Lunar calendar for November phase. TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity

Laminate 21.08.2020

folk omen: If the person who was expected for dinner did not arrive on time, then you need to shake the tablecloth on the table - and he will certainly come soon.

What awaits us in November

Late autumn... Nature is getting ready for hibernation, getting rid of everything superfluous. Ice appears on the reservoirs, but the snow no longer melts. FROM last days this month we say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter.

November at Ancient Russia had two nicknames: chest"- from the fact that at night the earth freezes and everything obsolete lies in huge dead piles (for example, leaves and the first snow), and the "semi-winter".

The last month of autumn in Russia was wedding time. This is the perfect time for marriages.

While the energy of the body is on the rise, and the accumulated resources are not wasted, you can do a lot. Of course, if you do not lie on the couch and mobilize internal reserves of health. The last month of autumn is a time of daring, risk and great accomplishments.

It will open up new horizons and provide excellent opportunities for almost everyone, especially favoring active, active and extraordinary people.

This month in no case go against the feeling, laid down by Nature: a sense of harmony and proportionality of being.

In November, there will be a great opportunity to turn off the knurled road and take risks, making extraordinary decisions.

For most signs, this is not the best month. They stand apart: they are in harmony with themselves and with their partner, and at work they are all right. In a word, "everything is fine, beautiful marquise, everything is fine ...".

They are in some kind of incomprehensible state, and often forgetting about everything, including work and friends. They may run into conflicts with representatives of law and order.

Nice chores around the house. Some of them will be lucky to earn even decent money.

The rise of the moon is an important period, because it connects two special days - the New Moon and the Full Moon. The energy of the moon is on the rise all these days, so people become more impulsive.

In November, the Moon will grow from the 1st to the 3rd, as well as from the 19th to the 30th. It will be possible to attract love and good luck into your life only by hard work and faith in yourself, especially in the first three days of this month. The waxing moon is a time of opportunity.

Growing Moon from November 1 to November 3

All three days will pass under the auspices of Aries. These will be dangerous days, in which it is better not to make any important decisions and beware of lies and hypocrisy. Most conflicts occur on such days, because the combination of Aries and the growing Moon is very negative from any point of view. Energy dissonance will lead you to new problems if you do not take care of the old ones.

During this period, the state of health can be very bad: headaches, constant fatigue, joint pain are possible. If you are a weather sensitive person, then these three days can be dangerous for you.

Try not to go too far, sitting up at work, overloading your body with physical and intellectual stress. Go to bed on time and don't do things you hate. Also try to avoid alcohol and junk food.

Many people may fall into a state of short-term depression from November 1 to 3. She will make you change your principles and fail in love, business and deeds. It is better not to make purchases on such days, because you can be deceived. Everyone is looking for a benefit for themselves. Only those people who can negotiate with each other will get what they want. This suggests that in early November you need to do not what you want, but what is necessary. Take care of your direct responsibilities. This way you can avoid problems.

The period of the growing moon from November 19 to 30

There will be many truly positive days during this period: November 19, 21, 24, 25 and 28. This will be possible thanks to the successful unions of the moon and stars. The whole period as a whole will be stable. Despite the fact that the moon is growing, astrologers advise to spend more time in a calm environment, without work, without nerves. Only occasionally will it be possible to force yourself to go forward, overcoming obstacles. Any victories during the growth of the moon will be very pleasant, especially in the field of love.

During this period, do not waste money. Do not spend finances, but earn them, as well as respect for partners, colleagues and superiors. In a word, increased activity will only benefit you. Life is very simple at such moments when you just need to go forward, but not everyone manages to find the strength for this. That is why it will be necessary to avoid high ambitions, not supported by any skills.

The most positive days are November 24 and 25. The moon will grow in Aquarius, so the days will fly by quickly, but very productively. Even if you do nothing, fate itself will do everything for you. It will create conditions under which you just need to force yourself to move forward.

Try not to plan anything for more than three or four days. It will also be possible to act on inspiration, because in general the period will turn out to be especially creative. The sixth sense will be strongest, again, on the 24th and 25th. Astrologers note that it is better not to avoid new beginnings - it will be possible to experiment on the growing moon at the end of November.

In love, success awaits those who know how to make an impression with their actions and know how to keep the fire of intrigue alive. Because of this, most likely, women will be easier than men. Make new acquaintances, don't be afraid to invite people on dates and look for your place under the sun of love.

If the month does not start in the best way, then use affirmations to help you tune in only for victories at the end of November. The waxing moon will help you move from planning to decisive action. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not doubt success. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.10.2017 07:38

To open cash flow and attract wealth, there are a huge number of rituals. One of the most effective...

For November 2017, he will tell about all the favorable and unfavorable days of the last autumn month. The lunar calendar will tell you the best periods for doing certain things. With the help of favorable lunar days, you will be able to make the most of positive energy and avoid negative impacts. To properly plan your everyday life, you should look into the lunar calendar for November 2017.

From new lunar month it's good to start something new. On the new moon, you should get rid of negativity, forget about past grievances and dream about a new future. As the moon grows, forces appear for new projects. On the growing moon, it is good to embody everything previously conceived. At the time of the full moon, the level of conflict increases, so it is worth doing solitude and creativity. The waning moon requires painstaking work on oneself, getting rid of bad habits, carrying out minor repairs or cleaning the house. Parting with ex-lovers is also good on the waning moon.

Lunar calendar for November 2017: favorable and bad days to do different things.

The lunar calendar of affairs for 2017 can be divided into four main categories of days, which determine the dates of each month when we can calmly do the things we need, being confident in their successful completion.

Lunar calendar of new cases - includes only those numbers in which the Moon is under the influence of such zodiac signs as Pisces, Capricorn, Libra and Virgo.

Lunar calendar of household chores - includes numbers when the Moon is in earthly zodiac constellations such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

The Lunar calendar of important matters and matters that relate to business includes the numbers of the growing moon. Moreover, this heavenly body can be in any sign of the Zodiac, except for Aquarius.

The ban on any business is the numbers in which the Moon is under the influence of Aquarius.

Lunar calendar for November 2017: favorable and unfavorable days for doing different things.

November 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 25, 26, 30 is a great time for family and friends. The time spent with them will bring not only peace and tranquility, but also returns in the near future.

November 2, 3, 28, 29 - a day of diligence and patience. They will help you realize your plans.

November 7 - get involved in fleeting projects and avoid drawing you into dubious affairs.

November 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 27 - the most unfavorable days for the implementation of plans and the start of new business.

November 9, 12, 21 - good days for getting rid of trash in the house and everything unnecessary both in things and in personal life.

November 10, 18, 19, 20, 22 - a great time for creative and intellectual activity. November 24 is an auspicious day for any business.

The natural satellite of the Earth has a huge impact on the life that flows on our planet. Everyone can feel this influence, but not everyone knows how to adapt to it. For those who want to know which days are best to plan responsible events, and which days it would be wiser to refrain from fateful decisions, there moon calendar as of November 2017.

Moon phases in November 2017: full moon and new moon

Immediately, we note that the Moon has the greatest impact during periods of its high activity. In November 2017, these days fall on the following dates:

November 4, 2017(Sat.) - Full moon. The ruling sign is Taurus. Thanks to the governing sign, which accompanies material stability and prosperity, it would be appropriate to assign money transactions for this day.

November 18, 2017(Sat.) - New Moon. The ruling sign is Sagittarius. Today, the best strategy would be to engage in any mental activity.

November 10, 2017(Fri.) - Last quarter. The ruling sign is Leo. These days will be very energetic, but will not carry any serious load on your actions and well-being.

November 26, 2017(Sun.) - First quarter. The ruling sign is Pisces. If you have any plans for the future, then today is the best day to start implementing them.

Lunar calendar for November 2017 - table

Favorable lunar days in November 2017

November 5 (Sun.) - The waning Moon in Gemini. This day is good to spend with your loved one. The stars advise you to devote yourself to the liberation of internal energy, love intimacy, romantic relationships.

November 7 (Tuesday) - the waning Moon in Cancer. If on this day you have a major meeting, reporting or defense of any work (diploma, dissertation, etc.), then the planned will be extremely successful.

November 9 (Thursday) - the waning moon in Leo. Day of strengthening internal energy. Make time for spiritual practices. It is best to spend these days alone.

November 12-13 (Sun.-Mon.) - the waning Moon in Virgo. Pretty passive days that favor only shopping. Purchases made during this time period will definitely cheer you up and turn out to be successful.

November 15 (Wed.) - The waning Moon in Libra. An extremely favorable day for mental activity. If you have plans to get a job or ask for a raise, then today is a great day when you can make a positive impression on the employer.

November 19 (Sun.) - the growing Moon in Sagittarius. The best day for business trips and small trips.

November 24-25 (Fri-Sat) - the growing Moon in Aquarius. You should not try to influence the authorities these days. It is best to engage in work activities, giving one hundred percent to your work. This period is considered positive for building the foundation for the future.

Last autumn month it is important to carry out as fruitfully as possible, completing the necessary things. With the help of the monthly lunar calendar, you can plan responsible tasks for auspicious days and succeed in both business and personal life.

The end of autumn is an important transitional stage. The beginning of winter will be unproductive, since in December people begin to gradually prepare for the New Year holidays, and the closer the winter holidays are, the less they want to devote time to business. Therefore, in November it is so important to complete all long-term projects, to outline things for the month. So that you can use the positive influence of the moon for your own benefit, the website site experts have prepared a calendar for you auspicious days for a month.

Sunday, November 5: Transaction Day

First auspicious day month will pass under the influence of the waning moon. Its presence in the constellation Taurus will endow the day with positive energy. On Sunday, the most successful things will be cash transactions and investing in securities. Decreasing strength, however, can lead to a desire to rest. On Sunday, astrologers recommend making plans for the next week and completing current affairs that do not require you to spend a lot of energy.

The day will be successful for personal relationships, new acquaintances and making responsible decisions in family life. Also on November 5, light physical activity, walks in the fresh air and easy communication will bring benefits. The day is literally permeated with invigorating energy, which should be used without a trace.

Wednesday and Thursday, November 8 and 9: creative days

The moon continues to decrease, and these days it will be in the constellation of Cancer. Wednesday and Thursday are for work that does not take away strength. The best thing will be the activity that you do constantly. A favorable time will come for people of creative professions. On Wednesday and Thursday, you should be careful about finances: it is better not to make spontaneous purchases. Also, site site experts recommend refusing to issue loans due to high probability debt repayment delays.

These days, great undertakings will be liberation from bad habits, as well as activities aimed at spiritual growth. It is worth choosing a time for meditation in order to find inner harmony and comfort. Family people these days should pay attention to the family and surround them with the care of loved ones.

Sunday and Monday, November 12 and 13: business days

The union of the Moon and the zodiac constellation Virgo makes it possible to do painstaking work related to calculations, collecting information and summing up current activities. With a thoughtful approach, any business will succeed, but the waning moon takes away strength. You can restore energy with the help of light physical activity, as well as the distribution of responsibilities for the day.

The impressionability and emotionality caused by the waning moon can cause disagreements and conflict situations. Solitude, adherence to the daily routine and rest will help to avoid this state of affairs. To make your days go by in a positive way, start every morning with your favorite activities and avoid negative thoughts.

Wednesday, November 15: rest day

The last phase of the waning moon in the constellation of Libra is intended to complete tasks that will not take much time. This time should be spent in a calm state, not trying to crank out all the accumulated work. Wednesday is a good time for charity, mutual aid and gain. This day should be dedicated to loved ones who need your attention and support.

The passivity of the day and the outflow of vitality can provoke a desire to quarrel or sort things out. You can cope with mood swings by resorting to art therapy. Coloring mandalas will bring back your rainbow mood and help you relax.

Thursday, November 16: Health Day

The waning Moon and the constellation Scorpio endow the space with harmonious energy. This day can be safely devoted to responsible decisions, as well as the purchase of expensive goods. Astrologers believe that buying a car will bring only pleasant emotions to the owner, and the repair will be carried out without complications.

Strength is gradually waning, so on Thursday, attention should be paid to well-being. To keep in shape, you can take a walk in a nearby park or do a light workout at home. Also on November 16, it will be useful to strengthen immunity with the help of tasty and healthy herbal decoctions.

Sunday, November 19: positive day

The beginning of the growth of the Moon will be held in the constellation Sagittarius. There is still little energy, so you should not plan global affairs that require increased attention and high energy costs. On this day, the resolution of legal issues, the conclusion of transactions and active cooperation in business will be good.

The energy of the day is good for activity, but avoid overwork. Useful for health on the second lunar day will be classes to maintain vitality, for example, the beginning of the Tibetan hormonal gymnastics course. Also on Sunday, you should use every opportunity to cheer up. You can safely go on trips, hiking, meeting with friends.

Friday and Saturday, 24 and 25 November: active days

The growing moon these days will take a position in the constellation of Aquarius. Days filled with positive energy will be successful for an active creative work. In connection with the growth of the night luminary, mental abilities increase, which is well reflected in matters related to intellectual activity. Therefore, do not refuse refresher courses, gaining new knowledge and applying them in practice.

Good intuition these days will help determine the true intentions of the people around you, find a way out of a difficult situation, and refuse the help of negatively-minded individuals. You can get rid of ill-wishers and clarify relationships not only in business, but also in the personal sphere of life.

Tuesday, November 28: Planning Day

The growth of the moon continues, and on November 28 it will be in the constellation of Pisces. it auspicious time for relaxation, travel and business trips, in which you can solve all your questions. The day is intended for rest, but not passive, but active, otherwise it may push you to rash acts at the end of the day.

In the business field, you can succeed on this day if you are not lazy and force yourself to work without plunging into the world of illusions. Astrologers recommend analyzing complex issues, planning things for the next month, and also without fear of contacting legal authorities to resolve important issues.

Every day the Moon changes position and can not only help, but also hinder the implementation of your plans. To be prepared for any situation, use

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