The system of description will take a person's appearance (verbal portrait). Description of a person's appearance using the verbal portrait method Description of a person's appearance using the verbal portrait method

Painting 01.07.2021

The description of a person's appearance in forensics can be carried out arbitrarily or by a special technique using special terms. Custom description - it is a description given by an eyewitness in words and expressions used in everyday speech.

Systematized description - This is a description by the method of verbal portrait. The foundations for such a description were laid at the end of the 19th century. Alphonse Bertillon. This description allows you to uniformly characterize the elements of appearance, the same signs and perceive these descriptions in the same way. Uniformity is achieved through basic principles of description of appearance:

  • o the use of special (standardized) terminology in the description. Compliance with this principle eliminates discrepancies in the described features, ensures their uniform understanding, eliminates ambiguity and prevents errors;
  • o compliance with the sequence in the description. The description is carried out from the general to the particular, from top to bottom. First, the figure as a whole is characterized, then individual areas of the body (head, torso, limbs, the most significant features of the anatomical elements of the head, face) are described, and, finally, functional signs and special signs;
  • o maximum completeness of the description. If possible, all the features are described, the totality of which makes it possible to distinguish certain person from other people;
  • o the description is made in full face and in the right profile (if necessary, in growth and from other sides). Special signs are described both on the right and on the left sides of the face;
  • o the description is carried out in relation to the normal (standard) position of the head and the state of appearance;
  • o special features are highlighted in the description. Forensic description of the external appearance of a person

according to the verbal portrait method, it covers the description of anatomical, functional and accompanying features. Sex, age, nationality, figure in general and head are described. The most informative value is the description of the head.

Head as a whole: size (small, medium, large), shape of the parietal part (flat, dome-shaped, ovoid), position of the occiput relative to the vertical (oblique, vertical, protruding).

Hair: abundance (thick, medium, sparse), hair length (short, medium length, long), by type (straight, wavy, curly), hair color (light blond, blond, dark blond, black, red), frontal line (straight, arcuate, wavy, broken).

Whole face: proportions (narrow, medium width, wide), full face contour (oval, round, rectangular, square, triangular, trapezoidal), profile contour (convex, straight, concave), degree of fullness (thin, medium fullness, full), color skin (white, swarthy, pink), features (the presence of wrinkles, their severity, depth, the presence of a beard, mustache, freckles, etc.).

Forehead: but size (narrow, wide, medium), contour (straight, convex, wavy), features (highly developed frontal tubercles, superciliary ridges, very oblique, very convex).

Brows: size (short, medium length, long; narrow, medium width, wide), abundance, i.e. density (thick, sparse), contour (straight, arcuate, wavy, broken), position relative to the horizontal and relative position (beveled inward, beveled outward, close together, apart), features (fused, bushy, etc.).

Eyes: the size of the open palpebral fissures (small, medium, large), the contour of the open palpebral fissures (slit-like, oval, round, triangular), the position of the eyeballs in the sockets (convex, medium bulge, sunken), the mutual position of the eyes (contact, apart), the color of the rainbow shells (dark brown, brown, light brown, greenish, light blue, blue, gray), position of the upper fixed eyelid (overhangs, no overhang), position of the upper movable eyelid (open, closed), eyelash length (short, medium , long), the shape of the eyelashes (straight, curved), the density of the eyelashes (thick, medium density, rare), features (very bulging eyes, very close, etc.).

Nose: Overall size from superior nasal point to sub-nasal point and with width at wings (narrow, medium width, wide, short, medium length, long), back contour (concave, straight, convex, wavy), tip shape (sharp, rounded , obtuse), the position of the base relative to the horizontal (raised, horizontal, pubescent), the size of the cut of the nostrils (small, medium, large), the contour of the cut of the nostrils (triangular, round, oval, slit-like), features (forked tip, closed nostrils, curved back etc.).

Mouth: size (small, medium, large), lip closure line (straight, wavy, broken), position of the angles relative to the horizontal (lowered, horizontal, raised), features (oblique closure line, very small or large mouth, etc.).

Lips: height upper lip(low, medium, high), by the width of the red border (thin, medium thickness, thick), by the contour of the red border (curved, wavy, broken), by protrusion (protrusion of the upper lip, protrusion of the lower lip, general protrusion or elongation of the lips) , by color (bright, pale), features (very short upper lip, bifurcation of the upper or lower lip).

Teeth: size (small, medium size, large), by the distance between the teeth (rare, frequent), the relative position of the upper and lower teeth (protrusion of the lower teeth or upper teeth), features (lack of teeth, blackening and yellowing of teeth, the presence and type of prostheses, etc. .P.).

Chin: size (low, medium height, tall, narrow, medium width, wide), contour of the lower outline (rounded, rectangular, triangular), shape (convex, rectangular, triangular), vertical position (oblique, vertical, protruding), features (very oblique or protruding, with a transverse furrow or fossa, forked, etc.).

Ear: size of the auricle as a whole (small, medium, large), contour (round, oval, rectangular, triangular), protrusion (general protrusion, upper protrusion, general diligence), shape of the surface of the curl (convex, flat), lobe size (small, medium, large), the contour of the earlobe (round, oval, rectangular, triangular), the shape of the surface of the earlobe (flat, convex, crossed), features (very small or large ear, its very large protrusion).

Neck: by size (short, medium length, long, thin, medium thickness, thick), features (severity of cartilage and larynx - Adam's apple; presence, location and severity of wrinkles, etc.).

Shoulders: by size (narrow, medium width, wide), position relative to the horizontal (lowered, horizontally raised), features (very narrow or wide, one higher than the other, etc.).

Breast: by size (narrow, medium width, wide), shape (concave, convex), position (hollow, protruding), features ("bird chest", hump, etc.).

Back: by size (narrow, medium width, wide), contour (concave, straight, convex), features (shoulder blades, hump, etc. protrude strongly).

Arms: overall size (short, medium length, long; thin, medium thickness, thick), hand (long, short; narrow, wide), fingers (long, medium length, short), shape and size of nails (long, medium length , short; narrow, medium width, wide), the shape of the surface of the nails (convex, flat, ribbed), the length of the nails (long, short), features (the presence of calluses, the absence of fingers or joints, abundant hair on the outer part of the hand, etc. ).

Legs: overall size (long, medium length, short; thin, medium thickness, thick), shape (straight, "o"-shaped, "x"-shaped), foot size (long, medium length, short; narrow, medium width, wide), features (thickening of the joints, fusion of fingers, absence of a leg, foot, fingers, etc.).

The method of drawing up a verbal portrait of a person is used in various fields of science and art.

First of all, this technique is used in forensic practice for the search and expert identification of persons, for the criminal registration of criminals, as well as in forensic medicine in the process of identifying an individual.

Verbal portrait (in criminology) is a system for describing a person's appearance for the purpose of identifying him. A verbal portrait includes a general description of a person's appearance; anatomical features; special signs; functional signs; features of clothing, shoes, headgear and other things.

The method of drawing up a verbal portrait is carried out daily in the process of communication, since communication between people
implies a representation of the persons mentioned during the communicative act.

When verbally fixing the signs of appearance, they are guided by special rules that are part of the “verbal portrait” technique.

However, foreign students do not have the skills to compose a verbal portrait, their descriptions are inconsistent, fragmentary, uneven in the description of certain features, therefore, the use of the method of compiling a verbal portrait in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language will help foreign students learn how to correctly characterize a person.

Description rules when drawing up a verbal portrait

  • First, the signs that characterize general physical elements of appearance: gender, age, nationality, height, physique, then anatomical features of individual areas of the body and elements; after that - functional signs of related items.
  • The description of the signs of appearance is carried out according to the scheme “from general to particular” and “from top to bottom”. At the same time, they first characterize the figure as a whole, the head as a whole, the face as a whole, its individual elements, neck, arms, legs.
    It is important to follow the sequence in the description. The description is carried out from the general to the particular, from top to bottom. First, the figure as a whole is characterized, then individual areas of the body (face, neck, arms, legs) and functional signs and features are described;
  • Each of the anatomical elements is characterized by shape and size, and some - by color.

If you follow the rules of description by the method of verbal portrait, then the totality of these parameters and points grows into a clear and detailed scheme for describing the characteristics of a person, i.e. his portrait.

Scheme for compiling a verbal portrait

I. general characteristics appearance according to the impression made on the interlocutor (beautiful, attractive, repulsive, etc.)
II. Gender, age and nationality (sex, age, nationality):
III. Anatomical features:
1. Growth(high, low, etc.).

2. Figure(slender, etc.); physique (strong, fragile

3. Face:

a) in shape (round, wide, narrow, etc.);
b) skin color (dark, ruddy, pale, etc.);
c) on special grounds (in wrinkles, freckles, etc.);
d) facial expression (naive, strict, etc.).

4. Eyes:
a) in shape (large, small, narrow, etc.);
b) by color (blue, brown, gray, etc.);
c) by reflecting the emotional state (inflamed, sad
d) by reflecting character traits (smart, cunning, etc.)

5. Eyelashes:

c) in shape (straight, curved, etc.);
d) by the presence of makeup (made up, etc.).
6. Eyebrows:
a) length (long, short);
b) in width (thin, wide)
c) by volume (thick, rare);
d) in shape (straight, curved, etc.);
e) by the presence of makeup (made up, etc.).

7. Hair:
a) in length (long, short, shoulder length, etc.);
b) by volume (thick, rare);
c) in shape (straight, curly, wavy, etc.);
d) by color (chestnut, black, red, etc.);
e) according to the naturalness of the color (dyed, natural, etc.)
f) by type of hairstyle / haircut (braid, ponytail, bob haircut, etc.).
8. Cheeks:
a) in shape (chubby, sunken, etc.);
b) by color (ruddy, pale, etc.);

9. Forehead:

a) size (high, low);
b) according to the degree of openness (open, closed).

10. Nose (straight, snub-nosed, aquiline, etc.).

11. Lips:
a) in shape (chubby, thin, etc.);
b) according to the expression of the emotional state of a person (compressed,
smiling, etc.);
c) by the presence of makeup (made up, etc.).

12. Chin(flat, dimpled, etc.).

13. Ears(large, small, protruding, etc.).

14. Mustache(for a man):
a) length (long, short);
b) by volume (thick, rare);
c) in shape (straight, curved, twisted, etc.);
d) by color (black, red, gray, etc.).

15. Beard(for a man):
a) by length (long, short);
b) by volume (thick, rare);
c) in shape (large, wedge, etc.);
d) by color (black, red, gray, etc.).

16. Neck(long, short).

17. Hands:
a) length (long, short);
b) in size (muscular, thin, etc.);
c) according to special features (callus, well-groomed, etc.);

18. Legs:
a) length (long, short);
b) in shape (straight lines, curves, etc.);

19. Distinctive features: mole, birthmark, tattoo
ka etc.

IV. Clothes, shoes and other items:
1. General characteristics of clothing:

a) by gender and age (male, child and
b) according to fashion (fashionable, old-fashioned, etc.);
c) according to the impression made on the interlocutor (stylish, beautiful, etc.).
2. Outerwear:
a) by season (winter, spring, summer, autumn);
b) by type (coat, jacket, raincoat, etc.);
c) by material (drape, leather, fur, etc.)
3. Headwear(hat, hat, scarf, etc.).

4. Basic clothing:
a) by purpose of use (business, everyday, home, etc.);
b) by item of clothing (jacket, blouse, jacket, trousers, etc.);
c) in shape: dress (fitted, loose, etc.); skirt (flared, narrow, etc.); trousers (narrow, straight, etc.);
d) by material (silk, velvet, wool, corduroy, etc.).

5. Shoes:
a) by type (shoes, boots, sneakers, etc.);
b) by the presence of a heel / platform (on a heel, on a platform and
6. Accessories, jewelry(tie, belt, ring, brooch, etc.).
V. Functional features:
1. General characteristics of a person's character(light, heavy and
2. Character (character traits):
a) in relation to people (caring, demanding, etc.);
b) in terms of views on life (principled, passive, etc.);
c) according to mental abilities (smart, quick-witted, etc.);
d) in relation to work (hard-working, executive, etc.).
3. Emotional state(calm, insensitive, etc.).
4. Behavior(modest, impudent, ill-mannered, etc.).
5. Gait(light, heavy, lame, etc.).
6. Habits, hobbies(runs in the morning, smokes, bites nails, etc.).

The number of points in the scheme may vary depending on the situation and the degree of awareness of the speaker about the subject, which is given a characteristic in the process of a communicative act.

Difficulties for students

  • A description of the emotional state of a person, especially when that person is of a different race.

For example, Chinese students sometimes it is difficult to characterize the emotional state of people of the Caucasian race, which in general includes the inhabitants of the European part of Russia.

When studying the topic "Human Character", special attention is paid to the ways of expressing a person's emotions.

First students are offered a number of tasks, the purpose of which is to inform about the characteristic physical signs, with the help of which one or another emotion can be determined.

In the preparation of these tasks, materials from the American TV series were used. "Lie theory", where all the physical signs of the main emotions are clearly demonstrated: anger, happiness, fear, sadness, etc.

For example, physical signs of an expression of happiness on a person’s face: wrinkles in the corners near the eyes, cheeks and corners of the lips are raised.

Then students are offered tasks with pictures (first animation, and then photographs of real people), which depict the faces of the same person experiencing different emotions.

And the last stage when students independently depict different emotions in front of each other and guess them.

Summing up the above, we can say, that the use of the method of drawing up a verbal portrait in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language enriches the conceptual and linguistic picture of the world of foreign students; helps them in the knowledge and interpretation of the surrounding reality; forms communicative competence; allows you to transmit reliable information, share personal impressions and experiences with other people; makes it possible to choose speech and behavioral strategies in communicating with the interlocutor, to better understand him.

The method of a systematic description of the signs of appearance and functional characteristics of a person for the purpose of his identification, called "verbal portrait", is widely used in modern law enforcement practice. The above methodology is based on the provisions on relative immutability, the individuality of the combination of many features that characterize the structural features of the human body and its functional characteristics, as well as their reliable display.

^ When describing appearance using the verbal portrait method, the following basic rules must be followed:

1) optimal completeness of the description;

2) the use of a single special terminology;

3) sequence of description.

^ Optimal complete description must satisfy its purpose, that is, use for the search and identification of a specific person. For example, a description of the appearance of a missing person, made in a registration card, should contain a maximum of known signs, which, if a corpse of an unknown person is found, will make it possible to compare in detail all the signs of the deceased with the signs of the missing person.

^ Detailed description is compiled during an expert study of photographic portraits, examination of the corpse of an unknown person and registration of missing, detained and arrested persons. In the conditions of operational activities, one can limit oneself to a short description of the appearance of the observed person. The goals of searching for a criminal are satisfied by a brief but informative verbal portrait containing a general physical description of appearance, a description of anatomical, anthropological, functional signs and special features that individualize a person.

^ Uniform special terminology, used in the preparation of a verbal portrait, is adopted in order to accurately describe and unambiguously understand the signs of the appearance of a person to be identified.

^ Elements of appearance are characterized in full face (view of the face straight, front) and in profile according to the main defining features, that is, size (size), shape, contour, position, color. To describe the human body, its parts are defined in the position: "front view", "rear view".

^ Dimensions (value) may indicated in absolute figures, if available, but more often in relation to other parts and details of the body. When characterizing sizes, a three-term classification is usually used. The sizes of parts of the body and face are described in such gradations as small, medium, large; low, medium, high; long, medium, short; narrow, medium, wide; deep, medium, shallow; thick, medium, thin, etc.

^ form expressed in comparison with the shape of the surface - convex, concave, etc., and also in comparison with the shape of well-known objects - pear-shaped, almond-shaped, ovoid, etc.

^ Contour described by similarity with geometric shapes (round, oval, triangular, etc.) and the shape of lines (straight, winding, arcuate, broken, etc.).

^ Position determined in relation to the vertical, horizontal and parts of the body in terms such as oblique, protruding, raised, lowered, horizontal, vertical, lower, higher, right, left, closer, farther, etc. With respect to horizontal and vertical, the definition is made with the normal position of the head . The normal position is taken when, when looking at the face from the front, the line drawn through the middle of the eyes and the upper thirds of the auricles will be horizontal, and through the middle of the forehead, along the back of the nose and the middle of the chin - vertical.

^ Color characterized in conventional terms (white, black, red, gray, yellow, etc.). It is indicated in relation to the color of the skin, hair, eyes, scars, tattoos, birthmarks, nails, teeth, etc.

The sequence of the description is according to the principle from the general to the particular. Such a sequence corresponds to the peculiarities of the mechanism of perception by a person of the external appearance of another subject: first - the general appearance, then - parts of the body, and, finally, individual details.

When verbally fixing the signs of appearance, they are guided by special rules that are part of the "verbal portrait" technique. Verbal portrait- this is a forensic method of describing a person's appearance using common terms, carried out according to a certain system for the purpose of criminal registration, search and identification of living persons and corpses.

^ Description rules by method verbal portrait are based on interrelated principles of consistency and completeness. The principle of consistency determines the sequence (order) of the description. The principle of completeness provides a detailed description.

1. First, signs are recorded that characterize the general physical elements of appearance: gender, age, nationality (anthropological type), height, physique, then anatomical features of individual areas of the body and elements (body build, head, facial elements, torso and limbs); after that - functional signs, accompanying signs; special signs and catchy signs.

^ Demographics include an indication of nationality, nationality, ethnic group. Racial affiliation is tentatively determined by the combination of the following features: skin color, hair and eyes, the nature and shape of the hair, the thickness of the lips, the protrusion of the cheekbones, the profile of the back of the nose, certain proportions of the face and some other features. It can be Negroid-Australoid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid. Nationality, nationality, ethnic group is indicated according to reliable data. In the absence of such, it is determined by a comparative visual observation "in appearance", for example, "looks like a Georgian." Indication of nationality, nationality, ethnic group "in appearance" in the presence of documentary data is also necessary in cases where a person differs from his (documentary) nationality, nationality, ethnic group.

^ General physical characteristics of a person. Age is determined by reliable data. In their absence, the age is indicated approximately, for example, "a man looks 25-30 years old." Indication of age "in appearance" in the presence of documentary data is also necessary in cases where a person seems much younger or older than his years. Human height is measured using anthropometric means, with absolute numerical values ​​in centimeters. It is characterized, as a rule, by a seven-membered gradation: very low, "small" (for men up to 150 cm); low, "small", "small", "low" (151-160 cm); medium, "normal", "usual" (160-170 cm); above average (171-175 cm); tall, "large" (176-185 cm); very tall, "giant", "huge" (over 185 cm). For women, these limits are reduced by 5-10 cm. When determining height, it is necessary to take into account the height of shoe heels, a person’s posture and functional changes in body length during the day - in the morning, growth is several centimeters larger than in the evening.

2. The description of signs of appearance is carried out according to the scheme "from general to particular" and "from top to bottom". At the same time, they first characterize the figure as a whole, the head as a whole, the face as a whole, its individual elements, neck, shoulders, back, chest, arms, legs.

3. Each of the anatomical elements is characterized by shape, size and position, and some by color.

3.1. When describing the form, the name of geometric lines (round, oval, rectangular, triangular, etc.) or geometric lines (straight, convex, sinuous, etc.) is used.

3.2. The description of the dimensions of the elements is given not in absolute terms, but in relation to other elements of the exterior. At the same time, its height, length, width, quantity, etc. are characterized. The gradation of sizes is most often three-membered, medium, small. Five-membered can also be used, with the addition of: very large and very small. With a seven-term gradation, they add: "above average", "below average". If there are doubts about the size characteristic, then it is indicated in two values: "medium-small", "large-medium".

3.3. The position of the element is determined relative to the vertical and horizontal planes of the body (horizontal, inclined, beveled inward, etc.), as well as by mutual position (fused, separate).

3.4. Hair is characterized by color (black, dark blond, light blond, blond, red, gray); eyes (black, brown, grey, etc.) and sometimes skin color (very red, yellow, bluish-red nose, birthmark color, etc.).

4. For the description, uniform terms accepted in the verbal portrait should be used, excluding discrepancy and ambiguity.

5. Anatomical features are described in relation to two angles: front view and side view (full face and right profile). In this case, the head should be in a "normal" position, when the horizontal line passes through the bridge of the nose, the outer corner of the eye and the upper third of the auricle (the so-called French anthropological horizontal). The muscles of the face should be in a calm state (without a smile, facial expressions, grimace), there should be no cosmetics, the hair is removed from the forehead and ears, glasses and a headdress are removed (their description is given in the accompanying signs)

Below is a scheme for describing external features using the "verbal portrait" method, compiled in compliance with the above principles.

^ Description of anatomical features

Floor: male, female.

Age. Established: a) according to the documents, if they are not in doubt; b) "in appearance" (indicating this circumstance and within certain limits: in appearance 25-30 years old, in appearance 50-60 years old, etc.); c) according to the data of a medical examination or a forensic medical examination.

Nationality(face type). In the absence of documents and other reliable information confirming the nationality of a person, it is permissible to determine the type of person. This can be an anthropological type of appearance characteristic of a certain race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, etc.) or a comparative definition of the type in relation to our country: European type, Caucasian, Central Asian, Mongolian, etc.

^ Figure as a whole

Growth most often determined by a three-term gradation: low (for men up to 160 cm), medium (for men from 160 cm to 170 cm) and high (for men over 170 cm) (For women, these numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bare used for each category 10 cm less .). Permissible characteristic: very low, very high. If data of anthropometric measurements are available or can be obtained (medical record, etc.), then the height is indicated in absolute terms.

Body type characterized depending on the development of the musculoskeletal system and the degree of body fat. There are physique: weak, very weak, medium, stocky, athletic. According to the degree of fatness, a person can be characterized by the following features: thin, thin, average fatness, full (features - very thin, very full - "fat").

^ Description of functional features

Posture- the usual position of the torso and head (the usual posture of a person). At the same time, the position of the head relative to the body is noted (deflected to the right or left shoulder, tilted forward, thrown back), as well as the position of the body in relation to the vertical (back is straight, stooped, hunched).

Gait- a set of habitual automatic movements when walking as a manifestation of a certain dynamic stereotype formed in a person. This circumstance determines the constancy of such elements of gait as step length (left, right), step width, step angle, turn angle, and feet. Therefore, when describing the gait, the step size (long, short) is noted. Step width (narrow or short spacing of the feet, setting of the feet when walking (toes out, toes in, parallel), pace (fast, slow), appearance (gait is soft, heavy, staggering, waggling, bouncing, mincing, wobbling). also lameness, dragging of the leg, position of the arms when walking (waving arms, hands in pockets, laid behind) Gait may change under the influence of diseases of the legs, nervous system suffered head injuries.

Gesticulation- a complex of movements of the hands, shoulders (sometimes the head) of a person with which he accompanies his speech in order to give it more expressiveness. When describing gestures, its tempo (fast, slow), expressiveness (live, energetic, sluggish), the nature of gestures and their content (indicative, pictorial, etc.) are recorded.

facial expressions- the movement of the muscles and elements of the face, changing its expression depending on the emotional state of the person or his desire. It can be very developed or unimpressive. Usually, the most pronounced and familiar facial expressions are noted (raising the eyebrows, biting the lips, winks, etc.).

Speech- in relation to it, they characterize both data related to speech itself and data of the speech mechanism. In the first case, the languages ​​spoken by a person are noted, and which of them is native to him, dialect or adverb, accent, pronunciation features, construction of phrases, use slang words, clogged speech ("here", "you understand", etc.).

In relation to the speech mechanism, the pace (slow, fast), character (calm, excited speech), speech features (burr, lisp, nasal, etc.) are noted. The voice is characterized by timbre (bass, baritone, tenor, alto, treble), strength (weak, medium, strong) and purity (clear, hoarse, deaf, hoarse).

Manners(habits) of behavior are formed in the course of a person's life and are expressed in the monotonous (usually automatic, uncontrolled) performance of certain actions (rubbing the palms, stroking the head, mustache, stepping from foot to foot, lighting a cigarette, greeting, etc.).

^ Description of related elements and their features

This description refers to clothing, footwear, headgear and items that. usually a person has with him (glasses, a ring, chains, a pendant, etc.) With regard to clothing, its name is noted (jacket, raincoat, jacket, etc.), type (civilian, sports, military, uniform, etc.). etc.), style and cut (single-breasted jacket, raglan coat, earflap hat, etc.), color, pattern, material, clothing condition, performance characteristics. Other related items are described in a similar way.

Forensic identification of a person by signs of appearance

Identification of a person is possible not only by papillary hand patterns, composition of hair, blood, saliva, semen, nails, bone remains, scent substances, traces of lips, teeth, shoes, legs, but also on the basis of a person's appearance, i.e. according to the totality of visually perceived external data. Forensic science also uses the terms "habitology" and "gabitoscopy" which reflect the concepts of science and descriptions of the external appearance of a person.

In order to organize the search for a hidden criminal, as well as to identify an unknown person or a corpse, it is necessary to collect and possibly more fully and accurately record forensically significant signs of his appearance.

The scientific basis for using the description of the external appearance of a person for his identification, first of all, was the established and proven position that when a certain age (about 25 years) is reached, the bone-cartilage base and the appearance of a person stabilize. The scientific forensic basis is a specially developed system for describing a person, for his identification, search, crimes static accounting. Signs of appearance have the following properties: originality, stability, visibility. These signs are divided into two main groups: anatomical (static), characterizing the external structure of the human body, its parts and cover, and functional (dynamic), expressed in habitual, automated movements, the position of the human body (posture, gait, gestures, facial expressions, skills skills, habits). The characteristic of the general physical elements that make up the physical type of a person (sex, age, racial-ethnic and constitutional type) is essential for identification on the basis of appearance.

The external appearance of a person, in addition, is characterized by the so-called special and catchy signs. Special signs are rare congenital or acquired signs during life, which are deviations from the normal structure or condition or condition (anomalies). Moreover, anatomical special signs include physical defects (curvature of the spine, fused fingers, tattoos, etc.), and functional ones include the manner of holding the head, speaking, gesticulation, facial expressions, etc. Catchy signs are those signs that are relatively rare and easily detected, as they are located on exposed parts of the body. For a verbal portrait, accompanying features are also important: a description of clothes, shoes, watches, lighters, rings, glasses and other accessories that a person is used to is constantly used by them.

Signs of appearance have varying degrees of stability. The most stable are anatomical features determined by the bone and cartilage basis (shape and size of the forehead, back of the nose, auricles, etc.). The identification value of any trait depends not only on its stability, but also on the frequency of occurrence (rare traits have a greater identification value). Therefore, the reliability of identification depends on the selected set of compared features and the correct assessment of their identification value.

"Verbal" portrait, order of compilation, forensic significance

To identify a person by outward signs in forensics, a special system for describing a person's appearance (verbal portrait) is used. This system was first developed A. Bertillon in 1879, published in the brochure "Practical Application of Anthropometry" (1881), and then improved and simplified R. BUT. Reiss in 1911. It is used in forensic registration, to search for hidden criminals and missing persons, in the course of expert identification of living persons and corpses. The description is carried out in a certain sequence (from general to particular, from top to bottom) using special terminology. Anatomical features are described by size, position, size, shape, color; facial features are described in two positions - full face and right profile. The value of the sign is determined in comparison with other parts of the face, body (very large, large, medium, small, very small). Geometric terms are used to describe the shape (straight, convex, concave, oval, etc.). The position of the exterior elements is characterized as horizontal, vertical, oblique internal, raised, lowered, protruding, retracted.

Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has adopted the following system of verbal portrait:

1. Gender (male, female).

2. Age (children - up to 12 years old, adolescent (12-16 years old), youthful (17-21 years old), young (22-35 years old), middle (36-60 years old), elderly (61-75 years old) and senile (76- 90).

3. Height ("dwarf" - up to 1m, low (up to 155cm - for women, up to 65cm - for men), medium (155-165cm - for women and 165-175cm - for men), high (more than 165cm - for women and more than 175 cm - for men), "giant" - more than 2).

4. Physique in terms of skeleton and muscles (weak, medium, stocky, athletic); by body fat (lean, average fatness, full, obese);

5. Face shape in front: in width (round, oval, triangular, rectangular, square, diamond-shaped); in height (elongated, medium, wide); by completeness (thin, average fullness, full); by features - skin defects (pigmentation, streaked, smallpox scars, etc.);

6. Forehead: height (high, medium, low); in width (wide, medium, narrow); in relation to the vertical (contour) (straight, convex, concave); by slope in profile (beveled, vertical, protruding); features (according to the severity of the superciliary arches and the presence of frontal tubercles) - the frontal fossa, a tumor in the frontal and temporal parts.

7. Eyebrows: by length (short, medium, long); in width (narrow, medium, wide); by density (rare, medium, thick); in the direction - horizontal, beveled with the outer ends up, down; along the contour (relative to the edge of the eye orbit) - high, medium, low; features (bushy, fused, asymmetric, etc.);

8. Eyes: according to the position of the palpebral fissure (horizontal, oblique, oblique internal); according to the degree of opening of the palpebral fissure (triangular, slit-like, almond-shaped); according to the degree of convexity of the eyeballs (convex, sunken, normal); by color (blue, gray, greenish, brown, etc.); size (large, medium, small); in shape (round, oval); on the inner corners of the eyes (rounded, pointed); by features (strabismus, cataract, prosthesis); according to anomalies (multicolor, the presence of spots of a different color or a grayish border in the iris).

9. Hoc: by length (long, medium, short); height (long, medium, short); by the depth and width of the nose bridge (large, medium, small); in width (wide, medium, narrow); on performance(large, medium); according to the position of the base of the nose (horizontal, lowered, raised); according to the shape of the tip of the nose (rounded, pointed); according to the position of the wings of the nose (raised, lowered, average), along the contour of the nostrils (oval, triangular, slit-like); according to the size of the nostrils (large medium, small); by features (very narrow (wide), excessive speech, congenital curvature, nose shade (reddish, bluish, etc.);

10. Lips: by thickness (thick, medium, thin); by position (protruding, retracted (one upper, one lower), no protrusion); according to the width of the border of the lips (large, medium, small); along the contour of the border of the upper lip (straight, sinuous, oval); by features (the presence of a "cleft lip", invertedness upper lip, chapped); by shades of lips (bluish, pale, red, etc.);

11 Mouth; size (large, medium, small); according to the position of the corners of the mouth (horizontal, raised lowered); by features (mouth ajar, sunken, asymmetry of the corners of the mouth, etc.);

12. Chin: height (high, medium, low); in width (wide, medium, narrow); by position (straight, protruding, beveled); in shape (along the contour of the lower edge) - oval, triangular, square; by features (presence of a fossa, bifurcation, transverse furrow, "double" chin, pendulous, etc.);

13. Auricle: in size (large, medium, small); in shape (rectangular, triangular, round, oval); fit (protrusion)- upper, lower, general; by features (asymmetry in size, shape);

Lobe: by size (large, medium, small); in shape (rounded, triangular, oval, rectangular); by features (lobe fused with the cheek; the presence of a transverse or longitudinal fold, pierced). Antitragus- horizontal, beveled; straight, concave, convex. Curl (outer edge of the ear) and antihelix(inner part) may have a characteristic shape and position. The diversity and stability of the anatomical features of the structure of the auricle increases its info mative and identification value. In addition, it should be noted that this detail, as a rule, is visible and well viewed from the side, which does not arouse the suspect's alertness if he is seen in a crowd or among a large number of people in the hall.

14. Coloring of the skin of the face (pink, gray, bluish, etc.);

15. Wrinkles (number, position, direction, shape);

16. Head hair: by length (short, medium length, long); in shape (wavy, curly, curly); by density (thick, medium density, rare); by color (black, dark blond, blond, light blond, red); along the contour of the growth line (straight, arcuate, winding, broken); by the nature of the hairstyle (low, high haircut, combed (back, right, left), location of the parting (straight, left, right), by the degree and localization of baldness (general, on the crown, on the back of the head, temples, etc.); the presence of a mustache, beard, sideburns (shape, size, color, haircut style);

17. Teeth: by size (large, medium, small); by shape (contour - even, sinuous; by the color of tooth enamel (white, yellow, blackened); by features (absence, damage, the presence of prostheses, fillings, crowns; rare, crooked teeth, etc.);

18. Neck: height, thickness, features;

19. Shoulders: width, slope;

20. Torso: chest width, back contour;

21. Arms: total length and width; Brush: length and width; Fingers: length, thickness, features;

22. Legs: total length and width; Foot: length, width, features;

23. Skin signs (scars, birthmarks, tumors, tattoos, calluses, professional staining of individual skin areas): position, shape, size, color;

Functional (dynamic) features:

24. Posture (usual position): torso, head, arms;

25. Gait: pace of movement, positioning of the legs during movement, step length, step angle, features;

26. The way to perform certain actions;

30. Speech: pace, emotional expression of feelings, intelligibility, pronunciation defects, accent, vocabulary;


31 Clothing: name, material, color, style, finish, size, brand, degree of wear, damage, conformity of the size to the person's height, wearing habit.

The description of individual objects - personal belongings, should be as detailed as possible, since in certain cases they can play the role of catchy signs.

Preparation of materials for expert identification of a person from photographs

A forensic photo-portrait examination is carried out in order to identify a person by signs of appearance captured in photographs. The success of expert identification based on photographs largely depends on the thoroughness of the preparation of the material submitted for the study. Examination requires high-quality images of faces photographed with a small gap in time and approximately in the same conditions (person's posture, lighting, state of individual elements of appearance), i.e. the images being compared must be comparable.

The question is usually raised about the permission of a photo-portrait examination; the same or different faces are depicted in the photographs.

Photo-portrait examination is carried out using the following methods.

1. Comparative method(comparison, combination, overlay),

Image comparison - oriented square grids are applied to face images, and the identified features on the compared images should not only match in shape, size and position, but also be placed in the same squares.

Combination (montage) of images - the compared image is brought to the same size, then they are cut along the medial line of the face and the right half of one image is combined with the left half of the other.

Overlay - on the screen (TV, projector), images are combined and superimposed in various conditions lighting.

2. Measuring method - angular values ​​are measured between the anatomical points of the compared faces.

3. Graphical method - on the compared images, the most characteristic signs of the same name are determined, which are then connected by straight lines, forming triangles, rhombuses, trapeziums and others geometric figures, which should be similar (equal) on the compared images.

Identification of a person by skull and intravital photograph produced using method photo applications- the image of the skull is imprinted in the photograph of the wanted person.

Questions to prepare for the current control on the topic

  • What is forensic gabitoscopy.
  • Who are the subjects of application of data on appearance.
  • How is a person's appearance determined?
  • How are the signs of a person's appearance classified?
  • Verbal portrait and rules for its compilation.
  • Portrait examination.
  • Rules for drawing up a subjective portrait.

Photo from

Cesare Lombroso, an Italian psychiatrist and professor of forensic medicine of the 19th century, is often called the founder of criminal anthropology. This science tries to explain the relationship between the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person and his propensity to commit crimes. Lombroso came to the conclusion that there is such a connection, and it is direct: crimes are committed by people with a certain appearance and character *.

As a rule, criminals have congenital physical and mental defects, Lombroso believed. We are talking about anomalies of the internal and external anatomical structure, characteristic of primitive people and great apes. Thus, criminals are not made, but born. Whether a person is a criminal or not depends only on an innate predisposition, and each type of crime has its own anomalies.

Lombroso devoted his entire life to developing this theory. He examined 383 skulls of the dead and 3839 skulls of living criminals. In addition, the scientist studied the characteristics of the body (pulse, temperature, bodily sensitivity, intelligence, habits, diseases, handwriting) of 26,886 criminals and 25,447 respectable citizens.

Appearance of criminals

Lombroso singled out a number of physical signs ("stigmata"), which, in his opinion, characterize a person endowed with criminal inclinations from birth. it irregular shape skulls, narrow and sloping forehead (or bifurcated frontal bone), asymmetry of the face and eye sockets, overdeveloped jaws. Red criminals are extremely rare. Most often, brunettes and brown-haired people commit crimes. Brunettes prefer to steal or set fires, while brown-haired people are prone to murder. Blondes are sometimes found among rapists and scammers.

Appearance of a typical rapist

Big bulging eyes, plump lips, long eyelashes, flattened and crooked nose. Most often lean and rickety blondes, sometimes humpbacked.

Appearance of a typical thief

Irregular small skull, elongated head, straight nose (often upturned at the base), running or, on the contrary, tenacious eyes, black hair and a sparse beard.

Appearance of a typical killer

Large skull, short head (width greater than height), sharp frontal sinus, voluminous cheekbones, long nose (sometimes bent down), square jaws, huge eye sockets, protruding quadrangular chin, motionless glassy gaze, thin lips, well developed fangs.

The most dangerous killers most often have black, curly hair, a sparse beard, short hands, excessively large or, conversely, too small earlobes.

Appearance of a typical scammer

The face is pale, the eyes are small, stern, the nose is crooked, the head is bald. In general, the appearance of scammers is quite good-natured.

Features of criminals

“I myself observed that during a thunderstorm, when seizures become more frequent in epileptics, prisoners in prison also become more dangerous: they tear their clothes, break furniture, beat ministers,” Lombroso wrote. In criminals, in his opinion, the sensitivity of the senses and pain sensitivity is reduced. They are not able to realize the immorality of their actions, therefore, repentance is unknown to them.

Lombroso was able to identify the features of the handwriting various types criminals. The handwriting of murderers, robbers and robbers is distinguished by elongated letters, curvilinear and definite features in the endings of letters. The handwriting of thieves is characterized by extended letters, without sharp outlines and curvilinear endings.

The nature and lifestyle of criminals

According to Lombroso's theory, criminals are characterized by a desire for vagrancy, shamelessness, laziness. Many of them have tattoos. For persons prone to crime, boasting, pretense, weakness of character, irritability, highly developed vanity bordering on megalomania, rapid mood swings, cowardice and painful irritability are characteristic. These people are aggressive, vengeful, they are not capable of repentance and are not tormented by remorse. Graphomania can also indicate criminal inclinations.

Lombroso believed that people from the lower class become murderers, robbers and rapists. Representatives of the middle and upper class are more likely to be professional scammers.

Criticism of Lombroso's theory

Even during the life of Lombroso, his theory was criticized. Not surprisingly, many senior government officials had an appearance that completely coincided with the description of born criminals. Many are sure that the scientist exaggerated the biological and completely did not take into account the social component in the cause of crime. Perhaps this is what forced Lombroso to reconsider some of his views towards the end of his life. In particular, he began to argue that the presence of a criminal appearance does not necessarily mean that a person has committed a crime - it rather speaks of his propensity for illegal acts. If a person of criminal appearance is well-off, he falls into the category of hidden criminals who have no external reason to break the law.

Lombroso's reputation suffered greatly when his ideas began to be used by the Nazis - they measured the skulls of concentration camp prisoners before they were sent to the ovens. In the Soviet period, the doctrine of a born criminal was also criticized for its contradiction to the principle of legality, anti-people and reactionary.

As far as we were able to find out, Lombroso's theory was never used in lawsuits - even the scientist himself did not see any practical value in it, as he said at one scientific dispute: "I work not in order to give my research applied application in the field of jurisprudence; in as a scientist, I serve science only for the sake of science." Nevertheless, the concept of a criminal person proposed by him came into use, and his developments are still used in physiognomy, criminal anthropology, sociology and psychology.

* The information is taken from the following books: Cesare Lombroso. "Criminal Man" Milgard. 2005; Mikhail Shterenshis. "Cesare Lombroso". IsraDon. 2010

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