Personal life of Queen Elizabeth 2. Queen of Elizabeth II Biography. Modern queen status

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Maria Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor; April 21, 1926, London) - 12th Queen and Head of the State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is also the Queen of the 15 states of the Commonwealth of Nations (Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua - New Guinea, Saint Vincent and Grencadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica), chapter The Anglican Church, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Lord Islands of Maine. From May 29, 1953 to May 31, 1961 there was also Queen of South Africa.

Senior Daughter of the Duke of York George, the Future King of Great Britain George VI (1895-1952)

and Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon (1900-2002).

Her grandfathers and grandmothers: Georg V (1865-1936), King of Great Britain

and Queen Maria (1867-1953), Princess Teksk, - on Father,

Claude George Bose Lion (1855-1944), Count Strathmore and Cecilia Nina Bose-Lyon (1883-1961), - by Mother.

Early years Elizabeth second

1. Queen was born at 2:40 am on April 21, 1926 in the London district of Maifer in the residence of Count Strathmore on Breuton Street, house number 17.
2. She was the first child of the Duke and Duchess York, who later became King Georg VI and Queen Elizabeth.

3. At that time, she was the third in the line of inheritance of the throne after Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Eduard VIII), and her father, Duke York. But no one expected her father to become a king, and even more so she would become a queen.

4. Princess Elizavet was baptized by the names of Alexander and Maria in the chapel of the Buckingham Palace. She was named after the mother, and her two median names - in honor of the father's great-grandmother, Queen Alexandra, and grandmothers on the father's line, Queen Mary.

5. The early years of the princess passed on Piccadilly 145, the London house of her parents, where they moved shortly after her birth, and in the White House in Richmond Park.
6. When she was six years old, her parents received government positions in the Royal House in the Big Windsor Park.
7. Princess Elizabeth received home education Together with the princess Margaret, her younger sister.

8. The training of Elizabeth was personally involved in her father, King Georg, and classes with Henry Martin, Vice-Rector of ITON. The study of religion was engaged in the Archbishop of Canterbury.
9. Princess Elizabeth learned french From the French and Belgian governess. This skill served the Queen of a good service, as she personally could take part in a conversation with ambassadors and heads of states from French-speaking countries, as well as when visiting French-speaking areas of Canada.

Princess Elizabeth in 1933

10. Princess Elizabeth became Skapt when she was eleven years old, and then became a naval ringer.
11. In 1940, in the midst of war, the young princesses were moved for their safety in the Windsor Castle, where they spent most of the war years.

1943 with sister

Female Auxiliary Territorial Corps: Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Ober-in ATS, in Specialovka.

Royal Roman

12. The Queen is the first British monarch who celebrated the diamond anniversary.

13. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip met at the wedding of Prince Philip's cousin, Princess Marina Greece and the Duke of Kent, who was Uncle Princess Elizabeth, in 1934.

14. The engagement of Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten was announced on July 9, 1947. Prince Philip at birth received the title of Prince Greece and Denmark. He joined the Navy in 1939 and after the war, in February 1947, received British citizenship. Prince Philip was supposed to choose the name in order to continue his career in the Royal Navy and he took himself the name of British relatives of his mother, Mountbatten. At the wedding, King George VI elevated him to the title of Duke of Edinburgh.

15. Royal wedding rings Decorated platinum and encrusted with diamonds Jeweler Philipp Antobus. He used in the decorations of diamonds from the diadems owned by the mother of Prince Philip.
16. Prince Philip had two bachers before the wedding: the first - official in Dorchester, which had invited guests from the press, and the second - with close friends in Belfrey Club.
17. The Queen and Duke Edinburgh married in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947 at 11:30 am. The celebration was attended by 2000 guest guests.

Video: "Wedding"

In the same style, bridesmaid dresses were performed. They were sewn from cheaper materials (also acquired by coupons), but at the expense of embroidery and interesting design looked adequately.

Princess Margaret AS A Bridesmaid At Queen Elizabeth's Wedding

Princess Alexandra of Kent As A Bridesmaid at the Queen 'S Wedding

18. Elizabeth had eight bride girlfriends: her royal Highness Princess Margaret, Princess Alexander Kentskaya, Lady Carolina Montagus-Douglas Scott, Lady Mary Cambridge, Lady Elizabeth Lamember, Pamela Mountbatten, Margaret Elfinson, Diana Bowl Lyon.
19. Also at the wedding were present: his Royal Highness Prince William Gloucester (at the age of five) and his Royal Highness Prince Michael Kent (also at the age of five).
20. Queen's wedding dress sewed designer Sir Norman Hartnell.
21. The dress for the dress was specially made by WinterThur Silks Limited in Dunfermlin, in the Kanmore factory. For its manufacture from China, the threads of Chinese tute silkworms were delivered. Located throughout the garlands of Fleur-Drawing flowers (emblem of virginity), jasmine (emblem of happiness, purity, sincerity) and white roses of yorks (white rose means indispensable) were embroidered with small pearls and crystal rhinestones.

22. Fata Queen was made of light transparent fabric and was crowned with a diamond tiara. This diadem (which can be worn as a necklace) was made for Queen Mary in 1919. Diamonds, of which it is made, taken from the necklace and diamers acquired by the Queen Victoria from "Collingwood" and a wedding gift for Queen Mary in 1893. In August 1936, Queen Mary handed over the Queen of Elizabeth to Diadem, when she was still a princess Elizabeth for the future wedding.

Tiara Elizabeth "Look" from the mother. An hour before the celebration in the hands of the bride, Tiara broke down in half and had to wait for the jeweler, who urgently repaired it.

23. The grave of the unknown soldier in the abbey is the only stone that is not covered with a special cover. The day after the wedding of Princess Elizabeth, following the royal tradition, started her mother, sent bridal bouquet back to the abbey, where the flowers laid on this grave.
24. The wedding ring of the bride was made from the Welly Golden nugget that was sent from the "Clogau St David" mine near the long.
25. About 10,000 congratulatory telegrams were received in the Buckingham Palace, also the royal couple received more than 2,500 wedding gifts from well-wishers around the world.

26. In addition to jewelry, from close relatives, the spouses received a lot of useful things for the kitchen and home, including the salt marsh from the Queen Mother's Bookcase, a bookcase from Queen Mary, and a picnic kit from the princess Margaret.
27. "Wedding Breakfast" (Lunch) was held after the marriage ceremony in Westminster Abbey in the Round Dining Room in the Buckingham Palace. The menu was fillet "de Sole Mountbatten", Pedro Casseroke, Ice Cream "Princess Elizabeth".
28. In his honeymoon, the couple went from Waterloo Station together with the dog Princess - Susan.
29. The newlyweds conducted a wedding night in Hampshire County, in the House of Uncle Prince Philip Count Mountbatten. The second part of the honeymoon was held in Birkholl, in the estate of Balmoral.
30. In early 1948, the pair rented its first family house, Windlun Shem Moore, in Surreye, near Windsor Castle, where they stayed until they moved to Clarence House on July 4, 1949.
31.After marriage to the Princess Elizabeth, Duke Edinburgh continued his maritime career, reaching the title of Lieutenant in the "HMS Magpie" frigate team.
32. Although he was a Queen's husband, Duke Edinburgh was not crowned or anointed at the coronation ceremony in 1953. He first witnessed the respect and brought her oath to Majesty. He kissed the recently crowned queen with the words: "I, Philip, Duke Edinburgh, I will become your vassal in illness and health, I will serve you faith and truth, with honor and respect, until the death of death." God will help me. "

Herbert James Gann Coronation Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II

33. Prince Philip accompanied the Queen for all its trips to the Commonwealth countries and state visits, as well as public events and meetings in all parts of the UK. The first of them was a coronation tour of the Commonwealth from November 1953 to May 1954, in which the couple visited Bermuda, Jamaica, Panama, Fiji, Tonga, New Zealand, Australia, Coconut Islands, Ceylon, Aden, Uganda, Libya, Malta and Gibraltar, having done the distance in 43.618 kilometers.

34. Coronation took place in the Westystster Abbey on June 2, 1953. Harvesting the sacred ceremony headed Jeffrey Fisher, Archbishop Canterbury.
35. Coronation was broadcast in each part of London, on a fleet, in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Sketch of Norman Hartnell to Coronation Dress Elizabeth II

Coronation dress stitched by designer Normant Hartnell

Joan Heasell. Invitation Prince Charles, 1953

36. Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Philip Four Children: Prince Charles, Prince Wales (born in 1948), Princess Anna, (born in 1950), Prince Andrew, Duke Yorksky (born in 1960) And Prince Edward, Count Wessex (born in 1964).
37. With the birth of Prince Andrew in 1960, the Queen became the first ruling monarch gave birth to a child, since Queen Victoria, whose younger child, Princess Beatrice, was born in 1857.

Prince Charles, Prince Wales (born in 1948)

Princess Anna, (born in 1950)

Queen with the son of Charles and daughter Anna, 1954.

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of Cornwall and Princess Anne October 1957

Prince Andrew, Duke Yorksky (born in 1960)

Two younger children of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Andrew and Eduard.

Prince Edward, Count Wessex (born in 1964)

Prince Edward and Princess Sophie

38. Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Philip Eight Grandchildren -

Peter Phillips (born in 1977),

Zara Phillips (born in 1981),

prince William (born in 1982),

prince Harry (born in 1984),

princess Beatris (born in 1988),

princess Evgenia (born in 1990),

lady Louise Windsor (born in 2003)

and James, Viscount Sertrents (born in 2007),

there is a great-grandfather - Savannah (born in 2011) and great-grandfather Prince George Cambridge (2013)

The Queen and Prince Philip Pose With Their Grandchildren (L-R) William, Harry, Zara and Her Brother Peter (Back Row) in a Warm Portrait Sent Out for Christmas 1987

Speech Queen of England

39. The Queen reports on television Christmas message every year, with the exception of 1969, when she decided that the members of the royal family were on television enough after an unprecedented documentary film about her family. Her greeting took the form of written circulation.
40. In 1991, in his message, the Queen denied rumors about renunciation, as she pledged to continue the service.
41. The Queen issued a prescription against the newspaper "The Sun" in 1992 after she published the full text of her speech two days before the broadcast. She later took apologies and 200 thousand pounds sterling donations for charitable goals.
42. Father Queen, King Georg V, the first of the royal family spoke for Christmas in live air On the radio from Sandringham in 1932.
43. Georg V was first against using wireless information transfer devices, but in the end agreed.

44. Christmas broadcast was not in 1936 and 1938.
45. In 2010, the Queen's speech was broadcast from the Hampton Court Palace - a historic building was used for the first time.
46. \u200b\u200bEach speech is written in person by the Queen, each has a strict religious framework, reflects current issues and is often based on its own experience.

Interests and Hobbies

48. Animal amateur since childhood, the queen shows a big and very informed interest in horses. As the owner and breeder of purebred horses, it often comes to watch races to evaluate what her horses in running, and also often visits equestrian competitions.
49. Elizabeth II participated in Derby, one of the classical races in the UK, and the summer race in Ascota, which became the royal since 1911.
50. Queen's horses won jumps on Royal Ascot several times. The double victory was noticed on June 18, 1954, when Landau won the Rous Memorial Stakes, and Herool's stallion won Hardwicke Stakes, and in 1957, the Queen had four winners during the rays.

Zara Philips, Princess An and Elizabeth II

His little grandchildren (Kids Prince Edward) Elizabeth II also encourages hobby.

51. Other interests include nature walks and countryside. Also, the Queen loves to walk with her Labradors who were specifically derived in Sandgrinryme.
52. Less than known Queen's interest to Scottish dance. Every year, during her stay in the castle, Balmoral, the Queen arranges dances, known as "Gillis Balls", for neighbors, property owners, castle employees and local community members.
53. The Queen is the only person in the UK, which can ride without a license or registration number on your car. And she does not have a passport.
54. The Queen is a patron of more than 600 charitable organizations.
55. To officially greet the Queen of Men must slightly incline head, while women make a small renewress. At the Queen's view, the formal appeal "Your Majesty" will correctly, and then "MEM".

Leisure Queen

56. Queen Elizabeth II is a fortieted English monarch, starting from Wilhelm the conqueror.
57. She visited Australia 15 times, in Canada - 23 times, on Jamaica - 6 times and New Zealand - 10 times.
58. Her Majesty sent about 100 thousand telegrams long-livers in the UK and the Commonwealth countries.
59. The queen lunch on 23 ships and communicated with five astronauts in the Buckingham Palace.
60. She made the first flight by plane in July 1945.
61. Her Majesty is the only British monarch in history that can change the spark plugs.
62. For the Victory Day, the Queen and her sister Princess Margaret slipped in the crowd during the celebration.
63. For wedding dress Queen collected coupons on clothes.
64. The queen has a bank account in the bank "Coutts & Co.".
65. The Queen noted his golden anniversary in 2002, visiting 70 cities and towns throughout the UK.
66. Tony Blair was the first prime minister who was born during her rule, for which nine prime ministers had changed before him.
67. The queen was present at 91 state banquet and posed for 139 official portraits.
68. Formally, the Queen of England still owns sturgeon, whales and dolphins in water throughout the UK, which are recognized as "Royal Fish". In addition, she owns all wild flocks of swans living in open water.

69. The Queen brought the new breed of dogs, known as "Dorgi", when one of the corgi was tied with the Pipkin's taxi.
70. The Queen is the first British monarch, who saw three divorces of children.
71. Her Majesty lowered the Lacey for the filing of whiskey her corgi.
72. The Queen has nine royal troons: one - in the House of Lords, two - in Westminster Abbey and six - in the throne hall of the Buckingham Palace.

73. She is the patron saint of the Royal Association of Pigeon Racing. One of the queen birds is called Sandringem Lightning.
74. During the rule of the queen, six Archbishops of Canterbury was changed.
75. Queen's growth is 5 feet 4 inches or 160 centimeters.

    Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain

    - (Queen Elizabeth II) was born on April 21, 1926 in London in the Duke and Duchess of Yorki. Queen Elizabeth's real birthday is usually celebrating in a family circle, while the official birthday of the monarch in the UK ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

    Elizabeth II (Queen of New Zealand) - Elizabeth II ELIZABETH II ... Wikipedia

    Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II - Elizabeth II ELIZABETH II ... Wikipedia

    Elizabeth II, Queen of England - from the dynasty of the windsor. Queen of Great Britain since 1952, daughter of George VI and Elizabeth. Married since 1947 for Philipp, Son of Greek Prince Andrei (born. 1921). Rod. 21 Apr. 1926, in childhood Elizabeth received a home education. Besides… … All monarchs of the world

    Queen of Great Britain - The following is a list of England monarchs, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, that is, the states that existed or existing on the British Islands, namely: the Kingdom of England (871 1707, including Wales after ... ... Wikipedia

    Anna (Queen of Great Britain) - Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Anna. Anna Anne ... Wikipedia

    Victoria (Queen of Great Britain) - Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Victoria. Victoria Victoria ... Wikipedia

    Victoria (Queen of Great Britain and Ireland) - Victoria Victoria Queen of Great Britain and Empress India ... Wikipedia

    Elizabeth - (אלישבע) Jewish other forms: Elizaveta, Elisevision (vision.) Mel. Forms: Lisa Interactive Analogs: Eng. Elizabeth, Eliza Arab. اليزابيث Arm ... Wikipedia


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  • Her Majesty Queen of UK Elizabeth II. A look at the modern British monarchy, A. A. Polyakova. About the English Queen Elizabeth II heard all, but few people know what kind of person it lives and that it means to be a queen for her, especially in our time. This book will provide you ... Buy for 225 UAH (Ukraine only)
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In the youth was a very interesting, versatile well-developed girl. Even then, all of her called a princess, and she did not even suspect that at the age of 26 would take the royal throne. On the eve of the celebration of the birthday of the monarch, the site decided to show how in the early years of his life the relative of the Great Queen Victoria looked.

Queen Elizabeth II in youth

Queen Elizabeth II was born on Bruton 17 Street, in London on April 21, 1926. Her parents were Prince Albert, Duke Yorksky (who later took the name of the Father, when he became King Georg VI) and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Bose Lyon.

The full name of Queen - Elizabeth Alexander Maria Windsor. She spent her first few years, living in the London area called Piccadilly with her family.

Her grandfather - King Georg V - was king from 1910 to 1936.

The baptism of Little Princess Elizabeth took place on May 29, 1926 in the chapel in the Buckingham Palace. In the family, the baby gently called Lilibet. From a very early age, she showed love for horses and received a pony to his 4th birthday as a gift.

In 1930, she became an older sister when the princess Margaret appeared on the world. Relatives were very friendly and enjoyed the time spent together and play with their parents. They also enjoyed the game on piano and dressing for ideas.

Princesses did not go to school. They studied at home with a special teacher, the governess of Marion Crawford, as well as other teachers.

In 1934, at the age of 8, Princess Elizabeth met with his future husband - Philip Mountbatten - Prince Philip Greek and Danish.

When her grandfather died in 1936, King Georg V, his first son Edward - Uncle Elizabeth - had to become a king. But he refused this by handing this right to his younger brother Alberta - Father Elizabeth and Margaret. This meant that Lilibet was now the first in line on the throne.

Albert took the name of his father, the family moved to the Buckingham Palace, and on May 12, 1937, Georgy VI was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

After the death of the Father in 1952, the board of one of the most in the history of Great Britain - Elizabeth II began.

Elizabeth II earned authority not only in the whole country, but also in its own family (which is often not easy). What are the wives of the yard, knowing the dislike of the queen to the shoes on the wedge, never put it in the presence of Her Majesty.

In London in the Duke and Duchess of York.

The queen of Elizabeth's real birthday is usually celebrating in a family circle, while the official birthday of the monarch in the UK is celebrated in June with a colorful military parade in the center of London.
According to the tradition established at the beginning of the twentieth century, by King Edward VII, the monarch's birthday is celebrated in the UK to one of the Sabbath of June - depending on the weather (the king chose this date because in June the weather can not spoil the nationwide holiday).

Princess Elizabeth Alexander Mary Windsor (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor), so called the future queen at birth - from the dynasty of the Windsor. She is the eldest daughter of Duke York George, the future king of Great Britain George VI (1895-1952) and Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon (1900-2002).

Elizabeth received a good home education, in addition to ordinary school items, she was taught the foundations of the economy, jurisprudence and constitutional law. The training program also included horse riding, dance and music lessons. With palace etiquette, her mother acquainted her.
After the renunciation of the uncle - King Edward VIII and his father's accession to the throne in December 1936, the 10-year-old Elizabeth became the heiress of the British throne and moved with his parents from Kensington to the Buckingham Palace.

Preparing for political life, the future queen began to attend classes on constitutional history in the Ion College.
At the beginning of the war in 1939 they were evacuated to the Windsor Palace.
During World War II, Elizabeth insisted that parents allow her to enter military service. She mastered the driver's profession in the military-transport train center, having received the qualification of the truck driver, learned to change the tires on the truck, disassemble and collect the motor.
In 1945, Elizabeth worked in the spare women's territorial services (Women "S Auxiliary Territorial Service), where he finished the war in the rank of the younger commander.

A close acquaintance of Elizabeth with monarchs began in 1944, when she became a member of the State Council and began to acquire to affairs, replacing George VI, when he went with the trip to the fronts.
On February 6, 1952, King Georg Vi died from the sickness of the lungs, Elizabeth, who was at that time with her husband on vacation in Kenya, on the same day was declared the Queen of Great Britain.
However, the official ceremony of coronation Elizabeth in Westminster Abbey in London took place only a year later, on June 2, 1953.

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonQueen Elizabeth II on the day of coronation June 2, 1953. Photo from the exhibition "Royal Photography Cecil Biton"

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Since that time, she - Queen Elizabeth II, head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is also the Queen of the 15 Commonwealth States (Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint -Vinsen and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica), head of the Anglican Church, Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces and Lord Islands Maine. From May 29, 1953 to May 31, 1961, the Queen of South Africa was also. In 1999, Australia issued Queen's status to a referendum, but Australians preferred to maintain the nominal status of the head of state.

On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married his distant relative, as she, as she, the great director of Queen Victoria, Prince Philip Mountbetten, the son of the Greek Prince Andrei, who then was an officer of the British Fleet. She met him at the age of 13, when Philip was still a cadet of the Dortmouth Naval School. His spouse becoming her husband, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.
In November 2007, the Queen and her spouse Duke Edinburgh celebrated the "Diamond Wedding" - the sixtieth anniversary of living together. For the sake of such a case, the Queen allowed himself a small liberty - for one day they retired with his spouse for romantic memories in Malta, where Prince Philip served, and the young princess Elizabeth visited him.

December 29, 2010 Elizabeth II first became a great-grandmother. On this day, her senior grandson - the Senior Son of the Princess Anna Peter Phillips - and his wives of Canada Otam Kelly was born daughter. The girl has become the 12th in the British Treasury of the Prestaging.

In 2006, the Buckingham Palace announced 80 entertaining facts from the life of Queen UK Elizabeth II, so it became known that the Queen is interested in photography, likes to take pictures of his family members. In 1997, the Queen gave the start of the first in the history of the website of the British monarchy.
More from youth Elizabeth II is a fan of dogs of the noble hunting breed of Cuga, several of which constantly accompany her on vacation. The queen also brought a new breed of dogs - Dorga.
Other Passion Queen - Horses and Racing. She herself is a good rider and every year watches the main competitions with interest, and also breed horses in its stables.
The queen speaks freely in French and during visits and audiences with representatives of Francophone countries is without a translator.

Elizabeth is the oldest monarch in the history of Great Britain by age, however, the record of the duration of the reign, delivered by the Queen of Victoria, which has ruined 63 and seven months, is still only. To do this, she needs to stay on the throne at least until September 9, 2015.

In 2012, in honor of the 60-year-old anniversary of the Board of the Queen Elizabeth II, the famous hour tower Big Ben At the UK Parliament Building in London was officially.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

She is the Woman of the XX and the XXI century, the ruler of the British Commonwealth of Nations and 15 independent states, the reigning queen since 1952 and this day. Who is it? Of course, Elizabeth Alexander Maria, who also beings to the title, as the most long-term monarch in the history of Great Britain. What interesting facts are known about this unique and strong woman.

1. Queen's birthday

Elizabeth II celebrates his birthday twice: April 21 (born 1926) in a family circle, and in early June - officially.

2. When Elizabeth rushed to the throne

In 1937, Elizabeth became a direct heiress, after coroned her father George VI from Windsor Dynasty. And on February 6, 1952, at the age of 25, she climbed the throne.

3. The formation of the queen

In the war years Elizabeth entered the female troops of self-erect, where he was trained on the driver's mechanics. No matter how strange it sounds, but the queen in young years managed a sanitary machine and a truck. Later she received a water lifeguard certificate.

4. Who is the husband of Queen Elizabeth ІІ

Spouse Elizabeth II, Philip Mountbatten, is a Greek prince in exile, as well as senior lieutenant of the British fleet. In addition, he is also a ferrous brother Elizabeth. For the first time, Spouses met when they were 8 and 13 years old. Thus, the difference at the age of 5 years. The wedding took place in 1947, when Elizabeth was 21 years old. We add that the parents of the future queen opposed marriage with Philip, since he had no condition. It sounds ridiculous, but at that time Elizabeth allocated as much as 200 additional coupons for sewing a wedding dress.

5. How many children have Elizabeth

Queen four children: Prince Charles, Andrew, Edward and Princess Anna, besides, Queen has a large grandmother, great-grandmother and the godfather: She has 30 gods and gods. This is whom the cool lucky.

6. What are the authority of the queen Elizabeth

Despite its high status, the queen reigns, but does not rule the country: it officially does not affect foreign and domestic politics, but nevertheless, the decision in the state is accepted on its behalf.

7. How much money from the queen Elizabeth II

The property of the queen is not customary to speak, but rumors are that it is one of the richest people on earth. At the same time, the queen never carries money with him. In principle, why are they needed if you are a queen. In addition, the queen has no passport, and so everyone will know.

The queen is also not obliged to disclose the status of his personal accounts. In addition, despite the fact that the royal collection of art is estimated at 10 billion pounds, this is not a personal state of the queen, like palaces, castles in which the queen and her relatives live. All this property belongs to the state or is in possession of the "property of the crown" (an independent commercial enterprise manager of royal real estate).

8. What awards has the Queen of Great Britain

9. What is the Kingdom of Great Britain

The royal fleet can be envied: Bentley, Rolls-Royce Daimler, Jaguar and Land Rover. In addition, Elizabeth is a first-class driver and easily controls the batter of the car.

10. Domestic Queen Pets

The queen loves dogs very much. She gives a special preference to the breed of Cords. Today at the royal court about 30 corves. Elizabeth II also loves horses: despite his age, she constantly performs horseback riding.

11. Where he loves to rest Queen Elizabeth II

But her Majesty loves her holidays in the Scottish estate of Balmoral. When the queen breakfasts, a boolier walks around the castle and folk melodies play.

12. Main Residence of British Monarchs

The Buckingham Palace acts as the main residence of all British monarchs, in which to this day Elizabeth II makes official meetings.

13. What loves to wear the Queen of Great Britain

Elizabeth II gives preference only by British designers, in her wardrobe bright outfits, and in the Black Queen may appear only during mourning. The monarchyn loves to wear handbags again to the British brand Launer London with short handles. But what is contained in the royal purse is a mystery for seven castles. The handbag also serves for the queen and in order to serve a servant signal: if her Majesty is going to leave the meal, she puts a handbag on the table.

And the main highlight of the royal image is a hat, how many of them in the wardrobe Elizabeth ІІ, it is difficult to calculate. Rooking that more than 5 thousand.

Regarding shoes, these are shoes on a small heel with a Rounded nose of Anelo & Davide. The queen is very careful about shoes and is therefore trying to raise shoes less often, and more often to put the audit. But the new shoes for the royal parties dispel the so-called Cinderella, who has the same leg size as Elizabeth II.

And a few more interesting facts Oh Elizaba II:

  • no one except her husband has the right to concern the Queen in public. Only 4 violators are known, which allowed them to do: Michelle Obama, Canadian cyclist Louis Garno and two Prime Ministers of Australia, Paul Ketting and John Howard;
  • the queen never raises his voice, even if she is furious, and never gives an interview.

How much will still edit Elizabeth II - the question is open, as the queen is not going to give up his throne in favor of the heirs, and his reign considers a matter of life, and for many Britons she "bastion stability" of the state.

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