Dryness and discomfort in the intimate area. What to do with vaginal dryness Uterine dryness causes

Heating 01.10.2021


Throughout their lives, women are faced with various problems of an intimate nature, which are not accepted to be discussed in a decent society. Naturally, they are not subject to discussion, but they should become a reason for contacting a specialist. Vaginal dryness is a condition of the intimate zone, when the amount of natural lubricant secreted by the body decreases sharply (the process of its release stops). As a result of a lack of fluid, the walls of the vagina become thinner, unpleasant symptoms appear that interfere with a healthy, active life.

Causes of the feeling of dryness in the vagina

In medical practice, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis (). However, this term is valid in relation to only some variants of the onset of pathology. The processes of thinning of the vaginal mucosa, changes in size, loss of elasticity of the squamous stratified epithelium are not always associated with hormonal disruptions in the female body. Urinary tract infections, an abundance of perfumed intimate cosmetics, prolonged use of antibiotics sometimes become the causes of the disease.

A number of gynecologists prefer the term "vaginal atrophic dermatitis", which more accurately indicates the manifestation of the disease. Typical symptoms are:

  • a feeling of tightness in the inner walls of the vagina;
  • , vaginal opening;
  • discomfort during intercourse, which is accompanied by pain;
  • bleeding of the mucous membrane due to the appearance of wounds, ulcers on the epithelium of the intimate zone.

A number of specific symptoms are added to the above symptoms, if a woman has classic signs of colpitis caused by hormonal disorders of the body:

  • Unwillingness to have sex with a partner. Low estrogen levels lower libido. In addition, decreased sensitivity, pain, dryness, bleeding during sex negatively affect a woman's intimate life.
  • Infectious diseases. A decrease in natural lubrication leads to the thinness of the epithelium of the internal, external genital organs, a deterioration of the beneficial microflora of the mucous membrane, dry mucous membrane. Therefore, the pathogenic environment becomes a source of the inflammatory process in the intimate area.
  • : frequent urge, burning.
  • General deterioration in health, headaches, lethargy, weakness.

In order to normalize the functions of the glands, balance hormonal dysfunction, remove dryness, determine the correct treatment, it is necessary to find out the reasons, which can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Serious illness / disease of the body. Only a doctor will help to establish an accurate diagnosis, to prescribe a competent treatment. Observed when:
    1. the appearance of neoplasms;
    2. caused by a bacterial infection;
    3. endometriosis, uterine myoma;
    4. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the whole body due to a violation of the activity of the glands (Sjogren's syndrome).
  2. Changes in the hormonal background of a woman. In most cases, pathology occurs at the time of menopause or during pregnancy.
  3. Common reasons. It appears when:
    1. improper intimate hygiene;
    2. unreasonable use of douching;
    3. taking antibiotics or diuretics, medicines that lower blood pressure;
    4. allergic reactions to compound washing powders, soaps, gels;
    5. deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
    6. irregular sex life or lack of it.

The now popular use of perfumed shower gels is dangerous for a woman's body: fragrances, an excess of chemical components cause disturbances in the activity of the mucous glands. They cease to function normally, their secretion decreases: as a result, an unpleasant sensation appears. Do not forget about possible allergic reactions to the components of intimate cosmetics.

The acidic environment, which stimulates the production of beneficial lactic acid bacteria by the female genitals, is destroyed under the influence of gels that are unbalanced in terms of acidity. The optimum value should be 4-4.5 pH. To get rid of problems, you should abandon the newfangled deodorized toilet products in favor of ordinary soap, toilet paper without impurities and additives.

Tight underwear that squeezes blood vessels and disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs; synthetics, sometimes of poor quality, from which the panties are made, are harmful to the woman's health. The disease makes itself felt by irritation, tingling, itching of the perineum. Replace fashionable, beautiful polyamide underwear with no less beautiful and elegant cotton - and you will forget about the problem.

Another threat is the lack / lack of hygiene in the intimate area. Pathogenic microflora crowds out beneficial lactobacilli: many women are faced with Candida. The appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching and burning, thinning of the mucous epithelium signal a malfunction of the body. Even taking into account the abundant discharge, there are signs of atrophic vaginitis and discomfort.

Before your period

Why do unpleasant sensations periodically bother healthy women of reproductive age before menstruation? About 10% of the fair sex turn to a gynecologist with this problem: a few days before the onset of menstruation, the amount of the hormone progestogen in the body increases, which for a short period suppresses the production of estrogen. Such phenomena do not belong to pathologies and are considered absolutely harmless.

During pregnancy

The expectation of motherhood is a wonderful period in a woman's life. However, sometimes the course of pregnancy is accompanied by certain health problems: morning sickness, nausea, dryness in the intimate area, banal thrush are due to the restructuring of the body, the activity of the hormone progestogen. The enlarging uterus creates additional pressure on all organs, resulting in a change in the microflora of the vagina, a decrease in elasticity, and the appearance of symptoms of itching and irritation.

After childbirth

In the postpartum period, in most cases, vaginitis goes away by itself: the hormonal background is normalized and the secretion glands of the vagina begin to work in their usual rhythm. About 20% of women in labor complain of dryness and burning sensation in the area of ​​the labia minora. This is due to the release of the hormone prolactin, which temporarily "interrupts" estrogen. The recovery period takes 60 to 90 days. For women who gave birth by cesarean section, gynecologists advise taking up to 120 days to restore hormonal levels.

With menopause

Menopause () is the time of significant age-related changes in a woman's life. The restructuring of the body is associated with a significant decrease in the production of the female hormone estrogen. Vaginal dryness occurs in 50% of the fair sex over the age of 55. With menopause, this pathology is called atrophic vaginitis. Narrowing of the vaginal walls, loss of natural lubrication, deterioration of the glands lead to the formation of an alkaline environment that causes a feeling of friction, itching. Be sure to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

During intercourse

The unpleasant sensations of having sex negatively affect the sex life of both partners. Pain, discomfort, and, at times, bleeding, discourage a woman from having an intimate life, and a man will get a little pleasure from intimacy. However, gynecologists advise not to give up carnal joys: hormonal suppositories, lubricants will help to establish a sex life.

If the reason is the banal ineptitude, haste of the partner, then the solution to the problem will be to increase the time for foreplay. Excited, the woman's body reacts with an increased flow of blood to the genitals and vagina, enhancing the natural secretion of secretions by the glands. The constant use of condoms negatively affects the amount of lubricant formed in the vagina: if the mucosal epithelium is irritated, try to abandon the condom at least for a while.

Age dryness

5-7 years after the onset of menopause, the amount of estrogen secreted by the body decreases by 80%. According to scientists, at the age of 60 to 65 years, more than 75% of women suffer from atrophic colpitis with all accompanying symptoms: a decrease in the lumen of the vagina, dryness, bleeding of the mucous membrane. References to age, reluctance to see a doctor can end in disaster: with this disease, not only the multilayered epithelium of the vagina, but also the walls of the bladder (urethral tissue) becomes thinner, loses its elasticity.

Treatment methods

Only a gynecologist can determine and prescribe the correct treatment after an examination, finding out the causes of vaginitis. Of the necessary procedures, a woman will have to undergo a gynecological examination, in which the doctor will take a Pap smear (to exclude cancer), prescribe a general (clinical) blood test to avoid the possible development of urinary tract infections.

General measures aimed at eliminating a pathology such as vaginal dermatitis include the following:

  • With menopause, women may be offered non-hormonal or hormone replacement therapy to relieve dryness and irritation in the vagina.
  • During pregnancy, when breastfeeding a baby, the doctor will advise women to use special moisturizers - gels, ointments, topical lubricants that are not absorbed into the bloodstream in order to protect the baby.
  • In case of dryness due to violation of the rules of intimate hygiene, it is preferable to refuse any intimate cosmetics, toilet paper or wet wipes with aromatic additives.
  • Any drug, especially Atropine, antihistamines, blood pressure lowering drugs, or diuretics, should be used only when necessary and with a doctor's prescription. Self-treatment is dangerous due to the occurrence of side effects: from dryness to inflammatory processes in the vagina and urinary tract.
  • Refusal from bad habits that impair the blood supply to the vagina and cause dryness, itching, burning.
  • A balanced diet with a high content of legumes, to normalize the secretion of the vaginal glands and prevent dryness of the intimate area ..
  • Have a regular sex life with a regular partner. In the early stages, it is advisable to use intimate lubricating gels to reduce dryness. It is preferable to refuse flavored condoms.
  • The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, the side effect of which is dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina, is a reason for immediate medical attention. In this case, surgery or a lengthy treatment procedure may be required.

Medicines: tablets, suppositories and creams

Uncomplicated cases of atrophic colpitis, slightly associated with a violation of the production of the hormone estrogen, doctors suggest treating with non-hormonal drugs. They are also good in situations where hormone replacement therapy is not possible for a number of reasons. Vaginal tablets, homeopathic remedies, gels and ointments, topical creams (moisturizing the mucous membranes) will help get rid of discomfort.

  • Use fragrance-free lubricants before intercourse.
  • - maintain a healthy state of the mucosal epithelium without irritation.
  • Candles based on calendula "Vagikal" help relieve irritating factors - burning, itching, dryness, heal wounds and cracks.
  • Vaginal suppositories "Feminela", "Cicatridin" oval form provide long-term moisturizing of the vagina due to hyaluronic acid - the elixir of youth, and aloe, calendula remove dryness.
  • Homeopathic medicines "Cyclodinone", "" act on the pituitary gland, stimulating the production of estrogen, protecting the intimate area from dryness.
  • Vaginal gel "Gynokomfort" removes the symptoms of colpitis, normalizes the acidity level of the vagina, protects against infections.

Hormone therapy

With menopause, age-related changes in hormonal levels, the optimal solution to the problem of dryness in the vaginal area will be. Self-prescribed (on the recommendation of a friend, neighbor, Internet) estrogen drugs are dangerous to health: they can cause the formation of malignant tumors or dysplasia. Hormone therapy suggests the use of vaginal rings, ointments or lubricants, suppositories, tablets:

  • Gels "Dermestril", "Klimara", "Divigel" are inserted into the vagina with a special applicator. Unpleasant sensations disappear within an hour.
  • Hormone rings are placed by a gynecologist. Contain a certain dose of estrogen, which is gradually absorbed by the vaginal epithelium (effective from 1 to 3 months), relieving dryness and burning.
  • Candles for the vagina "Ovestin", "Oripod" are used in a course: daily for 2 weeks, gradually reducing the dosage to a minimum until the feeling of dryness disappears.
  • In some cases, the systematic use of tablets is prescribed as part of complex hormone replacement therapy.

How to eliminate dryness with folk remedies

Herbal preparations, baths, douching are very important helpers in the treatment of atrophic dermatitis of the vagina. Given the individual characteristics (intolerance, allergies), a woman will be able to avoid symptoms of dryness, itching and burning in the vagina by taking orally or taking baths with medicinal herbs:

  • You will need: nettle, oregano, calendula in the ratio (60 g, 20 g, 30 g), chamomile and Veronica officinalis 50 g each Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for at least 5 minutes. Leave to brew. The course of administration is 10-12 days, 100 ml daily. If dryness in the labia does not go away, see your gynecologist.
  • Very well removes the dryness of the walls in the vagina with a decoction of the uterus and mother. Mix 50 g of each herb, pour 400 ml of water and boil. Take a third of a glass 3 times daily before meals.
  • Douching with calendula decoction is an ideal way to get rid of atrophic colpitis with menopause, to remove the feeling of dryness, tightness of the walls. In order not to disrupt the beneficial microflora of the vagina, the number of douching in one course is no more than 5.
  • Baths with motherwort decoction relax the nervous system, relieving itching and discomfort: pour 60 g of grass with 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain and add to the bath. so that the feeling of dryness disappears, take such baths at least once a week.
  • Homemade tampons from a sterile bandage moistened with a liquid oil solution of vitamin E will help to remove dryness and strengthen the walls of the vagina. Combine the contents of the capsule with 10 teaspoons of boiled refined sunflower oil, dip the tampon in the mixture and put it in the vagina for 5 minutes. Can be used to lubricate mucous membranes until symptoms disappear.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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What to do with vaginal dryness: remedies

Health is one of the main criteria that makes a person's life comfortable. Dryness in the intimate area in women is common, but it is not customary to speak out loud about such diseases. Faced with a problem, many are embarrassed to ask a pharmacist for help or contact a gynecologist. A short review will be devoted to this delicate topic and the methods of treatment.

Causes of vaginal dryness

The most common cause of dryness in the intimate area in women is the onset of menopause. During this period, the body produces less estrogen, a hormone that is responsible for maintaining normal levels of moisture and acidity in the genitals. A decrease in concentration leads to a weakening of the protective functions of the mucous membrane, which causes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

However, itching and dryness in women in delicate places is not always associated with age-related changes. Girls often face a similar problem. Causes of occurrence:

  • taking progesterone-based contraceptives;
  • frequent douching;
  • uncontrolled medication intake;
  • use of care products for intimate hygiene (with dyes and fragrances);
  • allergy to pads, condoms;
  • wearing tight underwear made of artificial materials;
  • genital infection;
  • stressful situations.

Discomfort in the intimate area appears due to hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy and after childbirth. In the week before menstruation, estrogen levels decrease and progesterone rises, so unpleasant symptoms may occur. Bad habits (smoking, alcoholism) negatively affect the work of internal organs, changing the healthy hormonal background.

What symptoms and signs are characteristic of pathology

Dryness in the intimate area in women is a condition of the mucous membrane, in which the organ loses its elasticity, the ability to naturally produce mucus. Gynecologists determine a number of signs that are characteristic of pathology:

  • scanty vaginal discharge;
  • itching in the external genital area;
  • dry labia;
  • burning sensation in the perineum;
  • there is discomfort during intercourse;
  • itching inside the vagina;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Dryness in the intimate area is accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of the skin, the formation of wrinkles in the vagina. During the examination, the gynecologist discovers scratching spots on the labia. If help was not provided on time, then weeping ulcers appear, which are covered with crusts. In severe cases, the onset of an infectious inflammatory process with purulent discharge is not excluded.

Vaginal dryness treatment methods

At the first sign of a feeling of dryness in intimate places in women, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help. The advice of friends and self-medication will only make the situation worse. The task of the doctor will be to determine the causes of the disease and the appointment of therapeutic procedures. To obtain a complete clinical picture and exclude the infectious or oncological nature of the problem, a number of necessary tests are prescribed. Moisturizers for intimate hygiene with menopause relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Drug therapy

Based on the results of the study, the gynecologist prescribes an individual treatment regimen for the diagnosis. The first step is to remove the symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient. Remember: self-medication for dry intimate areas will aggravate the clinical picture, so seek help from a medical institution. Timely therapy will relieve complications.


Gynecological problems are quickly and effectively treated with suppositories. The drug is injected directly into the vagina and dissolves. The task of the medicine is to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, to regenerate the mucous membrane. Among the popular drugs that are used in therapy, they are prescribed:

  • "Cicatridine";
  • "Vagikal";
  • Feminela.

Creams, ointments and gels

Vaginal gel, cream or ointment has worked well for the treatment of dryness of the intimate area in women. They are easy to use: they are applied to the surface of the vulva with an applicator. The effect is noticeable after several treatments. The drugs are considered an alternative to suppositories, but they are inferior in effectiveness. Their task:

  • relieve discomfort;
  • regenerate surfaces;
  • disinfect inflamed organs;
  • to strengthen the secretory work of the mucous membrane;
  • some are also used as a lubricant for the vagina.


The causes of discomfort in the intimate area are different, therefore, drug treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. If analyzes have shown that the disease is infectious, then antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed. To maintain the immune system, vitamin therapy courses are prescribed. After antibiotics, it is recommended to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract with means with bifidobacteria.

Hormone therapy

If dryness in the intimate area is caused by a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood, then a course of hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. The patient is prescribed oral medications or modern vaginal medications:

  • suppositories are used twice a day until the problem disappears;
  • estrogen rings help the hormone penetrate into the vagina;
  • gynecological creams are applied once a day.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is always used as a complementary therapy. The attending physician prescribes one or another prescription based on the patient's diagnosis. The most effective:

  • strained calendula broth (a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water) is used for douching the intimate area;
  • an infusion of herbs of upland uterus and oregano (40 g per 500 ml of water) will help get rid of dryness in delicate places;
  • a bath of motherwort broth (20 g for two glasses of water) will relieve discomfort in seven days.

Video about dry female genital organs (Elena Malysheva)

Discomfort in an intimate place in women is an unpleasant symptom that signals health problems. If you do not consult a doctor in time, then more serious diseases will appear: oncology, infectious diseases. Why does this process take place and how to help the body cope with unwanted manifestations? Elena Malysheva will tell you about this in detail in a short video.

Every woman has a time to complete her reproductive function one day. But this is not marked only by the cessation of menstruation. Depleted ovaries of a woman reduce the secretion of female hormones, this leads to aging of all systems and organs, the appearance of diseases. Treating dryness in the intimate area during menopause is one of the unpleasant concerns of most women.

Dryness of the vulva is caused by a decrease in estrogen production during menopause, and now only 20% of the hormone is synthesized by the ovaries. Of the many functions of this hormone, one is to maintain the microflora of the mucous membranes of the body.

The lack of estrogen instantly affects the woman's vagina, and the lady often begins to feel uncomfortable in the intimate area for no reason.

What are the signs of vaginal dryness during menopause?

Symptoms of dryness of the intimate area can appear completely unexpectedly and have very unpleasant sensations:

  1. burning, itching of the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and the organ itself;
  2. the same manifestations at the entrance to the urethra;
  3. there is a tightness of the mucous membrane;
  4. bleeding mucous membrane;
  5. painful sensation during sexual activity.

From anatomy

The vulva is one of the components of the female system, which has quite a few purposes: to move sperm into the uterus, to protect the internal parts of the reproductive system. The vagina has a muscular structure, inside it there is a mucous membrane containing glands that produce a mucous substance of a weakly acidic quality, which does not allow pathogenic microflora to penetrate into the uterus. At a younger age, blood circulation in the epithelium is active: it saturates the mucous membranes with oxygen, renewing the tissues of the epithelium and glands.

When blood circulation is disturbed during the withering of the body, the mucous membranes shrink, become inelastic, thinner, are not smeared, as before, with a secret, the nerve endings in the epithelium are exposed.

As a result, dryness occurs in the intimate area during menopause. In medicine, this phenomenon is called atrophic, senile or senile colpitis or vaginitis.

Why does dryness of the intimate area begin?

Vaginal dryness is also possible in young women, but at the Balzac age, this trouble can speak of various problems inside the body:

  • many stresses during menopause, affecting many processes in the body, including dry mucous membranes;
  • treatment with certain drugs (antidepressants, antibiotics, diuretics, antiallergic) cause changes in vaginal secretions;
  • such a bad habit as smoking, which saturates the whole body with various poisons;
  • personal hygiene products with various chemical additives: dyes, fragrances;
  • wearing underwear made of artificial, synthetic fibers;
  • lack of sex in menopause due to pain, leading to greater dryness of the vagina, because the lubricant is not released. This is superimposed on a menopausal problem such as decreased sex drive.

Complications of colpitis

The reduced level of estrogen during menopause weakens women's health, her immunity decreases.

Colpitis that appears, if you do not take measures for treatment, can lead to the following manifestations:

  1. fungal diseases in the vagina and uterus - begin due to a change in the environment to alkaline, which is beneficial for the pathogenic flora;
  2. disease of the urethra, thinning of the walls of the bladder, urinary incontinence, cramps during urination;
  3. erosion in the genital area;
  4. the appearance of headaches, lethargy, weakness of the body.

Hidden causes of vaginitis

Vaginal dryness during menopause can appear due to latent diseases that can lurk for a long time inside the body without showing themselves.

Here is a list of diseases associated with dry vulva:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • myomatic nodes in the uterus and cervix;
  • diabetes;
  • a consequence of radiation or chemotherapy;
  • genital herpes;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Dryness in the genital area is also present after the removal of female organs, leading to artificial menopause.

Hygienic causes of dry vulva

It is not at all necessary that you get sick with a terrible unknown ailment if you experience unpleasant sensations inside the vagina. The reasons can be commonplace:

  • non-observance of the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • douching, which drains even more;
  • a consequence of treatment with antibiotics, diuretics, pressure-reducing pills;
  • allergy to laundry detergents, perfumed soaps, intimate hygiene gels;
  • decreased blood flow in the area of ​​female organs;
  • there is no or rare sex life;
  • tight underwear made of unnatural fabrics.

  1. Modern pleasantly smelling shower gels, perfumed soaps are replete with chemical harmful additives that irritate the skin and mucous membranes; moreover, they can lead to an allergic reaction. And since they have an alkaline composition, this can corrode the unprotected inner lining of the vulva or wash away the remnants of the protective secretion, and - the path is open for infection. To preserve the acidic environment in the vagina, using ordinary moisturizing soap, toilet paper without dyes and fragrances for intimate hygiene will be a way to protect the microflora of the intimate zone.
  2. Very tight underwear squeezes the body, does not allow blood to freely saturate the genitals with oxygen. It is also better to sacrifice a beautiful look in synthetic lace thongs and purchase cotton underwear, which is preferable for the health of the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Lack of washing also allows pathogenic fungi and infections to flourish in the vagina. A problem such as candidiasis, accompanied by bad amber from the intimate area, itching, burning, may come.
  4. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is dangerous at any age, can bring problems with infection with sexually transmitted diseases and other infections. One sexual partner for life - safe sex. By the way, even the use of condoms used for protection does not save from AIDS and hepatitis, since it has been proven that the size of the viruses is much smaller than the microscopic holes in the latex of products.
  5. To wash the intimate area, do not use facial wash and shower gel. Ph means should be neutral, so as not to harm the microflora of the vagina.
  6. For menopause, choose products for the intimate zone with phytohormones, lactic, hyaluronic acid, with aloe, panthenol, and extracts of soothing herbs. Check the possibility of allergens in the product.
  7. Do not use perfumed condoms with a non-smooth surface so as not to irritate the thinned epithelium.
  8. Do not expect that the problem of dryness of intimate places will resolve over time by itself. You need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to deal with this, understand that you need to learn to live with it until the end of your days. It is necessary to go to an appointment with a doctor to determine the causes of discomfort: if necessary, take tests to exclude the appearance of the disease and decide on the choice of remedies to eliminate dryness and burning.

Hormones to get rid of colpitis

Since with menopause there is a lack of estrogen in the female organs, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy to the patient.

It must be remembered that an independent choice of funds can be tragic for a lady, causing oncological tumors or endometrial dysplasia. Do not rely on the choice of your friends or relatives: let the gynecologist prescribe the right drugs. In hormone therapy, there is a fairly large selection of means for normalizing the estrogen balance - vaginal hormonal rings, ointments, lubricants, suppositories, tablets:

  • Administration of gels Dermestril, Climars, Divigel carried out with an applicator. Quickly relieve dryness and moisturize, create elasticity of the vaginal epithelium.
  • Installation hormonal ring- carried out by a doctor. This product contains estrogen, which is gradually absorbed by the mucous membrane and eliminates the symptoms of colpitis for 1 to 3 months.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories, Oripoda- Relieves bad sensations inside the vagina for two weeks.
  • With a serious lack of hormones, the gynecologist has the right to prescribe complex oral medications.

Hormonal suppositories

Intravaginal suppositories restore the mucous membrane of the intimate zone, and are not dangerous for a woman: they do not cause endometriosis and hormone-dependent tumors. In the case when a woman has contraindications to the use of drugs with estriol, herbal suppositories can be used.

The composition of the suppositories normalizes the state of the lactobacterial microflora in the vagina and saturates the mucous membrane with hyaluronic acid.

Having carefully studied the composition and contraindications of these suppositories, a woman herself can make a choice and purchase the following candles with a herbal composition:

  • Estrocad;
  • Estriol;
  • Orthoginest.

Gels or lubricants

Gels are used to lubricate the inside of the vulva to relieve the discomfort of the vulva.

Gels help only to relieve colpitis symptoms, without affecting the woman's hormone levels. The composition of the gels is similar to the natural lubrication of the vagina, they are designed to eliminate the feeling of dryness and cramps, especially during intercourse. For a prolonged effect, the gels contain synthetic hormones with lactic acid and chlorhexidine. Gels are used before sleep, with symptoms of colpitis, moreover, the dose of the substance introduced into the organ is gradually reduced over time. The following gels are popularly used:

  1. Divigel;
  2. Dermestril;
  3. Climars.

Phytohormone therapy for vaginal dryness

Many natural remedies have been developed to combat atrophic colpitis. Pay attention to the following forms:

  • application Cyclodinone, , Tsi-klima with phytohormones stimulates the body's production of estrogen;
  • vitamin intake A and E normalize the health of the mucous membrane;
  • vaginal suppositories with calendula, they remove the burning sensation, promote the healing of wounds and cracks;
  • application of candles Feminela, Cicatridine guarantees the removal of dry vulva for a long time; hyaluronic acid, aloe extract, calendula in their composition will help with this;
  • use of gels Gynocomfort, Gynofit, Monavita intended to remove the symptoms of vaginitis, normalize the acidity of the vaginal flora, protecting against infection, use before intercourse is desirable for menopause;
  • means Bliss in a gel form, it also removes the signs of colpitis and restores the lubrication of the vulva, hypoallergenic, moisturizing, heals vaginal microtrauma;
  • application Vagilaka on a gel basis and suppositories under the same name, popular among women with menopause, in the composition - lactic acid. The tool normalizes the lactoflora of the vulva, removes all unpleasant sensations, does not allow bacterial vaginosis to recur;
  • purchase Lactacid for the treatment of vaginitis will help to gently affect the mucous membranes, and restore their health.

Subject to hygiene and proper balanced nutrition with Omega-3 acid, you will be assured of a victory over vaginal dryness, but you should be reminded that you need to be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist.

How to use creams and gels?

Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the product. If there are no contraindications for you, the rules of application are as follows:

  1. washing and washing hands before the procedure ensures that germs do not get inside;
  2. with a clean applicator, apply the agent to the vulvar mucosa and into the opening of the vagina;
  3. the amount of funds for one application and the duration of use should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Alternative methods for vaginal dryness

What else can you do for vaginal dryness besides using medications? The use of herbs, douching, herbal baths is not superfluous in the treatment of dryness in the intimate area during menopause.

Using herbal decoctions, you don't have to worry about side effects and allergies. with all the manifestations of menopause, they have always been and will be the priority for the weaker sex.

It is possible to use decoctions both orally and for irrigation of the genitals, the composition is identical in both cases:

  1. Take nettle sixty grams, oregano - twenty, calendula - thirty, chamomile and Veronica officinalis - fifty grams each. Cook for five minutes in half a liter of water, lay when boiling. Take half a glass every day for up to two weeks.
  2. and motherboard are excellent herbs for women's health. Pour one hundred grams of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and insist, take a third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  3. You can douche the vagina by boiling calendula, but no more than five times in one course of treatment, so as not to damage the microflora of the vulva.
  4. You can wash with a diluted decoction of chamomile, string or borax uterus.
  5. Relaxation of the nervous system, removal of signs of vaginitis give motherwort baths. Pour sixty grams of motherwort with two glasses of hot water and boil for two to three minutes. Insist for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath. The procedure is performed once every 7 days.
  6. There is an extreme way to saturate the vulva with vitamin E: take a sterile bandage, make a tampon out of it, dip 1 ampoule of a liquid oil solution of vitamin E with boiled refined sunflower oil in a volume of 50 ml into the mixture, insert it into the vagina for five minutes. It is possible to use this mixture to lubricate the mucous membrane until the dryness in the vagina passes.

  • olive;
  • calendula.

If you are serious about your health, regularly use the selected means, the tissues of the mucous membrane are restored, moisturized, rejuvenated, cracks healed.

Streamlining the lifestyle and method is also important for the treatment of atrophic vaginitis in menopause, as is the medicine. The medical recommendations are as follows:

  • drink at least two liters of clean water a day to saturate the cells of the body with moisture and remove toxins;
  • decoctions of licorice root, arnica, sage, linden, hops, ginseng, chamomile are plant sources of estrogen, so necessary for menopause;
  • eating pumpkin dishes, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, cabbage, various legumes will also fill the diet with female hormones. By the way, lentils contain serotonin, a source of good mood, which is very necessary for women with menopausal breakdowns of emotions;
  • non-fat dairy products are very important in the diet of women;
  • sea ​​fatty fish and seafood should be eaten regularly for women's health;
  • cereal products, cereals;
  • regular consumption of seeds, nuts, apricots, dried apricots, dates;
  • eat mushrooms;
  • from fruits, it is most preferable to eat pomegranates to replenish the body with estrogens;
  • I would especially like to say about flaxseed: among other products, it has the highest amount of hormones, to normalize the hormonal background, you need to take only 2 large tablespoons of seeds;
  • it is recommended to limit food spicy, salty, alcohol and coffee, which irritate the mucous membranes of the body.

Dear women, take care of your health, do not wave your hand at the symptoms of dryness and in the female organs, visit your gynecologist in a timely manner. Be happy!

Informative video on this topic:

Vaginal dryness, which is called atrophic vaginitis in official medicine, is an irritation caused by thinning of the walls and wrinkling of the tissues of the vagina, and a decrease in the amount of natural lubricant secreted from them.

This manifests itself during that period of their life when they have a transition from the termination of the menstrual cycle to postmenopause. This ailment, like many others, began to lie in wait for women at a fairly early age.

Dryness of the mucous membrane causes discomfort, which is manifested by pain during intercourse. There may be a slight bleeding caused by microtrauma, since there was not enough moisture during sex.

Why does vaginal dryness occur?

During menopause, estrogen production gradually decreases and then stops completely. This process is accompanied by certain physiological changes in the woman's body.

Menstruation becomes irregular, hot flashes, mood swings appear, the voice becomes lower, and the amount of facial hair increases. Another symptom of menopause - vaginal dryness - occurs in one in three women. It should be noted that such a problem can occur at any age and for various reasons. It significantly impairs the quality of your sex life, but fortunately is treatable.


Gynecologists identify many reasons for the development of vaginal dryness and agree that such a deviation from the norm can be both a consequence and a cause of a more fundamental physiological disorder.

Among the most common reasons for this phenomenon are:

  1. As mentioned above, the main cause of dryness is. During this period, the production of estrogen is reduced in the female body, which is responsible for maintaining the necessary moisture and acidity of the vagina.
  2. Another age-related change that causes vaginal dryness is decreased production of hyaluronic acid... This substance is normally produced by the body to maintain tone, nutrition, tissue elasticity, and selective diffusion of dissolved nutrients. It is the hyaluronic acid molecules that are able to interact with water molecules, retaining them in the skin and mucous membranes, which ensures smoothness, softness, elasticity. With age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which complements the mechanism for the development of vaginal dryness.
  3. Vaginal dryness caused by insufficient mucus secretion may be a side effect of taking certain medications... A common reason is the use of for example, which suppress the symptoms of allergies.
  4. Any stress, regardless of the reason that provoked it, negatively affects health, disrupting the balance between hormones. As a result, the menstrual cycle fails, libido fading, burning, itching and dryness in the vagina appear. In this situation, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations is temporary, if, of course, a woman has the opportunity from time to time to rest from the problems that have piled on her fragile shoulders.
  5. Taking oral contraceptives often causes dryness. Mostly vaginal dryness is caused by so-called progesterone-only mini-pills.
  6. Sjogren's syndrome also contributes to the development of vaginal dryness. It consists in inflammation of the lacrimal, salivary glands and glands of the mucous membranes, resulting in dysfunction of the glands, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the amount of secreted secretion.
  7. It also contributes to the development of dryness in the vagina the appearance of an allergic reaction to some hygiene products containing hard alkalis (shower gel, lotion, perfume, etc.). When choosing hygiene products for intimate hygiene, give preference to non-allergenic products that do not contain dyes and fragrances with an acidity index of up to 4.5, but with a sufficient content of fatty substances.
  8. As a result of frequent and unnecessary douching the normal microflora of the vagina is disrupted and the tissues of the vagina are damaged, and this, in turn, also causes dryness.
  9. Slight vaginal dryness appears before menstruation, since during this period the production of gestagens, which suppress estrogens, increases sharply. These symptoms of a dry vagina are completely normal.

Dryness in the vagina, like its approach, is accompanied by dry skin and the formation of wrinkles due to the fact that the body decreases the production of estrogen and progesterone, the concentration of hyaluronic acid.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Separately, it should be said that a woman is dry in the vagina during pregnancy and after childbirth. The fact is that during pregnancy, the enlarged uterus constantly presses on this organ, its hormonal background and microflora change.

During pregnancy, the body is dominated by hormones progestogens, and estrogens are produced much less than in ordinary life. In this regard, vaginal dryness occurs, expressed by symptoms such as itching, burning, pain.

How does it manifest?

Gynecologists identify several main symptoms that determine such a phenomenon as vaginal dryness - we will list them.

  • burning sensation in the perineum;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness of the inner walls of the vagina;
  • itching in the labia, vaginal opening;
  • discomfort during intercourse, which is accompanied by pain;
  • bleeding of the mucous membrane due to the appearance of wounds, ulcers on the epithelium of the vagina.

Also, vaginal dryness often develops during menopause. In this case, the woman is also faced with increased dry skin, mood swings, problems with sleep and hot flashes. When these symptoms appear, it is also very important to see a doctor. Based on the tests for hormones, the doctor can choose the optimal methods of therapy that will quickly and effectively improve the patient's condition.

How to treat vaginal dryness

To get rid of the feeling of dryness and discomfort in the vagina, you need to know the reason for their appearance. If it is known for sure that dryness in the vagina is not associated with serious pathological reasons, it is enough to follow simple rules to eliminate it:

  1. Balanced diet with a high content of legumes, omega-3 fatty acids to normalize the secretion of the vaginal glands and prevent dryness of the intimate area ..
  2. Hygiene of the external genitals using products intended for intimate hygiene. It is worth giving up any intimate cosmetics, toilet paper or aromatic wet wipes.
  3. Rejection of bad habits that impair the blood supply to the vagina and cause dryness, itching, burning.
  4. Psychological comfort... During times of stress, the body produces many chemical compounds that compete with estrogens.
  5. In older women who have experienced menopause, dryness in the vagina is problematic to eliminate non-drug. At the heart of atrophic vaginitis is estrogen deficiency, therefore, there is only one way to eliminate the ailment - to make up for this deficiency with medication.

To eliminate vaginal dryness, it is necessary to use non-hormonal lubricants as intimate cosmetics, as well as lubricants that have a low pH level, thereby helping to maintain a healthy vaginal environment. In addition, you can use water-based intimate lubricants, lubricate the vaginal walls with vitamin E twice a week, and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It is recommended to include soy and fatty fish in the diet.

It has also been noted that women who regularly have sex experience fewer vaginal health problems than those who abstain from sex. Therefore, the answer to the question, "how to get rid of vaginal dryness?", May be a recommendation to have sex more often.

Hormone therapy

In the premenopausal period, a woman often develops atrophic vaginitis due to hormonal imbalance. With vaginal dryness against the background of a decrease in hormone levels, estrogen-based hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. It is estrogen that helps restore the functions of the vagina and regenerate its protective layer.

There are several types of vaginal hormone therapy during premenopausal or menopause.

  1. Vaginal suppositories are inserted into the vagina once a day for several weeks. After that, suppositories should be put twice a day until the symptoms disappear completely.
  2. Vaginal creams are inserted into the vagina through a special applicator daily for several weeks, after which the procedure is performed one to three times a week. The procedure is performed daily for several weeks, then according to the scheme 1-3 times a week.
  3. The estrogen ring is inserted into the vagina (it takes its shape), so that estrogen better penetrates directly into the tissues. The ring needs to be changed every three months.

In most cases, women declare a positive result after a few days of therapy. The reason for this is an increase in blood flow to the hip region, a gradual thickening of the vaginal walls, an increase in the amount of lubrication, and the elimination of pain during intercourse. It is worth noting that taking these drugs should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, so that in no case there is an excessive thickening of the walls of the uterus (hyperplasia), which can cause cancer.


Measures to prevent painful sensations when a woman has dry vagina are:

  • wearing cotton underwear;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • sufficient drinking regime;
  • full intimate life;
  • refusal of frequent douching;
  • treatment of all pathologies of the genital area;
  • use of pantyliners and panty liners without fragrance, do not overuse tampons;
  • implementation of proper hygiene of the genitals, rejection of irritating, aggressive cosmetics;
  • limiting pickled food, sugars, including vegetables, fruits, sea fish, vegetable oils in the diet.

Treatment for vaginal dryness sooner or later may be needed by every woman. But it is much easier to know the causes of this phenomenon and to prevent them than to undergo therapy and experience the painful symptoms of pathology.

Almost every woman has encountered such an intimate problem as vaginal dryness. This phenomenon is usually observed before and immediately after menopause. However, more and more often younger women and even girls began to turn to specialists for help.

The essence of the phenomenon

Vaginal dryness, which is called atrophic vaginitis in official medicine, is an irritation caused by thinning of the walls and wrinkling of the tissues of the vagina, and a decrease in the amount of natural lubricant secreted from them.

Dryness of the mucous membrane causes discomfort, which is manifested by pain during intercourse. There may be a slight bleeding caused by microtrauma, since there was not enough moisture during sex.

Frequent urge to urinate is one of the common symptoms of the disease. In some cases, the above phenomena may appear due to a genitourinary infection.

For every woman, the amount of lubricant released fluctuates at a different level. It's quite normal. Most of the fluid in the vagina is not noticed at all because it is odorless and colorless. Only moments of sexual arousal indicate its presence.

If the fluid ceases to be produced or is available in insufficient quantities, then a variety of unpleasant symptoms appear, for example, itching and burning, which accompany dryness in the vagina.

This symptom greatly affects the sex life, as a woman experiences pain during intercourse. Thus, the desire to have sex completely disappears.

Causes of vaginal dryness

This unpleasant condition can occur at any time, in women and girls of all ages and for various reasons.

  • Most often, vaginal dryness occurs with menopause, between the ages of 40 and 60 years. Menopause is characterized by a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body.

This hormone is responsible for maintaining normal levels of acidity and moisture in the vagina. When estrogen is produced in a significantly smaller amount, then the natural defenses are accordingly weakened, the acidity changes, and as a result, the level of alkali in the vaginal environment increases.

During this period, it is very easy to catch any infection, since the pH is very high and the tissues of the vagina are thinned. As a result, the likelihood of cracking and the formation of open ulcers on the walls is greatly increased.

  • At the same time, the tissues of the nearby urethra become thinner, and this, in turn, increases the penetration of fungi and other harmful microorganisms from the vagina there. Therefore, concomitant diseases can be urinary tract infections. Then the number of urinations in women increases and a burning sensation appears.
  • Taking medications also affects the decrease in estrogen levels in the body, as they can affect the process of its production.

Among them are the following: Atropine, drugs for normalizing blood pressure, antidepressants, drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids, antihistamines, desensitizing and diuretics, excitatory and cardiovascular drugs.

  • Vaginal dryness can result from the use of various hygiene products. An allergic reaction occurs after using soap, lotion, gel, perfume and other substances that include a large amount of hard alkalis.

When choosing products for intimate hygiene, it is better to focus on hypoallergenic, without dyes, aromatic additives, with a pH level of 4-4.5. But they are never used as a medicine, because they can cause irritation or even provoke inflammation.

  • Soaps should also be high in fat, without fragrances and dyes. Also, increased dryness can be caused by allergies to dyes and perfumes, which are contained in toilet paper or washing powder.
  • Very often, a dry vagina is a consequence of the use of oral contraceptives, for example, with progesterone.
  • This condition can also be observed in the days before menstruation. During this period, estrogen levels decrease significantly and progesterone rises, which causes dryness.
  • In addition, bad habits such as alcohol and smoking play an important role. They not only disrupt the normal functioning of internal organs, but also change the hormonal background.

Smoking strongly affects blood circulation, respectively, the blood flow to the pelvic organs decreases and causes atrophic changes. Also, this bad habit reduces the beneficial effects of estrogen on the body.

It is worth noting that women who smoke may begin menopause much earlier, and treatment with hormone replacement therapy based on the use of estrogens becomes ineffective.

  • The onset of dryness can be caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which are prescribed for malignant tumors. Their effect suppresses most of the body's functions, including the genital area.
  • Unreasonable and frequent douching also does not have a positive effect on the condition of the vaginal tissues. Rather, on the contrary, they violate the natural microflora and damage them, which leads to dryness.
  • Dryness is also observed in Sjogren's syndrome, since this disease causes inflammation of the glands, including mucous membranes.

Vaginal dryness can occur after childbirth and during pregnancy, as well as for a number of other reasons.:

  1. surgical removal of the ovaries;
  2. endometriosis;
  3. infections of the genitourinary system;
  4. vaginitis;
  5. genital herpes;
  6. violation of immunity;
  7. stress and depression;
  8. increased physical activity;
  9. nervous tension;
  10. dermatological disorders.

Vaginal dryness treatment

If the condition is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, then it is treated with hormone replacement therapy based on this hormone. In this case, topical preparations (suppositories and vaginal ointments) or oral medications are prescribed.

Types of vaginal hormone therapy:

  • Estrogen rings... They take the form of a vagina, which facilitates the penetration of the hormone into the tissues. The ring is changed once a quarter;
  • Suppositories. Enter once a day for several weeks. Later, use twice a day until the symptom disappears;
  • Creams. Injected with a special applicator into the vagina once a day for several weeks. Then 1-3 times a week.

The result can be felt after just a few treatments. The blood flow significantly increases, the walls of the vagina thicken, the amount of lubrication increases, the pain passes during intercourse.

The intake of such drugs must be supervised by the attending physician, because excessive thickening of the walls can cause the development of oncological diseases.

For patients for whom hormone therapy is contraindicated, medicinal herbs are prescribed. Their use also has a positive effect on the hormonal background. They increase blood flow, strengthen the reproductive system, but they must also be prescribed by a specialist.

Most often it is.

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