Original do-it-yourself bottle decoupage - step-by-step master class with photo examples. Master classes for students of decoupage technique Bottle decoration in decoupage style

DIY decor 14.10.2023
DIY decor

Decoupage bottles with fabric. Master class with photos.

Razumova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher at the Shukhobod kindergarten, Shukhobod village, Cherepovets district.
Description: In this master class we will look at decoupage on glass with fabric and napkins in different styles. With the help of step-by-step photographs and detailed explanations, those interested will be able to decoupage bottles themselves and get an original handmade vase. The material is intended for all creative people, without exception, who are interested in making crafts using the decoupage technique or who want to master it. The master class can also be used as a basis for teachers to practice handicrafts with high school students and, to simplify it a little, with older preschoolers in kindergarten.
Purpose: vase, interior decoration, exhibition piece, work for a competition or charity event.
Target: Making original crafts from a glass bottle using napkin decoupage and fabric decoupage techniques.
* introduce various methods of decorating a bottle;
* develop creativity, the ability to work with various materials and tools;
* develop the ability to “give a second life” to items that are usually thrown away, turning them into exclusive handmade crafts.

The simplest and, at first glance, unsightly objects can be transformed with the help of decoupage.
The decoupage technique is a type of needlework that involves decorating various objects using paper cutouts, napkins and other materials. They are applied to the surface using varnish and glue. And at the end, the product is coated with several layers of acrylic varnish in order to protect the image. Using decoupage you can make beautiful and original crafts with your own hands. They will decorate your home. The most famous and popular is napkin decoupage. But this technique has many variations. Today we will decorate the product with fabric.

Option number 1 "Pink vase"

In this version we use a combination of napkin decoupage with fabric decoupage.
Materials and tools:
* beautifully shaped glass bottle;
* acrylic paint: white and pink;
* acrylic lacquer;
* fabric: chintz;
* scissors;
* PVA glue;
* paper napkin with a pattern;
* foam sponge, sponge for coloring;
* brush: bristles No. 12;
* deep bowl for glue;
* stained glass paint (optional);
* white marker.

The first stage of working on the product is cleaning the bottle from inscriptions and stickers, degreasing the surface. I have a bottle of champagne today. You can remove the labels by soaking the bottle in water, then scrubbing them off with a hard sponge. Traces of glue can be easily removed with acetone or any solvent.
Having dried the bottle, we begin to think about the future composition. I picked up this paper napkin with a picture of roses.

Carefully tear off the drawing along the edge.

Next, we place a fragment of the napkin on the bottle and trace it around the edge with a marker, indicating the place where the pattern will be pasted.

For now, put the napkin aside.
Let's start gluing the bottle with fabric. Prepare the strips - cut the chintz randomly. It is better to use old, fairly thin fabric (the thinner the fabric, the more graceful the folds will be). The drawing is not important here. It will be painted over later.

Soak a strip of fabric in PVA glue. To do this, it is better to pour it into a fairly deep bowl. The glue should not be very thick. If necessary, dilute it with water.

Lightly wring out the fabric and begin to stick it onto the bottle, forming folds. We do all this arbitrarily, the way we like. There is no need to cover the area where the drawing will be with fabric.
This is the result I got.

Leave the product to dry. This process is quite lengthy. So, you will need to be patient.
After drying, our bottle must be painted with white acrylic paint. To do this we use both a brush and a sponge. Using a brush, carefully paint over the folds of the fabric. They have hardened and after painting they will gain even greater strength. We use a sponge to paint smooth surfaces. If necessary, repeat staining. The glass should not be transparent.

We wait for the paint to dry and begin gluing the pattern torn from the napkin. Don't forget to remove two extra layers, you only need the top one with the image.

Apply PVA glue to the area where we will stick the napkin. We place an image with roses on top.

Apply a brush with glue over the design from the middle to the edges, smoothing the image, trying not to tear the napkin. Let's look at different angles of the resulting product.

Take pink acrylic paint. You can create the shade we need by taking white paint and colored tint or gouache. We apply pink paint with a sponge, without painting thoroughly, but only passing over the folds of the fabric. Apply paint to the sponge with a brush, not very thickly, the sponge should be semi-dry.

If you wish, you can apply more stained glass glitter on top, as I initially planned. But I like the result. So I leave it as it is.
Apply several layers of acrylic varnish with intermediate drying (2-3 layers).
The vase is ready. Let's look at it from different angles.

I really like how the flowers look in the vase.

Option No. 2

We decorate the vase using decoupage technique with fabric.
Materials and tools:
* glass juice bottle;
* scraps of fabric (chintz) with a beautiful pattern;
* acrylic lacquer;
* brush: bristles No. 12;
* scissors;
* materials for decoration: bindweed braid in silver and blue shades, transparent Moment glue;

Having cleaned the juice bottle and degreased its surface, we get to work.
Cut the fabric into small pieces. Something like this.

We begin to glue the scraps onto the bottle. We use acrylic varnish for this purpose (you can also use PVA glue). Apply varnish to a small area of ​​the glass surface.

Place a piece of fabric on the varnish. We also apply varnish on top, pressing the fabric, removing air from under it, smoothing it.

We proceed in the same way, gluing the scraps in random order.

Fill the entire surface of the bottle. The resulting result.

I decided to decorate the joints of the flaps with beautiful braid in matching shades.

First, glue the silver braid onto the neck of the bottle. You can use any strong, preferably transparent glue. I'm having a "Moment".

In the same way we glue the bottom edge of the vase.

We glue the first piece of tape along the contour.

We proceed in the same way further.

We select the braid at random, as fantasy and imagination suggest.

The resulting result.

Cover the entire surface again with acrylic varnish.

After drying, the vase is ready.

We can put flowers and decorate the interior.

You can turn a simple bottle into an object of art using several technical techniques:

Decoupage bottles: decoupage

An item decorated in the dekopach style will resemble a patchwork quilt. There is special paper on sale that is used for decoping. You can also use improvised material, but it is recommended to choose one with a certain type of stylization (like fur, like the texture of the material).

Decoupage bottles: classic look

This is a direct method of applying an image to the surface of a bottle. Both napkins with images and rice-based cards are used.

  • The pictures you like are cut out.
  • The surface of the bottle is prepared with primer and paint.
  • The image is glued using special glue for decoupage or using PVA. Although the method of applying the picture can be using an iron. This depends on the type of material chosen.
  • It is smoothed out with special care so that the bubbles go away and there are no wrinkles.
  • Everything is varnished and sanded.
  • The drawing can be tinted or aged.

Decoupage bottles: reverse view

This method of decorating a transparent surface is called mirror in relation to the classical application of an image. The selected design is applied on the front side of the item of decoration, and on its reverse side. Typically, plates, flowerpots, and containers with a wide neck are decorated in this way.

The artistic form of decoupage

Decoupage technology allows you to create an imitation of painting when patterns are matched to the background design. The integrity of the picture is created. This decoupage is also called smoky.

Decoupage bottles: volumetric view

Decoupage combines images on paper with a relief surface. Natural materials (egg shells, shells, grains of various cereals) are suitable for creating relief; special paste that can be purchased commercially; textile.

Subtleties of decoupage of glass surfaces

Each type of material that is chosen for decoration requires a special approach. Decoupage of bottles also consists of certain rules:

  • For work, select a bottle with a flat surface, without protrusions.
  • It is convenient to work with small scissors with rounded ends.
  • For glass surfaces, special glue is purchased. But PVA can also replace it.
  • When gluing the image, be sure to ensure that there are no bubbles or creases.
  • Pasted drawings must be treated with varnish. In this way they are protected from moisture.

Selection of material for work

Decoupage technology will allow you to decorate glass products in the form of bottles, ceramic dishes, furniture, flower pots, and small wooden household items.

Both materials with images that are purchased in the store, as well as pictures from magazines and newspapers, and black and white photos are suitable for work. The following pictures must be prepared before application:

  • the drawing is cut out;
  • Several layers of varnish are applied. Moreover, the next layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried;
  • when the last layer of varnish has dried, you need to place the drawing in water for 20 minutes;
  • The top layer of varnish is removed and applied to the surface.

Necessary tools for decoupage: alcohol tincture, glue, varnish, acrylic paint for tinting, apply everything with a flat synthetic brush, sandpaper for sanding, prepare a rag, a piece of foam rubber. Decoration is done with various beads, shells, ribbons, lace, burlap, and bows. It all depends on your imagination.

Decoupage algorithm using napkins

All work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Working with a container: select a bottle of an interesting shape and a flat surface; the label is removed; Glass is degreased using an alcohol solution.
  2. Preparatory process on the surface: a primer is applied, a layer of acrylic paint in a color close to the tone of the selected image (the picture should be a little lighter).
  3. Preparing the picture: using small scissors, cut out the image on the napkin and remove its surface layer.
  4. Drawing: PVA glue is not used in its pure form, it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The applied pattern is smoothed onto the surface with special care so as not to tear the pattern and remove all irregularities.
  5. The final stage: when the picture on the surface has dried, it must be coated with varnish, which will protect it from mechanical damage. It is recommended to apply several layers of varnish, but each new layer is applied if the previous one has already dried. Drying should take place under natural conditions.

Deku page algorithm using a rice-based picture

The work is based on the use of rice paper:

  1. The surface of the bottle is degreased with alcohol.
  2. Prepare rice paper and a napkin with patterns on its surface.
  3. To give a natural base, the rice paper must be torn into pieces by hand.
  4. The base is applied to the bottle in 2 ways: using glue; the paper is saturated with water. After drying, in any case, the base must be coated with acrylic varnish.
  5. The remaining steps are performed in the same sequence as described in the design process with a napkin (decoupage using a napkin).

Decoupage helps breathe new life into completely ordinary things. Decorated items will transform your interior.

The article will tell you in detail what decoupage is for beginners - step by step with photos we will analyze the rules of use and how to decorate the room. The article is conventionally divided into three parts:

  • The first section is devoted to an introduction to decoupage - what it is, how a beginner can enter the technique and what tools are needed in order to become a professional specialist in this field;
  • The second is practical advice regarding techniques and use cases;
  • The third section will help beginners decide on ideas that can be brought to life using the methodology.
Decorative bottles

What is decoupage?

Let's start with a definition. Decoupage is a decorative technique using a cut out (torn out) image, which is glued to the surface of the workpiece and then secured with varnish. It doesn’t sound that complicated, but there are a huge number of subtleties. Let's try to understand the features of the technology.

With flowers

Who is suitable for decoupage?

Decoupage is applique - most of us are familiar with such activities from kindergarten. The technique itself requires both attention and perseverance, so the ideal candidate for a decoupage artist would be a person who would like not only to do beautiful work, but also to have fun and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

Important: There are no health restrictions when practicing, but you need to remember that some substances used in gluing can cause allergies.

That is why it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the mixtures before you sit down to work. Otherwise, decoupage is a great activity both for evening relaxation for adults and for children's entertainment.

Basics of decoupage for beginners - all the important points

The process should not be particularly difficult if you approach the matter progressively. The sequence of decoupage actions for beginners (step by step with photos) looks like this:

  1. Surface preparation (sanding, priming, etc.);
  2. Gluing the decoupage motif;
  3. Intermediate varnishing to protect the motif;
  4. Painting and other decorative techniques;
  5. Final varnishing.

Decoupage example

Each stage is important in its own way and has a number of its own characteristics. We want to tell you a few secrets that will simplify your work.

  • When working with paint and primer, use small containers up to 250 ml, and not entire containers. This way you won’t bring in dust and debris and the substance will last longer.
  • A coarse nail file is suitable for sanding surfaces - you can use it to process small details.
  • When decorating glass, use pre-prepared primer for complex surfaces.
  • When decorating boxes, check how the hinges open.
  • When gluing napkins, use a file. Wet the napkin on it and then apply it to the surface.
  • After you have glued the napkin, do not wipe off the remaining glue. Do this after the first coat of varnish.


What you need for decoupage for beginners: list

To start creating your own product you don’t need to be a professional - the technique is suitable for a beginner. What is needed for decoupage? We will provide a list further in our material.

Let's decide on the materials. For classes you will need pictures:

  • Ordinary paper napkins with a pattern;
  • Pictures printed on very thin paper using a printer;
  • Special paper.

Model name

Tools for work
  • The object of decoration is almost any object, but it looks most beautiful on an untreated wood surface. Wooden cutting boards or trays will do.
  • You will need scissors - small nail scissors with rounded ends are preferable.
  • To glue the picture, buy decoupage glue. There are options for using both special glue and regular PVA.
  • Varnish for coating. Buy varnishes with both matte and glossy effects. Some types of glue contain elements of varnish; additional use of varnish is not necessary for them.
  • Don't forget about brushes. There are many options in stores, but synthetic ones work great, especially flat ones. You can also use special rollers, but they are more convenient for smoothing the napkin rather than applying glue.

Decoupage techniques – photo instructions and video master classes

Let's try to figure out what items are decoupaged and what comes out of it as a result.

Bottle decoupage for beginners: step by step with photos (17 stages)

One of the most common techniques is bottle decoupage for beginners. Step by step with 17 photos we will analyze this process further. What will it take to turn a bottle into something attractive?

1. First, you need to prepare the surface of the future craft. For this, any empty glass bottle is selected. Remove the label and wipe it with alcohol.

2. Apply primer to the glass with a brush or roller. The soil is sold in a specialized store.

3. Apply a layer of paint. Acrylic or water-based will do.

4. Place a sheet of napkin with a pattern in the water. At the same time, apply decoupage glue or PVA.

5. Remove two layers from the napkin and apply it to the surface of the bottle. Iron it with a roller so that there is no air.
6. After drying, apply a layer of varnish.

7. We will make decorative elements on the sides of the drawing using putty. To do this, first outline the contours of the picture with masking tape.

8. Apply acrylic putty over the entire surface. Next, use a match to make lines, imitating a stone.
9. Immediately remove the tape before the putty dries.
10. Dry the surface completely and sand it with sandpaper.

11. Take dark acrylic paint and apply it to the surface with a brush.

12. Cover everything with another layer of varnish.

13. Apply gold wax with your fingers to create an antique effect.

14. Apply moment crystal glue to the neck of the bottle. Next we apply the chain.

15. Paint the lid with bronze acrylic enamel.

16. Apply a layer of glue and then wrap several layers of twine. Next, we attach a decorative lock to it.
17. Wait for the composition to dry. The product is ready.

Decoupage for beginners: step by step on wood (6 stages)

Decoupage for beginners on wood (step by step below) requires a special kind of adhesion of the surface to the application.

1. Prepare the surface. First, we remove the previous paint from it (if any) and clean it. Afterwards we cover it with a layer of acrylic primer. After drying, apply another layer.

2. Take a three-layer napkin and separate two layers from it. After this we apply it to the surface. We will glue it onto yacht varnish. Apply the first layer.

3. Upon completion, decorate the top of the board.

4. Cover the board with a layer of varnish, then apply another 2-3 layers. After this, dry for 24 hours.

5. Rub linseed oil onto the other side of the board.
6. Let the product dry, the composition is ready.

Decoupage on plastic: video instructions with comments

Here we need plastic - it is sold in any hobby store.

  1. We prepare the surface. To do this, wipe it with an alcohol solution and remove the label. Next, apply a layer of acrylic paint.
  2. Cut out the required design.
  3. The next step is to squeeze a drop of glue onto the resulting plastic form, after which a paper cutout is glued onto it. Cover the outside of the paper cutout with glue - this way it can be varnished (in such cases we recommend using a special glue varnish).
  4. Place the finished form in the oven. After frying, make a magnet from the plastic blank by attaching magnetic tape to its base with glue.

Decoupage for beginners from napkins: step-by-step instructions for beginners, 5 stages with photos, videos

1. Take a piece of file and place the napkin face down on it. First, separate two layers from the napkin.

2. Pour some water onto a napkin and smooth the edges with a brush.

3. Apply the file to the surface and remove excess air bubbles with a brush.

4. Slowly tear the file off the surface, leaving a pattern on it.

5. Apply a layer of glue over the design with a brush. After this we cover it with a layer of varnish.

You can see more clearly how decoupage is made from napkins in the video.

Decoupage cutting board for beginners - video instructions and comments

Using technology, they also decorate a wooden board. How to do it? We follow the instructions:

  1. First, the surface of the board will need to be primed. To do this, white acrylic paint is applied to it (this is done with a sponge, in two layers and allowed to dry).
  2. The required composition is cut out from the selected napkin. Only one layer is needed, so if the napkin has two layers, then you will have to part with one.
  3. We place the drawing on the surface and carefully cover it with a layer of glue (diluted in proportions 50/50). To prevent the napkin from being damaged, try to smooth out the resulting wrinkles (and they will certainly form) with light movements of the brush.
  4. Let the glue dry a little.
  5. It's time to cover the board with acrylic varnish (initially it will be white, but as it dries it will become transparent). It wouldn't hurt to coat the board with furniture varnish.
  6. Wait until the varnish dries and use the board for its intended purpose.

On a cutting board

Video master class on fabric with comments

A few words about the technique of decoupage on fabric.

  1. The fabric is laid out on the surface so that there are no folds. The finished drawing is placed on the surface and leveled (with your hands and with a roller). The placement is indicated by a disappearing marker.
  2. PVA glue is applied to the area marked for the drawing, where it is expected to dry completely. If the glue is thick, dilute with warm water.
  3. If the drawing is transferred from a napkin, do not forget to remove the bottom layer. The top one needs to be applied to the place where the glue has already dried.
  4. The top of the napkin should be covered with wax paper and then ironed. Ironing is carried out from the middle to the edge, the procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes.

On fabric

Advice: A little advice - to prevent the work surface from being damaged by glue, place a plastic bag or a stationery file under the fabric.

Full version of the master class on video.

Decoupage from eggshells - video and useful tips

Interesting patterns can be made using ordinary eggshells. Let's see what comes of this.

On the plate

Use a plastic plate that has been pre-plastered and degreased.

  1. Apply glue to the surface of the plate so that the shells do not “float” in it.
  2. We take the shell, divide it into not too large pieces, and lay it out with the concave side inward.
  3. Use a toothpick to break the shells to the required size.
  4. It is necessary to make the shells the same color - to do this, paint over them in two layers (drying).
  5. When the surface is level, place the shells on the glue.
  6. After this, glue the napkin. We glue with light movements using a brush or a finger dipped in water so as not to tear the napkin.
  7. Let the product dry and then decorate the room with it.

Decoupage is a fascinating and uncomplicated activity that has many techniques and is accessible to even the youngest craftswomen. With its help, you can make exclusive interior items that will decorate not only your home, but also the exhibition halls of art galleries. In this review, we will look at how to perform with your own handsdecoupage for beginners step by step with photo. Don't worry that things won't work out, it's actually very simple. With the help of this technique, old furniture, dishes, shoes and many other things will find a new life in your home.

Products with decoupage are works of art

First of all, let's understand the definitions. Decoupage is gluing a design onto a surface. The picture can be placed on wood, leather, fabric, glass and almost any other product.

Reverse decoupage is the same process, but has only one feature - the picture is glued under the material. This can only be done on transparent surfaces: glass and plastic. Of course, in this case the picture is pasted face up.

For your information! If a plate is used for direct decoupage, then in the future it will only serve a decorative function. And when using the reverse technique, the dishes can be used as usual.

Tools and materials for work

Materials and tools Note

Using this technique you can decorate a book, dishes, flower pots, bottles, furniture, etc. In general, literally everything that is in your home.

Pictures can be used from special decoupage cards and napkins. In addition, for this purpose, craftswomen use drawings on fabric, old newspapers, and magazine clippings.

You can use regular nail scissors or a special tool that is sold in craft stores. The main thing is that the edges of the blades are very sharp. This is the only way to carefully cut out the desired image on a thin napkin.

You will need flat soft brushes. The pile in them should be tightly fixed. Lost lint can be a serious problem. It is better to have several brushes of different widths for smoothing and applying glue and varnish.

It is best to use regular household PVA. You can buy a specialized composition, but it will cost more. Among varnishes, it is better to give preference to acrylic. It does not emit toxic substances and is easy to use.

To decorate your work, you may need acrylic-based paints, sponges, primer, sandpaper, and craquelure.

Decoupage kits

Basic Techniques

There are different ways to fix a drawing on a surface, let's look at them:

Method one

A simple technique of decoupage from napkins consists of placing it on an object and securing it with glue. After drying, the surface is varnished.

Method two

For reverse decoupling, a transparent base is used. The image is glued face down to the glass. After drying, fix with varnish.

Method three

Artistic composition. To make it, many images are used, which, when glued, are combined into one. To make the picture look like one whole, painting, shadows and accents are added.

Method four

This technique is called "decopatch". For it they use pictures from magazines, drawings on fabric. To get rid of clear boundaries, the edges of paper drawings are torn off. The surface is completely filled with images.

Method five

Creating a three-dimensional image. This is a technique that requires the talent of an artist. First, an image from a paper napkin is pasted on. And then painting is done on it with careful drawing of all the smallest details.

Decoupage bottles for beginners: step by step with photos and recommendations

- the simplest and most affordable material from which you can make an original gift. You can buy a bottle of wine or fill the container with your own homemade drink. Luxurious decoration will make an impression in any case.

We have already listed the materials and tools necessary for the work, so we will not dwell on this in detail. The only thing that needs to be added to the list is a windshield wiper. They pre-treat the bottle, which has been cleared of labels.

Important! It is better to work with a glass vessel while wearing gloves. Your fingerprints are unlikely to have artistic value, so it's best not to leave them.

Bottle decoupage sequence for beginners, step by step with photos:

Illustration Description of the stage
Applying primer For priming, you can use acrylic varnish or PVA. The soil should dry well.
Making the background For the background you need to use white or light acrylic paint. You may need to apply two or even three coats to achieve a completely opaque surface.
Applying images The design on the napkin is carefully cut out with scissors. If the background of the picture and the bottle matches, do without scissors and carefully tear off the napkins. To make the design on the print easier to apply, it should be soaked in a plate of water.
We fix the drawing
You need to apply varnish over the surface of the drawing. This can be done with a soft flat brush or a spray bottle. You should make sure that the picture is not covered with wrinkles. If necessary, it must be carefully straightened with a brush.
Finishing After complete drying, you can carefully sand minor imperfections in the work. To highlight details, use a brush and dark paint. Once finishing is complete, apply a final coat of varnish.

Another option for original design is decoupage of a bottle with tights. Master class on video:

Some tricks of decoupage on glass for beginners: step-by-step recommendations with photos of applying a design from napkins

The first experience of gluing a napkin can be unsuccessful: wrinkles and folds inevitably appear, which spoil the whole result. Some tips on how to avoid this:

  • To apply a design to a convex surface, you can make “darts” on it. Cut the edges of the picture with scissors or even cut out triangular pieces. It is better to be careful with the last option; there is a risk of ruining the image if the angle of the cut is incorrectly calculated.

  • You can apply glue to the surface, and then apply the design and straighten it with a brush. Another method would be just as good - apply glue over the design, straightening it at the same time.
  • If the image is applied to an almost flat surface, you can pour glue into the center, apply a napkin and carefully disperse the composition, straightening the material over the surface.
  • You can stick an image onto a perfectly flat sheet using an adhesive pencil.
  • You can apply a design using a piece of polyethylene (a bag or a stationery file). The design is placed face down on polyethylene and moistened with water. Then a bag with a wet napkin is applied to the surface to be pasted. The package is removed, the napkin remains.

A simple master class on decoupage shoe boxes

The smooth surfaces of a cardboard shoe box are an excellent basis for decoration. This interior box will become a favorite place for household little things.

Illustration Description of the stage
Surface preparation

The corners of the box need to be strengthened with pieces of masking adhesive tape, and then the surface should be primed with acrylic primer or paint. After drying, the primer should be lightly sanded with fine sandpaper. You may need to repeat the procedure if the layer does not lie flat enough. Then you need to paint the box with the color chosen for the background.

The place for the drawing is covered with decoupage glue. After the layer has completely dried, a pattern is placed on top and smoothed with a hot iron through a sheet of paper. Afterwards the napkin is covered with a thin layer of varnish. A layer that is too thick will cause the design to become blistered. This procedure is repeated over the entire surface of the box.
Decoration and finishing

Using a foam sponge, apply background paint and other shades to match the image. Small details are drawn with a brush. To add some casualness, you can squirt white paint on top using the bristles of a toothbrush. Afterwards the final varnish coating is applied.

Decoupage of furniture in Provence style: master class on updating a chest of drawers

Having tried your hand at simple things, you can safely start decoupage with your own hands using napkins. In addition to the usual list of working materials, you will need wood putty. It is used to pre-level all the cracks, cracks and other irregularities on the surface of the chest of drawers, cleaned of old paint.

Sequence of decoupage of kitchen furniture with your own hands, photo and description:

Image Operation description
The furniture must be thoroughly cleaned of all layers, and defects must be smoothed out with putty. After drying and sanding, all surfaces are coated with a primer and sanded with fine sandpaper.
Preparing pictures
The design on the napkins is carefully cut out or torn off by hand, and the bottom layer is removed. The picture is coated with glue and applied to the furniture. The application is carefully straightened with a brush.
Finish coating
No need to hurry. All drawings must dry. You need to varnish all the furniture, not just the place of decoration. For large areas it is convenient to do this with a spray bottle or spray can. This way the varnish will lay down in a thin layer. For the best effect, you need to apply 3-4 layers in succession, waiting for complete drying between treatments.


Helpful advice! If you need to apply a design to a polished surface, the polishing is pre-treated with sandpaper until the shine disappears.

When decorating furniture with fabric, the process is practically no different from that described.

Decoupage of bottles is one of the varieties of this technique, and the most popular. Just remember how many souvenirs, gifts and decorative items are made from an ordinary bottle. Perhaps you can start getting acquainted with this handicraft by making decoupage of bottles with your own hands.

How to make decoupage bottles with your own hands

Decoupage bottles sounds much scarier than it actually is. A little time and patience and you will have an original handmade item.

First, we will look at the general principles of how to make decoupage on a bottle, and then we will begin to practice. After all, without practice you can’t get anywhere. And if you don’t have experience yet, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basics in the article on what decoupage is, different types of needlework are collected there, so you can choose something to your liking.

And so let's return to the question of how to do decoupage on a bottle, as well as what methods there are and how to apply them.

What you need to decoupage a bottle

Most likely, you already have all the necessary materials at home. Well, if you want to do something more advanced, you will have to visit a handicraft store, which you probably have in your city. You will need:

  1. Glass or porcelain bottle(preferably without drawings or embossed surface)
  2. Drawing on paper(napkins, drawing or clipping from a book or magazine, pictures from the Internet, decoupage cards)
  3. Solvent(for surface cleaning)
  4. Acrylic paint
  5. PVA glue
  6. Varnish(acrylic varnish for fixing the picture on the bottle or craquelure varnish if you want to decoupage antique bottles)
  7. Additionally may be needed (brushes, sponges, sponges, paint containers, etc.)

Decoupage bottles with napkins

This is perhaps the most common type of this technique. Therefore, I recommend that you first do decoupage of bottles with napkins with your own hands in order to get acquainted with the process and materials for work. After all, the easiest way is to go from easy to difficult, gaining experience.

How to decoupage bottles with napkins

The name speaks for itself. As a basis, we will use an ordinary table napkin with a pattern and it doesn’t matter what it is. Go! Let's make our first decoupage of bottles with napkins step by step.

Step 1: preparation. Choose a glass bottle (don't forget, preferably without inscriptions or embossed elements). First you need to remove the label and stickers. To do this, soak it in warm, slightly soapy water. After a while, go through the metal mesh to remove any remaining glue.

Step 2: Prime the base. Degrease the surface using solvent. Then, using a sponge, apply acrylic paint, which will act as a base.

If you have a beautiful transparent bottle and you think that the design on it will look “cool” without a background, then skip this step.

The paint color must be chosen a tone lighter or darker than the design so that it does not blend into the background and the decoupage on napkin bottles looks contrasting. Apply several layers of paint to give the background texture and deep color.

Step 3: preparing the drawing. Choose a table napkin with a pattern you like. A napkin usually consists of two layers: the top one is the picture and the bottom one is the paper itself. We will be working with the top layer, so carefully separate it from the bottom.

Step 4: secret. This step is optional. But if you want to get the effect as if the design was drawn on a bottle, you will need to glue the picture from a napkin onto paper and apply several layers of varnish over the motif. Let it dry and then put it in water to soak the paper. Rub the soaked paper with your hands and remove it. This way you will only have a drawing on the varnished surface.

This step is useful for those who know how to make decoupage from napkins on a bottle, but do not know all the intricacies of this technique.

Step 5: drawing the picture. Place the dried pattern from a napkin on the previously primed surface. Then coat it on top with PVA glue. Carefully remove air bubbles from under the paper and straighten the picture so that there are no folds. And let the glue dry.

This step must be approached with extreme caution so as not to tear or spoil the picture. The first time, not yet knowing how to make decoupage from napkins on a bottle, I ruined more than one bottle. But it’s easier to learn from other people’s mistakes, which is why I wrote a lesson on how to decoupage a bottle step by step from a napkin.

Step 6: applying varnish. The picture is already on the bottle, but it must be protected from exposure to air and moisture; in this state it will not last long.

Apply acrylic varnish in small portions to the surface of the bottle and smear it with a brush. It is necessary to cover the surface completely. Much easier to apply from top to bottom. For complete protection you will need to apply the varnish three times.

In this tutorial I'm using regular clear acrylic varnish. But you can also decoupage bottles with your own hands using craquelure napkins to give the craft an aged look. This varnish creates the effect of paint cracked from age.

In this example we looked at decoupage of a glass bottle. But there are other types of technology using bottles. Let's talk about them, because you already know how to make decoupage of glass bottles with your own hands.

How to decoupage a plastic bottle

This type of technology is very similar, but has one distinctive feature. Before you begin, the surface of the object must be carefully prepared. Namely, “sand” the surface of the plastic with fine sandpaper so that roughness appears and there is adhesion to the pattern.

Step-by-step decoupage of a plastic bottle

  1. Remove label
  2. Degrease
  3. Sand with sandpaper and degrease again
  4. Paint with acrylic paint (several times)
  5. Glue the motif and let dry
  6. Apply acrylic varnish (several layers)

In essence, this is the same decoupage of plastic bottles with napkins, but with preliminary preparation of the plastic.

Decoupage bottles for beginners

For those who want to master this type of needlework, I would recommend just decoupage for beginners from napkins on a bottle. This, in my opinion, is the easiest and most accessible way to try yourself in something new. The above describes in detail bottle decoupage for beginners step by step and there should not be any difficulties. And we can safely recommend it to beginners, since you don’t mind spoiling the bottle, and the cost of decoration is quite minimal.

I also want to give newbies an idea. You don't have to use napkins or decoupage cards. Using a printer, you can print a photo on paper and make decoupage with photo on the bottle. It will look cool when you give your friends a soda bottle with your photo on it. So go ahead, the more you know where to start decoupaging a bottle with a photo. It can also be a great gift for a birthday or wedding. In this way you can make a unique gift champagne.

Now you know what you need to decoupage a bottle for beginners. So go ahead, take everything that’s worth it and “ decoupage«!

Decoupage bottle design ideas

This section contains a selection of finished works. Perhaps some of this will help you decide what your work will look like. We have selected the best ideas for decoupaging bottles so that you know what you can get.

New items in bottle decoupage

Even handicrafts do not stand still and develop. Examples of work that amaze the imagination are increasingly appearing on the Internet. Here are some of them.

In this article, we looked at the basics of the technique, and also made decoupage and bottle decoration. Practice and create masterpieces.

People of all age groups are engaged in creativity. Decoupage for beginners is considered an inexhaustible topic. Step by step with a photo of a bottle you can start making your first craft. Once you try it, you can easily decorate a wicker basket, any piece of furniture, or update an old lamp.

The advantage of this technique is that it can be used on different surfaces. Decoupage is reminiscent of an ancient technique. This decor is especially popular when creating items in a vintage style. An original solution is the use of retro accessories in interior design.

An ordinary interior is diversified by original decor

How to make bottle decoupage for beginners: step by step with photos and detailed instructions

Decoupage of bottles with tights is considered an unusual craftsmanship technique. The master class involves creating three-dimensional forms. This produces an imitation of waves or beautiful relief patterns.

Decoupage comes in the following types:

  • direct method, in which the design is glued to the front of the object;
  • the reverse is used to decorate glass surfaces, in which case the picture is glued from the inside;
  • volumetric technique, when the drawing rises above the rest of the surface;
  • the smoky method is a variant of artistic painting;
  • Decopatch is a method where an object is pasted over with pieces of various materials: napkins, or regular colored ones.
Helpful information! The preference for a particular technique depends on the style of decorating the room, the capabilities and design of the product. For decoupage, you can use any pictures you like, newspaper clippings, bright magazines and labels. Napkins, textured paper and special cards for decoupage are also used.

You can start step-by-step decoupage for beginners with a photo of a bottle and preparing certain elements and materials. You will need any bottle with a smooth surface, acrylic paint, glue, varnish, scissors and an alcohol solution. An ornament on a napkin, newspaper photographs or printouts from websites are suitable for decoration.

ImageStages of work

Remove any paper stickers. To do this, place the dishes in a soapy solution, and then remove all excess from it with sandpaper. Then the surface is wiped with a solvent.

To create a more beautiful design, prime the surface. The paint can be applied using a sponge or brush. For rich color, apply paint in several layers.

You can cut the image out of a napkin. In this case, the part with the pattern needs to be separated from the rest of the paper. If you use a newspaper clipping, the pattern is covered with several layers of varnish, dipped in warm water, and then the varnished area is separated from the wet paper and glued to the bottle.

To glue the image, a pattern is applied to the dry surface of the bottle and varnished on top.

The design is strengthened with varnish.
Leave the craft to dry.

Master class on decoupage furniture in Provence style

Provence style is often present in original ideas for do-it-yourself decoupage of kitchen furniture. Photos can be seen on the website. If you have old pieces of furniture from your grandmother’s time, then with the help of this technique you can give them a second life.

The interior in Provence style is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty. To decorate a room in this style you don’t need to spend a lot of money; you can make a stylish thing with your own hands from scrap materials. To decorate furniture in a similar style, motifs characteristic of the French province are used. These are flower gardens, lavender fields, picturesque streets and vineyard plantations.

You can see how to make a masterpiece in Provence style in our master class using the example of a chest of drawers.

ImageDescription of actions
Prepare a chest of drawers, beautiful designs on napkins, paint, glue, roller, brush, sandpaper and scissors.
The piece of furniture itself is painted with paint. Apply layers with a roller, and after drying, sand down any imperfections with sandpaper.
While the chest of drawers is drying, you can cut out elements of napkins for decoration.
The glue is distributed over the location of the pattern and over the image itself. To create a scuffed effect, sandpaper is used.
The surface is varnished. You need to apply 10 to 15 layers.
It is recommended to sand every fourth layer with a varnish compound.
Excess paint is removed.
To complete the work, you need to wait until the chest of drawers is completely dry.

How to make decoupage on glass from napkins: step-by-step instructions with photos

You can use an interesting decoupage technique using napkins on glass. To do this, you need to prepare paint compositions, themed napkins, varnish, glue and brushes. Choose a suitable glass container. Its surface must be treated with alcohol.


The glass must be tinted using the chosen method: paint, primer or sticking rice paper.

Beautiful decorative elements are cut out of napkins.

The prepared paper with patterns is applied to the surface and smeared with glue. After drying, the drawing is varnished.
You can outline the drawing using a glass outline and complete small details.
Helpful information! If you want to apply decoupage to dishes that are used for eating, then use special glue for glass and porcelain. The finished product needs to be dried for a day and then baked in the oven.

Decoupage on boxes

It’s worth trying to repeat a simple master class on decoupage of a shoe box. The materials you will need are a thick box, napkins, acrylic paints, glue and brushes.

ImageStages of work

Apply white paint to the box and then dry it thoroughly.

Cut out a pattern from napkins. In this case, we separate the top layer. Glue is applied to the part, which is glued to the box.

The glue is applied from the middle to the edges with slight pressure.

After the image has dried, you can decorate the surface using decorative stamps.

To give an aged look, you need to go over the edges with dark paint.

The drawings are fixed on top with acrylic varnish.

This is what it looks like after the work is done.

How to glue correctly without creases?

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with some rules before creating decoupage for beginners. Step by step, you can create unusual compositions with a photo of a bottle and napkins. Napkins provide a particular challenge. Some types of napkins cannot be applied wet, as they immediately begin to unravel. To glue smoothly and without wrinkles, you can use the hot method. PVA glue is applied to the surface. Then, after drying, the napkin is applied to this place and ironed with a hot iron through the paper. In this case, the napkin will stick without wrinkles. On a napkin glued in this way, you need to carefully apply varnish, especially the first layer.

Kitchen Design Ideas

There are a large number of ideas for decorating a kitchen using decoupage techniques. It is worth trying the following options:

Decoupage can be combined with gilding, tinting, the effect of artificial aging and the craquelure technique. To decorate the kitchen, styles such as ethnic, shabby chic and country are used. For decoration, you can use all kinds of gastronomic motifs: berries, cupcakes, cakes and fruits.

Kitchen decorating ideas:

To create a unique interior, you don’t have to spend a lot of money. From available materials you can create magnificent accessories and pieces of furniture for any design idea.


When, after another holiday, you cannot throw away the bottle because the shape of the vessel is very interesting, it means that the feeling of beauty has overcome the arguments of reason or you already have an idea for decoration.

Your soul requires a creative act - decorating bottles with your own hands.

At your service there is always a master class in the company of a master or an online version of the work process. Design ideas can be seen on forums where needlewomen share their achievements. A simple way to decorate is decoupage with photos. After processing, a picture, photograph or postcard is pasted onto the bottle. There are many techniques and master classes where bottles are decorated with twine, salt, leather, ribbons and even tights.

Paint the bottle

In order to get a taste for decorating, simple manipulations with the object are enough. Elementary decor of glass containers is made with your own hands using paint. A transparent object can be painted inside or outside.

For interior painting, pour acrylic paint into the bottle using a syringe without a needle and rotate the bottle to achieve a dense coating on the interior.

Alternatively, you can paint the inside of the container in several colors. To do this, each color layer should not cover the entire surface, but only a part. The colored decor of the bottle adds mood to the interior.

The outside of the bottle is painted with a sponge or brush. Pre-treat the vessel with alcohol and apply acrylic paint using tangential movements. For white acrylic paint, purchase several toners or use gouache - mixing colored toners with a white base, get the desired shades and create colored bottle decor.

Painted bottle - the basis for decoration

You can quickly decorate a bottle with your own hands using ribbons and lace. Make a small bow from ribbons, sew them onto a lace base, add a brooch, beads and put it on the neck of the vessel - an exclusive decorative item is ready!

A bright and sparkling effect is achieved using improvised materials, such as salt. Treat the outside of the prepared bottle with glue and sprinkle with salt with large crystals, carefully place on a flat surface until completely dry. Decorating an item with salt is appropriate for a winter or New Year themed interior.

If a continuous layer of salt seems boring or you need to decorate several areas with salt, then apply glue only to those places where sparkling is needed and cover with salt. A master class on this topic will help in mastering the technique.

Once again about decor

Even just by painting a bottle with your own hands, you can achieve an incredible effect of silver or gold gloss, shimmering with the lights of a New Year's fairy tale, covered in carnival sparkles or a vintage treasure.

To get a stylish effect of gold/silver plating on a future art object, it needs to be prepared. Preparing glass for subsequent decoration with your own hands, at the initial stage, is the same for any painting method: the object should be washed, dried, degreased and treated with a universal primer.

The prepared glass vessel can be painted. Car paint in a can is suitable for these purposes. It should be sprayed at a distance of 15 centimeters from the object, in the open air or on the balcony.
If you don’t have a spray can, purchase gold/silver acrylic paint from hobby stores or hardware stores. For application use a foam sponge. You should paint with point-to-point (tamping) movements, leaving a mark on the surface, not a stripe, the surface will be smooth, without streaks.

Gold, like silver, can be colored, i.e. has several shades, which makes working with these paints exciting.

You can complement the decor in several ways. For example, wrap the thick part of the container with lace, securing it with a glue gun. Or partially wrap it with twine, colored threads, or beads. Glue on hearts or ribbons. Decorating bottles is a fun activity, and you can use all available materials for each idea.

Decoupage of bottles with napkins (master class)

A popular technique for decorating bottles is decoupage. Attend a master class on decoupage and you will fully appreciate the technique.

Simple manipulations with napkins, decoupage cards or printed pictures allow you to get a charming decorative item of exclusive design.

The easiest way to decorate an object is to paste a cut-out picture. To get a taste for handmade work, visit a master class on the technique you are interested in and find ideas. Prepare the container as described above, select the scene you like (from a postcard, magazine, decoupage card), cut it out and stick it on the surface. Add accessories, brooches, beads, ribbons, gluing them with your own hands using a glue gun. Sometimes that's enough.

Decorating bottles with a more fundamental approach requires preparation; a master class will always come in handy. For the technique in the classic version, a colored layer of napkin is used. That is, a three-layer napkin requires only a layer with a pattern; the class of the napkin is also important - it must have a bright pattern.

To work you will need:

  • decoration object;
  • universal primer;
  • acrylic paint white and colored;
  • toners or artistic gouache;
  • acrylic varnish (art or construction);
  • brushes, sponge for tamponing;
  • napkin with a pattern.

Stages of the master class:

  1. Prepare the glass container (wash, degrease, prime).

  1. Paint the bottle to be decorated with white acrylic in two layers using the padding method using a sponge. Dry after each application.

  1. Using nail scissors, cut out a design from a napkin or tear it along the contour. If the drawing is on a white background, you can deviate from the outline, the white part of the napkin will merge with the background on the object.

  1. White color is not always suitable for your idea and therefore any other color can be applied to a white surface. If you are new to decoupage, use light, creamy shades to add color. With a dark background, napkins require extra work. Dry the surface.

  1. Place the drawing with the paint layer facing up and apply acrylic glue (you can use acrylic varnish) over it with a brush, try to avoid wrinkles and bubbles. You must act quickly and carefully. Dry.

  1. When you have glued all the drawings, you can begin the final design. Decoupage of bottles is completed by applying three layers of varnish and drying. Use fine sandpaper to sand the surface and apply a final layer of varnish. DIY bottle decoration is complete!

Not only decoupage

Having mastered simple decoupage of bottles with napkins, you always want more. You can create an interesting surface with tights or stockings. A master class on this type of decor can be found on the Internet.

To do this, cut one part from a pair of tights, soak it in a mixture of PVA glue and water (proportion 1 to 1) and put it on the bottle. Lay out coattails, waves, any texture.

Instead of tights, you can use decoupage with fabric; the procedures for materials and techniques are similar.

Leave a few spots flat to apply the napkin. Dry completely, prime with a special compound or acrylic paint. Now you can decoupage the bottles, tint them, bring your ideas to life, or leave them as is.

Another way to get texture: wrap the bottle with threads; colored threads are quite suitable for sewing of different thicknesses. Colored thread decor is also quickly obtained when using cotton yarn for knitting.

Using alternately threads of different colors you can get a very stylish decorative item; secure the threads with PVA glue. The decor of bottles with twine and threads should be varnished and used as a vase, or you can prime, paint and stick on napkins.

Leather for decoration

Decorating bottles with leather is one of the most beautiful opportunities to recycle leftover leather or outdated jackets, boot tops and get an interior item for home decoration. You can decorate any glass surface with leather. To work, you need “Moment” type glue, tweezers, scissors and a knife, as well as imagination.

To make folds, the pieces of leather need to be soft. the class can be found on the World Wide Web. Coat a bottle and a piece of leather with glue, apply the leather to the surface and form folds.

Working with leather is a little more difficult than decoupaging bottles with fabric, but folds are also formed directly on the glass bottle.

The formed decor should be given time to dry completely and, if desired, additionally paint, gild, or add other elements - it all depends on the idea.

Coins are suitable for decorating a piggy bank; a beautifully made thick cork would not hurt for a gift wine container; it is also trimmed with leather.

Don’t throw away empty beautiful bottles; with their help you will create a unique art object for your home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s decorating bottles using decoupage technique, leather finishing or dyeing, uniqueness and creativity are the most important things in decorating.

Video gallery

Using the techniques discussed in this article, high-quality images are applied to decorative interior decorations and functional items. The main advantage here is not so much cost savings as the ability to create unique products with your own hands. It will be easier to show your talents if you carefully study decoupage for beginners step by step, with a photo of the bottle, descriptions of tools and materials. This article provides information that will help you reproduce the technology at home without errors.

Not every person has the skills of an artist. But you can use ready-made pictures on paper. If you transfer them to a suitable base and protect them from adverse external influences, you will get the desired result.

Similar techniques have been used in practice for hundreds of years. But these days, tools and consumables are more accessible. It won’t be difficult to find a suitable illustration in a magazine, or create a unique picture using a printer. But the most convenient thing is napkins, or other ready-made printed products with repeating patterns. They decorate, for example, a set of a table and several chairs.

There are the following types of decoupage:

  • The classic one is cutting out pictures along the contours, fixing them on the surface and applying a layer of transparent varnish on top.
  • The “reverse” technique improves the protective characteristics. Here the design is attached with the front side to the glass, which prevents damage.
  • 3D images form real ones. To do this, small shells and other objects are glued, and a relief is created by sculpting from paste.

The techniques listed are not mandatory. After mastering the skills, they are used together, in different combinations.

Below is a standard napkin decoupage technique:

  • The surface is cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • It is painted evenly with one color and wait until the layer dries.
  • At this time, the preparation is made. The pattern from the napkin is carefully cut out along the contour.
  • Dipping it into water, separate the layer with the picture. They drain it.
  • An adhesive composition is applied to the base. The workpiece is placed on top and leveled. Remove bubbles and irregularities. The top is covered with glue.
  • After another break, several layers of varnish are created.

Important! If an air bubble is too large, it is pierced in the center. Irregularities are removed using movements from the edges to the middle.


Before learning decoupage for beginners step by step with a photo of a bottle, you need to clarify the following points:

  • This technology is suitable for the use of different materials. But when working with a specific project, craftsmen take into account the features of the foundation. From wood, for example, the smallest fibers are removed with “zero” sandpaper.
  • To simplify the task, you can purchase a special kit. In the retail network you can find special cards in different styles, sets for plates and other products.
  • It is necessary to exclude the appearance of new specks during the work process. To apply paints and other technological compositions, use high-quality brushes. Experienced professionals prefer natural hair.
  • In terms of a range of consumer characteristics, acrylic-based adhesives and paints, varnishes and primers are better suited.

Important! It’s easier for a beginner to understand the nuances of the technology if they purchase cards for decoupage on thicker paper.

Assistive technologies

The following professional techniques are used to obtain special aesthetic parameters:

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