Calendar for January. Calendar for January Try to be extremely attentive to your well-being and the emotions of your loved ones: the energy of the Full Moon in January is such that it will be very difficult to correct an accidental quarrel later.

Building materials 10.07.2020

8th day of the lunar calendar

Symbol: Casket with treasures, Peacock, Fire Stones:, Red granite

In magic, such a day is called the time of alchemy, chemical transformations, purification by fire. On the 8th lunar day, the transition period of the Lunar cycle begins. This is a rather difficult day, you should not overload yourself physically and emotionally. Today it will be good to repent, ask forgiveness, go to church. In general, this day can be considered one of the best days in terms of repentance and spiritual development, so it would be ideal to focus on inner spiritual development, ask for forgiveness from God, and light a candle.

It is good to have contact with fire on the eighth lunar day. Light a candle or a fireplace and imagine how all your grievances and everything that gnaws and torments your soul begin to burn in its flame. You need to free yourself for the flow of new and clean energy. If one concentrates well or concentrates on the flame of fire, then great revelation can be received. Also on this day, any rituals of purification by fire will be very effective.

Fasting is very useful on this day, it is able not only to physically cleanse the body but also spiritually. On the 8th lunar day, it is good to move to a new place of residence, buy a house or apartment.

Dreams dreamed on the 8th lunar day carry useful information, and tips for unsolved problems. If you live according to the lunar calendar, then on this day, you should notice the first changes and changes in your life.

Love and relationships

Household chores

Today it is better to do only small minor household chores. It's good to do your favorite hobby.


These lunar day are considered difficult for the human body, because there is a restructuring of the energy field, which requires rather large internal costs. Also on the 8th lunar day, many are prone to nervous disorders, and this can seriously affect the health of the whole organism. Fasting is very effective today. Baths and saunas are not recommended.

Business and money

Today it is better to solve only minor financial issues, refrain from large ones. Conflict and emergency situations are possible at work. The day is very good for business trips and business trips.


These days are characterized by daydreaming, a penchant for romanticism. Intuition becomes stronger, unusual thoughts appear, a tendency to mysticism. People begin to willingly believe in the incomprehensible, mysterious and magical. If they are believers, then their faith becomes stronger several times. People easily understand the hidden relationship of things and events, understand the essence of phenomena. They also become affectionate, gentle and caring, at times showing real sentimentality. For example, it costs them nothing to cry over a woman's novel or soap series. There is a desire to talk more often with loved ones, support them, inspire and give a good mood.

These days, people are awakening the ability to feel and perceive at a deep level works of art, music and poetry. The soul persistently demands aesthetic impressions and high feelings. It is useful to visit an exhibition in a museum, watch an old favorite movie, go to the theater, or just sit in a quiet, calm corner with a volume of poems in your hands. However, the mass entertainment art - television programs, serials, etc. - bring only disappointment and emptiness to the soul. Therefore, you should choose an art that can leave a deep impression in your soul and make you think about serious, eternal issues.

First phase (quarter) of the moon

Element: Earth. It begins with the appearance of the month in the firmament and lasts exactly half the period from to. The first quarter corresponds to spring according to the solar calendar, that is, it means the beginning of everything. During the time, the human brain is very active. If you make plans during this period, then they will be extremely clear and understandable and will certainly bring good luck. The general activity and desire to create increases. But you shouldn't be in a hurry either, it's better to think over everything, calculate and, slowly, start implementing the plan.

During this period there will be effective treatment eyes and heads. Also, this period is favorable for agriculture. All plants planted during this lunar phase will grow well and produce a wonderful harvest.

Those who like to show increased business activity in January should somewhat slow down their ardor, otherwise they cannot avoid mistakes and the need to constantly redo something. It is worth considering the general tendency to listen only to yourself, especially in the first half of the month.

Restless Mars

January 1, according to tradition, for many begins somewhere in the middle of the day and in the case of 2017, this is an absolutely reasonable decision. Most importantly, do not start work with your sleeves rolled up, let your wishes and plans take shape, and do not try to get into arguments with those who do not share your point of view. The conjunction of Mars with Neptune can be used to your advantage if you learn to listen to the interlocutor, and leave a little time for reflection between desire and action.

January 19, the square of Mars with Saturn can be a source of quarrels at work and misunderstandings with those who are older or more experienced than you. On this day, it is better to load yourself with work and strictly follow the plan. Otherwise, you run the risk of wasting this day on fruitless clashes with others.

Opportunities in the form of obstacles

Traditionally, in astrology, the square is considered not the easiest aspect, and when the Sun forms such a connection with other planets, expect surprises. On days like these, new opportunities just love to take the form of obstacles and difficulties.

January 10 may turn out to be a "high voltage day" for many, when the Sun is literally electrified in a square to Uranus. Be prepared for the unexpected and do not risk unnecessarily business contacts and personal relationships.

Barely recovering from the square with Uranus, already on January 12, the Sun forms a square with Jupiter and on this day it is better not to tune in to intimate conversations with management about the desired promotion or salary. Seizing your experiences with desserts is also not the best option, because on such days, extra calories do not mind turning into extra centimeters. But reflecting on the reasons for career difficulties is a necessary thing and it is on this day that can give good results.

Even in antiquity, it was noticed that the Full Moon has the strongest effect on all living things. The night light at this time emits powerful energy, which gives a person's thoughts and words special strength.

The wish made under the Full Moon will soon come true - you just need to make it right.

In fact, all of January is the month of fulfilling cherished desires. First, we make them on New Year, then - on the night of Christmas and Old New Year, which will begin very soon. And, of course, the time of the Full Moon is also great to make your dream come true.

In January 2017, the Full Moon falls on January 12. Night from 12 to 13 will be the time of fulfillment of cherished desires. But in order to make your conceived come true, you can use simple techniques.

How to make a wish on the Full Moon:

In order for the wish made on the Full Moon to come true, you need to tune in accordingly. It is known that the impact of the Full Moon causes a surge of strength in a person, sharpens susceptibility, sensitivity and intuition. This often becomes the cause of internal tension and even aggression. In order to use the power of the Full Moon for your own good, you need to direct your mental energy in the right direction: during the day, do not allow yourself negative thoughts, concentrate on your desire and imagine how it comes true. Thus, you will create a suitable energy background for making a wish.

Decide what exactly you want to ask. This should be your strongest desire, the thoughts of which cause a surge of emotions in you - only then the energy message will be strong enough for it to come true. If you start rushing from one dream to another or try to make several wishes at once, nothing will work.

Making a wish is best at midnight. At this moment, the lunar energy reaches its peak, and the lunar disk itself is clearly visible in the sky. You need to pronounce the cherished words in a whisper, but clearly and clearly, fully focusing on your dream. When making a wish, gaze intently at the moon: eye contact will establish the necessary energy exchange between you and the night luminary, and your words will gain tremendous power.

The moon has a direct effect on the water balance, and this applies not only to the hydrosphere, but also to humans, whose body is 60% water. Therefore, on the Full Moon, rituals associated with water are especially effective.

The desire can be whispered not to the Moon, but to the liquid, having previously charged it with lunar energy: pour water into a glass and leave it on the windowsill, well lit by the Moon, for half an hour.

At midnight, say a wish over the water, putting as much energy as possible into your words, and then drink it. The power of the Full Moon will contribute to the speedy realization of your dreams into reality.

Remember that a desire directed against someone can turn against you. In order not to harm yourself and others, make only positive desires - they will certainly come true.

Full Moon rendering.

This technique is good in that it does not require much time: you do not need to wait for midnight, guess certain hours (especially at night) - you only need a suitable lunar day and your strong desire.

Everything you dream about should be arranged on a piece of paper. Collect images from brochures, newspapers, advertisements or old magazines, prepare a clean, neat and large enough sheet, and create a collage.

This technique is called the "Wish Map". We have already told you how to draw up a wish map for the 2017 Year of the Rooster: we also note that on the Full Moon it is best to take not a square sheet as a basis, but a round one, in the shape of a lunar disk.

Full Moon Affirmations.

This is the simplest method: you don't need any materials at hand for it. Just prepare a few phrases that most succinctly and accurately formulate your desire. Speak them at midnight, on the night of the Full Moon from January 12-13. Ideally, if the weather conditions allow you to see the moon itself in the sky.

Use the psychology of positive thinking when composing your affirmation. Try not to doubt what has been said, formulate phrases and sentences in the present tense, as if you have already achieved what you want. Make the feasible, look for real ways to find your dreams. Avoid denials and negative language. Then your affirmation will become working and gain the power of a conspiracy, and conspiracies and whispers to the moon are considered a powerful means of influencing your own Destiny.

Simoron ritual "Full Moon" for the fulfillment of wishes.

Simoron's strength lies in his fundamentally different approach to rituals. It is great for those who are faced with the fact that ordinary rituals do not work or lead to an undesirable effect. Often this happens due to the fact that it is difficult to concentrate on esoteric practice or it does not come out with all your heart to believe that you will be able to exert influence on Destiny.

Simoron ceremonies will help to cope with this. They act differently - through laughter, fun and positive energy. Therefore, you only need a good mood and the right time. And in January, such rituals are especially good, since the holidays are great for promoting belief in a miracle.

For the Simoron Full Moon Ritual, you will need a white round plate. In it you will "add" your dreams. This can be done by first writing on small sheets of paper everything that you want to have.

You can also turn this ritual into a fortune-telling about which will be performed first: just pull out one of the pieces of paper without looking. Such a ritual is good to perform with family or friends, turning it into fun game... Collective participation charges the ceremony with shared strength and a shared belief that even the wildest dreams will come true in 2017.

What you need to do on the Full Moon.

Astrologers and psychologists have identified 7 most important things that simply need to be done so that not only the day of the Full Moon, but the entire subsequent period of the waning of the Moon is positive for you.

*First of all, start the very business for which you have been hatching plans for a long time. Start it on the Full Moon, because on this day all your abilities will be improved many times over. If you have wanted to start playing sports for a long time or have long wanted to start devoting time to a new hobby, then it is better to do it in this lunar phase... Be sure to prepare for each Full Moon the beginning of something very important so that this business will be a huge success in the future. Most importantly, don't give it up halfway.

*Secondly, you need to create something. It's one thing if your job involves creating something concrete with your own hands. It's another matter when work gets in the way. Write a poem if you are a poet or create something that will be the product of your hobby. Bring something beautiful, something new to this world. It will boost your energy and improve your mood.

* Deal with love affairs. This applies not only to joint planning, travel, business, but also sex. Be sure to make love on the Full Moon, because it will release your emotions and reduce your emotional stress. It is on the full moon that you have a chance to discern all his qualities in a person and fall in love really strongly.

* Don't Forget the Full Moon try to get rid of your fears by meeting them face to face. A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, as they say. It is on this day that we can see ourselves from the outside and understand that we are afraid in vain. This concerns not only the fear of heights, spiders or darkness, but also higher fears, such as the fear of losing love, making a mistake or fear of being alone.

* Use the help of the Full Moon to attract money ... The "Round nickle" money ritual is a must for those who feel that their energy is weak and needs recharge. Even strong personalities will not hurt this way of attracting good luck.

* Help people for free. So you can fix good relationship with your enemies. Anything good that you do for no reason will come back to you in the future. Be sure to do a good deed that will make your soul warmer.

* Be careful with alcohol and other bad habits. Be sure to assess your strengths and weaknesses. In order to live the Full Moon without shocks, be realistic and do not hope for a miracle. Don't expect your guardian angel to do all the hard work for you and help fix problems. Only you can do it.

So the Full Moon- this is the most dangerous and at the same time the most productive lunar state for us. Everyone can succeed, but at the same time they can fall into a puddle. The full moon turns everything upside down, so be careful.

Study also folk signs on the Full Moon, which are passed from generation to generation. It is a legacy of stories that help us get through difficult moments in life. Nature always gives us different signsso that we can track luck on them.

* Full moon kiss for lovers strengthens the relationship. If the first kiss took place on a full moon, then be in love for a long time together.

* To see a shooting star on a full moon is fortunately in your personal life.

* Hearing a dog howl in love on a full moon - to parting.

* In order to make peace with her beloved, the girl needs to sit near the window and comb her hair, thinking about him and urging him to come.

* In order to get married as soon as possible, a girl needs to wash the floors in the house three times on a full moon.

* To cement a relationship for a long time, you need to tie two socks together - yours and your partner's, put them under your pillow and go to bed.

* In order to find her soul mate, a girl on a full moon had to put a mirror under her pillow. If a man is seen in a dream, see you soon. A woman is to be alone for a long time.

Monetary signs and rituals on the full moon:

* On a full moon, you need to put a nickle in your pocket - this will increase your monetary luck.

* The popular money sign says: if you leave a purse with money on the windowsill on the full moon night, then this one will attract wealth.

* If you want to get rid of the lack of money, sew up any holes in the clothes you wear, especially holes in your pockets. This is so that the money does not go away anymore.

* During the full moon, wear red underwear or red socks - this will give you lunar energy for the whole month.

* On the full moon, they charged water for money. To do this, they filled a basin or plate with water, put change there and put it on the windowsill. In the morning, you need to wash your feet with this water with the words: ,I pour out money water, I fill with wealth. Legs will lead to where the bowl is full. "

Human energy on the Full Moon:

Our biofield on the Full Moon is enhanced by the energy of the Moon. Therefore, even a person who never noticed psychic abilities, can use the power given to him by nature and attract prosperity to his home. And for this we are all given three ways.

1. The path of glory. This path is chosen by purposeful people, endowed with either vanity, or, oddly enough, creative abilities. Artists are ambitious in their own way and want not so much royalties as recognition. Having decided to achieve financial well-being, having become famous in any area, new life you need to start exactly on the Full Moon.

To do this, perform a special ceremony. Pour water into an opaque, monophonic container - it is better if it is melted or running.

On the day of the Full Moon, at dawn, rinse your hands with this water. So you will concentrate in them all the energy of the Full Moon, so that then with these very hands, without encountering any obstacles on the way, create all conditions for yourself for enrichment and fame.

And to consolidate the effect, say a short conspiracy at the same time:

“As the Moon is full, so I am full of strength, as the Moon grows, so the wallet grows. Key and lock. "

2. The path of tranquility. Choosing this path, you acknowledge, first of all, in front of yourself that you do not crave fame, but only strive for material security. A cash rite for the Full Moon will help to achieve it. As in the previous recommendation, you will need the same conspiracy - and water. Only you will wash your face with her.

Along with the conspiracy, washing your face will activate your upper chakras and help you intuitively find enrichment means. After doing this ritual on the Full Moon, pay attention to the Signs of Fate, which you may encounter the very next day. Often in such cases, prophetic dreams are dreamed, which suggest what your secret of harmony and stability is.

3. The path of the adventurer. For people of this type, things go uphill when a lucky ticket falls into their hands. Therefore, in order to attract money, you should, first of all, attract suitable opportunities. And the same Full Moon will help to do this.

You don't have to collect snow and wait for melt water. You need to take a clean sheet, cut a circle out of it, and on the night when the Full Moon can illuminate it through your window, start the ritual. And it's not difficult to do it. From any edge to the center, you need to draw a red line as evenly as possible and clearly, aloud say: "To the goal" ... Then the circle is stored until the next Full Moon, when the rite can be repeated to enhance the effect.

Each of us has our own path to wealth and different life goals... However, we all want to be more successful, to help our loved ones in difficult times and not to know the need and grief.

Attract money to you while the Full Moon shares with us opportunities and powers.

What not to do on the Full Moon:

To the full moon water signs of the zodiac you can not abuse alcohol. Excessive craving for alcohol can lead to serious problems not only with health: since the energy is at its peak on the Full Moon, you can betray someone else's secret or do an act that you will regret as soon as the Moon begins to wane. Therefore, Pisces, Cancers and Scorpions on the Full Moon it is better to remember this, but warning for other signs of the Zodiac will definitely not be superfluous.

As for the Earth Signs of the Zodiac - you are not recommended to do household chores during the Full Moon. Even routine cleaning can wreak havoc on your daily routine. Therefore, repairs, rearrangements, even if you thought them over according to Feng Shui, it is better to postpone to another time. Therefore, Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus it is better to find yourself another occupation. For example, to solve financial issues.

And here fire Signs Zodiac Money should be handled with caution. The Full Moon and its energy surge will affect you the most. The energy of the element of Fire is extremely unpredictable: Leo, Aries and Sagittarius run the risk of getting excited and making the wrong decision. And if buying sausage instead of cheese is unlikely to harm you, then in more global spending, an unpredictable change in course on the Full Moon is dangerous. So invest in real estate carefully and avoid loans - interest will not please you.

To all representatives of the air element On the Full Moon, it is important to pay attention to your health. Therefore, on the Full Moon, you cannot cut your hair and nails, unless we are talking about a radical change of image. So if you Aquarius, Gemini and Libra , and your appointment to the salon coincides with the Full Moon phase, it is better to postpone your visit to another time.

In addition, astro forecast does not advise many Zodiac Signs on the Full Moon to ask for a new position, to demand a salary increase, or to contact their superiors with other requests (for example, students - to look for retakes on the Full Moon day). The result may be too unpredictable.

The more your Zodiac Sign is influenced by the Moon, the more chance you will get the opposite result. In this regard, the Moon affects the water Signs most of all, and the fiery Signs weaker.

Earth and Air are roughly equal and between them. This means that a Full Moon rise can be a success for Virginwill surely bring triumph Leo, but Pisces can lose their home and only load themselves with new responsibilities.

However, if suddenly fate gives you an obvious chance, you should not give it up. Be you Aquarius or Scorpio, Crayfish or a lion, and the Full Moon is equally unpredictable but equally generous. If you feel like you have drawn your lucky ticket, you need to hold it in your hands as tightly as possible. On the Full Moon, there are just such turns of life that drastically change everything in the direction of your dreams.

Biofield purification ritual. Best time for the ritual - the evening before bedtime. It is necessary to spend it on the full moon or on the waning moon.

Prepare: 7 tablespoons honey, 7 tablespoons brown sugar, 7 teaspoons cinnamon. Mix everything and in the evening before showering, apply the mixture to the body and leave for 7 minutes. At this time, read any prayer and imagine how the cleansing takes place, the dirt merges and goes into the sewer, and the body becomes clean. In case of heavy pollution, such a full moon ritual can be performed for 7 days, starting on a full moon.

Full moon conspiracy for severe back pain. To relieve back pain without giving up traditional treatment, seek help from a strong conspiracy.

The pain can be breaking, pinching, or sharp - radiating to nearby organs.
Surely you are already treating this ailment. In no case do not give up the course.

On any full moon day, retire to a locked room.
Light 7 candles.
Sit down at table.
Imagine a healthy back, a straight spine - without pain and ailments.
Start repeated whispering special magical conspiracies that will calm your torment.

1) Like the moon heals from ailments, I don't want to feel pain anymore. It hurts, aches my back and crunches, doesn’t let me rest. Let the damned ailment subside, the moon is now a devoted friend to me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

2) , I appeal to you, oh, Luna, let my back not feel pain. Let the vertebrae converge to the vertebrae, all ailments will go to hell. Let the pills and ointments heal, the doctors don't cripple me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Read occult conspiracies until the result comes.
If a strong pain in the back will not subside, wait for the next full moon, continuing to perform all the proposed activities.


The full moon is associated with a ritual that allows you to enter the stream of the waning moon and get rid of almost any disease. To do this, after the full moon on the sixth lunar day, you need to see, being in the open air, the Moon at its rise. Then stand with your back to the moon, spread your legs wide, bend down and look at the moon in this position.

Looking at the moon, tell her:

"Mother Luna, take with you everything that we have extra (salts, swellings, etc.), and let it go with you."

Repeat this three times without taking your eyes off the moon.
This is a very powerful way. For the first three days, you will feel like something is leaving you.

As a rule, the rising of the full moon is very difficult to see. It usually rains or cloudy for 3 days during the full moon. The moon is hiding. They say the moon washes for three days.

Seeing the full moon is a great joy. You can turn to the moon directly, but the effect will not be so noticeable. Healing will be complete if you have managed to observe this ritual three lunar months contract

There is one more way:

If you have a sore on the left side of your body, then, looking at the moon, as mentioned above, take a pinch of earth from under your left heel with your right hand and circle the sore spot clockwise three times. Then throw this earth over your left shoulder and spit it three times. Make sure that no one interferes with you at this time. If you have a sore right side, do everything with your left hand. Such rituals exist among many peoples.

Recently, fasting has become fashionable, or abstinence from food for a certain period of time. In principle, there is little to object to fasting, especially if it is resorted to for preventive purposes in order to enable the body to cleanse itself. But it almost never gives a positive result if it is resorted to as a means to reduce weight. But posts for shedding extra pounds are very useful.

Fasting on the new moon prevents certain diseases. On this day, the body is cleansed especially effectively. It is also helpful to eat less on the days before the new moon and on the full moon. Many people, not realizing this, eat more with the waning moon than with the growing one, and thanks to this they do not have excess weight.

Use the mysterious full moon time to benefit your own life!

In my personal rating of ornamental shrubs, dogwood is one of the first places. To understand why, let's go through the annual cycle. Spring and summer - turf leaves can be green, light green or with white or yellow edging (in variegated forms). In autumn, they acquire a reddish, crimson hue. In winter, the brightest moment comes for me personally. The fact is that many varieties of turf have bright green, lemon or coral bark on the shoots.

Cheddar corn pie is juicy and satisfying, cooks and bakes quite quickly, and tastes good when cold. This pie is served both as an independent dish and as a side dish. It is important to choose tender corn, at least that jar, from which the grains remain intact. Corn flour can be substituted with wheat flour and vice versa. To make the color of the dough turn out saturated yellow, ground turmeric is added to the dough, half a teaspoon is enough for the specified amount of ingredients.

I really like the options "2 in 1", and better "3 in 1" or even "4 in 1". I don't think I'm the only one. For gardeners, multifunctional options are especially relevant when there is a lack of space. In this case, plants are very helpful, from which you can get tops, roots, something for health, and even admire. These include sweet potato - a completely versatile and waste-free plant. I will tell you in detail about sweet potato, its culinary and decorative use in my article.

Vietnamese herbivorous pot-bellied pigs are unpretentious in food, cleanliness. The lard of these pigs is considered one of the most tender. It spreads on bread like butter. Pigs and boars gain weight quickly and are easy to feed for slaughter. Adults weigh 80-100 kg, and some wild boars can reach 150 kg. In general, this is a very good option for breeding in domestic agriculture or dacha farming. Read about all the intricacies of keeping Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs in the article.

There is no more popular, affordable and simple option getting new bushes or rejuvenating your favorite plants than grafting. The tops, shoots and leaves allow you to get new plants without losing varietal characteristics. Some indoor plants are easy to cut, others require preparation and a special environment. But cuttings for all indoor plants, without exception, are subject to simple and understandable rules. And even those who cannot boast of experience can do it.

Pineapple muffin is one of the simplest foods - winter dessert. Although in our time any fruit is in abundance all year round, for some reason you want to bake apple pies in the fall, but for long winter evenings I offer a pie with pineapple. You will need a small jar of canned pineapples to make a cake. Everything is used in the dough - both fruit and syrup. The cake is incredibly tasty, slightly moist and firm. I recommend whipping cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream as a complement.

Hyacinth is one of my favorite spring bulbous flowers. For many years now, I have traditionally planted several hyacinth bulbs for early spring forcing. For all the time of a close acquaintance with this flower, I came across both successful and not particularly successful varieties. In this article I would like to acquaint the readers of "Botanichka" with those varieties of hyacinth that most will certainly like. They are really worth growing on a windowsill or garden.

Probably the main sign of April in most of the country is the opening of rivers from ice. This is a powerful, spectacular, touching process on streams, and a majestic process on large rivers, after which it immediately becomes clear: well, everything, spring has come! Unfortunately, most gardeners have such a busy month in April that there is often simply no time to admire from the heart the overwhelming power of the awakening water. Nature is waking up and in a hurry to live. You have to do so much!

Lunar energy can both give hope and luck, and take it away from us. In January, most days will be either neutral or positive, so we will be able to rest and work without any problems.

Usually people perceive January as a time to relax. Indeed, almost everyone rests until the 9-10th. In terms of energy, January 2017 will not be quite suitable for idleness and relaxation. The fact is that the year of the Fire Rooster begins. This time, according to the eastern and lunar calendars, is especially dynamic. Astrologers say that this January it is better to allocate as little time as possible for rest, and more engage in spiritual searches for ourselves, develop their personality, and solve new problems.

January 1, 2: 2017 will begin with the growing Moon in Aquarius. There should be no problems with imagination during these two days, so you can do things that require creative solutions. Energetically, these two days will be very powerful, and also quite stable, therefore, very auspicious. Try not to lie in bed all day on January 1, thinking about the essence of being. Act, for Aquarius and the Moon will help you.

January 3, 4:Aquarius will be replaced by Pisces, whom the growing Moon will help show us the right path. These days will give you incredible intuition and good luck in love, so devote them to finding a soul mate or your family. This is a very joyful time that can be a source of inspiration for you. Only be careful with negative emotions.

January 5, 6: two very dangerous days that will provoke us to negative emotions. Energy will be in full swing, but not everyone will be able to direct it. Aries is to blame for everything. He doesn't care about fairness or the balance of negative and positive. Be careful with sharp objects and fire on January 5 and 6, 2017. Danger can wait for you everywhere, so do not risk your health and money.

January 7, 8:the growing moon will greatly weaken on the 7th, so you will need to rest properly on Saturday and abstract from all the problems in life. Sunday January 8th is a very positive day in every sense of the word. It must be carried out the way Taurus wants - that is, with the maximum benefit for himself. Selfishness is best avoided, but on the last day of the week, there may be situations where he can save you.

January 9, 10:as usual, Gemini will replace Taurus. The full moon is approaching, but the moon continues to rise. It is better to spend 11 and 12 lunar days at work and business. Good luck will await everyone who knows how to work in a team. Astrologers warn all people, advising not to risk anything these days. Any gambling will bring the maximum income, but not for the players. Additional income will help to get money signs.

January 11, 12:January 11 is the last day before the Full Moon. In terms of its energy, it will be quite pleasant, although not without some restrictions. Try to avoid inactivity on this challenging day. If you are haunted by failures, then remember that in the future they will turn into something opposite. Everything that happens on this day will be very important. On the 12th, the Full Moon will come. Take on your direct responsibilities at this time so as not to overwhelm yourself with work. Only in this way can this day become at least somewhere positive and pleasant.

January 13, 14: the energy peak will pass, but the time to relax will not come during these two days. The 13th and 14th numbers can be very dangerous due to the impact of an ambiguous and dynamic Leo. If you lose control of the situation, then the outcome of any business or activity can be sad. It is better not to relax during these two days.

January 15, 16, 17: the waning moon and Virgo is the best union for everyone who loves to work and spend the day as productive as possible. Astrologers note that these three days will be very good for financial matters - for purchases, money loans, debt payments, and so on.

January 18, 19:Libra, which will replace Virgo, will help the waning moon to make Wednesday and Thursday as favorable as possible. The lunar calendar recommends changing your appearance and creating a new image these days, as well as changing yourself internally - to work on your worldview and attitude to everything that happens. Introspection shouldn't be too deep these days.

January 20, 21, 22: The marathon of auspicious days will continue for three more days. The 21st number is better to devote to rest and "doing nothing". January 20 and 22 can be the most productive days for creative personalities and those who earn with their heads, thoughts, intellect. Scorpio is highly spiritual, therefore, it will require attention to the love sphere.

January 23, 24:two days under the auspices of Sagittarius will also be very favorable, but, again, not for rest, but for work. Try to change your work environment, add new emotions to rekindle a new interest in everyday and familiar things. The most important thing is not to lose heart this Monday and Tuesday.

January 25, 26:Capricorn and the waning moon are also good. These are some of the most recent positive days in the January positive chain that will bring many positive emotions to all of us. The spiritual side of any person can open like a rose during these two days. Capricorn will help you find the way to inner happiness, and not ignoring material values. Get ready for the fact that Wednesday and Thursday will not be the easiest, but very exciting.

January 27, 28, 29: good always ends - as well as bad. Auspicious days in January will have to end. This will happen around the 28th, when the Moon will be "helped" by Aquarius. They will enter into a serious dissonance that will destroy the idyll. January 28 will be New Moon, so a few hours in the middle of the day will be very pleasant, as we will not be so dependent on the stars and the Moon.

January 30, 31: completes the first month of 2017 with the union of the growing moon and the constellation Pisces. This union is not the most successful, therefore many of us will have the feeling that everything is falling out of hand, luck has turned away from us, and people are constantly striving to spoil the mood. Don't get depressed ahead of time. Get more rest and don't overwhelm yourself with unnecessary work.

So, January will turn out to be a little nervous, but we will be able to personally see and feel with every cell of our body all the positive that awaits us in 2017. Indeed, most of the famous astrologers prepare us for major changes - both internal and external. All life must be transformed. Not only the lunar calendar, but the universe itself tells us that it's time to change something. It's worth starting with yourself. Follow the Laws of the Universe in order not to get lost in the dynamic development of events and changes in the environment. Good luck in January and don't forget to push the buttons and

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