Condensed milk at home in a slow cooker. Homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker. How much to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

Doors 17.09.2020

The army of condensed milk fans is numerous! Someone cannot imagine coffee or tea without it, someone uses it as an indispensable ingredient in baking (), but professional sweet tooths are not averse to feasting on a couple of spoons “just like that”.

Recently, however, complaints have often been heard that "the condensed milk is not the same." Indeed, adding vegetable fats and other culinary experiments do not benefit dairy products. The way out is to make condensed milk yourself, then you don't have to worry about its quality and you can safely treat the smallest sweet tooth.

Not every housewife wants to spend time and effort on. Firstly, if you cook it on the stove, then it takes a long time. And secondly, you can face such a problem: the mixture, not having time to thicken, begins to caramelize, darken and turn into toffee.

The task is greatly simplified in a multicooker. Just about half an hour - and the fragrant homemade condensed milk is ready. It turns out to be unlike the store. So, you will immediately feel the taste of milk powder, so it is very important to choose a quality product. Don't buy skimmed milk powder for this recipe - go for fatty milk. I used it with 25% fat.

Cooking time: 30-40 minutes / Yield: about 400 ml


  • whole milk 300 g
  • sugar 200 g
  • powdered fat milk 150 g


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Who does not remember the favorite children's delicacy - boiled condensed milk? It seems that the taste of it is felt at every reminder of this delicacy. Many people just buy it in the store, while others seek to make it themselves. In fact, any product that is cooked at home is much more useful, because you know both the method and means of preparation.

At first, it comes that you will not need to constantly run up to the pan, monitor the "cooking", monitor the state of the water. The second advantage is time. The cooking process in a regular saucepan can take several hours. And as for the multicooker, only an hour and a half is enough for the delicacy to be ready.
So, I immediately want to note that as a result of cooking, a very tasty boiled condensed milk in a multicooker is obtained, which cannot even be compared with a store one. Therefore, if someone has a slow cooker, feel free to adopt a recipe. After all, in fact, apart from the multicooker itself and condensed milk, nothing else is needed here.

First you need to buy an ordinary can of condensed milk at the store. Pay attention to the composition, which is described on the label. The purchased condensed milk should contain only standardized milk and sugar.


Wrap the jar in plastic wrap several times until you find it softer. This is done so as not to scratch the multicooker, and the glue on the label could not stick to the walls of the multicooker. And only now we boldly put the jar into the multicooker bowl. It is important here how you put the jar vertically or horizontally, it is better that the jar lies on its side.

Of course, in order to cook boiled condensed milk in a multicooker, you need water. This is precisely the next step in preparing your favorite delicacy. It is necessary to pour water into the bowl. As for the quantity, it must be taken into account that the water completely closes the jar. The main thing is that the water does not exceed the extreme mark on the inside of the multicooker.

After the jar is in the bowl and filled with water, the multicooker is closed. An important point, what mode to set on the multicooker and how long it will take for the condensed milk to cook. Remember that it is necessary to set the extinguishing mode. In this case, determine the time in the number of one and a half hours. Next, turn off the heating and press - start.

It is important to note one more fact. Multicooker is different types therefore, when setting the time, it is worth paying attention to it. So, if we are talking about an induction multicooker, then it will take exactly an hour and a half to cook condensed milk. But all these are new technologies, therefore the time is reduced, but in ordinary multicooker it is worth setting a little more time. It may take about two or two and a half hours to achieve the result.

After the cooking time is over, all that remains to be done is to remove the can from the multicooker. You should be careful here, use special devices so as not to burn yourself, because the jar is very hot. Remember that after the signal, you need to wait time; it is not recommended to open the jar right away. You should wait about two to three hours. This condition is necessary, it will help to achieve that unique taste of childhood.

No, this is not a recipe for condensed milk that needs to be boiled in a jar. This is about how to prepare this most "canned" delicacy, only on your own and from homemade ingredients.

For condensed milk, purchased pasteurized milk of dosed fat content is not suitable. Take homemade. Then the "condensate" will turn out to be rich, not white, but a little yellowish, similar to purchased condensed cream.

Choosing the right milk is half the battle for making condensed milk. Even if you buy it at the bazaar, you must be confident in the trader. Some "good" women dilute their wares with water to sell more. If you want to check a new trader, buy a liter from her, pour it into another container at home and look at the walls - they remain white, and there are rings on top of the settled cream? Congratulations, good fat milk!

And at the bazaar, you can drop milk on the nail (by typing it into the cap) - if the drop spreads, it means that it is diluted.
Now about the freshness of milk. Before boiling condensed milk, it is better to check it by boiling 50 grams separately. If the milk does not come in lumps, then it is good for us.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 liters of fresh homemade milk,
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

Multicooker: Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Philips and others.


Cook! Pour milk into a multicooker and set the "Stew" mode for 2.5 hours.

After cooking, look into the multicooker. First, check if the milk has boiled well. Use the scale drawn on the multican - the numbers can easily tell how low the milk level has dropped. We need to boil it down a little more than twice. Secondly, small lumps can form in milk (from the film that has separated during cooking on the surface). If there are any (but the milk was definitely fresh), just strain the milk through an iron sieve.

Thickening. Add sugar to the milk and mix well. Then put the condensed milk on "Stew" for another 30 minutes (at this stage it is better to stir it). If you cook for a longer time, you get a classic boiled dark brown condensed milk.

Pour this condensed milk over pancakes, pancakes or dip fresh fruits in it, and you will find out what the taste of real human bliss is.

Bon Appetit!

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The delicacy, familiar to many from childhood, has a truly amazing taste and aroma only when it is made at home. For most housewives, it is easier to prepare your favorite dessert in a multimachine; how to cook condensed milk in a multicooker in a can and without it, we will tell you in detail in the article. The secrets of making sweets are simple, so you can cook it at least every weekend, thereby turning the cooking of the product into a good family tradition.

It is easier to make condensed milk yourself in a multicooker than in a saucepan. After all, many culinary actions are performed by the "smart" machine for you, but do not forget that it still needs to be configured correctly.

The final result will depend on the cooking mode - the color and thickness of the dish. The longer you cook condensed milk, the thicker it will be. However, it is dangerous to overcook the product or cook it at high power and high-temperature programs - milk can burn.

Classic homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker

Ingredients for homemade condensed milk

  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • Whole milk powder- 1 glass + -

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

  1. Pour sugar and milk powder into a saucepan. Mix the products thoroughly, then fill them with ordinary cow's milk.
  2. Mix the ingredients again. To do this, we use a blender or a whisk, the main thing is that the mass is thoroughly mixed and become homogeneous.
  3. Pour the food mixture into the multicooker bowl, then turn on the "Soup" mode. You do not need to cover the bowl with a lid.
  4. Bring the condensed milk to a boil, remembering to stir it occasionally.
  5. As soon as our dessert boils, we immediately switch the multicooker from the "Soup" mode to the "Baking" mode.

Cool the boiled homemade condensed milk a little and serve. If you want condensed milk that is very thick in consistency, then let it stand a little longer.

How much to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

How much to cook the product in this mode you decide for yourself. As a rule, on average, it takes about 20 minutes to cook, after this time you will get a good thick condensed milk with a rich caramel color.

If you want to get liquid or semi-thick condensed milk, then you need to cook no more than 10-15 minutes.

If desired, the cooled boiled condensed milk can be whipped in a blender bowl. Such a simple culinary action will not take much of your time, but it will help to make the finished product much softer and softer.

What kind of milk is better to take for condensed milk

When cooking a homemade product, milk is the basis of everything, and it depends on its quality: will we get the very tasty dessert for which, in fact, we started cooking.

Rule # 1

Choosing the usual cow's milk, remember that the percentage of its fat content must be at least 3%. A fat content of 5% is considered ideal. Making condensed milk on such a basis, it will be easier to achieve the desired consistency and correct taste.

Rule # 2

Powdered milk should be used only natural. No substitutes will work for successful cooking.

If you don't have whole milk powder on hand, then replace it with infant formula or powdered cream.

Homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker: the "Chocolate" recipe

For lovers of everything unusual, "chocolate" condensed milk is exactly the delicacy that children and adults alike will enjoy.

To create a pleasant taste of chocolate, you need to add a little cocoa to the dish. It will not only make the taste of condensed milk brighter, but also correct its color, making the shade richly caramelized.


  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Cow's milk (fat content 3.2%) - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Water - 75 g.

How to make condensed milk in a multicooker: cooking stages

Stage 1: prepare the sugar syrup

Mix water and sugar in a multicooker pan. We turn on the "Fry" mode for about 10 minutes.

Bring the syrup to a boil, then boil it for about 2 minutes. Do not forget to stir the dish all this time.

Stage 2: mix syrup with milk

Pour the cow's milk in a thin stream into the boiled syrup, stir the resulting mass until smooth.

Stage 3: cook condensed milk

Pour through a fine sieve into milk product cocoa. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and start boiling the condensed milk in the "Stew" mode. You need to cook for no more than 30 minutes. Remember to stir the product from time to time.

It is better to store the resulting delicacy in glass containers, and most importantly, in the refrigerator. This will help you not only keep the condensed milk for a long time, but also contribute to the improvement of its taste and consistency (i.e. the delicacy will become even thicker).

Is it possible to cook condensed milk differently: a creamy recipe

It is possible to make everyone's favorite treat at home not only according to the classical scheme. There are also more original recipes that make wonderful condensed milk for the whole family.

Condensed milk in butter in a slow cooker

For example, the classic cooking technology can be slightly modified by adding butter to the dish.

Only 40-50 g of butter, 375 ml of whole milk and 500 g of powdered sugar - and you get an excellent creamy condensed milk, which needs to be boiled for 20 minutes on the "Stew" mode.

Do not forget to pre-mix the milk with soft butter and boil it on the “Soup” mode for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If you cook baby condensed milk for butter, then the amount of butter and sugar should be reduced by 2 times.

  • To prevent condensed milk from curdling during cooking, put a little (literally on the tip of a knife) soda in it. In a sufficient amount of milk, the soda taste will not be felt.
  • It is not necessary to use only cow's milk for cooking. Great for cooking and steamed goat. If you are cooking vegan condensed milk, then you can use coconut milk.

Is it possible to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

You can cook a product not only in a multicooker, but also in a multicooker-pressure cooker or just in a pressure cooker. Cooking is very similar to the cooking technology in a conventional multicooker.

Only the cooking time will differ. It all depends on the power, functionality of the pressure cooker / multicooker, as well as on the result that you want to get.

Condensed milk at home in a multicooker in a jar

You can cook condensed milk in a multicooker and pressure cooker not only from scratch. The method of cooking a ready-made purchased product (condensed milk in a can) is very popular. The cooking technology is very similar to the classic cooking in a saucepan, only it turns out much faster.

Boiled store condensed milk in a multicooker is best cooked in a ceramic or glass dish. Avoid tinned treats.

The average cooking time for a dish in a jar using a pressure cooker or multicooker is 10-20 minutes.

We offer a few more secrets of cooking condensed milk.

That's all the secrets of how to cook condensed milk in a multicooker at home. This is not a time-consuming process at all, but how tasty and healthy is the homemade delicacy.

You can use a dessert cooked in this way as an independent dish, or as a filling for baking (examples of baked dishes with condensed milk: Anthill cake, etc.). Make homemade sweet treats easy and enjoyable.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook a can of condensed milk to make the "toffee" as tasty as possible? To a large extent, the result depends on the quality of the original product. A huge assortment of condensed milk in stores is distinguished by manufacturers, packaging volume, price and, of course, quality. Here are some basic tips to follow when making your choice:

1. For cooking, choose condensed milk in cans. We check the integrity of the can to make sure there are no dents and cracks, because through them they can get inside dangerous bacteria that cause spoilage of the product.

2. Check the expiration date of the condensed milk to make sure it is fresh.

3. It is preferable to choose condensed milk with the GOST sign. Condensed milk with the TU mark can contain various additives, not excluding chemical ones. Part good product only milk and sugar should be included, and the fat percentage should be at least 8%.


Before boiling condensed milk, you must remove the label from the can.

Prepare the container in advance. Please note that the cooking process will be quite long and will take at least two hours, so the water will inevitably boil away. The container must be large enough for the liquid to completely cover the surface of the can.

Cooking condensed milk on the stove

Boil condensed milk so that the can does not explode is easy enough. It is necessary to lower it into a prepared container so that the water level is sufficient and completely covers the surface. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. Then turn the heat to a minimum and monitor the liquid level during the entire cooking, adding only hot water.

If the can is above the surface of the water, it will explode, causing you a lot of trouble and trouble.

Condensed milk with a fat content of 8% percent should be cooked for at least 2 hours. If the fat content of condensed milk is 8.5% or more, the cooking process will take 2.5-3 hours. The longer the jar is boiled, the thicker and darker the original product will be.

If the container is large enough, you can cook two cans at the same time. But in this case, a silicone mat or cloth should be placed on the bottom so that the cans roll around the bottom of the pan and do not come into contact with each other when boiling.

At the end of cooking, remove the container from the heat and let it cool naturally in the same water in which the condensed milk was cooked. Can't pour a hot can cold water otherwise it may explode.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a multicooker:

Let's talk about the example of a Panasonic multicooker. We lower the condensed milk into a bowl so that the surface of the can is completely covered with water. First, we put a silicone mat or cloth on the bottom of the bowl. We put the multicooker on the "Quenching" mode.

The time depends on how thick the "toffee" should be. To make the condensed milk not very thick, the stewing time should take about 2 hours.

For more thick product the time can be extended up to 3 hours. After the required time has elapsed, open the multicooker and let the water cool naturally.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk properly, be sure to try different Options to choose the most suitable for yourself and your family.

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