Gdz in English workbook authors. The workbook works for you. First you work on a notebook, then it works for you

Walls, partitions 10.02.2021

Perhaps English is still the scariest subject for you? Preparing for a lesson, test or exam, you search the entire Internet in search of so-called gdz - ready-made homework. And suppose you even find them. We have a lot of teachers with very low salaries and even ministers, and it is not clear who else is in this complex chain, when even the most secret USE assignments suddenly become known in advance. But here's the bad luck: you carefully rolled everything and prepared spurs in English, took unprecedented measures for conspiracy and passing all control posts, but the envelope opens ... and there is a completely different task. Here's your gdz!

Painful disappointment and extreme searches for a way out, attempts to find at least a minimum of memory storage, but it is empty ... To avoid such a terrible scenario, we offer you a very simple way out - buy a workbook based on English language.

We warn you right away: this is not a cheat sheet. Tell me, are you not tired of humiliating yourself in this constant fear of failing in the exam? It's time, finally, for you to exterminate this eternal longing for the cheat sheet in yourself, and start doing at least something yourself. If you want to master at least a minimum of a language, you will have to move your convolutions and do exercises in English. It's so easy! Even if you missed half of the school course, playing games right in the lesson or talking with a pretty neighbor, all is not lost if you have a workbook. It's like a support for you, pushing off from which you can move, if not the Earth, then yourself from a dead center for sure!

Today, the concept of gdz has smoothly flowed into the name reshebnik, which also has ready-made answers to exercises. But nevertheless, reshebnik and gdz are somewhat different things, although in the old fashioned reshebniks continue to call ready-made homework, that is, gdz. The difference between them is as follows:

  • Reshebniks are released today officially as additional teaching aids, but the origin of the GDZ is often unknown
  • Reshebnik offers completed exercises tied to a specific workbook
  • having bought a book and a notebook, you will be able to independently prepare for the exam, which cannot be said about the gdz (especially if its authors insist that these are “100% answers to the tasks of the future USE)

I know you might be tempted to buy only a rehebnik. But will you really not take advantage of the attempt to first decide something yourself, and then check yourself before looking at the answers?

Respect yourself, and do not dilute your brain!

Such a thin, but so informative notebook

There are many books and books on English by highly respected authors, but look how thick they are! And before the exam there are already "nth" number of days ... You will have to work "Stakhanov's" methods to digest so many exercises. Why is a workbook good, is it not for nothing that it has such a name? For example, Biboletova's notebook. It has not 400 or 500 pages, but only 82. Is that within your power? And this is not a diluted material that you will need to look for with a magnifying glass and catch it bit by bit from the ancient yellowed pages, but a concentrated core, where all the necessary minimum for you is collected.

Strict compliance with the curriculum

Biboletova, tied her notebooks strictly to curriculum... They contain exercises on the topics of the entire academic year. If you complete them, then the exam is no longer scary for you. The range of exercises - from school and family topics to global ones: civilization and progress, a world of opportunities and even climate change. Lapitskaya's works are equal to them in competence.

The notebooks of teachers Biboletova and Lapitskaya will help to improve your vocabulary from the level " London is the capital of the Great Britain"To the level of a modern savvy person. I would like to recommend these notebooks to parents. Filling in empty columns in a notebook, like your favorite coloring, will be a joy for your child, like in a game. Let's go back to the adult "fools". In order to bypass the express method, buy a workbook not at the end of the year, three days before the exam, but at the very beginning. If you keep it carefully, like a diary, doing the exercises after each lesson, then the whole process of learning the language will really go unnoticed and with pleasure. And this is actually what Biboletova, Lapitskaya, and other similar authors are trying to achieve.

Is it difficult to do a couple of exercises several times a week? Yes, it takes some work, but just a little bit. But at the end of the year, such a notebook turns into the most invaluable "cheat sheet" for you, of course figuratively since this is a job done by you.

First you work on a notebook, then it works for you.

Before the exam, you just have to flip through it. Are you not sure and want to check yourself, did you do the exercises correctly? Then get a solution book published by the same authors (Biboletova, Lapitskaya), where you will find the answers to all the exercises. But you should only resort to the reschebnik and peeping at the answers when you independently complete all the exercises. Otherwise, the notebook with the reader will turn into a banal cheat sheet already in the literal sense, and their differences from gdz will be leveled.

What the notebook gives

  • the opportunity to practically master the language and prepare for the exam
  • saving time when covering all training material
  • increasing your own self-esteem
  • teaches independence and responsibility
  • the ability to control yourself with the answers in the Reshebnik

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Writing your English homework correctly plays an important role in the assessment. Every student of a university, private or public school should be able to do this correctly. Writing rules homework teachers teach from elementary grades. But many do not attach much importance to this, therefore they forget and start looking for a translation on the Internet or make ridiculous mistakes.

Writing instruction

  1. The number must be written in the middle of the line.
  2. If the page is blank, start writing on the very top line.
  3. If there are already notes on the page of an English notebook, back off 2 lines or 4 cells, depending on the type of notebook.
  4. The date is indicated as follows: day of the week, day, month

Example: Friday, the 13th of September, where 10th is the shorthand for tenth.

Translation: Friday, 13 (thirteenth) September.

Sometimes the writing of the date is simplified and written like this: the 13th of September.

Translation: 13 (thirteenth) September.

  1. After the date, the type of work is indicated in writing:

Classwork. Classwork.

Homework. Homework.

In our case, this is the second option. The word is written below the date, also in the middle of the line.

Everything is simple and easy.

At the end, it should be noted that the phrase "homework" in English is denoted by one word "Homework". The word consists of two roots "Home" - home and "Work" - work. Quite often the word is written separately - "Home" and "Work", while making a serious mistake. So remember: the word "Homework" is always spelled together!

7th grade

English textbook for 7 grades. Student "s book., V. P. Kuzovlev

8th grade

English. Happy English 2, 7-9 grade, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Book for reading, grades 7-9, T.B.Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Workbook Grades 1, 7-9, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Workbook 2, 7-9 grade, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English language grade 8. New Millennium English. Derevianko N.N.
English textbook for 8 grades. Student "s book., V. P. Kuzovlev
English language grade 8 Starks

Grade 9

English. Happy English 2, 7-9 grade, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Book for reading, grades 7-9, T.B.Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Workbook 1, 7-9 grade, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 2. Workbook 2, 7-9 grade, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English textbook for 9 grades. Student "s book., V. P. Kuzovlev

Grade 10

Grade 11

English. Happy English 3. Workbook 1, Grades 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 3. Workbook 2, grade 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon
English. Happy English 3. Workbook 3, Grades 10-11, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon

Homework in English for any student is not an easy task. By itself, English is considered one of the easiest foreign languages ​​to learn, much easier when compared, for example, with Russian. It is no coincidence that almost half of the world speaks it. But still, when learning English at school, there are many difficulties.

GDZ in English this is the magic wand that can in difficult times. There are many textbooks available to prepare for English. These are such authors as V.P. Kuzovlev, Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova, T.B. Klementyeva, J.A. Shannon. Any of these tutorials will help you learn how to communicate in English. Will help you find solutions for any task and complete homework in English.

Many people often ask: "How long does it take to learn English?" There can be no single answer. In some schools, language learning begins from grade 2, in others from grade 5. In the 11th grade, training also does not end. It continues even after leaving school - at the university, institute. One thing is for sure, if you use gdz in English, then the time for doing homework will be much less. But it is necessary to resort to the help of the GDZ when the student is really experiencing difficulty, and not every time when homework is asked at home.

Modern teaching aids do not consist only of textbooks. There are also books for reading, and workbooks, for example, like Klementyeva's with a series of Happy English for different classes. If there is an opportunity, you can listen to the radio, or use the Internet to immerse yourself in the environment as much as possible, for better language acquisition, or use the GDZ in English.

In our database GDZ in English there is ready tasks for schoolchildren from grade 5 to grade 11. There is also a mobile version of the site, created specifically for access from phones and smartphones. Access to the GDS catalog in English is absolutely free and without SMS.

Welcome to our website, Friends!

Images of the covers of textbooks are shown on the pages of this site solely as illustrative material (Art. 1274, clause 1 of part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • English language grade 3. Enjoy English 3. Student "s Book. Biboletova AST
  • English language grade 3. Rainbow English 3: Textbook - Student's Book. Part 1, 2. GEF Afanasyeva, Mikheeva Bustard
  • English language grade 3. Spotlight 3: Test booklet. FSES Bykova, Dooley Enlightenment
  • English language grade 3. Students Book. Workbook. Both parts Vereshchagin, Pritykina Education
  • Spotlight Grade 4. Textbook - Student "s Book Bykova, Dooley, Pospelova Education
  • English grade 4. Student "s Book Kuzovlev, Peregudova Education
  • English language grade 4. Starlight: Student "s book. FSES Baranova, Dooley Enlightenment
  • English language grade 5. Rainbow English 5: Textbook - Student's Book. Part 1, 2. GEF Bustard
  • Spotlight grade 5. Textbook - Student "s Book Vaulina, Dooley, Podolyanko Education
  • English language grade 5. Student "s book Kuzovlev Enlightenment
  • Enjoy English Grade 5. Student "s Book. FSES Biboletova Title
  • English language grade 6. Rainbow English 6: Textbook - Student's Book. FSES Afanasyeva, Mikheeva, Baranova Bustard
  • Spotlight grade 6. Textbook - Student "s Book. FSES Vaulina, Dooley Enlightenment
  • English grade 6. Starlight: Student "s book. FSES Baranova Enlightenment
  • English language grade 6. Student "s Book. FSES Kuzovlev, Paw Enlightenment
  • English language grade 6. Enjoy English 6. Student "s Book. Biboletova, Denisenko Title
  • English language grade 7. Rainbow English 7: Textbook - Student's Book. Part 1, 2 Afanasyeva, Mikheeva, Baranova Bustard
  • English grade 7. Student "s Book. FSES Kuzovlev, Paw Enlightenment
  • English grade 7. Starlight: Student "s book. FSES Baranova Enlightenment
  • English language grade 7. Spotlight 7: Textbook - Student "s Book Vaulina, Dooley Enlightenment
  • English language grade 7. Enjoy English 7. Textbook - Student's Book. Biboletova Title
  • English grade 8. Student "s Book. FSES Kuzovlev, Lapa, Peregudova Education
  • English language grade 8. Spotlight 8: Textbook - Student "s Book Vaulina, Dooley Enlightenment
  • English grade 8. Enjoy English 8: Student "s Book. FSES Biboletova Title
  • English language grade 9 Kuzovlev, Lapa, Peregudova Education
  • English language grade 9. New Millennium English. Student "s Book Butler, Thunderstorm Title
  • GDZ in English grade 10 V.P. Kuzovlev, N.M. Lapa
  • English language 10 kdass. Student "s Book. FSES Afanasyeva, Mikheeva Education
  • Happy Grade 10. Student "s Book - Workbook No. 1 and No. 2 Kaufman, Kaufman Title
  • English language grade 10. Enjoy English. Student "s Book - Workbook 1 - Workbook 2 Biboletova Title
  • English language grade 10. New Millennium English. Student "s Book Thunderstorm, Butler Title
  • English Grade 11 V.P. Kuzovlev M .: Education
  • English-XI: Student's Book - Workbook Afanasyeva O. V., Mikheeva I. V. M .: Education
  • Enjoy English Grade 11. Student "s Book - Workbook 1 - Workbook 2 Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E. Obninsk: Title
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 4. FSES Kulinich Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 5. FSES Lysakova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 6. FSES Sukhorosova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 7. FSES Artyukhova Vako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 8. FSES Lysakova Wako
  • Control and measuring materials (CMM) in English, grade 9. FSES Sakharov Wako


  • Workbook in English, grade 2. Activity book Kuzovlev Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English, grade 2. Spotlight Bykova Enlightenment
  • English workbook grade 2 Azarova, Druzhinina Title
  • Workbook in English, grade 2. Enjoy English Title
  • Workbook in English, grade 2. Part 2 Barashkova. To the textbook by Vereshchagina Exam
  • English workbook grade 3 Vereshchagina I.N. T.A. Pritykina
  • Workbook in English for grade 3. Activity book Kuzovlev
  • Workbook in English for grade 3. Part 1 Barashkova E.A.
  • Workbook in English for grade 3. Spotlight 3: Test Booklet Bykova
  • Workbook in English for grade 3. Rainbow English. FSES Afanasyeva, Mikheeva Bustard
  • Workbook in English grade 3. Spotlight 3 workbook Bykova N.I., Dooley D., Pospelova M.D. M .: Education, 2015-2014
  • Workbook in English for grade 3. Enjoy English. FSES Biboletova, Denisenko, Trubaneva Title
  • Workbook in English for grade 4. Activity book. FSES Kuzovlev Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for grade 4. Spotlight. FSES Bykova, Dooley, Pospelova Education
  • Workbook in English for grade 4. Starlight. Part 1. FSES Baranova, Dooley Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for grade 4. FSES Komarova, Larionova Russian word
  • Workbook in English for grade 4. Enjoy English. FSES Biboletova, Denisenko, Trubaneva Title
  • Workbook in English grade 5. Enjoy English 5. Workbook Biboletova Bustard
  • Workbook in English grade 5. Rainbow English 5: Activity Book Afanasyeva, Mikheeva, Baranova Bustard
  • Workbook in English for grade 5. Activity book. FSES Kuzovlev Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English grade 5. Spotlight 5: Workbook. FSES Vaulina, Dooley Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for grade 5. Part 1, 2. FSES Kaufman Title
  • Workbook in English for grade 5. Enjoy English. FSES Biboletova Title, Trubaneva
  • Workbook in English for the sixth grade. Spotlight 6: Test Booklet Vaulina Julia, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako
  • Workbook in English grade 6. Enjoy English 6. Workbook Biboletova Bustard
  • Workbook in English grade 6. Rainbow English 6: Activity Book Afanasyeva, Mikheeva, Baranova Bustard
  • Workbook in English for grade 6. Activity book Kuzovlev, Paw Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for grade 6. Starlight. Activity Book Baranova Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for the sixth grade. Spotlight 6: Workbook. FSES Vaulina Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English for grade 6. FSES Komarova, Larionova Russian word
  • Workbook in English for grade 6. Enjoy English. FSES Biboletova, Denisenko Title
  • Workbook in English grade 6. Part 1 Kaufman Title
  • Workbook in English grade 6. Part 2 Kaufman Title
  • Workbook in English grade 7. Enjoy English 7. Workbook Biboletova Bustard
  • Workbook in English grade 7. Rainbow English 7: Activity Book Afanasyeva, Mikheeva, Baranova Bustard3
  • Workbook in English for grade 7. Starlight Baranova Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English grade 7. Activity book Kuzovlev Enlightenment
  • Workbook in English grade 7. Enjoy English 7. FGOS Workbook in English for grade 8. Part 1, 2 Workbook in English for grade 8. Starlight Workbook in English for grade 8. Spotlight 8: Workbook. FGOS Workbook in English for grade 8. Part 2 English workbook for grade 9 (green and blue covers) English workbook for grade 9 English workbook for grade 10. New Millennium English. FSES Thunderstorm, Butler Title
  • Workbook in English for grade 11. Spotlight 11: Workbook Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obi, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva

Learning English effectively with GDZ

  • Learning the English language is one of those tasks that students will necessarily solve in the framework of secondary school and after it. It is especially relevant and topical after the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, which establishes the compulsory study of two foreign students within the framework of the school curriculum. In this regard, English as the main or additional language is studied in all schools of the country without exception. To cope with this task, to solve it as competently as possible will help high-quality textbooks and solutions for them.
  • Choose the right kit and start classes on GDZ possible in any classroom of the school. V primary school subject teachers, parents, tutors and leaders of language courses and circles can help students to solve this problem. Subsequently, middle and high school students will be able to cope with this task on their own. In any case, organizing such training on collections of ready-made homework assignments should focus on:
    - their tasks and goals - to "tighten" knowledge and get a higher current and final score in English, prepare and participate, win in language olympiads and competitions held at out-of-school and school grounds, pass the OGE / USE in discipline in graduation classes;
    - a basic level of knowledge, the possibility of attracting additional help and its need, responsibility, interest in the subject, dedication;
    - the amount of time that can and will be spent on effective and efficient training.
  • The basic principles of working with collections are as follows:
    - consistency;
    - complexity;
    - compilation of a high-quality set of educational literature;
    - regular work;
    - self-examination, self-control of results, adjustment of plans, identification of problems, tracking the dynamics of results.
  • Among the useful literature, in addition to basic textbooks within the framework of the applied program, the EMC in English is called:
    - workbooks on discipline;
    - exercise books on the subject;
    - KIMs in English;
    - other collections of workshops.
    Among the most popular authors among schoolchildren and their teachers are Dooley, Biboletova, Dvoretskaya, Afanasyeva, Baranova, Lapa, Kuzovlev, Kaufman and others.
  • Some of the collections presented are universal, suitable for any teaching materials in English, others come complete with workshops for a better and more complete, deep mastering of the course material.

Recommended to read
