What is the name of the result of the addition action. Addition. Properties of addition of natural numbers

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Based on the addition of 2 natural numbers. Adding 3 or more numbers looks like sequential addition of 2 numbers. In addition, due to transposable and, the numbers that are added can be swapped and any 2 of the added numbers can be replaced with their sum.

Combination property of addition proves that the result of adding 3 numbers a, b and c does not depend on the place of the parentheses. Thus, the amounts a + (b + c) and (a + b) + c can be written as a + b + c... This expression is called sum and the numbers a, b and c - terms.

Similarly, due to combination property of addition, are equal to the sums (a + b) + (c + d), (a + (b + c)) + d, ((a + b) + c) + d, a + (b + (c + d)) and a + ((b + c) + d). That is, the result of the addition of 4 natural numbers a, b, c and d does not depend on the location of the brackets. In this case, the amount is written as: a + b + c + d.

If the expression does not have parentheses, and it consists of more than two terms, you yourself can arrange the parentheses as you like and add 2 numbers in succession to get the answer. That is, the process of adding 3 or more numbers is reduced to the sequential replacement of 2 adjacent terms with their sum.

For example, let's calculate the sum 1+3+2+1+5 ... Let's consider 2 methods from a large number of existing ones.

The first way. At each step, we replace the first 2 terms with the sum.

Because sum of numbers 1 and 3 is equal to 4 , means:

1+3+2+1+5=4+2+1+5 (we replaced the sum 1 + 3 with 4).

Because the sum of 4 + 2 is equal to 6, then:


Because the sum of the numbers 6 and 1 is 7, then:


And the last step 7+5=12 ... That.:


We did the addition by placing the parentheses as follows: (((1+3)+2)+1)+5.

Second way. Let's arrange the brackets in this way: ((1+3)+(2+1))+5 .

Because 1+3=4 , a 2+1=3 , then:


The sum of 4 and 3 is 7, which means:


And the last step: 7+5=12.

On the result of adding 2, 3, 4, etc. numbers are not affected not only by the arrangement of brackets, but also by the order of writing the terms. Thus, when summing natural numbers, you can change the places of the terms. This sometimes results in a more streamlined decision process.

Properties of addition of natural numbers.

  • To get the number following the natural, add one to it.

For example: 3 + 1 = 4; 39 + 1 = 40.

  • When rearranging the places of the terms, the sum does not change:

3 + 4 = 4 + 3 = 7 .

This addition property is called travel law.

  • The sum of 3 or more terms will not change from changing the order of addition of numbers.

For example: 3 + (7 + 2) = (3 + 7) + 2 = 12;

means: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.

Therefore, instead of 3 + (7 + 2) write 3 + 7 + 2 and add the numbers in order, from left to right.

This property of addition is called combination law of addition.

  • When adding 0 to a number, the sum is equal to the number itself.

3 + 0 = 3 .

Conversely, when adding a number to zero, the sum is equal to the number.

0 + 3 = 3;

means: a + 0 = a; 0 + a = a.

  • If point C separates the segment AB, then the sum of the lengths of the segments AC and CB equal to the length of the segment AB.

AB = AC + CB.

If AC = 2cm a CB = 3 cm,

then AB = 2 + 3 = 5 cm.

This is an action on two numbers, the result of which is a new natural number obtained by increasing the value of one number by the value of another number.

Add two natural numbers- means to count as many units to the first number as they are contained in the second number.

Example 1. Mom brought home several apples in two bags. One package contained 3 apples, and the second - 2. How many apples did mom bring home?

To answer this question, when you take apples out of the bags, you must count them at the same time, for example, putting apples from the first bag, say: one, two, three, and then, taking apples out of the second bag, continue: four, five. This means there are only 5 apples.

When listing the apples, we added the number of apples from the second to the number of apples from the first package and got the total number of all apples, i.e. 5.

Example 2. Add two numbers: 4 and 2.


Let's count all the units of the second to the first number: add one more to four units, you get five units, add one to five, you get six. Thus, from the two given numbers 4 and 2, we received a new number 6, containing four units of the first number and two units of the second, that is, as many units as there were in both numbers.

The numbers to be added are called terms, and the result of addition, that is, the number resulting from addition, is called sum.

To record addition, the + (plus) sign is used. It is placed between the terms. For example, the record 2 + 5 means that the numbers 2 and 5 are added. To the right of the addition record, put the = (equal) sign, after which the sum is written:

Addition is an action that is always doable, that is, no matter what natural numbers we take as terms, you can always find their sum.

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The result of adding two or more numbers is called sum, and the numbers themselves are terms.

The sum of two negative numbers... Add up the numbers, similarly to the positive ones, write down the result with a minus sign. For example, (-6) + (- 5.3) = - (6 + 5.3) = - 11.3.

The sum does not change from the permutation of the places of the termsa + b = b + a.

Subtracting numbers

The result of the action is called difference... The numbers themselves - minuend and subtrahend.

Adding positive and negative numbers is nothing more than subtraction! Few people think that the subtraction of 7-2 can be represented as 7 + (- 2), they got the addition of a negative and a positive number. In order to add two numbers with opposite signs, it is necessary to subtract the smaller from the larger number, and the sign of the sum must coincide with the sign of the larger number.

For example, - 8+3=- (8-3)=- 5; or -7 + 45=+ (45-7)=+ 38=38.

Multiplication of numbers

The result of multiplying two or more numbers is called product, and the numbers themselves are multipliers.

Multiply the number a on b- means to find the amount b terms, each of which is equal to a.

For example,

The product of two numbers of the same sign is a positive number. For example,

Product of two numbers with different signs there is a negative number. For example,

Permutation of multipliers does not change the value of the product ab = ba.

1) For any natural numbers a and b equality is true a + b = b + a... This property is called the displacement (commutative) law of addition, which is formulated as follows: the value of the sum does not change from the permutation of the terms.

2) For any natural a, b and c equality is true (a + b) + c = a + (b + c). This property is called the combination (associative) law of addition, which is formulated as follows: the value of the sum will not change if any group of terms is replaced by their sum.

1) For any natural numbers a and b equality is true ab = ba... This property is called the displacement law of multiplication, which is formulated as follows: the value of the product does not change from the permutation of the factors.

2) For any natural a, b and c equality is true (ab) c = a (bc). This property is called the combination law of multiplication, which is formulated as follows: the value of the product will not change if any group of factors is replaced by a product.

3) For any values a, b and c equality is true (a + b) c = ac + bc. This property is called the distributional (distributive) law of multiplication (with respect to addition), which is formulated as follows: to multiply the sum by a number, it is enough to multiply each term by this number and add the resulting products. Similarly, you can write: (a-b) c = ac-bc.

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Test. Addition and subtraction of natural numbers. Coordinate beam. Option 1

1 ... What is the name of the result of adding two numbers?

a) the difference; b) private; c) term; d) amount.

2 .Determine which of the addition properties is formulated: "The amount does not change from a change in the arrangement of parentheses."

a) travel; b) combination;

c) distribution; d) the property of zero.

3. Perform addition 69 538 + 25 347.

a) 91 345; b) 94885; c) 93875; d) 83 885.

4 ... Subtract 40002 - 8975.

a) 30127; b) 29027; c) 31027; d) 30037.

5. Find the difference of two numbers, knowing that

the subtracted is 569 and the subtracted is 659.

a) 80; b) 70; c) 90; d) 100.

6. Insert the missing word: “To find the unknown. ... ... , it is necessary to add the subtracted and the difference. "

c) term; d) dividend.


a) 3x + 4; b) 5 = x + 1; c) 5 7 - 3 = 32; G) a+ b= d.

8 . Solve the equation: X - 341 = 418

a) 77; b) 759; c) 87; d) 779.

9. Find the coordinates of the points shown on

coordinate ray.

a) M (2), N (3), C (6), P (7);

b) N (4), C (5), M (2), P (6);

c) P (8), C (7), N (5), M (3);

d) M (2), N (4), C (6), P (7).

Test. Addition and subtraction of natural numbers. Coordinate beam. Option 2

1. What is the name of the result of subtracting two numbers?

a) the difference; b) diminished; c) deducted; d) amount.

2 .Determine which of the addition properties is formulated: "The sum does not change from the permutation of the terms."

a) travel; b) combination;

c) distribution; d) the property of zero.

3. Perform addition 42 175 + 58 619.

a) 99 794; b) 101684; c) 100794; d) 100 974.

4. Subtract 50070 - 3 506.

a) 45654; b) 36454; c) 46554; d) 46564.

5 ... Find the difference between two numbers, knowing that the subtracted

is equal to 331, and the decrement is 411.

a) 80; b) 70; c) 90; d) 100.

6. Insert the missing word: “To find the unknown. ., it is necessary to subtract the difference from the diminished ”.

a) diminished; b) deducted;

c) term; d) dividend.

7. Which expression is an equation:

a) 10+ 4 a; b) 5 = d – 51 ; c) 15 2+ 3 = 33; G) a+ b= d.

8 . Solve the equation: 341 - x = 118

a) 459; b) 223; c) 233; d) 437.

9 ... Find the coordinates of the points shown on

coordinate ray.

a) D (4), T (9), K (11), E (2);

b) E (2), D (5), T (9), K (12);

c) T (8), K (12), E (2), D (4);

d) K (12), T (9), E (2), D (4)

Test solution.

Option 1

Option 2


"The meaning of the letter, at which the equation turns into a true numerical equality, is called ..."

following equation: a – 8 = 15 ?

a) term; b) the difference;

3. If at- 39 = 128, then at can be found by the expression:

a) 128 + 39; c) 128: 39;

b) 128 - 39; d) 128 * 39.

a) 7 NS- 6; b) 5 NS = NS +1; c) 5 7 - 3 = 0; G) a +2 b= d

5. What number is the root of the equation

19 – NS = 13

a) 3; b) 15; at 6; d) 8.

6. Find the product of the roots of the equations

NS+ 12 = 25 and

7. Find the root of equation 68 + NS = 95.

8. Solve equation 647 - at = 258.

9. Solve the equation ( NS + 458) – 156 = 348.


1. Continue with the following sentence:

“Equality containing the variable, the value of which must be found, is called. ... . "

a) an equation; c) an unknown component;

b) the root of the equation; d) your own answer.

2.What is the component of the unknown in

following equation: 13 - NS = 15 ?

a) term; b) the difference;

c) deducted; d) diminished.

3. If 127 - NS= 35, then NS can be found by the expression:

a) 127 - 35; c) 127 + 35;

b) 127: 35; d) 127 * 35.

4. Which of the expressions is an equation:

a) 9 NS+ 4; b) 15: 3 +7 = 32; in 2 NS= 5 – NS; G) 3 ab= d.

5. What number is the root of the equation at – 8 = 17

a) 13; b) 25; c) 16; d) 8.

6. Find the sum of the roots of the equations
= 96 and

630: at= 63

7. Find the root of the equation NS + 43 = 92.

8. Solve the equation at – 584 = 425.

9. Solve the equation 888 - ( NS + 364) = 419.

Test solution.

Option 1

Option 2

1009 private. 4. Which is the operation in the expression 200–1216 + 56: 8 performed last? a) addition; b) subtraction; c) multiplication ...

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