Press on the bench, sit ups. Crunches and sit-ups on an incline bench or Roman chair. Raising the body on a bench. About the execution technique

Ceramics, fireclay 10.07.2020
Ceramics, fireclay

Abdominal exercises are done at the end of each workout. But not all, and not always. In bodybuilding, crunches incline bench– A necessary part of the plan for the novice and intermediate athlete. Those who have fairly hypertrophied abs usually only “pump up” them with simpler exercises. In other strength disciplines, incline crunches are also used. Strength workers do it to compensate for the deflection in the spine that occurs when squats. Athletes of other disciplines - just to pump up their abs. This popular movement has quite a few subtleties. After all, most athletes do it incorrectly, but solely through the quadriceps and body jerks. But once you learn how to do the twist correctly, you will feel the difference.

Initial position

  • Secure your knees to the bolsters of a crunch bench;
  • Press your buttocks against the surface of the bench;
  • Tighten your stomach;
  • Place your hands behind your head;
  • Lean back to horizontal


  • As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles;
  • Bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones;
  • Pull your stomach in even more;
  • At the peak of the contraction, pause for a moment and then repeat.


  • Technically, some people do a full lift rather than a crunch. They lie down on a bench and, due to the inertia and strength of the quadriceps, lift the body completely. It is not advisable to perform this movement exactly this way, because the press will no longer work in such a technique;
  • There is no need to bend your lower back inward to increase the amplitude. This overloads the back and can lead to protrusions;
  • Pressing your palms on the back of your head should be avoided. If the pressure is too strong, the cervical vertebrae may be displaced;
  • The bench should be adjusted so that the shins do not move too far away from the pads of the machine when lowering the body down.
  • The twist is performed by rounding the back, rather than by “bringing” the shoulders to the knees using a strong flexion. hip joint. Round your spine and roll your shoulders forward;
  • Try to follow the principle of “exhale with effort.” The peak contraction at the top point should be performed when there is almost no air in the lungs;
  • Work smoothly, avoid jerking, so that the efforts to lift the body become more measured, and the insulation works

Execution options

  • In a Roman chair. This machine is designed to protect the athlete's back. It is only important that it suits the athlete’s height. It is necessary to ensure that the pelvis does not come off during twisting. The athlete can perform a backbend slightly deeper than a normal crunch;
  • Diagonal or cross crunches. In this version of the exercise, we reach with the opposite shoulder towards the hip or knee. This option should work the oblique muscles more. But it does not provide significant hypertrophy, so those who want to have a thin waist can also do it;
  • Twisting from a lying position on a bench. This variation is reminiscent of the classic crunch while lying on the floor. A full body lift is not required here. The athlete's goal is to bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones. You need to pull in your stomach, and gradually bring your ribs to the pelvis, and then lower yourself to the starting position;
  • Weighted crunches. They help not only to build muscles, but also to work out the abs in strength mode. The abs are also pumped with weights in order to get “pronounced abs” and muscle hypertrophy.

Anatomy of exercise - which muscles work

Target working muscle and auxiliary muscles:

  • Rectus abdominis muscle
  • Quadriceps, obliques, tensor fasciae lata, iliopsoas

Benefits of the exercise:

  • Suitable for beginners;
  • Allows you to progress and increase the load;
  • Not dangerous;
  • Has many modifications and options


Those who go to an inexpensive gym will have to suffer for quite a long time if their shins are slightly larger than those of the average person. It is not convenient to train on an incline bench for those who have large hamstrings. Such people cannot always adjust a cheap small shop to suit themselves. More professional equipment takes into account the anthropometric characteristics of professional athletes. The second disadvantage is the inability to adequately perform the movement at home. They sell universal benches for the home, but they are only convenient for working out your abs, and not for performing other exercises as well.

Preparation for execution

You need to set the inclination of the bench to about 30 degrees, and adjust the height of the locking rollers so that your legs are comfortable and your pelvis remains on the bench when lifting. It is necessary to practice lifting onto the bench and develop the starting position.

If the projectile swings from side to side, it is worth strengthening it by placing pancakes on both sides of the legs.

The abs are usually worked out at the end of a workout, and there is no need to warm up before them. If a person has problems with mobility in the hip joints, he should perform circular rotations of the pelvis, abduction of the hips to the side, and bends forward in a volume sufficient to warm up.

  • The twisting of the spine itself begins at approximately two-thirds of the amplitude, at the top. Lifting is carried out due to the strength of the abdominal muscles, and not due to inertia, “acceleration” of the body with the legs, or contraction of the quadriceps;
  • You should not put pressure on the back of your head with your hands. They should either lightly hold the head at the temples, or be extended along the body. It is not recommended to stretch your arms forward, as this contributes to the development of the wrong habit - stretching your chest and neck forward, rather than curling towards your hips;
  • The lower back should be kept as flat as possible, not rounded too much;
  • There is no need to throw your head back or pull your chin forward;
  • You can round your shoulders forward; you don’t need to rise with a straight back;
  • At the top of the amplitude, the spine makes approximately a right angle with the femur


  • Throwing the body back;
  • The angle between the hip and the spine is too small;
  • Holding your breath;
  • Jerks your arms forward;
  • Hand pressure on the back of the head

  • You can increase the load by increasing the angle of the back of the bench. Beginners can start the exercise from an almost flat bench, gradually increasing the angle;
  • Additional weights for this exercise are a barbell or medicine ball;
  • Static retention at the top point is allowed;
  • The super-slow method also increases the load, that is, twisting for 10 counts and the same slow lowering;
  • The closer the hands are to the head, the more actively the press turns on. But if you grab your hips with your hands, nothing will work

Inclusion in the program

The training program is an individual thing. Many people combine several abdominal exercises in one workout, such as hanging leg raises or lying leg raises. Others believe that there is no particular point in doing 2-3 abdominal exercises. In fact, straight crunches tone the abdominal muscles, and can help with abs if a person has a little body fat. But those who have problems with posture and pronounced lordosis should also do leg lifts.

If a person does a lot of barbell crunches and hyperextensions, it makes sense for him to do leg raises rather than crunches. This will help avoid hypertonicity of the iliac muscle and pain.

In strength disciplines, straight crunches on a bench can be combined with standing crunches, that is, an exercise similar to “prayer”, but performed while standing. Strength athletes should remember that 3-4 approaches with a weight that can be used to perform a twist 5-6 times is quite enough. Cubes, burning and other stories about “ beautiful abs"should be left to fitness models. To squat and bench a lot, you need strong abs, not a thin waist.

For those who want to lose weight, doing too many abdominal exercises is also not recommended. 2-3 working approaches to failure at the end of the workout is the required minimum, and it is also the maximum. If you overtrain your abs, they will not become sculpted and beautiful faster. Some bodybuilders do 3-4 working sets of 20 reps, but this is beyond beginner level.


This exercise is not recommended for any injuries of the hip joints and femoral neck. Back and lower back problems should also be addressed before the client discovers the incline bench. Even simple discomfort in the lower back means that it is better to switch to a fitball, or lying down;

Hypertensive patients should not make the bench angle too high. A significant angle of inclination promotes a rush of blood to the head and can lead to pressure changes;

A bench with a high rise is not recommended for those who have myopia and a tendency to retinal detachment. Such a person should not actively perform exercises in which the head is lower than the chest. Moreover, you should not “strain” when pumping up your abs. It is better to do hanging leg raises with this condition;

The exercise can also be quite unsafe for spinal hernias. If there is no deterioration, the choice of exercises should be discussed with your doctor.


Similar in action is simple twisting on a bench while lying down, and exercises on the floor. Some people manage to do straight crunches in a hyperextension machine, but this is quite inconvenient.

This exercise can also be replaced with crunches in a seated abs machine. If you concentrate on the movement, the effect will be about the same as that of a simple twist.

It is important to work on the abs during training, but to improve their appearance, it is also important to organize balanced diet, do not overeat, and burn excess fat.

A beautiful pumped up body is the dream of many modern men and women. You can achieve this figure with regular exercise and a healthy diet. An integral part of training are exercises to develop the abdominal muscles. Everyone who works out in the gym or does a set of exercises at home would like to pump up the treasured abs. How to do this and what exercises to use will be discussed in this article. Exercises on an abdominal bench will help you quickly achieve results.

Such classes can be carried out both at home (if you have a bench) and in the gym. Exercises using this apparatus are many times more effective than regular abdominal training on the floor. When training on an incline bench, all the abdominal muscles work, and on the floor, mainly the rectus muscles. The most important thing when training on an incline bench is to perform the exercises regularly and correctly, healthy eating and the desire to achieve a toned stomach and slender waist. If you are result-oriented, you will succeed in a very short time.

How to choose a machine for abdominal training

Benches come in two types: curved and straight. If you are just starting to do exercises to pump up your abdominal muscles, then a curved abdominal bench will most likely not be suitable for you. It is better to choose a straight bench. It is easier to ensure the correct technique for performing exercises (it is easier to control the position of the back and not involve the lower back in the work). When choosing a simulator, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • width of the board (the wider, the more comfortable it is for the back),
  • the ability to quickly and conveniently adjust the angle of inclination and thrust elements,
  • quality of upholstery: the covering must be dense, wear-resistant and non-slip,
  • construction material: it is advisable to choose exercise machines with a steel body, as they are more durable compared to plastic ones.

Exercise technique

To achieve results faster, it is important to do exercises on an incline bench correctly. Below are the main points that you should pay attention to when conducting exercises to pump up the abdominal muscles:

  • try to keep your stomach in constant tension,
  • breathe correctly: bend your torso when exhaling, straighten when inhaling,
  • when bending, do not tilt your head with your chin down (toward your chest), do not pull it up with your hands,
  • take your time, do the exercises slowly,
  • do not perform the exercises abruptly, with a jerk; Make sure that your pelvis does not come off the training board.

To get quick results, you need to do regular training. Create a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles and exercise for 20–30 minutes 3–4 times a week. Start your session with a warm-up to warm up your muscles and prepare them for the main exercises. At the initial stage, fix the bench at a slight angle of inclination. Then, as you get used to the workout, increase the angle of the incline bench.

Raising the torso

Pull-ups are very useful for training the upper abdominal muscles.

Take the starting position: lying on an inclined bench, legs fixed, hands behind your head, neck straight. Start lifting your body up. Try not to rise to the highest point, that is, do not rest on your legs, as at this moment the abdominal muscles relax. After lifting, fix your torso at the top for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Watch the position of your back - so as not to overload your lower back, do not straighten it completely.

Another option for performing this exercise is without going all the way down (that is, without lowering your back all the way to the incline bench). This reduces the range of motion and makes it easier to perform the exercise on the board. The exercise is well suited for those who are just starting to pump up their abs.

To engage the oblique abdominal muscles, you can do lifts with turns to the right and left. The starting position is the same, but when lifting the body, turn your shoulders alternately to the right and then to the left.

Repeat each exercise 30–40 times, possibly with several breaks. Gradually (as the body gets used to the loads) you can train with additional weights. To do this, hold a dumbbell in your hands (behind your head) and perform the exercise. It is not recommended to take additional weight at the initial stage of training. It is important that the body gets used to the stress. It is worth increasing the intensity of exercise gradually.


When performing crunches, the rectus abdominis muscles are well trained.

Take the starting position: lying on an inclined bench, hands behind your head, legs fixed on top. The exercise is similar to the previous one - you need to rise up, but now only the upper part of the back should come off the bench, the rest of the body remains motionless. When doing crunches, pay attention - you don’t need to try to pull your head up with your hands. It is necessary to lift the shoulder blades off the board only through the efforts of the abdominal muscles.

You can do side crunches. The starting position is the same, only when lifting, turn your upper back to the right and left alternately. This is how the oblique abdominal muscles begin to be trained additionally.

Do 2–3 sets of crunches, 10–15 times each, depending on your sensations and initial training. Gradually (with each session) increase the number of repetitions. For achievement greatest effect From the exercise, you can hold a dumbbell behind your head.

Leg raise

Leg raises are a good workout for your lower abdominals. Adjust the angle of the board - set it tilted at 45 degrees. Lie down on it with your head up, with your hands holding either the edge of the board or the foot bolster (whichever is more convenient for you). Fix your pelvis and back position well: when doing the exercise, they should remain motionless. Slowly raise your legs until your buttocks begin to lift off the bench. You can lift both straight legs and bent knees (reverse twist).

Another similar exercise for the lower abdomen is the “bicycle”. The starting position is the same as in the previous task. Raise your legs perpendicular to the bench and make the movement as if you were pedaling. Watch the position of your back and pelvis - they should not move.

Turning sideways from the previous position, perform the “leg abduction” exercise. To do this, hold on to the top of the bench or bolster with one hand, bend the other and place it on your belt. Legs are straight. Then bend your top leg and slowly walk it back. Do the exercise with both legs.

Do each exercise 30–40 times in 2–3 approaches (10–15 each). To increase the load, you can put weights on your legs.

Stretching exercises

To help your abdominal muscles recover after a workout, perform a few simple stretching exercises.

Lie on your stomach, place your palms on the floor and lift your upper body, straightening your arms, and then arch back slightly. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Lie on the mat with your back, stretch out long, and place a small cushion under your lower back. Stay in this position for about a minute.

From a standing position, lean your upper body back slightly, sliding your hands along the back of your thighs.

Tips for Conducting Effective Ab Workouts

For effective training and achieve results in a short time, follow these recommendations:

  1. Exercise regularly. You can add several abdominal exercises to your main workout (if you are already involved in sports), you can do them separately, allocating 3-4 days a week for this. In the latter case, of course, the result will be noticeable faster.
  2. Before exercise, do a short warm-up to warm up your muscles. After class, don't forget to stretch your abdominal muscles to relax them after an active workout.
  3. After a few sessions, you will begin to get used to the load. At this stage, it will be necessary to increase the intensity of the exercises so that the classes are as effective. To do this, you can take additional weight: dumbbells and weights.
  4. If your goal is to form a slim waist, then it is advisable to add cardio training (for example, running) and proper nutrition to your abdominal workouts.

By performing all the exercises for the abdominal muscles, as well as the recommendations proposed in the article, you will achieve results in a short time, since the abdominal bench is the most effective exercise machine for this muscle group.

Today we will look at two very similar and very effective exercises on the press - lifting and twisting on an inclined bench or Roman chair. There are a lot of variations of these exercise machines, but our task will be to analyze the features and technique of the movement itself, so that being in any gym with any equipment, you can train your abdominal muscles one hundred percent!

Crunches or sit-ups?

First of all, it’s worth understanding how crunches on a bench differ from sit-ups. When twisting, only your shoulder blades come off the bench; there is no movement in the hip joint. The lower back remains motionless.

When lifting the body, not only flexion of the spine occurs, but also movement in the hip joint.

Twisting is recommended for beginners, as the load on the lower back when performing them is minimal. However, the load on the abdominal muscles during twisting is also less than in the case. Lift-ups require better control of the lower back and are recommended for people with developed abdominal muscles.

What exactly you should do, crunches or sit-ups, depends on your physical fitness. There is only one condition - you should feel your abs, not your back.

The benefits of abdominal exercises

Abdominal exercises performed on a Roman chair or an incline bench engage the entire abdominal muscle complex. These are primarily the rectus muscles (they form the desired cubes), the external and internal oblique muscles (form the side line, turn the body from side to side), the transverse abdominal muscles (supports internal organs, making the stomach flat).

Incline crunches work the upper rectus muscles to the greatest extent, while sit-ups distribute the load more evenly. If you perform an exercise with body turns to the right and left, you add work to the oblique abdominal muscles, thereby working them even more effectively. However, it is better for people with spinal problems to be careful with turns.

By the way, developed abdominal muscles, in accordance with the muscles of the lower back, stabilize the lower spine, which helps improve posture and prevent injuries.

Execution technique

Before we look at sit-ups and crunches on a Roman chair or bench, let’s look at several options for exercise machines that are found in gyms. This will allow you not to get confused when you see a “dissimilar” unit in your fitness club.

So, what is called an abdominal bench or Roman chair can be the following:

  • An inclined bench with bolsters for supporting the legs and knees. The athlete lies on the bench with his back, bends his hips and knees. This position is reminiscent of the position when swinging the press on the floor (back straight, legs bent at the knees), only you are not lying horizontally, but upside down. This version of the simulator is considered optimal, since with this position of the hips (they are bent), the lower back is activated minimally.
  • An incline bench with bolsters only to support the lower legs. The athlete lies on such a bench with his back, bends his knees and places his ankle joints behind the bolsters. The hips and back form one line. IN in this case The load on the lower back is greater than in the previous one.
  • A regular hyperextension machine, only the athlete turns 180 degrees in it, sitting on the pads with his hips. With this exercise, the backward movement of the body is not limited in any way, and, say, a beginner is not always able to control the work of the muscles and strictly follow the technique. Not a recommended option due to its increased risk of injury.

Regardless of which machine you perform the exercise on, the movement technique should be as follows:

  1. Take your starting position on the bench. Your legs should be locked and your abdominal muscles tense. Abdominal relaxation does not occur throughout the entire exercise. The lower back should be as straight as possible, that is, actually pressed against the bench in the starting position. Further, if you do crunches, the lower back remains as pressed as possible. If you perform lifts, the lower back comes off the bench, but the deflection is lumbar region it does not appear. When performing the exercise on a machine with two rollers (for the shins and knees), it is quite easy to follow this rule, since the hips are bent. In the case of a bench with support only for the legs, keeping the lower back close to the bench will interfere with the buttocks. Therefore, when performing the exercise, you do not lower your back completely onto the bench. That is, the spine is always slightly rounded. If you pump your abs on a hyperextension machine, there is no support for your lower back at all; the position of your body is controlled solely by the strength of your muscles.
  2. You can cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head (it’s harder to do this).
  3. As you exhale, lift your body. When performing crunches, only the shoulder blades come off the bench. When doing lifts, raise your entire body 30–60 degrees above parallel with the floor. Simply put, about half as low as before the vertical position of the body.
  4. Slowly and under control, without relaxing your abs or arching your back, return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise 20–30 times in 3–4 approaches. The last repetitions should be as hard as possible for you. However, do not allow your muscles to become so tired that you break your technique.

When performing body lifts, avoid jerking. A slow pace, on the one hand, will make abdominal training more effective, and on the other hand, it will help you better control the movements, making the exercise safe for your back. For twists this is not so important.

A few months regular training on the abs will help you make your stomach firm and your sides toned. It is also worth saying that in order to see the drawn relief (the treasured cubes and lines on the sides of the abdomen), the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen should be minimal.

This article is about how you can pump up your abs by training on a machine specially designed for this. It not only makes the process of doing exercises easier compared to conventional crunches on the floor, but also allows you to carry out exercises as efficiently as possible. I would also like to add that exercises on the abdominal bench help develop not only the abdominal muscles, but also strengthen the back and buttocks.

What is this simulator?

The press bench is often used by both professional athletes and people who care about the beauty of their own body.

The abdominal bench is a specially designed simulator for active training of the abdominal muscles and lumbar back, which makes it possible to quickly form a beautiful relief of the torso muscles.

Typically, such a simulator consists of a short or relatively long bench for sitting and grips (rollers) for the legs, which allows you to perform exercises for flexion and extension of the torso, and more.

What muscles are involved during exercise?

As already mentioned, when exercising on a press bench, a whole group of muscles is involved. Naturally, when performed correctly, the abdominal muscles work the most. The muscles of the lumbar back are also involved, which is also very important for the formation of a beautiful figure.

Strong back muscles help support the spine, making your posture correct and beautiful. Also, a strong muscle corset for the spine is the key to its health.

Even when exercising on a press bench, the leg muscles work. The variety of exercises on this machine helps to use many muscles.

General rules for performing exercises

In order for exercises on the bench to be effective and bring the desired results, you need to use this device correctly, namely:

  • during training, the abdominal muscles should be tense all the time;
  • inhalation should be done during flexion, and exhalation during extension;
  • the chin should not be pressed to chest, since the neck is a continuation of the line of the spine;
  • there is no need to rush;
  • to increase the load on the abs, it is necessary to constantly increase the angle of the bench, gradually add additional weights in the form of weights, pancakes, and so on.

Set of exercises

Below are the most popular and effective types of physical activity on the press bench. Perform them alternately, several approaches a day, and your figure will transform very quickly!

Of course, you need to start with a small warm-up, which will warm up the blood and properly prepare the body for physical activity.

Body Raises

The upper abdominal muscles are trained.

How to do it:

  • take the starting position;
  • lift your shoulders off the bench first, then your back so that your legs and torso are at right angles to each other;
  • fix the position for a few seconds;
  • after a deep breath, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat this at least 20 times in one approach.


The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are trained.

How to do this exercise:

  • take the starting position;
  • lift your upper body smoothly;
  • release her back.

Remember: the lower back and pelvis do not take any part in this exercise!

Crunches with rotation

How to do it:

  • take the starting position;
  • lift your torso and at the same time smoothly turn it in any direction (right or left);
  • return to the starting position;
  • lift your torso by turning in the same or opposite direction and so on many times.

Twisting can be done either alternately left and right - a total of 40 times, or 20 twists to the left and then 20 to the right.


The muscles of the lower abs and legs are trained.

How to do it:

  • lie down on a press bench;
  • grab the foot rest with your hands;
  • we raise our legs straight and, like when riding a bicycle, “turn the pedals.”

This exercise is very effective, as many muscles of the lower abs and legs are involved. For this reason, for best results, do it as long as you can. There is certainly no point in feeling sorry for yourself in this case.

Leg Raise

The lower abdominal muscles are trained.

How to do it:

  • lie with your back upside down on the bench, press your lower back and pelvis tightly against it;
  • securely secure your arms above your head;
  • raise your legs until your pelvis begins to lift off the bench;
  • put your feet down and repeat all over again.

There are such variations of this exercise:

  • straight leg lift;
  • raising legs with bent knees;
  • raising your legs while lying on your stomach.

Also, for one approach, 20 straight leg raises and 20 bent leg raises are enough.

Typical beginner mistakes

Often, beginners, in a hurry to make their abs beautiful, make some mistakes.

The most common ones are listed below:

  • performing the exercise with a jerk, or lifting the pelvis off the bench - this reduces the effectiveness of the exercise;
  • performing bending with a straight back, when the entire load is transferred to the back and legs;
  • lateral lifts of the body, which leads to an increase in the oblique muscles of the abdomen and waist, respectively;
  • Do not pull on your head or neck with your hands while performing these exercises.

How to choose the right simulator

The case is of no small importance: it must be made of strong fabric so that it can withstand any load. The quality of the porous material for leg braces also matters.

The modern market for sports goods includes the following brands that offer inexpensive options for comfortable use at home. These are Torneo, Atemi, Stingrey, Body Sculpture and others.

You need to choose a board for your abs, taking into account the general physical fitness of the body, the state of the health of the back, the frequency and intensity of the intended training. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the working surface of the board is covered with natural soft fabrics that do not cause allergies.

So, abdominal exercises on a special machine - an abdominal bench - are very effective method pump up those same abs that people talk about so often. But remember that this method will not help remove belly fat. For this, in addition to exercises on the bench, you need special diet, as well as other physical activities, for example, are very effective in this case.

Starting position - sitting on an inclined bench. Feet under bolsters. Hands behind your head (or on your hips). Bend your knees to take the load off your lower back:

Inhale and tilt your torso about 20°;

Lowering your torso back, hunch your back, as if laying your lower back on a bench, to focus tension on the rectus abdominis muscles;

Exhale at the end of the movement.

This exercise should be performed with multiple repetitions. It allows you to work all the abdominal muscles, as well as the iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata and rectus femoris muscles of the quadriceps.

To use the maximum upper rectus abdominis muscles, lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. When you go lower, you shift part of the load to the thigh muscles.

Option: to move part of the load to oblique muscles abdomen, you can alternately make turns of the body in one direction or the other

with each subsequent repetition.

For example: when turning the body to the left, the right external and left internal oblique abdominal muscles are more involved in the work, as well as Right side rectus abdominis muscle.

This movement can be performed with multiple repetitions in both directions or only in one direction. In both cases, you need to concentrate on muscle sensations. To do this, it is not necessary to increase the incline of the bench excessively.

Application of the exercise - lifting the body on an inclined bench

To whom: Everyone, from beginner to master.

When: At the beginning or end of a workout. The first exercise when working on the abs, after lifting the torso on an inclined bench, do the curling of the torso with the shin on the bench and side bends while standing.

How many: 3 sets of 20-40 repetitions.

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