How to behave in a Russian women's prison. First-timers The first day in the zone how to behave

For earthworks 09.11.2020

When we hear about natural disasters occurring in different parts of the globe, we always feel sympathy and compassion for the affected people. When a plane crashes, as a sign of mourning, people gather near the boards with announcements of the dead, bring photographs, light lamps ... However, there is a disaster that passes unnoticed, as if it does not exist - a prison.

According to last year's statistics, there were 650,000 people in places of deprivation of liberty. More than half a million people in need, whose suffering goes unnoticed by us. “But why are they poor? - you ask - because they receive a well-deserved reward. Indeed, people do not sit in prisons just like that, and all of them were sentenced by the court to punishment for any atrocities.

It should be said that the psychology of the criminal prevails over everyone. How many times have we ourselves broken the law, or encouraged others to commit crimes? Didn't follow the rules traffic maybe they gave or took bribes? We justify ourselves that we are not criminals. After all, we were not condemned, which means we did nothing wrong. “Not caught - not a thief,” our folk wisdom says, but many interpret it differently - “I will steal until they are caught.” Therefore, the presence in our social environment of people capable of crime suggests that this is a problem not only for criminals, but for the whole society. The psychological boundary that defines the line of the law is blurred. How many of us are familiar with the criminal code? We determine what is legal and what is not intuitively, based on the upbringing, traditions and ideals of the society in which we are.

Of course, most prisoners are imprisoned for their crimes. But among them there are those who got there because of an absurd incident, an accident. A classic example: a guy walking with a girl. The girl heard, or it seemed to her, that she was insulted. The guy stood up, hit another person, a fight broke out, and the result was an accidental murder. Our boyfriend is now a criminal whose life will change forever, and that girl may forget him after a while - why does she need a criminal? ... Another example: a woman lives with an alcoholic cohabitant who regularly beats, rapes and robs her. No one cares about an unhappy life - let her get out on her own. Out of impotence and despondency, in a state of extreme despair, she grabs a knife and in her madness hits the sadist countless times ... The result - the woman became a convict. Her life was already devoid of joy, and now it will still be “decorated” prison term and subsequent conviction. And with a criminal record, they will no longer be hired for any normal job - who needs a criminal convict? ... “But these are all rare cases,” we console ourselves, “and the majority are in jail for the cause and in truth.” That's probably how it is. But it should be remembered that a merciful attitude towards prisoners is commanded by the Lord himself. But to our shame, many Christians do not even think about it.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that the consequences of the crime of one person fall on the whole society. There is an instructive story of St. John Mosch about a woman named Mary. Once a certain passenger ship had to cross the Mediterranean Sea. But having gone out into open water, the ship could not move, and so it stood for 15 days. In a state of despondency, the owner of the ship turned to God for help, to which he received the following answer: “Throw Mary into the sea, and you will be saved.” The owner of the ship was very surprised and began to ask among the passengers which of them was Maria, finding her, he asked to tell what had happened to her. It turned out that Maria killed two of her children in order to get married, and now she is on the run. The owner of the ship landed her in a lifeboat, which, by itself, immediately disappeared under the water. After that, the ship reached its harbor without hindrance. Let's think about it, aren't there such Marys in our environment who commit repeated murders of children by abortion in order to achieve the desired benefits? ..

This article is addressed to those who are going through imprisonment as well as those who are threatened by it. Although, to tell the truth, it can threaten anyone. As the saying goes, "Do not renounce the bag and the prison." In this article, you will not find a way to “quietly” sit out and “quietly” exit without consequences, and this is impossible. To survive in prison means not to lose human dignity (if, of course, it is present at all initially), to re-educate, correct and recreate one's personality.

A prison in Russia is more than a prison. The pages of our recent history remember that not only criminals, but also worthy, great people, including the holy ascetics of Orthodoxy, sat and died in prison. The Russian prison has always been not only a place of deprivation of liberty, but also a tough school of survival.

If prison only threatens you

Regardless of whether you committed a crime or not, if you face jail time, then there is someone interested in you going to jail. And you will definitely sit down if you have committed a serious crime. In any case, it is important not to be idle. At this stage, it is necessary to try to resolve the situation by negotiation. You can negotiate with the victim about compensation, and thus avoid imprisonment or reduce the term.

Find the courage to come to the victims and ask for their forgiveness, offer them your help or financial compensation. “Make peace with your opponent quickly, while you are still on the way with him, so that your opponent does not give you to the judge, and the judge does not give you to a servant, and plunge you into prison; Truly, I say to you, you will not get out of there until you have given up to the last kodrant ”(). Christian humility and prudence can be your deliverer from prison. St. John Chrysostom says: “Having reconciled, you will give up your property, but your body will be free; and when you subject yourself to the sentence of the judge, you will be bound and suffer the most severe punishment.

Some people begin to deceive the victims, promise them "mountains of gold", and as soon as the charges are dropped, everyone forgets. But we must remember that if the court did not punish, God can punish, and it is already impossible to escape from this punishment.

If you are a Christian, devote your time to serving God. Practice fasting and virtue, start praying.


If it was not possible to resolve the issue peacefully, or if the crime you are charged with is quite serious, then the pre-trial procedure will begin. It can take place in different ways, but one question will be decisive for you: will they close you in a cell or let you go.

You need to come to terms with the fact that employees of the internal affairs bodies will be constantly interested in you. Therefore, immediately decide what you will tell them and what you will not. What is your fault and what is not. Also, think in advance what you will say in the cell and what not. As long as the court has not found you guilty, you can generally say nothing to the rest of the prisoners about all the circumstances of your case. Remember the two basic rules - “... from your words you will be justified, and from your words you will be condemned” () “... let your word be: yes, yes; no no; and what is more than this, it is from the evil one ”().

During this period, law enforcement officials are preparing your case for submission to court. Therefore, their goal is to make a picture of your crime as detailed and complete as possible. At this stage, certain problems may arise, because according to the logic of law enforcement agencies, if they detained you, then not without a reason - no one likes to make mistakes. Depending on the severity of the crime, the attitude towards you will be different. Nobody likes people who have committed atrocious crimes, neither law enforcement officers, nor those with whom you may have to sit.

Another factor affecting the quality of your stay under investigation is the personal morale of the police officers. If the goal of the employees is to bring you to prison at all costs, and maybe hang some other crimes on you, they will achieve this by all means - from psychological to physical impact. If you withstand the onslaught, gain respect, if not, then everyone will understand what you are afraid of and how you can be influenced.

A lot depends on you. If you immediately start insulting everyone around, behave inappropriately, or, on the contrary, fall into the other extreme - you start to fawn, lose self-respect, then nothing good will come of it. Behave with dignity and respect for all people, on both sides of the bars.

Once in the camera, you need to immediately learn the most main principle- do not be afraid. There are many things that scare me in prison - they can beat, rape, kill. All this, perhaps, can happen to you, but so far these are only fantasies, and you can and must learn to control them. There is no need to fantasize about anything: neither that you will be miraculously released, nor that you will be cruelly dealt with. You have to learn to live in the moment you are in right now. Misbehavior in the cell can backfire much later, when you find yourself in the zone.

Try to find a way to inform your loved ones about yourself. Reassure and support them as much as possible. It may not be easier for them now than it is for you.

The court found you guilty

So, you are a criminal, so the court decided and sentenced you to imprisonment. It doesn’t matter anymore whether you committed a crime, were just going to, or you were slandered. Now you are a convict or, as they usually say, a convict. Bite your elbows and shed tears no longer makes sense. You need to decide who you are. Yes, it is clear that a person who, by the will of fate, ended up in this terrible place. You will be surprised, but people of honor, words, character and upbringing are respected in prison. Rotten, two-faced and traitors are not loved even there. If your goal is simply to survive, to reach liberation, if you are driven by animal fear and you are ready for anything, so that they only beat you and touch you less, feed you more, then this is the path to hell. It is likely that you will succeed in surviving until release - the police officers will not let you die in prison, although it happens that they are also powerless to protect the prisoner. In any case, such a path can hardly be called life. Choose the path of faith. Make the law of God the foundation of your whole life, and follow it diligently. “Behold, I command you,” God says to Joshua, “be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be horrified; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:8-9).

First steps - landing in the camera

Once you have entered the cell and its door has closed, the first thing to do is to greet everyone. This is done in the same way as in ordinary life, you can say “hello” or “good afternoon” - depending on the time of day. It is very important to ensure that your words do not offend anyone, swearing, even jokingly addressed to prisoners, can have very serious consequences. There is no need to show that you are a "hardened convict" who knows the "thieves' alignment" if you have no idea what you are talking about. You will be easily figured out, and your behavior can be regarded as sycophancy or fawning. The surest way is not to talk anything related to what you got for, to speak dryly and briefly. Do not respond to stupid jokes, especially provocations in the form of jokes. However, there is no need to remain silent. The interest of cellmates in your person is caused by a desire to find out with whom they are dealing.

Life in the zone

From the first days of your stay in the zone, you need to get used to the idea that you are one of the prisoners. The people with whom you have to live side by side have characteristics that will not always be pleasant to you. Life in the zone takes place in a very cramped space, therefore, in addition to the administrative rules of the colony, there are also unwritten, “thieves'” rules. They may seem strange and stupid, but the quality of your future depends on their implementation. prison life. Of course, if you have never been in prison, you do not know these rules, but this does not relieve you of responsibility for not complying with them. There is always a senior in the cell, to whom you can turn for clarification. A friend of mine, who previously had extensive experience of life in prison, answered the question of how to survive in prison in this way. According to him, the most The best way– to be a “man”: “All your actions and words must be worthy of the title of a man. Guys, these are the most crystal clear people who work, want to get home as soon as possible, and never sit down again.

How not to become an outcast

Everyone knows that in prisons sometimes there is violence against prisoners - "lowering". Traditionally in the zone, people of a special caste are considered to be lowered, these are either passive homosexuals or raped prisoners. But in this moment the concept of omitted has changed somewhat and become broader. The very process of lowering was originally a sexual abuse, now this is not often practiced. In order to transfer a prisoner to the omitted, quite serious grounds are needed, such as, for example, stealing from other prisoners, betrayal, and others. It doesn't have to be through sexual intercourse. This may be a bowel movement on a prisoner, or other humiliating acts.

But it often happens that people fall into the downtrodden without any act of violence. For example, people who come to the zone having a homosexual experience are automatically equated with omitted ones. There are those who, because of hunger, sell themselves, or for some services. In general, in order not to become lowered, you need to be able to behave wisely and honestly. Try to follow the prison rules, remember the words of an. Paul: "... for those under the law he was as under the law ..." ().

reputation or authority

In the zone, almost all your actions and words will be known to many people. The circumstances of your life before imprisonment, for which you are convicted, how you will behave in various, sometimes difficult situations for you, how you will treat other prisoners and even yourself, all this will affect your reputation. Over time, you can become a respected person among the prisoners, or you can find the contempt of literally everyone. It all depends on your mind, wisdom and strength, and not so much physical as strong-willed. It must be remembered that in the zone respect is achieved by worthy deeds. The highest point of authority in the zone is forgiveness and mercy, but this should not be allowed to be used. They also respect true believers who live by faith, and not just declare it.


Life in prison takes place in a special psychological tension, which is facilitated by both cramped conditions and relationships with other prisoners and the administration. Sometimes the so-called "lawlessness" arises in the zone - a situation comparable to insanity, when a stronger one rapes or brutally beats a weaker one. Lawlessness arises because of the inept actions of the administration, or the authorities of the zone. It is difficult to get out of such a situation with honor, but everything is possible for a believer. We must act wisely and prudently, try not to bring to a boiling point. Well, if the conflict cannot be avoided, and it begins to gain momentum, then there are two ways. The first is to fight like a hunted animal, defending your honor, the second is to try to call the guards. In any case, after everything that happened, there will be a trial, both with the staff of the colony and with respected prisoners. If you fought and injured or even killed someone, there will be a court that will add time to you. If you called the staff of the colony, then the decision will be made on a situational basis, you may lose credibility among the prisoners.

To prevent such a development of events, put all your best qualities. Here the advice of St. John is appropriate, who says to refrain from insulting words, because with them usually enmity begins, reaching the point of murder. It is necessary to understand that no one will benefit from lawlessness: “... our benefit is also associated with the benefit of our neighbor. The one who reconciles with his rival will benefit much more himself, because he will be delivered from the court, the prison and all the calamities of imprisonment.

Survive in prison, or make good use of time

When you get comfortable in the zone, you will realize that you have a lot of free time. This time can be put to good use. You can think in detail about how and what you will do after your release. You can get an education, learn a profession or learn new language. You can just get a job. You finally have time to take care of yourself. When you get out of prison, you may have to rebuild your life. The positive moments of self-education, learned in the zone, can help you in the future.

In most zones today there are temples or prayer rooms in which worship is regularly performed. Visiting the temple, participating in the Sacraments will help you cope with the spiritual and psychological problems conclusions, to be strengthened in faith, not to lose yourself.

What not to do at all

Even in the zone there are drugs, but as in freedom, this is the path to slavery. If you used them before confinement, it's time to quit, if you didn't, it's better not to start at all. The same goes for other habits such as drinking and smoking. It is dangerous to gamble, and indeed any games, we must remember that the game is always played for something. You shouldn't get tattoos. Relations that go beyond the zone must be approached with great caution.

long-awaited freedom

The release of a prisoner is a long-awaited event, but at the same time it is alarming. After spending for a long time in conclusion, many lose the ability to orient themselves at will. People come out of prison, having very serious consequences for the psyche, living in the wild, they cannot free themselves internally. Man has changed, changed the world. The prison will leave an indelible mark on the soul. But you shouldn't be disheartened either. You have gained a tremendous amount of experience that you need to use for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. Whatever happened there, it's all behind. Now we have to learn to live again.

Prison is a place of torment, not only physical, but also spiritual. To get here means to be in the worst place on earth. The whole life of prisoners passes between a rock and a hard place - between thieves' laws and the rules of the prison administration. You can write long and hard about how to survive in prison, but you can’t write everything. Prison is a cruel, cynical, paradoxical, limitless world.

The best way to survive in a prison is to never get into it, and it's not just about the casemates. After all, if you decided to commit a crime, then your soul went to prison long before your arrest. The one who commits iniquity is the slave of sin. And if he is a slave, he is no longer free. The soul of a sinner, like a prisoner of an invisible prison, languishes in the hope of liberation. Only repentance and correction of life can break these terrible bonds. Call the Lord Jesus Christ into your life and He will set you free. No, He will not take you over the prison fence, but He will purify your soul and put it out of its misery. Only the Lord can help the criminal regain his human form.

Priest Alexander Denisov

In addition to the above differences in the severity of the regime, there is another division: the colonies are red and black.

However, pure red and black colonies are rare today. As a rule, the administration of the colony builds an intermediate system with some deviation towards the black or red side, depending on their desires and abilities.

There are also colonies for men and women, adults and for minors.


The inhabitants of the colony are divided into "suits" - a kind of caste with a division of labor and duties, with different status and authority, while the transition from one suit to another is difficult or even impossible.

In different colonies, other suits and gradations between them can be added.

Prison hierarchy

In the prison world, the following groups of prisoners with some power can be distinguished:

Conflict situations

Relationships with other prisoners are key to survival in places not so remote, it depends on whether your life will be completely bearable or completely unbearable.

Any conflicts need to be resolved promptly, otherwise, in a confined space, tension will sooner or later spill out and, possibly, in an unsuccessful situation for you, the consequences can be tragic. In the event of a conflict, do not be afraid to directly discuss it with the prisoner (s), try to resolve everything at once, connect the observer if necessary. Remember that the same adults and quite adequate people are sitting with you, and no one really needs conflicts.

The pioneer should be especially careful in words and actions., something ordinary and innocent in the wild, can be a serious insult in prison culture. Ask the prisoners in advance what is acceptable and what is not. Even in the case of something insignificant and trifling - still do not be afraid to find out, no one will look askance at you, on the contrary, the desire to study the accepted procedures is welcome and creates an impression of you as a person who respects the local community and its rules.

Use of force

Aggression in the prison community is not welcome, and is only acceptable in well-defined situations.

When resorting to force, be sure that the truth is on your side, otherwise the consequences can be extremely unpleasant, up to lowering. At the same time, it is also impossible to show weakness when strength is needed: contempt will appear and you will begin a gradual descent down the social ladder.

In this way the first mover is in a very vulnerable position until he learns what is what in the zone, however, the demand from it is also not great: at least for the first few weeks, many things are forgiven and the parties can easily reconcile.

How to survive the first mover in the zone?

So, having familiarized ourselves with the prison world in general terms, let's begin our journey through the eyes of a pioneer.


After trial and transfer, each convict enters quarantine for approximately two weeks. An extremely unpleasant place, but you just need to endure and survive: then it will be easier on the zone itself.

You will be carefully and thoroughly searched before being quarantined.: rude and unpleasant, but there is no escape from this, endure. After that, your personal data will be processed and placed in a cell. Already in quarantine, you can roughly understand what orders reign in the colony as a whole.

In the red zones, new arrivals can be beaten for no reason during the entire quarantine period: this is done to suppress the will of a person and, if possible, incline him to cooperation of one kind or another, as well as to “probe” for money. It is not recommended to agree to any deals during this period, for example, to buy a good position in the industrial zone, or for a VIP-hut, or other privileges, even if you have money for this:

  • Firstly, they can simply deceive, and then it will not be possible to return the money.
  • Secondly, if they are not deceived, then then you will become a cash cow for the entire term of imprisonment and will no longer be able to say that you have no money.

Just get through those two weeks somehow. And then, after getting out of quarantine, getting used to it a bit and learning what's what, you can start making such deals with those people who really decide something, and at relatively reasonable prices.

Hut and its types

After quarantine, you will be sent to a “hut”: a large room for several dozen people, although there are also small huts. It looks like a cross between a barracks, a student dormitory and a homeless man, with a bias in one direction or another. Orders in the hut may also differ:

As a rule, the prison administration tries to separate first-timers, recidivists, thieves, goats and offended. So most likely you, as a first-timer, will fall into a relatively normal contingent. Although it happens the other way around, when there is no experienced supervisor in the hut of first-timers, chaos begins there - in this case, try to unite with other adequate cellmates to establish human order (well, if you have enough physical strength for this).

Welcome at the entrance

Upon entering the house, first, of course, you need to say hello. But this should be done carefully, since already at this stage there are differences between the “prison” Russian language and its generally accepted form.

It's better to use something neutral:

  • "Good evening".
  • "Hello everyone".
  • "Good Health".
  • Or as a last resort: "Peace and prosperity in the hut".

But here:

  • "Hey guys".
  • "Hey people".
  • "Hey guys".

Such greetings can be perceived disapprovingly or even hostilely. Behind bars, these words have a well-defined meaning, and not everyone can agree if you attribute it to a certain group or suit (read about what greetings should be and how to enter a hut in the zone and not immediately become lowered).

Out of boredom, prisoners like to play pranks on people entering the hut for the first time. For example, they may say that this is a hut for the downtrodden - the correct behavior in such a situation would be to start knocking back on the door, demanding a transfer - then you will be reassured: the check was passed successfully. They may start to joke, make various offers - be careful and remember the main thing: in the right hut, no one can force you to do something, and no one has the right to take your things without permission.

What to do next?

You will be asked: who are you; where; and with what article - it is better to answer honestly, insincerity in such a stressful situation is easy to read. The beholder will talk to you to determine how you deserve to be treated. A lot depends on this conversation, at least for the first time behind bars.

Be restrained in your words and do not talk too much: about the details of your case, about life in the wild, and about your personal life. In addition, in a normal house it is not customary to interrogate about the details of the past.

The survey of a newcomer described above can be expressed in a more rigid form -. It's a cross between interrogation, play and bullying. The pioneer is given insane riddles, forced to do absurd actions, they can be beaten: the point is to check the strength of the spirit and “whether this is your own person”. However, such a ritual is rare today, mainly in the “youngsters” or in huts with an inadequate contingent. In the "right house" this is considered unacceptable.

Dangerous words

Prison culture has its own language, where many words are given a completely different meaning than they have “outside”. The misuse of such words can bring many problems. Here are the most common examples:

  • « offend” and all cognate words - refers to the ritual of lowering and omitted.
  • « Witness" - it is better to replace the word " eyewitness».
  • "Prove", « I will prove" is better to say " justified».
  • « Drain- to kill.
  • « kill yourself'- to use drugs.
  • « Road» - a thread connection between windows, toilets or chambers for the transfer of goods.
  • « Treat"- lie.

For the first couple of weeks in the colony, there is “no demand” from first-timers, but if you have not learned the local vocabulary during this time, then in the future you will no longer be able to refer to ignorance.

What should not be done?

  1. As already mentioned, the most important thing is to watch the language. As a rule, most problems arise due to carelessly spoken phrases. Never talk about your personal life and sexual contacts. For example, a confession that you did cunnilingus to a woman is a reason to consider you lowered.
  2. Never take other people's things without asking, and remember: there are no nobody's things in the hut, even if at first glance it is rubbish that has no value.
  3. Do not touch the offended and do not take anything from their hands. Although you can irrevocably give them things if you want.

You can learn more about what not to do in prison at night.

What is a common fund?

In the cell, as a rule, there is a supply of money, cigarettes, food and medicine - this is a small common fund, for which the beholder is responsible. The small obshchak is part of the large obshchak of the entire colony. It is strictly forbidden to take anything from the common fund without permission, people who do this are called “rats”: they are severely punished and create unbearable living conditions. Contributions to the common fund - an honorable thing.

It is also possible to take something from the common fund for personal needs, if you really need it. But remember that you cannot take more from the common fund than you contribute there or are able to contribute later.

Contact the warden in case of problems with other prisoners or for advice. Do not hesitate to ask literally everything: it is better to clarify the information than to get a conflict situation over an absurd reason.

trust no one

The well-known and somewhat hackneyed formula “Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask” best describes the basic principles of life in the zone.

You can't trust anyone behind bars, not even those who were your friend outside.: once in a prison environment, people begin to behave differently. Moreover, you can not trust friendly strangers, inciting you to tell more about yourself.

This is especially true for temporary detention centers and pre-trial detention centers, where investigators send "hens" to talk the accused. Then they calmly testify in court, which becomes the basis for imprisonment.

This also occurs in the colony, but with the aim of finding your weak points for further pressure, blackmail and manipulation for your own purposes.

Why do newcomers throw a towel under their feet?

Sometimes a ritual is performed with first-timers with a towel thrown on the floor of the “hut”: it should simply be stepped over without touching or even wiping your feet on it. However, today this is more likely from the category of tales: what kind of normal person would throw the right thing on the floor for incomprehensible purposes, except perhaps at the “youngster”, where you can find many absurd rituals.

Excessive politeness

Excessive politeness in such places is not welcome: they may be considered strange, weak, and therefore worthy of contempt. Word " Thank you' should be replaced by: "thank you", "mentally", "from the heart", a " please» - "if possible".

It should also be remembered that in prison everyone communicates “on you”.


Be careful with swear words: as mentioned earlier, many words behind bars have their own meaning and for the spoken words they can “ask”. In general, a mat in prison culture is a sign of aggression, which is appropriate only in strictly defined situations.

Especially "heavy" curses are those associated with the male reproductive organ, as well as with homosexual contacts. So, for example, if you were sent to x .., hit without hesitation, even if you are not sure of winning a fight (or sure of defeat). - People will then judge who was right, but the weakness shown will stick with you for a long time.

Say hello by the hand

Entering the house, do not rush to shake hands with everyone: there are castes, touching which is “dead”. Usually such prisoners live next to the bathroom or "under the bunk".

"Ask" and "Inquire"

Remember that behind bars they don’t “ask”, but “are interested”. For instance:

  • “You may ask how…”.
  • « I wanted to ask you..." etc.

The word "ask" is used in a completely different sense: to call for an answer, punish or resolve a conflict situation.


You should not play cards and any other games "for fun", that is, for money or desires.

Cheats in games in the zone are very common., but it’s hardly possible to catch a seasoned sharper by the hand. Moreover, accusing someone of cheating and failing to prove it, severe sanctions will follow against you, up to and including omission.

At the same time, losing money is not the worst thing that can happen in the event of a loss: when playing for fun, the loser may be required to perform certain actions. Which? - It can be something harmless, for example, shouting a foul song out the window. Or they may seriously demand to beat or even kill a prisoner or an employee of the administration.

A person who has not repaid a card debt loses credibility among prisoners and will have many difficulties in the future.

How to quit the game? Say: " I do not want" or " Not in the mood" or "Next time", - It's enough. But do not give a hint that you do not trust the participants in the game or are afraid to play.

  • Don't lock yourself in. Firstly, it simply aggravates your mental state in an already unfavorable environment. And secondly, such behavior is interpreted by prisoners as if you consider yourself superior to others, and they are not worthy of your attention.
  • Don't be greedy: today you have tea, food and cigarettes, and tomorrow - only "balanda", today you share, and tomorrow you are treated. Mutual assistance is welcome, although you should not let someone "sit on your neck."
  • Don't gossip: this is called "intrigue" and they can "ask" for this.

prison hygiene

In colonies, a large number of people huddle in a small area: it is not surprising that hygiene issues are important there, although this has even acquired a somewhat exaggerated appearance. Personal hygiene is the first parameter by which people will judge you. In the zone, you must carefully observe a number of rules:

How to establish a normal relationship and not "gear"?

Gifts from other prisoners should be treated with caution.: may require something equivalent to be returned or to fulfill a request, for example, to wash dishes, do laundry, or clean up for someone in the hut. The purpose of such a provocation is to "gear" you, that is, to make you a servant for others (and cellmates may not mind and will readily support this). For the same reason, you should not provide such services to someone “out of friendship” or give your things at the direction / order of others.

No one has the right to tell you what to do, and no one can take your things without permission. Show your weakness and lack of will - they will start to "wipe your feet" about you.

How to spend time usefully?

Prisoners often have a lot of free time, especially if there is no work. How to take it?


Gyms may be available in the colony. Somewhere you can do sports while walking, such as squats and push-ups. You can, of course, squat and do push-ups in the hut, but this is not always welcome: who will like it when such an “athlete” puffs and sweats next to you in a cramped and stuffy room next to you. In addition, cells are usually very smoky, which will negatively affect your health with active breathing during exercise.


Reading is an important part of prison life for many prisoners. Libraries operate in the colonies, although the choice of books there is usually not rich. You can try to write yourself and share what you write with other prisoners. Also, amateur circles work at the colonies: from woodcarving to a drama circle. It is possible (and often necessary) to get a working specialty to work in an enterprise attached to a colony, and in some cases it is even possible to enroll in a correspondence department at a university.


The colony is, among other things, a social school. The experience gained there can be assessed in different ways, especially for each it is very individual. Nevertheless, the colony teaches you to understand people well, their motives, strengths and weaknesses, simply because your survival depends on social skills.

Many people think that Russian prisons are a real hell on earth. This is not so far from the truth, although the conditions of life strongly depend on the specific place and personally on you.

Prisons are inhabited by people and mostly quite normal people, not some bloodthirsty orcs or ruthless psychopaths.

Getting behind bars, it is important to find a common language with the local population. If you knew how to get along with people in the wild, then in places not so remote you will be able to build normal relationships, which will allow you not only to survive, but also not to waste this time.

We will not be interested in why the "bracelets" snapped on your wrists. Whether you stabbed an old janitor to sell a dozen new brooms to guest workers, or whether your colleague jokers threw 3 kg of pure heroin into your briefcase - it doesn’t matter. The fact remains that men in uniform came for you and energetically invited you to follow them. There is a chance that you will spend the next few months in pre-trial detention center, or jail. And may our advice help you survive.

Expert: Vitaly Lozovsky,
specialist in the field of criminal
subcultures, website creator served time
3 years under the economic article


“Your first task after the metal door of the cell slams behind you is not to faint, Vitaly Lozovsky smiles. - You will remember the picture unfolding before you for the rest of your life. Several times more people can be kept here than should be according to the layout of the pre-trial detention center. The stench emitted by sweaty bodies and the prison latrine located in the corner mixes with tobacco smoke, which, out of habit, eats the eyes. But do not panic - and here people survive".


Having entered the “hut” - this is how the cell is called in the prison jargon (hair dryer), - you must first of all say hello and introduce yourself. In prison (or, as the prisoners say, “in prison”) it is not customary to shake hands - experienced prisoners will take this with hostility, and you will be terribly lucky if the prisoners just look at you with bewilderment. “It will be enough just to say “Hello, my name is so-and-so””, - advises Lozovsky.


Find out who is watching in the cell, and immediately go to him. The watcher is responsible for order, the elimination of conflict situations and the observance of numerous prison concepts. He will show you the place where you will sleep (your “shkonka”), and also explain (or instruct someone to do this) the rules of behavior in the “hut”. It is better to observe them strictly, even if some of them seem ridiculous to you. The beholder will tell you exactly what duties you will perform to maintain the chamber life and who here belongs to the “lowered” caste - you cannot communicate with them. Also, you can’t touch their things and utensils - usually a hole is punched in a bowl “lowered” with a nail, to distinguish it from the rest. Therefore, be especially careful.


Try to ask as few questions as possible to others and even less to talk about yourself. “It is very likely that there is a snitch (“chicken”, “hen”) in the cell, who will pass everything that he heard from you to the investigator,- explains Vitaly. - If someone starts asking you about the details of your case, ask in response: “For what purpose are you interested?” After that, all questions should disappear by themselves. Your attempt to call your neighbor to frankness - just for the sake of talking - can cause the prisoners to suspect that the "chicken" is you. And the reprisals against such characters are as cruel as possible. ”.


Beware of card games, even if they offer to play "for free." If you lose - and it is inevitable if you are not a professional cheater - the winner can claim that by "just because" he meant, for example, $1000. And non-payment of card debt in prison is clearly punishable, if not by death, then by falling “under the bunk”. If for some reason you cannot get out, you must declare: "I play without interest!" So you stipulate the conditions: no matter how the party ends, you peacefully disperse.


Take good care of your hygiene and keep your clothes clean. Having launched yourself, you run the risk of falling into the “devils” category, sleeping under the “shkonka” and doing the hardest and dirtiest work. Before you go to the toilet in a big way (“to a long distance”), make sure that none of the cellmates eat or drink tea. Climbing into the bucket at this time is considered a grave insult to the entire "hut". Wash your hands after any toilet needs, even if there is a queue in front of the washbasin. “Dirty” after touching the penis with your hands, you “finish”, that is, you taboo for use everything that you touch, including cellmates.


Watch what you say. “This is highly valued in ordinary life, but in a cell it is simply necessary”, - explains Lozovsky. Any spoken word can masterfully be turned against you. For instance: “Lemons have much more vitamin C than apples, and I will prove it to you now!” - “Prove the prosecutors. Are you also one of their kind?” And it was only necessary to replace “I will prove” with “justified”. “A categorical taboo is imposed on the word “offend” and all its derivatives,- says Vitaly. - Don't you dare ask sympathetically an upset prisoner: "Did someone offend you?" Thus, you directly hint at his belonging to the caste of the “lowered”. You can pay dearly for hints like that.”.


("Butyrki"), Moscow

Having received a transfer from the outside, it is imperative to “pay attention to the lads”, that is, to allocate part of the package “to the common fund”. Who keeps the obshchak - ask the beholder. If you do not do this, no one will take anything from you - this is strictly prohibited. prison terms as "lawlessness" - however, you are unlikely to enjoy respect and sympathy among the prisoners in the future. And never take anything without asking. Even a seemingly ownerless cigarette taken from the table can be equated with "rat-mongering" - theft of the property of cellmates.


“Try to forget about free life as soon as possible and tune in for the worst,- advises Vitaly Lozovsky. - The cold certainty that you have to spend several years behind bars is much more useful for your psyche than the daily expectation of a miracle and release. Take your imprisonment as another life test that you, like a real man, must endure with honor. And remember that physical strength plays almost no role in prison. But the strength of character and spiritual qualities are decisive ". Different pre-trial detention centers may have their own nuances, maybe somewhere the procedures are not so regulated, but the main rules put in the subheadings of each section of this article apply everywhere.


Despite the fact that a pronounced division into suits occurs in the zone, it is necessary to know their differences already at the initial stage.

"Thieves", "barefoot", "brotherhood"- professional criminals for whom prison is a natural stage of their life path. They form the prison elite.

"Guys" - people who committed a crime unintentionally, on domestic grounds, in a state of passion or intoxication.

"Devil", or "pigs"- degraded and not looking after themselves prisoners, who completely lost their willpower and resigned to their fate. They do the dirtiest work, but are not sexually abused.

"Offended", "lowered"- prisoners whom other prisoners incline to sodomy. You can fall into this caste by accident or as a result of "lawlessness" - prison lawlessness. "There is no turning back anyway.- Vitaly Lozovsky comments. - Prisoners can only express sympathy and “lower” or kill the one who illegally deprived you of honor, but you will remain in an unenviable position.” Be careful.


Let's say you have an hour to get ready before your arrest. Be sure to bring with you:

1. Large sports bag

You will put in it and you will store your things in it in the future - there are no bedside tables and wardrobes in the chamber.

2. Cigarettes and cigarettes

Even if you do not smoke, they will help you establish relationships with prisoners or pay for any services that smoking inmates can provide you.

3. Tea

The bigger, the better. “Tea in prison is both an object of worship and a monetary unit, like cigarettes,”- explains Vitaly Lozovsky. Keep in mind that frequent use of chifir quickly causes addiction.

4. Clothes

Sweatpants, plain and woolen socks, slippers, a pair of T-shirts, a hoodie or a warm knitted vest - but not a single item should be red, it is considered in prison a symbol of cooperation with the guards. It is better to leave your favorite woolen sweater at home - then they will immediately dissolve it into threads in order to weave the so-called. "road" - a system of external communication between cameras. Notes (“babies”), cigarettes or “clouds” of tea travel along the threads.

5. Two bars of soap

Usual (best for children) for washing and household for washing.

6. Shaving accessories

Everything except cologne (after all, it contains alcohol), a toothbrush and paste.

7. Handkerchiefs, a sheet, a couple of pillowcases

And, if it fits, take a blanket - it's tight with bed linen in prisons.

8. Spoon

They won’t let you pass a piercing-cutting fork, but also take a metal bowl and mug, a boiler.

9. Needle and thread, nail clippers

Manicure scissors will not miss for obvious reasons. Also grab a couple of notebooks, envelopes, a few fountain pens with spare refills.

10. Products

Onions and garlic, bacon, bouillon cubes, instant noodles, sugar, salt, crackers. Do not take canned food - they will be confiscated, since the sharp edges of an open can can be used as a melee weapon.

How to survive in prison? What to do if you are detained or arrested? Questions are not idle. The situation with the detention of video blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky clearly showed that in modern Russian realities Anyone can end up behind bars - for a carelessly spoken word on the Internet, for a repost on social networks, for a stupid picture. But people who post pictures and conduct video blogs, as a rule, are far from criminal life, so a sudden arrest and placement in a temporary detention facility (hereinafter - in a pre-trial detention center and, if not at all lucky, in a colony) can be a real shock for them. A person who finds himself in such a situation can easily do stupid things, turning his life into a real hell.

There are more and more egregious cases of “landings” in Russia. decided to consult with people who have behind them a wealth of experience in places, as they say, "not so remote". These are Aleksey Kuznetsov (more than 10 years in the camps, runs his own channel about life in prison on YouTube, is engaged in human rights activities), Andrey Reut (served 17 years), Alena (she asked not to indicate her last name and term, she works in a law firm), as well as the well-known Ural human rights activist Alexei Sokolov. Here are their tips.

1. Detention. shut up

Almost any landing begins with detention. This can happen on the street, at work, at a university, in public transport. May be detained after a search or interrogation. Detention is not yet an arrest. Sometimes detainees are released after giving evidence or establishing the necessary facts. But sometimes, at the moment of detention, a person says goodbye to freedom for a long time. It is important not to lose your temper here.

Reut: As a rule, if a person has never fallen into the hands of representatives of the authorities, after being detained, he experiences shock and fear. All illusions about law enforcement are crumbling. A person is faced with rudeness and cynicism, he understands that he is just a bug. The first thing he encounters is intimidation, sometimes beatings, and torture is not ruled out. After all, the "suspect" is already guilty - this is what investigators and operatives think. And it is very difficult to get an apology or an explanation later. It is advisable to have a lawyer in your acquaintances, or a lawyer familiar with criminal practice. If there are none, then it is better to be patient, not to slander yourself, since in the future ALL your words will be used against you. Regardless of the alibi, defense witnesses, or lack of evidence of your guilt. Declare that you will not testify without a lawyer (lawyer) chosen by your relatives or by yourself. Article 51 of the Constitution: a citizen has the right not to testify against himself. In general, it is better to overcome fear, confusion and pain, but not to slander yourself, any word can be distorted in the protocol of interrogation.

Andrey Reut

Kuznetsov: When a person is detained, the main thing is not to panic and understand that his fate depends on the first measures that will be taken against the detainee. In the first days of detention, by his actions he lays the foundation for the future - release, or imprisonment. The security forces are well aware of all this and therefore they try to work out as much as possible in the first minutes and days of detention, hoping that their victim in a panic, not understanding anything, will behave to please them. The security forces, as a rule, in the first minutes and days of detention, try to limit any contacts with outside world for the detainee, they slip their lawyer on duty, who, with sweet speeches about a possible near release, inclines the detainee to do whatever the security forces want, virtually eliminating the chances of release, exacerbating the situation. At such moments, it is better for the detainee to remain silent and not testify against himself and his relatives, especially since Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows him to do so.

Alexey Kuznetsov

Alyona: No matter how many times you are detained, it's always like the first time. Circumstances are different, preconditions are different, and the police are different, respectively. But in any case, you need to know your rights. Not to "download", but to know. This will greatly reduce the risks and help later in the implementation of your protection. You can give a lot of recommendations, but each case is individual - and there is a difference if you were detained by a PPS detachment or if you were “bedded” by a rapid response group, and the difference is global. It is worth studying the law "On Police", which clearly spells out the duties and rights of police officers.


Sokolov: First, when they come to your house, you need to look at the documents. They are required to introduce themselves, show identification and a warrant for a search or detention. Everyone deserves a phone call. You can call before you open the door. You need to contact a lawyer. If there is no lawyer, call relatives or acquaintances to send a lawyer. You can, of course, try to say that you will not let the police in until the lawyer arrives, but in this case they can break the door. You can let them in and give the phone to the lawyer to let him know he's coming. Employees may not give a damn about it, but then you can present it in court. If a lawyer is absent, it is best to record the proceedings on a video camera. You need to demand from employees that searches be carried out in your presence. First in one room, then in another, and so on. So that it doesn’t happen that all the employees scattered around the rooms and left with drugs, ammunition or something like that. Witnesses must be present during the search. Either these are "manual" witnesses, or they attract neighbors.

Alexey Sokolov

We need to find out who is in charge of the investigation team, who makes the decision. Any violation should be brought to the attention of witnesses. This should appear on the search log. At the end, you can list all violations. It is necessary. Because later it will be possible to refer to it. The next step is interrogation. At this interrogation, if there is no lawyer, then it is better to take Article 51. Because imagine psychological condition of a person, when people come to you, get you out of bed at six in the morning, start to scour the rooms - this is a shock.

Even if the lawyer is by appointment, you can work with him. Ask him to fix violations. Consult with him. (At the following stages, it is highly desirable to acquire a lawyer by agreement - see the next paragraph).

2. IVS. Do not believe

After being detained, you will most likely be sent to a temporary detention facility, IVS. This is a police facility where you can be held for up to 72 hours without a court order. This is not a pre-trial detention center and not a prison, but only their “dressing room”.

Andrey: Being in a temporary detention center, a citizen understands and feels that life is not so beautiful. Lack of sunlight in the chamber, lack of clean air and, quite often, the unsanitary conditions of many crippled morally. But we must not forget that perhaps even worse conditions for existence are ahead. Therefore, you should not trust cellmates ... Many cooperate with interrogators, someone works for them. If in a cell where only detainees are kept for the first time, there is a citizen covered in tattoos, telling how easy and simple he lived in the zone, know that this is an employee of those who interrogated you the day before, with a 99 percent guarantee. You may be offered a “duty” lawyer during interrogation or other investigative action. Do not agree! The duty lawyer, as a rule, begins to persuade you to confess to the crime that you are charged with, with the explanation that this way they will give you less, or they will let you go home on bail. As a rule, such a “bearish” service of the lawyer on duty will then cost tears and, most likely, threatens with a real term. There are also lawyers by appointment who honestly work out their bread and reputation, but there are only a few of them. Therefore, I propose to think carefully and look where and under what to sign.

Alexei: From the first minutes, you need to understand that you find yourself in a part of another world, where operational measures can be carried out against you, using your cellmates, who, as if constantly called from the cell by investigators or lawyers. In fact, they constantly go to operas to leak information about you and receive new tasks for your development. From the first step into this other world, the detainee must be a "simpleton" who, entering the cell, will simply say: "Hello everyone." At the same time, it is internally necessary to keep the wolf defense and at any time make decisions in accordance with internal perception. For a moment of weakness, you can pay for decades, and maybe even eternity.


While in the TDF for the first days, you should understand that the investigator depends on your testimony, and you depend on the investigator - use this to inform relatives and relatives that you have been detained. Tell the investigator: yes, I agree to give explanations and testimonies, but inform my relatives and relatives about my detention so that they hire a lawyer for me, after meeting with whom we will actively conduct legal proceedings. Behave as if you are running towards the investigator with leaps and bounds.

When a hired lawyer arrives, through him you will be able to provide relatives and relatives with any information, since your meetings will be confidential, such is the law.

If there is no hired lawyer, do not trust the duty lawyer by appointment, since this is the same investigator, prosecutor and judge all rolled into one.

You will not be kept in the temporary detention center for a long time, and in case of arrest you will go by stage to the pre-trial detention center. This is a new test - you seem to have adapted to the IVS, but here again something new and terrible.


Alyona: What is the ITT... First of all, it is a vacuum of uncertainty, in which even an experienced person begins to draw pictures of the best possible outcome. But, unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way. And even from a small fly, in the absence of awareness about their rights, about the norms of the law and much more, a good elephant can come out.

State attorney. It is free, and therefore often does not care about you. He is not a doctor and did not take the Hippocratic Oath. He does not realistically imagine that a person who has been imprisoned can simply be killed or lowered. This is not in any article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but there are hundreds of cases. The lawyer understands that, having interrogated the suspect or the accused and remaining for him “only” a lawyer on duty, all he can count on is a penny from the state. You should not condemn them for following the path of least resistance, offering to write a confession and sue in a special order. He does not do this without the consent of the accused.


Sokolov: Life in a temporary detention center… These are four bunks, a table, a toilet fenced with a brick wall, a washbasin, and windows. In the TDF, I advise you not to talk to anyone, not to discuss not only your business, but also other aspects of your personal and professional life, parents, relatives. Because it is at this stage that the operatives use the services of "hens". They pump out all the information that is used against you.

You can receive parcels in the TDF. You need to read about this in the rules of the insulator.

3. SIZO. "Who are you in life?"

If the court makes a decision on arrest, the person from the TDF is moved to the pre-trial detention center. It's almost like a real prison. You can spend many months here, while formally you remain an innocent person - you were simply isolated to make it more convenient to conduct investigative actions.

Andrey: From the temporary detention facility, you can be taken to a pre-trial detention center, that is, to a prison. They have their own rules and regulations, which it is desirable to know for a “newcomer” who has not been in the cell system. What to bring? What is possible? Of course, hygiene items: soap, toothpaste and brush, socks, shorts, T-shirts (preferably plain, black or gray). Cigarettes, tea, coffee (even taking into account the fact that you personally do not smoke), as you can always treat your cellmates, which will give you the opportunity to win over people. You can not have piercing and cutting objects, belts and laces with you. Therefore, choose shoes without lacing. The same applies to trousers, it is better to have a tracksuit - it's more practical.

Do not forget, when you find yourself in a cell in a pre-trial detention center, it is better to be restrained and extremely polite with your cellmates. You should not count on your own strength, there is a different atmosphere and rules of life. Entering the cell, greet the prisoners with the words: “Peace and prosperity in the hut (cell), warmth and health to the prisoners, it was great (it’s not customary to say simply“ great ”, because this can be answered with an indecent saying - ed.), I welcome a decent people." At first glance, these words may seem ridiculous, but they are not. The prison has a life of its own.


There are so-called VIP cells in the prison. There are, for example, in the Yekaterinburg Central. I even had a chance to sit there once. These are cells for two beds. If memory serves, from 411th to 420th. There plastic windows Everything is clean and renovated. Even the food in these cells is much better: they give meat, rich soup. You can't get a job in such a cell for money. The administration looks at the personality of the convict. For example, [former vice-president of the City Without Drugs Foundation] Yevgeny Malenkin sat in one of these. But I didn’t sit there for a long time, I asked for a general one. I need communication, I'm used to being with other prisoners. In addition, my cigarettes were constantly shot by youngsters in neighboring cells, I could not refuse them. And the isolation was pressing. Therefore, he asked for a general.

Do not forget that no one can offer you an action that discredits your name or offends human dignity. Anyone who dares to do this is not a good person, not a “decent prisoner”, and such a person should boldly be told in the face for his action! Otherwise, you will experience many unpleasant moments from life "outside the will." For example, a “first-timer” ends up in prison. If he is asked, say, to clean up for others, then he has the right to refuse. Everyone here lives and cleans up after themselves. They cannot force him. In each cell there is a person who is considered "sane", he resolves various conflict situations. You can always turn to him if they try to treat you unfairly, he is obliged to respond. The use of force is not respected in prison. Even if you want to receive a certain service from the "blue" (offended), you cannot use force against him, you must negotiate with him. Otherwise, they will ask you.


About writing complaints. If you write a complaint regarding your criminal case, no one has the right to interfere with you - neither the convicts nor the administration, this your personal case. If you complain about the conditions of detention, then everyone decides for himself. There is a possibility that other prisoners under the control of the administration will try to dissuade you. Like, you write, and then they will arrange a search for us. But everyone decides for himself.

Some talk about "Caucasian" cells, which are used to frighten detainees. Like, we'll put you in jail, and they'll tear you to pieces there. There is definitely no such thing in the Sverdlovsk region. Caucasians are the same people, even, perhaps, more restrained and hospitable, they don't even swear usually. There are no nationalities in prison at all. These boundaries are blurred. Another thing, we have "limitless" cameras. In Yekaterinburg SIZO-1, too. These cells are in the basements. When some commissions arrive, they are once - a stage quickly sent somewhere. Then they return. If you get there, nothing good will happen, of course.

Alexei: Upon arrival at the pre-trial detention center in the “scream room” (the place where the data of the arrived prisoners in the pre-trial detention center are verified and where they receive additional information according to which the prisoner will be assigned to one or another category of prisoners), the DPNSI (pre-trial detention center officer) will ask your full name, date of birth, by what article, you are brought as a defendant, until what date the measure of restraint is chosen, and then he will ask the question: “Who in life?” or “What color are you?” If you don’t know what to answer, then don’t get lost, say that “man” (this is not “red”, not “lowered”, not thieves). This is the "golden mean". And you'll figure it out over time. Question: "Who in life?" is set in order to distribute you to the appropriate hut, that is, the cell, in accordance with your answer.

When entering the house, remember that here you are entering someone's house, in which someone lived and lives before you. Here it is necessary to adhere to the rule: "Do not go into someone else's monastery with your charter."


Entering the hut, say: "Hello everyone" or "It was great." Then the “watcher” (the main one in the cell) will call you to talk. From the conversation, he learns what kind of fruit you are. In accordance with his conclusions, an attitude in the hut will be built towards you. You must remember: how you put yourself in the hut, so be it. The attitude of others to your person depends on you. Living conditions in a pre-trial detention center are like in a well-groomed basement for intelligent homeless people, however, in a pre-trial detention center, a bedroom, a toilet and a kitchen are one room.

Alyona: A lot can happen in a pre-trial detention center, or rather, anything - it all depends on what kind of person you are in life, what kind of “baul” you have (that is, financial situation and help from the will). Well, some more nuances. Everything is individual. There is only one principle: if you lived like a human before all the sad events, then after them you will live with dignity.

Sokolov: Complaints should be written about the actions of investigators. Appeal all answers. This will all come in handy in court. Management must be treated with respect. Some employees will provoke you to be rude in order to spin you into new criminal cases. Jailers provoke very professionally - they will crawl under the skin so that a person loses his temper. This is all done on purpose. A person must self-discipline, look both ways. Here, too, there are "hens" who leak information to operational services. Many do it for tea and cigarettes.

4. Colony. Red and black

You can end up in a colony both after the temporary detention center and pre-trial detention center, and bypassing these stages. For example, you can be sentenced and taken into custody right in the courtroom.

Andrey: Convicts can get both on a general regime and on a strict regime, it all depends on the severity of the crime. One way or another, but in the Sverdlovsk region there were no camps (IK) that did not fall under the influence of convicts who actively cooperate with the administration. Yes, this is true, the administration, by delegating powers to such convicts, creates arbitrariness, and sometimes lawlessness. A terrible word - lawlessness. Such camps, zones are called "red", and this is associated with blood. In such camps, all movements occur in formation or on the run. Under the singing of songs, sometimes offensive. I personally know firsthand about torture, humiliation and beatings, so I can say with full confidence: lawlessness reigns in the Sverdlovsk region on the part of administration officials and their accomplices represented by convicts.

Once in the quarantine department in the correctional colony, upon arrival in the zone, almost 100% of newly arrived convicts stay there for two weeks. During this time, they undergo a medical examination. For your information, especially cruel activists cooperating with the administration work in quarantine in the "red" zones. After all, it is in quarantine that the initial “breaking” of new arrivals begins. Everything is taken away, even hygiene items. A nightmare begins for those who respect themselves and those around them. As a rule, there are no employees of the administration in quarantine, therefore, all powers are assigned to the “asset”. All illusions disappear in those who fall into such camps. I have heard more than once personally from those who create lawlessness: "They will be afraid, they will not sit down again, they will be obedient." I have been repeatedly judged and can assure that those who have gone through this hell become different, and not in better side. Morality breaks down, human values ​​disappear, compassion and empathy die. Only a few, having gone through the nightmares of the camps, become stronger without losing their human form.


The "black" camps are different - everything is based on honesty and decency, insults to the person, or relatives and friends are unacceptable. Scuffle and violence are not welcome. For this - the demand to the fullest extent, after which few people want to transgress human foundations. They will always help in word and deed, they will not remain indifferent to sadness and grief.

It is extremely difficult to remain a human being in a "red" colony, it requires fortitude and endurance. Many are forced to write receipts: "I will cooperate with the administration." Torture and "confessions" are being videotaped everywhere. Activists and the administration warn that in case of disobedience, all video materials will be shown on internal TV.

In many "red" camps there are shops for the manufacture of certain products. The payment is meager, true, but this is an option to avoid torture and bullying.

Alexei: The notions prevailing in society that in the "red" zones the rules of the internal life of prisoners are established by the administration of the correctional colony, and in the "black" - thieves, are erroneous. The whole policy of the internal life of both “red” and “black” colonies is set by the administration, and it all depends on who carries out the administration’s instructions - “asset” or thieves (prisoners who honor thieves’ ideas and openly propagate them). I want to note that in the "black" camps I saw more human, since the thieves, who carry out the instructions of the administration, must still keep the defining image of thieves' piety, so that the bulk of the prisoners respect them.

For example, I came to the "black" colony. Got into quarantine. The thieves organize that the newcomers should be treated normally by the "red" prisoners, who are also called "goats" in jargon. Tea, cigarettes, sweets and other necessary things are allocated from the “common fund” for the period of quarantine (14 days). Let it be very modest, but every day and for everyone. If, God forbid, in quarantine the “goats” in such a camp raised their hand against you, then the thieves should react. Therefore, in such "black" camps, there is less torture and violence on the part of the "goats" against the mass of prisoners. Although, to be honest, all this is present there, but to a lesser extent than in the "red" camps.


So I came to the "red" camp, got into quarantine. Here from the first minutes they start to beat you. "Goats" put pressure on during all 14 days of being in quarantine. Talking with you, "goats" get information about your financial well-being. They look at your reaction to the concessions they offer, for which you have to pay, they give you a cell phone to call home, while saying that for the call your relatives must put a certain amount of money on the phone or bank card. Naturally, in conditions when you are beaten and humiliated 24 hours a day, a call home is priceless, and you pay ... But from now on you will pay the entire term. You will be milked.

Alyona: One thing can be said about the women's colony: the “baul system”. Buy, sell, trade. Concepts as such exist when it is profitable or when there is nothing to lose, but basically everyone who is friends with common sense tends to leave on parole. After all, there are mothers. And when the drug fog subsides, the brains fall into place, then comes the understanding of how little a person needs for happiness: a house, a child, a family. I don't know a single woman who doesn't want to go home. There is nothing for a woman to do in the colony, so you should not go there.

What a colony, such a routine. The difference is in the number of checks - two or three. And the rest - from the detachment in which you live, the type of your activity and the mental state of the colony administration.

Even in the zone you can occupy yourself and diversify your leisure time. Someone reads, someone watches films, someone participates in amateur performances, someone knits, writes, draws. Who is into what. If a person wants to fulfill himself, to express himself, to educate himself - in a good sense of these words (not to be weird and not to shake the regime) - a person will find something to do for leisure and will not grow dull over the years that he is measured by the sentence.

Sokolov: There is a very simple saying "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask." She needs to be guided. Also, listen more, talk less. A person, getting into a colony, usually already internally resigns himself to the fact that he will sit. Shock releases him, he begins to actively communicate. But at first it is better to listen more and try to think, then only speak.

A few simple rules for the "first mover" from experienced convicts

  1. Be who you are. In prison, you should not pretend to be someone else, because the masks here quickly fly off. And when the masks come off, the consequences can be bad.
  2. Don't close. You should not live on the principle of "me and my bedside table." If a person closes, this is interpreted as if he considers himself superior to others.
  3. Don't be greedy. Today you have tea and cigarettes, and tomorrow you have nothing. No one says that you should give the last, but mutual assistance is always welcome here.
  4. Don't talk about others behind their backs. Here it is called "intrigue". It is forbidden to gossip about the actions and words of other convicts. For "washing the bones" they may ask.
  5. Stay away from the "lowered". There is no escape from reality, in the colonies there is such a caste of people. They sit at separate tables, eating with separate cutlery. They are not allowed to take cigarettes or other items. This is not to be washed off throughout the entire period.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask your elders. There is a special relationship with pioneers. If, out of ignorance, he uses some expression that is considered normal in ordinary life, but not in prison, then everything will be explained to him, taught, no one will immediately make claims. For example, if you want to know something, you should say: “I have an interest in you,” since the phrase “I have a question for you” means a specific claim, a presentation for which the person you are contacting is obliged to answer.
  7. Everything will be fine. The hope of release is something that warms not only the heart of the first prisoner. It is a feeling that unites all prisoners. Remember that even the most dangerous-looking inhabitants of the camp are the same people as you. Just accustomed to live by other laws. Your task is to accept these laws and live by them. Maintain your dignity and do not put yourself above others. Then you will be treated with respect.

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