Kontorovich despite the successes achieved. Despite the successes achieved

Electric 28.10.2020

Kontorovich Alexander

Despite the successes achieved


"Despite the successes we have achieved,

the operational environment remains challenging ... "

The ritual mantra of the ATC leadership, pronounced

usually at an annual wrap-up meeting.

I ask everyone to sit down, gentlemen! - the owner of the office, a short, plump man, gestured to the newcomers to the comfortable chairs. - Make yourself comfortable - and let's get started!

The plump man's name was Boris Grigorievich Kamensky, and he served as an adviser to the president. He rarely appeared in public, even the ubiquitous media did not pay much attention to him. He passed them under the column "And other officials." He did not give an interview and did not attract any attention to his person. It was not even really clear what he was doing and what he was doing. Well, he sits in a large office on the Old Square - that's what his job is. He himself very rarely went anywhere, and in order to invite someone to his place ... somehow they did not even hear about it. It was all the more surprising to receive from him a polite request to visit his office for a consultation.

And the composition of the guests ... also caused some bewilderment. Why, for example, in one case the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate and the chief of police were invited, and in the other - only the latter? And why are some areas invited and others ignored? There were vague rumors that the heads of some regional departments of the FSB had previously received such an invitation, but everything was quiet there. No information came from there, the office traditionally did not share its internal secrets.

The agenda of the meeting remained secret in the same way. Well, at least the topic was somehow sounded - but no! Complete uncertainty! So, for life to talk ... But in this, of course, no one believed.

That is why there was some tension in the air, latent - but present. We sat down, talked quietly, nodded affably to our friends ... and waited. Something unusual and, frankly, frightening.

Are you all settled? - Kamensky looked around the guests. - Do you have any wishes? Coffee, something to drink? Do not hesitate, you are not at an operational meeting with the minister, we are just talking ...

By the way, but the minister ... he is not there. Kind of weird…

You, presumably, have already asked yourself the question more than once - why were you all invited? I will not torment anyone with the unknown. As a matter of fact, I am only interested in one circumstance - the phenomenon of the so-called Imperial ... Not the reports that are sent up every day - but your personal opinions. What is not reported in the reports to the minister.

So ... Here it is - a bell! After all, many had itching! My heart sensed - this Volin would hiccup - and more than once!

So gentlemen? Who will start?

Hmm, it's easy to say who? Who? In some way - to lie on the embrasure. And reluctance ...

No volunteers? Well, well ... then, if you don't mind, let's start on the list ... or no! Here we have the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ivanovo region - we’ll ask him first! Please, Mr. Major General! Don't be shy - there are no strangers here!

The plump police Major General Rakhimov got up from his seat.

Well ... I'm a little not ready ... I mean, on this issue.

But, General, you are not required to give a full and detailed report on all aspects of this problem! - the owner of the office threw up his hands. - Personal opinion - nothing more ...

Well ... if in such a context ... - Rakhimov shrugged his shoulders. In principle, it was he who, least of all others, had reason to at least somehow worry about his own account. His long-standing and close friendship with the Minister of the Interior was no secret to anyone. And with some, so to speak, "national leaders" and "businessmen" - here, too, everything was good and solid.

What can I say on this issue? It takes place, yes. There is such a phenomenon, there is. But, gentlemen, I think that he is not the first! There were all sorts of "robingudas" before him, how can we go without them? But do not disappear anywhere - they are sitting who survived. And this one does not run for a long time ...

And what do you think, Ilyas Mukhamedovich, does he have the support of the population?

There is. Someone always supports even the most complete scumbags. Money has not become superfluous to anyone, alas ... And here it is no exception. We just recently took such assistants, yes ...

Yes ... in general, it was not possible to take him alive, alas ... According to our information, they were just waiting for Volin himself - he was supposed to arrive there ... Unfortunately, he did not come.

Didn't come at all?

Well no.

Excuse me, but what about the head of the tax service in your region? As far as I know, he seems to have died soon after.

Well yes. He shot himself ... - the general admitted reluctantly.

Uh-huh. Three shots from a pistol to the head ... it happens ... - Kamensky nodded. - And he put a big list right in front of him - when and whom he unreasonably pressed there ... and in whose interests. This, I suppose, his conscience is so tortured?

The prosecutor's office issued a conclusion - suicide, - the general frowned. “We have no reason to suspect that they ...

Well there is no way! the presidential adviser unexpectedly agreed with him. - But these - the Imperials' comrades-in-arms who were not given alive - did they work off the money they received so much? And were there many of them?

Not really. Dollars - a little less than five hundred. Thirteen thousand rubles and so on - little more.

And the weapon? How much did they have?

Uh-uh ... there were machine guns, pistols, sawn-off shotguns ...

Is the Benelli-Super-Short assault rifle now in the category of sawn-off shotguns? - Kamensky was surprised. - Wow ?! I didn't know ... And how many of these ... hangers-on were there?

With four machine guns, two assault carbines and a dozen pistols. Hmmm ... we got it right ... but "Benelli-Short only has the auxiliary corps, even our special units do not have it, right?"

So, - Rakhimov agreed.

Those present froze. Something went ... in a word, went unusually, wrong. This has never happened before. The head of the Internal Affairs Directorate read out the ritual "footcloth, emphasized his achievements, repented of his shortcomings, received the allotted share of bumps. Or buns - that's how the top would decide in advance ... and everything went on as usual. But now ...

And what were the losses? - The presidential adviser looked at the general again.

Well ... we have three wounded and one shell-shocked. The auxiliary corps has eight people killed and five wounded.

And three - very hard ... - the owner of the office nodded. - Hmmm ... wow, but we pay our fighters much more! And they are fighting - much less effectively! I don’t understand, now we need to either cut our special forces and cut their salaries, or - hire these! They fight for money, don't they? They don't care which side they are on, right? Do you think, Mr. General, will they go to us?

They won't.

Well ... it's not just money. They also just help the Imperial sometimes.

Why are you fooling me then ?! Is it impossible to say this right away? Mr. General! We are not with you at a children's matinee! And we are not playing a fairy tale for youngsters!

Rakhimov inhaled noisily and turned purple.

Okay, Mr. General ... - the adviser waved his hand doomely. - Sit down already ... you, if my memory serves me correctly, is a great specialist in fishing?

Yes! - The head of the Ivanovsky Department of Internal Affairs looked at him with a challenge. Everyone knew - he often caught fish even with the Minister of Internal Affairs himself. And with many other equally important and significant persons.

And even a book was written about it?


Uh-huh ... I read it, not bad, even quite ... True, there was some journalist helping you ... probably running around behind the pens ... it happens. Well then, General, I hope your next book will be just as interesting. And exciting. All the more so since no other duties, from this moment on, will bother Mr. Rakhimov anymore. Well, maybe you'll have to go for a pension ...

But this was already completely unheard of!

Rakhimov looked at his opponent in disbelief. And he, not in the least embarrassed by the interlocutor, picked up the telephone receiver of the "turntable".

Hello? Yes, Mr. President, it's me ... That's right. Yes. As I expected. Of course, Mr. President. Yes - General Rakhimov, head of the Ivanovo Department of Internal Affairs. Former? I totally agree with you!

Kamensky put down the receiver and raised his eyes to the general.

That's it, Ilyas Mukhamedovich! The president, it turns out, is also already aware of everything! So ... - he threw up his hands regretfully.

When a door slammed behind the former general, the councilor looked back at the crowd. But - with a completely different look.

I hope, gentlemen, you all understand me well? Or does someone else need to clarify that all jokes are a thing of the past? We must work, gentlemen generals! So who's next?

The same day.

Somewhere in Moscow.

An inconspicuous office in a government building.

And you, dear Oleg Nikolaevich, want to say that our positions in this area have been lost so seriously?

Yes, Mr. Barlow. I would say - they are almost completely lost.

Hmm ... I confess, my friend, I somehow have a hard time believing it ... Our leading analysts more than once, more than twice, calculated all possible scenarios for the development of events, and ...

Once again we sat down with our forecast in a puddle! Or do you have other data unknown to me? I would read them with interest ...

But we took everything into account! Even the prices for vodka in a lost village! By the way, they were specially reduced, which in itself brought us tangible financial damage - after all, these amounts had to be transferred to your Ministry of Finance, concerned about such losses ...

- ... where they were immediately stolen ...

But, nevertheless - to the fig!

Your analysts, Mr. Barlow, have once again let your money go to waste. They do not understand anything in Russia, despite their scientific degrees and numerous diplomas. The people are not drunk! And he did not become indifferent to everything, as your wiseacres predicted. I myself do not know why, but - a fact!

And this is not the most important loss! We all, including your organizations, have spent a fantastic mountain of money in order to instill in the population the idea that the entire Russian army is a bunch of dullards and idiots. That a normal person should not - just under no circumstances, look at a soldier other than a loser. And what do we have in the bottom line?

Is it so bad?

Worse - just nowhere! From somewhere, all kinds of ...

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William Thackeray, English satirist

The book is a tremendous force.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Soviet revolutionary

Without books, we can now neither live, nor fight, nor suffer, nor rejoice and win, nor confidently go towards that reasonable and beautiful future in which we unshakably believe.

Many thousands of years ago, in the hands of the best representatives of mankind, the book became one of the main instruments of their struggle for truth and justice, and it was this instrument that gave these people terrible strength.

Nikolay Rubakin, Russian bibliologist, bibliographer.

The book is a tool of labor. But not only. It introduces people to the life and struggle of other people, makes it possible to understand their experiences, their thoughts, their aspirations; it makes it possible to compare, understand the environment and transform it.

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The book is a sorceress. The book has transformed the world. It contains the memory of the human race, it is the mouthpiece of human thought. A world without a book is a world of savages.

Nikolay Morozov, creator of modern scientific chronology

Books are a spiritual testament from one generation to another, advice from a dying old man to a young man who is beginning to live, an order passed on to a sentry going on vacation, to a sentry who takes his place

Human life is empty without books. The book is not only our friend, but also our constant, eternal companion.

Demyan Bedny, Russian Soviet writer, poet, publicist

The book is a powerful instrument of communication, labor, struggle. It equips man with the experience of the life and struggle of mankind, pushes his horizon, gives him the knowledge with which he can make the forces of nature serve him.

Nadezhda Krupskaya, Russian revolutionary, Soviet party, public and cultural figure.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

René Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

Reading is one of the origins of thinking and mental development.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an outstanding Soviet educator and innovator.

Reading is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.

Joseph Addison, English poet and satirist

A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person. The reader receives from her knowledge and generalization of reality, the ability to understand life.

Alexey Tolstoy, Russian Soviet writer and public figure

Do not forget that reading is the most colossal tool of multilateral education.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

Without reading, there is no real education, there is no and there can be no taste, no word, no multilateral breadth of understanding; Goethe and Shakespeare are equal to the whole university. Through reading, a person experiences centuries.

Alexander Herzen, Russian publicist, writer, philosopher

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zipperday1 I wrote:

58060625There are only 2 books in a loop? I understand correctly?
Thanks a lot for the release.

It was added just the other day if I'm not mistaken 11.02. The third part suggests itself, but obviously not soon. The author switched to another work.


CTATIKk1 I wrote:

58065927 Country problems with file numbering at 20 go to events that should be after 21
it seems there is a piece cut out in 5-10 minutes and the files are mixed up 20,21,22,23

Cut out a piece about the shooting of the bus and the conversation about cops, as Sergei Larionov said at the request of the editorial board.

beckham48 CTATIKk1
As if the book is complete. And the fact that something was cut out there at the request of the editors, then so be it and in this form the book will go to print.


Found on SI, the book was not fully posted at the request of the editors before being published on paper.

This is a common thing, part of the book is removed from samizdat at the request of the publisher.
But the no-library still has the full version (pulled from samizdat before part of the text was demolished).


LexxEagle1 I wrote:

58092952 The book is a graphomaniac of the lowest kind, for adolescents and people with retarded development of the intellect, that's it. As for the ideological aspect of the work. "Patriots" like Kontorovich, of course, sprinkle saliva or write stupid orders - this is not fantasy and does not lie nearby. But if you look at what the post-Soviet countries are? Computers are not ours. Household appliances are not ours. Our cars are not quoted. Innovative technologies in construction, production and other things are not ours. Where do the children of officials study? A lot of stolen grandmothers are really invested in their own country? So much for the decaying west. You might think we are fucking awesome what a prosperous east. What can we be proud of in front of them? Tolstoy, Pushkin and inflated patriotism.
If all of the above is suddenly taken away, then what is left of the "patriots" in the bottom line? The space program, which remained at the level of the 80s, tanks and humpbacked Cossacks. Well, cheap patriotism, of course, which, except for some of us, is of no interest to anyone. We can't do more and better. This must be honestly admitted. But how many songs some have ...
Well, who's a patriot, read Adamov- Winners of the Subsoil. Break through and let you go with patriotism. And 30 years ago, for the ideals of this book, you or your parents would have been just as ready to gnaw anyone's throat.

LexxEagle1, this is not the patriotism of the author and not your review of his work, and you and he, from two different sides, state what is happening in the country.


j7n13q I wrote:

58154859 what do you want? Kontarovich clearly writes to order. he was ordered to instill patriotism in the population, he rivets ... at the specified time. and don't care what comes out as a result of a damp semi-finished product due to lack of time for grinding
by the way, for this reason, his works become available so quickly on the internet (since he was given an order for writing, and not for distributing in a paper version)
yes, and ideas on what topics to write to him can and throw ... of course, not all, well, a couple of interesting thoughts will be thrown, he will outline them and you're done
everyone earns as they can

Smile comments from Ukranitsa. You have such crap going on in the country for what year in a row ...


KeyDatch I wrote:

Smile comments from Ukranitsa. You have such crap going on in the country for what year in a row ...

Well, we have a very different crap. Not better, but different. Therefore, if not in the subject, then why shove unpickable?

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Alexander Kontorovich

Despite the successes achieved

"Despite our successes, the operational environment remains challenging ..."

The ritual mantra of the ATC leadership, usually pronounced at the annual wrap-up meeting.

I ask everyone to sit down, gentlemen! - the owner of the office, a short, plump man, gestured to the newcomers to the comfortable chairs. - Make yourself comfortable - and let's get started!

The plump man's name was Boris Grigorievich Kamensky, and he served as an adviser to the president. He rarely appeared in public, even the ubiquitous media did not pay much attention to him. He passed them under the column "And other officials." He did not give an interview and did not attract any attention to his person. It wasn't even really clear what he was doing and what he was doing. Well, he sits in a large office on the Old Square - that's what his job is. He himself very rarely went anywhere, and to invite someone to his place ... somehow they did not even hear about it. It was all the more surprising to receive from him a polite request to visit his office for a consultation.

And the composition of the guests ... also caused some bewilderment. Why, for example, in one case the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate and the chief of police were invited, and in the other - only the latter? And why are some areas invited and others ignored? There were vague rumors that the heads of some regional departments of the FSB had previously received such an invitation, but everything was quiet there. No information came from there, the office traditionally did not share its internal secrets.

The agenda of the meeting remained secret in the same way. Well, at least the topic was somehow sounded - but no! Complete uncertainty! So, for life to talk ... But in this, of course, no one believed.

That is why there was some tension in the air, latent - but present. We sat down, talked quietly, nodded affably to our friends ... and waited. Something unusual and, frankly, frightening.

Are you all settled? - Kamensky looked around the guests. - Do you have any wishes? Coffee, something to drink? Do not hesitate, you are not at an operational meeting with the minister, we are just talking ...

By the way, but the minister ... he is not there. Kind of weird…

You, presumably, have already asked yourself the question more than once - why were you all invited? I will not torment anyone with the unknown. As a matter of fact, I am only interested in one circumstance - the phenomenon of the so-called Imperial ... Not the reports that are sent up every day - but your personal opinions. What is not reported in the reports to the minister.

So ... Here it is - a bell! After all, many had itching! My heart sensed - this Volin would hiccup - and more than once!

So gentlemen? Who will start?

Hmm, it's easy to say who? Who? In some way - to lie on the embrasure. And reluctance ...

No volunteers? Well, well ... then, if you don't mind, let's start on the list ... or no! Here we have the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ivanovo region - we’ll ask him first! Please, Mr. Major General! Don't be shy - there are no strangers here!

The plump police Major General Rakhimov got up from his seat.

Well ... I'm a little not ready ... I mean, on this issue.

But, General, you are not required to give a full and detailed report on all aspects of this problem! - the owner of the office threw up his hands. - Personal opinion - nothing more ...

Well ... if in such a context ... - Rakhimov shrugged his shoulders. In principle, it was he who, least of all others, had reason to at least somehow worry about his own account. His long-standing and close friendship with the Minister of the Interior was no secret to anyone. Yes, and with some, so to speak, "national leaders" and "businessmen" - here, too, everything was good and solid.

What can I say on this issue? It takes place, yes. There is such a phenomenon, there is. But, gentlemen, I think that he is not the first! There were all sorts of "robingudas" before him, how can we go without them? But do not disappear anywhere - they are sitting who survived. And this one does not run for a long time ...

And what do you think, Ilyas Mukhamedovich, does he have the support of the population?

There is. Someone always supports even the most complete scumbags. Money has not become superfluous to anyone, alas ... And here it is no exception. We just recently took such assistants, yes ...

Yes ... in general, it was not possible to take him alive, alas ... According to our information, they were just waiting for Volin himself - he was supposed to arrive there ... Unfortunately, he did not come.

Didn't come at all?

Well no.

Excuse me, but what about the head of the tax service in your region? As far as I know, he seems to have died soon after.

Well yes. He shot himself ... - the general admitted reluctantly.

Uh-huh. Three shots from a pistol to the head ... it happens ... - Kamensky nodded. - And he put a big list right in front of him - when and whom he unreasonably pressed there ... and in whose interests. This, I suppose, his conscience is so tortured?

The prosecutor's office issued a conclusion - suicide, - the general frowned. “We have no reason to suspect that they ...

Well there is no way! the presidential adviser unexpectedly agreed with him. - But these - the Imperials' comrades-in-arms who were not given alive - did they work off the money they received so much? And were there many of them?

Not really. Dollars - a little less than five hundred. Thirteen thousand rubles and so on - little more.

And the weapon? How much did they have?

Uh-uh ... there were machine guns, pistols, sawn-off shotguns ...

Does the Benelli-Super-Short assault rifle pass through the cut-off category now? - Kamensky was surprised. - Wow?! And I didn't know ... And how many of these ... hangers-on were there?

With four machine guns, two assault carbines and a dozen pistols. Hmmm ... we got it right ... but only the auxiliary corps has Benelli-Short, even our special units don't have it, right?

So, - Rakhimov agreed.

Those present froze. Something went ... in a word, went unusually, wrong. This has never happened before. The head of the Internal Affairs Directorate read out the ritual "footcloth", emphasized his achievements, repented of his shortcomings, and received his due share of bumps. Or buns - that's how the top will decide in advance ... and everything went on as usual. But now…

And what were the losses? - The presidential adviser looked at the general again.

Well ... we have three wounded and one shell-shocked. The auxiliary corps has eight people killed and five wounded.

And three - very hard ... - the owner of the office nodded. - Hmmm ... wow, but we pay our fighters much more! And they are fighting - much less effectively! I don’t understand, now we need to either cut our special forces and cut their salaries, or - hire these! They fight for money, don't they? They don't care which side they are on, right? Do you think, Mr. General, will they go to us?

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