Division and cooperation of labor in the enterprise. Summary: Division and cooperation of labor Economic relations cooperation division of labor coordination

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Economic systems are based on the relative differentiation of activities, i.e. on the division of labor. Depending on the level of management, there are: general, private and individual division of labor.

The general division of labor is the process of separating various types of labor activity within the framework of the whole society, i.e. division of labor between various spheres of activity and production: industry, agriculture, construction, communications, trade, production and non-production spheres.

The private division of labor is the process of separating various types of labor activity both by industry, agriculture, and within them - by individual enterprises.

Within the industry, the private division of labor is characterized by the specialization of individual enterprises, associations in the production of certain types of products.

A single division of labor means the separation of various types of division within an organization, enterprise, within certain structural divisions (workshop, section, department, department, team), as well as the distribution of work between individual workers, the differentiation of the activities of workers in the process of joint labor.

It is with the division of labor that the organization of labor in the enterprise begins. Depending on the type, type and variety of work at the enterprise, the following types of division of labor simultaneously exist:

- functional;

– professional;

– technological;

- qualifying.

It should be noted that it is difficult to unambiguously indicate the sequence of the division of labor by type, since everything is determined by the characteristics of the activity, the specifics of the work.

The functional division of labor involves the division of workers into groups depending on their specialization in the functions performed.

Functional division of labor at the enterprise acts as a division of all personnel into the following functional groups:

- main workers;

- auxiliary workers;

- service workers;

- employees (specialists, managers, technical performers).

Professional division consists in the division of workers according to professions and specialties. A profession is understood as a kind of activity (occupation) of a person who owns certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained as a result of professional training. A specialty is a kind of profession, its narrower part, the specialization of an employee within the profession. For example, the profession is an economist, and the specialty is an economist by labor; the profession is a mechanic, and the specialty is a toolmaker, etc. On the basis of the professional division of labor, the number of employees of different professions necessary for the enterprise is determined.

Technological division of labor involves the placement of workers according to redistributions, stages, phases, types of work and production operations, depending on the production technology, content and features of the work. Here there are four types of division of labor: substantive, detailed, operational and by type of work.

Substantive division of labor provides for the assignment to a specific contractor of a set of works that allow the complete manufacture of the product. This kind of technological division of labor in modern production can be found in the assembly areas of simple products. The detailed division of labor is more common; it consists in assigning the production of the finished part of the product-detail to the workers. The most common form of technological division of labor is operational division, when an employee performs only one or a few technological operations. There may be a technological division of labor by type of work, when none of the listed types of technical division is suitable, for example, welding, painting.

Qualification division of labor represents the distribution of work depending on their complexity among employees of different qualification groups. The level of qualification of workers is established on the basis of the assignment of qualification categories to them. The first category corresponds to the lowest level of qualification. There are six-, eight-digit and other tariff scales at enterprises. The higher the rank, the higher the skill level of the employee. The level of qualification of managers and specialists is determined by the positions they hold.

The choice of the most rational forms of the division of labor depends on the type of production, the volume of output, its complexity, etc. Therefore, their search implies a mandatory analysis of these factors and the rationale for the optimal division of labor. Each division of labor has its reasonable limits. From a social point of view, an excessive division of labor impoverishes its content and turns workers into narrow specialists. From a physiological point of view, an excessive division of labor leads to its monotony, causes increased fatigue and, as a result, high staff turnover among workers employed in such jobs. In this regard, there are great difficulties in the organization of production processes.

Certain limitations follow from these peculiarities of the division of labor. There are technological, economic, psycho-physiological and social boundaries of the division of labor, which are the lower and upper limits, below and above which, respectively, the division of labor is unacceptable.

Technological division of labor boundary is determined by the existing technology, which divides the production process into operations. The lower limit of the formation of the content of the operation is a labor technique, consisting of at least three labor actions, continuously following each other.

Economic boundaries characterize the impact of the division of labor on the economic results of production, in particular, on the total costs of labor and material resources.

Economic frontier of the division of labor is determined by the level of workload of workers and the duration of the production cycle.

Lower economic The boundary of the division of labor will be such a division of the labor process, when the reduction in the cost of working time to perform an operation due to the deepening of specialization will be equalized, and then will be blocked by an increase in the time spent on transporting the object of labor from one workplace to another. The upper economic limit is determined by the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of the entire product at one workplace.

Psychophysiological boundary of the division of labor is determined by the permissible physical and psychological stress on the employee during the working day. For physical activity, the lower limit is energy consumption in the amount of 2.5 - 3 kcal / min., The upper limit is 4.5 - 5 kcal / min. For a neuropsychic load, the lower limit is limited by the following parameters: the number of production-important objects of observation that determine the level of attention tension should be no more than five; the duration of concentrated observation should not exceed 25% of the shift time; the pace of work should not exceed 360 movements per hour.

Social the boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the level of monotony of labor and staff turnover, the attitude of workers to work, the state of interpersonal relations. The monotony of labor is regulated by the duration of repeated homogeneous operations during the working day. The limiting value is the duration of such operations of at least 30 s, the frequency of repetition of heterogeneous elements of the operation should be at least five in 30 s.

For a specific production situation, it is important to find the best option, i.e. the optimal level of division of labor, which is calculated based on the use of economic, psychophysiological and social criteria.

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Faculty of Management Economics and Law

Abstract on the topic:

"Division and cooperation of labor"

Kazan 2006


1. Essence and meaning of the division of labor

2. Essence and forms of labor cooperation

3. Directions for the development of the division and cooperation of labor


List of used literature



1. The essence and significance of the division of labor

The formation of an effective system of labor organization largely depends on the organization of connections and relations that make up the subsystem of the division of labor, since the division of labor primary(backbone) element of the entire system of labor organization. The rest of the elements, including the cooperation of labor, are derived from the division of labor.

The division of labor according to the form of manifestation is divided into 2 types:

* the first type is the division of social labor into various branches of labor;

* The second type is the division of labor in the production of any commodity. Despite the difference, both types of division of labor develop in a single process through constant interaction and therefore have common characteristics. Each of the types includes types of division of labor.

The first type includes 2 types: general and particular; to the second type - the individual division of labor.

General division of labor is the process of separating various types of labor activity within the framework of the whole society, that is, the division of labor between various fields of activity and production: industry, agriculture, construction, communications, trade, production and non-production spheres.

Private the division of labor is the process of separating various types of labor activity both by industry, agriculture, and within them - by individual enterprises.

Within the industry, the private division of labor is characterized by the specialization of individual enterprises, associations in the production of certain types of products.

single the division of labor means the separation of various types of work within an organization, enterprise, within its certain structural divisions (workshop, section, department, management, team), as well as the distribution of work between individual workers.

Specific labor processes are carried out within the framework of a specific labor collective (organization, enterprise), therefore, within the framework of a single division of labor, therefore, the forms of a single division of labor are the direct object of labor organization in an enterprise.

The establishment of rational depth and forms of division and cooperation of labor helps to reduce labor costs, production costs, and increase labor productivity. These are, ultimately, the main economic goals pursued in the improvement of the division of labor.

The most important specific directions of the impact of the division of labor on the change in its costs:

* firstly, due to the division of labor, the employee has the opportunity to perform a limited number of functions, while performing them repeatedly, which leads to a reduction in the effort and time spent on operations, improving the quality of work;

* secondly, the division of the labor process into separate more or less small operations contributes to the development of a certain rhythm in work. Rhythm - this is a natural repetition of a set of any actions (movements), when the beginning and end of individual movements are always within the same boundaries in space and time. The significance of the development of a certain (optimal) rhythm in work is that the rhythm, being an element of mental motivation in work, contributes to the development of automatism in the performance of movements, in which the brain is freed from a large additional load, excessive stress, and the functions of the central nervous system are facilitated. Each person has his own individual rhythm of work, this must be taken into account when organizing work. At the same time, an employee can change the rhythm within certain limits, which is achieved during training, exercises, and this must also be taken into account when organizing work;

* the third direction of the impact of the division of labor on the growth of its productivity - constant quantitatively limited material factors participate in the labor process, that is, the same type of equipment, fixtures, equipment, tools is used. At the same time, the tools and equipment are specialized - adapted to perform certain labor operations.

* and, finally, with a fractional division of operations into its simple elements, the possibility of mechanizing its implementation increases,

All of the above points lead to the fact that the employee performs the work more carefully, efficiently, skillfully, spends less time and effort on this, therefore, works more productively and efficiently.

However, this raises the question of whether a further division of labor is always expedient and efficient? It turns out not. There are parameters, conditions that limit the expediency and effectiveness of deepening the division of labor.

1) Deepening the division of labor is effective with a sufficiently large volume of production of goods and services.

2) For the implementation of individual operations, a sufficient number and a certain composition of equipment is necessary so that it is enough for each operation, and taking into account the nature of the operations performed.

3) It is necessary to ensure a certain ratio between the number of employees and the number of allocated operations.

4) It is necessary to take into account the level of labor organization in auxiliary production areas: it must correspond to the level of labor organization in the main industries. As a rule, this level is lower in auxiliary areas. In this situation, a further division of labor can increase the gap in the levels of labor organization of the main and auxiliary industries, which, ultimately, will affect the quality of service, therefore, will have a downward effect on the effect obtained from the deepening division of labor.

Along with the conditions listed above, the boundaries of the division of labor are also distinguished. No matter how great the advantages of the division of labor, its deepening has its limits, namely: technical, economic, psycho-physiological and social. The boundaries of the division of labor are the maximum allowable values ​​for the division of the labor process, within which the greatest labor efficiency is achieved.

technical border the division of labor associated with the technical capabilities of modern production has two meanings: upper and lower.

The lower technical limit is a labor technique consisting of at least three labor actions (for example, a move technique: take + move + put). This is explained by the fact that an operation cannot consist of one separate labor action, moreover, a labor movement. The upper technical limit is the processing of the entire object of labor. Economic frontier the division of labor is the comparative duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of certain products, or the specific cost of working time per unit of output before and after the deepening of the division of labor. The total cost of working time for the manufacture of products should be equal to or less than those that were under the previous organization of labor. That is, the total influence of factors that reduce the duration of the production cycle (product processing time) should be greater than the total influence of factors that increase this duration. If the duration of production cycles is equal, the variant of the division of labor is chosen, in which the share of operational work in the total cost of working time is greater.

Psychophysiological boundaries the division of labor is associated with the rapid emergence and growth of employee fatigue with excessive fragmentation of work, which results in the monotony of labor. Studies by physiologists and psychologists have shown that with the duration of production operations less than 30 seconds. the division of labor leads to an increase in worker fatigue and a decrease in labor productivity.

The psychophysiological boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the amount of physical and neuropsychic stress on the worker during the working day.

For physical activity, the lower limit is an energy consumption of 2.5-3 kcal / min., The upper limit is 4.5-5 kcal / min.

For the neuropsychic load, the lower limit is limited by the following parameters: the number of productionally important objects of observation that determine the level of attention tension should be no more than 5; the duration of concentrated observation should not exceed 25% of shift time; the pace of work should not exceed 360 movements per hour.

For the upper limit, these parameters should not exceed, respectively, 25 objects of observation, 75% of the shift time for concentrated observation, 1080 movements per hour.

social border the division of labor is determined by the degree of content of labor, i.e. the number and variety of actions and techniques contained in the production operation. A rational division of labor should ensure that each performer performs operations that require creative activity.

In addition, if possible, there should be no excessively strict, rigid regulation of the sequence and methods of performing an operation within the framework of the current technology.

Division of labor, its forms and efficiency criteria. The organization of labor at the enterprise begins with its division, which, as an element of the organization of labor, is the separation of the types of activities of employees, the establishment of functions, duties, scope for each of them, as well as for their groups that form different units.

In different cases, at any production site, a standard task periodically arises related to the distribution of work between performers, with the placement of workers, with the definition of types of work for them. Similar tasks are solved in the design of labor processes. All this is called the division of labor in the enterprise.

Depending on the type and variety of work, the division of labor is distinguished: functional, professional, technological and qualification. In addition, the division of labor occurs on a "territorial" basis between large and between small units, as well as within units. All of the above division forms coexist, that is, they are present at the same time. It is difficult to unambiguously indicate the sequence in which the division of labor is carried out according to forms. Everything is determined by the characteristics of the activity, the type of work.

functional the division of labor involves the division of personnel into functionally homogeneous groups, each of which differs in its role in the implementation of the production process or activity. There may be several such groups. First of all, employees, workers, junior service personnel, students, and security are singled out. According to the classification adopted in our country, the category "employees" is divided into managers, specialists, and other employees, who are sometimes called technical executors.

Workers are divided into main and auxiliary. The former are directly engaged in the production of those products that are core (basic) for the enterprise. The second perform work on the maintenance of the main production. We draw your attention to the fact that such a division does not mean that auxiliary workers are of secondary importance, or "second-rate" in comparison with the main ones, as the name might seem. Both are equally important for production. Auxiliary workers, in turn, are also divided into functional groups: repair workers, product quality controllers, workers engaged in energy, transport, economic and other types of services.

Junior service personnel include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, etc. In the functional group "security" there are guard, paramilitary, fire protection.

With the functional division of labor, one of the problems is to justify the expediency of combining the functions of workers from different functional groups, for example, main and auxiliary workers. It is also necessary here to address the issues of substantiating the level of centralization and specialization of work for individual functional groups.

Professional division consists in the division of workers according to professions and specialties. Under profession refers to the type of activity (occupation) of a person who owns certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained as a result of professional training. Speciality- this is a kind of profession, its narrower part, the specialization of an employee within the profession. For example, the profession is a mechanic, and the specialty is a toolmaker, etc.

It should be noted that in the system of higher professional education, the state educational standards distinguish the following professional gradations: qualification, specialty and specialization. For example, a qualification is an economist, a specialty is labor economics, a specialization is the organization and regulation of labor. On the basis of the professional division of labor, the number of employees of different professions and specialties necessary for the enterprise is determined.

Technological the division of labor involves the placement of workers in stages, phases, types of work and production operations, depending on the production technology, on the content and features of the work. Here there are four types of division of labor: substantive, detailed, operational and by type of work.

In the substantive division of labor, the performer is assigned the performance of work related to the manufacture of the finished product. This kind of technological division of labor in modern production can be found in the assembly areas of simple products. The detailed division of labor is more common, it consists in assigning to the workers the manufacture of the finished part of the product - the part. The most common form of technological division of labor is operational division, when an employee performs only one or a few technological operations. Maybe the technological division of labor and by type of work, when none of the listed types of technological division is suitable, for example, welding, painting, etc.

The operational division of labor is associated with the emergence of a rather complex contradiction between labor productivity and its content. Historically, the process of development of material production proceeded from universal labor to specialized labor. These types of work have their positive and negative sides. Universal labor requires versatile skill from the worker, equal skill in performing different jobs. This, as a rule, is a meaningful, interesting, varied work, saturated with creative elements. With all these positive qualities, such work is not very productive. The progress of production followed the path of specialization of labor, the separation of work by specialty, and within specialties - by type of work, which contributed to the growth of labor productivity and an increase in production efficiency. As production became more complex, to ensure the growth of labor productivity, more and more specialization was required, an ever narrower division of labor.

What are the advantages of specialized labor over general labor? There are several such advantages:

1. You can more successfully select a performer to perform work that requires certain individual qualities from him.

2. The term for preparing an employee to perform a limited range of duties is reduced.

3. The worker quickly achieves the skill, the necessary speed and accuracy of work.

4. Prerequisites are being created for a more complete mechanization and automation of labor.

5. Better opportunities are being created to improve the organization of the workplace, equipping it with specialized equipment and tools.

All this contributes to the growth of labor productivity. But as specialization deepens, due to the increasingly narrowing range of duties and work, the content of labor decreases, its monotony, monotony grows, work loses its attractiveness, and in the case of excessive specialization, the fundamental essence of human labor as rational labor is lost, the worker becomes, as it were, an appendage of the machine. , one of its parts. This can be seen in some workplaces in mass production on conveyor lines.

The transition of the rational border of specialization leads to the fact that the growth of labor productivity stops due to the accumulation of negative aspects of highly specialized labor: interest in work disappears, staff turnover increases, and this leads to additional costs for the selection and training of new employees, new employees need time to master responsibilities, some jobs are empty, etc.

Qualifying the division of labor is the distribution of work depending on their complexity among workers of different skill groups. The level of qualification of workers is established on the basis of the assignment of qualification categories to them. The first category corresponds to the lowest level of qualification. There are six-, eight-digit and other tariff scales at enterprises. At public sector enterprises, i.e. those whose activities are financed from the state budget, a single 18-digit tariff scale has been established. The higher the rank, the higher the skill level of the employee. The level of qualification of managers and specialists is determined by the positions they hold. For specialists - engineers, designers, technologists - categorization is established, for example, designers of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st categories. Here the 1st category means a higher qualification than the 2nd, and even more so the 3rd.

To address issues of division of labor, the concepts of "division boundaries" and "division level" are used. Separation boundaries - these are the lower and upper limits, below and above which, respectively, the division of labor is unacceptable. Level separation- this is the accepted calculated or actually achieved value, characterizing the state of the division of labor.

There are the following boundaries of the division of labor: technical, economic, psycho-physiological and social.

The unit of division of labor is the production operation. But operations can be complex and simple. Lower technical the boundary of the division of labor will be a production operation, consisting of one labor method, as a set of labor actions and movements of an employee, continuously following one another and having a specific purpose. This is usually a simple elementary job. The upper technical boundary of the division will be the manufacture of the entire product at one workplace.

Lower economic The boundary of the division of labor will be such a division of the labor process, when the reduction in the cost of working time to perform an operation due to the deepening of specialization will be equalized, and then will be blocked by an increase in the time spent on transporting the object of labor from one workplace to another. The upper economic limit is determined by the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of the entire product at one workplace.

Psychophysiological the boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the amount of physical and neuropsychic stress on the worker during the working day. For physical activity, the lower limit is energy consumption in the amount of 2.5-3 kcal / min., The upper limit is 4.5-5 kcal / min. For the neuropsychic load, the lower limit is limited by the following parameters: the number of productionally important objects of observation that determine the level of attention tension should be no more than 5; the duration of concentrated observation should not exceed 25% of shift time; the pace of work should not exceed 360 movements per hour. For the upper limit, these parameters should not exceed, respectively: 25 objects of observation, 75% of shift time for concentrated observation, 1080 movements per hour.

Social the boundaries of the division of labor are determined by the level of monotony of labor and staff turnover, the attitude of workers to work, the state of interpersonal relations. The monotony of labor is regulated by the duration of repeated homogeneous operations during the working day. The boundary value is the duration of such operations at least 30 seconds, the frequency of repetition of heterogeneous elements of the operation should be at least five in 30 seconds. The attitude of workers to work is revealed through their surveys. The opinions of employees about the degree of satisfaction with work, according to the measurements accepted in sociology, can be in the range from 0.33 to 1.0. Personnel turnover as a sociological limit should not be higher than the industry average or the average for a group of similar enterprises. The level of social activity (participation in rationalization and inventive work, correspondence and evening education in the system of general and vocational education, advanced training, etc.), which is measured by the ratio of the number of employees participating in such forms of activity to the total number of staff, according to sociologists, should be in the range from 10 to 100%.

Interpersonal relationships are measured using the coefficients of psychological tension of relations (interval from 1 to 0), reciprocity (interval from 0 to 1), neutrality (interval from 1 to 0).

If the boundaries of the division of labor indicate the limits of acceptable decisions that should guide the organizers of labor and production in this area, then for a specific production situation it is important to find the best option, that is optimal level of division of labor, which is calculated based on the use of economic, psychophysiological and social criteria.

economic criteria the division of labor is: the cost of working time and material costs for the performance of work, the degree of use of the qualifications of workers, the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing a product, the level of labor productivity, production costs, and the profit of the enterprise. The economic direction of improving the division of labor is to achieve savings in labor and material costs, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in production costs and an increase in the profit of the enterprise.

Guided by economic criteria, the leader in the division of labor should strive to use workers in accordance with their qualifications, i.e. so arrange the staff so that the level of qualification of each employee corresponds to the complexity of the work performed by him. It should minimize labor costs, material resources and, ultimately, production costs, as well as maximize labor productivity and profits of the enterprise.

Psychophysiological criteria division of labor serve as indicators of human performance, which depends on the sanitary and hygienic working conditions, on the severity and neuropsychic intensity of labor, on the distribution of physical loads on different organs and systems of a person, on the magnitude of the combination of physical loads with mental ones. In the division of labor, the variant of labor is chosen which ensures the maximum working capacity of a person and in the best way ensures the health of the worker.

social criteria the division of labor is the stability of the team, low staff turnover, high labor discipline, a good state of interpersonal relations between interacting workers, a high level of their social activity, satisfaction with the content and working conditions.

Establishing the optimal level of division of labor with such a large number of various criteria is a rather difficult task. Here it is important to decide where to start, which groups of criteria to give preference to. Decision 1 will be erroneous if only economic criteria are used. Most noteworthy is the experience of optimizing the division of labor, when calculations begin with the use of social, then psychophysiological, and only then economic criteria. With this approach, the best probability of satisfying the interests of individual employees, the primary unit and the enterprise as a whole is created.

The solution of such problems is carried out using mathematical methods, computers or personal computers. Methodological recommendations "Application of mathematical methods and technical means in the study and design of workers' NOT" were developed by the Research Institute of Labor back in 1974. At present, the problem of software for solving such problems on personal computers for different categories of workers (employees and workers) in various industries has become acute. activities. The use of a PC will provide ample opportunities for calculating the optimal level of division of labor in any enterprise, in each firm.

2. The essence and forms of labor cooperation

The division of labor, leading to the separation of certain types of work and workers, necessitates the unification of the labor activity of all workers so that their joint efforts lead to the achievement of the ultimate goal of the organization. Such an association of individual performers, the establishment of relationships between them to achieve a common goal of production is called labor cooperation.

Cooperation of labor is, as it were, the second, inalienable side of the division of labor.

From a functional point of view, labor cooperation is the establishment of production links (in time and space) between various labor processes isolated as a result of the division of labor, which ensures continuity, rhythm, and synchrony of production.

From an organizational point of view, labor cooperation is an association of workers for systematic joint participation in one or different, but interconnected, labor processes. *

Labor cooperation maintains consistency in the work of individual and collective performers, ensures the continuity of the production process, the rhythm of output, shortens the production cycle, allows better, more efficient use of the personnel of an enterprise or organization.

The scale of cooperation depends on:

* the depth of the division of labor - the deeper the divisions of the ore, the wider its cooperation;

* the level of technology;

* existing technology;

* organizational type of production;

* forms of division of labor;

* Forms of organization of production.

The task of introducing rational forms of labor cooperation at the enterprise is to establish and maintain the optimal proportionality of certain types of specialized labor, to establish rational production relations between employees.

At enterprises and organizations, labor cooperation is carried out in the following forms:

* between shops (intershop form of labor cooperation);

* between different sections within the workshops (intra-shop or inter-sectional labor cooperation);

* between performers (in the form of intra-divisional and intra-team labor cooperation).

If the organization has a different structural division, the forms of labor cooperation are named in accordance with this structural division.

At interdepartmental labor cooperation specific, systematic production links are established between the shops involved in the creation of the finished product. Production links between workshops depend on the principle of building specialized workshops. Labor cooperation can be technological or substantive, depending on the principle by which the workshops are organized. At technological cooperation the products of this workshop are transferred to another workshop to perform work at the next stage of the technological process. In conditions subject cooperation the relationship between the shops are manifested at the final stage of the production process, when the shops transfer their products to the assembly or another shop, where the process for the production of this type of product is completed. This applies to cooperation between the shops of the main production.

The production links that exist between the main and auxiliary shops are that, based on the planned tasks of the main shops, the number and nature of the equipment, the number of employees, the auxiliary shops must ensure the normal functioning of the main shops.

The second of the above forms of cooperation - intrashop-- consists in establishing production links between employees of specialized sections within a given workshop, if any. These links are established depending on the form of division of labor; like inter-shop, intra-shop cooperation of labor can act in the form technological, or subject labor cooperation.

3. Directions for the development of the division and cooperation of labor

Changes in the professional division of labor are also associated with scientific, technical and information progress, during which the differences between individual types of labor are erased and thereby the commonality of the scientific and technical foundations of many professions is expanding, so-called cross-cutting professions appear. The study of these basics allows you to partially or completely master other operations. This creates conditions for versatile creative activity, for expanding the scope of activities and forming workers of a wide profile. In the course of scientific and technological changes, economic and social progress, some professions disappear altogether, new professions appear, many old professions significantly change their content and name.

Important directions in the development of the division and cooperation of labor are the use of collective forms of labor organization, the combination of professions (functions) and positions, the expansion of service areas, multi-machine (multi-aggregate) service.

The essence of the combination of professions is that the employee, during the duration of the working day established by law, along with his main job, performs the additional work of another employee, usually classified as an adjacent profession. This leads to the complete release of workers who previously worked in a combined profession (if the combination is carried out constantly).

When combining functions, the employee, while maintaining the previous profile of his work, partially performs the duties of another performer. Such a combination of functions is accompanied by a partial release of workers.

The expansion of service areas differs from the combination of professions in that in this case, work is combined within the same profession. By this measure, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the use of working time, the release of workers.

The combination of professions (functions), the expansion of service areas are caused by the need for a more rational use of working time, a fuller load of equipment, increased maneuverability in the use of personnel, and ensuring interchangeability. The combination of professions (functions) expands the production profile of an employee, contributes to an increase in professional and qualification mobility, the content of labor, and eliminates monotony in work.

The main conditions under which it is possible and economically justified to combine professions:

* the presence of unused working time for employees, due to the production technology or the equipment used;

* the commonality of the content of labor in combined professions, their technological and functional interdependence;

* territorial proximity of jobs;

* diversity of performance of combined functions;

no negative impact of combining work on the accuracy, quality and productivity of labor;

sufficient professional level of the employee or the possibility of its promotion.

Varieties of combining professions

I. By types of combined professions, works, functions:

combination of basic functions with the main ones;

combination of main functions with auxiliary ones;

combination of basic functions with equipment maintenance functions;

combination of a number of auxiliary (or serving) functions;

combination of auxiliary functions (or serving) with the main ones.

P. By the number of combined professions (specialties):

one profession (simple combination);

several professions (combined combination).

III. According to the degree of combination:

full (with the implementation of the entire scope of work in the combined profession); partial (with the performance of part of the functions of the combined profession).

IV. In order of combination:



V. According to the complexity of combined work compared to work in the main profession:

* the lowest level;

* similar category;

* higher grade.

VI. According to the stability of the combination:

* temporary;

* permanent.

The specific form of combination is chosen in specific production conditions, depending on the production technology, the composition and location of equipment, the forms and depth of the division of labor, the qualifications of workers, etc.

Work on the introduction of a combination of professions and functions is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Identification of conditions, prerequisites for combining professions, functions (analysis of the balance of working time).

2. The choice of objects for the implementation of the combination.

3. The choice of options (types) of combination.

4. Determination of new functions of the employee, the amount of combined work and workload of the employee.

5. Calculation of labor standards.

6. Designing the organization of labor for an employee combining professions and functions.

7. Development of the necessary organizational and technical activities.

8. Development of a combination incentive system.

9. Calculation of the expected economic efficiency.

10. Training (if necessary) for employees of a combined profession; employee briefing.

11. Introduction of combination.

12. Making the necessary changes during the implementation of the combination.

13. Calculation of the actual economic efficiency from the combination of professions, functions, assessment of the social effect.

When identifying the possibilities of combining professions, all types of work performed are examined, the actual balance of the working time of performers is analyzed.


* the composition of the main and auxiliary works;

* employment of each performer;

* the degree of duplication of work;

* specific weight of each type of work;

* the proportion of time spent by auxiliary, serving workers;

* the amount of free time, as well as loss of working time, their causes.

When determining the scope of work for the main and combined profession, it is necessary to take into account:

* the volume of work in a combined profession should, as a rule, be less than in the main one;

* the complexity of the combined work should have minimal fluctuations;

* the combination should ensure the normal employment of workers, reducing monotony and increasing the content of labor;

* the expansion of the combination of professions is permissible up to a certain limit, which is due to the fatigue of the employee;

* for workers employed in areas with unfavorable working conditions, one should choose such a combination of professions in which one can reduce the impact of harmful factors;

* Operations accepted for combination should not load the same body systems.

In the absence of regulatory materials, the scope of work can be determined on the basis of the FDD (photos of the working day) in such a way that the sum of the time of work in the main and combined professions and time for rest would correspond to the shift fund of working time.

To determine the specific possibility of combining professions, a given employee uses the coefficient of possible combination.

Along with the combination of professions and functions important direction development division and cooperation of labor, rational use of the total fund of working time and expansion of the work profile of performers is a multi-machine service.

Multi-machine (multi-unit) service is a service in which a worker (or team) simultaneously (during a work shift) services several machines (aggregates). At the same time, the worker performs manual work on some machines during the machine-automatic time of operation of other machines. The main condition for the use of multi-machine maintenance is that the machine-automatic time of each machine must be greater than or equal to the time during which the worker is busy servicing all other machines.

In practice, the most widespread are 2 variants of multi-machine maintenance.

1) Maintenance of several backup machines, i.e. machines that are not connected by a common rhythm of work with other machines and work independently of each other, therefore, stopping one of them does not cause the others to stop.

2) Maintenance of machines connected by a common rhythm of work.

Considering the multi-machine maintenance option is important when determining the number of machines and when choosing a maintenance method.

When switching to multi-machine maintenance, the necessary preparatory work must be carried out.

1) It is necessary to check the fulfillment of the norms by the workers for a number of months and analyze the balance of working time and equipment operation in order to identify the amount of passive observation time, downtime, and the systematic implementation of the norms.

2) Determination of the optimal service area.

3) The choice of a rational functional division of labor between workers.

4) Selection of machines, taking into account the structure of operational time and uniformity in the methods of managing them.

5) Equipping the equipment with convenient control panels, devices, etc.

6) Rational placement (planning) of equipment at the workplace, development of convenient routes for the movement of a multi-machine operator from one machine to another.

7) Selection of appropriate parts (products) for processing under conditions s of multi-machine service.

8) Development of rational techniques and methods of labor, training of workers in them.

9) Determination of the most effective maintenance systems for a multi-machine workplace.

10) Calculation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of multi-machine maintenance.

11) Ensuring the material interest of workers in the transition to multi-machine service and in achieving high results of their work.

The basis for calculating multi-machine maintenance is the duration and structure of the cycle of multi-machine work. Multi-Machine Service Cycle- this is the time during which all regularly recurring elements of operational work on the serviced machines are fully implemented.

The most widely used in industry are 3 methods of multi-machine service: sentry (duty), route and route-sentry. With the guard method, the worker observes the operation of all machines, approaches them when necessary. This method is possible when servicing a group of different types of technological equipment, backup machines, and is advisable when servicing a small number of machines.

With the route method, a multi-station bypasses objects along a certain route, stopping at those that require service. This method is used everywhere - in the case of cyclic and non-cyclic operation, but with a large service area.

The route must meet the following requirements:

1. should be the shortest so that the worker returns as quickly as possible to the place from which he left (in order to quickly eliminate possible problems that have arisen during his absence);

2. ensure uniform maintenance of each machine, or section of the workplace;

3. be simple.

The route can be pendulum, ring (circular), return, cross-ring.

The route-guard service method combines the first two methods. Its use is advisable when servicing several machines, among which there are machines that perform single-pass operations with a long technological cycle, as well as machines that perform relatively short, but multi-pass operations. Then the maintenance of the first, with a long technological cycle, is carried out according to the route method, and the rest - as needed. The layout of the multi-station workplace should provide, along with the minimum time for the transitions of the worker from machine to machine, the following:

* free approach to each machine;

* direct territorial connection of the working area with common aisles and driveways, but without crossing the working area;

* the possibility of a free overview of all serviced equipment from any point of the bypass route.


Trends in changing the content and forms of the division and cooperation of labor associated with technical progress and the development on its basis of the organization of production and labor in enterprises are different and often contradictory.

Scientific and technological progress leads to the development and improvement of the tools of labor - machines, mechanisms, tools, to progressive changes in production technology. The more production is mechanized and automated, the farther away is the worker-executor from the object of labor and from its direct transformation. The functions of a worker are performed by a machine, automatic machine or appropriate equipment. At the same time, two somewhat contradictory tendencies appear: on the one hand, the labor process is facilitated, but at the same time, it requires a higher qualification of the worker for its implementation (knowledge of the machine, management skills, study of technology, etc.). On the other hand, the mechanization of labor processes is accompanied by a deep division of labor processes into small and insignificant labor operations, which leads to the monotony of labor. As a result, the employee's fatigue increases, interest in work is lost, and there is a desire to leave this place of work and change the scope of one's labor.

Within the framework of the functional division of labor, there is a change in the functional groups of workers: in general, the number of workers decreases with an increase in the number of employees, and among workers there is an outstripping growth in the share of auxiliary and service workers compared to the main ones.

Changes in the professional division of labor are also associated with scientific, technical and information progress, during which the differences between individual types of labor are erased and thereby the commonality of the scientific and technical foundations of many professions is expanding, so-called cross-cutting professions appear.

List of used literature

1. Rofe A.I. Organization of informing labor: Textbook for universities. - M .: Publishing house "MIK", 2003 - 368s.

2. Bychin V.B., Malinin S.V., Shubenkova E.V. Organization and regulation of labor. Textbook for universities / Ed. SOUTH. Odegova - 3rd ed. revised and additional - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2005. - 464 p. (Series "Textbook for universities")

3. Zhukov A.L. Regulation and organization of wages: Textbook. - M.: Publishing house "MIK", 2003. - 336 p.

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§ 1 Cooperation and division of labor

Cooperation and division of labor are two directly opposite organizational relationships. If cooperation means bringing workers together for joint activities, then division means separating them into different types of work. In this regard, it is important to find out:

What are these opposites in the organization of production;

What economic benefit do they give;

How are opposite types of economic organization interconnected?

Why work together

The word "cooperation" has several meanings. Here it denotes a certain form of organizing the association of people in one or in different, but interconnected, labor processes.

labor cooperation- a form of organization of the joint work of a significant number of people.

First of all, it is important to see fundamental difference labor cooperation from property relations. As you know, the types of appropriation have repeatedly changed throughout economic history. Labor cooperation is used regardless of the prevailing social order at any given time. Meanwhile, in different historical epochs, labor interaction differs. unique features. It is one thing, for example, the collective cultivation of land in a primitive community, another is the forced labor of a mass of slaves in the construction of the famous pyramids in ancient Egypt.

The need to work together in any society is due to the following reasons:

For centuries, bringing people together to carry out certain economic activities has been a proven means of increasing labor productivity (increasing the output of workers);

In joint work, individual competitiveness of workers arises - their desire to complete the task better and in a shorter time;

Cooperation of labor increases the productivity of collective labor, which is able to quickly perform work that is beyond the strength of one person;

Cooperation saves working time due to the coordinated performance of collective work and the observance by workers of a single production discipline;

With the joint activity of many people, the costs of means of production are relatively (per unit of output) reduced (premises, equipment, raw materials are better used).

How effective is cooperative labor?

From what has been said about the need for labor cooperation, it would seem that a conclusion suggests itself about its high efficiency. But this conclusion can be challenged.

The fact is that instead of an unequivocal judgment, we are brought closer to the truth by multivariate parsing economic effect (output volume) obtained by changing the scale of labor cooperation. This effect depends on set of conditions: the nature and capacity of equipment, production technology, the distance of the enterprise from sources of raw materials, energy, consumers of finished products and other technical, organizational and socio-economic relations.

In economic practice, it is important to calculate the economic effect obtained with different changes in the scale of production. In this case, three main versions of the effect can be obtained.

First option. With the expansion of the scale of cooperation (an increase in factors of production), the effect of its enlargement increases.

Here are some examples. In the middle of the XIX century. the largest ship could carry 2,000 tons of cargo, and now supertankers can carry over 1 million tons of oil.

The benefits of modern large-scale production are associated with the use of complex and very expensive machine systems. Thus, in the automotive industry, the effective use of robotics and sophisticated equipment on assembly lines requires, according to some estimates, a production volume of 200,000 to 400,000 vehicles per year. Only large manufacturers can cope with this task.

As enterprises grow reduced unit costs, associated with the design, construction and development of products. Increasing the size of production creates additional opportunities for creating by-products. For example, a large meat processing plant makes glue, drugs, and many other products from the waste of the main workshops that are not processed at small plants.

Second option. There may be such a case when the number of employees increases at a larger enterprise. But at the same time, their productivity does not increase to the same extent. Then the effect of expanding labor cooperation remains unchanged.

Third option. An unlimited increase in the scale of labor cooperation can hinder the growth of production efficiency. Such a negative result is possible if the volume of output of products increases to a lesser extent compared to the expansion of the size of the enterprise. For example, the benefits of building a giant machine-building plant may be offset by the increased costs associated with transporting raw materials and finished products over long distances. It is almost impossible to manage such a plant from a single center, which will entail additional losses.

Finally, a question arises. What should be done in practice: to enlarge the scope of labor cooperation or not to enlarge it?

The answer to this question is facilitated by clarifying the relationship of cooperation with the division of labor.

Division of labor: what are its essence and forms

In the economy, the opposite process to cooperation takes place. division of labor - a qualitative division into separate and at the same time its coexisting species.

Division of labor- allocation in the production process of different types of labor activity.

This process started natural division of labor by sex and age, which arose in primitive society. Until now, this division of activities has been preserved in many households.

In modern production, the following types of division of labor are distinguished.

1. Individual specialization- the concentration of human activity on some special occupation, the mastery of a certain profession, specialty.

2. The division of labor into enterprise(allocation in the labor collective of different types of work, operations).

3. Separation of creative activity on a scale industry, type of production(for example, power industry, oil production, automotive industry, etc.).

4. The division of production on a national scale into large births(industry, agriculture, etc.).

5. Territorial division of labor within the country (with the specialization of the production of certain products in different economic regions).

6. International division of labor (specialization of the production of individual countries on certain types of products that these countries exchange).

The division of labor always serves an important productivity booster creative activity of people. This is a consequence of the following circumstances:

Specialization of workers multiplies the skill involves the acquisition of more advanced knowledge and skills;

The division of labor ensures saving working time because by the concentration of labor efforts a person ceases to move from one occupation to another;

Labor specialization gives impetus to invention and application of machinery, which makes the production mass and highly efficient.

What is complex labor cooperation

As you know, the growth of the scale of labor cooperation in the performance of some homogeneous work increases the volume of output. But this effect is achieved only up to certain limits. Such limits are reached in enterprises with simple cooperation of labor, where all workers perform the same type of work (for example, lumberjacks at logging sites). If the size of the enterprise is infinitely expanded, then the costs of transporting raw materials and finished products over long distances will increase, which will exceed the benefits of building a giant enterprise.

The way out of this impasse is provided by complex labor cooperation.

Complex labor cooperation- a type of joint activity of workers of different professions and specialties.

This form of organization of creative activity in the best way combines the advantages of cooperation and division of labor.

Historical experience has convincingly shown the advantages of complex labor cooperation. The original form of capitalist enterprise was the simple co-operation of artisans who did the same work. In Western Europe in the XVI-XVII centuries. developed manufactory, where workers performed different types of operations or made some part of the final product (for example, some part of the watch - case, dial, hands, etc.). In manufacturing workshops, labor operations were simplified, tools were improved, and skilled workers were trained. All this contributed to a huge increase in the production of products.

In the XX century. the double effect inherent in complex labor cooperation was achieved through a combination of specialization and cooperation of production.

Production specialization - a form of production organization based on the division of labor. It manifests itself in the creation of specialized workshops, sections and enterprises as a whole. At the same time, there are different types of specialization: a) subject(some product is being made); b) detailed(only a part of the finished product is created) and c) technological(certain operations are performed to process material resources).

Production cooperation - a form of production relations between independent specialized enterprises that jointly produce certain products.

Specialization and cooperation of production make it possible to find optimal(best) size of economic activity, taking into account all its favorable conditions. At the same time, it is important to take into account degree of specialization of enterprises(limitation of their activities to the manufacture of certain products and parts). So, in Russia, the manufacture of the same parts at large machine-building plants that produce all kinds of products requires 5-10 times more labor and money and 1.5-2 times more metal than at enterprises with mass specialized production.

In the second half of the XX century. under the influence of the scientific and technological revolution began new stage in the development of specialization and co-operation of production not only in individual countries, but also on an international scale. Many of the most complex machines (airplanes, rockets, automobiles, etc.) are created in parts in different states and then assembled from components at the head enterprises of the country that produces these machines. More on this is discussed in Chap. 15, dedicated to the modern world economy.

The famous English economist Adam Smith described the work of ten workers in a pin manufactory: “... These ten people worked out over 48,000 pins a day ... one worker worked out 4,800 pins a day. But if they worked alone and independently of each other, and if they were not accustomed to this special work, then, undoubtedly, not one of them could work twenty, and maybe even one pin a day.

Smith A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776).

“We, along with the rest of the world, are woven into a complex web of economic relationships, the elements of which are trade in goods and services, multinational corporations, joint ventures and links between global financial markets ... Many “American” goods are made from foreign components. For example, international firms supply key components for the new "American" Boeing 777 aircraft.

McConnell K, Bru S. Economics.

What knowledge should an expert have?

In the context of the further development of the scientific and technological revolution and the increasing use of information technologies, the importance of the work of specialists with secondary and higher education is increasing.

The training of specialists in foreign educational institutions is carried out in two directions.

The first is the training of specialists of a narrow profile(set of the main features of the activity). Such a specialist deeply masters a relatively small range of knowledge and skills, mainly related to the upcoming practical work. It has been noted that a professional is the more qualified and authoritative worker, the narrower the field of his activity.

However, one cannot fail to see that narrow specialization gives rise to serious shortcomings. Such specialization leads to one-sided development of the professional. His scientific and social horizons are sharply limited. He breaks away from his branch of scientific and economic activity and other related professions. At the same time, the harmony and comprehensiveness of human development are lost. Naturally, in the event of a job loss, a specialist with a narrow profile will not be able to quickly master an adjacent specialty.

Second direction implies training of specialists of a wide profile. This means a fairly broad scientific and professional education, as well as specialization in a chosen field of activity. Of course, such a professional is able, if necessary, to change his place of work within his specialty.

This difference in directions in the training of specialists reflects the contradictory nature of the development of the scientific and technological revolution. On the one hand, it caused a further deepening of the specialization of scientific research and production. On the other hand, modern scientific and technological progress has accelerated the interpenetration of different branches of science and technology, strengthened their relationship. This improves the quality and efficiency of scientists, specialists and other workers. Moreover, the strengthening of the creative nature of labor presupposes the harmony and comprehensiveness of human development.

In our country, state secondary specialized institutions that train generalists in 1960/61 had 104 students per 10,000 population, in 1990/91 - 148 and 2002/03 - 173 students.

It is noteworthy that the state educational standards of higher professional education, adopted in our country in 2000, provide for students to study: 1) general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines (national history, cultural studies, political science, philosophy, economics, etc.); 2) general mathematical and natural science disciplines; 3) general professional disciplines; 4) disciplines of specialization.

Thus, all students receive broad professional training combined with a narrow specialization, which improves the quality of training professionals and their demand for practical activities.

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1.6. The economic meaning of collaborative filtering is the division of labor in the examination of experienced goods The world of the new economy is replete with goods whose consumer properties are difficult to assess in advance, based on the characteristics given by the manufacturer. These are the so-called

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The division of labor is the primary (backbone) element of the entire system of labor organization. The remaining elements, including the cooperation of labor, are derived from the division of labor.

The division of labor is general - the separation of various types of labor activity within the framework of the whole society, i.e. division of labor between various spheres of activity and production (industry, agriculture, construction, communications, trade, production and non-production spheres).

The division of labor is private - the separation of various types of labor activity both by industry, agriculture, and within them - by individual enterprises.

The division of labor is single - the separation of various types of work within the organization, enterprise, within its certain structural divisions (workshop, section, department, management, team), as well as the distribution of work between individual workers.

The direct object of the organization of labor at the enterprise are the forms of a single division of labor (Fig. 10).

Technological division of labor (Fig. I) is the division of all types of work, and, accordingly, workers in the enterprise, into groups depending on the technology for performing work in stages, phases of technology, complexes, types and operations. Technological division of labor can be carried out in the form of substantive (detailed) division, operational division or by type of work (welding, painting).

Rice. ten.

Rice. eleven.

Substantive, sub-detailed division of labor is the specialization of one or another subdivision, one or another employee in the performance of a relatively completed type of work or in the manufacture of a particular product (detail).

Operational division of labor occurs when the amount of work is divided into more fractional operations performed within different departments by different workers.

Functional division of labor - the division of the entire complex of works into a number of functions, depending on the degree and nature of participation in the production process of various workers, and the workers themselves - into functionally homogeneous groups.

production function- a separate type of work, providing for the solution of specific production problems.

Professional division of labor - division of labor between workers depending on their profession and specialty within each functional group.

Qualification division of labor- the division of labor within each professional group, associated with the varying complexity of the work performed and, consequently, with different requirements for the skill level of the employee. An expression of the qualification division of labor is the distribution of jobs and workers by category, and employees - by position.

Rice. 12.

The boundaries of the division of labor (Fig. 12) are the maximum allowable values ​​of the division of the labor process, within which the greatest labor efficiency is achieved. However great the advantages of the division of labor, its deepening has its limits.

The impact of the division of labor on productivity is shown in fig. 13.

Rice. 13.

Conditions limiting the expediency and effectiveness of deepening the division of labor:

  • sufficiently large volumes of production of goods and services;
  • the presence of a sufficient number and a certain composition of equipment;
  • the need to ensure a certain ratio between the number of employees and the number of allocated operations;
  • the level of labor organization in auxiliary production areas.

Labor cooperation. From a functional point of view, labor cooperation is the establishment of production links (in time and space) between various labor processes that have become isolated as a result of the division of labor, which ensures continuity, rhythm, and synchrony of production. From an organizational point of view, labor cooperation is an association of workers for systematic joint participation in one or different, but interconnected labor processes. Thus, the cooperation of labor is, as it were, the second, integral side of the division of labor.

Forms of labor cooperation are shown in fig. fourteen.

Rice. fourteen.

Technological cooperation of labor is a kind of intershop and intrashop (intersector) forms of labor cooperation, in which the products of a given workshop or section are transferred to another workshop or section to perform work at the next stage of the technological process.

Subject labor cooperation is a kind of intershop and intrashop (intersectoral) forms of labor cooperation, in which the relationship between shops or sections is manifested at the final stage of the production process, when, for example, shops transfer their products to an assembly or other shop, where the production process of a given product type.

The main directions of division and cooperation of labor are presented in fig. fifteen.

Rice. fifteen.

The combination of professions means that an employee, during the working hours established by law, along with his main job, performs the additional work of another employee, which, as a rule, belongs to an adjacent profession. This leads to the complete release of workers who previously worked in a combined profession (if the combination is carried out constantly).

The combination of functions takes place when the employee, while maintaining the previous profile of his work, partially performs the duties of another performer. Such a combination of functions is accompanied by a partial release of workers.

The combination of professions or functions, the expansion of service areas are caused by the need for a more rational use of working time, a fuller load of equipment, increased maneuverability in the use of personnel, and ensuring interchangeability. At the same time, the combination of professions or functions expands the worker's production profile, helps to increase professional and qualification mobility, the content of work, and also eliminates monotony in work.

The conditions for combining professions are listed in Fig. 16.

Rice. 16.

Varieties of combining professions are given in table. 5.

Table 5

Varieties of combining professions

By types of combined professions, works, functions

Combining basic functions with basic

Combination of main functions with auxiliary

Combination of basic and service functions

Combination of a number of auxiliary (or service) functions

Combination of auxiliary functions (or maintenance) with the main ones

By the number of combined professions

One profession (simple combination)

A number of professions (combined combination)

According to the degree of alignment

Full (with the implementation of the entire scope of work in the combined profession)

Partial (with the performance of part of the functions in the combined profession)

In order of combination



According to the complexity of the combined work

compared to the main

lower class

Similar discharge

Higher rank

According to the stability of the combination



The main stages of work on the introduction of a combination of professions and functions are shown in fig. 17.

Rice. 17.

To determine the specific possibility of combining professions, an employee uses the coefficient of possible combination (K joint):

where T St - time free from work in the main profession, min;

T cm - shift fund of working hours, min.

Multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance is the simultaneous maintenance by a worker (or a team) during a work shift of several machines (aggregates). At the same time, the worker performs manual work on some machines during the machine-automatic time of work on other machines. The main condition for using multi-machine maintenance is that the machine-automatic time of each machine must be greater than or equal to the time during which the worker is busy servicing all other machines:

where T ma - machine-automatic time of the machine, during which the worker is free from the functions of its maintenance;

T b - busy time on one machine, i.e. the time of auxiliary work, active observation of the work of one machine and the transition from one machine to another; P - the number of simultaneously serviced machines.

Multiple maintenance methods are shown in fig. eighteen.

Modern production is characterized by separate execution of individual processes and works, which allows specializing production and workers, shortening the production cycle, and increasing labor productivity. On the other hand, the work of all employees at the enterprise is collective. The results of the work of the enterprise team depend on the rational distribution of labor for individual links of production and jobs.

Separation of separate processes and works implies, first of all, the division of labor. Under division of labor the enterprise understands the differentiation of the activities of those working in the process of joint labor, their specialization in the performance of a certain part of the joint work.

The division of labor is effective both economically and socially. Thanks to him, the increasingly complex labor processes break down into less complex ones, performed by certain professional and qualification groups of workers. On the one hand, this improves the skill and labor skills of performers and reduces the time for their professional training, and on the other hand, by simplifying and separating individual operations, it creates the basis for mechanization and automation of operations and a significant increase in labor productivity.

In enterprises, the division of labor is carried out in the following main forms:





Technological division of labor- this is the division of the production process into stages (procurement, processing, trimming), phases, partial technological processes and operations.

Depending on the type of work and the work processes performed, the technological division is divided into:




Operational division of labor provides for the distribution and consolidation of the operation of the technological process for individual workers, ensuring their rational employment and optimal loading of equipment.

Detailed division of labor involves assigning to the worker the manufacture of the finished part of the product or work.

Substantive division of labor provides for the assignment to a specific execution of a set of works that allow the complete manufacture of the product (for example, the assembly of an electrical switch, electrical sockets).

Functional division of labor provides for the separation of various types of labor activity and the performance of specific work. According to the functional division of labor, there is a division into workers and managers, specialists and employees.

Workers are divided into:




The main workers are engaged in the direct release of products or the performance of basic work.

Auxiliary workers who do not directly produce products themselves, but provide the work of the main workers with their labor.

Serving who by their labor create the conditions for the productive work of both the main and auxiliary workers.

Managers, specialists and employees (rss) carry out the organization of the production process and manage it.

To employees include employees performing financial and settlement, supply and marketing and other functions.

Within the framework of the functional division of labor, professional and qualification division of labor.

Professional It is carried out depending on the professional specialization of the employees and involves the performance of work in the workplace within the framework of a particular profession. Based on the scope of work, the need for workers by profession is determined for the whole enterprise, as well as for its structural divisions.

Qualifying the division of labor is due to the varying complexity of work, requiring a certain level of knowledge and experience of workers. For each profession, the composition of operations or work of varying degrees of complexity is established, which are grouped according to the assigned tariff categories or qualification categories. On this basis, the number of employees for each profession, qualification grades and categories is determined.

The choice of the most rational forms of division of labor depends on the type of production, the volume of output, its complexity and other factors. Therefore, their search presupposes the obligatory analysis of these factors and the substantiation of the optimal boundary of the division of labor.

There are the following divisions of labor:





Technological the boundary of the division of labor is determined by the existing technological one, which divides the production process into operations, labor methods, labor actions.

Economic the border is determined by the level of worker load and the duration of the production cycle. The division of labor leads to a reduction in the production cycle due to the parallel execution of the operation, an increase in labor productivity due to the specialization of tools and jobs, and the acceleration of the development of labor techniques and labor methods by workers.

Psychophysiological the boundary of the division of labor is determined by the permissible physical and psychological loads (alternating loads on various organs and parts of the body of the worker, reducing the monotony of the labor process).

Social the boundary of the division of labor is determined by the minimum necessary variety of functions performed, which ensures the content and attractiveness of labor. The worker should not only see the results of his work, but also receive a certain moral satisfaction from it. Labor, which is a set of simple movements and actions, reduces interest in it. It is devoid of creativity, does not contribute to increasing labor productivity and skills of workers.

The division of labor is inextricably linked with its cooperation. The deeper the division of labor, the greater the importance of cooperation. Cooperation labor at the enterprise exists as an association of workers in the course of the joint implementation of a single process or a group of interrelated labor processes.

Specific forms of labor cooperation are diverse, since they are inextricably linked with the organizational and technical features of the enterprise. However, despite this diversity, they are usually reduced to three main forms of labor cooperation:




Intershop cooperation associated with the division of the production process between shops and consists in the participation of teams of shops, in general, for the enterprise, the labor process for manufacturing products.

Intrashop cooperation consists in the interaction of individual structural divisions of workshops (sections, production lines).

Intradistrict cooperation consists in the interaction of individual workers in the process of joint labor or the organization of collective labor of workers united in brigades.

The closest cooperation of the members of the labor collective is achieved with the brigade form of labor organization.

A production team is a labor collective of workers of the same or different professions, specialties, and qualifications. jointly performing a single production task and united by a common economic assessment of the results of their work. Teams are combined into brigades, provided that it is impossible or inefficient to conduct the production process outside the brigade form. The brigade uniform is organized in the following cases:

If a certain completed part of the technological process cannot be performed by one performer and requires the parallel work of a group of workers;

If a group of jobs is connected by a common rhythm of work (for example, on production lines and assembly lines);

When servicing large units and automated lines, flexible production systems (FPS);

When performing repair and installation work that requires the simultaneous participation of several performers.

Currently, the following forms of teams have become widespread in enterprises:



Specialized teams are organized from workers of the same profession or specialty to perform homogeneous technological operations (for example, metalwork and assembly, assembly, loading and unloading). Their advantage in comparison with the individual organization of labor is that in these teams intra-shift losses of working time are reduced due to a more organized supply of tools, fixtures, blanks; an organic combination of highly skilled workers with lower-skilled workers; exchange of experience and strengthening of labor discipline.

Integrated brigades are organized from workers of various professions and specialties to perform a complex of technologically heterogeneous, but interconnected works. The advantage of these teams:

Possibility of optimal cooperation of labor of main and auxiliary workers;

Application of the principle of combining professions and specialties;

Flexibility in solving issues of placement of workers.

these brigades are created mainly when servicing complex units, on production lines.

Specialized and integrated teams can be:

Shift - uniting workers of one shift;

Through (daily) - including workers employed in several shifts.

The development and improvement of collective forms of labor organization is, on the one hand, a production necessity, and on the other hand, it gives an undoubted economic, psychophysiological and social effect.

The economic effect is achieved primarily by increasing labor productivity, increasing material interest in the final results of labor. Such interest is created in the process of planning the composition and scope of work, determining the timing of their implementation, choosing the forms and systems of remuneration, and bonus conditions. This is especially evident in the transition of brigades to self-financing, in which the teams of brigades are interested not only in increasing labor productivity, but also in saving all types of material resources.

3. Jobs, their types

The workplace is the primary link in the production and technological structure of the enterprise, where the production process, its maintenance and management are carried out. The efficiency of the enterprise depends on how the workplaces are organized.

The workplace is a part of the production area assigned to an individual worker or a group of workers, equipped with the necessary technological equipment, tooling designed to perform a certain part of the production process.

Each workplace has its own specific features associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the production process, the variety of forms of specific labor.

The type of workplace is determined by the following factors:

type of production;

The level of division and cooperation of labor;

Place of performance of work;

Degree of mechanization and automation;

The number of pieces of equipment in the workplace.

Types of jobs.

1) Depending on the arrangement of jobs, jobs can be:

Individual - a workplace assigned to one worker;

Brigade (group) - jobs assigned to a group (team) of workers without assigning an individual working area to each of them.

2) According to the place of work, there are:

Stationary - workplaces in which the working area is unchanged; (most jobs in industry are stationary);

Mobile - workplaces are organized for auxiliary workers (for example, adjusters, repairmen), who move around the production area in the process.

3) According to the degree of automation and mechanization, jobs are divided into:





Depending on the degree of specificity of production, a characteristic of a particular workplace is compiled.

The workplace is subject to technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements.

FROM technical On the other hand, the workplace must be equipped with advanced equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tools, instrumentation, lifting and transport vehicles provided by the technology.

FROM organizational hand available at the workplace

The equipment must be rationally located within the working area;

A variant of the optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, blanks, parts, tools, repair of equipment and tooling, waste disposal has been found;

Safe and health-friendly working conditions are provided.

FROM economic On the other hand, the organization of the workplace should ensure optimal employment of the employee (s), the highest possible level of labor productivity and quality of work.

Ergonomic requirements take place in the design of equipment, technological and organizational equipment, the layout of the workplace.

The work process of an employee, regardless of what functions he performs, is characterized by inherent laws that determine:

Placement of the employee in the working area;

The position of the working posture;

The sequence, quantity and spatial extent of the labor movements that make up the labor process;

The sequence of entry of a person into work;

The appearance, build-up and reduction of fatigue.

4. Organization and maintenance of workplaces

One of the most important conditions for high labor productivity is the rational organization of their jobs.

under the organization the workplace is understood as a set of measures aimed at creating at this workplace all the necessary conditions for highly productive labor, at increasing its content and safety.

The form of organization of jobs depends on the characteristics of the work performed, the degree of their mechanization, forms of specialization and cooperation of labor.

One of the most important areas of organization of workplaces is their equipment. The equipping of workplaces is the provision of means of labor, namely:

a) production equipment;

b) technological equipment;

c) organizational and technical equipment.

When choosing equipment (machines, a workbench, a console, and others), the main criteria in the process of designing the organization of workplaces is to ensure the necessary labor productivity and comfortable working conditions at a given workplace. To do this, the equipment must ensure the possibility of using the specified technological processes, meet sanitary and hygienic requirements (sealing, thermal insulation, etc.), labor protection requirements, technical aesthetics requirements (painting, etc.), as well as the requirements of ergonomics and engineering psychology (compliance of the machine with anthropometric data person).

Technological equipment of workplaces includes fixtures and tools. The requirements for the design of technological equipment are the same as for the design of equipment. It can be added that the shape of the devices and tools should take into account the anatomical structure of a person.

Organizational and technical equipment includes: industrial furniture, shelving, cabinets for storing tools and parts, vehicles, automation equipment and others.

The level of organization of the workplace largely depends on its layout.

The layout of the workplace is understood as the interconnected arrangement of equipment and tooling in the allotted production area. The main purpose of the planning is to create comfortable and safe working conditions, make the most efficient use of production areas, and ensure maximum savings in labor movements.

When placing objects and means of labor in the workplace, the following rules should be followed:

At the workplace at every moment there should be everything necessary for the performance of work, there should not be anything superfluous;

Every item must have a permanent place;

What is required to complete the work more often is located closer to the worker, what is less often is further;

Everything that is taken with the left hand is located on the left, and what is taken with the right is on the right;

Items used in series should be placed side by side using reverse hand movements;

All objects should be located in the zone of optimal reach.

The rational layout of the workplace involves the choice of a comfortable posture of the worker in the process of labor, for example, muscle work in a straight sitting posture is taken as 1, then when performing the same work in a straight standing posture, muscle work increases by 1.6 times, in an inclined sitting posture - in 4 times, in an inclined standing position - almost 10 times.

An important point in the workplace is the organization of its service. The main task is to free the main workers from performing technical functions that are not directly related to his activities in the workplace.

When designing a workplace maintenance system, the following basic principles should be considered:

1) planning, timeliness;

2) precaution;

3) completeness;

4) economy

Jobs are serviced in the following areas and functions:

1) transport and handling delivery of objects of labor to workplaces, and removal of finished products and waste from the workplace. transported workers.

2) preparatory and technological acquisition of blanks, materials, semi-finished products, etc. Procurers, distributors of work, craftsmen.

3) instrumental - providing jobs with cutting and measuring tools, technological equipment and fixtures, their storage, care, inspection, regrinding, repair. Workers of IRC, CIS, tool shop.

4) energy - providing jobs with all types of energy;

5) adjustment - adjustment, adjustment, adjustment of technological equipment. Adjusters.

6) repair - inter-repair preventive and emergency repair maintenance of process equipment. Working services ch. Mechanics.

7) control - quality control of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products issued to workplaces and verification of finished products. QCD and laboratory workers.

8) household - maintenance of cleanliness and order at the workplace, provision of overalls and its repair, etc.

5. Production operation as a separate part of the production process

The main element of the technological process is the operation.

Operation- this is a completed part of the technological process for the processing of one or several objects of labor at the same time, performed at one workplace by one or a group of workers or without their participation. The operation is the main object of planning, accounting, control of the production process, as well as labor rationing. The composition of operations in the labor process depends on the type of production, the level of equipment and technology used, the complexity of the manufactured products (works performed). When designing and analyzing an operation, it is considered in terms of technological and labor relations. Consider the composition of the operation performed on metal-cutting equipment.

The composition of the operation in terms of technology and labor

Technologically, the operation is divided into:





setup- part of the technological operation, performed with the same fastening of the part.

Position- a fixed position occupied by an invariably fixed workpiece or an assembled assembly unit relative to a tool or a fixed part of the equipment when performing a certain part of the operation.

Transition is the completed part of the technological operation. performed by the same means of technological equipment under constant technological conditions and installation.

pass- this is a repeating part of the transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece (or vice versa), in which the shape, size, surface finish and properties of the object of labor change.

To design a rational organization of the labor process and calculate the norms of insufficient dismemberment of the operation in terms of technology. The technological division of an operation must be supplemented by its division into labor relations.

In order to study, analyze and design the content and sequence, method of execution and duration of the elements of the operation, they are divided into:

labor movements;

labor activities;

Reception complexes.

The degree of dissection of the operation of a particular ionic element depends on the required accuracy of analysis and design.

Labor movements are the most differentiated element of the division of the operation. It is a single movement of the body, legs. arms, hands, fingers for the purpose of taking, moving, releasing an object or maintaining it in a state of rest. The process of performing all these actions is controlled by the sense organs, which correct their direction, speed and accuracy, alternate with elements of mental control over the course of the technological process.

Labor movements are classified according to:

way of doing it;


1) According to the types of movement, there are:

- grasping, aimed at grabbing or grabbing one or another object and equipment control with fingers;

- supporting- this is the preservation of the position of the object of labor in space achieved as a result of other actions;

- displacement- moving the object of labor or the control of the equipment after a grasping movement has been made (move the object in the hands in any plane);

- liberation- freeing the hand from objects or equipment controls (unclench and take away the hand).

2) According to the method of performing the movements, they are classified into movements of the arms, legs, body, head, eyes.

3) According to the accuracy of movement, they are divided into:

- free, which do not require muscular and mental control (move the object in an approximate direction or to an indefinite place), which, after a large number of repetitions in the process of work, are usually performed mechanically;

- adaptive, requiring muscular and mental control in order to determine the exact location of the object to be taken with the last movement (reach out to a very small object or an object that must be taken carefully).

labor action- this is a set of labor movements performed without interruption by one or more movements of the worker, smoothly passing one into another. For example, the action "take a part" includes several movements (reach out to the part, lower it, grab the part with your fingers). The labor action usually does not have complete technological completeness and therefore must necessarily be associated with the subsequent actions of the worker. For example, a labor action, “take a part” must have technological completeness, i.e. imply other actions in the future (“install on the machine”, “put in a box”, etc.), otherwise it has no practical meaning.

A labor reception is a complete set of labor actions of a worker, united by one purpose and constancy of objects and tools of labor.

Receptions are:



Main– their goal is a direct impact on the technological process.

Auxiliary- performed to perform basic techniques.

For example, the technique of “installing a part in a machine chuck” has a complete and targeted purpose, it consists of several successive movements.

The main goals of dividing operations into the listed elements are to study and change the cost of working time, identify the factors on which the duration of each element depends, establish a rational sequence and methods for performing the elements of the operation, and calculate the norms of time.

This is especially important in mass and large-scale production, where high demands are placed on the accuracy and validity of standards, the optimal organization of the labor process at the workplace.

6. Working conditions and factors that determine them

The performance of any work for a long time is accompanied by fatigue of the body, manifested in a decrease in human performance. Along with physical and mental work, the environment also has a significant effect on fatigue, i.e. the conditions under which it works.

Working conditions- this is a combination of factors of the production environment - this is a combination of factors of the production environment that affect the functional state of the body of workers, their health and performance, and the process of restoring the workforce. Working conditions are specific both for each production, workshop and site, and for each workplace. They depend on the received equipment, technology, worker protection system, maintenance of workplaces and external factors that depend on the state of production facilities, creating a certain microclimate.

Factors that shape working conditions can be divided into the following groups:

Sanitary and hygienic;



Sanitary and hygienic conditions are formed under the influence of the environment on a person (dusty air, vibration, lighting, noise level, and others). Bringing these factors into line with modern norms, regulations and standards is a prerequisite for normal human performance.

Psychophysiological conditions- the magnitude of physical, dynamic and static loads, working posture, pace of work, attention tension, monotony, neuro-emotional stress, and others. The limitation and regulation of physical effort, the optimal combination of physical and mental work have a significant impact on reducing the fatigue of workers.

Aesthetic conditions- color design of interiors of premises and workplaces, landscaping of industrial and amenity premises, adjacent territories, provision of overalls and more. All these factors have an impact on the worker through the creation of an emotional production background. It is more pleasant, easier and more productive to work at a workplace equipped with modern equipment, the design of which takes into account ergonomic requirements, when the aesthetically expressive appearance of equipment, mechanisms, tools, premises, work clothes is observed.

In the system of measures to create comfortable working conditions, rational work and rest regimes are of great importance, ensuring high labor efficiency and maintaining the health of workers. Despite the fact that the need for rest is individual and depends on the health of a particular person, his psychophysiological state, age, gender, degree of physical fitness, the organization of joint work requires its regulation for entire groups of categories of workers.

The need to alternate work and rest during different time periods (shift, week, month, year) has a physiological justification. Human labor activity is associated with the expenditure of physical and nervous energy, which lead to changes in the body.

Until a certain period of time, these costs do not lead to irreversible changes in the body, which restores its original state during a short rest period. If these limits are violated, accumulated fatigue and the constant influence of harmful factors on the body lead to violations of its functions and occupational diseases.

The scientific basis for building rational modes of work and rest is the dynamics of human performance, which depends on working conditions and the time factor (during a work shift, week, month, year and working age). In this direction, the Research Institute of Labor conducted research. And so, during the working shift, the performance dynamics is a broken line, which at the beginning of the shift rises (the period of workability), increases during the first hours, then remains at the same level for a certain time (the period of stable performance) and decreases before the lunch break (the period performance degradation). The same state is observed after dinner. A typical performance curve during a shift is shown in the figure.

a) work period

b) a period of stable performance

c) a period of decline in performance

Working period characterized by gradually increasing performance. Its duration depends on the characteristics of the work performed and the condition of the employee and can last from several minutes to 1.5 hours or more. To reduce this period, a good organization of the workplace and its maintenance is necessary. Recommended introductory gymnastics and functional music.

Period of sustainable performance the longest in time and can be achieved in each of the two parts of the work shift 2-3 hours or more. It is characterized by a high and stable pace of work, a relatively low degree of intensity of the physiological functions of a person. For the longest possible maintenance of the worker in this state, it is necessary to ensure a clear organization of the labor process and introduce short breaks for rest.

Decline period occurs as a result of increasing fatigue and manifests itself in a decrease in labor productivity, a slowdown in the pace of work, and a deterioration in the functional state of the worker. To reduce the duration of this period, it is necessary to correctly determine the start time of the lunch break, its duration, and introduce additional breaks.

Changes in performance during the work week

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