Popular provider services for subscribers. Which home Internet is better to connect. Internet for giving: which is better

Frame houses 01.08.2020
Frame houses

It makes no sense to talk about which Internet is better to connect without trying different options. Only a test drive will help you determine the optimal rate. When choosing a provider, you must remember that the connection speed depends on how the user will work on the network, and therefore you should choose better internet of all available.

Connection technologies

The user himself decides which home Internet is suitable for his situation. There are several types of connection:

  • mobile Internet:
    • ruler G;
    • GPRS;
  • dedicated line:
    • xDSL;
    • FTTB;
    • optical networks xPON;
  • dial-up access through the telephone network;
  • wireless networks:
    • WiFi;
    • WiMax;
  • modern satellite internet.

To connect your home Internet, you need to decide on the required characteristics, and then connect the one that best suits the goals and objectives of the user.

ADSL, fiber optic

To work online with a large volume of traffic, xDSL type networks (ADSL, VDSL, etc.) are suitable. The digital ADSL line is connected via the telephone network at a speed of up to 60 Mbps. But its installation requires:

  • landline phone;
  • splitter;
  • modem.

Fiber optic is a modern technology that allows you to increase the speed and quality of your connection. It does not rot and is not exposed to rain, snow or sunlight. If the user has the opportunity to connect to a ready-made fiber-optic system using cheap passive splitters, then there are no questions about which Internet is better to connect for home. Fiber only!

Wireless networks

No cables are required to transmit the Internet wirelessly. The connection is made using a modem that receives and receives signals using WiFi and WiMax technologies. Mobile operators always offer subscribers: "First select a tariff, and then connect the Internet for home use or for work." There are several types of connections:

  • 2G (connection speed up to 64kBit / sec);
  • 3G (up to 3.6 Mbps);
  • 4G (up to 100Mbps, in some cases up to 1Gbps).

Satellite communications, Dial-Up and Docsis

Satellite Internet Connection is an evolutionary way to access the World Wide Web. There are two types of connection organization:

  • asymmetric (data reception is carried out via satellite communication, and the transmission is via any other);
  • symmetric (reception and transmission of information is carried out via satellite).

Nothing transmits a signal better than a satellite, and also a plus of this connection is that if there is no telephone line (including fiber optic) in the district, you will still be able to conduct the Internet, no matter where the house is!

Docsis is the transmission of data over cable television systems (as long as the speed does not exceed 42 Mbps).

Dial-Up is an old way to connect to the Internet using a modem over a telephone line. The phone is always busy while going online.

Which technology option is better to choose for an apartment and a private house?

Choosing which Internet is better to connect, you need to decide where exactly it will be installed. Good internet speed in the apartment allows you to choose from a large number of providers for a long time: which one of them will be able to offer better conditions and connect the network to the apartment at discounted rates, with which an agreement will be concluded.

A country house no longer gives such privileges. If the cottage is located far from settlements and does not have a dedicated telephone line, then you will have to connect the network using wireless technologies. Satellite Internet for home is the best connection option, but it is also the most expensive, so people usually use mobile technologies to connect to the network from providers:

  • Tele 2;
  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Yota, etc.

A router is a device for wireless Internet transmission over Wi-Fi. The signal quality depends on the correctness of its choice.

When buying a router, consider the following parameters:

  • wireless or wired type (the wireless router only connects to the outlet, there are no connections to the network cable, and for a wired device you need to find a place where you can connect the Internet and install the router exactly there);
  • compatibility with the provider (for example, Yota offers its subscribers certain routers);
  • software;
  • speed (depends on the cost of the device);
  • coverage of the Wi-Fi territory (a standard D-link router is suitable for an ordinary apartment);
  • design (depends on the location of the device):
    • floor-standing (installed on 4 legs on any smooth surface);
    • wall-mounted (they have holes for self-tapping screws);
    • portable (typical for mobile internet);
  • the number of antennas (the more there are, the better the signal quality).

Reviews of the largest providers (geography, technologies, approximate prices)

The decision about which Internet to choose depends on the location of the subscriber, because for each Russian region, in addition to backbone providers, there are also local ones. And sometimes you can find more advantageous offers on tariffs from them.

But the coverage area and connection quality of backbone Internet companies are most often the reason for choosing them. The largest providers in Russia are:

  • Rostelecom;
  • Megaphone;
  • RetnNet;
  • VimpelCom;
  • ER-Telecom;
  • MTS, etc.

And which Internet provider is the best, each user decides independently.


Rostelecom is the largest internet provider in Russia.


Rostelecom has the largest coverage area due to the construction of more than 500 thousand kilometers of network backbones. For example, in 2016, the construction of a fiber-optic system was completed on the section between Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Magadan! The complex of networks, which the Internet provider is building throughout Russia (including the Arctic Circle) on the basis of a government order, demonstrates the leading position of Rostelecom in the provision of communication services in the Russian Federation.

Internet on the Rostelecom website


Rostelecom provides Internet access using optical fiber and Wi-Fi technologies. Fiber optic access is also subdivided into:

  • FTTx:
    • FTTH (cable runs directly to an apartment or house);
    • FTTB (fiber is brought to the building, but it is delivered to the apartments using other systems);
    • FTTN (signal is distributed at the node);
    • FTTS (the signal comes immediately to the subscriber's room);
  • GPON (Passive Fiber Optic Internet Network Based on a Tree Structure);
  • xDSL (allows you to minimize costs, but does not provide Internet speed above 8 Mbps).

Approximate prices

Rostelecom's bundled offers depend on the region of their provision. For example, in Moscow the minimum cost of connecting to the Internet is 200 rubles per month. But the user will not receive a free Wi-Fi router, and the connection speed is minimal - about 30 Mbps.

Minimum tariff

When the price increases to 449 and 499 rubles per month, the connection speed increases to 100 and 200 Mbit / s, respectively, and subscribers get a Wi-Fi router.

Tariffs with Wi-Fi router


Beeline offers its customers wired and wireless Internet.


The 3G coverage area of \u200b\u200bBeeline is better in the central and southern parts of Russia, in the eastern regions of the Russian Federation, the Internet speed drops, and in the north it is better not even to try to use it at home, but to choose the provider that works locally.

Beeline coverage areas

4G is featured in:

  • Moscow and Moscow region;
  • St. Petersburg and the region;
  • some central regions of Russia;
  • large cities (if heading to the north and east of the country).

Wired Internet from Beeline transmits a signal at a speed of up to 100 Mbps. The provider is building highways throughout the country. Now more than 140,000 kilometers of networks have been built, but Beeline's main activities are concentrated in the central part of Russia.


Beeline's wired Internet is provided using FTTB technologies. Mobile Internet is represented by the line of all Gs, including 4G +.

The device that receives the Internet signal can be a smartphone, tablet, or modem. The quality of the connection in the first two cases depends on the gadget itself, and for a USB modem, you can amplify the signal in simple ways:

  • using a USB extension cable, placing the modem closer to the window or onto the balcony;
  • by installing a special antenna on the facade of the house (the method is suitable for cottages), which will be connected to the modem device with a coaxial cable;
  • by connecting an extension cord, antenna and an active amplifier (when living in remote areas with a weak signal from Beeline).

Approximate prices

The cost of the Internet depends on the tariff and the region. Today there are promotions in which you can get home Internet for free.

Home Internet within ALL tariffs


The length of MTS highways is more than 120,000 kilometers. In Moscow, MTS cooperates with MGTS, the networks of which provider it uses (it is better to connect a landline phone to an apartment to reduce Internet rates). The provider has suggestions for home internet even with daily billing.

Approximate prices

Prepaid Internet rates in Moscow (billed per month):

  • 200 Mbps for 490 rubles;
  • 60 Mbps for 360 rubles;
  • 500 Mbps for 1600 rubles.


MTS wired Internet is connected by technologies:

  • GPON (Moscow and Moscow region);
  • ADSL.

Fiber-optic cable is laid into the apartment conditionally free of charge. If the subscriber uses MTS services for less than a year, he will be forced to pay a forfeit (the amount is discussed individually).

Information from the MTS website


The ER-Telecom holding has offices in 56 cities of Russia and provides broadband Internet access within the Dom.ru service. The company uses fiber-to-home technology (FTTB).

Internet from Dom.ru

The minimum connection cost is 300 rubles at a speed of 100 Mbit / s. Simultaneously with the Internet, the user will be connected to 100 television channels (it is better to connect them to a mobile device).


TransTeleCom maintains a fiber-optic backbone with a length of about 80,000 kilometers. Despite the relatively small coverage (Rostelecom has the best indicators), it was TTK who was the first to establish an Internet transmission line to the northernmost city of Lobytnangi (which is located beyond the Arctic Circle!).

In some cities (for example, in Moscow) TTK has no offers for individuals. Provider tariffs in Yekaterinburg:

What are the criteria for choosing a provider?

It is not difficult to determine which Internet to connect by choosing a provider, so first you need to decide on a company. Provider selection parameters:

  • connection cost;
  • connection speed;
  • active technical support;
  • connection type, etc.

Before deciding which Internet provider is best for you, you need to check the availability of the service in a particular region.

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Updated: 04.05.2019 12:50:39

Expert: Boris Mendel

* Review of the best according to the editorial site. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective and does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Today, not a single modern person imagines his life without the Internet. And this applies not only to rest and leisure. Many industries are directly related to the work of the worldwide network. Provider in translation means "supplier". These are the companies that provide Internet connectivity and other communication services.

Choosing a provider among the many offers is not easy. Many are guided by the experience of friends and acquaintances, someone "blindly" concludes an agreement, trusting the promises of the company. Our experts, based on feedback from real users, have selected the 12 best providers in Moscow, which provide all the necessary conditions for a high-quality connection to the network.

Rating of the best providers in Moscow

Nomination a place provider rating
Rating of the best providers in Moscow 1 5.0
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
7 4.4
8 4.3
9 4.2
10 4.1
11 4.0
12 3.9


The honorable first place goes to a company that provides quality services to the population under a variety of tariff plans. Among them, each user will select the best offer for himself. Rinet is the oldest provider, which has been operating since 1995. You can use a comprehensive package, including TV, or just the Internet access service.

Connection of all tariffs is free. The subscription fee starts from 250 rubles per month with a connection speed of 20 Mbps. At 250 Mbps, it will be 900 rubles, and the first month is not paid. To select the optimal Wi-Fi equipment, the specialist goes to the place where, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the number of simultaneously operating devices, the model of the router is determined. Connection takes place quite quickly: within 1-2 days after the conclusion of the contract.

Among the advantages were highlighted qualified employees who help to choose the most optimal tariff, payment for services in various convenient ways, excellent connection without interruptions, round-the-clock technical support. For more information, call the phone number: +7 495 983 58 78.

The silver rating was given to a provider that uses innovative technologies that guarantee high signal quality and connection speed. After visiting a specialist, discussing the details and approving the tariff plan, a fiber-optic cable is installed in the apartment, after which it is connected to the network. Among the services, complex programs are very popular. But good offers and separately on the Internet were highly appreciated by MGTS subscribers.

Any speed can be selected: from 100 to 1000 Mbps. The monthly fee ranges from 390 to 1499 rubles. The company offers various profitable programs that will significantly reduce the cost of services. You can also take advantage of useful options that are completely free, and everyone gets them as bonus incentives. Payment can be made in various ways, which is very convenient for users.

According to the reviews, the company is distinguished by its efficiency, so that a new client can not wait, but go online in 1-2 days after contacting. The advantages were highlighted work without interruptions, competent assistance of technical support staff, the ability to quickly change the current tariff to another, as well as the fact that the cost of a Wi-Fi router is already included in the tariffs. Contact number of the organization: 8495125 22 25.

The third place in the rating is taken by a company that provides quality services, as evidenced by positive reviews and high customer ratings. The main advantage is simple and fast connection. After submitting the application online, the operator will contact you and agree on the installation time of the equipment. Installers, without prejudice to repairs, install, configure and advise on further operation.

The tariffs will appeal to both active users and those who spend little time on the Internet. The minimum monthly fee is 250 rubles. The hit of sales is the Bombichesky tariff. The connection speed in it is 100 Mbps. Price - 449 rubles. The cost of the router is either included in the package price, or it will have to be paid in installments of 2.5 years at 150 rubles.

Customers have highlighted many benefits. Among them: the ability to "freeze" access to the network for 90 days in the event of a long trip, the availability of a comprehensive home Internet service with TV and mobile communications at very competitive prices, a month of free use of services in certain packages, high quality connection. All questions that arise can be asked by phone number: 8 800 700 80 00.

The use of innovative technologies, compliance with international standards, high-quality service provided "Inetcom" with the fourth place in our rating. The coverage areas are quite extensive. The company currently serves over 100,000 Internet users. Thanks to its own fiber-optic network, subscribers receive a fast and stable connection without interruptions. In the event of minor violations, the 24/7 support service will help to restore work in a short time.

The company offers favorable conditions: regardless of the tariff, the first month is not paid. During this time, the client can evaluate the quality of the connection and choose the current package or choose another one that is more suitable for individual requests. Connection speed starts from 15 Mbps, monthly payments - from 300 rubles. Complex programs with television cost from 600 rubles.

According to reviews, 9 out of 10 people gave the highest score to this provider. All services turned out to be of high quality, their cost is quite democratic. If you have questions about tariff plans and connection, the operator will be happy to answer them by calling: +7 495 744 02 03.

On the fifth line of the rating is a provider that has earned the trust of many users. He has developed all kinds of tariffs for those who rarely go online, and for those who are active users. Among the clients can be found both ordinary housewives and owners of large business companies. Average prices for Moscow. During the promotional period, you can significantly save on payment for services.

For data transmission, an optical fiber network is used, which provides a high-quality high-speed connection. The minimum package costs 300 rubles per month. The tariff for gamers "Game" will cost 910 rubles, while the connection speed will be 500 Mbit / s. The list of services also includes complex programs "Internet + TV". Departure of employees and connection are free. Equipment installation takes place within one day.

The company has many advantages. The main ones were highlighted various interesting tariff plans, optimal prices, instant help of technical support, use of the latest technologies, fast connection. The downside is that the equipment must be purchased by the user, it cannot be rented. Sales department phone: +7 495 151 15 55.

The sixth place in the rating belongs to a provider that provides a high-quality Internet connection, free connection and favorable tariffs. The network covers an extensive coverage area and extends to all areas of Moscow. Thanks to this, you can use the wireless Internet the next day after submitting the application. The tariffs will satisfy all categories of users.

Packages are provided with different data transfer rates. 24/7 customer support will instantly resolve technical issues. Payment methods have been expanded, so everyone will find the most convenient for themselves. Wi-Fi equipment is installed and configured for free, which is a definite plus when choosing a provider. The voluntary blocking option allows you not to pay for services at the time of departure.

According to reviews, the company fully meets expectations and provides the promised services without violating contractual obligations. The loyalty program allows regular customers save on services. Various promotional offers significantly reduce the cost, which is good news. So, when you move, you do not need to conclude a new contract. Connection in a new apartment is free of charge. Contact phone number: +7 495 290 39 99.

The seventh line of the rating is occupied by a fairly young provider, but which has already managed to declare itself as a provider of quality services at affordable prices. The coverage area is large enough, the installation of equipment is quick, so the connection in most cases takes place the next day. Tariffs will delight customers with different desires: both active gamers and people who rarely use the Internet.

In the "Economic" package, the connection speed is 20 Mbps, the monthly payment is 290 rubles. For a "Pontovy" client will pay 1499 rubles. and get high speed - 250 Mbps. Regardless of tariffs, connection is free of charge. Payment methods are varied: through terminals, online through payment services, in cell phone stores.

Many interviewees noted the politeness of employees, from operators to installers. Technical support at any time of the day or night provides assistance and instantly eliminates the problems that have arisen. In your personal account, you can always control the state of the account, its interface is very convenient and understandable. To connect to this provider, just contact the office at the phone number: +7 495 785 66 88.

A provider with an interesting name is in eighth place in the rating. It started its activity in 2006 and is firmly entrenched in the Internet services market. The zone covers not only Moscow, but also the Moscow region, and every day the number of users is growing more and more. The company uses high-tech equipment, so the connection to the network is stable and fast without interruptions.

Tariffs are developed taking into account the wishes of different categories of users. You can choose a connection speed of 300 Mbps, or you can stop at 50. The subscription fee starts from 390 rubles per month. If you pay immediately for the year, you get substantial discounts. Antivirus packages to protect against malware are in high demand. Complex tariffs include 10 different offers: from 440 to 1919 rubles. The router is purchased by the customer. Payment is made immediately or in installments for 36 months.

In the opinion of subscribers, technical support deserves the highest mark. Employees will come to the rescue at any time, explain everything in detail and in an accessible manner, and quickly restore the operation of the equipment. To call a specialist or clarify tariff plans, you can call: +7 499 553 95 79.


On the ninth line of the rating is a group of companies that has been on the telecommunications market for over 20 years. Own fiber-optic network with a length of 700 km covers the capital and the nearest Moscow region. The services are actively used by both private and legal entities, and all of them are satisfied with the quality of the provider's work.

The company pays great attention to pricing policy and develops various promotional programs for the benefit of its subscribers. So, when switching from another provider, 2 months of connection are free. When paying immediately for a year, 10% of the amount is returned to the account. The "Bring a friend" promotion provides one month of Internet use as a gift. Payment for communication is made by electronic money, through terminals or by credit card. In your personal account, you can always find out the state of the account.

All users have left positive feedback. They were satisfied with the quick installation of the equipment, and the tariffs, and bonus programs, and the technical support service, which will help to quickly eliminate system failures. The connection stability is high, which once again proves that the company clearly fulfills its obligations. Contact phone: +7 495 649 20 00.

The top ten of the rating includes a provider that has managed to earn a reputation as a reliable provider of telecommunications services. The high demand among the population is explained by the availability of advanced modern equipment, promptness of connection, stable work and polite employees: operators, installers, technical support.

Tariff plans are well-designed and will satisfy subscribers with different requests. A comprehensive package "2 in 1" with a speed of 75 Mbps and 155 channels will cost 550 rubles per month. Various lucrative offers will help you significantly save on services. When moving to a new place of residence, specialists install equipment free of charge and connect to the network under an already concluded contract. The annual payment makes it possible to return part of the funds to your account.

According to the reviews, the company fully meets expectations. The actions of the employees are clear and fast. You can go online within one day after contacting. Both those who need complex packages and those who chose only TV or the Internet were satisfied. Prices are also not overpriced, but quite competitive. An application for connection can be made on the website or by phone: 8 495 575 00 57.

The eleventh place in our rating is occupied by a provider that has been in the market for over 25 years and provides high quality services. Our own fiber-optic network allows subscribers not only living in Moscow, but also in the region to connect to unlimited Internet. After the application, the cable is laid without damage to the repair of the house or apartment. Employees will set up and advise on the operation of the equipment.

In case of problems with the connection, the technical support service will come to the rescue around the clock. The tariffs are quite diverse and relevant for users with any requirements. The packages provide speeds from 75 to 500 Mbit / s. The router is rented from the company, the cost is already included in the monthly subscription fee. Taking advantage of the offers, you can get pleasant bonuses and discounts. If you bring a friend and he becomes a 2KOM subscriber, then both clients receive 500 rubles.

The respondents highlighted many advantages. Among them: many additional options, such as "Parental Control", affordable prices and profitable programs, and most importantly - the stability of connection and work. Many noted the courtesy and professionalism of the staff. Contact phone number: +7 495 727 42 15.

We conclude the rating with a company that has an expanded subscriber network due to a large coverage area. Own equipment allows you to achieve the highest quality of telecommunication services. The tariffs were developed taking into account the various needs of the population. A combined package is considered popular, which includes 112 TV channels and Internet at a speed of 100 Mbit / s. Its cost is 450 rubles per month. A permanent promotion allows you to reduce the fee to 246 rubles.

For those who want to connect only television or the Internet, there are also good offers. The connection speed starts from 50 Mbit / s, the maximum parameter is 100. An undoubted advantage is the free provision of a router, the model of which can be chosen by the client himself.

According to the reviews, the provider clearly fulfills its obligations, the connection is fast, network problems occur very rarely, but at the same time they are eliminated by phone using the technical support service. The current subscribers who participated in the survey recommend this company for cooperation. Sales department phone: +7 495 966 \u200b\u200b13 12.

In the era of all kinds of online technologies, high-quality internet for the home has become as essential an attribute as a roof or a fence. Even more: if a broken fence (as a rule) does not interfere with organizing a cultural holiday with friends at the dacha, then the absence of the Internet in the house can significantly spoil the mood of all the inhabitants of this hacienda.

And in this article we will consider which Internet is better to connect for home, and what criteria should be followed in such a difficult question.

Which home Internet is better to connect: choice without choice

With the current level of technology, the question of what kind of Internet can be connected in a private house, it would seem, should not bother the mind of technically unprepared users: choose the optimal tariff and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In fact, the ability to connect to the Internet directly depends on the location of the user, and in particular - on the presence of various communication networks in the area.

Under the request "connect the Internet" most users mean exclusively laying a network cable in a private house. However, this wording of the question is incorrect: first of all, you need to decide on the optimal connection method to the worldwide information network, and only then choose which Internet provider is better to connect, its range of services, tariffs, etc.

Currently (2016) for a private house, there are three fundamentally different ways to connect to the Internet:

  • - cable connection to the worldwide information bank;
  • - "mobile" connection using 3G and 4G technologies;
  • - satellite internet connection in the private sector.

At the same time, it is impossible to unequivocally answer which Internet is better here: each type of connection has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's dwell on each type of home Internet connection in more detail.

What is the best wired internet connection?

The "wired" type of Internet includes:

  • - connection using a network cable (twisted pair);
  • - fiber optic connection;
  • - connection via coaxial (television) cable;
  • - connection via a telephone line.

However, despite the solid "assortment", it is quite simple to decide which Internet is better to connect for a private house: the "best" option would be to connect via fiber optic or (if this technology has not yet "reached" you) via a network cable.

A communication network based on twisted pair and fiber optic is present in almost all cities of the country, and most large providers are engaged in the provision of such a service.

- When connecting to the Internet via twisted pair, Ethernet network technology (based on TSP / IP protocols) is used. Here, to create an Internet connection, the company's specialists pull a cable from the provider's network equipment (switch) to your home.

Thus, the user receives a dedicated line with high quality and information transfer rate.

However, on large sections of the twisted pair, the signal weakens, respectively, the speed of the Internet connection is significantly reduced. Thus, if the switch is located more than 100 meters from your home, you need to install additional equipment (or use a different cable).

When using wired internet network cable can:

Connect to a computer directly (when using the Internet only on this PC);

Connect to your home router for (to connect to the Internet for several user devices at once).

- The use of fiber optic solves the problem of signal attenuation. However, not every user will have the money to connect it: not only the fiber itself is expensive, but also all the network equipment used (media converters, SFP modules, routers and switches with optical connectors).

The speed of the Internet when connected via fiber is very comfortable.

So, if a 4-wire twisted pair (at a distance from the equipment no more than 100 meters) can achieve a maximum of 100 Mbit / s, 8-wire - up to 1000 Mbit / s, then via fiber, the Internet speed easily reaches 1000 Mbit / s on any distance.

However, 10 Mbit / s is quite enough for household use, therefore, organizations use the Internet via fiber more often than the general population. Indeed, in addition to the high cost of connecting to the Internet, the monthly subscription fee, which is charged even with "idle" equipment, also increases proportionally.

As for the tariff plan, the Internet here, as a rule, is provided with unlimited, and the cost of services depends on the limited speed of the Internet connection.

Internet for summer cottages: which is better?

Optics and twisted pair are good, of course. But which Internet is better to connect in a village, to which these communication networks have not yet "reached"? And pulling an expensive optical cable to some remote place for the sake of a dozen potential subscribers is irrational.

And here other "proven" communication technologies come to the rescue: for example, in the private sector you can connect the Internet via coaxial cable (cable TV) and telephone cable (here, depending on "needs": both a dial-up connection and a dedicated line) ...

Such Internet can be carried out in almost any private home: the subscriber has a modem that distributes the Internet using one of the network technologies:

- through a TV cable - using DOCSIS technology. On average, the speed can be provided here for reception - 42/38 Mbit / s, for uploading - 10/9 Mbit / s, however, this speed is allocated for the entire channel, therefore, if in the private sector several subscribers "sit" on the same cable at once , then the speed will vary depending on the congestion of this line.

- through a telephone cable using ADSL, Dual-Up and ISDN network technologies (once Dual-Up and ISDN connections were also used, but now these technologies are outdated). In theory, the speed of an ADSL connection can reach 24 Mbit / s, but in practice these figures are rarely achieved: the real "quality" of telephone lines affects.

However, other things being equal, ADSL connection will not be the worst solution to the question of which Internet to connect in a private house. Nevertheless, cable connection to the worldwide information network is much more stable than its wireless counterparts.

What is the best wireless internet connection for home?

In addition to the cable connection to the electronic web, you can also connect the Internet in a private house using wireless technologies.

The most accessible and popular here is a mobile connection to the information network using 3G and 4G technologies, provided by various mobile operators.

This is a “universal” Internet, which can be connected even in a village and remote village: cell phones (like GPRS modems) or specialized USB modems are used as network equipment.

The advantage of the mobile Internet is that the user can freely move within the boundaries of the operator's broadcasting. However, such a connection is extremely unreliable, and the cost of traffic is much higher here than with a "classic" cable connection.

If you need to connect to the Internet at the dacha, far from civilization, where even a cell phone is often “out of reach,” then only a satellite dish can help in this undertaking.

The purchase and the cost of installing such equipment will not weakly "hit the pocket", and many online applications with such a home Internet will not be available - the satellite connection has "problems" with signal delay: you can download large amounts of data at high speed, but in Skype and online cinema will "slow down".

And this option should be decided only in the case when it is not possible to connect some kind of Internet better for the house.

Choosing the best Internet provider for home and business is the key to success and prospects, so you need to approach the issue carefully. When connecting to the Internet, it is important to pay attention to the features of tariff plans, speed characteristics and type of connection, processing time for applications and troubleshooting. An additional plus of providers is an individually oriented approach to subscribers, taking into account the specialization of the business or the private interests of "home" users.

Provider selection criteria for Moscow address

● The pricing policy of an Internet provider is the most important criterion that most users are guided by. Make sure that cheapness does not come around with constant connection problems, lack of service, slow Internet speed.

Most providers offer unlimited plans today. It is worth giving preference to a company that practices a personal approach to subscribers, taking into account the place and method of connection (via radio channel, copper pair or fiber) and the user's financial capabilities.

● Data transfer rate is a manipulative concept. For example, “cheap 1 Gbps” can mean speed “for everyone”: the more connected users, the slower the Internet for each of them. Make an application for an Internet connection with the guaranteed speed specified in the contract for a specific client. We advise you to cooperate with serious Internet companies that are constantly developing their technological base.

The key criterion is the type of connection. The most convenient and fastest at the moment is a fiber-optic cable - it guarantees a decent connection speed and ease of connection in the absence of unnecessary equipment.

● Provider's subscriber base - when connecting to the Internet at an address in Moscow, first ask your neighbors what provider they use. Collect testimonials from both private and business users about various Internet service providers. Ask questions about the quality of communication and service, the advantages of tariff plans, the actual costs of customers for equipment, the loyalty of the provider in relation to subscribers.

● 24/7 technical support is an essential condition that good providers do not neglect. No operator can guarantee a permanent connection to the Internet, but they must ensure that problems are resolved as soon as possible. The contract must specify the terms of correction and methods of compensation for damage, as well as the time during which the provider guarantees the client access to the network.

● The professional provider offers additional options in assortment. These are, as a rule, home television with HD-format, digital telephony, the possibility of organizing teleconferencing for business, anti-virus licensing software, services of the "white" Internet and deferred payment, various forms of payment, convenient for the client.

When choosing an Internet provider, carefully read the connection agreements, certificates and company licenses for the type of activity. Communicate with employees, make sure that it is pleasant to deal with them and that they competently and clearly answer all your questions (how is the connection to the Internet and problems that arise are solved, what promotions they can offer you, whether electronic document management is practiced, which simplifies cooperation, etc.) etc.).

Make an impartial impression of Moscow Internet providers using provy.ru - and fill out an application for connecting the services of the selected provider for FREE!

Do you know how many popular providers are on the telecommunications market today? There are few people who know this figure for sure. The list of Internet providers in Moscow has more than 20 companies! And this is not the limit! How can an ordinary citizen, an ordinary consumer of Internet services not get lost in this sea of \u200b\u200bfirms, companies and offices, vying with each other to provide Internet services?

And everything is very simple, like a white day! There is a rating of providers in Moscow, which includes all firms that supply the city with Internet and television services. The rating was compiled by highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications and the Internet. It takes into account numerous reviews of consumers of communication services and wishes for companies developing the communication space of our city. Also released directory of providers in Moscow, where absolutely all currently available offices are colorfully presented, providing first-hand information to residents of the city. Here is a complete list of Internet companies in the city with accurate logos and postal addresses. Moreover, the telephones of the leaders of the provider companies are indicated for communication with grateful customers.

Now everyone who wants to install home Internet either digital television will not blindly or through acquaintances search for the provider you like in order to enjoy all the delights good quality connection and high Internet speeds. It is enough to open a special website address in Moscow, study the rating of the best companies and choose the really best! Then everything is very easy. You need to make a simple application. The finished application form is on the website. You can fill it out within 5 minutes. By pressing the button, we send the request to the selected provider. Experts arrive very quickly. The hardware is also quickly installed.

In day two, you will already be enjoying the great quality digital TV and home Internet at high speed! You will be provided with the best packages to choose from according to your tastes and preferences - news channels, new films, concerts. Providers in Moscow are always keeping up with the latest developments in the field of telecommunications and Internet business. All innovative technologies are instantly implemented into reality. Any new world practice is immediately taken into service. The Internet industry in Moscow is developing and improving. And finally - the most important thing! For everyone who wants to choose the best provider and order such excellent digital television and home Internet services, we provide the address of the Internet portal of the information center: PROVY.RU! We wish everyone only pleasant views and the latest information from the first hand!

FREE CONSULTATION: +7 (499)110-9000

The best home Internet should be inexpensive and of high quality - with a stable connection and real speed, which is not less than that indicated in the tariff. And he must also meet the needs of the subscriber. In the article, we will tell you how to choose a provider in order to get the maximum benefit.

How to know which is the best home internet provider

There are over a thousand providers in the country. An average apartment building in a large city has, on average, up to nine telecom operators, each of which offers from two to five tariffs. It is impossible to say unequivocally which one is better. They all provide a set of options for their audience. The main thing to do is to understand what criteria are important to you and how much you are willing to pay for them. To make it a little easier to choose, follow the recommendations.

Determine the purpose of the connection

Determine what you need the internet for. The connection speed you need depends on this. Speed \u200b\u200baffects the cost of the tariff. You shouldn't overpay for unnecessary megabits per second if the real need allows you to use less expensive offers.

The goal can be any - for study, work, entertainment. But you need a more detailed breakdown. If you need the Internet to download abstracts or search for answers to exam tickets, you can limit yourself to mobile Internet at speeds up to 50 Mbps. But if you are studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bon Skype, while simultaneously watching foreign channels online in HD, you will need a tariff with at least 100 Mbit / s.

Choose a connection method


Views are highlighted by physical properties cables - copper and fiber optic. The principle of connection is approximately the same - a cable is pulled from the common wire to the house. It is connected either directly to a computer or to a router. The difference between them is the maximum possible internet speed. By fiber optic, it is almost ten times higher.


Provided using satellite communications, radio towers, Wi-Fi public access points. To connect via satellite or radio tower, the subscriber must purchase an antenna. Depending on the type of connection, the plate is installed on the street or in an apartment. The signal over such networks is worse than over the wired Internet, it is highly dependent on external factors - weather conditions, obstacles in the signal path, interference from other networks. Equipment is often installed along with the antenna to amplify the signal.

Wireless Internet is more often used where it is impossible to connect via a wire, or together with other services, such as satellite TV.

Count the number of devices

The connection speed is divided among all connected devices. The more of them, the lower the speed that falls on each device.

If you plan to connect multiple computers to the network, consider how much data they will transfer. When torrenting on one device is running simultaneously and an active online game on another, with a tariff speed of up to 50 Mbps, it will be difficult to make a Skype call. The higher the connection speed for the tariff, the faster the actual data transfer on a separate device.

Find out which operators are in your home

Use the operator search service in your home. Enter the address and get a selection of providers with tariffs and the ability to apply.

If you are going to connect to wired internet, it is better to contact the provider that is already present in the house. It will be faster. When wireless internet there is no binding to the exact address.

Find providers that connect your home internet to your address:

Start typing street or city

Evaluate rates and provider support

Estimate the rates of suitable providers. Contact each service provider that suits your needs. Ask questions, learn about the terms of connection. So you will not only receive important information, but also be able to assess the level of the company's work with clients.

Should you trust the ratings of the best home Internet providers?

Exist . To distribute telecom operators to places, they collect subscribers' assessments and comments, study the quality of service provision - the work of technical support, the stability of the connection, and the lag in the data transfer rate. Usually subscribers' reviews are also given there.

The rating helps to get an initial idea about the services of providers, to determine with whom it is worth working with and who is better to avoid. But you cannot rely only on the list. User assessments are subjective, as are the tasks on the Internet, the regions of residence of subscribers. Perhaps, in your case, the best home Internet from the list will be expensive or too slow, and the operator from the end of the rating will provide good conditions for a moderate fee.

Which home internet is better to choose

Choose the internet that suits your needs and connects easily.

Wired is more reliable - it is stable and provides high speed. Wireless can be connected even in the country, it does not require drilling the walls around the front door and often comes with other options, for example, satellite TV.

The speed can also be different. The maximum is provided by fiber optic cable. Its bandwidth is 1 Gb / s, but routers cut the speed, so the real one is usually less, about 500 Mb / s. This speed is enough to download a series of the series in two minutes, simultaneously play online games on a computer and watch digital TV, and use smart home technology. But if you only use the network to read news in the evenings, don't overpay for non-consumable megabits per second. You will have enough mobile Internet, which can also be connected to a computer.

Therefore, before choosing:

  • Assess your needs.
  • Check the rates of the operators available in your home.
  • Study reviews of suitable providers, look at the positions in the ratings.
  • Contact each operator and ask questions about connection and service.
  • Choose the one that suits you best.

Not sure about the choice? Discard the idea of \u200b\u200bcooperation with a provider that offers expensive equipment. If you cancel its services a couple of months after connecting, the costs will not be reimbursed to you.

You can find out which Internet is better to connect in your region by ordering a free consultation on our website. Leave your contact details and the operator will contact you shortly.

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