What is the best way to remove hair in intimate places? How to remove hair in intimate places - methods and methods. Electric depilator for bikini area depilation

Sewerage 26.08.2020

At home, you can use various means and techniques for removing hair in the intimate area. Advantages and disadvantages of each hair removal method.

The content of the article:

Every girl dreams of having a beautiful and perfect body. The most unpleasant cosmetic problem is the presence of unwanted hair. Today there are quite a large number of different hair removal products and techniques, but not all can be used in the intimate area. In this article we will look at 6 methods and indicate their pros and cons.

Depilation and epilation - differences

Depilation is a cosmetic procedure during which the visible part of the hair is removed, while providing a short-term effect. For intimate depilation At home, a shaving machine, a special cream and a trimmer are used.

Epilation is a modern procedure during which the hair is removed along with the root or the hair follicles are completely destroyed. Provides a fairly long-lasting effect. But over time, unwanted vegetation appears again. During epilation, only those hairs that are this moment are in the growth stage - approximately 30%. However, hairs that are in the transition or dormant stage continue to grow and remain intact during the hair removal procedure.

For intimate hair removal the following can be used:

  • wax;
  • epilator;
  • sugar paste;
  • photoepilation;
  • elos;
  • electrolysis;
  • ultrasonic method.
At home, intimate hair removal can be done using wax, an epilator and sugar paste. You can also use household appliances for electrolysis, but first you need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of this procedure, since if you lack the skills, there is a risk of getting a serious burn.

Using a razor for intimate depilation

One of the simplest and, one might say, classic ways to remove hair in the intimate area is to use a razor. A disposable razor with the ability to replace the blade or a reusable one can be used - the choice depends only on personal preference.

Before shaving, it is recommended to pre-steam the skin. If the hairs are very long, you can first trim them with scissors. Then the area with unwanted hairs is wetted warm water and apply any product that will ensure smooth gliding of the razor.

An excellent option would be to use a hair conditioner or mask, but you should avoid using shampoo and plain soap. Within a couple of minutes after applying the product, you can proceed directly to the hair removal procedure.

It is important to make all movements strictly in the direction of hair growth, otherwise there is a risk of severe irritation. After the shaving procedure is completed, the razor is rinsed with clean water, and a special soothing balm is applied to the skin, thereby minimizing the risk of skin irritation.

This procedure has the following advantages:

  • ease of use of the razor;
  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • instant result - in just a few minutes you will get perfectly smooth skin;
  • during shaving, the structure and growth of hair is not disturbed;
  • razors can be taken with you on the road;
  • a method accessible to everyone;
  • minimum cost of a razor.
Despite the fact that this is one of the most popular methods of removing unwanted hair in the intimate area, there are some disadvantages:
  • the effect is short-term - fairly prickly stubble appears the very next day;
  • there is a risk of getting a cut;
  • irritation or problem of ingrown hairs may appear in the bikini area;
  • after the hairs grow back, they become thicker than they were before the procedure;
  • Overgrown hairs, if not removed immediately, can cause severe discomfort.

Using a mechanical trimmer for intimate depilation at home

A trimmer for intimate areas is a special machine that is designed directly for cutting and shaving hair and can be used to treat wet and dry skin.

The advantages of using a trimmer are:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • not high cost;
  • complete absence of irritation after the procedure;
  • Depilation is carried out quickly and does not take much time;
  • There is no disruption of hair growth, therefore, its thickness and number do not increase.
Using this device also has some disadvantages:
  • devices can make quite a lot of noise;
  • hairs visually begin to look darker and thicker;
  • after shaving, the length of the hair is approximately a fifth of a millimeter.

Special cream for intimate depilation at home

These products contain a unique substance that destroys the base of the hair - keratin. The effect is only on the visible part of the hair, which is why the cream is not a product for intimate hair removal.

Before using this product, you must first conduct a sensitivity test. For this purpose, about a day before the procedure, apply a small amount of cream to the area of ​​the elbow. After the time specified in the instructions, the product is washed off with water. If no irritation, rash or redness appears over the next 24 hours, you can safely depilate the intimate area.

Apply the product in a fairly thick layer, but do not rub it into the skin. The instructions must indicate the exposure time of the cream, which is not recommended to be exceeded. If the product is left on the skin for a longer period of time, there is a risk of a severe allergic reaction.

It is forbidden to apply the product to mucous membranes, damaged or irritated areas of the skin if there is inflammation or moles in the treated area. To remove the cream, use a special sponge or spatula; you can simply rinse off with plenty of clean water. For several days after the procedure, you should not expose the treated skin to ultraviolet rays or use hygienic cosmetics. The exception is special balms intended for skin care after depilation.

The advantages of the procedure include:

  • low cost of the product;
  • there is no effect on the structure and direction of hair growth;
  • after depilation, regrown hairs do not cause severe discomfort, unlike shaving;
  • Depilation is carried out quickly while taking a shower;
  • the cream is compact, so it is convenient to take it with you on the road;
  • There is a fairly wide range of depilatory creams;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • The cream is easy and simple to use on your own at home.
This procedure also has some disadvantages:
  • the cream may not have the most pleasant and slightly harsh aroma, especially cheap products;
  • there is a risk of severe irritation;
  • the resulting effect will not last long and you will soon have to repeat the depilation procedure;
  • All hairs in the treated area are not always completely removed, which causes not the most pleasant sensations.

Sugaring for intimate hair removal

Sugaring is a special procedure during which hair is removed using a special sugar paste, which you can quickly prepare yourself. To do this, you need to mix water, sugar, lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid).

Also, specialized stores offer a wide selection of industrial sugaring products. Majority brands They produce entire lines, which include products intended for preparation for the hair removal procedure, as well as skin care after it. Several types of pastes have been developed for use in bandage or manual techniques. To perform intimate epilation of a deep bikini, it is best to choose high-density sugar paste, as it removes coarse groin hairs much better.

First, clean and dry skin must be treated with special talc, after which sugaring paste is applied strictly against hair growth. Consequently, it is removed in the opposite direction. Due to the fact that the product penetrates as deep as possible into the mouth of the follicle, complete removal of the hair follicle is ensured. At the end of the procedure, the remaining sugar paste is carefully removed, and a nourishing or moisturizing agent is applied to the skin.

Advantages of the sugaring procedure:

  • there is no disturbance in the direction of hair growth;
  • the resulting effect will last for several weeks;
  • the paste does not contain dangerous or harmful substances, so it can be used to treat the intimate area;
  • you can easily and quickly prepare pasta yourself at home;
  • the procedure is less painful, unlike wax hair removal;
  • Over time, hair thinning occurs.
Disadvantages of the sugaring procedure:
  • unpleasant painful sensations during the procedure;
  • there is a possibility of ingrown hairs; to minimize the risk, you need to regularly scrub the skin;
  • You need to master the subtleties and features of the sugar hair removal technique.

Intimate waxing

Depending on the melting temperature, there are warm, hot and cold depilatory wax. Hot wax is considered the most effective. This procedure is very painful, which is why local anesthetics may be used.

If necessary, the wax is heated, after which it is applied strictly in the direction of hair growth - you do not need to treat a very large area. You can put a special bandage on top. Then the wax strip is torn off with one sharp movement in the direction against hair growth. The entire bikini area is treated according to this scheme. The remaining wax from the skin is removed with oil.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • reasonable cost;
  • Over time, hair becomes thinner;
  • the resulting effect will last for a long time.
Disadvantages of the procedure:
  • in the first days after hair removal, irritation appears, which goes away on its own over time;
  • there is a high risk of ingrown hairs.

Tweezers or epilator for intimate hair removal

If you need to remove a small amount of hair, you can use simple tweezers, but otherwise it is better to use an epilator.

There is an opinion that before the procedure for removing unwanted vegetation, it is worth pre-steaming the skin. But some cosmetologists are sure that this procedure provokes ingrown hairs in the future.

Removing hair in the intimate area using an epilator is quite painful, which is why it is recommended to first use an anesthetic spray or gel. The length of the hairs must be at least 5 millimeters. If the hair removal procedure is carried out using this method for the first time, the device must first be turned on at minimum speed. The movements of the device are directed against hair growth. After completing the procedure, you need to treat the skin with any cosmetic oil or ice cube, which will help relieve irritation.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • low cost of the device;
  • over time, the hairs become thinner;
  • the resulting effect will last a long time.
Disadvantages of the procedure:
  • severe irritation may occur;
  • there is a risk of ingrown hairs;
  • the procedure is very painful.
A wide variety of products can be used to remove hair in the intimate area. But most methods give only temporary results, and soon the procedure will have to be repeated again.

For more information about intimate hair removal, watch the video below:

Depilation of the intimate area is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also hygienic, because the hair in this area creates a favorable environment for the life of microbes. You can remove unnecessary hair in beauty salons, but there are many ways to carry out this intimate procedure that are easy to use at home.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Not everyone cleans their intimate areas of vegetation. Some believe that pubic hair creates a certain microenvironment that provides protection against germs. However, many researchers and gynecologists advise epilation of the intimate area, since this procedure has many advantages:

The disadvantages of depilation include:

  • skin irritation after certain methods;
  • temporary effect;
  • hairs may grow in;
  • Constant implementation requires costs for special means.

Women's intimate depilation

There are quite a few ways to remove hair in intimate places, from which each woman chooses the most suitable one for herself.


Using wax, you can carry out hot and cold hair removal procedures:

Hair removal with wax has its own characteristics:

The waxing procedure slows down hair growth and gives long-lasting results, but it is quite painful and can irritate the skin.


Sugar is used to carry out the procedure, which is why this type of hair removal is called sugaring. It is popular in Eastern countries and is similar to waxing. The sugaring mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • sugar - 10 tablespoons.

Stir the mixture thoroughly over low heat until it turns golden brown. It should not be lighter or darker, since only a golden brown color gives the desired effect.

The heated mass is used in the same way as wax, placing fabric strips on it and tearing them off with a sharp movement.

  • availability of ingredients;
  • sugar does not cause inflammation or irritation;
  • sugaring can be used even on sensitive skin;
  • With the help of sugaring you can remove coarse hair.

You can additionally add walnut shell tincture, chamomile and honey to the mixture of water and sugar. IN walnut contains iodine, which burns the hair follicle, chamomile is an antiseptic, and honey enhances their effect.

The disadvantages of the procedure include its fragility and contraindications for use in diabetes mellitus.


Male hair removal is widely used by women as well.. To carry out the procedure you will need to prepare:

  • double blade razor;
  • shaving foam;
  • scissors or trimmer;
  • towel.

The first time depilation with a razor is carried out according to the following instructions:

This is a fairly easy and painless method., which has its drawbacks:

  • You can cut yourself during the procedure;
  • after shaving, the hairs grow back quickly, and you have to shave them almost every day;
  • Shaved hair becomes sharp, and when it grows back, it can grow into the skin.

Depilatory creams

Using a special cream is a painless way to get rid of vegetation in the groin area. It can be used only on the bikini area or can be used to completely remove hair. The composition of the depilatory cream or gel includes a substance with the help of which the hair protein expands, separates from the bulb and falls out.

Types of creams:

Before using any of the products, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction the day before the procedure. To do this, apply a little cream to the skin of the hand in the fold area. If after a few hours there is no redness or other irritation, the product can be used for depilation.

Instructions for using the cream:

After applying the cream, the next procedure may only be needed after a few weeks.

Using an intimate epilator

You can remove hair from intimate places using a special epilator equipped with tweezers. While the device is operating, tweezers grab and pull out hairs by the roots. The advantage of using a depilator is its long-lasting effect for about four weeks. However, this procedure is quite painful, and after it the skin remains red for some time.

Today there are epilators that are equipped with special cooling devices. With their help, hair removal is almost painless. Modern portable laser and photoepilators are also available for sale. They look like professional ones and have many protective features.

Folk recipes

At home, you can use the products that our grandmothers used:

Traditional recipes should be used with caution. Their use is individual, and it is not known how long it is necessary to use an iodine mixture or potassium permanganate to obtain the desired effect.

Hair removal in beauty salons

Quite expensive salon procedures will allow you to forget about unwanted vegetation for a long time, since special devices are used during them.

Professional hair removal methods:

Skin care after depilation

After the procedure, the treated skin is irritated and requires special care:

Redness skin and their irritation should subside within 24 hours after the procedure. At this time, it is not recommended to wear tight, chafing clothing.

Depilation of intimate areas is becoming increasingly popular. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to choose a suitable method that will be convenient to use at home.

During depilation of the intimate area, a rather aggressive effect is exerted on the delicate area of ​​the body. Improper implementation can lead to irritation, inflammation, damage to the skin and infection. In beauty salons, masters act strictly according to instructions and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

To learn how to avoid the unpleasant consequences of depilation of the intimate area at home, what rules for doing it in men and women should be followed, read about it in the article.

Read in this article

How the epilator works

Epilator- an electrical device that artificially removes hair by grabbing it and pulling it out along with the bulb. Experts recommend using it, since all other methods of solving the problem of hair growth in the intimate area give short-term results.

This advantage of the epilator is connected with its operating principle: metal discs (arranged in pairs) rotate quickly, capture hairs and tear them out by the roots. The resulting effect will last for at least 1 month.

Epilators are equipped with a speed switch:

  • when the metal discs rotate slowly (first speed), thin and short hairs are perfectly removed;
  • the second speed (very fast rotation) is optimal for removing tougher and longer ones.


Thanks to the second speed, you can reduce pain and discomfort during the procedure to zero. But in this case, the smallest/shortest hairs will not be removed; everything will have to be refined using a razor or wax strips.

The epilator can be used by both men and women.

Pros and cons of depilation

There are many positive aspects after removing hair in the intimate area, for example: better hygiene of the external genitalia, irritation and itching of the pubis disappears against the background of active sweating.

Opponents of the procedure mention the hair of the intimate area as a natural barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria into the genitals (external and internal). All these doubts can be combined into one conclusion: depilation of the intimate area has exclusively aesthetic significance, so everyone has the right to independently decide whether they need the procedure.

Hair growth phases

Removing hair in the intimate area is not a simple procedure. Too often the consequence is severe irritation and even pain. But there are several methods of depilation; a person will be able to choose something specific for himself. To minimize various unpleasant sensations during the procedure itself and after it, it is worth studying the rules for preparing for it, conducting it and caring for your skin afterwards.

Methods for depilation at home

In principle, any of the methods of depilation of the intimate area is applicable for both women and men. But it is worth making some division, because the structure of the external genitalia is different, and what is applicable in the area of ​​the labia majora is completely unsuitable for the male testicles.

In men

The best option is a special depilatory cream. It is applied to the required surface, left for 5 - 15 minutes, then everything is removed using a special spatula. All that remains is to wash everything thoroughly and dry it, lubricating it with a moisturizer at the end. But this method of removing hair in the intimate area also has significant disadvantages:

  • a severe allergy may develop to the cream;
  • has a sharp, specific aroma (for many it is unpleasant);
  • if the hairs are too thick, you will have to carry out the procedure two or three times in a row.

Men's depilatory creams

The second depilation method that is suitable for men is shaving in the classic way.. It is enough to purchase a razor, steam the skin and perform the necessary manipulations.

It is recommended to use cosmetic emollients (gels, foams, creams). To prevent irritation on the skin after removing hairs, you need to first steam it and move the razor not against their growth, but diagonally.

Watch the video on how to shave men's hair in the intimate area:

Disadvantages of shaving hair removal:

  • short-term result;
  • high risk of skin injury;
  • Over time, the hair structure becomes denser.

Male depilation of the intimate area at home can be carried out without any restrictions on frequency, outside the seasons. You need to “work” especially carefully in the area of ​​the male testicles and at the root of the penis - the skin in these places is hypersensitive.

Among women

Representatives of the fair sex can use both a razor and a special depilatory cream.

But they also have access to other methods of depilation of the intimate area at home:

  • Wax. Performed using the cold or hot method. In the first case, you need to purchase ready-to-use paper strips with a thin layer of wax applied to them. They are glued to the required area, thoroughly rubbed/smoothed with your hands (the wax will begin to heat up). After 1 - 2 minutes, you can tear off the strip with a sharp movement against the growth of the hairs.

The hot method involves using melted/heated wax and separately made strips, otherwise the algorithm does not change.

Laser hair removal of the bikini area will help make the intimate part of the body smooth. It will not cause harm, and also has virtually no contraindications. But does it hurt? Is the procedure generally harmful and what are the consequences?

Depilation of the intimate area is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also hygienic, because the hair in this area creates a favorable environment for the life of microbes. You can remove unnecessary hair in beauty salons, but there are many ways to carry out this intimate procedure that are easy to use at home.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Not everyone cleans their intimate areas of vegetation. Some believe that pubic hair creates a certain microenvironment that provides protection against germs. However, many researchers and gynecologists advise epilation of the intimate area, since this procedure has many advantages:

The disadvantages of depilation include:

  • skin irritation after certain methods;
  • temporary effect;
  • hairs may grow in;
  • Constant implementation requires costs for special means.

Women's intimate depilation

There are quite a few ways to remove hair in intimate places, from which each woman chooses the most suitable one for herself.


Using wax, you can carry out hot and cold hair removal procedures:

Hair removal with wax has its own characteristics:

The waxing procedure slows down hair growth and gives long-lasting results, but it is quite painful and can irritate the skin.


Sugar is used to carry out the procedure, which is why this type of hair removal is called sugaring. It is popular in Eastern countries and is similar to waxing. The sugaring mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • sugar - 10 tablespoons.

Stir the mixture thoroughly over low heat until it turns golden brown. It should not be lighter or darker, since only a golden brown color gives the desired effect.

The heated mass is used in the same way as wax, placing fabric strips on it and tearing them off with a sharp movement.

  • availability of ingredients;
  • sugar does not cause inflammation or irritation;
  • sugaring can be used even on sensitive skin;
  • With the help of sugaring you can remove coarse hair.

You can additionally add walnut shell tincture, chamomile and honey to the mixture of water and sugar. Walnuts contain iodine, which burns the hair follicle, chamomile is an antiseptic, and honey enhances their effect.

The disadvantages of the procedure include its fragility and contraindications for use in diabetes mellitus.


Male hair removal is widely used by women as well.. To carry out the procedure you will need to prepare:

  • double blade razor;
  • shaving foam;
  • scissors or trimmer;
  • towel.

The first time depilation with a razor is carried out according to the following instructions:

This is a fairly easy and painless method., which has its drawbacks:

  • You can cut yourself during the procedure;
  • after shaving, the hairs grow back quickly, and you have to shave them almost every day;
  • Shaved hair becomes sharp, and when it grows back, it can grow into the skin.

Depilatory creams

Using a special cream is a painless way to get rid of vegetation in the groin area. It can be used only on the bikini area or can be used to completely remove hair. The composition of the depilatory cream or gel includes a substance with the help of which the hair protein expands, separates from the bulb and falls out.

Types of creams:

Before using any of the products, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction the day before the procedure. To do this, apply a little cream to the skin of the hand in the fold area. If after a few hours there is no redness or other irritation, the product can be used for depilation.

Instructions for using the cream:

After applying the cream, the next procedure may only be needed after a few weeks.

Using an intimate epilator

You can remove hair from intimate places using a special epilator equipped with tweezers. While the device is operating, tweezers grab and pull out hairs by the roots. The advantage of using a depilator is its long-lasting effect for about four weeks. However, this procedure is quite painful, and after it the skin remains red for some time.

Today there are epilators that are equipped with special cooling devices. With their help, hair removal is almost painless. Modern portable laser and photoepilators are also available for sale. They look like professional ones and have many protective features.

Folk recipes

At home, you can use the products that our grandmothers used:

Traditional recipes should be used with caution. Their use is individual, and it is not known how long it is necessary to use an iodine mixture or potassium permanganate to obtain the desired effect.

Hair removal in beauty salons

Quite expensive salon procedures will allow you to forget about unwanted vegetation for a long time, since special devices are used during them.

Professional hair removal methods:

Skin care after depilation

After the procedure, the treated skin is irritated and requires special care:

Redness and irritation of the skin should subside within 24 hours after the procedure. At this time, it is not recommended to wear tight, chafing clothing.

Depilation of intimate areas is becoming increasingly popular. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to choose a suitable method that will be convenient to use at home.

Hair removal in intimate places is a rather delicate problem that almost every woman faces. The perfect bikini line is in fashion, and it takes a lot of effort to achieve it. Salon procedures, razors, special creams: all this does not always bring the desired result. Which method should you choose and what should you do to keep your skin smooth and soft for as long as possible? You will learn about this by reading this article.

Is it worth removing hair in intimate areas?

This issue is considered quite controversial. On the one hand, many argue that depilation is not just a way to become more sexy and attractive: hair removal is a hygienic procedure. Opponents of removal believe that hair is present in certain places of the human body for a reason. In particular, hair in the pubic area protects against harmful bacteria. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers didn’t even know what hair removal in intimate places is called, but they didn’t have any problems with it: infections were less common, and women gave birth much more often than these days, when many women diligently get rid of from the “natural barrier” in the intimate area.

However, there are no convincing studies indicating that depilation of “delicate” areas of the female body leads to an increased likelihood of urogenital infection. Therefore, you can safely remove hair (if, of course, that’s what you want).

Advice!You can limit yourself to just hair correction: remove it on the sides and straighten it in the center using a special trimmer. This way you will minimize the risk of irritation.

What hair removal methods are there?

The skin in the intimate areas of the human body is tender and sensitive. Therefore, choosing a depilation method can be extremely difficult. As a rule, the following methods are used to remove hair in intimate places at home:

  • shaving using a machine;
  • hair removal with special creams;
  • hair removal with wax;
  • sugaring;
  • using a household epilator.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of all of the above methods.

Advice! To help your hair grow slowly, regularly wipe your skin with nut decoction: it helps increase the time between depilation procedures.


Most women use a razor to get rid of unnecessary hair. This is indeed very convenient, but in order to achieve the desired result, it is important to comply with a number of conditions:

  • You can shave your hair only on steamed skin; it is advisable to do this after a bath or in the shower;
  • You cannot refuse special creams and gels for hair removal in intimate places: they soften the hair and protect the skin. Otherwise, irritation and inflammation may occur;
  • To protect delicate skin from irritation, hair should be shaved not against the hair growth, as many do, but diagonally.

The main advantages of the procedure include complete painlessness, low cost and the ability to quickly remove all unnecessary hair. But there are also disadvantages: shaving with a machine often causes quite severe inflammation in the intimate area due to the fact that the blades damage delicate skin. Therefore, the machine is not suitable for everyone: for women whose skin is particularly sensitive, other methods are suitable.

Advice! Use only new machines for hair removal in the bikini area! If the blades become dull, you risk damaging your skin quite badly. If this does happen, wipe the wounds with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant: this will avoid the development of inflammatory processes.

Wax for depilation

In order to remove hair with wax, you will need the wax itself, special spatulas for applying it and strips of non-woven material.

The procedure is extremely simple: wax is applied to the hair and a fabric strip is glued to it. After this, the strip should be torn off with a sharp movement. It would seem that no difficulties should arise. However, wax depilation also has a number of subtleties:

  • the hair must be at least 5 mm long: otherwise the wax will not be able to “grab” it;
  • the strip is torn off against the hair growth with a sharp movement. Not all women are able to cope with this task: when removing the wax from the skin, quite painful sensations arise;
  • one day before waxing hair in intimate places, the skin should be thoroughly treated with a scrub: this will make the procedure more effective.

Using wax you can remove hair on for a long time: wax, unlike a razor, does not just cut hairs, but removes them along with the root.

However, due to the fact that the procedure is painful, many women simply cannot perform such an “execution” on themselves. In addition, the intimate areas of our body have a rather complex “relief”, so dealing with hair with wax is quite a difficult task. If you want to try waxing of intimate areas, visit a beauty salon: specialists apply special compounds to the client’s skin that reduce pain. In addition, you will be able to learn the basic principles of wax depilation and ask the master all the questions that interest you.

Advice! There are special strips for removing hair in intimate places: wax is already applied to them. This strip is glued to the skin like a plaster and is removed with a sharp movement. Using wax strips makes the hair removal process much easier.


The most popular device for removing hair from intimate areas is undoubtedly the epilator. Removing hair in intimate areas using an epilator is a rather painful procedure, so it is advisable to buy a special cooling model or an epilator that can work in water. If your hair is thick and quite dark, you should avoid using an epilator.

Using the epilator is very simple: it grabs the hair itself and removes it from the root. As a result, the skin remains smooth and soft for a long time. In addition, thanks to regular use of the epilator, the hairs will become thinner and thinner, and the pain will become less intense over time. However, for the procedure to be more effective, it is necessary to regularly exfoliate the intimate area and depilate after a bath, when the skin becomes soft and steamed.

Advice! After using epilators, many women notice ingrown hairs. To avoid this, scrub your skin regularly and dry it with a stiff towel after showering. For even better results, use moisturizing and softening creams.

Depilatory creams

Cream for hair removal in intimate places seems to be one of the most simple ways deal with excess hair and achieve the perfect bikini area. After all, what could be simpler: the cream is applied to the skin, and after a few minutes it is removed along with the hairs. However, this procedure has a number of nuances:

  • Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. If your skin is irritable and sensitive, you should avoid the cream: it contains aggressive chemicals;
  • the cream should not be applied to the mucous membrane: this can provoke the development of a serious inflammatory process;
  • The cream can only remove fine hair. In addition, their length should reach 3–4 mm.

Depilatory cream is not suitable for everyone. However, it can indeed bring quite good results: the effect lasts for a long time, and the hair grows thinner and thinner.

Advice! Before using a purchased depilatory cream, test it on a small area of ​​skin. If the skin is red, you should avoid using the cream as directed.


Removing body hair using sugar paste has been known since ancient times. This method is quite effective and simple, because you can prepare the mixture for sugaring even at home. You will need granulated sugar, water and a little lemon juice. All components are mixed and melted in a water bath until the mixture resembles caramel. When the mass has cooled, it is applied to the skin and torn off along with the hair.

The undoubted advantages of sugaring include:

  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • Additional components can be added to the mixture to nourish and soften the skin, for example, honey;
  • the composition captures even fairly short hairs;
  • the paste does not cause irritation to the skin, which is very important when removing hair in intimate areas;
  • The effect of sugaring lasts for a long time: many women compare it with laser hair removal in intimate places.

Smooth skin lasts for several weeks, during which time it has time to fully recover after a rather traumatic procedure.

However, in order to learn how to make a mixture with the correct consistency, you will have to practice. In addition, sugaring is quite painful: not all women can withstand it.

Advice! You don’t have to cook the sugaring paste yourself, but buy it at a beauty salon. They sell pastes with various additives that nourish and moisturize the skin. In addition, the consistency of the purchased paste is ideal for the procedure. However, carefully read the ingredients: if the paste contains preservatives and dyes, it is better to refuse the purchase: look for a higher quality option.


This method is suitable for those girls who do not want to injure their skin. The trimmer delicately cuts hairs, so the risk of irritation or inflammation is minimized. Using a trimmer, you can create a bikini design without causing any harm to the skin or mucous membrane.

However, the trimmer is not suitable for everyone: perfect smoothness cannot be achieved with its help - the hair is preserved, but the bikini area takes on a more neat, well-groomed appearance. So if your skin is sensitive, you may want to skip shaving and opt for a trimmer.

Advice! On sale you can find special women's trimmers with various attachments. Using these attachments, you can remove hair in the armpit area, create intimate haircuts, and even trim eyebrows. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to such multifunctional devices: they allow you to solve several problems at once.

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