Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk monastery. Michael the Archangel Monastery (Veliky Ustyug) Archangel Monastery

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It was at the beginning of the XIII century. The Sukhona River flooded, and its banks became so far apart that the inhabitants of Ustyug, accustomed to attending services at the Trinity Gleden Monastery, could no longer do this. And there was a young monk in the Gledensky monastery, named Cyprian. His family owned many lands along the Dvina and around Ustyug, but he himself was not interested in earthly affairs, but he devoted his life to saving his soul. And the Ustyug people asked him to move to Ustyug itself, and to establish a monastery here, so that they would have a place to pray to God. And so, in 1212, the monk Cyprian with the Ustyugians began to build a monastery in the name of the Entry of the Theotokos and the Archangel Michael into the temple. In the vicinity of the monastery there were several lakes, and he himself was outside the fortress and the ancient city rampart. Cyprian himself donated the entire fortune of his family to this cause, and the townspeople wore everything necessary for the construction of the temple. Quite quickly, the brethren appeared in the monastery, and with a single impulse they chose a monk already known to us as abbot. The righteous Procopius of Ustyug, the holy fool, often came here to talk with Cyprian. In his modesty and humility, hegumen Cyprian never accepted the priesthood, considering himself an unworthy servant of God. The monk even slept on a stone, from which the Ustyugians then scraped off pieces and, drinking them with water, received healing. Having lived for more than 80 years in the monastery, the Monk Cyprian died on September 29, 1294, according to the old style, and was buried at the gates of the monastery. Later, his relics were transferred, and now there is a miniature church of Mid-Pentecost over his grave. Years passed and the monastery expanded. This happened partly from a particularly large number of miracles and visions revealed to the Ustyug residents and the inhabitants of the monastery. There lived in the monastery a certain serf Ivan, a Karymian-Buryat by origin, who had lagged behind his merchant. The monks sheltered him in a monastery and he converted to Orthodoxy and stayed here to live, moonlighting as a night watchman. And suddenly he sees - in the middle of the night in the chapel, over the grave of Cyprian, a fiery light. Ivan ran as fast as he could to the monastery's porter Nifont, but when they returned, the light had already gone out. Nifont did not believe it, but scolded the Buryats. Two weeks later, the miraculous light came again. This time the watchman decided to check everything himself, and plucking up the courage to look into the chapel. He saw there a candle shining in front of the image of the Savior on the banner. And on the tomb sits an old man. In one hand holding a staff, and in the other - flaming candles. The elder is dressed in golden vestments, and the floor of the chapel is not a floor anymore, but beautiful green grass. And the elder said - "It is very damp for me to lie." The next day, the brethren, having gathered together, served a memorial service for the Monk Kiripian and poured sand under the chapel and around it. Many times they saw the Monk Cyprian in the monastery, either healing a drunken addict, or hewing a stone at the construction of the Entry Church, or praying in the temple, and once asked to transfer his relics from the gate to a new place. And so the monastery lived, in which there were two abbots - one ordinary, earthly and the second - wonderful. From the moment of its creation, the Archangel Michael Monastery was part of the defense system of Ustyug and served as an outpost on its northern outskirts. In the XV century. gates were placed on the eastern side of the monastery fence, and a tower with loopholes was erected above them. A pond, later called Arkhangelsk, lakes and a stream protected the monastery from intruders, and long time the monastery remained a reliable fortress. In 1653, a large construction began here - the local merchant Nikifor Revyakin donated a lot of money for the construction of the stone Church of the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God and a five-domed cold temple in honor of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael with a bell tower. Over the next hundred years, two more churches will be built, the rector's, fraternal buildings, a new stone fence 800 meters long. In 1750, a large clock with a German mechanism and a chime was installed on the bell tower of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral. Since the beginning of the 17th century, the Veliky Ustyug Theological School operated on the territory of the monastery, and since 1737, the Veliky Ustyug Theological Seminary, but after a fire in its building at the end of the 18th century, it was never restored. In 1788, the Veliky Ustyug and Totem diocese was abolished, the territories of which became part of the Vologda and Veliky Ustyug diocese. The last Bishop of Veliky Ustyug, Bishop John, was retired and spent the rest of his days here, in the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery. In 1918 the monastery was closed and used as a branch of the Veliky Ustyug Correctional House. In the fraternal building there were 7 common cells for 30 people each, in which priests, students, merchants, professors and several peasants were kept under guard. In one sat Pitirim Sorokin, the famous Russian and American sociologist, philosopher, culturologist and personal secretary of the chairman of the provisional government Alexander Kerensky, who surrendered to the Chekists in Ustyug in October 1918. He wrote: “There were no beds, the prisoners lay in their rags on the floor, there were a huge number of insects in the cell. Many of the prisoners do not know why they were arrested, and the workers and peasants simply do not understand why they were arrested by their government. Mutual assistance existed among the prisoners: food was shared equally, it was also observed in relation to smoking, etc. The food is disgusting, so the prisoners felt a constant feeling of hunger. Lunch: 1.4 pounds of bread and a bowl of hot water with potatoes, also for dinner and breakfast, that is, food - 1 time per day. In the cell, along with healthy prisoners, there were also 4 people suffering from typhus. Lights out at 20.00, and at 22.00 the prisoners were taken away in batches to be shot. The head of the shooting team of 11 people was Karl Andreevich Peterson, he had been in the city of Veliky Ustyug since 1918, the position of commissar of the division of the Latvian riflemen, was engaged in punitive operations in the front line. Sometimes they shot people right in their cells, and so every night, from 1 to 9 people.” Already in our time, the monastery reveals its treasures and mysteries. The porch of the Archangel Cathedral keeps four murals from different times. The unique murals of the 17th-18th centuries, "The Parables of the Elderly", edify the monks in their spiritual work. There are also rare ornamental paintings, and a portrait of Archbishop Joseph, buried in the cathedral, and an epitaph of the monastery archimandrite Varsonofy. The western portal was previously decorated with doors with gilded and silvered copper plates engraved with biblical events. The western porch of the cathedral leads to the gallery, where there are three portals framed by columns. The cathedral was originally painted, but now the frescoes are plastered and whitewashed. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery has not changed much. There was a school, a museum, and now it still belongs to the museum, although there are no expositions and exhibitions there. On July 16, 2014, Metropolitan Ignatius of Vologda and Kirillov issued a decree on the formation of the Orthodox religious organization Bishops' Metochion "Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery". No matter how much time passes, “A holy place is never empty” - they say among the Russian people. The time will come, and the Monk Cyprian, as in ancient visions, will bless the first monk who will again settle in the monastery of the Archangel Michael on Ustyuz.


Like Pereslavl-Zalessky, Georgev-grad was placed in the area of ​​concentration of the original population - Mary. This is evidenced by purely Meryan hydronyms, such as "Koloksha" and "Gza" (Kza), at the confluence of which the city stands.
- Kurgan, 11-13 centuries. The territory of the city, the tract Yurieva Gora. Investigated in 1852 by A.S. Uvarov. It contained the burial of a nomad warrior with a horse, dated to the 12th century. The remains of the mound were destroyed by construction work.

Fortress rampart Yuryev-Polsky

Built around 1152, the ramparts were undoubtedly the first construction in the new city, within the boundaries, presumably, of the old Meryan settlement. The result was a powerful fortress, small but well fortified.
The site of the hill fort is rounded in plan and measures approx. 340x230 m., area approx. 9.5 ha., surrounded by an annular rampart 4-6 m high with a width at the base of 18-20 m and a heavily swollen moat in front of it, currently having a depth of 0.8-1.2 m with a width of 25-28 m. .1 km. The ramparts have survived almost along the entire perimeter, except for a small part near the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery. The study of the southern rampart showed that it was poured in the 12th century, in two stages. The embankment consisted of loam with a large number of humus interlayers. No internal structures were found.
In the system of fortifications there are gaps from three passage gates 25-50 m wide: northern - Rostov, southeast - Vladimir, southwest - Moscow (later).
Wooden fortifications stood on the ramparts.
The name of the city speaks for the fact that, it seems, he built it as his own residence. However, his other offspring - Pereslavl Zalessky - turned out to be more successful. Dolgoruky in Yuryev did not really manage to live. Dolgoruky was captivated by the beauty of the places. He needed a stronghold among the recalcitrant Mary. It's like that. But the Brockhaus-Evfron dictionary is perplexed why it was necessary to build a city in this economically failed place. Yuryev became provincial in ancient times.

The grandson of Dolgoruky, the son of Vsevolod (and the Czech Queen Mary), the prince in 1212, after the death of his father, received the city of Yuryev (1212 - 1238) as an inheritance.
In 1212, Yuryev was the center of a small independent principality, which stood out from the Vladimir-Suzdal land and was controlled by Svyatoslav.
After Svyatoslav returned to Yuriev. The prince did a lot for the city.

Among the finds from the pre-Mongolian period, iron cylindrical locks and keys to them, knives, craftsmen's tools, glass bracelets, rings, beads, fragments of glass goblets should be noted. Parts of a khoros (pendant lamp) were also found, including details of the bottom, chains, brackets for candles in the form of dragon figures.

Svyatoslav destroyed his grandfather's building in 1230, because, according to the chronicle, it "dilapidated and broke down." In its place, by 1234, a new stone church had already been built, which the prince decorated more magnificently than other churches, for, as the chronicler says, the saints “wonderful velmi” were carved from stone outside the whole church. The Trinity chapel of the cathedral was also decorated with carved stone. This temple was famous for its beauty and the people of the subsequent, XIV century.
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In those same years, he founded the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery.

Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery

Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk monastery. Photo LF. twentieth century

In 1238, the troops of Batu during the capture of Yuryev-Polsky destroyed the monastery, and for almost two centuries it stood in desolation.

In 1252 Dmitry (+1269) inherited the principality. The last Yuryev prince was a certain Ivan Yaroslavich, who in the winter of 1339/1340. together with the Horde, he goes to Smolensk, which glorious deed was the last mention of the independent Yuryevsky principality.
OK. 1347-1348 it becomes part of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir.
In 1382, when Tokhtamysh plundered the possessions of Dmitry of Moscow, among them he set fire to the surroundings of Yuryev.

In the XVI century. The Crimean nobleman, a relative of the Gireys, Abdul-Litif, arrived in Moscow in 1493, at the time good relations Crimea with Russia, and sat on the throne in Zvenigorod. In 1499, Moscow put him on the Kazan throne (she was under the protectorate of Moscow), but suddenly began to pursue a policy unfriendly to Russia (at the same time, relations with the Crimea began to deteriorate rapidly). In 1502, a Russian detachment came to Kazan, Abdul-Latif was deposed and sent into exile at Beloozero. Mengli-Giray, trying to help out his relative, wrote to Moscow, as a result, in 1507, Abdul-Latif was released from exile, and given Yuryev-Polsky to feed, where he died in 1517.
Since 1552, the prince of Astrakhan nobleman Kaybula (more correctly - Abdalla), a relative of the last Kazan tsar Ediger, lived in Yuryev. Kaibula passed to the side of the Russians even before the fall of Astrakhan. Here is what the Russian ambassador said about him to the Turkish pasha in Istanbul: “My sovereign is not an enemy of the Muslim faith. His servant Tsar Sain-Bulat dominates in Kasimov (ruled in 1567-1573), Tsarevich Kaybula in Yuriev, Ibak in Surzhik, the Nogai princes in Romanov: they all freely and solemnly glorify Mohammed in their mosques ... "This Kaybula distinguished himself in the Livonian War (1558), and in the company of fellow tribesmen: Kaibula himself led the right flank, the advanced regiment - Toktamysh, the entire army - Kasim Shah Ali. This whole company was recruited for the war with the Crimea, and Tokhtamysh was supposed to be put on the throne in Bakhchisarai instead of Girey. But the circumstances were such that they moved to Sweden.
And finally, in 1609, the Pretender gave Yuryev to Mohammed Murad, the son of Kasimov Khan Uraz Muhammad (1600-1610). Uraz took the side of the Pretender, however, at the denunciation of his son, he was killed near Kaluga during a hunt. The Nogai Urusov avenged him, who nailed the Pretender himself with the words - "know, dog, how to kill the Tatar kings."

The Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery is located entirely within the ramparts, so that it seems to be the Kremlin itself. The monastery, being destroyed in 1238, was not restored until the 16th century.

In 1555, with the zeal of Prince M.I. Kubensky, near the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery, a stone fence of 40 sazhens was erected and “three large towers are attached to it, the top is hipped”.
Another part of the fence was built in 1736.

The towers are "massive, in the manner" of the 16th century, with figured windows.

Only three towers remained from antiquity, they are “massive, in the manner” of the 16th century, with figured windows.

A pond on the territory of the monastery

The builders of the walls at one time faced a difficult problem: there is a pond on the territory of the monastery (“ark” - their dug of a strictly defined size). A small stream flowed from the pond. I had to build a passage for this water. The water nevertheless eroded the walls, which, probably, caused the need for their repair in this particular area in the 23rd century. The combat course of the walls, where we managed to trace it, is purely decorative.

Michael the Archangel Cathedral

In 1560, thanks to Prince M.I. The first stone two-story cathedral church with the Ilyinsky limit was rebuilt at the Kubensky Monastery. The church has been repeatedly remodeled and renovated.
In 1685, in the Yuryev-Polsky Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery, Princess Sophia and the Russian tsars Ivan V and Peter I were on pilgrimage.
In 1792, construction began Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral(finished in 1806).
In 1804, St. George's merchant Avdotya Vasilyeva allocated money for the construction of a three-tiered iconostasis for the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Cathedral.
In 1817, Akulina Andreevna Pestova donated funds for the gilding of the iconostases of the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God and the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Cathedral.
Inventory of the ancient objects of the monastery early. XX century:
“In the iconostasis of the Archangel Church there is a wooden three-tiered royal door with columns, cornices and carved decorations, carved with six images on the boards: the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and the 4 Evangelists and local icons - the descent of Jesus Christ into hell, the Ascension of the Lord (on the Savior, God's Mother and 2 angels are chased silver crowns with tsats, and on 4 angels without tsats), the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Sign of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. prophet Elijah. All these icons are of the same size - about 2 arshins in height and about 1 arshin in width; written by a certain Semyon Streshnev from the city of Kineshma, probably no later than 1792, the time of the last rebuilding of the Archangel Church.
Banner, embroidered with silk, depicting the prophet Elijah and St. Archangel Michael, 17th century (stored in )".

Michael the Archangel Church. 1772-1809

The Archangel Michael Church housed exhibition "Artistic woodcarving".

Temple in the name of the Sign of the Mother of God

In 1630, a new Kletskaya church appeared in the monastery, consecrated in honor of the prophet Elijah.
In 1625, a single-domed, two-story refectory was built church in the name of the Sign of the Mother of God, on the lower floor there were storage tents. The external view of this church was an oblong quadrangle - almost without any decorations.
In the refectory of its southern side in 1792, a chapel was built in the name of St. the prophet Elijah, brought here from the abolished church.
In 1814 with north side a chapel was added in the name of the Kazan Mother of God.

Church of the Sign

Znamenskaya Refectory Church and the Archimandrite Corps

In 1809, Yuryev merchant Avdotya Vasilyeva allocated funds for the roof of the Church of the Sign and the refectory of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery.
In 1814, Akulina Andreevna Pestova donated funds for church utensils for the monastery.
In 1817, Inspector died.
In the 1860s he managed the monastery.

In 1763, St. George's Church was erected on the territory of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery.
Adjoining the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God, built in 1763, is a two-story Archimandrite building, which housed the rector's quarters, fraternal stakes and various household services.

Archimandrite Corps

The building of the Archimandrite Corps houses expositions Yuriev Historical, Architectural and Art Museum:
- Peasantry and agriculture of Vladimir Opole;
- History of Yuryev-Polsky district.

Church of John the Evangelist

In 1654, the “holy gates” were built in the western wall of the monastery.
In 1670, a five-domed Theological Church (John the Theologian).

Gate Church of John the Theologian (1654-1670)

The monastery had many gifts from Prince D.M. Pozharsky, who had a fiefdom not far from Yuryev - the village of Luchinskoe.

Freestanding, extremely original Bell tower was built in 1684. In 1687, the second largest bell was cast for the bell tower of the monastery. He weighed 109 pounds.
The bell weighing 60 pounds was attached in 1685 by the widow Anfisa Pechatova in the eternal commemoration of her husband Theodore Matfiev. The bell weighing 109 pounds was bought in Moscow in 1688 with monastic funds.

Bell tower

In 1804, the bells were drained and hung by the zeal of Petr Petrovich Kartsev: in the cathedral - 518 pounds, in the Archangel Monastery - 318 pounds, in the Pokrovsky parish - 210 pounds.
In the beginning. 20th century the bell tower had 9 bells: 6 large and 3 small. The largest riveting weighed 320 pounds. According to the memoirs of the old-timers, the ringing of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk bells favorably differed from other ringing of local parish churches, often even people from villages came to listen to the bell ringing of "Michael the Archangel". The ringer at that time was Hierodeacon Galaktion (later a perspicacious elder). Forty years old, from the peasantry, he graduated from a rural school.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the bells were thrown from the belfry and their further fate is unknown.

Metal beat made from oxygen cylinders and in 2002, on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the city of Yuryev, they were raised to the bell tower.
They are made in the likeness of the set of cylinders of different lengths invented in 1893 by the Englishman Gerington with hammers beating on them. The height of the sound depends on one or another length of the cylinders, and the strength depends on the larger or smaller diameter. The advantage of such "bells" is that they lend themselves to precise formation and are not as massive as bells.

Bill. At the ends of the beater, 3, 4 or 5 holes are drilled, which symbolize 3 - the Trinity, 4 - the Cross, 5 - Jesus Christ and the four evangelists. A small (manual) beater is held in the left hand, the sound is extracted by striking (riveting) on ​​it with a wooden hammer from the center to the edges. A large (great) beater is hung at the entrance to the temple, or at the refectory, or near the cell, on the bell tower. The sound is extracted in the same way as the small beat.

At all times, believers (both men and women) who have received appropriate instruction from an experienced ringer or who have completed training courses for church bell ringers have been and are admitted to the ringing business at all times. Since the bell ringer is the link between the temple and heaven, its ringing precedes the prayer in the church and becomes its continuation after the end of the service. Therefore, the bell ringer must know not only the basics of Orthodox ringing, but also know the service well.

Call types:
Blagovest- one of the most ancient bells of the Orthodox Church and is called so because it brings the good, joyful news of the beginning of worship.
Chime- represents a sad solemn ringing in turn at each bell or beat (one or several times), starting from the largest to the smallest, and symbolizes the “exhaustion” of our Lord Jesus Christ for the sake of our salvation.
trezvon- this is the ringing of all the bells or beat. It is not limited in its form, so the ringer himself chooses the composition of the bells or beats used, as well as the rhythm, dynamics and composition of the performance.

The manufacture and use of bells dates back to ancient times. Bells were known to Jews, Egyptians, Romans, inhabitants of ancient China and Japan (860 - 824 BC).
Church tradition relates the first use of bells in Christian worship to St. Peacock, Bishop of Nolan (353-431), in a dream vision an Angel appeared to him with bells that made wonderful sounds. Wildflowers prompted St. The peacock shape of bells, which were used during worship, the bells, having traveled a long historical path, have become for Russia an integral part of the life of the Russian people. Not a single Orthodox church was unthinkable without them, all events in the life of the state and the Church were sanctified by the ringing of bells.

In 1685, Princess Sophia and the Russian tsars Ivan V and Peter I were on pilgrimage in the monastery. On the obverse board there are 5 silver gilded hallmarks - in the middle the Savior with the forthcoming Mother of God and John the Baptist, and in the corners 4 evangelists. Near the middle image, the following words are carved on the sides: “Summer ... (1685) June, on the 23rd day of God’s mercy, the great sovereigns tsars and great princes Ioann Alekseevich, Pyotr Alekseevich, all great and small and white Russia autocrats and their sister noble and great empress princess and Grand Duchess Sophia Alekseevna deigned to build these holy gospels in their state pilgrimage of Yuryev-Polsky in the Archangel Monastery in honor of her brother, the great sovereign, the tsar and the great prince Feodor Alekseevich of all great and small and white Russia, autocrat in eternal remembrance. On the back board in the corners and in the middle there are 5 cut-through silver hallmarks. Silver clasps. Weight with sheets and covers 20 ¾ pounds.
“Altar cross, silver, chased, gilded, with particles of St. relics; at the bottom of the handle on the back side is stamped "1705" Weight in cross with wood 1 lb and 72 spools.
The gospel in a large Alexandrian sheet, printed in Moscow in 1759. Its measure is 15 ¾ apex in length, 7 ¼ apex in width. Lined with chased silver. On the front side there are 5 oval types on enamel, showered with rhinestones, images of the Savior and 4 evangelists. Donated by Yuryevsky merchant Feodor Ivanov Shevelkin.
Gospel in sheet, printed in Moscow in 1791; lined with crimson velvet. On the obverse board there are 5 chased hallmarks depicting the resurrected Savior and 4 evangelists. On the back board there is a silver-plated copper chased carved image of a tree, at the root of which is Jesus Christ reclining - in the middle of the tree is the Mother of God with the Eternal Child. Between the branches in 10 round marks are the sufferings of the Savior and St. apostles."

In 1764, the St. George's Peter and Paul Monastery, founded as a male by Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal, was abolished. Wooden Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul came under the jurisdiction of the Archangel Monastery. In 1825, the diocesan authorities decided to abolish the Peter and Paul Church and give it to the Archangel Monastery. In 1830 the church was destroyed.

In 1725, various deserts and monasteries were assigned to the Archangel Monastery:
1. In the Suzdal district, the Spassky Monastery, on the Kuksa River; there was an abbess, - now the village of Spass-Kuksa.
2. St. George's Monastery, which is an oak church, in Yuryevsky district. At the church there was a cemetery and the parishioners of the village of Turabyev were buried here.
3. Intercession Monastery of the Shuisky district in the village of Ivanovo. This monastery was given rugi from Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky for 29 rubles and 50 quarters of bread.
4. Vorobyovskaya hermitage, in the Shuisky district, near the village of Dunilov.
5. Voznesenskaya Hermitage, located 70 miles from Suzdal.
6. Kosmodemyanskaya desert, 80 versts. from Suzdal, and 125 versts from Yuriev.
7. Svyatozerskaya desert, 115 versts from Yuryev, and there were buildings in it: three churches, a fence, cells - all wooden.
8. Peter and Paul Monastery - in the field, the distance from Yuryev is one verst.

“Photinia was about to set up both the countess and Photius to replace the Feodorovsky monastery with the abbess and replace her: but I rested. Hieromonk of the Yuryev Monastery Arseny was in Pereslavl with the Countess. I ordered him to be caught if he would like another time. To evil-woe me Photinia…” (From a letter from Venerable Parthenius to Metropolitan Seraphim, December 18, 1833.).

In 1862, a free Sunday School.
In April 1888, His Eminence Theognost entrusted (1829-1895) the management of the Yuryevsky Archangel Monastery.
In 1918, the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery was closed.
It was founded in 1919 in a temporary building (the building of the former Khlebnikov rooms, occupied by a secondary school after the revolution). In 1922, it was transferred to the permanent premises of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery and opened for viewing.
On November 24, 1924, the Interdepartmental Commission of the NKP nationalized and assigned to the museum department of the Glavnauka sections of the territory of St. George's Cathedral and the Archangel Monastery with all the buildings.

Georgievsky wooden church(1718) was transported from the village of Yegorye in 1968. The church is an example of ancient Klet temples based on the architecture of the Russian hut. The main artistic effect of this structure lies in the contrast between the squat, wide base of the temple and the strongly elevated top. The temple was built without the use of saws and nails.

Georgievsky wooden church

After some time, another old wooden church appeared on the settlement, which burned down in 1998.

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin from the village of Chernokulovo. 1988 Photo. Chebotar Alexander Mirchevich

Overhead chapel. 18th century

According to legend, the spring appeared at a time when, according to a very strict charter, the monks did not have the right to go beyond the monastery walls, and after a common prayer, the spring suddenly gushed right in the monastery. Now the spring is consecrated again and you can take water from it.

The complex was partially returned to the church, leaving the museum and the monastery to share the area of ​​temples and outbuildings. Services are being held in the Michael-Arkhangelsk Cathedral. The unique collection of wooden Orthodox sculpture that used to be there is now closed.
In total there are 3 monks in the monastery, including the abbot. The cells are in the towers.
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Vorobyovskaya-Uspenskaya desert for men

The village of Dunilovo, Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, at the river. Teza and Kiselyovka.
Founded in the 17th century. boyar Lopukhin, father of Empress Evdokia Feodorovna.
In 1725, she was assigned to the Arkhangelsk Yuryev Monastery.
In 1764, it was abolished and after a long desolation, its dilapidated temples were burnt as usual. In 1819, the Common Faith Intercession (Bogoroditskaya) Church was built on the site of the desert.
See Holy Dormition Convent.

Spaso-Kukotsky or Spas on Kuksa monastery

Ivanovo region, Gavrilovo-Posadsky district, with. Serbilovo.
It existed in the 17th century, since Grishka Otrepyev stayed there for some time. According to scribe books of 1628-1630. had "the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior of Drevyan kletski, and in the church there are images and candles and books and vestments and on the bell tower the bells and the whole structure of the church of the Sovereign."
In 1700 hegumen Alexander was there.
In 1725 he was assigned to the Yuryevsky Arkhangelsk Monastery.
In 1764 it was abolished.
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Spaso-Nereditsky or Savior on Gorodischi Monastery

Probably founded at the end of the 12th century.
For a long time he was assigned to the Yuriev Monastery.
In 1764 it was abolished.

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, photographed in 1900

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa(Savior on Mount Nereditsa, Spas-Nereditsa) - the temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord, located 1.5 km south of Veliky Novgorod on the right bank of the former channel of the Small Volkhovets, on a small hill near the Rurik Settlement.
It was built in one season around 1198 under the Novgorod prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich in memory of two dead sons.
The temple is single-domed, of a cubic type, with four pillars, three apses. Fresco paintings occupied the entire surface of the walls and represented one of the unique and most significant pictorial ensembles in Russia. Murals were actively studied and described from the beginning of the century until the 1930s. 20th century
On Gorodische, around the church, there was the Spaso-Nereditsky, or Savior on Gorodische Monastery.
During the Great Patriotic War the church was in the area of ​​active hostilities, and during 1941 - 1943. continuously bombarded by artillery. As a result, only the eastern part of the church survived: apses and small pieces of the northern and southern walls. Almost all the paintings were lost. Nevertheless, thanks to the surviving descriptions, copies and photographs, the iconographic material from the Church of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa remains one of the most used in comparative analysis.
The church was restored in 1956 - 1958.

Church of the Savior on Nereditsa

In 2001, the Novgorod architectural and archaeological expedition carried out excavations inside the temple. Among numerous other finds, areas of the original painting dated 1199 were found behind the removed bedding under the floor.

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The ensemble of the Arkhangelsk Monastery was formed over several centuries. Initially, the entire monastery was made of wood. We can judge the number of its buildings from the surviving inventory of 1683. The Cathedral Church of Michael the Archangel had a northern chapel in the name of Saints Boris and Gleb and a southern chapel in the name of martyr. Mines. To the south of the cathedral, shortly before 1684, the warm Church of the Intercession was cut down with a refectory and a Kelar one. Between them there was a bell tower, in the fence: 2 abbot's cells, 8 fraternal cells, a grain cell, a cookery, a forge with all the gear, barns for salt, barns for halibut, cod, a leavened cellar. Outside the fence there were outbuildings: a kvass kitchen, a windmill, a service cell, stable and cow yards, as well as arable land, on which up to 14 measures of rye and barley were sown. Near the monastery there was a pier for ships and fishing boats.

In 1685-1689. on the site of a wooden cathedral by an apprentice stoneworker M.A. Lokhotsky built the stone Cathedral of Michael the Archangel (consecrated on September 17, 1699 by Archbishop Athanasius of Kholmogory and Vazhsky under hegumen Jeremiah). The cathedral was built on donations, which were collected not only in Arkhangelsk, but also in Moscow, and at the expense of contributors, among whom were Tsars Peter and John Alekseevich. In this first stone temple of Arkhangelsk, the features of all-Russian and local schools of stone architecture of the 17th century were combined.

A brief description of the monastery in 1711 reflects the changed planning structure of the ensemble. Obviously, during the period of stone construction, the monastery's fence was rebuilt. "On the fence wall at the gates" a new wooden church was built in honor of the Georgian Icon of the Mother of God. The dilapidated Church of the Intercession of the Virgin and the bell tower stood in the same place. All 3 temples had "mica ends under iron".

In 1712, according to the blessed letter of the Archbishop of Kholmogory Varnava (Volatkovsky), the Church of the Intercession was built on the first floor of the cathedral with a chapel martyr. Mines. In 1744, a stone hipped bell tower was built over the western lower porch instead of a dilapidated wooden one. In 1753, on the south side of the cathedral, a chapel was built in the name of arch. Gabriel.

The renovated renovated churches were consecrated in September 1761. In 1777, in the main altar of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael above St. a four-pillar carved canopy was built on the throne. About the monastery complex 18th century testifies to a series of watercolor drawings and a panorama of Arkhangelsk, made in 1797 for the Atlas of the Arkhangelsk province.

To the beginning 19th century the cathedral was very dilapidated, and in 1817-1819. under the leadership of the provincial architect F.M. Shilin, it was repaired: the bell tower was dismantled, the cracks in the western wall were repaired, etc. Over the next century, the cathedral was repeatedly rebuilt and repaired. In 1863, a single-tier carved iconostasis, made in Vyatka, was placed in the cathedral church. Gilded with pure gold, it was well preserved by the 20th century. In 1894 the main dome and crosses were gilded. On the evening of July 23, 1894, a fire broke out in the dome of the cathedral, destroying all the restoration work carried out. Soon the cathedral was restored, and the main dome was gilded, the corner domes were painted blue with gilded stars overlaid, the roof was painted with copse.

After the outbreak of the First World War, the Diocesan Infirmary was deployed in the Archangel Monastery. The maintenance of the infirmary was carried out at the expense of donations from diocesan monasteries and temples, as well as private donors. On June 20, 1920, the Cathedral of the former Arkhangelsk Monastery was handed over by the Administrative Department of the Arkhangelsk Gubernia Executive Committee to the group of believers of the First-Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk parish.

Withdrawal campaign church values did not bypass the parish of the former Arkhangelsk monastery. According to the inventory, more than 2 pounds of silver and other valuables were seized. The provincial bodies of Soviet power could not accept the fact that a religious community was operating in the former Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery, a monument of Moscow architecture of the 17th century. It was imperative to find a reason to close the parish. The report of the commission, created by the Arkhangelsk Gubispolkom, dated April 23, 1924, pointed to the facts of violation of the terms of the contract with the community of believers: the random storage of objects of the history of the monastery, objects of church life not taken into account by the inventory, and also indicated the possible facts of theft of property by parishioners. In order to correct the current situation, it was proposed to terminate the contract with the group of believers, to bring them to criminal responsibility, and the building of the Archangel Michael Church "to be transferred to another group." The contract was terminated on July 20, 1924, the community was declared liquidated.

In 1924-1925. the temple belonged to the renovationists, then to the regional institute of social re-education. However, the buildings of the former monastery began to be used for household purposes, robbed and destroyed. Without any approval, the monastery bells were blown up for melting down.

In February 1930, head. Chief Science North. Krayono, Mr. Voltaire pointed out that "the building of the cathedral of the former Archangel Monastery is the most ancient building in the city and deserves protection. The question of repairing it in the direction of restoration should not be raised, but it is quite acceptable to use the building for practical purposes. Instruction of March 7, 1930 Mr. Voltaire did not interfere with the dismantling of the monastery buildings.In 1930, the monastery was demolished: the cathedral, the bell tower and part of the fence with the towers were dismantled, the brick was transferred to the construction office.
So tragically ended the history of the once glorious for the entire Russian North, the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery.

According to the materials of the site «hingled.ucoz.ru».

Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery is an Orthodox male monastery located in the very center of Yuryev-Polsky in the ring of ancient earthen ramparts of the 12th century.

The Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery was founded by Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich in the 13th century. It is known that in 1238 the troops of Batu during the capture of Yuryev-Polsky destroyed the monastery, and for almost two centuries it stood in desolation. The Lithuanians also destroyed the monastery; then the entire archive perished, and the abbot of the monastery had to petition Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich for the tsar to confirm the privileges granted to the monastery by the former sovereigns. Such a certificate was indeed issued. There were many gifts in the monastery from Prince D.M. Pozharsky, who had a fiefdom not far from Yuryev - the village of Luchinskoye.

The cathedral temple in the name of the Archangel Michael was destroyed in 1408 during the next capture of the city, this time by Edigei, and soon rebuilt again. In 1535, the wooden church of Michael the Archangel with the chapel of the Prophet Elijah, rebuilt at the expense of Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich, was listed here. In 1560, the first stone church was built, funds for its construction were donated by Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Kubensky. In 1636, the temple was surrounded on three sides by porches, and at the end of the 18th century, the dilapidated building was demolished. The construction of the new cathedral was carried out at the expense of the inhabitants of the city; work began in 1792 and ended in 1806.

The refectory church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" was built in 1625. This is a simple low temple with an extensive refectory chamber. It connects to the west with the Kelar or sacristy's chamber and cellars. This large complex is connected by a passage with the stone archimandrite and fraternal buildings, which were built in 1763.

The true decoration of the monastery - the gate church of John the Theologian - was built in 1670. It very harmoniously echoes the later Cathedral of Michael the Archangel (it is possible that the cathedral was built taking into account the appearance of this beautiful and graceful church). Closely planted domes on thin drums give the temple an additional upward aspiration. The Holy Gate, on which the church itself stands, was built a little earlier, in 1654.

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Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery- abolished male monastery in Veliky Ustyug. It is the most fully preserved monastic ensemble in the city.


According to church legends and hagiographic information, this monastery is the oldest in the Russian North: it was founded in 1212, during the reign of the Rostov prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich, by the monk Cyprian. Veliky Ustyug chronicles of the XVIII-XIX centuries. they say that the inhabitants of the city of Ustyug asked the monk to build a monastery near the city. Having chosen a place “near the lakes behind a guarded scree”, Cyprian built a monastery and wooden churches in honor of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple and in the name of the Archangel Michael.

It is reliably known that the monastery existed in 1521, when it received an uncontested letter from Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich.

In 1651, a strong fire destroyed the wooden buildings of the monastery. Immediately after this, the first stone structures were erected - the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Cathedral and the Church of the Presentation with a refectory (construction 1653-1656). In 1682 the Vladimir Gate Church was built. Instead of a chapel built over the tomb of St. Cyprian in 1710, a small stone church of Mid-Pentecost was erected. In the first half of the 18th century, two-storey rectory (1734-1735) and fraternal (1736-1737) cells were built.

Since 1842, the Trinity-Gledensky Monastery has been assigned to the monastery, and since 1860, the Lalsky Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery.

In 1919 the monastery was closed by the decision of the executive committee of the Veliky Ustyug Soviet of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies. The buildings were turned over to the organization of a concentration camp. By 1924, the buildings of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Cathedral and the Vladimir Gate Church were transferred to the Veliky Ustyug Museum. During the war years, the Pukhovichi military infantry school was located on the territory of the monastery. Since September 1945, the territory of the monastery's civil structures has been occupied by a motor transport technical school.

As of 2011, the Archangel Michael Monastery is listed in the Vologda diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church as inactive. On July 16, 2014, Bishop Ignatius issued a decree on the formation of the Orthodox religious organization Bishops' Metochion "Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery".

Architectural ensemble

  • 5-domed Archangel Cathedral with a hipped bell tower (1653-56)
  • Church of the Introduction with refectory (1653-56)
  • Vladimir Gate Church (1682)
  • The Church of Midnight (1710) marks the burial place of St. Cyprian
  • Priors' chambers (1734-35)
  • Fraternal cells (1736-37)

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  • Zverinsky V. V. Material for research on Orthodox monasteries in the Russian Empire. Volume 2. Monasteries by State 1764, 1786 and 1795. - St. Petersburg: 1892. pp. 60-61
  • Soykin P.P. Ustyug Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery // Orthodox Russian monasteries: A complete illustrated description of Orthodox Russian monasteries in Russian Empire and on Athos. - St. Petersburg. : Resurrection, 1994. - S. 97-98. - 712 p. - 20,000 copies. - ISBN 5-88335-001-1.
  • Stroev P.M. "Lists of hierarchs and abbots of monasteries of the Russian church", St. Petersburg. 1877, pp. 740-742.


An excerpt characterizing the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery (Veliky Ustyug)

I was wrong...
The next morning, Caraffa appeared. He was fresh and very happy, which, unfortunately, did not bode well for me.
Sitting in a chair right in front of me, but without asking for permission, Caraffa made it clear that he was the master here, and I was just a defendant in a beautiful cage ...
- I hope you easily endured the journey, Madonna Isidora? he said in a deliberately polite tone. - How are your quarters? Do you need anything?
- Oh yeah! I would like to return home! – playing along with his tone, I jokingly answered.
I knew that I had practically nothing to lose, since I had already almost lost my life. Therefore, deciding not to give Karaffa the pleasure of breaking me, I tried my best not to show him how scared I was ...
It's not death, which is what I feared the most. I was even afraid of the thought that I would never see those whom I loved so much and selflessly - my family. That, most likely, I will never hug my little Anna again ... I will not teach her what my mother taught me, and what I myself knew how ... That I leave her completely defenseless against evil and pain ... And that already I won't tell her anything I wanted to say or had to say.
I felt sorry for my wonderful husband, who, I knew, would be very hard to bear the loss of me. How cold and empty it will be in his soul! .. And I will never even be able to say the last goodbye to him ...
And most of all, I felt sorry for my father, for whom I was the meaning of his life, his guiding "star", illuminating his difficult thorny path ... After my mother's "departure", I became for him all that was left to teach and hope that one day I will become what he tried so hard to “blind” me out of ...
That's what I was afraid of. My soul sobbed, thinking of all those whom I love so much. About those whom I now left ... But this was still not enough. I knew that Karaffa would not let me leave so easily. I knew that he would certainly make me suffer greatly ... But I still had no idea how inhuman this suffering would be ...
“This is the only thing I cannot give you, Madonna Isidora,” the cardinal replied sharply, forgetting his secular tone.
– Well, then, at least let me see my little daughter – cold inside from impossible hope, I asked.
- And we will definitely organize this for you! Only a little later, I think - thinking about something of his own, Karaffa said quite.
The news shocked me! He apparently had his own plan about my little Anna too! ..
I was ready to endure all the horrors myself, but I was in no way ready to even think that my family could suffer.
– I have a question for you, Madonna Isidora. And how you answer it will depend on whether you will soon see your daughter, or you will have to forget about how she looks. Therefore, I advise you to think carefully before answering, - Caraffa's gaze became sharp, like a steel blade ... - I want to know where your grandfather's famous library is located?
So that's what the crazy inquisitor was looking for!.. As it turned out, he was not so crazy after all... Yes, he was absolutely right - my grandfather's old library kept a wonderful collection of spiritual and mental wealth! She was one of the oldest and rarest in all of Europe, and the great Medici himself envied her, who, as you know, was ready to sell even his soul for rare books. But why did Caraffa need this?!
- Grandfather's library, as you know, was always in Florence, but I don't know what became of it after his death, Your Eminence, because I never saw it again.
It was a childish lie, and I understood how naive it sounded ... But I just couldn’t find another answer right away. I could not allow the rarest works of philosophers, scientists and poets in the world, the works of great Teachers, to fall into the dirty clutches of the church or Caraffa. I had no right to do this! But, so far, not having time to come up with anything better to somehow protect all this, I answered him the first thing that at that moment came into my head, inflamed from wild tension. Caraffa's demand was so unexpected that I needed time to figure out how to proceed. As if listening to my thoughts, Caraffa said:
“Well, madonna, I leave you time to think. And I strongly advise you not to make a mistake ...
He left. And night fell on my little world...
All this terrible time, I mentally communicated with my beloved, exhausted father, who, unfortunately, could not tell me anything soothing, except for only one positive news - Anna was still in Florence, and at least for now there was nothing to fear for her .
But my unfortunate husband, my poor Girolamo, returned to Venice with a desire to help me, and only there he found out that it was already too late - that they had taken me to Rome ... His despair knew no bounds! .. He wrote long letters to the Pope. He sent notes of protest to the "powerful ones" whom I once helped. Nothing worked. Caraffa was deaf to any requests and pleas ...
"Couldn't you just disappear?" Or "fly away" for that matter...? Why didn't you use something?!!! - Unable to stand it further, Stella exclaimed, upset by the story. - You must always fight to the end! .. That's how my grandmother taught me.
I was very happy - Stella came to life. Her fighting spirit took over once again, as soon as there was an urgent need for it.

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