Project my favorite things in English. Let's introduce the child to clothes in English. The name of the shoes for children in English

Decking 18.07.2020

As you know, clothing arose almost along with the appearance of man. Now it is an integral part of our life. Our English lesson today is about clothes or clothesin English. This topic is important because clothes are our everyday attribute, so it is often found in speech.

How to replenish the vocabulary of a child with a lexicon about clothes?

The English language offers us a fairly large vocabulary regarding clothing. It is useful to familiarize children with this article in order to form their basic clothing vocabulary in this language. Clothing for children is a frequent topic of English lessons at school, in all junior grades.

In English lessons for children, it is useful to distinguish between men's and women's clothing, and look at what boys and girls are wearing.

So, clothes for boys in English:

  • Shirt - shirt
  • Trousers - pants, trousers
  • tie - tie
  • Jacket - jacket
  • Suit - suit
  • Sweater - sweater
  • Vest - vest
  • T-shirt - T-shirt, T-shirt
  • Jumper - jumper
  • Socks - socks
  • Cap - cap, hat

Pay attention to examples of sentences with these words:

  • At school the boys wear white shirts and black trousers. — At school, the boys wear white. shirts and black pants.
  • It is cool today; put on your jacket. It's cold outside, put on Blazer.
  • Yesterday my mum bought a new suit for me. Yesterday my mother bought me a new costume.

And now a small dictionary of clothes for girls in English:

  • Dress - dress
  • Skirt - skirt
  • Blouse - blouse, blouse
  • tights
  • Stockings - stockings
  • hat

Example sentences with these words:

  • my new dress is very beautiful. — My new dress very beautiful.
  • May I try on that blue skirt? — Can I try on that blue skirt?
  • This red blouse suits you very well. - This red blouse suits you very well.

Examples of sentences with clothes for children in English

The name of the shoes for children in English

And now shoes or footwear for children in English:

  • Boots - boots, boots
  • Sneakers - sneakers
  • Trainers - sneakers
  • Sandals - sandals
  • Slippers - slippers
  • Shoes - shoes, shoes in general

For example:

  • When I go to play tennis, I put on sneakers or trainers. — When I go to play tennis, I put on sneakers or sneakers.
  • Sandals are very good for summer. — Sandals very good for summer.
  • In winter we wear boots. - In winter we wear boots (boots).

Our topic also deals with words that relate to clothes, the process of dressing, wearing, buying clothes, trying on, etc. Please note:

  • wear - to wear
  • Put on / put off - put on / take off
  • Try on - measure
  • Buy - buy
  • size - size
  • color - color
  • suit - to approach

Instead of example sentences, we suggest that you follow a short dialogue on the topic “In a clothing store” so that you can see how these words work in a speech:

— Good morning!
— Good morning! What can I help you with?
— I would like to buy a shirt and a sweater for my son to wear at school. Do you have anything?
— Sure! What size and what color would you like?
size 38, white, blue or light blue; the same for the sweater.
— Ok, we have some models, try them on.
— Oh, this color and this size suit him very well. We'll take this shirt and this sweater. How much are they?
Altogether is 50 dollars.

- Good morning!
- Good morning! How can I help you?
- I would like to buy shirt and sweater for my son so that I can wear to school. Do you have anything?
- Of course! Which the size and color you prefer?
The size 38, white, blue or light blue; the same goes for the sweater.
— Okay, we have several models, try on them.
— Oh, this color and this one the size fit him very well. We'll take this shirt and this sweater. How much do they cost?
All together $50.

Practice making up similar dialogues with your child using as many clothes-related words as you can.

Clothing for all seasons

Now let's talk about clothes for different seasons. We will not list clothes for each season, we will simply divide them into a cold season (winter, autumn) and a warm season (summer, spring).

So, clothes for cold weather or for the cold season (winter / autumn clothes):

  • Coat - coat
  • anorak jacket
  • Jumper - jumper, sweatshirt
  • Jeans - jeans
  • Raincoat - raincoat, raincoat
  • Gloves
  • scarf - scarf
  • Fur coat - fur coat

Clothes for the warm season (summer/spring clothes):

  • Shorts - shorts
  • T-shirt - T-shirt, t-shirt
  • bikini - bikini
  • swimsuit - swimsuit
  • Top - top

How can you make sure English language replete with vocabulary relating to clothing. It remains only to remember these words. In your lesson with your children, make sentences, phrases, arrange dictations for the children on these words. Very soon they will remember them, and will use them in speech.

If you have been asked to write a short essay or short story in English with a translation on the topic “My style of dress”, please use the text below, making adjustments to suit your personal preferences.

My clothes and my style / My clothes and my style

My favorite clothes are sportswear. Also, I like zippered jacket. My casual clothes are sports trousers or jeans with long sleeved T-shirt. My shoes are black trainers.

I wear a school uniform at school. These are black trousers, a blue shirt and a black jacket. I wear my hat only in winter, when it's cold.

I don't follow fashion clothes because quality is more important then style.

Translation into English / Translating to Russian language

My favorite clothes are sportswear. Also, I like the zip-up jacket. My everyday wear is sweatpants or jeans with a long sleeve shirt. My shoes are black sneakers.

At school I wear a school uniform. These are black trousers, a blue shirt and a black jacket. I only wear a hat in winter when it's cold.

I don't follow fashion because the quality of clothes is more important than style.

I like trousers and jeans. My favorite colors are blue and red. I don't like shirts but I like T-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like baseball caps. At school I usually wear my black trousers or blue jeans, and a T-shirt or sweatshirt. I've got a lot of T-shirts. My favorite T-shirt is blue, with a picture of a tiger on it. I usually wear trainers. I've got some black shoes, but I don't like them. At the moment I'm wearing blue jeans, a red and blue sweatshirt and my new trainers. I really love my new trainers!

Translation into English / Translating to Russian language

I like trousers and jeans. My favorite colors are blue and red. I don't like shirts, but I do like T-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like baseball caps. At school I usually wear black trousers or blue jeans, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt. I have many T-shirts. My favorite is the blue T-shirt with the tiger on it. I usually wear running shoes. I have black shoes, but I don't like them. AT this moment I am wearing blue jeans, a red and blue T-shirt and new sneakers. I really like my new sneakers!



Made: the pupils of the 6th grade:

Danilovich Dasha

Romanenko Nastya

Grinevich Sofia

teacher: Serenkova N.S.

school 29

Novorossiysk, 2016

Lesson Plan- defense of projects in English in6 class on the topic: « My favourite clothes».

The purpose of the lesson:

 Improving communication skills in solving

assigned tasks on the topic.

Lesson objectives:

1. improve productive communicative speech skills in writing and

oral speech when creating and presenting projects;

2. develop the skills of searching, systematizing, processing information material,

logically present in writing (through projects) and oral (through protection);

3. to activate the skills and abilities of using information technologies in

creating multimedia presentations;

4. increase students' motivation to learn English by optimizing

learning process through project activities.

Lesson type: verification and control of knowledge.

Lesson form - protection of projects on the topic.

Lesson location: the final lesson of cycle 1 on the topic "My favorite clothes".

Duration of the project defense lesson -45 minutes.

Objects of control:- written language

Oral (monologic prepared) speech

Oral (dialogical unprepared) speech.

Lesson equipment: multimedia installation for showing presentations on the topic,

dispensing didactic material(assessment cards, summary table for issuing

points for projects).


- student activity products - projects, multimedia presentations

- improvement of communication skills on the topic.

Lesson Plan

I. Organizational moment.

 presentation of the topic of the lesson, setting goals, tasks;

 Asking questions that need to be answered

obtained during the defense of projects;

 Familiarity with the criteria for evaluating presentations and explaining the

evaluation procedures;

II. Protection of projects using multimedia presentations (25 minutes);

 questions of students - experts to the group defending the project (3 questions);

 teacher's questions;

III. Summarizing the main points of solving problems using

handout material;

IV. Summing up the defense of projects with the presentation and calculation of the total

V. The final stage of the lesson with reflection.

During the classes

Teacher (T): good morning everyone. I'm very glad to see you at our lesson. Do you remember the theme of our lesson? You are right it's "My favorite clothes".

Appearance of a person depends on the garment. Clothing adorns us, underlines our dignity and sometimes hides some defects. With the help of clothing one can emphasize the role he plays in society. A skill to dress up have only some people. While many want to be trend.

I think this theme is very important and actual for everybody. And I

guess you have investigated and collected rich material about kind of clothes, such as school, party and sports clothes.

Our task was to answer the following questions:

1. Do you care what you look like”?

2.Do you compare your appereance with other people`s appearances?

3. What do you wear in your school?

All the groups will present the results of their work today. Take the cards and get acquainted with the criteria of 4 aspects with maximum points for each:

1. for Content - 5 points (content);

2. for Interaction - 2 points (interaction);

3. for form of presentation of the project - 3 points (project presentation form);

4. for PowerPoint presentation - 2 points. Total12 points.

I'd like to draw your attention to the second aspect – “Interaction”. You should listen attentively to each group and ask 3 or 4 questions to clarify the point of the content. At the end of the lesson the jury will sum up all the points and define the most interesting and original project. Let me to

introduce the jury. (The teacher represents the jury, which may consist of another teacher and

high school students).

Pay attention: you have 10 or 15 minutes for covering the theme of your project and then to

answer the questions. Everything you need is here: a computer, and a multimedia set. If you are ready let's start.

III. Protection of projects using multimedia presentations(monologic prepared speech control).

T: 1. The first pupil is ready to present their project My favorite clothes and show the results of their investigation.

(1st student presents his project)

Presenter 1:

My name is… I`m… years old. I'd like to present you the project "My favorite clothes".

I like to wear different clothes. I have got a lot of jeans: black, grey, dark blue, light blue and even red. Generally I prefer to wear skinny jeans, but I have a pair of loose light blue jeans too. Of course, I have got skirts too. Most of them are miniskirts. I also have a pencil skirt and denim skirt. I have got several beautiful dresses. In summer I also wear shorts or breeches. And now my ckassmates tell you about other kind of there favorite clothes.

1 p-l: My name is… In my school pupils have to wear uniform. School uniform, on my opinion, should also be the fashionable. Each pupil wears it most of the year. At the same time, it should be durable and comfortable.Colors should be easily soiled. It also have a certain strectness and set serious mood. In warm mounth I wear a white blouse and a checkered skirt.In winter it would be cold in such clothes therefore I wear a light gray dress. When it's very cold I wear black pants and a blouse. (foto)

2p-l: My name is…. The boy's uniform consists of a gray jacket, white skirt and a black trouses. In winter we wear under the jacket checkered vest. The school uniform is unites students. We are always know what to wear yo school in the morning. From other hand, it bothers. Because every day you have to wear the same things.(foto)

3 p-l: My name is… I’m a 6th grade pupil. I don't have many clothes, only the most necessary. But fifirst of all I like to wear sport clothes. I have some jeans and T-shirts, which is often wear when I go for a walk with friends.My sports clothes I always wear for physical education lessons. I also have a pair of sneakers for sports activities. As for me I think that sports clothes are the most comfortable clothes in the world.(foto)

4 p-l: My name is… I’m 12 years old. My project is about clothes for a party. I like to go to the party very much that's why I have a lot of beautiful clothes. At the moment, my favorite clothes are dresses. I like all types of dresses: summer sarafans, triangle-shaped dresses, lace or cotton dresses and etc…

Last month my mother bought me a pair of party dresses for specifl occasions and I really like them.If I could I would wear them everyday, but they are too festive.

In conclusion I want to say that every person can have his own style and look unique. He should choose clothes according to, his taste, age, job, consnitution and character. I don't care too much about what other people wear. The most important thing for me in the outlook is neatness, natural look and beauty. Thank you for your attention. Bye.

clothes and fashion
People have different attitudes to fashion. Some are indifferent and do not care what they wear. Others, mostly women, are very choosy about what clothes to wear and like to spend a lot of money on them. Most people buy ready-made clothes at clothes shops or second-hand shops, but there are those who like to have their clothes made at the tailor's. There are some people who dress to the latest fashion even if it does not suit them It seems to be their hobby to follow the fashion magazines and see what leading designers present.
Fashion concerns are not only clothes, but also hair style, makeup and accessories, such as shoes, handbags, gloves, belts, hats, scarves or jewelery and glasses. Styles, cuts, designs and particularly the length of clothes change very quickly because dressmaking has become big business nowadays. Fashions often revert to older styles; what is out of fashion, funny or ridiculous now, may look romantic a few decades later.
The way we dress also depends on our taste, on the season and the proper occasion. In summer we usually wear light summer dresses, shorts or Bermuda shorts and various T-shirts. The usual summer footwear is sandals and flip-flops.
In winter people wear something warm - trousers, jeans, cardigans and jumpers. People also wear anoraks, winter coats and jackets, sometimes even fur coats outside.
On special occasions people usually dress up. When going to a concert or to the theatre, evening dresses and suits are appropriate. For sports people put on sportswear, such as sports trousers, jeans, shorts, T-shirts and trainers.
The most popular types of clothes with teenagers are jeans or trousers, shirts and T-shirts of different colours, sweatshirts or pullovers and trainers. Boots and shoes of the "Converse" shoe company are very popular with the young people now.
As for me, my favorite articles of clothes are jeans, T-shirts and trainers. At my school pupils must wear a uniform, so I don't have a problem with what to put on when I go to school. When I- go out, I prefer something comfortable like jeans and a sweatshirt. I try to follow the fashion , but fashionable clothes are rather expensive and since I haven't got a job yet, I have to ask my parents for pocket money. I usually buy clothes at a market and choose clothes similar to the ones that are in fashion at the moment. This saves money!
Some people do not choose their clothes to the latest fashion. They wear what suits them, what is comfortable and what they can afford.

1. Introduction (attitudes to fashion/choosy/ready-made clothes/secondhand clothes/follow the fashion/hair style/ accessories/styles, etc.).
2. Talk about what clothes are worn in different seasons (summer: summer dresses/shorts/Bermudas, etc.; winter: trousers/jeans/cardigans/trainers, etc.).
3. Talk about what they wear in different situations (concert / theater / sports competitions, etc.).
4. Talk about teen fashion (jeans/T-shirts/sweatshirts/trainers/popular brands, etc.).
5. Talk about your favorite clothes (favorite articles of clothes; what you wear at school and outside school; if you follow the fashion/why (not); where you buy clothes; who buys clothes for you).
6. Conclusion (Some people do not choose their clothes to the latest fashion. They wear what suits them, what is comfortable and what they can afford.).

1. What attitudes do people have to fashion?
2. What does fashion include?
3. What changes in fashion very quickly?
4. How does the influence season clothes?
5. What kind of clothes do people wear on various occasions?
6. Do you follow the fashion?
7. What are your favorite types of clothes?
8. Where do you usually buy clothes?
9. Do you prefer buying clothes yourself or with your parents?
10. Do your parents give you pocket money for new clothes?

suit/costume men's suit/women's suit
tweed/leather/suede , apparel, dress, garments, costume- clothes, dress

Types of clothing

  • Outer garments, overclothes - outerwear
  • Children's apparel (wear, clothing) - children's clothing
  • Women's clothes, lady's wear - women's clothing
  • Menswear, men's clothing - men's clothing
  • Underwear - underwear
  • Casuals - casual wear
  • Sportswear - sportswear
  • Knitwear

Popular clothes in English

Among the variety of purchased goods, what we wear takes the lead. After all, clothes are an integral part of our existence.

  • Blouse - blouse
  • cardigan - cardigan
  • coat - coat
  • dress - dress
  • dressing gown - bathrobe
  • fur coat (fur coat)
  • jacket (tuxedo - AmE) - jacket
  • jeans - jeans
  • jersey - knitted sweater
  • jumper - jumper
  • outfit - equipment
  • pants - trousers - Amer; pants
  • pullover - jacket
  • raincoat - raincoat
  • shirt - shirt
  • shorts - shorts
  • skirt - skirt
  • sweater - sweater
  • trousers - trousers
  • T‑shirt - short sleeve shirt
  • uniform - form
  • waistcoat - vest


  • belt - belt
  • beret - takes
  • boe tie - bow tie
  • bra - bra
  • braces (BrE)/ suspenders (AmE) - suspenders
  • cap - cap
  • cuff - cuff
  • cufflink - cufflink
  • hat - hat
  • gloves
  • knickers - ladies' panties, sports briefs (pantiesAmE)
  • mittens - mittens, mittens
  • scarf - scarf
  • socks - socks
  • stockings - stockings
  • tie - tie
  • tights - pantyhose (AmE pantyhose)
  • underwear - underwear
  • zipper - zipper (to zip up - fasten with a zipper)

Shoes (footwear) also play an important role in creating the appearance of a person:

  • Shoes - shoes
  • high-heeled shoes - high-heeled shoes
  • trainers/sneakers
  • boots - boots
  • high shoes
  • sandals - sandals, sandals
  • slippers - slippers


  • Beret - takes
  • Cap - cap; hat; cap; cap
  • cowboy hat, stetson - cowboy hat, stetson
  • hat - hat, hat; hat
  • helmet - hat-helmet
  • straw hat - straw hat
  • veil - veil, veil

Baby clothes

  • playsuit - children's overalls
  • pram suit - a suit for a baby ("baby")
  • sun hat - panama
  • booties - booties
  • rompers [‘rɔmpəz] = romper suit - children's overalls
  • mittens = mitts - mittens
  • bib - bib

Description of clothes in English

Now let's learn some words to describe.

  • Short - short.
  • Long - long.
  • Tight - narrow.
  • Loose - free.
  • Close-fitting - close-fitting.
  • Big - big.
  • Small - small.
  • Wonderful - amazing, amazing.
  • Perfectly - excellent, excellent.
  • To fit - to be on time, to fit (about clothes).
  • To match - to fit (under some other piece of clothing).
  • To suit - to approach.
  • Comfortable - convenient.
  • To look - look.
  • To put on / off - put on / take off.
  • To wear - wear, put on.
  • To try on - try on.

Famous British clothing brands

Today, such English clothing brands as:

MotherCare, ZipZap, Diesel, DKNY, ELLE, GAP, Timberland, NEXT, ESPRIT, The OUTNET and many more.

Also, the following can be said about the style and appearance of a person in clothes:

  • Sleeveless - without sleeves.
  • Long-sleeved - with long sleeves.
  • V-neck - triangular cut.
  • Round-neck - round neckline.
  • Pleated - pleated.
  • Fashionable - fashionable.
  • Old-fashioned - in an outdated style.
  • Elegant - elegant.
  • Trendy - stylish, modern.
  • Well-dressed - well-dressed, smart.

Adjectives and verbs related to clothing

Clothes in English can be described with words such as:

  • elegant - elegant;
  • smart - neat, neat;
  • trendy - fashionable;
  • chic /ʃiːk/ – refined;
  • scruffy - worn, sloppy.
  • When we describe a person in clothes in English, we evaluate him as:
  • well-dressed - well-dressed;
  • badly-dressed - tastelessly dressed;
  • fashionalble - following fashion;
  • stylishly dressed - stylishly dressed;
  • old-fashioned - old-fashioned.

Words and expressions on the theme of clothing

Let's make sentences with the listed words and expressions.

  • I normally wear jeans and a sweater. In everyday life I wear jeans and a sweater.
  • My new pleated skirt fits me perfectly and looks quite trendy. My new pleated skirt fits me perfectly and looks quite stylish.
  • This coat is too long and loose, it doesn't fit you. This coat is too long and loose, it doesn't fit you.
  • He looks very elegant in his brown v‑neck jumper. He looks very elegant in his brown V-neck sweater.
  • You should wear this dress – you will look well-dressed and elegant. You should wear this dress, you will look smart and elegant.
  • I feel myself very comfortable in this green sweater, it is my favorite. – I feel very comfortable in this green sweater, it is my favorite.
  • Hoodies and sweatshirts are not in my style – I prefer wearing a shirt with a vest.- Hoodies and sweatshirts are not my style - I prefer to wear a shirt with a vest.
  • Put off this suit - it is too small, try on another one.- Take off this suit - it's too small, try on another one.
  • This blouse matches my eye color. This blouse matches the color of my eyes.

Learn the words from our list and you will definitely fill the gap in your vocabulary on this topic.

We recommend reading
