarians hit right on target. This is the perfect "tip" during team brainstorming and an excellent solo player.
Some believe that Sagittarians can read minds (superpower number two). In other words, to "read" people, noticing the slightest gestures and learning about them much more than they tell in words. This ability allows them to find a common language with anyone.
It is not surprising that they know how to surround themselves only with true friends. Sagittarius themselves do a lot for them, but friends do not just enjoy their favor, but are really grateful to them and are ready to tear anyone for them.


The most unsinkable sign of the zodiac. His strong energy, which seems to act as his shield, helps him to break through to the goal.
The second superpower is optimism. This ability to see in people what they do not see in themselves inspires many around them to great things.
They are tenacious. Where the rest lower their paws and sign their impotence, Capricorns still get their way. Their inner core is not even made of iron, but of mithril, which makes them almost a legendary creature.


They are born innovators. They are able to escape during the zombie invasion with the help of a pepper pot and a deck of cards, and then patent this tool, also earning money on it.
They know how to rise from the ashes and rebuild a ruined life brick by brick, no matter what blows fate may expose. When others give up and capitulate, Aquarians only get inflamed. They cannot be stopped, even when everyone around has long lost all hope.
At the same time, they have a special perception of duty: to ignore it is to violate their personal code of honor. This state of affairs often creates additional problems for them, but as a result they still get more than those who forget about their debt.


The first superpower is perseverance, which Pisces themselves sometimes do not know about. This is a sensitive zodiac sign with receptive energy, but the element of Pisces is water. Which, as you know, sharpens a stone. Each Pisces is able to "sharpen stones" as in that saying about water.
Intuition rarely fails them.
And the third superpower is deceptive gentleness. Behind the seeming external infantilism lies a rather tough character, and those who underestimate them often get into a puddle. Their frequent concessions in small things are a disguise to give the impression of helplessness and win in something really important.

Each Sign of the Zodiac really has its own gift - however, it does not always help to capture the world or save it.


The superpower of Aries is in his unshakable confidence that he is right. You are unlikely to convince Aries to retreat from the intended goal. And rightly so: where have you seen a hero who would doubt the chosen path, when there are only two steps to the goal? When Aries is able to separate stubbornness from stubbornness, he becomes simply invincible.


All acquaintances of Taurus are amazed by his ability to calculate moves in advance. At the same time, Taurus may not even have an analytical mindset, but they are unlikely to lose or lose a lot in finances. And all because every Taurus invariably hears sound thoughts, separating the voice of reason from the vague advice of the sixth sense.


But Gemini, on the contrary, the sixth sense helps out all the time. Every Gemini, no, no, and yes, will be surprised - how did he even manage to get out of the water this time? Despite the fact that Gemini most often gets into trouble and often annoys the rest of the Zodiac Signs with this, Gemini's ingenuity will always help him out.


Cancer is that Zodiac sign that has a second wind, which few people know about. When the rest of the Signs begin to doubt what they have started or are ready to give up under the pressure of circumstances, Cancer will take it seriously. Therefore, Cancers often greatly surprise others when they take heights that, it would seem, are too tough for them.

a lion

The superpower of Leo is in the ability to recruit such a team with which he simply cannot lose. As you know, the retinue makes the king, and in the case of Leo, this rule works with reinforced concrete. And although Leo belongs to the selfish Signs of the Zodiac, his loved ones are ready to forgive Leo for his little weaknesses.


Virgo's superpower is to come up with a plan that will work even if the world ends. Virgo will be able to benefit where defeat seems inevitable even to Aries. Virgo has no competitors in multi-move, and the only weak point of this Zodiac Sign is the spontaneous improvisation of Pisces that appeared nearby.


Creativity is Libra's superpower. Their creativity invariably attracts the admiring glances of others. Libras tend to be more creative. And those who see the beauty of this world are the bearers of the creative principle, without exaggeration, the creators.


Scorpio's ability to please is not Leo's secularity or Virgo's grace. Scorpios are connoisseurs of human sexuality, and in this they have no equal. Of course, they have other talents of the Zodiac Signs as well. But as a rule, each Scorpio breaks more than one heart on his life path.


This Zodiac Sign has such intuition that even Gemini can envy her. And the sixth sense of Sagittarius helps him hit right on target. Sagittarius can separate the wheat from the chaff, and the important from the secondary. This is the perfect "tip" during team brainstorming and an excellent solo player.


The most unsinkable sign of the zodiac. Capricorn is not distinguished by the optimism of Gemini or the gloss of Leo. But Capricorn rushes to the goal like a tank, even if he doesn’t have the means, resources, or superpowers for this at all. Capricorn will extract them from one desire to be ahead - and will be there, and his strong energy will be a shield.


Aquarius is a born innovator. This is the same zodiac sign that will survive during the invasion of zombies with the help of a pepper shaker and a deck of cards, and then patent this tool while everyone else is scratching their heads - but how could they not have guessed it themselves?


The real talent of Pisces is perseverance, which Pisces themselves are sometimes unaware of. This is a sensitive zodiac sign with receptive energy, but the element of Pisces is water. Which, as you know, sharpens a stone. And every Pisces deep down is able to do the same.

Astrologers say that each sign of the Zodiac is endowed with certain abilities that can develop throughout life.

Not everyone is born with clairvoyant abilities. However, astrologers say that each sign of the Zodiac is endowed with certain abilities that can develop throughout life.

What supernatural powers does your zodiac sign have?


Aries have a special flair. They can feel the danger, but always follow their feelings. With good intuition, they often find themselves in the right place in right time. If representatives of this zodiac sign are engaged in the occult sciences, then they should be very careful. Their ambition and desire to comprehend the unknown can lead to sad consequences.


Taurus is not particularly interested in the supernatural, magic and esotericism. But still they have some ability to do so. People of this constellation often, without knowing it, can send damage or a curse. They need to be careful with their thoughts and words. Dreams of Taurus are rarely prophetic. However, if something threatens their lives and well-being, then they will definitely have a warning about impending danger in a dream.


Geminis are completely incapable of the supernatural. They find it difficult to concentrate and meditate. However, they themselves are not protected from magical powers. Often they suffer from love spells and the evil eye.


But Cancers may well achieve good success in the occult sciences. They feel the world around them very subtly, their intuition never fails them. Yes, and their dreams are almost always prophetic


Lions rarely make psychics. They are more fixated on themselves, and any restrictions that are necessary to comprehend higher powers are alien to them. But nevertheless, Lions can make excellent talismans.


Virgos have good intuition. But this does not save them from damage and the evil eye. Representatives of this constellation are very vulnerable and it is easy to send damage to them.


Libra may develop a gift for healing. Their desire to help people and natural inner magnetism can do incredible things. In addition, Libra can make a love spell. This is where they can be the best.


Perhaps the most magical sign of the zodiac. Possessing an innate gift of persuasion and foresight, they can reach certain heights in clairvoyance, hypnosis and esotericism. But they should be more careful with their gift and abilities, as they can easily harm a person.


At the Archers. undoubtedly, there is a gift for prophecy and clairvoyance. They love to study everything unknown, but, having gained knowledge in the field of esoteric and occult sciences, they rarely put them into practice.


Capricorns are better off not getting involved with the supernatural at all. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to harm both themselves and others.


Aquarians easily guess the meaning of dreams. In addition, they have a good instinct, which helps them see people through. They also have the ability to read Tarot cards. There are many energy vampires among Aquarians.


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