From religious mythology: “The myth of the ancient Jews about the creation of the human world. Biblical legends Myths and legends of ancient Jews

Laminate 18.04.2021

Let's evaluate the Christian myth about the origin of man. So, after the expulsion from paradise, Adam and Eve got together in a love affair. Previously, they did not know this, since God originally hid their nature from people... Of course, if you believe the Bible (and this should not be done). Eve gave birth to two sons: Cain and Abel. The Bible tells us that at that time there were 4 people on Earth.

So, there are 4 people on Earth:

  1. Abel

  2. Eve (their mother)

  3. Adam (their dad)

Cain was the landowner and Abel was the shepherd of the sheep. Plus their mamela and papel. After some time, Cain brought gifts to God from the fruits of the earth, which he cultivated. Abel brought God the firstborn of cattle. The Christian god accepted the sacrifice of Abel, and rejected the sacrifice of Cain.

Stop! That's what's strange. After all a little earlier, the biblical god commanded people to eat only plants seed bearing (Genesis 1:29)... God did not invent any new laws. And he did not cancel the old ones. How, then, could Abel become a herder? After all, it was impossible to eat animals. Well, Abel broke the law of God? Or has God himself completely forgot all his laws? And he gladly accepted the sacrifice of Abel. He did not accept the fruits grown in the ground, but accepted the animal. Hence, the Christian God contradicts himself. This means that today he does not remember what happened yesterday. This means that he needs to be treated for cunning, impudence, or divine sclerosis.

The biblical god did something very mean and dishonest. Both brothers worked equally hard in the sweat of their brows. Growing plants is no easier than raising livestock. They brought gifts to their god as a sign of respect and love for him. And what is god? He took one gift and rejected the other. Is it fair? Let's say two friends give different gifts to a person. He liked the gift of one friend, but did not like the gift of the other. How to be? A decent person will take both gifts and thank both. He will not take one gift and reject the other. And what the Christian god does is a real mockery.... In addition, this is still a god - a creature that is much superior to man in all respects. But, what kind of people - such is his god... It is much more pleasant for Jehovah to inhale the burnt carcass of a sacrificial animal with his goat's nostrils than to enjoy plant gifts grown with no less effort. In a word, christian god - ghoul.

John Chrysostom (354-407) assures that Abel's intention was "God-loving". What he brought from the "first-born", that is, "dear, chosen", and "from fat", that is, "the most pleasant, the best." Cain, however, brought "whatever was caught." Therefore, "the Lord was pleased with Abel." This "biblical story" in paraphrases for religious education was embellished with fictions that "the smoke from Abel's sacrifice went up, and the smoke from Cain's sacrifice spread on the ground," which Abel "brought from a pure heart, but Cain reluctantly." The biblical text does not say anything like that at all. Here everything is far-fetched and all sorts of chrysostom and Augustines are composed from the bulldozer.

Cain was saddened, taken aback by such injustice on the part of God and could not find anything better than to kill his brother (Genesis 4: 8)... God did not even intercede for Abel.

It is clear that Cain will be severely punished. God curses him and declares: "When you cultivate the land, it will no longer give its strength to you; you will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth." (Genesis 4:12).

Cain is doomed to vagrancy, to wander and toil forever and without stopping. But if in his wanderings he will know neither rest, nor rest, then how will he be at the same time a farmer? After all, this occupation requires a settled lifestyle. How can he cultivate the land, even if fruitlessly? Let's get one thing, okay? It's not funny anymore, not funny at all.

However, the biblical Cain took all this seriously and for a long time. I was very frightened. And even out of fear I forgot that humanity at that time consists of only three people - his parents and himself... He already dreamed that during his wanderings he could be killed from around the corner by some intruders.

"And Cain said to the Lord: my punishment is greater than it can be borne; behold, now you are driving me off the face of the earth, and from your face I will hide, and I will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth; and everyone who meets me will kill me." (Genesis 4: 13-14).

And immediately Jehovah's anger softened. Having lost the sense of reality, God takes Cain under his protection against non-existent assassins! If one frees oneself from belief in all sorts of nonsense, then the "sacred" history begins to shine with new colors. Dear Cain, who will kill you in your wanderings, when there are only 2 people on Earth besides you - your mother Eve and father Adam?

The god drove out Cain. And where did he drive him? "And Cain departed from the presence of the Lord; and dwelt in the land of Nod, east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and bore Enoch. And he built a city; and named the city after the name of his son, Enoch." (Genesis 4: 16-17)... The city, Cain's wife - what nonsense is this? Where did Cain get his wife from? After all, besides himself and Adam and Eve, there were no more people on Earth. There are three people on Earth. So who did Cain give birth to? From himself or what? His sons were all dad. Irad was born to Enoch; Irad gave birth to Mejiael; Mechiael gave birth to Methuselah and the like (Genesis 4:18)... From whom do they all give birth? On your own? We heard that the Jews themselves give birth. It can be seen that they are trying: here, probably, it turns out. Yes, they are. Jews, in a word. Or will they all multiply from non-existent women? By budding? By air? By dividing in half? By the power of thought? This time.

And here are two. It is written that Cain built the city. How could Cain build a city? On one's own? Or who helped him? Some kind of non-existent people? Or did the bears help him build the city? Or maybe they weren't bears, but little glowing homunculi? Aliens from another planet? Or did Kolobok help? In short, complete absurdity.

And if we assume that there really were some people in the east? Who are they? They are silent about them, but as if by chance the biblical fabulist talks about them. They were not created by a Christian god. This is not in the Bible. But where are they from? So they were created by other gods? Of course, there is something to choose from: either there were other people besides Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, and what is written in the Bible is a complete fool. If you don't like it, let's imagine that everything is written correctly. There really were three people on Earth. So where did Cain get his wife from then? Did Mom Eve give birth to him? Where is it written? Show. There is no this either. Dust in my eyes again. And to believers everything is God's dew.

Believers do not read the Bible. That is, they do not read AT ALL. They do not want and do not want to. They prefer to believe. But it is enough to read just one chapter and the myth about the Christian origin of man is erased into dust. We will not finish with you in any way 4 th chapter Of being... By the standards of a thick, thick bible, this is not even the beginning, but how many nonsense and meanness have already been revealed.

So we see that the biblical story of the origin of man is the story of the Jewish people... There is nothing supposedly universal in it. Let Cain give birth to it is not clear from whom. Jews are cunning. They will always find a way to give birth (even alone). Well, where did other peoples come from? Where did the Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, Kazakhs, Indians and hundreds of other peoples come from? Where is it in the Bible? Poke your finger. This is not the case. Well, why do Russian people need this Jewish nonsense? And why do other peoples need this story? Where did you see the words "Rus", "Russia", "Russian", "Aryan" in the Bible? WHERE? This is not the case. But the Bible is teeming with the words "Israel", "Jew, Jew, Jew", "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah". The Bible describes the origin of the Jews, so let them read it... But no. Christianity with all the new and old testaments is imposed on us, Russians, as an international and supposedly universal religion. And it was by no means imposed peacefully, but by brutal force.

The time has come to banish these Jewish fables from themselves forever and ever..

And why, instead of studying national history, we are forced to study Jewish history? So that we, the Russian people, forget our history, our pre-Christian forefathers, our Elder Kinsmen. So that we read all the Jewish nonsense about Cain and Abel instead of knowing our history and our worldview, our native expanses and our gods. So that we are saturated with all kinds of Judeo-Christian things.

Generally, the myth of the biblical origin of all peoples is a severe schizophrenia imposed on people... And what kind of globalism Christian priests indulge in. Their religion, they say, studies not some little things, but big questions like "Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going?" So, who are we? And where did we come from? And where are we going? And are we going anywhere at all? There is no logical picture of the origin of man. Instead, biblical nonsense is served. Even in primitive religions there is no such thing.

I would especially like to note the chronicle of Nestor (Laurentian Chronicle). What does this Jewish-loving chronicler write? After the flood (and we will see it below), the Jewish family of Pope Noah and the sons of Shem, Ham and Japheth divided the earth. Simu stands out the entire East, both the Near and Middle, including not only the whole of Palestine, but also Syria, Lebanon, Mesopotamia, Arabia, and India. Isn't it a bit too much? Reading all this rubbish, a Christian is programmed about the "historical rights" of Jews over vast territories. Even those that are in the most better times for Israel it never belonged.

Then Nestor describes the share of the sons of Ham. For some reason, they include Arabs and Negroes. How did a Jewish father turn out to be a negro son? How? What physiology? All of North Africa, including Egypt and Ethiopia, the islands of Sardinia, Crete, Cyprus and Asia Minor (modern Turkey), went to Ham's share.

Then comes Japheth. Nestor (and all his fosterlings, up to the current priests) tie us to this Jew, from whom we supposedly (like all other white people) trace our origins. True, the "chosen" authors of the Bible did not know anything about other regions and peoples, despite SPECIAL relationship with the "all-knowing" Jehovah. And Nestor is forced to expand the geographical scope of the settlement of the white race. Nestor could not hide the existence of Western and Eastern Russia. After listing Japheth's share in the Caucasus and southern Europe, he writes:

"... in Japhetov, Rus, chud and all yazytsi are sitting, Chud and all Yazyts - Meria, Muroma, Chud, Mordovians, Zavolochskaya Chud, Perm, Pechora, I eat, Chgra, Lithuania, Zimgola, Kors, Ontogola, love. Lyakhova will both Prus and Chud sit down to the sea of ​​Varezhskoe; along this sea the Varangian semo will sit to the east to the limit of Simov, along the same sea it will sit to the west from the land of Aglansky and to the Volozhsky ones. Volva, Romans, Germans, Korlyazi, Vemditsi, Fryagove and others, will even squat from the west by noon and eat with the Khamov tribe "(that is, they are joined).

Well, the chronicler has made a mess. This is how the history of other peoples is derived from the Hebrew Bible. Everything is sucked out of the finger. And also Nestor and his spiritual heirs forget to compile the biblical pedigree of the Red Indians for completeness... Christianity is still "universal". Is not it?

In general, we have the following picture of the worldview of a living person mutilated by Christianity:

Dad- Noah. Nationality is a Jew (mother is also Jewish), therefore, the children are also Jews.

Son 1- Sim. His descendants are Asians.

Son 2- Ham. His descendants are Arabs and Negroes.

Son 3- Japheth. His descendants are white.

So how, after all, the three sons of Noah, born of one Jewish father and one Jewish mother, could become the ancestors of three different races? One must, however, bow before the Jewish shtetl god and his "holy scripture" and assume that yellow-faced Asians come from Shem, white-skinned Europeans from Japheth, and black Africans from Ham and Canaan.

We go back. What do we see in the end? Why did God create man so imperfect? And he does not fulfill his commandments, and constantly does something wrong. Eve is easily tempted to eat the fruit. Adam is seduced even faster. Cain kills Abel. Well, who is to blame for this? People? The Jewish God himself is to blame for this. He did not take into account all the consequences, he created a person so imperfect. God is the creator of the world. He must be responsible for everything that happens in him. However, he does not want to answer. It knocks everything down on the snake. Does not make improvements, does not correct his mistakes.

What biblical refinement! Isn't it a very beautiful and exciting picture of the world?

Most people, especially politicians, are afraid to talk and write about Jews. The topic of Jews and Israel is carefully avoided. Is it good? I think that the darkness of general silence only harms us, nor the community of people called Jews itself. Nobody publishes a serious analysis of the topic, but in myths spread by wide propaganda different countries, few people believe. As a result, most people base their judgments about Jews on "yard gossip", which greatly harms public opinion about this group of people.

To make the world kinder, to eliminate secret grievances and hidden hostility, it is imperative to openly discuss this topic.

Zionism inflicted great harm on both Jews and other people. It was with the advent of Zionism that the six-pointed star became a symbol of both Jewry and Judaism. Until the end of the 19th century, such stars adorned, for example, the dome of the Trinity Cathedral in St. Petersburg, and the throne room of the Crimean khans in Bakhchisarai, and were not considered a symbol of Jewry.

It was the Zionists, pursuing goals alien to the Jews, who created the myth of a single Jewish people. But the Jews do not possess any of the characteristics of a people. Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Semitic Jews have different languages ​​- Yiddish, Ladino and Hebrew. Different genes, different ethnic origins, different customs and regions of settlement. They have only one thing in common - faith.

Jews are the same people as Catholics; their rights to Israel are the same as those of the descendants of the Crusaders Here are some Jewish proofs. Encyclopedia Yudaik (1973): "There is a significant body of evidence indicating the continued presence of the descendants of the Khazars in Europe." "The most likely scenario: the Jewish centers of Poland, Russia, Eastern Europe (and, accordingly, America) were created by Jews from Khazaria."

Andrew Winkler, himself a Jew, said in an interview in March 2008: “Jews cannot be considered a race because modern Jewry has three ethnically distinct groups: Ashkenazim, Sephardic and Eastern Jews. The largest ethnic group (90%) - European Jews or Ashkenazi, are descendants of ethnic Turkic Khazars. The second largest group is 8%. They are Afro-Iberian Sephardim who are also not Semitic. They are descendants of a tribe of North African Berbers who converted to Judaism in the third century CE. and only 2% of modern Jews are Eastern Jews who are truly Israeli, Semitic. "

Arthur Koestler, himself an Ashkenazi Jew, in his book The Thirteenth Tribe, proceeds from the assumption that the original twelve Jewish tribes were supplemented by one more - the Khazar, which is not ethnically related to the Semitic Jews. He argues that millions of Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern and Central Europe are descendants of the Khazars. “All religions have their supporters and their community. But the fact that the confessional community should receive the state is another experiment. "

Marek Halter "Khazar Empire" Paris 2005: "Personally, just like Arthur Koestler, I believe that part of the Khazars were interned in the Russian kingdom, but the majority fled to central Europe."

Encyclopedia Americana: "In the late 1960s, the Ashkenazim numbered 11 million, representing 84% of the world's Jewish population."

Abraham Polyak "Khazaria - the history of the Jewish kingdom in Europe", Tel Aviv 1951: "Natives of Khazaria ... now constitute the overwhelming majority of world Jewry."

Hugo Kucera "Khazars", Vienna 1910: "Eastern European Jewry is not partially, but completely has Khazar roots."

Benjamin Friedman, "The Truth About the Khazars": "The alleged Jews of Eastern Europe were never Semitic, are not Semitic now, and cannot be regarded as Jews in the future"; "Approximately 90% of the so-called Jews living in 42 countries of the world are of different generations from Eastern Europe."

Faina Grimberg, Ogonyok No. 36 2001: “With facts in hand, I proved ... that the united Jewish people is nothing more than a myth”, “why should this tragedy (the Holocaust) be resolved by creating a new artificial state, their homes of people who did not kill anyone? Is the escalation of xenophobia and Nazism a solution to the problem? ... people become victims of a deceitful ideology - is it a solution to the problem? ... We shouldn't call immigrants repatriates. "

World Book, Encyclopedi 2001: "This creates serious problems with the return of Jews to their so-called" native land", Raising the question:" how can someone go back to where they have never been? "

Tatyana Gracheva "Invisible Khazaria", Ryazan 2008: "What the UN did in 1948 is a violation of its own charter." "Not being Semites, the Khazar Jews occupied a land that they never owned and whose ancestors never occupied."

Ernest Renan, 1883, Judaism as a Race and as a Religion: Significant changes in the Greek and Roman eras, all ethnological significance was removed from Judaism, and all physical (but not spiritual) ties with Palestine were cut off. [...] Most Jews in Gaul and Italy are the product of these changes. As for the Jews of the Danube and southern Russia, they undoubtedly descend from the Khazars. These regions contain a large population of Jews who probably have nothing to do, from an ethnological point of view, with the ancient Jews. "

It appears that those people whom we call Jews are the descendants of the Jews.

They come from peoples of different groups - Finno-Ugrians, Slavs, Turks, Mongoloid steppe dwellers, African Berbers and (2%) - from the Middle Eastern Semites. These people speak different languages, have different histories, customs, concepts, different appearances. Only the faith of their ancestors unites them.

Why and who came up with the myth of a single Jewish people, about their desire for the lands of their ancestors? Of course, our overseas partners.

Admiral Alfred Mahan, America's greatest geopolitician, on Greater Israel, 1900:“... in the place of the current Turkish chaos in Asia Minor, Syria and Mesopotamia, imagine a highly civilized modern state with a well-organized army and navy. Stretching out between the Caspian, Black, Mediterranean, Red Seas and the Persian Gulf, this state would tightly close the outlet by which Russia could easily reach the Indian Ocean so far. Such a state does not exist yet, but there is no reason why it will not appear in the future. The process of its formation must begin from the outside, for both the Turkish and Persian governments have sufficiently revealed their inability to renew the peoples they govern. Then, in relation to the local population, one should not forget the principle that the natural right to land belongs not to the one who sits on it, but to the one who extracts wealth from it. "

Alexey Vandam, Russian geopolitician, 1912:“As a political reserve, which was supposed to regulate the course of events (of the Russian revolution. - V.R.'s note), the following were prepared: 1) The Jewish people, which, in view of its current multiplicity and the impossibility of being satisfied with Palestine alone, was promised territory for the formation of an independent Kingdom of Israel between the Caspian, Black, Mediterranean, Red Seas and the Persian Gulf. "

The original article in the "Jewish Newspaper" is called

"A nation or a religious community?

The scattering of Jews is a myth, an Israeli historian believes. "

The book was recently published in Russian translation by the Eksmo publishing house. And for her, I consider it possible to make exceptions to my rule "do not copy-paste".

The fact is that in the history of any people there are always more myths than facts. And it's time for us to learn to distinguish between them.

Are Jews a nation? Ethnos? Or is it a religious community? Zionist historiography adheres to the version according to which Jews first lived in Eretz Yisrael. In 70 they were expelled by the Romans, after which they began their wandering around the world. Meanwhile, critical researchers consider this version implausible and unscientific, since it is based on legends passed down from generation to generation, and the Bible was used as historical sources.

Israeli historian, professor at Tel Aviv University Shlomo Sand, whose views are contrary to the opinion of the majority, decided to study the primary sources. Starting with the Talmud, Greek, Roman and Arab chronicles and ending with the works of the first Jewish historians of our time, he came to the following conclusion: there is no historical evidence that the diaspora was formed as a result of the forcible dispersal of Jews from Israel in 70 A.D. According to Sand, the idea of Jewish ethnicity (a group of people genetically related to each other) was born in the Middle East, and this theory is not supported by anything and even dangerous, since it uses, among other things, the concept of a nation based on racial characteristics. It was not the people who emigrated from Eretz Yisrael 2000 years ago, but religion spread, says Zand. Thus, today's Jews are the descendants of those peoples and nationalities who adopted Judaism hundreds and thousands of years ago. But in the case of some Palestinian Arabs, according to Sand, on the contrary, we can talk about family ties with Jews who lived on Israeli soil 2,000 years ago.

In his book, the professor conducts fundamental research that has never been carried out in this form in Israel. His main idea is that Jewry was formed from many religious groups, and only when writing the Zionist history was it "renamed" into a "nation". The thesis of the expulsion of Jews from Israel was invented by Christianity, and the idea of ​​"returning to the land of their ancestors" is a model born of Zionist historiography. According to Sand, Jewish communities in Europe, North Africa and Asia were formed due to the transition of people to another faith. And there was no nationwide culture. Zand considers the birthplace of the Jewish national movement to be Eastern Europe and the “Yiddish people”, which, in the course of the Jewish enlightenment, appropriated an ethnic non-religious identity. In the last century in Israel, with the development of Zionism, a new Judeo-Israeli culture was formed, the legitimacy of which Sand does not dispute, even advocating the expansion of the concept of "nation" in favor of non-Jewish minorities living in Israel.

Shlomo Sand - and this is an obvious political appeal of the book - advocates the transformation of Israeli ethnocracy, that is, democracy for one ethnic group, into a democratic state for all its citizens, following the example of France or the United States.

There are no books about the "First Catastrophe"

For several months now, Shlomo Sand's book entitled “When and How Was the Jewish People Invented? What are people and when they become a nation ”is in Israel's bestseller list of popular science literature. And in the spring of 2008, it was even in the first place in the sales list. In recent months, its author has also been a guest on Israeli television on several occasions. But Sand's theses arouse not only the interest of many, but also enmity from those who believe in Zionist history and the historical legitimacy of Israel's claims. In their opinion, this book challenges the legitimacy of the existence of the Jewish state. Zandu regularly receives letters and calls with threats, on the streets he is called “Hitler”, “Nazi” and “traitor”. And at the end of June, his public lecture at Tel Aviv University was interrupted by loud shouts from members of the Israeli Academia Monitor student organization, which was created in 2004 with the aim of "controlling and combating anti-Israeli manifestations in Israeli universities." Historians from Israel have not yet shown any serious argumentation against Sand's theses. His book is criticized primarily for violating the "rules of the game" of the humanities: Sand is a specialist in the history of the 19th and 20th centuries. and, according to critics, cannot understand the history of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

The historian was born in 1946 in a camp for displaced persons in Austrian city Linz. His parents are Polish Jews who survived the Holocaust. When Shlomo was 2 years old, the family moved to Israel. In his academic career, Sand, now 61, excelled at the Paris University of the Social Sciences. For over ten years he lived in France, maintaining close ties with the scientific societies of Western Europe and the United States. He is considered to be the continuer of the postmodern deconstructivism traditions of Jacques Derrida and Marc Bloch.

Based on numerous facts, Sand in his book soberly describes the emergence of historical myths that were formed by Zionist historiography and today are firmly embedded in the education system in Israel. This is primarily about a myth called "Galut", according to which the Jewish people were scattered throughout the world, and about references to the Bible as a serious historical source. According to Sand, this is the main problem with the subject “history” in Israel. Now he wants to clarify this issue.

In the first part of his book, Sand explores the historical descriptions of Jews that exist today. Since when did modern Jewish historiography begin to rely on the Bible as a historical source? Sand stumbled upon the work of nineteenth-century German historians. of Jewish origin - Isaac Jost and Leopold Zunz. They considered the Bible to be as insignificant historical source as, for example, the ancient Greek legend "Odyssey". Jewish history was not national, but the history of religious communities. And only at the end of the XIX century. German Jewish historian Heinrich Graetz began his work with the return of Jews from Babylon in the 6th century. BC e., using the Bible. This led to the appearance of the works of Simon Dubnov and Salo Baron, who attempted to write a systematic national history of the people. And the Jews from a religious community turned into a national one.

In his book, Shlomo Sand debunks the biggest myth of Zionist historiography - Galut. According to Sand, the Romans - with the exception of 90,000 prisoners of war described by the Jewish chronicler of antiquity Josephus Flavius ​​- did not undertake any mass deportation of Jews in 70 after the destruction of the Second Temple. But the most interesting thing: Sand found out that not a single serious historiographer wrote about Galut and there is not a single study on the settlement of Jews in the 1st century BC. Moreover, this legend is considered the fundamental basis of Jewish history. Any child on the streets of Israel knows that the Jews were scattered around the world in 70 AD “It is necessary to understand that among the myths of Zionist historiography, Galut is considered the first Holocaust,” explains Sand. "Can you imagine that there is not a single scientific work about the first Holocaust?"

Shlomo Sand comes to the conclusion (and he is not the first) that Galut was invented not by Jews, but by Christians at the beginning of the 3rd century, and at a certain stage this religious myth was adopted by the Jews. Later it was picked up and inflated by the Zionist movement.

Zand then reveals that there was no people who emigrated from Israel 2000 years ago. Religion spread throughout the world. Jewish society at that time was agrarian, there were no large migrant movements in it. But this society gave rise to a kind of migration of a different quality - the spread of monotheism. “Judaism,” says Sand, “from the second century onwards. BC NS. is proselytic monotheism. In the I-II centuries. BC NS. the Hasmoneans forcibly converted everyone they conquered. Then the further spread of Judaism began across the territory of Egypt, Asia Minor, North Africa and Ancient Rome. Thus, there was no spread of the people, that is, there was no diaspora of the people, but there was a diaspora of religion. "

This thesis, according to Sand, is confirmed by Greek and Latin chronicles, in which there are multiple references to the conversion of Jews of other peoples to their faith. And Horace, and Suetonius, and Tacitus - almost all spoke of Judaism as a proselyte religion. And the roots of early Christianity's hatred of Judaism are precisely in this rival proselytism. In the Talmud, Sand also found many sayings about proselytizing conversion to Judaism. But Shlomo Sand considers demography to be the most important argument in favor of his theory. “Today we know that during the existence of the Jewish kingdom in the 1st century. BC NS. about 700 thousand people lived there. But in the 1st century. the number of Jews throughout the Mediterranean and in Babylon increased to 4 million. What led to this rapid growth? Such an increase in the birth rate for 200 years is excluded. "

From Berbers and Khazars

Sand also wonders where such a large number of Jews came from in Eastern Europe, North Africa and Yemen during the Middle Ages. In doing so, he made public the forgotten stories of the Jewish kingdoms that had ceased to exist. So, the reader learns about the Jewish kingdom of Hemyar, located on the territory of today's Yemen, in which in the 5th century. n. NS. there was a massive conversion to Judaism. To date, only one Israeli historian has dealt with the issue of Yemeni Jews. But even up to the 1950s. in Israeli gymnasiums they talked about Hemyar. Now, among the Israelis, this knowledge is lost.

The second Jewish kingdom - Orrakh - existed in the 6th century. in Algeria. The Arab historian of the Middle Ages Ibn Khaldun describes the adherence to Judaism of many Berbers in North Africa even before Islam came to the region. The chronicles tell of a Jewish Berber queen named Dahiya Al-Kahina, who in 694 fought against the Muslim invasion. This is for Sand the answer to the question of the further settlement of the Jews in Spain. He believes that many Spanish Jews are descendants of Berbers - often officers of Muslim armies who took part in the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. Shlomo Sand sees this as a manifestation of the Arab-Jewish symbiosis in this region since ancient times.

As for the third large community of Jews, the Eastern European, they, according to Zand, did not come from Eretz Yisrael. It tells the story of the Khazar Jewish empire, which stretched into the X-XIII centuries. between Crimea, Volga and the Caspian Sea. After the adoption of Judaism by the Khazar king, according to Zand, a special Jewish nation was gradually formed in the empire, speaking the language of the Turkic group. After the invasion of the Mongols, they fled to the west and mixed with the Slavic peoples. There are more than enough sources telling about the Jewish empire of the Khazars. Thus, Sand refutes the generally accepted theory that East European Jews descended from the "Ashkenazim", that is, they came from the German-speaking regions. “In the communities of Cologne, Mainz and Worms in the XIII century. only a few thousand Jews lived. Thus, from the point of view of demography, such a large number of Jews could not emigrate to the East, who could form a nation of several million people there, ”writes Sand. At the same time, among other things, he relies on the theory of the linguist Paul Wexler from Tel Aviv, which states that the Yiddish language is not identical to the Hebrew-German language of the Middle Ages. According to the philologist, Yiddish is the language of the Slavic group with lexical elements borrowed from the German language. The formation of the Yiddish language, according to Veksler, confirms the fact of the socio-economic merger of German settlers and Jews of the Middle Ages on the territory of today's Ukraine and Poland.

Jewish genetics

In the final chapter of his book, The Politics of Identity in Israel, Sand says that these facts are not new, but presented in a new perspective, are intended to expose the historical construction and ethnocentric tradition of Zionist thinkers. “I’m only doing what has already been done for the French, Germans, British and Italians: I am destroying the myths created about the origin of the nation,” says Sand. "At the dawn of National Socialism, the Germans developed the myth of their descent from the ancient Germanic Teutonic tribe, the French referred to their kinship with the Gauls, and Israeli Jews today refer to the fact that their ancestors were Jews who lived 2000 years ago in Judea."

Shlomo Sand considers especially dangerous the theory according to which Jewish origin is confirmed by biological methods, which means that belonging to the Jewish people can be proved by science. As a consequence of this ideology based on ethnicity, today scientists in Israeli universities are searching for the “Jewish gene”. Sand watches with dismay such attempts to construct a Jewish nation as a "racial nation." In doing so, those who criticize this theory of the common biological origin of Jews fall into a trap. “After all, this is the paradox: the one who, before the Second World War, said that all Jews have one common origin and are brothers in blood, was considered a racist and anti-Semite. And if someone today claims the opposite, then he is also called an anti-Semite, ”says Sand.

The most difficult controversy in Sand's theory arises around the term "people." “I’ll tell you one simple thing: people with a common culture are a people. The Jews do not have any common folk culture, they have a common religious culture. This is logical. History knows no common folk culture of the Jews, ”continues Sand. But there is a Jewish-Israeli people! “This is what I say in my book. But both the Zionists and Arab nationalists do not want to admit that a Jewish-Israeli people has formed. The first say that we are part of the international Jewish people. Arab nationalists also believe that an invasion of international Jewry took place in Israel. Both camps are not ready to recognize the existence of a single Israeli identity, ”Shlomo Sand said.

The history professor calls himself an anti-Zionist, but not an anti-Jew. He dreams of creating a democratic society that would expand its boundaries for minorities. Sand advocates for a "Judeo-Israeli identity" that is less exclusive than the one that exists today.

This is not an argument for anti-Semites

Sand says: "I want the State of Israel to exist, but without historical speculation." And nevertheless, he fears that his theses may be abused by radical ideologues, ripping out of his theory only some of its parts and using them for propaganda purposes. “Ahmadinejad will undoubtedly be pleased with some passages from my book, but not with its main statement - 'destruction of faith in one race'. Anti-Semites and racists don't like me because I don't believe in genetic evidence of ethnicity. I believe that there is no genetically similar Jewish people. " For Christians and Muslims who believe in the historical accuracy of the Bible and the Koran, Zand's book is also inconvenient.

This book is due to hit the shelves of French bookstores in September. Translations into English, Russian, Italian and Arabic are in progress. Only in Germany Sand has not yet found a publisher. “They are afraid to touch on this topic,” he says.

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Ancient Egypt has attracted people with its secrets for more than one century, but at present it is interesting for the inquisitive mind of any researcher of history, archeology, ancient architecture, methods of managing mankind. For understanding the history of mankind and methods of managing society, the following questions are especially interesting: what tasks did the ancient Egyptian priesthood set for itself and what knowledge did they possess, well hidden from the eyes of ordinary people? Why, out of hundreds of wild clans, Semitic tribes, the idea of ​​"being chosen by God" was received by only one clan, which was in "Egyptian captivity"? How did it happen that the savages suddenly found faith in one God? Why two and a half thousand years ago, among the Jews there were many people of the so-called. "Aryan" type - fair-haired, gray-eyed? What program was introduced into the Jewish people and why did the Egyptian priesthood create "Jewry" at all?

The ancestral home of the proto-Semites (the ancestors of the Jews, Arabs, Arameans, Amorites and others) were the steppes (in ancient times there were flowering steppes with deep rivers) of the Arabian Peninsula. They almost had nothing to do with the most ancient states of this region - the proto-Sumerian settlements, Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria-Assuria, Egypt. Especially by the beginning of their creation and formation, they were created by a people with skills in production activities - agriculture, cattle breeding, they raised cattle, had developed craft skills, developed mythology, art. So even academician B. A. Turaev in his classic work "History of the Ancient East" wrote: "Were the Semites the first to occupy Babylonia and Syria ... the first cultural nation of Western Asia? ... Already Gins, Oppert and Rawlinson noticed that the Middle Eastern writing was not designed for Semitic language: its signs, which emerged from the hieroglyphs, depicted sounds that did not correspond to the Semitic names of objects depicted by these hieroglyphs; phonetics and grammar conditioned by these signs represent a complete disregard for the laws of Semitism. "

And the protosemites and Semites during the heyday of these great cultures were at the stage of primitive hunters and gatherers, led an appropriating way of management, the apogee of their economic activity was the breeding of goats and sheep (by the way, this became the cause of the terrible ecological disaster of this region, the goats ate up all the vegetation in the steppes , as a result, huge regions began to turn into deserts, protosemites and Semites began to look for a new ecological niche). In their ancestral home, no remains of any significant settlements, settlements, cultural achievements have been found. The appropriating way of managing and the nomadic way of life allowed the Proto-Semites and Semites to fit perfectly (for themselves) into the already existing state formations. When the lands of the southern and central parts of the Arabian Peninsula began to turn into a desert, the clans of protosemites began to move north. Anthropologically, these were the data of the historian and archaeologist Yu. P. Petukhov "hybrid Neanderthaloids with an admixture of Cro-Magnons, early Boreals and Negroid characters." They possessed an extremely primitive language, which consisted of several separate sounds, they did not know the gods, developed material and spiritual culture. According to the Sumerians, they are completely wild, in fact, bestial creatures.

Protosemites and Semites played a fatal role in the history of the civilization of the Indo-Europeans in the Middle East. The Sumerians called them "Martu tribes", "people of the desert", "people of death". The most developed of them were hired by farm laborers for heavy earthwork, irrigation work, some were strong, became porters, bodyguards, the least developed became camps near cities, villages and hunted for petty theft, begging, gathering, traditionally grazing goats and sheep. But these were not yet Arabs or Jews, but their distant ancestors. When city-states weakened, they became arrogant and became robbers, murderers.

And the biblical concept became dominant not only in the field of history, but also in the culture of European civilization. Although in reality the Bible, which is referred to by historians-"biblical", and then the entire scientific world, this is just a collection of myths, legends, views, religious dogmas, which have been subjected to more than one editing. If we proceed from the "biblical" tradition, the history of the Jews began with the patriarch Abraham, who left the city of Ur with his family in 1925 BC. NS. - the so-called. first "outcome". And at the call of God he moved to the "promised land" handed over to him. And what is in fact? There is a city of Ur - it was one of the city-principalities of Sumer, this is recorded in the documents of that time, by archaeological excavations. At this time - the period of the 20-19 centuries BC, Sumer-Sumer was already in decline, cities, including Ur, were a kind of "sinking ships" from which those who had somewhere to run came from.

Further fog - solid literature. Why Abraham? Where is the date of the “exodus” set from? If he is the first Jew, then who is his mother and father? Why is he a Jew and not a Sumer? It is clear that there is no need to talk about Jews at that time (20-15 centuries BC), there were proto-Semites, common ancestors of modern Arabs and Jews, in order for Jewry to stand out, a process was needed. The North of the Middle East - Suria-Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Transcaucasia, Zagros at that time was densely populated by Indo-Europeans, according to the opinion. Yu. D. Petukhova, Indo-European Rus.

Jews clearly separate themselves from the Arabs, including in the episode about Abraham, they even introduced an ideological legend about the lower origin of the Arabs. The Arabs, allegedly, are also descendants of Abraham, but not from the "lawful" wife of Sarah, but from the maidservant Hagar. Moreover, they did not become Arabs immediately, but through Isaac and his son Jacob, the ancestor of the 12 tribes of Israel. The question is, could Abraham be the first Jew, if he is the "father" of the Arabs? Clearly not. He was a Semitic, a conventional point from which the paths of Arabs and Jews began to diverge. The question is, what happened, what caused the Arabs and Jews?

After all, the protosemites, the people of the Arabian deserts, the “people of death” were ethno-anthropologically quite homogeneous, like the present-day Arabs, and there were no obvious reasons for such a division. A rather different fate awaited the Protosemites in the civilization of the Indo-Europeans, because the process of migrating to the north was very extended in time for millennia, centuries: some genera were completely assimilated; others played the role of modern gypsies, roamed between cities, hunted, than God sent; some, having received a significant admixture of Indo-European blood, climbed the social ladder, became farm laborers, hired soldiers, bodyguards, petty traders, money changers, etc. They poured into the embryo of the "commercial international" of that time, new clans came, gradually the societies of Indo-Europeans and hybrid descendants disintegrated, the process of destruction and degeneration grew. Crowds of idlers, thieves, leading an appropriating way of life drowned the last creators, city-states perished in the fires of fires and massacres.

Although the Middle Eastern civilization of the Indo-Europeans, with its local and filial civilizations (Babylon, Assyria, etc.) was very powerful and stable, a huge number of protosemites by the method known as "a drop wears away a stone" eventually killed it. They were moving away from the desert and the prospect of starvation, in search of a new ecological niche. But, unfortunately, they could not switch to the production mode of management, although agriculture could feed both the Indo-Europeans and the Proto-Semites. This is what led to the tough process of fighting for a place in the sun, they wanted everything at once. As a result, death and desolation poured into the once flourishing cities and villages.

Indo-Europeans could not resist this process, gradually degrading (with the influx of new aliens), eventually to the beginning new era they have lost all over the place. And so the history is written by the winner - we have the Bible, the Torah, as the sacred books of Europeans, and the biblical version of history is "classic". The Semites assimilated, ousted the Indo-Europeans from the Middle East, and their memory was almost erased, only recently, thanks to the titanic efforts of a number of researchers (including Yu.D. Petukhov), can we present a true picture of world history.

The Hebrew tribes lived in the steppe and hilly regions.

They were originally nomads. Elders were at the head of the Jewish tribes. They kept legends about the past of their people. These traditions are included in the Bible. The oldest part of the Bible is the Old Testament. It contains myths and legends about the Jewish people. The Old Testament became a holy book among Jews and Christians. The Old Testament contains not only stories about antiquity, but also the reflections of sages. Over time, the Jews came to monotheism and began to worship God - Yahweh. The Old Testament begins with the creation myth.

The myth of the first people Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve lived in paradise without knowing what was good and what was bad. The "tree of knowledge" grew in paradise and God did not allow to pick the fruits from it. Eve ate the fruit and gave it to Adam. God found out about this and drove people out of paradise.

Biblical legends about the ancestors of the Jewish tribes

The history of an entire people is presented as a legend about one big family. Abraham, his son Isaac and grandson Jacob were considered the ancestors of the Jews. Jacob had several sons, but most of all he loved Joseph.

The brothers envied Joseph and sold him into slavery. In Egypt, Joseph became a slave to a nobleman. The slave was smart and successful, and soon found himself at the court of the pharaoh. Once Joseph saw the brothers at the market and forgave them their old offense. All together they settled in Egypt. The Egyptians began to oppress the descendants of Jacob. The pharaoh forced them to work hard and ordered all newborn boys to be given to the executioners. Only one boy survived and named him Moses. Moses begged Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, but the ruler of Egypt was not begging. Then the Israelites, led by Moses, fled. They went out to the Red Sea. God parted the sea, and the Israelites passed on a dry bottom. Finally they came to the high Mount Sinai. Moses climbed up on it, and ordered everyone else to stay at the bottom. The Jews entered into a covenant with Yahweh, that is, an agreement. They agreed to obey all of the commandments of God.

The myth of the "Jewish people" Karl Linnaeus went down in history as a great classifier. He divided all people into white legislators and black slaves. (Historical Fact) Since 135 AD, after three Jewish uprisings against Rome, the Jews were expelled from Judea without exception. All the people, down to the last person, ended up in the diaspora. During the era of the Roman Empire, the Jews settled over a vast territory - from Iberia (modern Spain) and North Africa (modern Algeria and Tunisia) to the most eastern reaches of Rome. Ancient Jews spoke Latin in the west of the Empire and Greek in the east, retaining Hebrew as the language of worship. In terms of origin, these were partly people of a mixed, complexly arranged "new biblical" people, partly - the descendants of dozens of peoples of the Empire who accepted conversion. In the early Middle Ages, hundreds of thousands and millions of Jews lived in all countries of the Western Mediterranean. It is known that the Spanish king Recared in the 6th century baptized 90,000 Jews at once. The act is the wildest, but even if the number of "converts" is exaggerated, the scale of Jewish settlement is already visible. In our time, historical and genetic research has become fashionable ... And it turned out that there is an admixture of Jewish blood in 20% of modern Spaniards.

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