The role of fire in human development. Summary: The role of fire in human life. Fire is light

Wallpapering 27.07.2020

What is the meaning of fire in human life, you will learn from this article.

The meaning of fire in human life

Fire has already entered our life so much that we cannot imagine ourselves without it. But if you think about it, so globally, then what does fire give us?

  1. Heat to cold

With the help of fire, a person can warm up in a frosty winter, or on a cold night. Heating of a house, dwelling, whatever it was - be it a cave, chum or a house with a stove, was always done with the help of fire. Heating pipes, electric heating, batteries are the blessings of our civilization. But in the stone age the meaning of fire in the life of the most ancient people was invaluable. After all, he saved lives, giving warmth and scaring off enemies.

2. Fire is dry clothing

Being in close harmony with nature, a person spends a lot of his free time in the open air. If it suddenly rains, then it is logical that the clothes will get wet. Also, contact with the aquatic environment, namely lakes, rivers, seas, can also make our clothes wet. Remaining in such clothes is fraught with a cold, and a very strong one. You can dry clothes in the wind, if it's summer time outside, or with the help of fire, which is more likely.

3. Fire is cooked food

Can you overcome yourself and eat raw or live fish? What about raw poultry, such as a partridge or chicken? You may have to eat something raw if you don't have a fire. Therefore, it ensures the availability of delicious food.

4. Fire is light

Among other things, fire can be used as a source of illumination in the dark.

5. Fire is a reliable protection against predators

It is difficult to imagine an animal that would not be afraid of fire, especially if you take a burning branch and put it right in the face of the beast. As a rule, the flight will be instant.

6. Fire is a signaling device

Throughout human history, fire has often been used as a means of communication. In the dark, the fire can be seen several kilometers away, and the smoke from the fire is visible far away during daylight hours. It was customary to light signal lights if the enemy was attacking.

We hope that from this article you learned how important fire is for humans.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the use of fire. Thanks to him, people live in comfortable conditions - in warm houses, lighted rooms, eat delicious food and daily use objects created with the help of fire. The process of obtaining and subjugating the fire was very complex and lengthy. Thanks to ancient man, we can use this resource.

The role of fire in the life of primitive man

One and a half million years ago, man was able to subdue fire. Ancient man was able to create himself lighting, a warm home, delicious food and protection from predators.

The taming of fire by man is a rather long process. According to legends, the first fire that a person could use was heavenly fire. The phoenix bird, Prometheus, Hephaestus, the god Agni, the firebird - they were gods and creatures bringing fire to people. Man deified natural phenomena - lightning and volcanic eruptions. He made fire by igniting torches from other, natural ignitions. The first attempts to produce fire gave a person the opportunity to warm up in winter season, illuminate areas at night and defend against the constant attacks of predatory animals.

After long-term use of natural fire, a person had the need to independently extract this resource, because natural fire was not always available.

The first way to get a flame was by striking a spark. Human long time watched how the collision of some objects causes a small spark, and decided to find a use for it. For this process, people had special devices made of prismatic stones, which were firefighters. The man hit the fires with rough prismatic knives, causing a spark. Later, the fire was produced in a slightly different way - they used flint and flint. Flammable sparks set fire to moss and fluff.

Friction was another way of making fire. People quickly rotated dry branches and sticks inserted into a tree hole between their palms. This method of extracting flame was used by the peoples of Australia, Oceania, Indonesia, in the Kukuku and Mbovamb tribes.

Later, man learned to make fire by drilling with a beam. This method made life easier for the ancient man - no longer had to put a lot of effort, rotating the stick with your palms. The burning hearth could be used for 15 minutes. From it, people set fire to thin birch bark, dry moss, tow and sawdust.

Thus, fire played a leading role in the development of mankind. In addition to the fact that he became a source of light, warmth and protection, he also reflected on the intellectual development of ancient people.

Thanks to the use of fire, a person had a need and an opportunity for constant activity - it had to be obtained and maintained. At the same time, it was necessary to ensure that he did not transfer to the houses and was not extinguished by a sudden downpour. It was at this point that the division of labor between men and women began to take shape.

Fire served as an indispensable tool in the manufacture and processing of weapons and utensils. And most importantly, he gave man the opportunity to develop new lands.

The role of fire in the life of a modern person

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without fire. Almost everything that people use is based on fire. Thanks to him, the houses are warm and light. A person daily uses the energy of fire in everyday life. People cook, wash, clean. Light, electricity, heating and gas - all of this would not be possible without a small spark.

The energy of fire is also used in various enterprises. In order to make a car, an airplane, a diesel locomotive and an ordinary fork, metal is needed. It is with the help of fire that a person extracts it - melts the ore.

An ordinary lighter burns using a slightly modified method of ancient people - improved fire. Gas lighters use a mechanical spark, while electric lighters use an electric spark.

Fire is used in almost every human activity - ceramics, metallurgy, glassmaking, steam engines, the chemical industry, transportation, and nuclear power.

The role of fire in human life.

Repeat the knowledge of children about the seasons, the role of the sun in the change of day and night, seasons.

To acquaint with the role of fire in human life, its negative and positive sides.

Learn how to properly handle household appliances, introduce you to the phone number of the fire department.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance with the children's encyclopedia "The World Around Us", consideration of the schemes "Change of seasons", "Change of day and night", d \ and "When does it happen?", "Magic wand", keeping a diary of observations of the weather.


A ball, weather patterns, a mask-cap "Sun", paintings with the image of fire, electrical appliances, the v / f "Smeshariki. Dangerous games"," Smeshariki. Careful Handling of Electrical Appliances ".

The course of the lesson.

"Weather forecast".

We begin each of our lessons by celebrating the weather. Today ________________ is the chief meteorologist.

(using diagrams: sun, cloud, precipitation, wind, the child on the board indicates the weather of the day)

All agree? (additions and corrections are accepted)

D / I "Magic ball"

^ The teacher makes a riddle:

Snow everywhere, houses in snow

Brought it ... WINTER.

I love winter, and who else loves winter? (Throws the ball to one of the children with the question: “Why do you love winter?”

What time of year will come after winter?

What happens in nature in spring?

What time of year will come after spring?

Why do you love summer?

When do the leaves on trees become colorful?

What else happens in nature with the onset of autumn?

Why are the seasons changing? (the earth revolves around the sun)

Why is there a change of day and night? (the earth rotates on its axis)

Game m / p "Change of day and night"

The role of fire in human life.

Give me a quick answer: what gives people light? (sun, stars, fire ...)

Of course fire! After all, both the sun and the stars are all giant fireballs, they are just so far away from us that we see either a small ball (sun) or small dots (stars). There would be no sun, there would be no life on our planet. Why do you think? (it would be cold and dark). Right. If we turn our hands to the sun, what will we feel? (warmly). Imagine that the entire sky is overcast. A week has passed and there is no sun. And suddenly it came out, when everyone was already tired of waiting, what will we feel? (joy, it will become more cheerful, everyone will smile ...) All of us will become joyful, sunny. For a long time, people really wanted to have a little sun at home. Remember fairy tales: the feather of the Firebird, the Scarlet Flower (showing illustrations). Even the ancient caveman wanted to have a small flame (the story of how the caveman learned to make fire).

Physical minute.

Years passed, centuries passed. Man learned to illuminate his path with a torch, a stick with a depression into which resin was poured. Then people realized that oil does not burn badly either. This is how oil lamps appeared - clay or metal "teapots" with oil, through the spout of which a wick was passed. These lamps have been smoked for many, many centuries. And only then did they learn how to make candles. In the Russian hut, they lit a torch - a thin dry chip. It was fortified over a trough with water, where coals fell (why?) More than a hundred years ago, people learned to get kerosene from oil and invented kerosene lamps. Our Russian engineer Lodygin made the first light bulb, but Edison began to produce it in production, which is why it is called Edison's light bulb. This is how man learned to fight the darkness. But do we only need fire for this? Remember where the fire lives in your house, what is it for?

These are all good deeds of fire. But fire hides a terrible power. If it gets out of control - be in trouble! What kind of misfortune can happen? (you can burn yourself, burn a hole in your shirt, fire, etc.). Your friends Smeshariki will teach you what to do in such cases.

View in \ f "Smeshariki. Dangerous Games "," Smeshariki. Careful handling of electrical appliances "

Why did the trouble happen to Barash and Losyash? Who helped them? Conclusion: "A match for children is not a toy!"

Why did Nyusha have a fire? Who helped her? What number should I call in case of fire?


"The Golden Cockerel"

ecology lesson from the "Element of Fire" block

In the preparatory group

The significance of fire in the life of mankind at all stages of its existence deserves a separate discussion. For half a million years now, fire has become an indispensable attribute of human life. In those infinitely distant times, its practical significance was enormous. Fire is the most reliable defense against predators. Fire is a source of heat, which made it possible to fry meat, bake fruits and roots. And, finally, fire is an important means of processing wooden tools (both spears and cudgels began to be burned for strength three hundred thousand years ago) ...

However, he played an equally important role in strengthening purely human, social relations. Sacred fire is a symbol of the unity of the collective, the source of its strength, a wayward friend and guardian. He must be loved and cherished and be careful with him, so that his violent power does not turn against the person himself. "The warmth of the hearth" - how far into the depths of human history this concept goes! It is familiar to all of us, although our homes have long been heated not by hearths, but by central heating batteries and electrical appliances. But, perhaps, that craving for fire, for a living flame, which makes modern people build fireplaces in their apartments, extinguish electricity and light candles on festive table gathering around campfires.

By the time of the appearance of the Upper Paleolithic tribes of mammoth hunters, mankind had long known fire and perfectly mastered the main methods of its production. Judging by ethnographic data, there were three such methods: "fire plow", "fire saw" and "fire drill".

The first method is the simplest and fastest, although it requires a lot of effort: the end of a wooden stick is driven over a wooden plank lying on the ground with strong pressure - as if "plowed". A narrow groove is formed, and in it there is wood powder and thin chips, which, from heating with friction, begins to smolder. A highly flammable tinder is connected to it and a fire is blown up. This method is relatively rare; most often it was used on the islands of Polynesia (Charles Darwin learned it from the inhabitants of the island of Tahiti). It was occasionally used by Australians, Tasmanians, Papuans, and some backward tribes in India and Central Africa, although other methods were preferred everywhere here.

"Fire saw" has many varieties, but they all boil down to one principle: a soft dry piece of wood lying on the ground, as it were, "sawing" across the fibers with a piece of hard wood. Interestingly, the Australians, who quite often resort to this method, use a wooden shield as a base, and a spear thrower as a saw. Then everything happened in the same way as during "plowing" (only there the work was carried out along the fibers): wood powder was formed and ignited. Often, with this method, tinder was placed in a previously prepared gap. Sometimes, instead of a wooden plank, a flexible plant cord was used as a "saw". This method was used in Australia, New Guinea, the Philippine Islands, Indonesia and in some places in India and West Africa.

Drilling is the most common firefighting technique. It is as follows. A small plate with a pre-carved recess is placed on the ground and clamped with the soles of the feet. The end of a hard stick is inserted into the recess, which is quickly rotated between the palms, with simultaneous downward pressure. This is done so skillfully that the hands, involuntarily sliding down, periodically return to their original position, and the rotation does not stop and does not slow down. A few minutes later, smoke appears from the recess, and then a smoldering light, which is blown up with tinder. This method is common in almost all backward peoples of the Earth. In an improved form, a stop is attached to the rod from above, and from the sides - a belt, which is alternately pulled by the ends, driving the drill into rotation. Attaching a small bow to the ends of such a belt, we get the simplest mechanism, quite common in primitive times: a bow drill. Not every modern person is able to produce fire by rotating a wand between his palms: great skill is needed here, even when the starting materials are well chosen. But with the help of a bow drill, this, apparently, is available to many ... Try it yourself, just remember: the board should be made of soft and dry wood, and the stick should be made of hard wood.

But what about the carving of fire by striking flint on flint? It would seem, observing the sparks arising from the cracking of flint, it would be easier for people to think of such a method of producing fire than to invent rather complex operations with wood. Some scholars think so. BF Porshnev, for example, believed that the cutting of fire, which arose in the process of making stone tools, preceded the methods of obtaining it by friction. The same point of view was held by the English archaeologist K.P. Oakley. However, ethnographic data suggest otherwise.

The most backward peoples in the 19th century produced fire everywhere by friction, while striking fire (especially by striking flint on flint) was very poorly spread among them. On the other hand, peoples at a higher stage of development produced fire mainly by carving (with flint on iron or iron ore - pyrite). Sometimes they also used friction - but only for ritual, cult purposes. And experiments show that although a spark is constantly formed when a flint strikes a flint, it is quite difficult to "turn" it into fire, while the kindling of a flame by friction is accessible, with a certain diligence, even to a modern person.

It is not excluded, however, that in some cases people really first learned to strike fire, and only then began to produce it by friction. At least in the language of one of the South American Indian tribes, the term for making fire comes from the word "blow-cutting." This clearly speaks of some old (perhaps really original!), And later forgotten tradition. I say: "forgotten" - because even here, until recently, friction was again the main method of making fire. However, this is the only exception.

Mammoth Hunter Hearths

Primitive peoples are distinguished by their great skill in keeping and maintaining fire. Here is what, for example, the famous Russian ethnographer N. A. Butinov writes about the Australians: “The Australians are very skillful in arranging and maintaining a fire, it burns evenly, not giving a large and too bright flame. They laugh at the European colonists, who make such big fires that it is dangerous to approach them, but they are of little use, and they do not know how to support them for a long time. On the contrary, by his little fire, the Australian sleeps peacefully all night, and bakes and roasts food on it. "

There is no doubt that people have mastered this art a very long time ago. Evidence of this is the remains of fireplaces and hearths found by archaeologists. Particularly interesting and diverse are the centers of the settlements dating from the second half of the Upper Paleolithic, primarily at sites with long-term dwellings. Here, along with simple hearths, which are a bowl-shaped depression filled with ash and coal, there are much more complex structures. Covering hearths with stones has been used for a long time; It is also known in some centers of the Willendorf-Kostenko culture of mammoth hunters (Zaraiskaya site, upper cultural layer). In other monuments of this culture, besides the cladding, clay was used. In the same place where ceramic animal figurines were made (Dolny Vestonice, Kostenki 1/1), individual hearths with clay coating resembled the simplest furnaces.

Small pits were dug in the ground in the immediate vicinity of many Upper Paleolithic foci. Some of them were used for baking food, others served as supports for the posts (sometimes there are vertically protruding bones in them that jammed these posts). Now we are installing a crossbar on such supports, on which we hang the kettle in order to boil tea or cook fish soup, and then they could serve as the basis for skewers on which meat was fried.

Grooves were dug at the base of some of the hearths. Sometimes such a groove left the hearth to the side. What for? Petersburg archaeologist Pavel Iosifovich Boriskovsky, who found such a hearth during the excavation of the Kostenki 19 site, which existed about 20 thousand years ago and was also abandoned by mammoth hunters, suggested that air entered the hearth through such a groove, which intensified the combustion process. An experiment was set up: two foci were dug next to each other: with and without a groove. Indeed, in the first of them, the flame burned much better.

Goals: show the role of fire in human life, both positive and negative; to introduce children to the profession of a firefighter; teach children to appreciate the courage and heroism of the people of this profession; check the knowledge of schoolchildren on fire safety rules; convince inadmissibility of jokes with calling the fire brigade; encourage creativity; draw up a memo on how to behave in a fire.

Equipment: illustrations for the legend of Prometheus or cartoon, fire safety posters.

Class hour

Conversation on the history of mastering fire


What in the world has no measure, no weight, no price?

No arms, no legs, but eats everything? (Fire.)

The discovery of the method of making fire was a significant victory of man over nature. This is how it is said about the meaning of fire in the legend of Prometheus.

In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on earth were weak, powerless, fearful. They did not know how to think or understand what they saw around. They looked with horror at the storm clouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they did not have either a home or a family hearth: people did not cook food, did not warm themselves near the fire. And such a life was a miserable existence.

Titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart and bravely violated Zeus's prohibition: not to give people fire. Having made his way into the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty cane stalk, brought it to people on the ground. Since then, the bright lights of bonfires have shone on the ground. Whole families gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, and danced. Now people have healed happier and more friendly, and the titan Prometheus was sincerely happy about this. He taught people to tame fire, melt copper, forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably, for the first time felt like people.

Fire has become a reliable companion and helper of people. It is difficult to imagine such a branch of human activity where fire would not be used. Help me: name the areas of application of fire. (Cooking, internal combustion engines, metal smelting, glass and building materials production, ceramics firing, thermal power plants, etc.)

It is possible to enumerate for a long time how fire helps all of us both in everyday life and at work, but we must always remember that careless handling of fire can lead to trouble. Let's remember the poem "Fire" by Samuil Marshak.

(Students stage a poem.)

Mother went to the market,

Daughter Lena said:

"Don't touch the stove, Helen,

Burning, Helen, fire! "

Only mother got off the porch,

Lena sat down in front of the stove.

Looks into the red firebox,

And in the furnace the fire is buzzing:

“Today there is not enough space in the stove,

There was nowhere to walk.

Mom, Helen, don't believe

Open the door a little wider. "

Lena opened the door,

The fire jumped off the log.

Burned out the floor in front of the stove,

Climbed over the tablecloth on the table,

I ran over the chairs with a bang

Crawled up the curtains,

The walls are covered with smoke,

Licks the floor and ceiling ...

And now some statistics.

About five million fires occur in the world every year.

Every hour, one person is killed in the fire, two are injured and burned.

Every third victim is a child.

From horse-drawn carriages with manual fire pumps to powerful modern means extinguishing fires - this is the way of development of fire protection. Today this special service is one of the most mobile.

They are afraid of the steppe, mountain expanses

His hot, merciless paws.

But there are people for whom

He is like tamed - obedient, quiet and weak.

They will beat it to the ground, extinguish it,

The fearless will enter the burning house.

For the lives of others, they do not hesitate,

They will give their lives.

Such people fighting with fire

We call our firefighters!

Every hour we have seven hundred fires and ignitions on our planet. There are more than five million of them per year. The losses from fires can be compared to the losses of small wars of the twentieth century. Out of ten fires, nine are caused by humans, and every fifth fire is due to a childish prank with fire. Our firefighters are constantly fighting with them.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 showed that fire brigade workers with honor passed a serious maturity test, averted trouble from hundreds of thousands of people, while showing heroism and courage. Firefighters from the NPP guards, headed by the chief of the guard Pravik, were the first to arrive at the reactors in a few seconds on alarm. His squad was the first to step into the line of fire. Of all the possible solutions, Vladimir Pravik chose the most correct one: he sent his squadron to the roof of the turbine hall. They are heroes! What they did was a feat! The fact is that it was in this room that all the turbines were located, numerous cables of the high-voltage line went through it, which from the fire could turn into a fuse-cord cord. Could they retreat? Could you not have done what you did and saved your life? Yes, they could. They could temporarily retreat before the arrival of reinforcements. But no one thought about it. These were people with a heightened sense of responsibility, people who had taken an oath. And they stepped into the raging flames, into the deadly radiation, not at the command of the commander, but by the law of conscience. They rushed to save the station and people, not thinking about their lives. They clearly understood the danger, but as real warriors they did not spare themselves.

(The phone rings.)

- “My phone rang ...” How many of you have not known these lines from Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky since childhood? What are these nursery rhymes about? About games with the phone. Now raise your hands for those who at least once called and joked on the phone. Now admit it, pranksters, who called the fire brigade for the neighbors? Do you know why such actions are unacceptable? (Waste of gasoline. The fire engine is worn out. But the most important thing: at this time, indeed, there may be a fire somewhere and someone will need help.)

I know that you are competent people in matters of fire safety. Do you want to confirm this? Then I bring to your attention a quiz.

Questions(they were prepared and set by the students themselves):

1. What things are allowed to be hung on the electric wires?

2. What kind of nails can be driven between the wires?

3. What kind of cloth can be used to wrap a light bulb?

4. What wallpaper is allowed to paste over the wires?

5. What switch can I hang clothes on?

6. In which hand should the driver of a car hold a cigarette while driving over a wooden bridge?

7. Which side should you light a fire on in windy weather?

8. Why is an iron lining nailed to the floor near the stove door?

(The teacher marks the most attentive, the most resourceful, the most literate of the quiz participants.)

And now, guys, I invite you to cooperate. Let's all together create a memo "How to behave in a fire."

The children and the teacher make up the memo. Pupils paste the compiled memo into the diary.


A coal fell on the floor,

The wooden floor lit up.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stop

And fill it with ... (water).

If little sisters

They light matches at home

What should you do?

Those matches immediately ... (take away).

If where the trash is stored

Or just different stuff,

You will have to work hard -

Put things in order there.

Broom, shovel took

And quickly everything ... (removed).

The red beast sits in the oven,

The ginger beast is angry with everyone.

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand -

Bites the whole palm ... (fire).

What happens if the birds

Lighting matches at home? (Fire.)

A midge flew - an aspen leg.

She sat down on a haystack - all the hay was burnt. (Match.)

Back and forth

The steamer walks and wanders,

Stop - grief

Will make holes in the sea. (Iron.)

Hisses and gets angry

Afraid of water.

With a tongue, not barking.

Without teeth, but biting. (Fire.)

We were pines and firs

And now they are strumming into the box.

We were the pride of the taiga -

And now her enemies. (Matches.)

In a small barn

There are a hundred fires. (Matches.)

To chew - I do not chew,

And I eat everything. (Fire.)

Like a thin sparrow leg,

The box slides along the wall.

Slip - and strike fire,

When it burns, don't touch it,

Playing with her is a nasty habit.

Dangerous toy ... (match).

Four suns in grandma's kitchen

The four suns were burning and extinguished.

Cabbage soup, compote, pancakes are ready -

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed. (Gas stove.)


So that there are no fires

Everyone should know the rules.

Of course, there are a lot of them -

Let's learn at least five.

Near the house and the barn

Don't you dare light a fire!

Maybe the trouble is big

For buildings and people.

And the fire is dangerous in the forest -

For trees, birds, animals.

The forest will be beautiful for everyone

No fires or coals.

So that the fire does not run away

So that he knows his place,

Create a barrier for him:

A fence made of stones and earth.

Leaving, cover with earth

Or fill everything with water.

For wheat to grow

It takes a lot of work -

Don't light a fire

Where the harvest ripens.

Suddenly the clothes caught fire -

You immediately fell to the floor,

Roll on the floor right away

Wrap yourself in a blanket.

It's time for everyone to understand:

Matches are not a game for children!

Let it be clear to adults too ...

It's dangerous to joke with fire!

A big fire or fire is a huge monster that devours everything around with its fiery tongue. This huge tongue eats up favorite toys, dresses, houses, and even entire streets.

As a rule, children are afraid of fire. What do you think, is it possible to make the fire not scary at all? Sure! To do this, you need to learn how to manage your fear. To begin with, let everyone say to themselves: “I am strong. I'm not afraid of fire. I can control fire. I can prevent a fire. " And in order to prevent a fire, you need to know well the rules for using the items from which it can arise.

1. What, having barely touched, turns the house into firewood? (Fire.)

2. On the roof - with a pillar, in the hut - with a tablecloth. (Smoke.)

3. This is a cramped, cramped house: One hundred sisters huddle in it. And any of the sisters

It can flare up like a bonfire! (A box of matches.)

4. Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water; with tongue instead of barking; without teeth, but bite. (Fire.)

5. The electric ship is floating - now back, now forward. (Iron.)

6. A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (A box of matches.)

7. Everything eats - does not gorge, but drinks - dies. (Fire.)

8. The red bull is standing, trembling, the black one is running to the sky. (Fire and smoke.)

9. Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (Spark.)

10. The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire.)

11. I saw the smoke - don't yawn, call us soon! (Firefighters.)

12. You can't protect yourself from little me. (Spark.)

13. Where people are careless with fire, it will certainly be. (Fire.)

14. On the table, in a cap and in a glass vial, a friend settled - a cheerful light. (Bulb.)


If you saw a fire, you must inform by phone 01 the following information:

2. Object (apartment, warehouse, school).

3. What is burning (what exactly is burning in the apartment, school).

4. House number.

5. Entrance number.

6. Apartment number.

7. Floor. How many floors are there in the building?

8. Is there a danger to people.

9. Surname.

10. Telephone.

After carefully studying the reminder (30 seconds), everyone should make a "call to the firemen". The work is in pairs. Listen to 2-3 pairs.


Complete the phrase: "Now I know that ..."

Additional material for the teacher

A brief history of firefighting

♦ In the "Code of Laws" of Ivan III, introduced in 1498, it is said about the kurts: "Don't give a belly lighter, execute him by death."

♦ Since 1689, Peter the Great ordered to extinguish fires with the help of Moscow archers, sotsk elders and townspeople.

♦ In 1803, Alexander I signed a decree on the organization of a fire brigade in St. Petersburg.

♦ The first fire brigade in Kiev was organized in 1841 and consisted of 25 people.

♦ On April 17, 1918, the decree "On state measures to combat fire" was signed. This day became the day of the formation of the fire department.


Zero-one - the phone rang

Someone's cry brought the wires,

Someone's crying caught the microphone -

So, somewhere there was trouble ... (Fire and Matches come out.)

I am a fire, I am a friend of the guys.

But when they play naughty with me,

Then I become an enemy

And I burn everything around. (Spins around the stage.)

1st match.

Man's friend is fire,

Just don't touch him in vain!

If you play around

Then the trouble is inevitable

Not good for fire!

2nd match.

Know, in anger, he is angry:

Will spare nothing!

Can destroy the school,

Grain field, your home

And everything around the house.

And flying up to heaven,

Will spread to the forest.

3rd match.

The fire is strong - it can burn the village.

He is merciless, angry, assertive, rude.

And he will destroy the hundred-year-old trees

Faster than a skilled lumberjack.

4th match.

And where it goes.

The forest burns down, the whole thing burns down.

No wonder there is a saying among the people:

"Fear like fire."

5th match.

Perish in the flames of fire

Even people sometimes.

Remember this always!

Remember this always!


(Can be distributed as a reminder to each child.)

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches.

The box of matches is small

But much evil can do.

Do not light the fire itself

And don't let others:

Even a little light

Not far from the fire.

Do not take heat from the stove -

After all, he conceals a fire.

Coal, though small,

But as dangerous as a match.

Gas in the kitchen, is it a vacuum cleaner,

TV and iron,

Let it include only an adult -

Our trusted senior friend.

If trouble strikes,

What then should we do?

Never get lost

Acting skillfully.

If the fire is weak, hurry

Fill it with water.

If the phone is close

And he is available to you,

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