Nicholas II: saint or bloody? Such Saint Nicholas II Who began to reign as Khodynka balmont

Electrical 29.03.2021

as an epigraph:

"Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
Our king is a bloodstain
The stench of gunpowder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.
Our king is blind squalor,
Prison and whip, jurisdiction, execution,
Tsar hangman, the low twice,
What he promised, but did not dare to give.
He's a coward, he feels stuttering
But it will be, the hour of reckoning awaits.
Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold.

(1906). "Our Tsar" Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich

For reference: The nickname "bloody" people gave Nicholas II during his lifetime

Saint Nicholas today!
Although he was a freak in life.
Shot - oh poor thing!
And how did he rot the people?

As from Khodynka, starting
Russian people destroyed!
What resolutions
On the reports he wrote!

Nicknamed "bloody"
With the coronation is not in vain.
The world has never seen this
Bloodsucker - ghoul!

So, the first - Khodynka
Three thousand people died here.
(In compensation for the dead
Then they gave out rubles)

And then it went "through the butter" -
Dissatisfied - shoot!
More than a hundred such orders,
The king will have time to sign!

Obukhovites were shot,
Rostovites were shot.
They fired at the Zlatoust,
On the railway Moscow - Kazan ...

in Kyiv and Petersburg,
In Riga, Kostroma, Baku.
Fulfilling the royal decree
They fired accurately.

And the peasants were "pacified"
They hung, they shot, they burned...
And they "relocated" to Siberia,
And into the Persian sands!

The raznochintsy got it,
The verse could cost a head!
Decreased by a third, for example,
The people of Moscow!

Under the icon on Sunday
Pop Gapon gathered the people.
And they went to the king with a bow ... -
They shot the whole parish.

And what happened in the army!
That's where the complete chaos!
Cruiser remember "Ochakov"?
And "Potemkin" example!

And Odessa? Sevastopol -
How many souls are there behind the king?
Three hundred from the Lena mines,
And then the Putilovskys...

And in the eleventh famine?
Two lost wars...
He himself led to revolutions
Population of the country.

Murderer and bloodsucker
How could he become a "saint"?
I abdicated the throne...
How does God tolerate this?

And here are some of his accomplishments:
May 18, 1895 - During the coronation of Nicholas II on the Khodynka field, more than 2,000 people died in a crush that arose due to the criminal negligence of tsarist officials;
After Khodynka, which killed more than a thousand people, Nikolai declares gratitude “for the exemplary preparation and holding of celebrations” to his uncle, Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, and in his diary on New Year’s Eve he writes “God forbid that the next 1897 would be just as well, like this". Supporters of the “Russia we have lost” like to remind that Nicholas II ordered each family orphaned after Khodynka to give 1,000 rubles. It's true. However, when the required amount was calculated, he withdrew his mercy and reduced the payment to 50-100 rubles.
May 7, 1901 - The execution of the workers of the Obukhov plant

November 1902 - Execution of workers in Rostov. Killed - 6 wounded - 20;

March 11, 1903 - The execution of the workers of the Zlatoust arms factory. Killed - 60, injured - 200;

January 9, 1905 - Bloody Sunday, the execution of a peaceful procession of workers in St. Petersburg. Killed - 1200, wounded - more than 5000;
The first shots were fired at 12 o'clock at the Narva Gate. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Preobrazhenians and Semenovites open fire at the Winter Palace, where the main column arrived - a huge crowd of unarmed, well-intentioned and even devoutly disposed people with icons. Soldiers and police fired at the crowd, mounted gendarmes chopped women and children with swords, trampled on horses, FINISHED the wounded! Palace Square and the surrounding streets were littered with dead and seriously wounded.
The capitalist Savva Morozov, one of the smartest people of his circle in Russia at that time, told A. M. Gorky: “The Tsar is a blockhead. He forgot that the people who are being shot with his consent today, a year and a half ago, knelt in front of his palace and sang “God save the king ..””.
And the tsar, having announced a stern and threatening "forgiveness" to those who were shot on January 9, addressed those who shot with a touching word of gratitude. He provided the Semyonovites with extraordinary benefits: each of them could turn to him personally at the end of their service. This further encouraged the “new guardsmen” in his entourage. Diderot's quote is appropriate: "The greater the distance between those who command and those who obey, the less important are the blood and tears of the second for the first."
January 12, 1905 - Execution of a demonstration of workers in Riga. Killed - 127, wounded - over 200;

September 5, 1905 - The end of the shameful, senseless war with Japan. Russia's losses in the war - 400,000 people;

November 15, 1905 - The shooting of the cruiser "Ochakov" and other rebellious ships of the Black Sea Fleet. The death of thousands of sailors - Sevastopol;

December 7, 1905 at the railway stations Sorting and Perovo of the Moscow-Kazan railway a political strike was called. The movement of trains on the Moscow-Kazan railway stopped. On December 16, a train with soldiers of the Life Guards of the Semenovsky Regiment arrived at the Perovo station. The head of the punitive expedition, Colonel Riemann, had an order from the commander of the regiment, Ming, "to have no arrests and act mercilessly." The soldiers started shooting directly from the windows and from the platforms of the moving train.
Along the line of the Moscow-Kazan railway, in workers' settlements, at plants and factories, six companies under the command of eighteen officers committed atrocities for several days. Killed indiscriminately. Adult men were shot in front of children and mothers. Women were shot, old men were stabbed with bayonets. In total, one and a half hundred people were killed without trial or investigation.
Gilyarovsky writes about those events: “They found a revolver without a drum on the engineer Kharlamov, they took him to the station and shot him. At this time, the sergeant major of some regiment, returning from the war, approached Colonel Riemann and said: - I am surprised, your honor, how can you shoot without trial? Riemann shot him too."
By the way, this is the same Riemann who, on January 9, on Bloody Sunday, commanded the execution of a demonstration of workers on Nevsky Prospekt. Moreover, at his command, the shooting continued even at the crowd running in panic.
According to the results of the operation, Riman Nikolai Karlovich was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, and his commander, Georgy Alexandrovich Min, received the rank of major general and a prize, as they wrote in the newspapers, "with the addition of a royal kiss." Nikolashka also promoted Ming to major general, enrolled him in his retinue and received him at breakfast.

In 1905, having received a report on the suppression of the December uprising in the Baltic city of Tukkums, Nikolashka expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of the military, who entered into negotiations with the rebels and did not open fire on the city. Nikolashka's resolution: "It was necessary to defeat the whole city."
Sergei Witte in a report that a certain lieutenant commander Otto Ottonovich Richter, during the suppression of workers' uprisings in the Baltic states, "executes at his own discretion, without any trial and non-resisting persons." And Richter's gendarmes flog the peasants without exception, shoot them without trial or investigation, burn out entire villages. Nikolashka writes on the telegram: "Ah, well done!". Richter is promoted in rank and invited to the king for breakfast, which was evidence of the sovereign's extreme disposition.

December 1905 - an uprising in Moscow: according to some sources, more than 20 thousand people were killed and maimed, according to others - at least 70-80 thousand people: adults and children ...

June 3, 1907 - The tsar's dispersal of the Second Duma - the last opportunity for a peaceful development of events was destroyed.

1911 - Mass famine, which claimed the lives of 300 thousand people;

April 4, 1912 - Execution of striking workers at the Lena mines. The strike began spontaneously on February 29 (March 13) at the Andreevsky mine, but then other workers joined it. By mid-March, the number of strikers exceeded 6,000. The working day at the mines was 16 hours with one day off! This is in the region, where, moreover, the climatic conditions are quite severe. The women in the mines received virtually no pay and constantly complained of sexual harassment by the administration. News of the strike reached the tsar, and he ordered to solve the problem radically - to shoot. The order was given to Captain Treshchenkov and the result was 270 killed and 250 wounded.

1914 - The beginning of the imperialist war and the participation of Russia in it to please the European powers. During the war, 856,000 Russian soldiers died, 2.8 ml were injured. people were captured - 3.4 million soldiers and officers.
According to the 1920 census, the population of 47 provinces of European Russia and Ukraine has decreased since 1914 by 11,504,473 people, or 13% (from 85,000,370 to 73,495,897).
Russia's losses as a result of 4 years of the First World War and 3 years civil wars amounted to more than 40 billion gold rubles, which exceeded 25% of the total pre-war wealth of the country. More than 20 million people died or became disabled. Industrial production in 1920 decreased, in comparison with 1913, by 7 times. Products Agriculture amounted to only two-thirds of the pre-war. According to sociologists, during the reign of Nicholas II, Russia lost more than 28 million of its subjects (who did not die of their own death). This is despite the fact that the population of Russia in 1914 was 175,137,800 people.
At the end of February 1917, unrest began in Petrograd (in line for bread), which grew into mass demonstrations against the government and the dynasty. The February revolution found Nikolashka at headquarters in Mogilev. Having received the news of the uprising in Petrograd, he decided not to make concessions and BY FORCE TO MAKE ORDER (orders were signed), but there was no one to follow these orders - most of the soldiers and officers sent a bloody ... At midnight on March 15 (2, old style) March 1917 in the saloon car of the imperial train, nikolashka signed an act of abdication (first in favor of a sick young son, and then in favor of his brother Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown (that is still a gift - a country brought to the handle).
On March 20 (7, old style), 1917, the Provisional Government issued an order to arrest the tsar. On March 22 (9 old style) March 1917, Nicholas II and his family were arrested.

Some resolutions of the "saint" on the documents:

The Far Eastern command reports that "anarchist agitators" have arrived from the center of the country in order to decompose it. Not interested in any details, or in the very confirmation of the fact, the king orders: "The detainees are to be hanged."

The Yaroslavl governor reports that during the suppression of unrest, the officers of the Phanagoria regiment ordered the soldiers to shoot at the crowd of strikers. There are dead and wounded. Nikolashka writes on the report: "Royal thanks to the fellow Phanagorians."

On the Ufa governor's report on the execution of a workers' demonstration and on the deaths of several dozen people under bullets, Nikolashka writes: "It's a pity that it's not enough."

General Kazbek at a personal reception reports to the tsar that the soldiers of the Vladikavkaz garrison went out into the street with a red banner, but he, the commandant of Vladikavkaz, managed to disrupt the demonstration, and take the soldiers to the barracks without bloodshed. As the general later recalled, Nikolashka was dissatisfied with his report and said instructively: “It should have been shot” ...

According to Witte's memoirs, during his report on the situation in the country, the tsar went to the window and, looking at the Neva, said: "If only we could take all these revolutionaries and drown them in the bay."

In Tomsk, on the direct orders of the governor, the police and the Black Hundreds set fire to a theater where a meeting of the democratic public is taking place. A thousand people die. The governor admires the conflagration from the balcony of his house, and the archbishop (the future Moscow metropolitan) Macarius from the cathedral porch announces his blessing to the arsonists. Both receive royal gratitude from Petersburg.

The Moscow governor-general Dubasov appeals to the tsar with a request to spare the stupid young man who, while the latter was walking through the Tauride Garden, fired at him from a Browning gun and missed. During interrogation by the police, he stated that he wanted to avenge the atrocities committed by the punishers during the suppression of the uprising in Moscow. Dubasov asks the Sovereign for leniency and calls the terrorist "almost a boy." Nikolai's request is rejected, the boy appears before a court-martial, after which he is sent to the gallows. Dubasov recalled this incident: “So these childish unconscious eyes stand in front of me, frightened by the fact that he shot me ...”.

During another famine that swept through Russia, a certain Colonel von Wendrich is sent as a special representative to the affected areas. The colonel ordered that 11 thousand wagons with grain ended up in dead ends, because of which 6.5 million poods of rye and wheat rotted. The bread was intended for the starving, but when the tsar was informed about the “successes” of Vendrich, he replied: “Don’t talk nonsense about him, this is a worthy officer. There will always be a lot of beggars, and such faithful people as Wendrich are one or two and counted. The "beggars" are, obviously, starving peasants.

We won't forget, we won't forgive!

P.S. Nikolashka's bloody entertainment deserves special attention. In addition to traditional hunting, where a variety of animals were destroyed in huge quantities, Nikolashka liked to shoot crows, cats and dogs (mutts). He himself kept records of "victories" in diaries, for example:
- From the Diary for 1905
May 8th. Sunday.
The day was cold and gray.
At 11 o'clock. let's go to mass and tomorrow [kali] with everyone. Adopted a naval report. Walked with Dmitry for the last time. Killed a cat.
- From the Diary for 1904
Hunted for crows before dinner.
Did a nice walk with Misha, killed a crow
Walked for a long time, killed a crow
Walked and rode in "Gatchinka". Killed the crow.
Walked, killed a crow
Walked for a long time and killed 2 crows.
Walked for a long time and killed 2 crows.
Katal Alix in the park; Tatyana walked with us. Killed 2 crows.
Ride a bike and kill 2 crows; one yesterday.
Walked for a long time, killed three crows.
I continued walking and killed five crows.
Walked and killed a crow.
His courtiers also diligently recorded the number of victims - for 1902. Nicholas II killed 1322 cats
In 1908, 1215 cats were killed by him, in 1911 - 1177 pieces, etc.
It is believed that during his life, Nicholas II exterminated about 20 thousand cats and dogs!
The number seems exaggerated to me, but the very desire to kill defenseless animals...
Even for Hitler this was not the case. Such entertainment characterizes the “saint” and gives rise to the work of psychologists.

K. Balmont, as a reflection of the fate of Nicholas II

“Mirror to mirror, compare two reflections, and put a candle between them. Two depths without a bottom, colored by the flame of a candle, will deepen themselves, mutually deepen one another, enrich the flame of the candle and merge into one. This is the image of the verse. "
K. Balmont

There was a significant period in Balmont's life when he considered himself a revolutionary and a rebel. Until 1919, then in 1920 he immigrated from Russia to France. Here are Balmont's own words, from his article "Bloody Liars" in 1921.
“My enthusiasm for the revolution lasted even when the muddy waves of predatory and treacherous Bolshevism began to overwhelm the liberation movement and completely distorted it. It ended on July 30, when I wrote the lines "This summer" in Pyatigorsk.

I did not gather God's harvest this summer,
Didn't write gospel verses
I saw meanness, vainglory, the falsity of an oath,
Millions of distraught slaves.

I did not breathe this summer the spirit of the meadow,
I did not meet a single flower,
I saw the hand that brings the brother to a friend.
I knew that joy, although close, was far away.

I did not recognize this summer of a kiss,
Heard only that shameful kiss
That traitors to traitors, rejoicing,
They handed out as much as there are jets in the sea.

This summer - the humiliation of our will,
This summer - the waste of our strength,
This summer - I'm alone in the desert valley,
This summer I fell out of love with Russia. "

But that was later, and before that there were two collections of poems: “Poems” of 1906 and “Songs of the Avenger” of 1907, when Balmont was in exile and had close ties with Russian revolutionaries


Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
Our king is a bloodstain
The stench of gunpowder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king is blind squalor,
Prison and whip, jurisdiction, execution,
Tsar hangman, the low twice,
What he promised, but did not dare to give.

He's a coward, he feels stuttering
But it will be - the hour of reckoning awaits.
Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold.


The people thought: here is the dawn,
The sadness has come to an end.
The people went to ask the king.
His answer is lead.

Ah, low despot! You are forever
In the blood, in the blood now.
You were an insignificant person
Now you are a dirty beast.

But the worker's blood rose
Like an ear, in front of him.
And the henchman of evil trembled
Before such an ear.

He is red, he does not have a sickle, -
Anyone will break.
The ears are humming like a crowd,
Growing ears of corn.

And each ear is a sharp knife
And each ear is a look.
No, king, now you won't come,
No, vile king, back!

You won't fool us now
January ninth.
You are the king, and, therefore, you are all a lie
And we will destroy the king!


The beast is down. Here it is, fun
Exposed executioners.
Animal face. Bursts of laughter.
Animal voice: "Beat! Beam! Beam!"

And along all over Russia again
Tossed up, always dirty,
Rotten autocracy
Enraged horde.

The mighty blow of the general strike
Knocked them out of the rut.
They need booty, handouts
From their Romanov family.

But we don't sleep, we see clearly
The fighters of the uprising are countless.
And those we hate
In due time revenge will come.

Walk, Beast of autocracy,
Reveal all the abomination to the eyes.
The chaos has ended forever.
You are condemned. Your hour has struck


The Romanovs were weakened. It's high time to remove them.

The words of the Kostroma peasant

We had kings and princes.
Ruled. They ruled differently.
You, depraved bastards family,
You're doing pretty disgracefully.

You don't even get it right. You're just poor
Evil, half-witted and arrogant.
House of executioners, historical shame,
Stupid, untalented and deceitful.

There was a mad Ivan in those years,
He was monstrous-faced,
I was drunk with bloody arbitrariness,
Still, he was awesome.

He was obsessed with a demonic dream,
He was a toy for the devils;
This, now, is only an idol,
Puppet, Petrushka.

Was in those years, quite an idiot,
Face ugly Pavel,
Doll-soldier - but still the same
better memory left.

Paul before the present must be valued,
Paul be praised:
He did not pull his vile thread,
Palen was quickly created by him.

The same vile, with a fox tail,
With a mouth fit for a wolf
Calls to the world of people, - besides
Robbing the whole world on the sly.

Robbery, blaspheme, shrink, lie,
Pity whines like puppies.
You bastards are the stronghold of the court,
Praise the good brother.

Will. It's over. We see you all.
You've got a chopping block.
The sin of the deformers is mortal sin.
Wait for the realm of fear!


Murders, executions, prisons, robberies,
Investigation, search, search, human tentacles,
Weaves of shameless lies,
Words are one thing, and actions are another.

The Romanovs with the servile crowd,
With the permission of all who are low in heart,
They lead workers like cattle to the slaughter.
One, two, end. But the hour of reckoning is near.

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in its very essence is recursive.
Throw a bunch of heavy stones into the air,
Their gravity will become clear to you in an instant.

You will feel a miserable head,
Inventing such amusements,
What is order in the life of the world,
You love blood - you will enter into a bloody dream.

From the blood that is shed, blood will rise,
Life wants to live, to those who execute - the punishment is severe.
Rather, Life, prepare retribution,
Death of Death, and let it be alive Sl!


As long as there are madmen in prisons,
He must himself know the whole horror of imprisonment,
Understand that here - around - a prison.

Feel that the mind that burned proudly in you
He became timidly seeking pleasure even in the abyss of sleep,
That the music was erased - to the extreme chord:
Wall, wall and silence.

Who will speak about the word of reconciliation,
He betrays himself and betrays others,
And I'm in his face, like a bright contempt,
I drop my whipping verse.


Who does not believe in the victory of the conscious, courageous workers.
He is playing a dishonest double game.
He takes someone else's, - they are quite eager for someone else's, -
He takes freedom, stained with the blood of workers, -
Well, take it, she is for everyone, but say: "I'm taking someone else's."

Yes, freedom is for everyone, forever, and yet, this freedom,
And, however, this minute is not room showers,
Not talkative, cowardly, but brave from the abyss of the people,
This will is captured with a fight, and this freedom -
Not eloquent table speech, not miserable meandering.

This is the blood, I say, of the workers who have dared and risen,
And now - whoever is not with us, that cheater is corrupt and a coward.
These peaceful, oblyzhno-cultural, tinsel and other
I call: "Old rubbish!" And in the name of the rebellious workers
You will be swept away! I swear to you like the voice of the tide!

But for this poem, Balmont had to leave Russia


That was in Turkey, where conscience is an empty thing.
There reigns a fist, a whip, a scimitar,
Two or three zeros, four scoundrels
And stupid little Sultan.

In the name of liberty, and faith, and science
There somehow gathered zealots of ideas.
But, strong by the will of unbridled passions,
Bashi-Bazouks swept over them in a crowd.

They scattered. And now they are no more.
And secretly the chosen ones gathered with the poet:
“How to get out,” they say, “from these dark troubles?
Answer, O poet, do not be stingy with advice.

And he, thinking it over, said to those assembled:
Whoever wants to speak, let the spirit in him breathe the word,
And if someone is not deaf, let him hear the word,
And if not, a dagger!"
I deliberately cited many of Balmont's poems to show that these poems were not random fleeting moods, but that vague, furious, sweeping away everything in its path, heard from the people around Balmont, which was later called a revolution and which later frightened and frightened Balmont. But Balmont wrote about this, called for it. Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold.

June 15 marks the 151st anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian poet Konstantin Balmont. One of his poems called "Our Tsar" is very often used by modern haters of the last tsar and the Russian monarchy in general. Like, look, even famous poet severely criticized Nikolai Alexandrovich. At the same time, as a rule, the context of the appearance of the poem and what happened later are ignored. Meanwhile, if you study these circumstances, you can condemn the poet and praise the emperor. At the very least, it is desirable to know the context of the creation of this poetic text.

Konstantin Balmont

So here is the poem.

Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
Our king is a bloodstain
The stench of gunpowder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king is blind squalor,
Prison and whip, jurisdiction, execution,
Tsar hangman, the low twice,
What he promised, but did not dare to give.

He's a coward, he feels stuttering
But it will be - the hour of reckoning awaits.
Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold.

The last line is sometimes called "prophetic" ... After reading this poem, you immediately ask yourself: "Why was the poet not imprisoned?" Remembering at least the fate of Osip Mandelstam, who later wrote a similar poem about Stalin ... And Balmont, in theory, should have been at least detained for this.

You begin to study the context of the creation of the text and find out that at that time Balmont was abroad - in Paris. Of course, it becomes interesting, but how did he get there? And it turns out that he participated in the revolution of 1905-1907, namely in the Moscow December uprising on Krasnaya Presnya. True, he participated more in poetry and probably did not shoot anyone. And then (quite on time) he decided to emigrate. And in exile he published the collection "Songs of the Avenger", which included this work.

This must be remembered when reading this poem, since one can often find the opinion that its end is an image, and not a call to action. But Balmont at that time rotated in the company of people who set the goal of killing the king. And the name of the collection is also indicative - "Songs of the Avenger".

Well, in the end, you can see other poems from this collection. For example, in the poem "To Nicholas the Last" there are lines:

You must be executed by the hand of man
Perhaps her own, accustomed to kill,
You have become a cripple in soul to excess,
You can't live like that, you're a vile seal.

You have defiled yourself, your country, all countries,
That groan under your ugly heel,
You are a dwarf, you are Koschey, you are drunk with mud, drunk with blood,
You should be killed, you have become a disaster for everyone.

As you can see, the vocabulary of the detractors of the supreme ruler has changed little over the past hundred years ...

In any case, it clearly and unambiguously refers to regicide. Although, of course, one should not see something “prophetic” in this - this is just a statement of the plans of the revolutionaries. Yes, later some of them were able to carry out this threat. But one can just as well call "prophetic" speeches during wars, when speakers say: "We will win," and these wars really turn out to be victorious for someone. Thus, in every war, half of the speakers (those who were on the winning side) turn out to be "prophets". Yes, and Nikolai Alexandrovich did not stand on the scaffold. There was no trial, and his murder can hardly be called an execution.

Also, it is not worth judging by Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont about all the poets of the Silver Age. His behavior was rather the exception. Most poets preferred to be apolitical. Yes, and Balmont himself will later say that the poet, in essence, should be outside the parties.

But then he was actively involved in politics. There is a lot of interesting stuff in this collection. For example, in the poem "Criminal Word" he writes the following.

Who will speak about the word of reconciliation,
He betrays himself and betrays others,
And I'm in his face, like a bright contempt,
I drop my whipping verse.

However, the poet soon regretted these poems of his. He was drawn to his homeland. “Life forced me to break away from Russia for a long time, and at times it seems to me that I no longer live, that only my strings still sound,” he admitted. He wanted to write and publish poetry again in Russia. Basically, he wanted to be a law-abiding citizen again. Russian Empire. But he did not want to end up in an imperial prison.

And here it is interesting what the Russian authorities did, that is, Nicholas II. In 1913, Russia celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. On this joyful occasion, they announced an amnesty for political emigrants. Konstantin Dmitrievich also fell under this amnesty. He was given the opportunity to return, and he took advantage of this opportunity. In May 1913, a magnificent meeting was arranged for him at the Brest railway station.

Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich

Balmont returned and again became a subject of the king, whom he once wished for death. He ceased to be a revolutionary and again became what he is remembered and loved - a Russian poet. Traveled around the country with lectures, published collections of poems.

One must think that at that time he hoped that everyone would forget his revolutionary past and those of his poems would not come up anywhere.

But the word is not a sparrow, especially if it is the word of a great poet. The poems that came out from under his pen begin to live their own lives, which the poet cannot always influence. It often happens that sometimes poets are remembered for the works in which they themselves repented. And if the Russian authorities forgot about Balmont's seditious verses, forgiving him the revolutionary past, now many only know these verses of his.

In March 1917, as you know, Nicholas II was removed from power, and then his brother signed the manifesto on the Constituent Assembly. These events are known as the February Revolution. Konstantin Balmont did not take part in this revolution. True, he welcomed her, but here he was not original - many welcomed her, including those who later regretted it. But the October Revolution made Balmont horrified. The poet characterized the Bolsheviks as carriers of the destructive principle, suppressing the individual.

The murder of the royal family

On July 17, 1918, Nicholas II, along with his family and servants, was killed in the Ipatiev House. The “prophecy” (or rather, the dream) that Balmont set out in his “Songs of the Avenger” came true. Only he wasn't happy about it. Just as he was not happy about the fulfillment of another “prophecy”, from the poem “As if by Romanov”.

Will. It's over. We see you all.
You've got a chopping block.
The sin of the deformers is mortal sin.
Wait for the realm of fear.

Under the Bolsheviks, this "kingdom of fear" came. However, Konstantin Dmitrievich did not smile at living in it - at the first opportunity he emigrated again. True, he did not run away in secret, as in tsarist times, but received permission from the People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky for a trip abroad. But if he returned to Tsarist Russia, he did not return to Soviet Russia. The poet, of course, was drawn to his homeland, but fear forced him to stay in France, in the country where he once wrote those poems for which fans of the revolutionaries still love him. I wonder if he here recalled the words from the poem "Inevitability"? ..

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in its very essence is recursive.
Throw a bunch of heavy stones into the air,
Their gravity will become clear to you in an instant.

Grave of Konstantin Balmont

So let's sum it up. The poems of Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont were written when he was in fact a revolutionary, and they should be taken precisely as a pamphlet of a revolutionary. For this in Russia then the conclusion was supposed. But forgiveness awaited the poet, because the tsarist government announced an amnesty for people like him. Under the tsarist regime, Balmont lived in Russia, but he could not live under the revolutionary regime.

Accordingly, now the spiritual heirs of the revolutionaries of the beginning of the last century remember him for those poems that he wanted to forget.

Forgotten Silver Age. Inciting social discord, justifying terrorism and calling for the violent overthrow of the autocratic system...

From the collection "Songs of the Avenger" (1907)


If you want to sweep away the web,
So look and start with the spider.
If you want to cut the hole, pull out the heavy
ice floe.
If you want to sing a song, let it be that song
Live if you want. If in life there are only prisons and
Arise as a mighty wave - and a barrier with aspiration
If the walls are stronger, scatter the lace of foam,
But if you live, live like that, and never feel sorry for yourself.


Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
Our king is a bloodstain
The stench of gunpowder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king is blind squalor,
Prison and whip, jurisdiction, execution,
Tsar hangman, the low twice,
What he promised, but did not dare to give.

He's a coward, he feels stuttering
But it will be - the hour of reckoning awaits.
Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold.


The people thought: here is the dawn,
The sadness has come to an end.
The people went to ask the king.
His answer is lead.

Ah, low despot! You are forever
In the blood, in the blood now.
You were an insignificant person
Now you are a dirty beast.

But the worker's blood rose
Like an ear, in front of him.
And the henchman of evil trembled
Before such an ear.

He is red, he does not have a sickle, -
Anyone will break.
The ears are humming like a crowd,
Growing ears of corn.

And each ear is a sharp knife
And each ear is a look.
No, king, now you won't come,
No, vile king, back!

You won't fool us now
January ninth.
You are the king, and, therefore, you are all a lie
And we will destroy the king!


The beast is down. Here it is, fun
Exposed executioners.
Animal face. Bursts of laughter.
Animal voice: "Beat! Beam! Beam!"

And along all over Russia again
Tossed up, always dirty,
Rotten autocracy
Enraged horde.

The mighty blow of the general strike
Knocked them out of the rut.
They need booty, handouts
From their Romanov family.

But we don't sleep, we see clearly
The fighters of the uprising are countless.
And those we hate
In due time revenge will come.

Walk, Beast of autocracy,
Reveal all the abomination to the eyes.
The chaos has ended forever.
You are condemned. Your hour has struck


The Romanovs were weakened. It's high time to remove them.

The words of the Kostroma peasant

We had kings and princes.
Ruled. They ruled differently.
You, depraved bastards family,
You're doing pretty disgracefully.

You don't even get it right. You're just poor
Evil, half-witted and arrogant.
House of executioners, historical shame,
Stupid, untalented and deceitful.

There was a mad Ivan in those years,
He was monstrous-faced,
I was drunk with bloody arbitrariness,
Still, he was awesome.

He was obsessed with a demonic dream,
He was a toy for the devils;
This, now, is only an idol,
Puppet, Petrushka.

Was in those years, quite an idiot,
Face ugly Pavel,
Doll-soldier - but still the same
Left the best memory.

Paul before the present must be valued,
Paul be praised:
He did not pull his vile thread,
Palen was quickly created by him.

The same vile, with a fox tail,
With a mouth fit for a wolf
Calls to the world of people, - besides
Robbing the whole world on the sly.

Robbery, blaspheme, shrink, lie,
Pity whines like puppies.
You bastards are the stronghold of the court,
Praise the good brother.

Will. It's over. We see you all.
You've got a chopping block.
The sin of the deformers is mortal sin.
Wait for the realm of fear!


Murders, executions, prisons, robberies,
Investigation, search, search, human tentacles,
Weaves of shameless lies,
Words are one thing, and actions are another.

The Romanovs with the servile crowd,
With the permission of all who are low in heart,
They lead workers like cattle to the slaughter.
One, two, end. But the hour of reckoning is near.

There is an accurate account for all days,
Movement in its very essence is recursive.
Throw a bunch of heavy stones into the air,
Their gravity will become clear to you in an instant.

You will feel a miserable head,
Inventing such amusements,
What is order in the life of the world,
You love blood - you will enter into a bloody dream.

From the blood that is shed, blood will rise,
Life wants to live, to those who execute - the punishment is severe.
Rather, Life, prepare retribution,
Death to Death, and let the Word live!


As long as there are madmen in prisons,
He must himself know the whole horror of imprisonment,
Understand that here - around - a prison.

Feel that the mind that burned proudly in you
He became timidly seeking pleasure even in the abyss of sleep,
That the music was erased - to the extreme chord:
Wall, wall and silence.

Who will speak about the word of reconciliation,
He betrays himself and betrays others,
And I'm in his face, like a bright contempt,
I drop my whipping verse.

From the poems of 1906


I am a poet, and I was a poet,
And I will die as a poet.
But I saw from childhood
In the windows of factories late light, -
He left a mark in his mind
I will not erase this trace.

I also heard the beep -
At noon, at midnight, in the morning,
Well I know the time
What a great lesson
I couldn't forget the beep
Here - I take the sound of it.

Why am I singing now?
Why didn't you sing before?
I used to sing my song,
I'm a caster - I pour forms,
I am a blacksmith - I forge calmly,
I sang that I was young and brave.

I was busy with myself
Well, I don't hide it.
The hour has passed. Here is another hour.
In front of me is a sea rampart,
O worker, I am with you,
I sing your storm.


Worker, it's strange for me to talk to you:
Looks like I'm different. Oh, trust me, just in appearance.
In the factory rumble you twist your thread,
I'm in my thread, my brother, I'll twist your resentment.

Cut off, like you, from the silence of the fields,
Which seemed like a grave to the soul,
I'm in a noisy city, among strangers,
More than once he was exhausted in overwork.

I was like a plague in my own family,
Among the traders of words, I was a stranger undeniably.
On the free sea I sailed in my boat -
And the sea expanded boundlessly, all-round.

I am happy to think that my great-grandfathers
Wandered the seas in the foggy North.
In my soul they always sing, streams murmur,
They grow to fall into the sea in an undeceitful aspiration.

In the swampy lowlands of the jubilant philistines
The free spirit is yearning, mad, restless.
But the marked one who remembers is the ocean,
Liberation awaits - and he will wait for the storm.

She came sooner than I could have thought
You got up - and thunder boomed, everyone came out of the antechamber.
At the crossroads of all cross roads
I only feel trust in you.

I know what's in you steel will eat, -
No wonder you stand near the flame and steel.
You managed to read the words in the fate of the motherland,
Which the wise, while reading, have not seen.

I know you can weave a beautiful fabric,
Once you think about it, you will do what you need to do.
You awakened the peaceful, you said to the corpse: "Get up," -
The corpse is alive, the fighters are coming, it is rising, the bulk is growing.

A whirlpool grows in powerful circles,
Vain babble, vain cries of fear, -
Now he will absorb everything that is around him,
It will realize itself with all the power of the swing.


Who does not believe in the victory of the conscious, courageous workers.
He is playing a dishonest double game.
He takes someone else's, - they are quite eager for someone else's, -
He takes freedom, stained with the blood of workers, -
Well, take it, she is for everyone, but say: "I'm taking someone else's."

Yes, freedom is for everyone, forever, and yet, this freedom,
And, however, this minute is not room showers,
Not talkative, cowardly, but brave from the abyss of the people,
This will is captured with a fight, and this freedom -
Not eloquent table speech, not miserable meandering.

This is the blood, I say, of the workers who have dared and risen,
And now - whoever is not with us, that cheater is corrupt and a coward.
These peaceful, oblyzhno-cultural, tinsel and other
I call: "Old rubbish!" And in the name of the rebellious workers
You will be swept away! I swear to you like the voice of the tide!


"Land and freedom" - the cry of the people,
"Land and freedom" - the cry of the peasants.
The worker called out through the mist.
"Everything - anew, and everyone - freedom" -
It's like the ocean echoes.

It seems to me that at a rapid pace
There is a tidal wave.
The end - low prison vaults,
The prison wall has been destroyed.
The fate of Russia by all the people
Now must be resolved.

It grows stronger, howling bad weather,
But the mind of the worker is a beacon.
In the Land and Will - the life of the people,
Again, the darkness will not be able to choke.
Everything is anew, and everyone is free.
May it be so! May it be so!


Worker, only for you
The hope of all Russia.
The heavy hammer fell, crushing
Strongholds of fortresses.
That hammer is yours. I sing to you
In the name of all Russia!

You knew the need, you know the work,
You know hunger too well.
But you have risen. They go with you
All those who are young at heart.
Be firm, still show your judgment,
The fort is not entirely split.

They want to deceive you
Again, again and again.
But you have marked the path for all of us,
He gave everyone freedom of speech.
So in the battle with darkness, and chest - chest, -
That is the call of the watchman.

Watchman in the dark
Watchman in the middle of the night -
Only you, fearlessly brave, you!
Your eyes light up for us.
All dreams will come true
You win, worker!

From the collection "The Song of the Working Hammer" (1922)


To the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Workers

What a proud happiness to know that people need you,
Feel that you can sing a verse that reaches the heart.
Sisters! I see you sisters. We will partake in fire.
Cup of intoxicating freedom, brothers, let's drink to the end!

By the strength of those who thought boldly, by the accomplishment of soldiers and workers
The great country in the world tells us to be free.
The chains rang for centuries. The chains are worn out. Away with them.
Let's drain the cup of intoxicating happiness, brothers, to the bottom!

Brave sisters, I love you! In the wind you are living birds.
The wings of freedom rustle with the rustle of the first rains.
Glory to you and greatness, fertile in the countries of Russia,
A multi-vertex tree with a roll call and a buzz of branches!


Worker I give you my verse
Like a free gift from loving heart,
In it is the measuring hammer of echoing workshops,
And in it is a candle, the testament of a co-religionist.

It's not a stranger talking to you here
Not a pampered and idle minion:
I put many slender slabs into a pattern,
Taking them by thought from the ugly heap.

My crowbar, my stubborn pick
Worked in the nights of the quarry
Not a day, not two, but long centuries.
I am a worker of centuries. Know and remember.

Seer, architect, waiter and poet,
I am the elder brother of those who walk through the night,
I am the memory of days, the link of countless years,
Guardian of all radiant centers.

Do you think that the heights of the pyramids
Raised the hand and those that bent their backs?
Oh yeah! But I was the connection of these plates,
I conceived a blueprint for everything.

And, drawings changing over the centuries,
Diversifying the face of human centuries,
I did not let my pupils sleep,
And I didn’t weave nets for the free self.

When the kings clouded you
I was the first to start a riot with a free word
And announced to you the coming of the dawn,
In it is the death of decaying foundations.

Didn't I go to the block for you?
Didn't I go to prison, to exile?
But you can easily walk a hundred roads, loving, -
Whoever wants sacrifice does not run away from sorrow.

I waited and longed for your liberty,
I dream of the universal holiday of brotherhood -
Such a stream of caressing rays,
That not even a shadow of gloating will arise.

And the hour has come to start creativity,
To double and triple the happiness of all.
So why separate print
On the palace you want to build?

Who believes in his creation,
He sees the lie in the split of division.
The dawn has risen, it burns, look into it,
The sun shines without limit.

So let's be like the sun at last
Recognition of all desires embracing,
And freely accept the liberty of all hearts
In the name of blooming May.


Russia of executions, torture, investigation, prisons,
A country where the thought of minds is chopped off,
The country where we eat and joke
In the bloody hour of the executioner's deeds.

A country where serfdom dances,
Where the serpent is the king, the serpents are kings,
Where the rule is revelry in mud and pus,
A country of blizzards, slavery and melancholy, -

He knew her, noble thinker,
Whose spirit is a string calling to fight,
But he foresaw a flood,
He guessed the well in it without a bottom.

Where a valuable treasure is hidden for centuries, -
And in a fairy tale giants sleep for a long time,
But in the tale there is a reed pipe.

In such a reed, die - will answer with a song,
And that melody is called by will,
It grows brighter and more wonderful,
The dream is dissected, anger shines like a diamond.

The mysterious forge rumbles
A heavy hammer strikes an anvil,
The reed sings, it reads victory to the fire,
And in the flames there is a dance and a turn.

In the radiance of all the white space,
The polar star burns in the snow,
Life needs a new outfit
And the giant lightly goes to the enemies.

Oceans splash to the oceans
And the bell broadcasts the veche:
There are enchanted countries in the world,
Russia, to be like in a fairy tale - your lot.

Destroyed forever your ancient tower
With all its good and bad,
Over your city and over your village
The fire has passed and red smoke is curling.

But if in everyone there is the spirit of a fellow believer,
And this faith is the happiness of the free of all,
We will all be a flaming heart,
And all the old sin will be redeemed.

Who struck the bell believed in it,
Let only a brother see a brother in a brother,
Let's build a life from only one light,
So that the running of the clock was a sonorous waterfall.


Knock-knock, hammer,
Each plank has its own nail.
Every carnation just right
We will have a round table.
Complete the lesson
Knock-knock, hammer.

We will sit at the table together -
The whole working family.
Outside the window it will be blizzard
And in the frost your song.

Knock-knock - on the walls,
Cold, hunger come to us.
Knock-knock - in the attics,
We are not happy for you guys.
Corner them
Knock-knock, hammer.

Knock knock, hurry up
Prepare a bed for us.
Make it denser
Heart with heart will be in it.
There is an hour and a time for happiness,
Knock-knock, hammer.

For hugs and conceptions
We are in a faithful gazebo - in it.
We are born in bed
We sleep. Let's fall asleep even more.

Knock-knock, hammer,
Dancing loudly fast lope.
Let's end our time here
We will be remembered with a kind word.
The sheaf is ready, and the sheaf is on the current,
Knock-knock, hammer.

Beat, beat, my hammer,
In the forge - darkness and in the forge - heat.
Let's pour the darkness into the flame.
Where is the iron? We forge the path.
In the sun - we go for a plow,
Sing, sing, my hammer.

Hear all who are alive and young:
Free labor is like an emerald.
I am in a dance, I am a working hammer,
Centuries sing in me.

In Egypt, which was called differently,
And in ancient India, and where -
Everywhere I marked my face,
Like a silver moon on the water.

Like a messenger of the solar Horus,
What is: dawn dawn, -
I forged blades for a dispute,
He opened the virgin soil, creating his hour.

I forged hoes and plows,
Metal like lightning, swords,
I've been north and south
I am a hammer - listen and be silent.

I forged sickles and scythes,
And a cutting ax
They go, mowers - in rows - barefoot,
But in the dawn - a golden headdress.

I danced cheerfully and loudly,
He loved to inhale and drink fire,
Forged a toy for a child
Crown - to break it.

How to touch the target
Like a falcon shooter
So I rock in the cradle
In work, a hammer is a hammer.

Swing right and left
Rain splashes of gold
Be a word of truth, a cry of anger
Be our star on the way.

In a flowing flame - blossoms,
In the smelter for ore - comfort,
Not all the tunes have been sung yet, -
For the first time, centuries sing to me.

I have crossed seas and mountains
I took a look at the darkness
My road patterns
I'm scouring the mountain range.

I will shout - a response to the east,
I'll knock - the west trembled,
My shine is wide
And my flame is alarm-al.

I am the riot, I am the explosion, I am the one that
Destroyed blindness with laughter
I spin garments from the glow,
Grab the stars on the fly.

The granite of high rocks is split,
I dug the passages in the depths,
I am the heart of the world, listen hammer
I am blood, I am life, be true to me.

I am where laughter splatters in abundance,
Where pale blue steel,
Where the sun is golden bars
And the coolest crystal.

I'm where the fresh diamonds are
Where is the blue yakhont and ruby,
I will shake all countries with a blow of communication,
I am a worker, I am a ruler.

And since childhood, the story is familiar to me,
That the May downpour, shine and rumble -
There is a dance, a cheerful laughter of thunder, -
Thunderbolt shook his hammer.

Over the first bright morning of May,
Where poppies of lightning - through the centuries,
Lifting a heavy hammer
The hand of victory went up.

Knock-knock, my hammer,
Darkness after light, light after darkness.
We're hitting the anvil
We know a song about ours.
With the sun - fortunately and home,
Knock-knock, my hammer.

In the photo, 1896 is the year when its last emperor, Nicholas II, ascended the throne of the Russian Empire. Under the cut is a photo of those who became the first victim of his reign ...

Original taken from humus



“Nicholas II was also characterized by such a quality as indifference to the fate of the people around him. This can be traced throughout his life. First of all, we must recall the events associated with the coronation of Nicholas II. This is a well-known disaster on Khodynka field on May 18, 1896 when about 1,300 people died and many thousands were injured.What was the reaction of Nicholas II?

The festivities were not canceled, the performances of clowns, the work of booths continued. Moreover, in the evening of the same day, the French ambassador Montebello was to host a ball in honor of Nicholas II and his wife. According to the Moscow Governor-General, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Uncle Nikolai, “many advised the sovereign to ask the ambassador to cancel the ball and in any case not to come to this ball, but the sovereign completely disagrees with this opinion. In his opinion, this catastrophe is the greatest misfortune , which should not overshadow the coronation holiday; the Khodyn disaster should be ignored in this sense.". The ball was opened by Nikolai and Alexandra Fedorovna.

“Today a great sin happened,” Nicholas II wrote in his diary on May 18, “... trampled about 1300 people! A disgusting impression left from this news. At 12 1/2 we had breakfast, and then Alix and I went to Khodynka to be present at this sad " folk holiday". Actually there was nothing ... Let's go to Montebello's ball. It was very nicely set up.".

Other events have not been cancelled. The next day, he wrote: "At 2 o'clock, Alix and I went to the Staro-Ekaterininsky hospital, where we went around all the barracks and tents in which the unfortunate victims lay yesterday ... At 7 o'clock, a banquet began for class representatives in the Alexander Hall." And on May 21, it is written in the diary: "At 10 3/4 we went to the ball at the Nobility Assembly."

This is how the emperor reacted to the Khodynka disaster. It is no coincidence that after that he was dubbed "bloody". Those responsible for the disaster, primarily the Governor-General of Moscow, were not punished."

Source: E.S. Radzig "Nicholas II in the memoirs of those close"




"Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
Our king is a bloodstain
The stench of gunpowder and smoke
In which the mind is dark.

Our king is blind squalor,
Prison and whip, jurisdiction, execution,
The king is a hangman, the lower is twice,
What he promised, but did not dare to give.

He's a coward, he feels stuttering
But it will be, the hour of reckoning awaits.
Who began to reign - Khodynka,
He will finish - standing on the scaffold

K.D. Balmont, 1906, 12 years before the scaffold.

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