What traits are inherent in a person of a safe type. Safe behavior personality. Human in society

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The social side of LBTPcharacterized by:

Rational and humanistic human activity in society;

Ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations;

Ability to harmoniously communicate with other people;

Constantly improving the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this finds expression in the fulfillment of their official duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with state, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, strengthening the humanistic worldview, in real life practice, etc.

The formation of such qualities of LBTP is facilitated by the following main pshkholo-pedagogical conditions:

Awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

Understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

Knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature;

Mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

Acquisition of the ability to create for oneself the necessary resources of a safe existence;

Ability to organize safe life for yourself and other people.

Safe behaviorassumes four main components:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding the influence of danger;

Overcoming the danger;

Creation of security resources.

Anticipating dangersuggests:

Knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

Knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

Anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of a military situation);

Anticipation of danger from one's own “I” (oneself, environment, other people);

Systematic education and training of a person for safe life.

To avoid the influence of danger,a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities to overcome the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute his forces.

The teacher of the BZ is obliged to form the student's confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is capable of overcomeits impact, if it behaves adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (in society, on water, in a forest, in a fire, in the mountains, etc.), to know and apply methods of protection (methods of early shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure danger, as well as dealing with the consequences of hazards); have the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, with burns, with electric shock, with insect bites, etc.). For this, it is necessary to mobilize motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intellect, personal and activity orientation of students.

Educational work on the formation of safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

Assisting trainees in dealing with external difficulties (failure in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

Formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

General the goal of LBTP formation isthe development of certain skills and abilities that allow you to build your behavior so that the level of dangers emanating from the person decreases, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

The sources of danger are usually combined. Therefore, in modern conditions, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of an integrated mechanism of readiness for safe life.This mechanism includes:

Acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills of personality development in various life situations;

Formation of an ecological worldview;

Learning to act in conditions of natural disasters;

Development of the ability to adequately react and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

Formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.


The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

Social and collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

Respect for the surrounding world;

Literacy in all areas of life safety;

The presence of legal skills to protect against threats from nature, people, oneself, emanating from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior assumes:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding danger;

Overcoming the danger;

Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own “I” (inflicted on oneself, the environment, and other people). It includes:

Correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior);

Organization and planning of actions to prevent the influence of a specific hazard;

Creation of a material and spiritual base to help the victims.

test questions

1. What are the causes of destructive behavior?

2. Describe the different types of destructive behavior.

3. List the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the qualities of LBTP.

4. What are the main features of a safe type of behavior.

5. What is included in the concept of "safe type of behavior"?

6. Describe the psychophysiological aspect of LBTP.

7. Expand the content of the components of behavior of a person of a safe type.

8. What are the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of LBTP.

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Safe behavior personality

The starting points that determine the content of a person of a safe type are the person's capabilities and abilities to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which constitutes the core of the personality. According to the qualities inherent in personality, people are divided into those who have opportunities and abilities, and those who have them to some extent limited.

What is included in the concept of "a person of a safe type of behavior"? Its content is determined by a person's capabilities and abilities to meet the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which is the core of the personality. To this formulation, we would add - a person who is safe for others.

Different people possess LBTP qualities to varying degrees. This largely depends on their innate abilities, but the conditions of human existence in society, as well as upbringing and education, also play a role. In this chapter, LBTP is considered in two aspects - psychophysiological and social, the components of the content of such behavior and the psychological and pedagogical conditions of its formation are determined.

Human in society

A person, by virtue of his nature, enjoys the implementation of innate programs and genetically inherent abilities. The meaning of his existence is in self-realization. Therefore, the highest value of a civilized society is individual freedom, which does not constrain the freedom of others.

The human community as a biosocial system can function steadily in two modes: constructive and destructive.

The constructive regime presupposes the achievement of a stable balance of biological (innate behavior programs) and social regulators (legal norms). It is the result of the development of consciousness and the improvement of cultural norms. A civilized society is characterized by consciously developed values \u200b\u200band norms of social behavior:

* recognition of the value of intelligence and natural giftedness;

* recognition of the value of professionalism and education;

* recognition of the value of the individual and her rights;

* recognition of the inviolability of private property;

* obedience to the law;

* respect for other people's interests and the ability to compromise;

* honesty and commitment;

* prudence and frugality.

The destructive regime is characterized by a weakening of the influence of social regulators and the active dominance of biological ones.

Society today has reached a stage of development at which communication between people plays a decisive role in the realization of personal interests. One of the types of social danger is the so-called destructive behavior that harms a person and society as a whole. The following types of similar behavior are distinguished:

* additive is the desire to escape from reality by changing the psychological state with the help of intoxicating substances;

* antisocial - illegal, not consistent with ethics and moral standards of modern society;

* suicidal - a tendency to commit suicide, which is due to a number of factors: isolation from society, helplessness (physical, legal, intellectual), lack of faith in the future, loss of their own independence;

* conformist - adherence to official points of view, opportunism;

* Narcissistic - narcissism, increased sensitivity to the assessments of other people, on this basis, lack of sympathy for them, for everything around them;

* fanatical - blind adherence to any idea;

* autistic - difficulty in social, social contacts, isolation from reality;

* deviant - not corresponding to social and moral norms.

The reasons for destructive behavior include:

* a feeling of an uncomfortable state in society (difficulties in relationships with relatives, minor quarrels, various kinds of failures, etc.);

* an increase in the number of events that are of great importance for a particular person and affect his safety;

* changes in the ecological situation, an increase in the flow of contradictory and ambiguous information;

* the need to make vital decisions already at an early age (at school age).

Numerous socio-psychological studies have shown that at present, people with personality traits of a dangerous type of behavior are most common. They are characterized by a conscious or unconscious display of aggression. This aggression primarily harms their health and creates dangerous situations for humans, but ultimately harms the entire society and the natural environment, disrupts the ecological balance and energy balance. The predominance of such individuals in society leads to an unprecedented increase in various kinds of threats to all of humanity. This is due to the "snowball" of aggressive actions mutually generated by people. Interpersonal confrontation in society contributes to the growth of psychological tension in all spheres of life and an increase in the incidence of the population.

In addition, there are two planetary processes associated with irrational nature management and the type of population reproduction. These are environmental and demographic crises. It is now the time has come for the implementation of the age-old idea of \u200b\u200bsynthesis of universal human knowledge and experience, which, due to the combination of the inner wealth of national cultures, religion, and types of self-awareness, allows to develop a qualitatively new view of what is happening.

W. Ostwald (idealist philosopher, Nobel laureate in chemistry in 1909) considered the "energy imperative" as a criterion of social progress: "Don't waste energy, use it." The essence of this postulate is the adaptation of the process of energy transformation existing in nature to human goals. For the harmonious development of society and man, it is fundamentally important to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bF. Engels that the free development of each individual is a condition for the free development of all. This idea is one of the key ones in the human dimension of security. In this regard, it should be noted that the free development of a person is possible only if he realizes the need for spiritual and physical self-improvement, and the human community as a certain system - with the free development of each of its elements (various social groups, organizations, states).

Typological personality traits of a safe type of behavior

Typological features of LBTP include motives of behavior, goals and methods of activity.

Motives: community-collectivist, encouraging a person-citizen to live in the traditions of mutual assistance, excluding gaining self-interest from difficulties, weakness of people around and not allowing a predatory attitude towards nature.

Target settings: constant production of the potential for the safety of human existence (including oneself), nature and society.

Methods of activity: minimization of internal threats, made (consciously or unconsciously) to oneself, and prevention (restriction) of activity that contains a danger to people and the environment.

Based on the requirements for a person by the environment (nature, society, technogen), it is possible to distinguish main features of LBTP:

* altruistic, social and collectivist motives of behavior;

* literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life;

* foreseeing the dangers affecting humans;

* organizational skills in personal and collective safe life;

* the presence of legal and physical skills to protect nature, people, yourself from threats emanating from external sources and from yourself.

There are the following conditions (criteria) for the formation of LBTP:

* awareness of the unity of nature and man in the energy plan and everyone's understanding of their role in ensuring safe life on the planet, in the country, collective, family;

* mastering practical skills of behavior in situations of interaction with people and nature;

* the ability to use one's own resources for a safe existence in everyday life and in extreme conditions.

Thus, the concept of “safe type personality” denotes a person's ability to secure self-realization in the surrounding world. This ability is based on certain motivational attitudes, volitional qualities of the individual and affects his emotional and intellectual sphere. In addition, the condition for safe behavior is competence in ensuring the political, legal, social, moral, physical and other human security.

personality behavior value society

Psychophysiological characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior

The main psychophysiological characteristic of LBTP is adequate, safe for the surrounding human brain activity. The psyche of any individual is one of the forms of the reflective activity of the brain. Mental activity is the highest level of brain functioning, its specific feature is the reflection of reality in the form of images, concepts, emotional experiences and volitional impulses to activity. Any cognitive and emotional activity, that is, volitional regulation of personality behavior, is based on a neurophysiological basis and presupposes the corresponding processes in the human nervous system.

The qualities of LBTP that characterize the state of people in crisis or extreme situations, in the process of interacting with the environment, communicating with other people, etc., are determined by the corresponding neurophysiological processes and properties of the human nervous system that ensure safe life. In this regard, the teaching of I.P. Pavlov on the physiology of higher nervous activity is of particular importance. This knowledge helps to understand the exclusivity of a person, to identify the reasons for failures in a person's activities, to predict dangers in relation to oneself, the world around him and other people, to help a person understand the situation or task in time, and most importantly, not to be a source of dangerous actions himself.

Most often, when faced with various kinds of dangers, difficulties, failures, a person falls into a state of passion or stress. For the first time the term "stress" was introduced into medicine by G. Selye in 1936 to designate the state of the organism when it is exposed to any irritating factor. If unfavorable conditions are created, the body tries to restore the lost balance - an adaptation syndrome occurs. Along with the classic stress, the causes of which can be trauma, burns, etc., there are emotional stress, which is a consequence of the impact on the psyche. The difference between them is rather arbitrary: in classical stress, the adaptation syndrome occurs at the moment of meeting with an irritant, while adaptation to emotional (psychological) stress can occur in advance. So, for example, influencing the human psyche with special methods and means, one can consciously control such an emotion as fear. The answer to the question of how to achieve this is sought by all researchers of the human psyche. What does a person need to know and be able to do in order to reduce the feeling of fear, confusion, gain confidence, and remain calm in an unfavorable situation? How to deal with anxiety, stiffness, fear, fussiness, panic - the companions of fear?

The influence of fear or danger on a person is determined by the action of three psychophysiological mechanisms.

1. An unconditional reflex mechanism is manifested in the fact that some stimuli (darkness, the appearance of a feeling of fear in front of another person, ignorance of how to act in a situation, etc.) serve as unconditioned signals to which the psyche reacts with a state of fear or panic of varying degrees ... As you adapt to such influences, unconditioned reflexes weaken, the emotions of fear are inhibited, and then completely disappear.

2. The conditioned reflex mechanism acts when a person has received some negative experience and has developed a conditioned reflex to those elements of the situation that are safe in themselves, but previously accompanied the action of a real danger. If fear was previously associated with one or another element of real danger, then it can be caused by almost any factor.

3. The action of the intellectual mechanism is manifested in the fact that a feeling of fear can be the result of mental recreation of danger, imagination of a dangerous situation, memories of an experienced threat, etc. The suddenness of the situation, lack of information, fatigue, overwork - all these are factors that aggravate unsafe behavior human.

The inability to act in a difficult situation and the emergence of fear force a person to do wrong. A person who has learned to act correctly in situations that can cause fear is able to adapt and overcome it. He often emerges victorious from an extreme situation and at the same time is able to help others.

Faced with various circumstances in the process of life, which can be both ordinary and extreme situations (temporary, requiring a lot of willpower), an unprepared person can get into a difficult situation, his behavior is difficult to predict, he can commit dangerous actions in relation to to yourself, to people, nature and society.

Thus, the distinctive features of a person of a safe type of behavior are the psychological stability and psychological readiness to act in various life situations that guarantee the safety of life.

Psychological stability assumes:

* the presence of persistent altruistic community-collectivist motives of behavior;

* knowledge of the features of the surrounding world;

* painless awareness of possible threats and dangers in relation to oneself;

* knowledge of the physical foundations of the surrounding dangers;

* knowledge of the peculiarities of their psyche and somatics (from gr. soma - body);

* the ability to see the peculiarities of the psyche and somatics of another person.

In order for a person to be psychologically ready to adequately behave in emergency situations, he must, in addition to specific personal qualities (self-discipline, quick reaction, etc.), have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Social characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior

The social side of LBTP is characterized by:

* rational and humanistic human activity in society;

* the ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations;

* the ability to harmoniously communicate with other people;

* constant increase in the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this finds expression in the fulfillment of their official duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with state, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, strengthening the humanistic worldview, in real life practice, etc.

The following basic psychological and pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of such qualities of LBTP:

* awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

* understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

* knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature;

* mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

* acquisition of the ability to create the necessary resources for a safe existence;

* the ability to organize a safe life for yourself and others.

Safe behavior has four main components:

* anticipation of danger;

* avoidance of the influence of danger;

* overcoming the danger;

* creation of security resources.

Anticipation of danger involves:

* knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

* knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

* anticipation of the danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of a military situation);

* foresight of danger from one's own "I" (oneself, environment, other people);

* systematic education and training of a person for safe life.

To avoid the influence of danger, a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities for overcoming the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute his forces.

It is very important to form a person's confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is able to overcome its effect if he behaves adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (in society, on the water, in the forest, in case of fire, in the mountains, etc.) etc.), know and apply methods of protection (methods of early shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure to danger, as well as dealing with the consequences of hazards); possess the skills of self-and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, with burns, with electric shock, with insect bites, etc.). For this, it is necessary to mobilize motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intelligence, personal and activity orientation of the individual.

Educational work on the formation of safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

* assisting trainees in dealing with external difficulties (failure in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

* the formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

The general goal of LBTP formation is to develop certain skills and abilities that allow you to build your behavior so that the level of dangers emanating from the individual decreases, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

The sources of danger are usually combined. Therefore, in modern conditions it is necessary to ensure the functioning of a comprehensive mechanism of readiness for safe life. This mechanism includes:

* acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills of personality development in various life situations;

* the formation of an ecological worldview;

* training in actions in conditions of natural disasters;

* development of the ability to adequately react and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

* formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

* social and collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

* respect for the surrounding world;

* literacy in all areas of life safety;

* the presence of legal skills to protect against threats from nature, people, to oneself, emanating from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior assumes:

* anticipation of danger;

* evasion from danger;

* overcoming the danger;

* Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own “I” (inflicted on oneself, the environment, other people). It includes:

* correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, the nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior);

* organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a specific hazard;

* creation of a material and spiritual base to help the victims.

List of references

1. Belov S.V. Life safety. 7th ed., Erased. M .: Higher school, 2007.616 p.

2. Neverov VN Formation of a personality of a safe type of behavior when teaching life safety: psychological and pedagogical aspect [Text] / VN Neverov, AM Derkach // Young scientist. 2014. No. 5.1. S. 50-53.

3. Zhuravlev V.I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. M., 1990.

4. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students of higher education. educational institutions. M., 2005.

5. Shestakov V.A. Some aspects of the formation of a safe type of personality // Scientific Bulletin of the UAGS. 2010. No. 2 (11). S. 8-13.

6. Krupnik E.P. Psychological stability of personality as a methodological category // Scientific works of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. M .: MPGU, 2004.S. 100-103.

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One of the types of social danger is the so-called destructive behavior that harms a person and society as a whole. There are the following types of such behavior: * additive - this is the desire to escape from reality by changing the psychological state with the help of intoxicating substances; * antisocial - illegal, not consistent with ethics and moral standards of modern society; * suicidal - a tendency to commit suicide, which is due to a number of factors: isolation from society, helplessness (physical, legal, intellectual), lack of faith in the future, loss of their own independence; * conformist - adherence to official points of view, opportunism; * narcissistic - narcissism, increased sensitivity to the assessments of other people, on this basis, lack of sympathy for them, for everything around them; * fanatical - blind adherence to any idea; * autistic - difficulty in social, social contacts, isolation from reality; * deviant - not corresponding to social and moral norms

The reasons for destructive behavior include: * a feeling of an uncomfortable state in society (difficulties in relationships with family members, minor quarrels, various kinds of failures, etc.); * an increase in the number of events that are of great importance for a particular person and affect his safety; * changes in the ecological situation, an increase in the flow of contradictory and ambiguous information; * the need to make vital decisions already at an early age (at school age).

Typological features of LBTP include motives of behavior, goals and methods of activity. Motives: community-collectivist, encouraging a citizen to live in the tradition of mutual assistance, excluding gaining self-interest from difficulties, weakness of people around and not allowing a predatory attitude to nature. Target settings: constant production of the potential for the safety of human existence (including oneself), nature and society. Methods of activity: minimization of internal threats, made (consciously or unconsciously) to oneself, and prevention (limitation) of activity containing a danger to people and the environment.

Based on the requirements imposed on a person by the environment, the main features of LBTP can be distinguished: * altruistic, socially collectivist motives of behavior; * respect for the surrounding world; * literacy in all areas of ensuring safe life; * foreseeing the dangers affecting humans; * organizational skills in personal and collective safe life; * the presence of legal and physical skills to protect nature, people, oneself from threats emanating from external sources and from oneself.

The following conditions for the formation of LBTP are distinguished: * awareness of the unity of nature and man in energy terms and understanding by everyone of their role in ensuring a safe life on the planet, in the country, in the collective, in the family; * mastering practical skills of behavior in situations of interaction with people and nature; * the ability to use one's own resources for a safe existence in everyday life and in extreme conditions.

Psychophysiological characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior The main psychophysiological characteristic of LBTP is adequate, safe for the surrounding human brain activity

The work of the brain is of a reflex nature. The influence of fear or danger on a person is determined by the action of three psychophysiological mechanisms. 1. An unconditional reflex mechanism is manifested in the fact that some stimuli (darkness, the appearance of a feeling of fear in front of another person, ignorance of how to act in a situation, etc.) serve as unconditioned signals to which the psyche reacts with a state of fear or panic of varying degrees ... As we adapt to such influences, unconditioned reflexes weaken, the emotions of fear are inhibited, and then completely disappear. 2. The conditioned reflex mechanism acts when a person has received some negative experience and has developed a conditioned reflex to those elements of the situation that are safe in themselves, but previously accompanied the action of a real danger. If fear was previously associated with one or another element of real danger, then it can be caused by almost any factor. A BZ teacher must use in his practice the process of inhibition of this reflex in a student, create compensatory pedagogical conditions to exclude its influence.

3. The action of the intellectual mechanism is manifested in the fact that the feeling of fear can be a consequence of the mental recreation of danger, imagination of a dangerous situation, memories of an experienced threat, etc. The suddenness of the situation, lack of information, fatigue, overwork - all these are factors that aggravate unsafe behavior person. The inability to act in a difficult situation and the emergence of fear force a person to do wrong. A person who has learned to act correctly in situations that can cause fear is able to adapt and overcome it. He often comes out victorious from an extreme situation and at the same time is able to help others.

Psychological stability presupposes: * the presence of persistent altruistic community-collectivist motives of behavior; * knowledge of the features of the surrounding world; * painless awareness of possible threats and dangers in relation to oneself; * knowledge of the physical foundations of the surrounding dangers; * knowledge of the peculiarities of their psyche and somatics (from gr. soma - body); * the ability to see the peculiarities of the psyche and somatics of another person.

The social side of LBTP is characterized by: * rational and humanistic human activity in society; * the ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations; * the ability to harmoniously communicate with other people; * constant increase in the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

The following basic psychological and pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of such qualities of LBTP: * awareness of the unity of nature, society, and man in all existing spheres of life; * understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety; * knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature; * mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people; * acquisition of the ability to create the necessary resources for a safe existence; * the ability to organize a safe life for yourself and others. Safe behavior presupposes the presence of four main components: * anticipation of danger; * avoidance of the influence of danger; * overcoming the danger; * creation of security resources.

Conclusions The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are: * social and collectivist motives of citizen behavior; * respect for the surrounding world; * literacy in all areas of life safety; * the presence of legal skills to protect against threats from nature, people, to oneself, emanating from external sources and from oneself. Safe behavior involves: * anticipation of danger; * evasion from danger; * overcoming the danger; * Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own "I" (inflicted on oneself, the environment, other people). It includes: * correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the development of danger and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior); * organization and planning of actions to prevent the impact of a specific hazard; * creation of a material and spiritual base to help the victims.

The main goal of the pedagogical activity of a life safety teacher is the formation and development of a safe type of behavior personality (LBTP). It is at the school that the basic preparation of the child for independent life activities within the framework of society and the state is carried out. In order to succeed in the process of teaching and upbringing, as well as to be able to predict its results, a BZ teacher must clearly understand what he wants to form. What is included in the concept of "a person of a safe type of behavior"? Its content is determined by a person's capabilities and abilities to satisfy the needs for self-realization, self-determination, self-affirmation, independence and self-esteem, which is the core of the personality. To this formulation, we would add - a person who is safe for others.

Different people possess LBTP qualities to varying degrees. This largely depends on their innate abilities, but the conditions of human existence in society, as well as upbringing and education, also play a role. In this chapter, LBTP is considered in two aspects - psychophysiological and social, the components of the content of such behavior and the psychological and pedagogical conditions of its formation are determined.

Human in society

A person, by virtue of his nature, enjoys the implementation of innate programs and genetically inherent abilities. The meaning of his existence is in self-realization. Therefore, the highest value of a civilized society is individual freedom, which does not constrain the freedom of others.

The human community as a biosocial system can function steadily in two modes: constructive and destructive.

The constructive regime presupposes the achievement of a stable balance of biological (innate behavior programs) and social regulators (legal norms). It is the result of the development of consciousness and the improvement of cultural norms. A civilized society is characterized by consciously developed values \u200b\u200band norms of social behavior:

  • recognition of the value of intelligence and natural endowments;
  • recognition of the value of professionalism and education;
  • recognition of the value of the individual and her rights;
  • recognition of the inviolability of private property;
  • obedience to the law;
  • respect for other people's interests and the ability to compromise;
  • honesty and commitment;
  • prudence and frugality.

The destructive regime is characterized by a weakening of the influence of social regulators and the active dominance of biological ones.

Society today has reached a stage of development at which communication between people plays a decisive role in the realization of personal interests. One of the types of social danger is the so-called destructive behavior that harms a person and society as a whole. The following types of similar behavior are distinguished:

  • additive is the desire to escape from reality by changing the psychological state with the help of intoxicating substances;
  • antisocial - illegal, not consistent with the ethics and moral norms of modern society;
  • suicidal - a tendency to commit suicide, which is due to a number of factors: isolation from society, helplessness (physical, legal, intellectual), lack of faith in the future, loss of their own independence;
  • conformist - adherence to official points of view, opportunism;
  • narcissistic - narcissism, increased sensitivity to the assessments of other people, on this basis, lack of sympathy for them, for everything around them;
  • fanatical - blind adherence to any idea;
  • autistic - difficulty in social, social contacts, isolation from reality;
  • deviant - not corresponding to social and moral norms.

The reasons for destructive behavior include:

  • a feeling of an uncomfortable state in society (difficulties in relationships with relatives, petty quarrels, various kinds of failures, etc.);
  • an increase in the number of events that are of great importance for a particular person and affect his safety;
  • changes in the ecological situation, an increase in the flow of contradictory and ambiguous information;
  • the need to make vital decisions already at an early age (at school age).

Numerous socio-psychological studies have shown that at present, people with personality traits of a dangerous type of behavior are most common. They are characterized by a conscious or unconscious display of aggression. This aggression primarily harms their health and creates dangerous situations for humans, but ultimately harms the entire society and the natural environment, disrupts the ecological balance and energy balance. The predominance of such individuals in society leads to an unprecedented increase in various kinds of threats to all of humanity. This is due to the "snowball" of aggressive actions mutually generated by people. Interpersonal confrontation in society contributes to the growth of psychological tension in all spheres of life and an increase in the incidence of the population.

In addition, there are two planetary processes associated with irrational nature management and the type of population reproduction. These are environmental and demographic crises. It is now the time has come for the implementation of the age-old idea of \u200b\u200bsynthesis of universal human knowledge and experience, which, due to the combination of the inner wealth of national cultures, religion, and types of self-awareness, allows to develop a qualitatively new view of what is happening.

W. Ostwald considered the "energy imperative" as a criterion of social progress: "Don't waste energy, use it." The essence of this postulate is the adaptation of the process of energy transformation existing in nature to human goals. For the harmonious development of society and man, it is fundamentally important to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bF. Engels that the free development of each individual is a condition for the free development of all. This idea is one of the key ones in the human dimension of security. In this regard, it should be noted that the free development of a person is possible only if he realizes the need for spiritual and physical self-improvement, and the human community as a certain system - with the free development of each of its elements (various social groups, organizations, states).

Emergency situations of a social nature and protection against them Gubanov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

4.4. Social characteristics of a person of a safe type of behavior

The social side of LBTPcharacterized by:

Rational and humanistic human activity in society;

Ability to apply safe methods of self-realization in the process of interaction with nature, information and infrastructure of the city and the team, entering into social and legal relations;

Ability to harmoniously communicate with other people;

Constantly improving the level of their intellectual, emotional and physical development.

In particular, this finds expression in the fulfillment of their official duty to protect the Motherland, in the ability to build relationships with state, administrative and law enforcement agencies, in healthy interfaith, interethnic relations, in the development of the family and the state, strengthening the humanistic worldview, in real life practice, etc.

The formation of such qualities of LBTP is facilitated by the following main pshkholo-pedagogical conditions:

Awareness of the unity of nature, society, man in all existing spheres of life;

Understanding of their capabilities in ensuring the safety of nature, society and personal safety;

Knowledge of the dangers affecting humans in society and nature;

Mastering the methods of rational and humanistic interaction with nature, technology, people;

Acquisition of the ability to create for oneself the necessary resources of a safe existence;

Ability to organize safe life for yourself and other people.

Safe behaviorassumes four main components:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding the influence of danger;

Overcoming the danger;

Creation of security resources.

Anticipating dangersuggests:

Knowledge of the dangers surrounding a person;

Knowledge of the physical properties of hazards affecting humans;

Anticipation of danger from the environment (natural, man-made, social, in cases of a military situation);

Anticipation of danger from one's own “I” (oneself, environment, other people);

Systematic education and training of a person for safe life.

To avoid the influence of danger,a person must understand the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the development of dangerous situations, be aware of the real possibilities to overcome the danger, be able to correctly assess the situation and rationally distribute his forces.

The teacher of the BZ is obliged to form the student's confidence that he, even if it is impossible to avoid the influence of danger, is capable of overcomeits impact, if it behaves adequately to the complexity of a dangerous situation (in society, on water, in a forest, in a fire, in the mountains, etc.), to know and apply methods of protection (methods of early shelter from danger, methods of protection during exposure danger, as well as dealing with the consequences of hazards); have the skills of self- and mutual assistance (in case of injury, in conditions of autonomous survival in nature, with burns, with electric shock, with insect bites, etc.). For this, it is necessary to mobilize motivational attitudes, emotions, will, intellect, personal and activity orientation of students.

Educational work on the formation of safe behavior is carried out in two directions:

Assisting trainees in dealing with external difficulties (failure in life, illness, misfortune, natural disaster, accident, etc.);

Formation of such personal qualities as nobility, honesty, kindness, generosity, etc.

General the goal of LBTP formation isthe development of certain skills and abilities that allow you to build your behavior so that the level of dangers emanating from the person decreases, as well as their prevention in the world around a person.

The sources of danger are usually combined. Therefore, in modern conditions, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of an integrated mechanism of readiness for safe life.This mechanism includes:

Acquisition and transfer of knowledge and skills of personality development in various life situations;

Formation of an ecological worldview;

Learning to act in conditions of natural disasters;

Development of the ability to adequately react and behave in conditions of acute social conflicts in society;

Formation of readiness to defend the interests of the Fatherland.

The main components of a personality model of a safe type of behavior are:

Social and collectivist motives of citizen behavior;

Respect for the surrounding world;

Literacy in all areas of life safety;

The presence of legal skills to protect against threats from nature, people, oneself, emanating from external sources and from oneself.

Safe behavior assumes:

Anticipation of danger;

Avoiding danger;

Overcoming the danger;

Giving help.

The main link of the LBTP model is the anticipation of danger both from the environment (natural, technogenic, social, etc.) and from one's own “I” (inflicted on oneself, the environment, and other people). It includes:

Correct assessment of the situation (type of danger, nature of the development of the danger and its consequences, legal orientation of behavior);

Organization and planning of actions to prevent the influence of a specific hazard;

Creation of a material and spiritual base to help the victims.

test questions

1. What are the causes of destructive behavior?

2. Describe the different types of destructive behavior.

3. List the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the qualities of LBTP.

4. What are the main features of a safe type of behavior.

5. What is included in the concept of "safe type of behavior"?

6. Describe the psychophysiological aspect of LBTP.

7. Expand the content of the components of behavior of a person of a safe type.

8. What are the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of LBTP.

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The basicshuman life safety: Method, manual for teachers of grades 1-4 / Ed. L.A. Mikhailova. SPb., 1998.

The basicshuman life safety: Method, manual for teachers of grades 5-6 / Ed. L.A. Mikhailova. SPb., 1998.

The basicshuman life safety: Method, manual for teachers of 7-9 grades / Ed. L.A. Mikhailova. SPb., 1998.

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