Twin eggs twins. Gemini: from conception to birth. Determination of the concept of the aembron

Hall, living room 13.01.2021
Hall, living room

Children born as a result of multiple pregnancy are called twins. In addition, you can often hear the word "twins", which in the surprise call "unlike" twins.

How does it work?

Twins are two types. Diavigot (binary, unidentic) Gemini develop from two fertilized eggs. At the same time, in some cases, the simultaneous maturation of two or more eggs occurs in one or both ovaries. It is possible a third way of origin of bike twins: fertilization of two and more eggs ripening in one follicle. Interestingly, sometimes the difference between the time of conception of dialing twins can be from several hours to several days. Bicycle twins genetically similar to no more than ordinary brothers and sisters; They are approximately the same frequency of one sex and different floors.

Monosigital (single-axis, identical) twins are obtained by fertilization of a single eggs in one spermatozooid. Then the resulting zygota begins to share as usual, but with an interesting feature: as a result of division, independent embryos are subsequently formed. The reasons for the development of this process of science are still not established due to the complexity of the biochemical mechanisms regulating the division of the cell. Such twins are almost accurate copies of each other, although, of course, there are still insignificant differences between them. After all, in the initially equal DNA of each embryo, various mutations may occur. The second cause of differences is the non-mental influences, such as the features of the regions of the female uterus or the impact of other factors. Monosic twins are 5 times less than dialing. Among the monosic twins the boys are dominated.

Separate theme - Siamese twins. So called single-line twins, in varying degrees struck each other. Estimated reason - later splitting the embryo on independent forms. The later this happens, the higher the risk. Siamese twins - an extremely rare phenomenon. They are born once every 10 million birth.

Many twin conceptions do not end in the birth. For each born a couple of twins accounts for 10-12 people who had a twin in the womb.

Is it possible to schedule the birth of twins?

Naturally - practically no. If the pregnancy has already come and a woman knows about it, then it is impossible to change the course of events in any case, because in the process of fertilization, information about the future child is laid, including whether it will be one or there will be two.

But some factors still increase the probability of conception of a bicycle twins, while the probability of the birth of one-way twins is not connected with any hereditary and external factors and is on average 3 per 1000 pregnancies, that is, 0.3%.

So, in women aged 35-39 years, the likelihood of such conception increases. The fact is that in the late root portion period in the female body increases the concentration of hormone, which stimulates the ripening of the egg. Thus, simultaneously can immediately mature several ready-to-fertilization of eggs. It is also known that the duration of the daylight is influenced by the development of this hormone. Therefore, more likelihood to conceive twins in the spring, when it starts to adversely harbor the sun.

If twins have already been in the family, then the probability of having binary twins is the higher, the closer the generation in which it happened. The tendency to the birth of bike twins is manifested only in women. Men from such families can convey this property to their daughters, although in the offspring of these men themselves an increased frequency of the twins is not observed.

More often a few eggs ripen in women having a short menstrual cycle - 20-21 days, as well as women with anomalies of uterus development, for example, in the presence of a partition in the uterine cavity or a cougium uterus (the pathology of the uterus's development, in which the body has no pear shape, and as if united).

In recent years, hormonal preparations that stimulate the ripening of egg and ovulation have become widely used to treat infertility and other gynecological diseases. As a result, the long-awaited after many years of infertility pregnancy often turns out to be double or triple! Successfully developing technologies of extracorporeal fertilization (ECO) also led to the fact that the pregnancy of double or triple ceased to be highly rare. Gemini after eco always diverse, often all-choice, each with their appearance and character.

Significantly above the frequency of twins in various social shocks, wars.

When can I learn about the twins?

Another fifteen-twenty years ago, Double found out only during childbirth or not before the 20th week of pregnancy. When recognizing multiple pregnancy, the following signs were taken into account.

The increase in the uterus in multi-flow occurs faster than during pregnancy with one fruit, so the magnitude of the uterus does not correspond to the period of pregnancy. At the same time, a significant amount of pregnant uterus does not correspond to the small size of the preempting head of the fetus. In addition, during twins, the deepening of the region of the bottom of the uterus (saddot uterus), the formation of which is associated with the protrusion of the corners of the uterine by large parts of the fruit; As well as a longitudinal recess on the front wall of the uterus, if the twins are in a longitudinal position, or the presence of a horizontal furrow on the front wall of the uterus during the transverse position of twins. For a long time, a distinct definition of three and larger parts of the fetus (two heads and one pelvic end or two pelvic ends and one pelvic end or two pelvic ends was important for the diagnosis of twins. The presence of two points of distinct heartbeat in different places of the uterus has the same importance.

Today, ultrasound examination already at the 5th week of pregnancy can tell the future mother, how many kids would expect her. At the same time, the doctor on the screen defines two "bubbles" of the emerging life. Interestingly, such a find for a woman who fluctuated to do or not to do an abortion, almost 100% of cases inclined future mom to preserve pregnancy. An experienced doctor for a period of up to 14 weeks of pregnancy may largely determine the type of twins (monosigitious or dialized) in the thickness of the septum.

To diagnose multiple pregnancy, phocardiography is also used, with which you can register the cardiac tones of the twins not only in recent months of pregnancy, but also in terms of 20-22 weeks and earlier.

Double joy price

As soon as the female consultation doctor determines that the future mother is waiting for twins, and then the triple, he credits it into the category of pregnant women with an increased degree of risk. This is due to the fact that women with multiple pregnancy in two or more times increased the risk of serious violations in a state of health compared to women who wear only one child.

Even with uncomplicated multiple pregnancies, a woman can feel fatigue; Already in the second trimester, shortness of breath appears, rapid heartbeat. It is related to the difficulty of the heart and lungs with a significant displacement of the diaphragm by the bottom of the uterus, the size of which is greater in multiple pregnancy than with one-bedless, while the load on the heart muscle increases three to four times. In pregnancy, several fruits increases the risk of arterial hypertension - an increase in blood pressure, more often there is a varicose extension of veins, deep veins thrombosis. Naturally, about professional physical exertion, lifting serious weights can not be speech. Ideal moderate load - hiking in the fresh air, swimming. During the seating, it is better to place legs on a special stand or low coffee table - this will serve as a preventive measure against varicose veins. Good bandage and special tights for "double" mothers is also a need. The rapid growth of the uterus may be ahead of the possibility of skin in tension, so "stretch marks" (tissue breaks) are often formed during multiple pregnancy. Reduce their appearance helps special means of skin care of the abdomen and hips.

In women waiting for twins, early toxicosis are often observed. This is due to the fact that the level of hormones in the blood is significantly higher than with ordinary pregnancy. Multiple mothers occur more often and is heavier proceeds such a formidable complication of pregnancy, as gestosis - a condition in which all organs and moms are affected, fruit suffer. Gesstosis is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, swelling on the legs.

By the end of the pregnancy, the participation of urges on urination is often marked due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Pregnant women often complain of heartburn and constipation. The volume of the stomach of the future mother is reduced due to squeezing it with a stretched uterus. For this reason, it is necessary to divide meals for six small portions. Despite small volumes, food must be balanced. For each "supernorumative" kid should flow 300 kcal, additional protein and calcium. The future mother in gland and folic acid is especially needed, their deficiency leads to the development of anemia (decrease in the amount of hemoglobin) in mom and oxygen starvation in children. In addition to the diet, special vitamins for pregnant women will come to the rescue and additional preventive reception of special iron preparations. Well, if you manage to keep hemoglobin not lower than g / l.

The risk of unbearable is the most serious complication of multiple pregnancy. Double, and then the triple load on the uterus often leads to the fact that the dairy zev begins to reveal. Sometimes in order to convey pregnancy at least up to 36 weeks, you have to resort to special devices that do not allow the cervix to open the cervix, or put on the neck of the seam, which is filmed in 36-37 weeks. With the same purpose, the doctor can recommend the future mother to "relax" in the department of pregnancy pathology in the hospital in the period when miscarriage or premature birth happen. Do not give up such a sentence.

With a bike double, the frequency of malfunction of intrauterine development is the same as during single-flop pregnancy, and with one-way twin - 2 times higher. The course of such pregnancy is often complicated by the delay in the growth of one of the fruits. The most pronounced degree of such delay is observed in the syndrome of fetopetal hemotransphus (single-board twins with one placenta are powered by each other). In this case, the life of both in danger. Typically, the difference in body weight between the twins is small and is about 200-300 grams. With fetopteral hemotransfusion syndrome, this difference reaches a kilogram and more.

Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of multiple pregnancies occur safely up to 37-38 weeks, when childbirth begin. Usually, doctors on this period recommended hospitalization to the maternity hospital, the purpose of which is the examination of the pregnant and the definition of the term and method of the delivery.

About the genus and postpartum period at multiple pregnancy, read in the next issue of the magazine.

Pregnancy is the most important stage in the life of fair sex representatives, so every woman is in a hurry as possible to testify and confirm the fact of future motherhood. The very first question that bothers all moms - how does the baby develop?

When an embryo appears in a fruit egg

As a result of conception, fertilized eggs after two weeks penetrates the uterus and is attached to the endometry - the inner mucosa layer of the uterus. It is from now on the body in the body of a woman begins to occur fundamental changes. One of the mains is the release of chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - hormone, protecting the fetus from the detrimental effects from the outside. The mining of hormone provokes the first signs of pregnancy and the positive result of the pregnancy test approximately 5-7 days after conception.

It is worth noting that on this time a full-fledged germ has not yet formed. And ultrasound diagnostics can consider the appearance of an embryo in a fetal egg no earlier than 5-6 weeks. On the screen of an ultrasonic scanner, a fruit egg is submitted to a small oval of dark gray in the uterine cavity. And the embryo, in turn, is visualized as barely noticeable formation of white, you can say a tadpole with a tail, which is not yet like a person.

Why are two embryos in a fruit egg?

When diagnosing on 6-8 weeks, two embryos can be said in the fruit egg of two embryos about the presence of multiple pregnancy. On an ultrasound study, you can see the difference in the sizes of embryos, but unambiguously determine whether the twins will be unambiguously or twins. The conception and formation of twin or single twins is due to the following reasons:

  • fertilization of two eggs two different spermatozoa;
  • the formation of two spilled gams from one egg.

With the first development of the situation, the pregnancy is called "Bizigatny", while the kids can be both same-sex and in general. Due to the second reason, two identical copies of embryos appear in the mother's womb.

Cases when in the abdomen of mom is not alone, but two or more kids are found not so often - 1.5-2.5% of all pregnancies. How does it work? What is the difference between multiple pregnancy? Is it possible to schedule the appearance of twins? Our expert - Anna Romanovna Pastukhov, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the centers of family medicine "Tovian" answers all questions.

What is the probability of pregnant with twins

For a start - some statistics. As we have already mentioned, this amazing phenomenon is found in 1.5-2.5% of the observations of pregnancies in Europe. It is believed that the appearance of twins, triples and twins is due to genetically - more often they are born in families, where one or both parents appeared as a result of multiple pregnancy. However, there are other reasons, among whom .

  • The birth of twins occurs with the frequency of geometric progression, there are even a special formula in obsteckers: on 87 gods there are one twin, 87 doubles - one triple, on 87 Troen - one of the quarters, etc. True, this formula needs to be corrected today - multiple pregnancies began to meet more and more.
  • Identical or single-time twins are less common: an average of 1 case for 250 genera.
  • Most often multiple pregnancies are celebrated in Africa, less often in Asia countries.

Types of multiple pregnancy

Let's start with a well-known fact. There are two types of twins: single-engine or monosigital and diverse (they are also called vyiilyotny).

  • Monosic twins appear as a result of dividing one egg, fertilized by one spermatozoa. They will surprise all the striking resemblance.
  • Divisiony twins are obtained as a result of fertilizing several egg cells with several spermatozoa. They can be both alone and different sexes, often differ in character and are not always similar.

Expert comment

Multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy, when in the parent organism is developing not one fruit, but at once several. The medicine distinguish the same or diverse twins (triple and so on). Single twins are always one sex, have the same blood group and externally similar. Dissan twins have phenotypic differences (eye color, face features), it can be both the same and different blood type. Dissolot twins can be in general.

How do one-time twins

To be honest - we have no idea! The reasons for which instead of a single kid from one egg and one spermatozoa appears two (three, four), not known - a miracle, and only. The mechanism for the appearance of monosigitious twins, however, is described in sufficient detail. Everything begins as if nothing has happened: one egg cell, one spermatozoa, meeting, fertilization ... Then the resulting zygota begins to share, grow and, at some point, under the influence of not quite understandable factors, suddenly splits into two or more parts, each Of which begins to live their own life.

Expert comment

The development of single-time twins occurs when one spermatozoa of one egg cell is fertilized, in the process of separation of the fetal egg into two, three or four parts at different stages of its development. At the same time, each part develops as a separate organism. It is assumed that such a separation can occur with the delay in implantation (attachment) of the fruit egg due to oxygen deficiency. Also, the occurrence of one-way twins is associated with the fertilization of the egg, which had two or more kernels.

Does the twins do not interfere with each other?

It is very important which time the egg splitting occurs, since the further intrauterine development of twins depends on this.

There are 3 options for the development of monosigital twins

  • The separation of the fetal egg occurred in the first five days after fertilization. In this case, both future kids begin to develop completely independently, everyone "places" his own placenta and . Until recently, it was believed that such development is characteristic exclusively for dilute twins and identical twins in such cases mistakenly determined as a dialing (maybe it happened to Olsen's sisters?)
  • The zygota differed about 5-8 days after fertilization. By this time, the outer fruit shell has already begun to form: The kids remain in common, but the inner food shell (amnion) develops in each other. If the kids have a common placenta, then one child can suppress the other - the competition begins with conception.
  • The separation occurred on 8 day and later (1% of all monosic twins). At this time, a fruit bubble is already begins to form, so separated embryos will grow in general amnion and common fruit waters. This situation is considered not the most favorable, there is a risk that kids each other.

The life of the diverse twins in the womb is organized with great comfort: each of them develops their own personal placenta (sometimes they are fought by walls), which means that it is not necessary to seriously compete for the place "under the sun" to the kids.

So, if the embryos have in different placenta, then most likely they are divesed, and if the kids "settled" with the general placenta, then these are identical twins that will cause similar as ... Gemini.

Expert comment

The following types of multiple pregnancy distinguish:

  • Monochorial monoamniotic twin, when there is a general placenta and no partition between twins. It is always a single double twin
  • Monochorial diaminiotic twin, when there is a general placenta and partition, i.e. Each fruit has its own amniotic bubble.
  • Dichorial diaminiotic twin, when each fetal has its own placenta and its amniotic bubble.

How are the variacy twins

Unidentic twins develop from two or more fertilized eggs. How does this happen? The most common cause of this is the so-called "multiple ovulation", when several matched eggs come from one or both ovaries. The reasons for such a phenomenon can be different: genetic predisposition, artificial stimulation of ovaries, the first cycle after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives.

Do you know that....

  • The difference in the time of conception of the diverse twins can be from a few hours to several days.
  • In very rare cases, the existing pregnancy is added ... New. As a rule, after fertilization and implantation of the fruit egg, ovulation is immediately blocked. If, due to hormonal imbalance, this mechanism does not work immediately, the younger brother or sister is added to the elder child.

At 12 weeks, the ultrasound saw that twins, monochorial, 1st - CTR 64, in the 2nd CTR 69. In 20 weeks, the weight difference in the fruit of 100 gr 361/262. Doctors are frightened by the possible development of SFFT (feto-fetal transfusion syndrome). What percentage of the difference between them and is it really leading to the death of both fruits?

With monochorial double, the risk of developing feto-fetal transfusion syndrome is very large. Therefore, as a rule, the difference in fetometry indicators of fruits, their condition and adaptation capabilities is observed. Pregnancy observation allows timely assessment of the state of fruits, without waiting for a critical state.

On the ultrasound of 3 weeks put one fruit egg. HCG showed 5-6 weeks. At ultrasound at 13 weeks, a 100% girl was told on the back wall, and in 17 weeks they said that one fruit boy on the front wall. I have a twin brothers single-horse monochorean. Could such that two uzist in a hurry found different kids, and the second did not look for or not noticed.?!

In terms of 13 and 17 weeks, the diagnosis of unionless / multiple pregnancy does not represent difficulties. Highly specialized specialists of the ultrasound of our center will be able to answer your questions.

Di di twins 24 weeks of pregnancy. On the ultrasound, one fruit is developed for the term and sizes for 24 weeks and 1 day, and the second 22 weeks and 3 days. Such a lag is the norm?

Unfortunately to your question it is impossible to answer without information about the size of both refriges in the period of 11-4 weeks, the data of screening I trimester and information about the state of the placenta, umbilical umbilicals, the number of accumulating waters and the results of the Dopplerometry of your kids. Or send a question again, specifying all the necessary data. Or sign on the reception by phone Unified Call Center: 8-495-636-29-46

18-19 weeks of pregnancy, made an ultrasound: monoaminitic monochorial unseen twin. I have different children or same-sex? How to understand it? What is it at all and can I threate it something?

Monoamniotic monochorial twins means that the kids have not only one placent on two, but also one amniotic cavity for two. In this case, the gender of kids should be the same. The unfinished twin means that the kids were not divided, "grown" with each other (the so-called "Siamese twins"). In this case, the forecast for the life and health of kids may be unfavorable. To clarify this serious diagnosis, it is advisable to conduct an expert ultrasound, after which you will consult a genetic doctor.

With the first ultrasound for a period of 7 weeks, the pregnancy is a monochorial biamniotic pregnancy, and in the maternity hospital at 11 weeks - Bichorial Biamniotic. In connection with the excitement of a doctor about reducing the cervix, I made an ultrasound of 15 weeks and again put a monochorial pregnancy. At the same time, the doctor was completely convinced that these are twins. At 19 weeks they said that no more than how much is the fetzent. How to find out twins or all the same twins? Is it possible on subsequent ultrasound? The kids are one-sex, in the family neither for me, nor with her husband there was no twins.

The most accurate choronality (how much is the compound) is determined in the first trimester, when it is possible to estimate the thickness of the amniotic partition and the presence of chorial tissue between the shells of amnic cavities. With an increase in the period of pregnancy, these signs lose their significance and determination of chorilation when the placenta is located on one wall becomes difficult. The indirect indicator of monochorial twins is the same gender in both kids, however, this option is possible in the case if there are two placescent. Finally, it will be possible to decide on twins after childbirth.

We plan to pregnancy. In October, removed the ovarian cyst. After laparoscopy, the doctor prescribed treatment: 3 injections of Zoladex, 3 months saw Visannu and Clayra. On the line of her husband, his grandmother was from twins, her husband had cousins \u200b\u200bTwins, there are no twins on my line. After receiving the listed drugs and taking into account the heredity of the husband, do we increase the chances of multiple pregnancy?

If there are more than three months from the cessation of the reception of drugs before conception, the effect of increased risk of multiple pregnancy will come to no. As for heredity - the likelihood of multiple pregnancy is increased, but slightly compared to the population.

The first day of the last menstruation on April 27, my periods have always been irregular, was diagnosed with polycystic. The conception could occur 10, 11, May 17, 2 and 13th. Given the first day of the last month, it was supposed to be on June 29 9 weeks of pregnancy, but the embryo was not visible. HCG - 22000 (corresponding to the 9th week of pregnancy), said an anthrambrional pregnancy, offered cleaning or pills. Is there a probability of multiple pregnancy? Father twin and I have twins from my grandmother. Could it be just a small period at which the embryo is not visible? And hgch high, because multiple pregnancy develops?

To clarify the situation, it is necessary to undergo a study in dynamics.

In 12 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound: Dichorial diaminiotic twins, at 21 week: monochorial diaminiotic, in 24 weeks: monochorial, floor is the same. The consultation decided that you should believe the first ultrasound. How to be?

To determine the chorilation during the twins, the most informative are an ultrasound of early terms, therefore it is better to focus on the ultrasound of 12 weeks.

6-7 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasound, according to the last month - 9-10 weeks. Cycle 34-36 days, ovulation was late, 10mm on ultrasound: Fruit egg 18 mm, 1 embryo: CTR 4.7, heart rate 93 UD / min., Yellow bag 3.1 mm, 2 Embryo: KTR 3.4, heartbeat does not register, yeller bag 2.8 mm, yellow body in the right ovary of 15 mm. Can the second embryo belanding with development or does it mean that the second embryo measurement? And not a small heart rate at the first embryo?

CSS of the first fetus is within the normal range. The second fetus CTR (3.4 mm) corresponds to a period of less than 5 weeks. In this period, the palpulation of the fetus may not yet be determined. The dimensions of the embryos can significantly differ in the early periods of pregnancy, so it is quite possible that the second embryo should still be increasing. To evaluate the growth rates of embryos and the presence of heartbeat in both kids, it is desirable to repeat the ultrasound in 2-3 weeks.

7 weeks of pregnancy, questioned multiple. November 22 was a spontaneous abortion, a period of menstruation 8-9 weeks, on the ultrasound a few hours before the miscarriage of a fruit egg was the size of 4-5 weeks after cleaning gave recommendations not to be pregnant 6 months, but in February I learned about pregnancy, I wanted to do medicine Interrupt, but the doctor dissuaded, I want to preserve pregnancy. What is the probability that the measurement and spontaneous abortion will not happen again?

The causes of frozen pregnancy are various - genetic, antiphospholipid syndrome, lack of lutein phase, viral infections. It is necessary to be examined and adjust the adoption of drugs depending on the results obtained.

7 (obstetric) weeks of pregnancy, on ultrasound: Two fruit eggs, but in one there is an embryo and a heartbeat listened, and in another empty. Can the second egg belanding with the development of the embryo or is it already just that it dissolves?

Sometimes two fruit eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo is developing, and in the second fruit egg, the embryo is not laid. On the time I screening in 11-14 weeks it will be possible to accurately determine the amount of embryos and how they develop.

One fruit and two bubbles, are these twins or twins? What is it?

Sometimes two fruit eggs are laid, in one of which the embryo is developing, and in the second fruit egg, the embryo is not laid. Judging by your data, you have a one-bed pregnancy. The second "empty" fruit egg on the development of the fetal influence does not.

The second pregnancy, 22 weeks, monochorial diaminiotic twins, the first was 5 years ago, gave birth on time, son - everything is fine. On the period of 21 weeks, one fruit froze. The gynecologist sent to the interruption, I refused, as I hope to endure the second to a viable period, at the moment the child is healthy, all the indicators correspond to the term. What are our chances? What are the risks for a living child and for me? I am 27 years old.

With diaminotic double there is a chance to convey the second child. But careful observation is needed in dynamics, including ultrasound and doppler. For you, risks are similar to the usual double.

13 weeks of pregnancy, monochorial diaminiotic twins, in one pathology of the IPPR with UPU Ommopholezel. What happens in such cases? Is it possible to save the second healthy baby?

Theoretically - yes. But if the fruit from the UPR will die of intrauterine, it can negatively affect the formation of the second fetus and may be secondary changes from him, including quite serious.

5-6 weeks of pregnancy, on ultrasound determined one fruit egg size GS-21.3 mm, and in it two yolk bags of 4.2 mm and 4.4 mm. Is it testified of twins?

Ultrasound in dynamics after 1-2 weeks, when it is possible to determine the amount of embryos and their heartbeat.

My first pregnancy came in 19 years, twins, two girls. At 17 weeks there was a spontaneous miscarriage. The second pregnancy occurred after 1.5-2 months, one fruit, gave birth at 20, a boy. I did not have twins in my family, my husband had a grandmother from twins, his mother and her sisters and twin brothers were not, the children had her sisters and brothers before. What is the probability that I will have another twins?

The probability is raised, but it is impossible to say in numbers.

In 7 weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound: two embryos in one fruit egg, a CRT of fruits of 9 mm, monochorial biamniotic twins. By ultrasound at 9 weeks, another doctor did not see the second fruit. Fruit CTR during the ultrasound changed from 26 to 28 mm. Can the second hide in first? And so the CTR changed?

When measuring the CTR, an error is permissible within 2 mm, we recommend screening ultrasound on a period of 11-12 weeks to clarify the situation.

6 weeks of pregnancy. According to the ultrasound: in the uterine cavity, two fruit eggs, in one of which the developing heartbeat embryo, in the second - the embryo is not visualized. Is there a chance of fertilizing two eggs with a difference in a few days? Because of what the development of the second embryo is lagging behind the first? Does this mean the suspension in the development of the second egg?

Most likely, we are talking about the undeveloping fruit egg. On the exhaustion of the remaining kid, the death of the second fetal egg will not affect.

4 weeks of pregnancy, two fruit eggs were discovered a week ago in a private clinic. Made an ultrasound in another place, one fruit egg is 7.7 mm, the other is not seen. What could it be? It disappeared? Is this a doctor's error or different quality of equipment? There were no discharge.

Often the situation, when one of the fruit eggs dies on the early period of pregnancy and is absorbed.

Pregnancy first, 7 weeks. According to the ultrasound of 4.4 weeks: signs of two-tailed uterine pregnancy in one fruit egg and anambriony - in the second. What to do with the second frightened egg? Does it need to be deleted or will it "come out" itself? What will happen to a normally developing fruit egg? I am 27 years old.

There is no reason for concern. The deceased fruit egg will dismissed without harm for the remaining. We recommend that you repeat the ultrasound to clarify the situation.

I have a double pregnancy. Is biochemical screening informative?

The first day of the last menstruation on December 2, the average duration of the cycle of 28 days. The first ultrasound January 4: A fruit egg was determined in the uterus of the uterus 3 mm, the yellow body was not determined. January 5, the result of the analysis on hCG - 4471.0 MME / ml. At the 11th week of the obstetric period found out that I have a twin. Is it possible not to see twins at the 4th week of obstetric period? Is the conception of two kids in such different times?

On a very small period (as in this case) it is quite possible not to see the second fetal egg. And if we are talking about the same twins, they can only be seen when the embryos are well visualized.

At the first ultrasound, the doctor did not see a flicer egg, raised a period of no more than two weeks, the result of the HCH on the same day was twice as high. The two weeks came to register for another doctor, without ultrasound, the doctor looked at a period of 8 weeks. At 12 weeks later, the screening wrote that one fruit egg and one fruit. Should not see the ultrasound of the second baby or it is impossible?

12 weeks of pregnancy, the ultrasound was told that one embryo measurement on July 9-10, and the second develops well. What is the likelihood of making a child? Will there be infections from the deceased fetus?

The probability of making a child is quite good. When frozen fruit on this period of pregnancy, it can be solved without prejudice to the second fetus.

Did eco. Last menstruation April 10, puncture on April 28, transfer April 30. The result of hCG on May 14 - 403. On what time a multiple pregnancy can be revealed? When to do ultrasound? The doctor recommended on June 11, and the doctor who spent Eco-May 25th.

Is it possible at a multiple pregnancy at the same time the ectopic development of one fetus and fret of the second? How will the weary fetus develop, if the messenger was removed? Is it possible that the heart of the ectopic fetus was determined on the ultrasound, but he was "attributed to the frozen fruit Although according to a pregnant woman, as well as the size of her uterus it was clear that the fruit died?

It is possible at the same time the existence of uterine and ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy will develop right up to breaking fruit. It is important to prevent it, but to carry out surgical treatment is preventive with minimal health effects.

At the 6th week, I installed single-line twins. One 5.7 mm, another 6.2 mm. At the first heartbeat 154 UD / min, the second - 156 ice / min. I now have 11 weeks. Can one of them "disappear"?

In some cases, in the early stages, one fruit fruit can stop developing, which can lead to its "disappearance".

According to my counts, I have three weeks and three days of pregnancy. Menstruation was from September 21 to 26. I know that I got pregnant on October 9th. Everything was planned. Vitamins with folic acid began to drink in early September. October 31 passed the analysis of the HCG - 19795. On the same day, there was an ultrasound that showed 5 weeks and six days. Can a doctor ultrasound be mistaken and not to see a multiple pregnancy, and put a longer period?

In conclusion, the ultrasound is indicated by the obstetric period of pregnancy, from the first day the last menstruation. You consider from conception, a true term. He is not useful to anyone except you. All deadlines (decree, childbirth, etc.) are considered in the midwife. Details of the calculation of the deadlines of pregnancy is written in articles on our website.

My grandmother from my father's side was twins, and her husband had a twin with her husband with her mother's side, I had two sons and I am at the same time on the 4th week of pregnancy, can I have a twin?

Taking into account the pedigree, the likelihood of birth can be increased compared to the population frequency. On the ultrasound everything will be visible.

I went to the ultrasound of 16 weeks of pregnancy, everything was fine. But when I came to the ultrasound at 24 weeks, I was told that I had the uterus myoma, although I did not have it. Could the uterus mioma for 2 months?

Most likely, the uterus myoma was, but small sizes. During pregnancy, the moma nodes rapidly increase in size.

Embryo and shell, which surrounds it is a fruit egg. As the embryo grow, the sizes of the fruit eggs are increasing for weeks, which can be observed during a survey with ultrasound. But it should be remembered that the accuracy of research in the early stages of pregnancy is low, and the possibility of an error is not excluded.

Formation of a fruit egg

The first stage of the cycle, which passes the genital cell - the output of the egg from the follicle. It usually ripens 3-4 follicles, but only one egg leaps during ovulation pass through the windy tubes of a woman.

The growth and development of the new life begins with the fusion of the egg and spermatozoa. Immediately after ovulation and merging around the egg, a protective shell is formed.This upper protective layer around the embryo will continue to develop in a fruit bubble containing amniotic fluid in the cavity.

In the early stages of pregnancy during the ultrasound, it is possible to see the formation of a solid form of a small diameter. This is a fruit egg. The first stage of its development is Morula, consisting of 12-32 blastomers formed as a result of the fission of zygotes that turn into a compact ball.

As cells are reproduced, the embryo continues to move in the uterine pipes until it consolidates on the mucous wall inside the uterus. After that, the external layer of the shell begins the production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropic hormone), which is one of the first indicators of the woman's pregnancy. All this time, the power of the fetus is carried out due to the internal resource of the egg. In the process of further development, the place of attachment is transformed into a placenta. At this time, a mucous plug is formed to prevent infection, which closes the entrance to the uterus. This whole process takes about two days. If the germ is not attached to the wall of the uterus, together with menstruation at the end of the cycle, miscarriage occurs, and often a woman does not even know that she was pregnant. The next cycle, the exit of the egg from the follicle, ovulation, and the whole process is repeated again.

What a fruit egg looks like, structure:

  • Village shell, chorion;
  • Amnion (amniotic bag or water shell);
  • Germ.

To see exactly what a fruit egg looks difficult even with an ultrasound. Because of the small diameter, the embryo is difficult to detect inside the uterus if the woman is pregnant less than a month.

It happens that even on the period of 6-7 weeks inside the egg, the embryo is not viewed - it can talk about undeveloped pregnancy. An empty fruit egg is quite rare, and is often a symptom of genetic violations of a woman or its partner.

Study of the fruit egg

The diagnostic method, with which the study of the cycles of the life of the fetal egg is carried out, is called echography or, differently, ultrasound diagnostics. It allows you to identify the SVD, the average inner diameter of the fetal egg, and the CTR, the Copchiko-parmer fetus size.

Usually the first ultrasound doctor appoints a woman for a period of 10 to 13 weeks of pregnancy. If necessary, diagnostics are carried out on 3-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg is fully fixed inside the uterus only 10 days after conception. Using the ultrasound, you can track the time of ovulation and ripening of the follicle.

Do not worry about the fact that ultrasound research damages the fetus. Even on early, radiation does not affect the health of the future child.

It is worth considering the 4 obstetric week of pregnancy separately, since it is during this period with the help of an ultrasound you can see an emerging life. In the first days of the fourth week of pregnancy, the fruit egg has a diameter of only 1 mm, and it is not possible to evaluate the details of the formation of the fetus. That is why appoint additional ultrasound a few weeks after the first inspection. However, after a couple of days, an increase in the sizes of the fetal egg to 3 mm will increase, and the possibility of seeing a yoyful bag will appear, with which the embryo is powered before the appearance of umbilicals. Closer to the end of the fourth week, the diameter of the fetal egg increases to 4 mm, the vital organs begin to be laid: heart, lung, liver and pancreas. On the last day of this period, the diameter of the fetal egg is 5 mm, and during the ultrasound, it is already possible to detect an embryo, the size of which is only 1 mm. Literally per day, the egg grows up to 6 millimeters.

The formula for determining the term of pregnancy:

The average internal diameter of the fetal egg + 35 (if its size is less than 16 mm) or 30 (if the fruit is greater than 16 mm). For example, diameter 17 + 30 \u003d 47 weeks.

Pathology of fruit eggs

When studying the fetal egg, the echosity can be found pathology in the early time. The lack of embryo inside the shell, an "empty egg" or an embryonium, can talk about undeveloped pregnancy, which will end with miscarriage or cleaning.

The picture at which the inconsistency of the size of a growing embryo and eggs can be seen with the lack of heartbeat may indicate fetal fetus, which also leads to miscarriage.
For example, if the embryo is much less than the shell or too small for this period the size of the bubbles, then a lot of probability will happen to the end of the cycle. The most common cause is chromosomal changes during conception, both congenital and caused by external influence. For example, a woman, not knowing about pregnancy, takes tablets, consumes alcohol or exposed to other harmful effects, which leads to serious pathology in the development of the fetus and miscarriage.

The deformation of the fetal egg is not always pathology, and in most cases caused by the increased tone of the uterus in the first period of pregnancy. Often the tone is accompanied by small bleeding and pains in the lower third of the belly.

This problem is solved by medication, tablets are prescribed to reduce the amount and intensity of cutting muscle cuts and hormonal pills to hold the fetus inside.

When detachabling the fetal egg in the case of a small area of \u200b\u200blesion, hormonal treatment is carried out. For a woman during this period, bedding is required in the hospital.

Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the fruit egg develops in an unbelievable place for this place: in uterine pipes or ovaries. From manifestations basic is abundant bleeding. It is impossible to preserve such a pregnancy, since the growth and development of the embryo in the uterine tube leads to its rupture and severe consequences for the health of a woman.

During screening for a period of 12 weeks, the nasal partition is measured. In case the bone is less than 2.5 mm in length or absent, doctors can establish a preliminary diagnosis: trisomy 21 chromosome or Down disease. In this case, the woman itself will be able to decide whether it is worth keeping pregnancy.

In rare cases, two embryos are found in the fruit egg - this is not an anomaly, but a factor indicating the presence of twins. A similar situation occurs when there are two bubble in the woman's uterus. In the latter situation, the chorions of both shells in the future form placenta, with the help of which each fruit eats separately. In the first case, embryos will be powered by one placenta. The detection of twins in the early period is often not confirmed, and the study gives a reliable result only on the 6-7 week of pregnancy.

Sizes of the fetal eggs for weeks

Above the fourth obstetric week was considered. Nevertheless, the development of the fruit egg lasts up to 8 weeks, and according to some sources up to 10, and in further periods of development, the germ is called fruit. Data on the stages of the development of the embryo in every week can be viewed in the table below. This table with a detailed description of each stage of the development of the fetal egg will help a woman to understand how the baby develops inside its uterus in this period. Rates of growth:

  • Until 15-16 weeks 1 millimeter per day;
  • From 16-17 weeks 2-2.5 millimeters per day.

Sizes of the fetal eggs for weeks, Table:

Especially during this period of intrauterine development, the sixth week is important, since during this period the nucleation of the digestive system, the spleen and the fittings of the cartilage occur. When the size reaches 16 mm, it can be said that the embryo has a fastest of the stomach and esophagus, as well as 3 intestinal loops. By the end of the week, the embryo formed fingers and muscle tissue.

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