Five of Wands: Tarot card meaning. Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot". Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

Cement 19.11.2020

If you got a card of 5 Tarot Wands - the value promises troubles, participation in a struggle or competition, as well as difficulties that you have to deal with. The meaning of this card in relationships describes a rather difficult period.

In the article:

5 of Wands Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

The 5 of Wands Tarot is a fake fight card. It depicts five people who playfully fight each other. Perhaps they are trying to thwart each other with wands. The image is competitive in nature, conveys the atmosphere of fun and play. There is no specific goal for this game.

Regarding the meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands, the efforts of the people involved in the matter that the fortuneteller asks about are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the card. They lack clear action planning. If you direct the efforts of these people to something specific, the plan will be useful.

If only a fortuneteller is involved in resolving the issue, the card says that his efforts do not lead to the results that are needed. Your goal should be clear and understandable to you. It doesn't hurt to get other people's support.

The meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands can be quite fit in the phrase "there is a lot of noise, but little sense." There is a lot of activity, troubles, promises, but the results are insignificant. If the alignment is made on enemies who threaten the fortuneteller, they will have empty chores, and the threats are unlikely to be carried out.

The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot also deals with uncertainty. In addition, there is a possibility of being involved in some kind of struggle. Perhaps this refers to a trial, a quarrel with neighbors on domestic issues, and similar situations. A fortuneteller can expect many obstacles, but perseverance and a willingness to stand up for his interests will help him. In this case, the card can mean sports or martial arts and sports competitions.

Here the struggle has nothing to do with a life-and-death battle. It is more like a call to measure strength. You should not be afraid of defeat, you have everything you need to win. On the other hand, the card does not promise fabulous luck, everything will depend only on your actions. Do not miss the chance that will help you show your abilities and achieve interesting results. Avoid passivity, now it can only hurt.

If the question concerns the trip, most likely it will be postponed due to some problems. Channel your energy into sports or have a noisy party. You have too much energy and active actions will do you good now.

5 Staves Tarot upside down symbolizes peace and harmony in all spheres of life. New opportunities can be perceived as a challenge from fate, but in general the situation will be stable. This card may also portend the end of the conflict, reconciliation or a favorable solution to the issue.

Interpretation of 5 Tarot Wands for self-development

The meaning of the Tarot card of 5 Wands speaks of the stress to which the fortuneteller is now greatly exposed. He should restore clarity of thought and turn to internal reserves to cope with stress. You should pay attention to new opportunities, even if they are more like a challenge, and look for positive aspects in the difficulties that arise. Each of your problems is a source of new opportunities or valuable experience.

The 5 of Wands also means a riddle or some kind of problem that needs to be solved. You will have to rack your brains, but the found solution to the riddle will bring you closer to the goal on the path of knowledge. You should not be afraid of the steadily approaching situation, it will not bring any problems.

An example of a similar situation is a heated dispute between representatives of different generations. This is not about conflict, but about trying to find out the truth. The discussion promises to be constructive. All participants are given the opportunity to get new ideas and get rid of the norms imposed by society and other people.

Five of Wands Tarot - meaning in the layout for work

The Five of Wands means that you need to solve some problem. The decision will require tension, but stress, overstrain and other negative consequences do not threaten the fortuneteller.

The task about which in question is likely to be unusual. FROM highly likely you have not yet encountered this, but you have everything in order to cope with the matter. However, the unusualness of the task can also be expressed in volume, you could never aim for such a scale of work before.

The task will require dexterity and ingenuity, but you should not take it too seriously. Treat this as a competition, a chance to try your hand. It is likely that it will be a quiz or a competition.

5 of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 5 Tarot Wands often means a family of lovers to argue or arrange a competition in something. Despite such stormy competition, these people love each other, their relationship is not threatened by real scandals or betrayal. However, this relationship is like a struggle.

Without these disputes, the relationship in a couple will quickly wither and turn into a boring swamp. Arguments and competitions keep them on their toes. Partners find some inspiration in them and in this way stir up interest in each other. A good example would be the mythological union of Hera and Zeus.

Probably, the meaning in the relationship of the Five of Wands of the Tarot concerns only a certain period for the couple in question. The struggle may also turn out to be joint against someone else or circumstances. In addition, this card may mean that you will have to win the favor of a loved one or fight an opponent.

What kind of people does the Five of Tarot Wands represent?

It is known that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of a fortuneteller, but also specific people from his environment. Knowing this part of the meaning, you can always find out who was the culprit of your difficulties or who you can ask for help.

Five of Wands in upright position means lovers of competition and disputes. This could be a referee at a sports competition, a sports team, or someone who is seriously into sports, especially martial arts. This card also indicates an enemy or opponent who is acting openly.

inverted The Five of Wands displays a secret enemy or rival who prefers to fight a competitor in your face implicitly. Anger is one of the character traits inherent in this person.

5 of Wands in Tarot Combinations

Combinations of 5 Tarot Wands with other cards can make the forecast more detailed and accurate, and sometimes nearby cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of 5 of Wands with speaks of leaving the fight. Perhaps this meaning can also be taken as advice not to mess with the troubles that have arisen, but to try to avoid them, which almost always turns out to be easier.

The combination of the Five of Wands with promises quarrels within the family. If the Queen of Cups is near this card, the quarrel will be with her. The situation is the same with the King. Knowing the meanings of these cards, you can understand exactly who you will have to quarrel with.

If the Five of Wands falls near, the meaning of such a combination can be described in one word - a duel. The cards mean a fair competition or a fight between opponents who do not hide their intentions. The combination with the Three of Swords promises a verbal skirmish, but it will be quite stormy and can have serious consequences.


Short description

According to Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin in Waite-Smith Tarot Secrets, the map depicts the process of building a pergola, a garden decor element very popular in England. Katz and Goodwin write that they have photographs of this process involving Pamela Smith. However, unfortunately, the photographs are not included in the book.

My acquaintances, who currently live in England, told me that the construction of such a structure is a completely simple matter, literally for half an hour. It is used both as a support for climbing plants and as a shelter for gatherings. In a certain sense, the construction of a pergola is a metaphor for an easy, effortless process that gives a quick and obvious result.

We see the development of the plot of 5 Staves on. The built canopy is a place for holding a holiday.

But due to the fact that outwardly the map looks like a fight between young people, it began to be perceived as a battle, a competition. For example, I have read about the parallels between the 5 Staves and the famous stick fights on the Venetian Bridge of Fists.

But Waite also pointed out that this is not a fight, but an imitation of a fight or even a sports game.

Stick fight on the Venetian bridge, engraving 1550. Venice, Ponte dei Pugni, "The Bridge of Fists"


  • Struggle
  • Competition
  • Trial
  • Competition
  • Dispute, quarrel

Key Ideas

  • Mismatched Goals
  • Social contacts
  • Rules of the game
  • “There is a lot of noise, but little sense”

Basic meaning

Waite is not very consistent in describing the meanings of the 5 (Five) Staves (Wands) Tarot. On the one hand, he considers it as an imitation of a struggle, a game, a competition, and on the other hand, he speaks of a struggle to achieve wealth and fame. And even as a struggle for existence, bringing a shade of tragedy into the meaning of the card.

The inverted meaning of 5 (Fives) Staves (Wands) Tarot according to Waite does not differ too much in interpretation from the direct one: litigation, disputes, contradictions.

Modern meanings and interpretation of the Tarot card 5 (Five) of Wands are related to the game as a competition, the rules of the game and the roles of the participants. The famous quote from William our Shakespeare perfectly describes the map: “The whole world is a theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have their own exits, exits, And each plays a role more than one.

More than one role is also played out in the meaning of the card. There are too many people, their interests are too different. It is too difficult to coordinate actions and achieve coordinated work.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - 5 Staves

Meaning in relationships

Open - closed card

Five of Staffs - very open card. Too many people are involved in the situation, maybe even too many people. And everyone pursues their own interests. Unlike the 4 Staves, the Five says that the composition of the participants is a variable value. People easily enter the 5 Staffs and easily exit it. They do not have a common goal, so they cannot be considered as a single team.

Relationship Intensity

The value of 5 (Five) of the Tarot Wands indicates that the intensity of the relationship is very high. This is a noisy, demonstrative relationship. Consciously or not, but the participants strive to make them public. Theatricality, demonstrativeness of the Five of Staves is very high.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Interpreting the meanings of tarot cards in love and family relationships 5 (Five) of Wands often indicates a demonstrative relationship, loud, noisy, with breaking dishes, with leaving to mother. Stormy reconciliations and the same stormy scandals are out of the blue. Some couples can live like this for years. And they are satisfied with everything. Disputes and other manifestations of emotions are perceived in this pair as convincing manifestations of passion and indifference to each other.

Open relationships involve the possibility of interference by any family member of any degree of kinship in relations between spouses or relatives. Why, relative, any neighbor considers it his duty to put in his five cents. The card does not make it clear whether what happened is an ordinary emotional game or a serious conflict. But in any case, the scenario “Who goes to the forest and who goes to the firewood” plays out here.

The fact that there are firms living in such a regime is not surprising. It is surprising that some of them manage to achieve good results in business.

Combined with the Major Arcana

Combined with the Major Arcana
  • with map : Wacky games
  • with map : Destruction games
  • with a card : A game built on deception

Psychological condition

A person strives to constantly increase the emotional tension in which he lives, otherwise life seems boring and insipid to him. New connections, new contacts. The Five of Staves is a very superficial card. Emotions are strong and shallow, so additional replenishment is constantly required. A person does not seek to establish strong ties, but is very interested in expanding the number of contacts.

Combined with the suit of Wands

Combined with the suit of Wands
  • c : Good chance of winning the competition
  • c : A game dispute that develops into a real fight
  • c: Played together, but cleaned alone

Significance in matters of health

The value of 5 (Five) Staves (Wands) Tarot speaks of an extremely frivolous attitude towards one's health. A person does not protect health, takes risks in vain. The desire to prove something to someone provokes negligence, negligence and, as a result, can lead to serious injuries received in a completely frivolous gaming environment.

The map may indicate mismatched work internal organs, autoimmune diseases.

Combined with the suit of Cups

Combined with the suit of Cups
  • combined with : Love games
  • combined with: Participation in this game will lead you to disappointment and resentment
  • combined with : Friendly Brawl

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Very dynamic, poorly managed map. It shows that a large number of people are involved in the situation - partners, competitors, subordinates, so there can be no talk of either control or management.

The instability of the card is also associated with uncontrollable expenses: for the game, for betting, for gambling entertainment.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The key meaning of the card is the game, and it can be assumed that one of the specific tips of this card is to use someone else's excitement for your own enrichment. If you want the casino to bring you income, buy it. Or organize a lottery.

But more likely, the card is talking about the fact that you are either a spectator or a participant in the game, which means that expenses, and significant ones, are inevitable, and the gain is more than doubtful.

General state of finances and trends

It is interesting that the card does not say anything about the future, it is impossible to predict what the financial situation of a person blinded by excitement will be in the next hour. At the moment, what was accumulated in the past is being spent, but this situation is not stable either, everything is changing every minute.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

There is only one way to make a profit of 5 Staves: to become the one who determines the rules of the game, stop being a spectator or participant.

On the 5 Staves map, this is exactly the figure left behind the scenes, which gave (or even sold) to all the guys a staff.

All other roles are losing in advance: various participants in the events bring chaos, confusion and confusion. Competitive struggle can push a person to stupid and thoughtless actions, when any actions do not pay off the costs.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Combined with the suit of Swords
  • c : Playing for a big prize
  • c : Coordinate actions in a team
  • c : Everyone should do what he is an expert in

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • What game are you playing?
  • What game are your partners playing?
  • What is your role in the game?
  • What is your goal in the game?

In the Tarot deck, one of the most controversial and mysterious cards is the Five of Tarot Wands. It depicts people fighting on staves. But the action depicted is more like a competition than a fight. There are no warring parties, and everyone is fighting for himself. People are overwhelmed with energy and in a brawl they splash it out. Here reigns the spirit of the game and competition.

The Five of Wands Tarot is the most controversial and mysterious card.

What does the Five of Wands mean?

From the image on the card, you can understand what it represents. Poles talk about the lack of a specific goal and understatement. Everything that a person does does not give a result.

The person on whom the alignment is being made is not able to cope with the problems on his own and he needs to use the help of other people. With support, he will be able to get out of any, even the most difficult situation, with minimal losses.

From this we can conclude that the Tarot Five of Wands symbolizes the absence of a specific goal, the uncertainty of desires, thoughts. Human efforts are not focused on achieving the task, but are directed in different directions. One can trace the dissatisfaction of a person with his life and his desire to destroy everything that prevents him from realizing his dream.

When interpreting, it is important in what form Arkan fell out. Therefore, you need to pay attention to whether 5 wands fell out straight or upside down, as well as what signs they are next to.

What do the fives symbolize in tarot?

The fives that fell out in the layout will tell about the upcoming changes: travel, career advancement, public recognition, solving interesting problems. During this period of a person's life, serious energy costs await. And also hasty conclusions can be drawn.

Favorable time for art, literature, creativity and self-knowledge. The fives are restless in nature, so if they fell out during fortune-telling, this indicates that now it is not best time get involved in something for a long time.

Direct card position

The peculiarity of poles is that they do not have a specific meaning. They may have different interpretations and often negative. In accordance with their meaning, a person will need to solve a difficult task or fight the current situation, the enemy or himself. In the upright position, the 5 Tarot Staves have the following meanings:

  • competition;
  • ambition;
  • the desire to break out of the generally accepted framework.

But ambition and pride become an obstacle to the fortuneteller, and he himself prevents himself from moving through life.

The reason for the confusion and turmoil may lie in the people interfering in life, in their large numbers. Poles symbolize changes in life, and that a person will have to go through a difficult and thorny path. Rivalry in this case does not carry aggression, but is a chance for a person to show their best qualities.

Five of Wands upright - a sign of future conflict with work colleagues

In career matters, there may be conflict situations with partners and colleagues, disagreements in important issues. The crisis in work should serve as a springboard to new achievements. We'll have to tighten the rules to eliminate competitors and climb the career ladder.

Regarding health, this Arkan reports the development of inflammatory processes, injuries and exacerbation of chronic diseases. In matters of the heart, it reports on the resolution of controversial issues, the achievement of stability in relations.

Such changes will not be easy, but the result is worth it. And also staves can talk about difficult relationships that suit both partners. If the five fell out with the Empress, then this alliance is very strong and no outside forces can destroy it.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the staves are no longer as harmless as in the previous case. Competition and struggle are manifested from the worst sides. All boundaries of what is permitted are completely erased. A person tries to benefit for himself from the conflicts and problems of other people. Sometimes this Arcana can talk about existing or upcoming problems with the law.

In a career, the reversed Five of Wands speaks of unsuccessful negotiations and actions that may have unforeseen consequences. Fierce competition pushes people to do terrible things. Regarding the competitor, the inverted Five of Staves tells that all his courage is just a mask that has no basis for this. Therefore, the fight against it will lead to the fact that time will be wasted, money and opportunities will be lost. Regarding health, this tarot card tells of a stubborn and long struggle for recovery.

Five of Wands Reversed - Relationship Conflicts

In personal relationships, the reversed Five of Wands means that constant petty quarrels can turn into a scandal. All human problems are due to his arrogance and pride. And also this Arkan can indicate constant conflicts in which the fortuneteller's partner is guilty, and in combination with the Emperor, he will tell about the partner's attempts to subjugate the fortuneteller.

The person for whom the alignment is made may lose a job or a lover, but other cards in the layout should confirm this.

Five of Wands - card of the day

A person will have to accumulate his strength in order to confirm his talent and skill. In a fair fight with full dedication to the work being done, it will eventually lead to victory. But even if a person does not get a prize, he will be satisfied that he took part in this competition.

You can’t give in to difficulties, and if you have confidence in your abilities, then you need to fight to the end. In personal relationships, Arkan talks about a period of active courtship and all-consuming passion.

What kind of people are hiding behind the 5 of Wands

This Arcana can mean not only a situation, but also certain person. It is important not only to determine what the Five of Tarot Wands mean, but also who is behind this card. Having determined who exactly this Arcana represents, a person will know from whom to expect trouble or ask him for help.

In the upright position, five Poles represent people prone to disputes and competitions. The card may indicate an enemy who is waging an open fight, and in an inverted position, a secret rival. The hallmark of the person behind this Arcana is anger.

Interpretation in layouts

During fortune-telling, you must definitely look with which cards the poles fell out. This will allow you to make a more accurate and detailed forecast. Often, the nearest Arcana drastically change the meaning of the main card. Five always means the end of a quiet life and the coming changes and transformations. A person who has fallen poles can have no doubt that big changes will soon take place in his life.

Very soon new life as a stormy river will take him and carry him with the current, he will have to make great efforts to get out of it. What does the Five of Wands mean in combination with other cards:

  • with the first Arcana (Magician) - success in the planned business;
  • with the tenth Arcana (Wheel of Fortune) - a whirlpool of events with a favorable outcome for the fortuneteller;
  • with the fifteenth Arcana (Devil) - meanness, intrigue and unfair competition;
  • with the King or Queen - conflict resolution;
  • with the Knight of Wands - intensification of conflict and struggle.

Five Staves can be called a symbol of struggle. She very rarely portends big problems, but she is always a messenger of difficult situations in which she has to defend her interests.

Defending your interests, a clash of different points of view, a spirit of rivalry - what do you think, what kind of numerical card are we talking about? Of course, this is the meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands - this is exactly what Minor Arcana will be the subject of our conversation today. Numerical cards often raise a lot of questions, unlike the Major Arcana, so we will try to analyze the symbolic field of this card in as much detail as possible.

General description of the Five of Wands card, plot and meaning in the layout

Let's turn to the classic image from the Rider-Waite deck. On the map, we see five young people who started some kind of brawl. At first glance, it is difficult to understand that this is a real competition or some kind of educational game? But in any case, this is clearly not a battle on a real battlefield, which somewhat “softens” the meaning of the Five of Tarot Staves, turning it into competition, confrontation, domestic conflict rather than a real war.

Key Words and Ideas for the 5 Staff Card Spread

Since we have decided that the card brawl is not a fight to the death, but just competition and rivalry, let's make a list of keywords and ideas that will most accurately describe the meaning and interpretation of the Five of Tarot Wands:

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Criticism
  • Trying to defend your beliefs
  • Competition
  • Temporary obstacles
  • The need to prove something

The value of the card in the upright position

So, what can the Five Tarot Wands in the upright position mean? This is clearly a turbulent environment, but not militant, but rather provocative - these are circumstances that force us to leave everything for a while and take a defensive position, express our point of view, give reasonable arguments, try to prove our case.

Also, the meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands can be competition in the work environment, participation in any competitions, living in some situation, the experience of which will come in handy later. In general, this is not a negative card, as one might think, but rather an Arcana of a successful confrontation, which promises to overcome temporary difficulties after you “shake yourself up” a little, try your hand.

Meaning of 5 Staffs Reversed

The meaning of the Tarot Five of Wands reversed is a little more tragic. Here we are talking about unfair competition, intrigues, putting sticks in the wheels, injustice, deliberately ousting a person. If the result of the competition of the direct Five was a positive experience, then the result of the reverse will be real bumps and bruises, received, most likely, not quite deservedly. Also, the inverted Arkan can report a lost bet, lack of success in the chosen business, unnecessary rivalry, and sometimes literally the postponement of a competition or exam.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - 5 Staves

The meaning of the Five of Wands in relationship and love layouts

The meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands in a relationship is played out in a very peculiar way. Let's see exactly how.

Direct position

We can say that this numerical Arcana will indicate a couple that cannot do without quarrels, showdown, scandals. There is a type of people who are simply bored of living a quiet, calm life, so they constantly hurt each other, are jealous, and do not want to make concessions. If the surrounding cards are not negative, then these grindings may well do a good job - push the couple to develop together. General value The Fives of Tarot Wands in love is the release of accumulated tension to get out of a situation of stagnation.

inverted position

The reverse position of the card is more severe - in this situation, people risk pointlessly "breaking spears", spending a lot of energy, saying a bunch of hurtful words, and as a result, nothing will change in these relations. Thus, the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot in a relationship, if it is turned upside down, can be described with one apt phrase - "a lot of noise, little meaning."

Meaning of 5 Staffs in Health Spreads

How can this numerical Arcana be interpreted when we ask the cards about the state of human health. We'll figure out.

Direct position

The Five of Wands Tarot meaning in health takes on the following: it is any ailment that tests the body for strength. This category includes diseases of the immune system, colds, infections.

inverted position

Health risks, but not too serious. Also, the card may indicate an incorrect diagnosis, when they were treated for one, but it turned out that the person had a completely different one. But, as a rule, the map still does not threaten global problems.

The meaning of the 5 of Wands in layouts for personality analysis and psychological state

Now let's see what the symbolic field of the map will be if we try to use it to describe a person or his state of mind.

Direct position

If we describe a person, then the meaning of the 5 Tarot Staves will be a person full of internal conflicts, which is characterized by pride and arrogance. It always seems to such a person that they do not notice him - and then he desperately enters into a struggle, trying to prove that he is no worse than others. On the psychological plane, it is a feeling that the whole world has taken up arms against us, although in fact there is only one reason for such a feeling - internal illusions that do not allow us to set goals correctly, to distinguish true desires from unnecessary, illusory ones.

inverted position

The meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands, when it comes upside down when divining for a description of a person, is a kind of despair, the desire to always “climb on the rampage”, ambitiousness. Such a person constantly brings chaos into his own and other people's lives, provokes some kind of squabbles, strife just like that, from scratch, in order to once again prove to everyone his strength and fearlessness. On the psychological plane - the desire to overcome their fears through aggressive, conflict behavior. We can say that this is a person who is scared to death of an attack, therefore he always prefers to attack first.

The value of the card in the layouts for finance and work

How can this very "conflict" card manifest itself if we ask a question about work?

Direct position

This is, first of all, competition and disagreements in the team. The second meaning of the 5 Tarot Staves is education, training, training. Sometimes Arkan can be perceived as overcoming any obstacles, reorganization, exhausting work. However, sometimes you can see quite favorable prospects behind all this turmoil. In terms of money - the desire to preserve what has already been earned.

inverted position

In fact, the card will talk about the same thing as in the upright position, but at the same time, there is zero sense in all this fuss. They argued and argued, but the solution was never found, they competed stubbornly, and someone else won, they taught and taught, but the employees did not remember anything. On questions of money - financial disputes, fraud, dubious benefits.

The meaning of the Five of Staves in combination with the Major Arcana

Now let's move on to considering changes in the symbolic field of the card under the influence of other Arcana on it. We start with the Elders.

  • Jester: Ignoring other people's opinions, getting into an argument out of stupidity
  • Mage: Manipulating anyone in a team, company
  • : Intrigue, disorder in the papers
  • Empress: A solution that suits everyone will be found
  • : Power Struggle
  • : Meaning of 5 Tarot Wands next to the Hierophant - overcoming doubts
  • : Rivalry in personal relationships (love, friendship)
  • Chariot: Get bogged down in controversy
  • : Do not violate the boundaries of what is permitted, restrain yourself
  • : Internal conflict, disagreement with oneself
  • Wheel of Fortune: Fate challenges you
  • : Finding a loophole in the legal system
  • The Hanged Man: Finding a Way Out
  • Death: Change of views, opinions
  • Moderation: Moderate point of view
  • Devil: Trick of Fate
  • Tower: Lose to opponent
  • Star: Hope for a better way out
  • Moon: Hidden, secret conflict
  • Sun: Overtake competitors, win
  • Judgment: The Truth Born During an Argument
  • World: New, fresh look, victory

Meaning of the Five of Wands combined with the Minor Arcana

Now let's analyze the "behavior" of the card if it is next to the court or numerical Arcana.

Combination with the suit of Staves

  • : Seize the initiative, grab luck by the tail
  • : Failure, missed opportunity
  • : Self-affirmation through overcoming difficulties
  • : Meaning of 5 Tarot Wands with Four of the same suit means compromise found
  • Six: Advance, subjugate someone, gain the upper hand
  • Seven: Prolonged conflict, constant friction
  • Eight: Turmoil, the height of a conflict situation, timely quick reaction
  • Nine: Be always on the alert, expecting an "attack"
  • Ten: Violent bullying that literally "knocks out" a person from the battlefield
  • : Compromise is planned, although not yet reached
  • : Adding fuel to the fire, provocative
  • : Putting things in order, becoming "above" the situation
  • King: Constructive conflict, acceptance of responsibility

Combination with the suit of Cups

  • : Rivalry based on love
  • : Showdown
  • : Quarrel in the company
  • : Avoid conflict situations
  • Five: Vulnerability to rivals
  • The Six: A Conflict Rooted in the Past
  • Seven: Struggle without result
  • 8: Escape from the fight
  • Nine: Moral pleasure from the victory, which a person literally “gnawed out with his teeth”
  • Ten: Meaning of 5 Tarot Staffs with Ten of Cups - family quarrels
  • Page: Fight for attention
  • : Go to reconciliation to calm differences
  • Queen: Quarrel with a woman
  • : Conflict with a man

Combination with the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Meaning of Five Tarot Wands with Ace of Pentacles - conflict over money
  • Two: Disagreements with a person who owes you something
  • Troika: Professional Competition
  • Four: Struggle to restore order
  • : Survival Battle
  • Six: Participation in the competition
  • Seven: You need to consider whether you need to continue the fight
  • 8: Professional Competition
  • Nine: Fight for some gain
  • Ten: Inheritance Controversy
  • Page: Conflicts over money supply
  • Knight: Business acumen
  • : Disagreements with a business woman
  • King: The Fight for Financial Control

Do not perceive the current situation solely as a "check for lice" - it is quite possible that it will become a very useful experience for you.

Card Warning

Before provoking a conflict, think about its true reason: maybe you are trying to prove something to someone only because of your own fears and complexes? If this is true, then it’s better to sort it out with yourself first, otherwise you’ll break firewood, but you won’t get a visible result.

What questions does the Five of Wands card answer?

To immerse yourself in the symbolic field of the card, try, looking at this Arcana, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who am I really fighting?
  • What and to whom do I want to prove by entering into a conflict?
  • Is the only way out - is confrontation?
  • Can I use this experience later?

So, we have completed the study of the meaning of the 5 Tarot Wands. We hope that you were interested in getting to know him, and now the interpretation of this numerical Arcana will no longer cause you questions.

Other names for the Five of Wands tarot card: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Scepters, Staves, Clubs, Clubs, Maces, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Clubs, Clubs

The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown to us, an invitation to measure strength, to compete, a test: do we have enough strength? This has nothing to do with enmity or a life-and-death battle. We are offered to try our hand - maybe indeed in some kind of competition, dispute, or maybe in some new business for us. We have the strength for this, and we simply have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, except perhaps when a number of unfavorable circumstances coincide. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities, to realize them.

Work and business

The Five of Wands means the task we have to solve; of course, it will demand from us a strain, but by no means an overstrain of forces. This may be a qualitatively new, unusual task, or an unusual volume or scale of work that we have not threatened before; or a multi-way combination that requires dexterity and ingenuity. This is a competition task, like in a quiz show, and it should be treated as a game, an exercise in strength, and not taken on with deadly seriousness.


Here, this card means a problem or a riddle over which you will have to rack your brains, but this will help us to move forward significantly along the path of knowledge. An example is those heated arguments and bitter discussions that teenagers have with each other and with adults, polishing their minds and gradually developing their own ideas and ideas instead of the old ones imposed by other people.

Relationships and love

A family of quarrelers who love each other, but every now and then they bicker or compete in something. This is not a romantic union of two gentle souls, but a constant struggle. However, this feature may not be inherent in the union as such, but reflects only a certain period in the life of partners. Or they have to work together to solve a problem. Another card may indicate that without disputes, the union would quickly turn into a dull swamp, which is why the partners support themselves "in full combat readiness." An example is the union of the main Olympian deities, Zeus and Hera.

The inner meaning of the card

Following a period of insane spending and less sensible handling of finances, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to win, earn or get more money and material values. The Five of Wands tarot card says that these are not just attempts to grow your business; it is a greedy pursuit of financial gain.

For some time, you will face severe trials, even hardships due to this struggle. If you started this struggle yourself, then you may be able to alleviate the situation by showing patience and tolerance. If other people have drawn you into the fight, you will need to fight to keep what you have.

Comment. According to some interpretations, the Five of Tarot Wands is called a card of gold, profit and wealth. You can get rich if you strive for it and if the other signs are favorable.

Combinations in tarot layouts


7 of wands: opposition, battle

Strength: dissent

10 of wands: fighting, squabbling, meeting with an obstacle, resistance

5 of swords: discord, confrontation of the parties


2 of Pentacles: well-coordinated work, unity of friends

Peace: Integration, Collaboration

Temperance: harmony, agreement, working together

2 of Cups: truce, agreement, joint movement




Saturn in Leo

0°—10° Leo

Original Title: Lord of the Fight. The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands outstretched from the clouds, right and left, join in the center in the handshake of the First Order. They hold four wands crossed in twos. The third hand, extended from the cloud at the bottom of the card, holds the fifth wand, pointing vertically upwards and passing between the other four. Tongues of fire emanate from the points of intersection of the wands

Color of Geburah according to the scale of the King: orange
Colors of Saturn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; black with blue veins
Leo's colors on four scales: yellow (greenish); rich purple; grey; reddish amber
Formula: Five (Geburah) + Wands (Atzilut) + Saturn in Leo = FIGHT.

Crowley pays more attention to the Five of Wands than any other card of this suit. Is it because this card corresponds to the first decanate of Leo, into which the Ascendant falls? natal chart Crowley? Crowley was strongly identified with the sign of Leo and even used its astrological symbol in his signature, as part of the letter "A" in the name "Aleister".

This is one of three cards in the deck that Crowley literally left his mark on. If you look closely at the winged solar disk crowning the central rod, the rod of the Supreme Adept, then it will reveal Crowley's personal magical seal - the Mark of the Beast over the seven-pointed star of Babalon. This symbol is also used in the structure of the Ace of Disks (according to tradition, the creator of the deck leaves his signature on this card) and the Prince of Wands - a card that controls the 30 ° section, which also includes Crowley's ascendant.

As in Crowley's own personality, deep contradictions are incredibly connected in this card: the fiery Lion feels good in the sphere of fiery Geburah, and Geburah itself implies movement and creates an environment characterized by strength and activity. On the other hand, Saturn exerts a powerful and constant opposition to these factors. As a result, the map turns into an image of hot compressed magma, which tends to splash out of the volcano's mouth, but cannot, because the mountain itself presses too hard on it.

This card corresponds to Geburah in the suit of Fire. Since Geburah is itself a fiery sephirah, the Five of Wands is a purely active force. Its rulers are Saturn and Leo. Leo represents the element of Fire in its most powerful and balanced form. Saturn gives it some heaviness and bitterness. And this volcanic energy sweeps away all restrictions.

The symbol depicted on the card is the rod of the Supreme Adept, indicating that he is invested with authority from above; were it not so, this card would mean a complete disaster. Moreover, there are two wands of the Second or Elder Adept. The Rod of the Second Adept is surmounted by the head of a phoenix, symbolizing the destruction (or rather purification) by fire and the resurrection of energy from the ashes. And finally, the last two wands are the wands of the Third or Younger Adept; and these are, so to speak, the daughters of the wands depicted on the Three of this suit. One of the most difficult points of the teaching about Geburah is that, while symbolizing all this indomitable and reckless energy and excitement, it, at the same time, comes from the meek and gentle power of the feminine principle.

The Egyptians were well aware of this idea. They called their lioness goddess Bast "wild" and "ferocious"; fanatical worshipers who identified this goddess with Nature represented her "with bloody teeth and claws." There is often an element of sexual cruelty in the highest divine nature; cf. Bhavani and Kali in the Hindu system and the intercourse of Shiva and Shakti, often depicted on Tibetan banners. See also Book 418 [The Vision and the Voice], the descriptions of the 4th, 3rd and 2nd Ethers, and the section on Atu XI.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

These three women are high in the sky, fun and free, yet alert and interdependent. In trapezoid exercises, no one can afford to be a little "absent", even for a fraction of a second. And it is this quality of total presence in every moment that is represented here.

Direct position

We may feel like there is too much to do at once, but we get bogged down in trying to do a little here, a little there, instead of taking one task at a time and sticking to it. Or perhaps we think our task is "boring" because we have forgotten that what matters is not what we do, but how we do it. Developing the ability to respond totally to whatever comes is one of the greatest gifts you can afford. By taking one step at a time, giving each step your full attention and energy, you can bring a wonderful new vitality to everything you do.

The meaning of the card

Every moment there is an opportunity to be whole. Whatever you do, be absorbed in it so completely that the mind does not think of anything, it is only there, it is only presence. And you will be more and more whole. And the taste of wholeness will make you more and more capable of being whole. And try to see those moments when you are not whole. These moments must be gradually discarded. When you are not whole, whatever is in your head - thoughts, reflections, calculations, cunning, dexterity - you are not whole. Gradually slip away from these moments. It's just an old habit. Habits die hard. But they die anyway - if the person insists, they die. (Osho)

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