Take a test of your biological age. How to find out your biological age? take the test! Some Fun Facts About Leather

Aviary 11.08.2020

Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people with the same passport age sometimes do not look like their peers at all. One at the age of 40-45 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life. The fact is that the state of our health does not depend on the number of years lived, but on the degree of safety of the organism. It is this factor that determines the biological age of a person.

There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. However, you can pass a series of tests at home that show how worn out our body is. The results of such a study make it possible to understand which age group the body of a particular person corresponds to.

1. Flexibility of the spine

Lean your body forward with your knees bent slightly. If your age is 20-30, you can put your palms on the floor. A forty-year-old man from such a position can only reach the ground with his fingertips, and at the age of 50 he can reach the middle of his legs with his hands.

Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute. More than 50 movements corresponds to the age of 20; a 30-year-old bends 35 to 49 times a minute, a 40-year-old bends 30 to 34 times, and a 50-year-old bends from 25 to 29 times. Over the age of 60, there are no more than 24 inclines per minute.

2. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction

To conduct the test, you will have to resort to the services of an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to take a 50 cm ruler and hold it vertically at the end corresponding to the zero mark. You should place your hand 10 cm below the other end of the ruler. The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of the fall, holding it between your thumb and forefinger. Reaction speed is measured by the divisions your fingers are on. In this case, the age matching table looks like this:

  • 20 cm - 20 years old;
  • 25 cm - 30 years old;
  • 35 cm - 40 years old;
  • 45 cm - 60 years old.

3. Condition of the vestibular apparatus

You should close your eyes and try to stand on one leg (the other leg is raised 10 cm from the floor). Age matching is determined by the time during which you were able to maintain balance. For the age of 20, this is 30 seconds, 40 years - 20 seconds, 50 years - 15 seconds, 60 years and older - 10 seconds.

4. Condition of peripheral vessels

Place your thumb and forefinger on the back of your hand, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin. Notice the time it takes for it to disappear. In a 30-year-old person, it is about 5 seconds. The state of the vessels corresponding to 40 years will allow the skin to return to its normal color in 8 seconds. At 50, it takes 10 seconds, and at 60, 15 seconds.

5. Lung health

The safety of the lungs can be determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle. At 20 years old it is easy to do it from one meter, at 40 years old - from 70-80 cm, and at 60 years old - from 50-60 cm.

There is also a test that determines biological age by breathing rate. To do this, you need to calculate how many cycles of deep inhalation and full exhalation you are able to do per minute. Age matching is as follows:

  • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
  • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
  • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
  • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
  • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

6. Preservation of joints

Put your hands behind your back (one above, the other below) and interlock your fingers "in the lock" at the level of the shoulder blades. A twenty-year-old man can do it without problems. At 30 years old, you can only get the fingers of one hand with the other, at 40 years old - to bring your hands together a short distance. It is difficult for a person over the age of 50 to even get both hands behind their back.

7. State of the central nervous system

This test requires a little preparation. Ask your assistant to draw on a piece of paper a plate consisting of five lines, five cells each, and write numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, placing them randomly. Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without distraction, consistently touch the cells in ascending order of numbers (from the first to the twenty-fifth). If you are 20 years old, this should take less than 35 seconds. A thirty-year-old will show a result from 36 to 40 seconds, a 40-year-old will do it in 41-50 seconds, a 50-year-old will spend about 60 seconds.

The organs and systems of the human body wear out differently over time. Therefore, tests can show different biological ages. To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters.

The rate at which our bodies wear out depends on many factors. It is increased by illness, stress, bad habits, difficult living conditions and environmental conditions, a sedentary lifestyle. A person cannot always avoid difficulties and grief, but he is quite capable of taking care of his own health. In this case, he has a chance to preserve vigor of the body, clarity of mind and high working capacity until a ripe old age.

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Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people with the same passport age sometimes do not look like their peers at all.

One at the age of 40-45 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life.

Scientists gerontologists, in addition to the calendar age, usually take into account the biological age of a person, which shows the degree of aging of the body and its individual organs and systems. And very often the indicators of these criteria do not coincide. A person can be healthy and full of energy even at 70, and sometimes even at 20, illnesses and early aging occurs.
As a result of long-term observations, scientists have concluded that women age more slowly than men, and live 6-8 years longer, and perhaps this is due to the fact that men age a little faster.
The biological age also depends on the place of residence and climatic conditions. Less than the calendar year among the peoples of the south (Abkhaz, Georgians, Karakalpaks). The closer to the north, the closer the biological age is to the calendar age, and sometimes even significantly exceeds it (especially among the Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, Buryats).
The state of our health does not depend on the number of years lived, but on the degree of safety of the organism. It is this factor that determines the biological age of a person.
There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. But there are many methods for determining biological age, but many of them require special equipment.
However, you can go through a series of tests at home that show how worn out our body is - they assess the state of the body and its real biological age.

The results of such a study make it possible to understand which age group the body of a particular person corresponds to.

1. Flexibility of the spine

This test allows you to determine the condition of the ligaments and tendons of the spine.

While standing, bend forward, you can bend your knees. Where did you reach with your palms?

  • Put your palms on the floor - your ligaments are 20 years old;
  • They touched the floor with only fingers, palms did not reach - 30 years;
  • Reached with palms to the ankles - 40 years;
  • Put your palms below your knees - 50 years;
  • Knees touched - 60 years old;
  • Didn't reach the knees - 70 and older.

Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute.

  • More than 50 movements corresponds to the age of 20;
  • a 30-year-old bends over 35 to 49 times a minute,
  • 30 to 34 times - 40 years old,
  • from 25 to 29 - 50 year olds.
  • Over the age of 60, there are no more than 24 inclines per minute.

The spine protects the spinal cord from damage. The vertebral column as a single anatomical and physiological structure is supported by ligaments and muscles. The spinal cord contains many centers of the autonomic nervous system from which the spinal nerves depart, through the channels of which complex reflex functions are carried out.
Deterioration of the flexibility and mobility of the spine can lead to a disruption in the efficiency of neuro-regulatory processes and deterioration of the work of some organs and systems of the human body.

2. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction

To conduct the test, you will have to resort to the services of an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to take a 50 cm ruler and hold it vertically at the end corresponding to the zero mark.

You should place your hand 10 cm below the other end of the ruler.

The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of the fall, holding it between your thumb and forefinger.

Reaction speed is measured by the divisions your fingers are on. In this case, the age matching table looks like this:

  • 20 cm - 20 years old;
  • 25 cm - 30 years old;
  • 35 cm - 40 years old;
  • 45 cm - 60 years old.

This test allows you to determine the time of a simple motor reaction and the duration of the conduction of nervous excitement. The indicator of the time of this reflex is an important indicator of the functional state of the human nerve centers.

3. Condition of the vestibular apparatus

You will need the help of someone from your family.
Take off your shoes, close your eyes, stand on one leg, rest the other foot on the shin of the supporting leg.

The assistant marks on the watch how long you can stand like that.

  • 30 seconds or more - you are 20 years old;
  • 25 seconds - 30 years;
  • 20 seconds - 40 years;
  • 15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 10 seconds or less - 60 years.
  • You can't stand at all - 70 and older.

4. Lung health and condition

The safety of the lungs can be determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle.

  • 1 meter - your lungs are 20 years old;
  • 80–90 cm - 30 years old;
  • 70-80 cm - 40 years old;
  • 60–70 cm - 50 years old;
  • 50-60 cm - 60 years old;
  • Less than 50 cm - 70 years and older.

There is also a test that determines biological age by breathing rate. To do this, you need to calculate how many cycles of deep inhalation and full exhalation you are able to do per minute. Age matching is as follows:

  • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
  • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
  • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
  • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
  • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

5. Preservation of joints

Place both hands behind your back: one at the bottom, the other over your shoulder.

Try to connect your fingers at the level of the shoulder blades. What happened?

  • Easily linked your fingers into a "lock" - your joints are 20 years old;
  • Fingers touched, but it didn't work out - 30 years;
  • The palms are close, but the fingers do not touch - 40 years;
  • Palms behind the back, but rather far from each other - 50 years;
  • Barely brought palms behind the back - 60 years old;
  • I can't get both hands behind my back - 70 years.

6. Determine muscle strength

Lie on a firm surface on your back, bend your knees and do this exercise: raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. The loin remains tight. Place your hands behind your head or cross over your chest ..

How many times have you managed to do this?

  • 40 times - judging by the strength, you are 20 years old;
  • 35 times - 30 years;
  • 28 times - 40 years;
  • 23 times - 50 years;
  • 15 times - 60 years.
  • Less than 12 times over 65.

7. Heart rate control before and after exercise

Count your pulse. Then squat 30 times at a fast pace.
Measure your pulse again.

By the degree of increase in heart rate, you can judge your biological age:

If the heart rate has increased by:

  • 0-10 units - age corresponds to 20 years;
  • 10-20 units - age corresponds to 30 years;
  • 20-30 units - age corresponds to 40 years;
  • 30-40 units - age corresponds to 50 years;
  • more than 40 units or the person could not complete the exercise at all - the age corresponds to 60 years and older.

Pulse can be measured by palpation of the carotid or radial artery. Palpation of the radial artery is carried out by pressing the index and middle fingers of one hand on the inside of the wrist of the other.

The carotid artery is found by placing the index finger on the neck in the middle of the line connecting the lower jaw and the middle of the clavicle.

The number of heart beats per minute is determined (counting the number of beats per 60 s).

See details In the rhythm of life: normal human pulse

8. Condition of the skin and peripheral vessels

Place your thumb and forefinger on the back of your hand, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin.

Notice the time it takes for it to disappear.

  • Up to 5 seconds - your skin is 20 years old;
  • 6-8 seconds - 30 years;
  • 9-12 seconds - 40 years;
  • 13-15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 16-19 seconds - 60 years.
  • More than 19 seconds - 70 and older.

9. State of the central nervous system

This test requires a little preparation. Ask your assistant to draw on a piece of paper a plate consisting of five lines, five cells each, and write numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, placing them randomly.

Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without distraction, consistently touch the cells in ascending order of numbers (from the first to the twenty-fifth).

  • If you are 20 years old, this should take less than 35 seconds.
  • A thirty-year-old person will show a result from 36 to 40 seconds,
  • A 40-year-old will do it in 41-50 seconds
  • A 50 year old will spend about 60 seconds.

You can also use a simple flash toy: TEST: The biological age of your brain.

By the way, you can easily train your memory with such simple toys: Memory Matrix: Flash Memory Training Game

10. Libido

The male body is characterized by a direct dependence of the frequency of realized sexual contacts on biological age:

  • at the age of 20, this figure is 6-7 times a week,
  • at the age of 30 - 5-6 times,
  • in 40-year-olds - 3-4 times,
  • a man aged 50 years or more is able to experience and successfully implement sex drive no more than 2 times a week.

To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters: add up all your results and divide by 10. This figure will be your biological age.

The calendar and biological age of a person may not coincide.
It happens that the biological age is less than the calendar age, and this indicates slow aging and a longer life span can be predicted.
If these ages are equal, then a normal physiological process takes place in the human body.
If the biological age is greater than the calendar age, then this may be a sign of premature aging, which leads to chronic diseases.
There are other factors that accelerate the aging process - psychoemotional stress, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin deficiency.

There are other tests to determine whether your calendar age is biological. Some of them are indicated in these tables.

It is interesting

Taking a closer look at those who look younger, it can be noted that they, for the most part, are incorrigible optimists, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend a lot of time in nature, and it is pleasant to communicate with them. They prefer natural methods of treatment in case of illness, but this rarely happens to them ... the list goes on.

For example, the famous Paul Bragg, in his 80s, looked 60, surfed, starved, jogged and led a very active lifestyle.
Or Tibetan monks - they know the secrets of longevity and look much younger than their earthly years.

In the photo below, 67 year old Gao Mingyuan. He began his studies at the age of 60 when he retired.

After many years of work at the factory, by the age of 60, everything hurt him, especially his legs and back. He was engaged in stretching exercises for 7-8 hours a day. Now he is 67 years old, and he has forgotten about his illnesses and does not go to doctors at all. Answering the question about what makes him happy, without hesitation, he names several things: order, many friends, good mood and love for people.
Based on materials from sovetchiki.org, natyropat.ru

See also:

TEST: Skin reveals our biological age

How old are you really?

Human aging: causes, signs and prevention of aging

TEST: Skin reveals our biological age

Buying expensive cosmetics, but the result is not visible?

Most likely, it does not suit your skin ... age ...

Recently, cosmetologists increasingly advise us to select skin care products in strict accordance with its "real age".

What surprise: it may well be that in the current conditions of stress and overload, your skin is 10 years older than you. How can you find out how old your

The biological age of a person is more influenced by conditions environment, lifestyle, and heredity. Usually, people who are younger than their age have a favorable daily lifestyle combined with positive heredity.

Knowing the true biological age of your skin, you can draw conclusions about your lifestyle, select cosmetics and procedures. If you like the scientific approach, you can resort to a special procedure for determining the biological age of the skin: there are special skin scanners for this.

They are able to objectively assess such important parameters of the skin as lipid composition, dryness or oily content, water saturation, elasticity, susceptibility to ultraviolet light, and a predisposition to allergies. And already from these calculations, the main parameter of the skin is determined - its biological age.

If such a procedure is not available to you, you can try to determine the age of the skin using tests. Experts from different manufacturers give sometimes conflicting recommendations in this regard, so I decided to offer you several tests to determine the biological age of the skin in order to minimize the possibility of error.

Test 1

First, let's take a simple test, which was developed by the American gerontologist Ray Walford.
Use your thumb and forefinger to firmly squeeze the skin on the back of your hand for 5 seconds. Time the second hand, not by eye.

Letting go of your fingers, see how long it takes for the whitened skin to return to its original state:


  • 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;
  • 8 seconds - about 40 years;
  • 10 seconds - about 50 years;
  • 15 seconds is about 60 years.

Test 2

Pull the lower eyelid and hold it, then release it and watch how long the formed fold straightens.

Ideally, this should take 2 seconds. The skin on the eyelid is very thin and is often the easiest to see the first signs of aging. People often think that these signs are not aging, but simply fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive sun.

The elasticity of the human skin is given by the collagen fibers contained in the dermis. Elastin molecules are responsible for elasticity.

Wrinkles are folds in the skin that occur when the number of these molecules is significantly reduced, as a result of which the skin of the face suffers from a loss of moisture and elasticity.

Look for these signs of aging:

Test 3

Raise your eyebrows. If the skin on the forehead is wrinkled, then the forehead muscles are in hypertonicity. Hypertonia is a sign of old age of muscle fibers.

Test 4

Now smile and look in the mirror - do you have nasolabial wrinkles (wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the lips)?

With age, these nasolabial folds change: they become deeper and longer, and the corners of the lips go down. When collagen formation slows down, existing collagen begins to degrade. Normally, collagen helps prevent wrinkles and folds, but when there is less of it and it breaks down, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

So the skin without collagen sags, tightens, and wrinkles form.

Test 5

Look at your cheeks - are there any age spots on them? As a rule, age spots occur with frequent and strong exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

The skin contains the pigment melatonin, which protects it from the harmful effects of UV rays by absorbing them. The maximum production of melatonin is observed in childhood, then declines, and in old age the hormone is almost not formed. It is melatonin that is responsible for the aging process, or rather, the rhythm of the production of this hormone regulates the entire cycle of human life.
The maximum production of melatonin in the body is reached by the age of 25, and then begins to decline. After 60 years, the level of melatonin naturally decreases to 20% of the norm and below

Pigmented spots from excessive exposure to UV rays appear at any age, but normally they should not be more than 10%.

Now the study of melatonin continues in many laboratories around the world. Scientists argue that melatonin can not only prolong a person's life by a good third, but also change its quality - to preserve youth and allow them to remain energetic and cheerful throughout their lives.

Test 6

Here is another popular test for determining the biological age of your skin.
In daylight, carefully examine your face and for each phenomenon identified in yourself, put the appropriate points, which should be summed up and add 20 to the final result:

  • brown spots +5
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows +3
  • Crow's feet +4
  • wrinkles under the eyes +4
  • bags under the eyes +4
  • drooping of the upper eyelid +4
  • pronounced nasolabial folds +3
  • wrinkles around the lips +5
  • weakening of the muscles of the oval of the face +5
  • lip wrinkles +4
  • wrinkles on the neck +5
  • double chin +4

The resulting figure is the true age of your skin.

Test 7

Well, now a test from professionals. Loreal dermatologists recommend take the number 21 as a basis and subtract or add to it the numbers corresponding to your chosen answers to the questions.

1. Your skin ...

Smooth, smooth 0
- sensitive, prone to redness +1
- dry, rough +2
- with enlarged pores and "black dots" - 1

2. How elastic is your skin:

Very elastic 0
- quite elastic +1
- lost elasticity in certain areas +2
- noticeably less elastic than a few years ago +3
- face contour "floated" +4

3. Does your skin shine?

No +1
- yes, whole face -1
- only T-zone 0

4. Do you have wrinkles?

No 0
- in some places mimic wrinkles +1
- subtle wrinkles around the eyes and in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds +2
- "crow's feet" around the eyes are clearly visible +3
- deep wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and lips +4

5. Do you have acne?

Sometimes 0
- often -1
- never +1

6. What does your face look like if you haven't slept much (you can choose several options at once):

Excellent 0
- a little haggard +1
- swollen +1
- bags under the eyes +1
- complexion dull, grayish +1

7. Your lifestyle (you can choose several options at once):

Go in for sports and watch your diet - 1
- spend most of the day indoors with dry air +1
- smoke +2
- often stressed +1
- spend a lot of time in the sun +3
- constantly diets +2

The result obtained at the end is approximate, but still you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "real" growth of your skin: o).

Test 8

With its help, you can find out a very specific figure that can both please and upset.

1 ... Your chronological age is taken as a basis. Remember how old you are? Write down this number. When answering questions, add or subtract as recommended:

2. Degree of sun exposure:

Apply SPF cream daily - 2
- Visit the solarium +7
- Stay about 8 hours outdoors during the day +8

3. For skin care, you:

Use daily make-up remover, moisturizer - 2
- Use anti-aging products (anti-age cosmetics) - 5

4. Taking vitamins or nutritional supplements:

Several drugs daily - 4
- One drug daily -3
- I periodically take antioxidants (vitamin C, or vitamin E) - 1

5. You are often stressed +3

6. Your night sleep is 7-8 hours - 3

7. Engage in physical exercise or fitness for at least 1 hour a day - 2

8. You live in a metropolis +2

9. Your lifestyle:

Drink at least 4 servings of alcohol per week +3
- Smoke +8
- Do not smoke, but have to constantly be in a smoky room +7

10. Drink 8 or more glasses of water daily - 2

The result is the real biological age of your skin.

Now, armed with accurate data on the true age of our skin, we can think about how to help it. By the way, did you know that A woman's age betrays ... her scent?

If you are not happy with the test results, then it's time to devote more time to your face and take care of yourself.
Research has shown that you can stop the aging process immediately. Scientists are confident that we are able to use our biological potential up to 120 years: o)

Some Fun Facts About Leather

And remember, in order to look attractive and young in adulthood, cosmetics alone are not enough (see. Facial skin care in adulthood), you need to work tirelessly, caring for yourself, monitor your health and nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, love yourself and others. And then an attractive face will be the reward for this constant work.


1. The sense of smell improves. After having sex in a person, the amount of the hormone prolactin increases in the body,
which causes the brain to form neurons at the center of smell

2. The risk of heart disease is reduced. Scientists have found that men who have sex at least 3 times
per week, the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes decreases by 2 times.

3. Losing weight and improving well-being. Sex is a physical exercise that burns 200 kcal. Besides,
during sex, almost all parts of the body work, which replaces the gym. You can lose weight at the same time
and pump up the pelvis, ass, arms and chest. Having sex increases testosterone levels, which strengthens bones and muscles.

4. Depression decreases. Having sex regularly leads to a decrease in depression. This is due to the fact that during
having sex, the hormone prostaglandin is released, which prevents depression.

5. Sex is like pain relief. It's no secret that during orgasm, a person gets tremendous pleasure.
During this period, the level of hormones oxytocins and endorphins simply goes off scale. It is these hormones that dull pain, therefore,
if you have something sick, you don't need to go to pain relievers, just call your girlfriend.

6. The number of colds decreases. It has been proven that people who have sex at least 2 times a week
the amount of immunoglobulin is 30% higher than in people who rarely have sex. Immunoglobulins strengthen the immune system,
thereby protecting the body from colds.

7. The condition of the bladder improves. During sex, you do a kind of exercise that is beneficial
affect the condition of the bladder.

8. The condition of the teeth improves. It may sound silly, but hygiene rules require brushing your teeth before and after sex.
thereby improving the condition and maintaining the health of the teeth.

9. Improves the health of the skin and face. Everyone knows that during puberty, boys and girls experience
hormonal changes. With age, acne and other skin problems go away, as boys and girls begin
have sex. If for some reason you have for a long time there was no sex, cosmetologists and sexologists advise
find a partner.

10. Healthy prostate gland. If a man, seeing a beautiful and sexy woman, cannot enter into
sexual contact, he remains dissatisfied. If this condition occurs over and over again,
inflammation of the prostate gland, as well as long-term erectile dysfunction. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly
satisfy your sexual desire.

11. Healthy psyche. It is not uncommon for bachelors and old maids to behave inadequately. Lack of sex can easily
lead to mental disorders, because our body relies on an active sex life. Without sex our
the body does not receive the necessary hormones and substances, which leads to endocrine disruption. If you don't want to be psycho
and an unbalanced man, have sex as often as possible.

The age of the vascular system (VA - Vascular Aging), measured by AngioScan devices, is a parameter that shows your biological age, i.e. wear and tear of your body. It should be noted that this approach is based on the generally accepted opinion that a person's condition determines his vascular bed.

Biological age test

Determination of biological age with the help of AngioScan devices it takes about two minutes (depending on the pulse rate), does not require special training of the operator who conducts the test, and is absolutely harmless to the body.

"Depreciation" is measured in years, and the distinction between calendar age and biological... It is good if the biological is less than the calendar, and vice versa.

However, one should not be alarmed by a difference of several years for the worse. First, this situation is not critical. Secondly, this parameter depends on the state of the body at a particular moment in time: at the end of a hard working week, he is alone, after vacation - completely different, etc. It is necessary to observe, identify trends, analyze.

It is important to measure the age of the vascular system at certain times of the day. The optimal time is the morning hours from 9 to 11. It is also important when measuring this parameter to constantly measure on one hand - optimally the right. This is due not only to the fact that different hands may have different arterial pressure, but with different angio-architectonics of the vascular bed (brachycephalic region).

Biological age is a calculated parameter based on the age index. To determine Vascular Aging, a correlation field was constructed for the dependence of the age index on the subject's date of birth, and then the age of the vascular system was calculated using the value of the age index. This approach is widely used; the work of the Japanese researcher Takazawa should be mentioned, as well as a similar algorithm for calculating vascular age is used in the Pulse Trace device of the American company Micro Medical.

The approximate data of the age index depending on the calendar age are presented in the table:

Biological age tables

There are many different ways to determine biological age. The first method is based on the above-described age index obtained by AngioScan devices both in clinical and at home.

Age Women Men
from 20 to 30 -0,95+ 0,31 -0,91+ 0,23
from 30 to 40 -0,64+ 0,26 -0,86+ 0,28
from 40 to 50 -0,36+ 0,23 -0,57+ 0,28
from 50 to 60 -0,16+ 0,27 -0,20+ 0,30
from 60 to 70 0,03+ 0,26 -0,01+ 0,27
over 70 years old 0,18+ 0,29 0,00+ 0,32

Age index (AGI - Aging Index) is a calculated integral indicator, the value of which can be seen only in professional versions of AngioScan program. This parameter is a combination of pulse wave indicators, which includes the extensibility of the arterial wall and the amplitude characteristics of the reflected wave.

The second method requires laboratory tests to determine the amount of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Matching values \u200b\u200bare presented in the table:

If you want to determine your biological age at home, run several tests from the list below and compare your results with the norms presented in the table.

Tests Biological age
20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 years
Pulse after climbing to the 4th floor
(speed - 80 steps / min)
106 108 112 116 120 122 124 126 128
Systolic pressure ("upper") 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
Diastolic pressure ("lower") 65 70 73 75 78 80 83 85 88
Duration of breath holding on inspiration (sec) 50 45 42 40 37 35 33 30 25
Duration of breath holding on exhalation (sec) 40 38 35 30 28 25 23 21 19
Pull-ups on the bar (for men) 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1
Squats (times) 110 100 95 90 85 80 70 60 50
Raising the torso from a prone position
in a sitting position (times)
40 35 30 28 25 23 20 15 12
Stand on one leg with closed eyes
(heel of one leg at the knee of the other) (sec)
40 30 25 20 17 15 12 10 8
(shin circumference) / (waist circumference) * 100 (%) 52 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43

The norms for women are 10-15% softer than those presented in the table.

A simple test, which can be done even at home, will help to approximately find out your biological age.

1. Slopes

Time yourself. Standing straight, quickly bend down, trying to reach the floor with your fingers. Straighten up quickly. Bend over again. How many bends did you do in a minute?
50 - 55 - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person,
49 - 35 - you are 30 years old,
34 - 30 - you are 40 years old,
29 - 25 - you are 50 years old,
24 - 20 - you are 60 years old,
19 - 10 - you are 70 years old.
By the way: if, bending over, without bending your knees, you can put your palms completely on the floor, your biological age is between 20 and 30 years.
If you only touch the floor with your fingers, you are about 40 years old.
If you only reach your shins with your hands, you are about 50 years old.
If you can only reach your knees, you are over 60 years old.

2. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction

Your partner holds a 50 cm ruler at the 50 mark straight down. Your hand is about 10 cm lower. And as soon as your partner lets go of the ruler, try to grab it with your thumb and forefinger.
If you grab the ruler at around 20 - your biological age is 20,
at around 25 cm - 30 years,
at around 35 cm - 40 years old,
at around 45 cm - 60 years old,
failed to catch - 70 years.

3. Vestibular apparatus

With tightly closed eyes (important!), Stand on your right or left foot. Raise the other leg about 10 cm from the floor. Your partner should time the time during which you can resist:
30 seconds or more - your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person,
20 seconds - 40 years old,
15 seconds - 50 years old,
less than 10 seconds - 60 years of age or older.

4. State of blood vessels

Use your thumb and forefinger to squeeze the skin on the back of your hand for 5 seconds. The skin will turn slightly white. Time how long it takes for the skin (white spot) to return to its original appearance:
5 seconds - you are about 30 years old, 8 seconds - about 40 years old,
10 seconds - about 50 years,
15 seconds - about 60 years,
more than 15 seconds - 70 years.

5. Respiratory system.

Breathe in deeply, exhale. Count how many such breaths you take in a minute:
45 - 40 - 20 years old,
39 - 35 - 30 years old,
34 - 30 - 40 years old,
29 - 20 - 50 years old,
19 - 15 - 60 years old,
14 - 10 - 70 years old.
By the way, the state of the lungs can be determined by the distance from which it is possible to blow out the candle. If this happens when you are one meter away from the candle, you are 20 years old, from 70 - 80 cm - 40 years old, from 50 - 60 cm - 60 years old.

6. Libido (for men)

If you have a sexual desire, which you realize without any problems 6 - 7 times a week, your age corresponds to a 20-year-old person.
If 5 - 6 times a month - 30-year-old.
If 3 - 4 times a month - 40-year-old.
If 1 - 2 times a month - 50-year-old.
If less often, then you are 60 years old or more.

7. Condition of joints

Put both hands behind your back and try to lock your fingers at the level of the shoulder blades. If you did it with ease - your age is 20 years old,
just touched your fingers - you are 30 years old,
if your hands only came close, but did not touch - you are 40 years old,
if you could not get your hands behind your back and bring them closer - you are 60 years old,
if you could not get your hands behind your back at all, you are over 60.

8. State of the central nervous system

Use your pencil or finger to touch each cell in order from 1 to 25. Note how many seconds it took.
Now add up all of your results and divide by the number of tests you passed. This arithmetic mean will be your biological age.

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