Swamp (marsh) dry marsh: medicinal properties and contraindications. Mushroom drier. medicinal properties and contraindications for women, pregnant women, men

Water supply 02.08.2021
Water supply

The Russian land is rich in valuable medicinal plants. Among them, a special place is occupied by the marsh creeper, which is sometimes called the marsh (Gnaphalium uliginosum) from the Asteraceae family. What is this inconspicuous herb famous for and what diseases will it help to cure? We will talk about this in this article.


The herbaceous annual plant has a low (up to 30 cm) stem, spread-branchy from the base and covered with silvery-white "felt". The root is short, tap root, rather thin. The leaves are small, alternate. At the base, they are narrowed, densely pubescent.

Light yellow flowers are collected in small baskets, arranged in bunches or dense heads at the ends of the branches. They are surrounded by radially diverging upper leaves. The fruit is an oblong light brown or greenish-gray achene with a tuft.

Swamp cane, the properties of which (medicinal) have long been noticed by traditional healers, blooms from mid-June to August. The fruits ripen in October. The plant reproduces exclusively by seeds. From one bush, you can collect up to five hundred seeds, which will remain viable for five years.


The grass creeper is found in the temperate and cold regions of Eurasia, from Great Britain, Portugal, Iceland in the west to Japan and Korea in the east. Distributed on the territory of the former republics of the Soviet Union, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Far East, in the Caucasus.

Prefers fallow and flooded meadows, boggy banks of rivers and lakes, floodplain forests. Occurs in gardens with waterlogged soil and potato fields.


Swamp dry hen contains many useful substances. Among them:

  • carotene (up to 55%);
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins (4%);
  • resins (up to 16%);
  • essential oils (0.05%);
  • phytosterols;
  • traces of alkaloids (gnafalin);
  • vitamins B1 and K;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • thiamine.

Healing properties

Application in traditional medicine

To date, the marsh creeper has already been well studied. The healing properties and contraindications of the plant are known to all traditional healers. It is used not only in folk but also in traditional medicine. As a rule, preparations based on this plant are prescribed to patients as not only slowing down the heart rate a little, but also having a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.

Oily extracts from dried crushed milk stimulate granulation. They are prescribed to regenerate skin damage caused by burns. The marsh caddie was also used in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of gastric ulcer and intestinal ulcers, gastritis.

Crushed milk preparations are part of complex therapy for serious diseases of the nervous system. Today, medicinal products made from dried cress are well established for the treatment of the initial stage of hypertension.

Use in traditional medicine

Traditional healers have been using the beneficial properties of this plant for a very long time, and I must say, very successfully. They recommend decoctions and infusions for ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, angina pectoris, spasms of blood vessels, hemorrhoids, uterine, renal bleeding.

Decoctions and oil-alcohol extracts are used externally in the form of lotions, compresses, in the treatment of long healing wounds, burns, ulcers. Swamp creeper is part of various collections that are effective in the treatment of cervical erosion, Trichomonas colpitis.

Infusion (baths) gives good results with increased sweating of the palms and feet. We invite you to get acquainted with some methods of preparing medicines.


Pour ten grams of dried pork in an enamel bowl with a glass of boiled hot water. Cover the saucepan with a lid and place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then cool the composition to room temperature, strain, squeeze the raw material. Bring the resulting volume of liquid to the original with boiled water.

The infusion is stored in a cool dark place for no more than two days. It is taken as an antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory agent, half a glass twice a day.


Pour twenty grams of dry grass with 300 ml of boiling water and put on low heat for five minutes, let it brew for about two hours. After that, the composition can be filtered and taken in the same way as the infusion.

Oil extract

You will need six grams of raw material (rounded tablespoon). It is poured in 200 ml of any vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), insisted for ten days, shaking daily, then filtering.

Application of the plant in other fields

Swamp dried hen is used for the production of alcohol-oil extract. It is successfully used in veterinary medicine.

Collection and procurement

The harvesting of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period of the plant. When collecting, it is necessary to leave for seeding 2-3 plants per square meter of thickets. The plants are dug up by the root, shaken off the ground and, without cutting off the root, dried in the shade, in the open air, turning it over several times a day.

In bad weather, raw materials can be dried under a canopy, in special drying chambers (temperature +40 ° C), in attics. The plant retains its medicinal properties dry for three years.

Marsh dry land: contraindications

This medicinal plant and all preparations based on it are contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity and intolerance to the individual components that make up its composition.

It is strictly forbidden to take these medicines to patients suffering from low blood pressure. Usually the plant does not cause side effects, but allergic reactions can occur. In this case, the drug is stopped immediately.

Use marsh creeper only after consulting a doctor. Too often, self-medication leads to very disastrous results.

Marsh cane is not as widely known as other medicinal herbs. However, getting to know it better, using it for the prevention and treatment of ailments, people begin to appreciate this plant and respond positively about it. In particular, due to the mild effect on the body.

Composition and useful properties

The swamp cane belongs to the Aster family. The flowers of the plant are small, pale yellow, collected in oval baskets. The stem is thin, strongly branched. Covered, like leaves, with gray tomentose pubescence. On the territory of Russia, the grass grows in the European part and in such regions as Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus.

Popular names: gourd, toad.

It can be found in a ditch, ditch, at the edge of a swamp, on a swampy river bank. She also "loves" flooded meadows.

Swampy marsh (marsh) is a herbaceous annual plant, reaching a height of five to thirty centimeters

The smell of processed raw materials is barely perceptible, the taste is salty. Many people consider this grass a weed and uproot, thinning out potato beds, because they do not know its medicinal properties. But there are a lot of them:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • antiseptic;
  • vasodilator;
  • sedative (sedative).
  • The plant accelerates tissue repair, improves blood clotting and bowel function, protects against arrhythmias. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the marsh caddie is included in antidiabetic herbal preparations. This plant is so valuable in the treatment of various ailments because of its composition:

  • carotene - cleanses the body of harmful free radicals, strengthens the immune system and the nervous system;
  • essential oil - soothes nervous irritability;
  • tannins - used against inflammation, to stop blood, are valuable for their astringent properties;
  • trace elements: silicon, iron, copper, aluminum, molybdenum, selenium, boron, bromine;
  • vegetable resins and alkaloids;
  • flavonoids - normalize blood pressure, balance the heart rate, stimulate the adrenal cortex, etc.;
  • phytosterols - reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, strengthen the immune system, normalize hormonal balance, reduce weight, slow down the aging process, are used to prevent atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin A - increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • vitamin B1 - normalizes the activity of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • vitamin C - participates in the regulation of redox processes, normalizes vascular permeability, etc.;
  • vitamin K - improves blood clotting.
  • The plant is harvested when it blooms. Together with the root. Dried in a shaded area of ​​the yard (if you live in a private house) in clear weather. During the day, the grass must be turned over from time to time. They also use drying chambers, attics, in bad weather, raw materials are hidden under a canopy. The dried grass should be sieved through a sieve to remove any remaining sand and earth.

    It is necessary to keep the raw materials in a dry place, but not more than three years. After this period, it will lose its healing properties.

    You need to store dried herbs in canvas or linen bags, you can in a wooden container

    When collecting the dried creeper, do not forget to leave three to four plants within a radius of a meter. If you dig up everything, then it will not grow here anymore.

    Video: the use of marsh creeper in traditional medicine

    Plant species

    Do not confuse the marsh caddie with the forest and yellowish-white, and also with the field toad. The healing properties of these plant species are very weak.

    The woodland drier is higher: from twenty centimeters to half a meter. Baskets are small, form an inflorescence that resembles spike in shape. The stem does not branch or bush, the leaves are covered not with gray, but with white fluff. This plant prefers drier soil.

    The dried-up beetle has a yellowish-white wrapper of yellow-white baskets, hence the name. The flowers are reddish, and the stem can reach seventy centimeters in height.

    In a toad, flower baskets are arranged in glomeruli even in the cavities of leaves, the height is thirty-five centimeters, the fluff is white. The plant is mainly steppe and field.

    Plant varieties - photo gallery

    Field toad has a stem branched from the middle, white flowers, envelope leaves are grayish-white, without bordering

    The yellowish-white caddy's baskets are the same as those of the marsh creeper, but they are not surrounded by apical leaves.

    The forest cane has a straight stem, the baskets are collected in a long spike-shaped inflorescence

    Dried mushrooms for various diseases: recipes and application features

    In folk medicine, the caddie has been used for a long time. For each problem, disease, the most appropriate treatment method is selected:

  • increased sweating of hands and feet - baths;
  • migraine, stomach or duodenal ulcer, angina pectoris, uterine bleeding - decoctions, infusions;
  • erosion of the cervix - douching;
  • burns, long-term healing wounds on the skin - lotions, compresses.
  • In Russia, marsh creeper was drunk like tea, adding honey to it. They treated colds and consumption with this herb.

    Allergic manifestations

    Boil three dessert spoons of dried crushed milk in a liter of water. Take off two minutes later. When the broth has cooled, soak cotton wipes in it and apply to the affected areas. Keep the compresses for twenty-five or thirty minutes.

    Hemorrhoids, constipation

    Often, enemas are used for these diseases. First, a cleansing is done, and after an hour - a therapeutic one, by introducing half a glass of warm infusion of dried cumin into the rectum. The course includes five to six procedures. They should be held every evening or two.

    As an additional drug, the infusion is used for acute and chronic enteritis, colitis, dysentery. It should be consumed one tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

    Sedentary warm and hot baths

    You will need:

  • herbs: dried flax, toadflax, lemon balm, horsetail;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • pharmacy chamomile flowers;
  • fir shoots;
  • willow bark.
  • Having brewed separately medicinal raw materials (one hundred grams of collection per one liter of boiled water), they are then brought with hot or warm water to the required volume and comfortable temperature. The duration of the course is usually two weeks. The procedure should be carried out according to a specific regimen: every day at the same time interval (preferably about an hour before bedtime). Then it is advisable to lie under the covers. Reception time: from ten to twenty minutes. If the water cools quickly, add more, bringing to the desired temperature.

    For the best therapeutic effect of the bath, it is advised to take courses and not stop even after the first signs of improvement.

    Hypertension, cerebrovascular accident

    The following components are required:

  • boiling water - a glass.
  • Simmer the grass flooded with water over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. After removing, cool, strain and add boiled water to get the original volume. The intake rate is a third of a glass twice or three times a day, half an hour after a meal.

    Dryberry preparations lower blood pressure

    It is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent: a ten-day course is recommended, the dosage is the same. After half a month, a break is made, and then, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

    For inflammation of the nasopharynx, rinse with a decoction four to five times a day. For one procedure, you will need half a glass of the product.

    This syrup is used to combat hypertension. It is sold in pharmacies, but it also prepares itself. To do this, you need the following ingredients:

  • mixed in equal proportions dried fruit and chokeberry berries - four tablespoons;
  • cold water - one liter;
  • sugar - half a kilogram.
    Swamp dryweed syrup with chokeberry can be bought at the pharmacy
  • Leave the plant mixture filled with water to infuse overnight. Boil in the morning and cook for another half hour. After adding sugar, boil it down. When the liquid turns into syrup, chill and drink before each meal. One-time intake: one teaspoon. Contraindication - increased vascular tone.


    For cooking you will need:

  • motherwort root - three parts;
  • marsh dryweed - two parts;
  • hawthorn (fruit) - one part;
  • mountain ash (berries) - one part.
  • A tablespoon of mixed plants is taken, poured into a thermos with boiled water. After six hours, you can drink: half a glass before meals. You can eat after taking no earlier than twenty minutes.

    To speed up the treatment, take foot baths in addition to the remedies listed. They are prepared as follows: 250 g of grass is poured with five liters of boiled water and left for half an hour. The same amount of time is allotted for the procedure. In this case, the legs should be covered with a towel.

    Headache, insomnia

    You will need:

    • dried sushi - two tablespoons;
    • boiling water - two glasses.

    After infusing the hot water-drenched dried hen for two hours, strain. Drink on an empty stomach before meals. One-time intake rate: two tablespoons. The duration of the course is forty-five days.

    Soothing collection

    Components of funds:

  • motherwort, creeper and yarrow - one part each;
  • valerian root - one third of the part;
  • boiled water - three glasses.
  • Pour the mixed herbs (three teaspoons) in boiled water. Insist in a thermos for six hours. Divide the infusion into four portions and consume it on an empty stomach throughout the day. The course is from fourteen days to a month.

    Rinse your mouth with infusion for stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, when your teeth hurt.

    Infusions, decoctions should be taken warm.

    Women's diseases

    Erosion of the cervix and colpitis are treated by douching with warm infusion twice a day for a week. This method is also suitable for inflammatory diseases.

    Also used are tampons soaked in oil of dried crushed milk. To prepare it, ten tablespoons of chopped raw herbs are placed in a thermos and poured with half a liter of olive oil (it should be slightly warmed up). You need to insist twenty-four hours. Tampons are placed at night. The duration of the course is ten days.

    Tampons soaked in crushed milk oil are used for gynecological diseases

    Myoma and fibroma are treated with a decoction prepared as follows:

  • Pour a liter of water into a saucepan.
  • When it boils, add a faceted glass of marsh dryweed to it.
  • Reduce heat to low, keep the broth on the stove for another hour, then remove.
  • Wait for it to cool down.
  • After straining, you can start drinking four times a day after eating (not immediately, but after 30 minutes). You need to consume a third of a glass at a time. The duration of the treatment course is eight days.

    With "female wilting" (cessation of menstruation due to menopause), the following recipe is used:

  • blackberry leaves, motherwort and fragrant woodruff herb - five tablespoons each;
  • creeper grass, hawthorn flowers - three tablespoons each;
  • boiled water - a glass.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly, brew half of the collection dessert spoon in a porcelain teapot. Drink like tea. Improvement will come after ten days.

    "Female wilting" is accompanied by itching, a feeling of painful discomfort due to increased blood flow to the head and other, not the most pleasant, manifestations

    Skin diseases

    Pour vegetable oil (preferably linseed or olive oil) over the dried sushi and leave in a dark place. Ingredients are taken in a ratio of one to ten. After a day, the oil can already be used (if treatment is urgently needed), but continue to insist for another ten days, shaking it from time to time. Strain before use. Method of application: smear the affected area of ​​the skin with the drug, apply a sterile bandage on top.

    Powder of creeper is used for weeping eczema

    For weeping eczema, weeping lichen, sprinkle the affected areas with dried cumin powder.

    Ointments and creams with marsh creeper are prescribed for herpes, trophic ulcers on the lower extremities, skin diseases of adults and children.

    Burns, abscesses

    For burns and abscesses, for speedy healing, you can use ointment or oil from dried crushed milk.



  • dry crushed grass crushed into powder - one part;
  • interior pork fat or fresh butter (homemade) - ten parts;
  • liquid honey - one part.
    To prepare the ointment, you need to use only homemade oil.
  • To prepare the ointment, grind the powder of the herb with fat or oil, add honey and mix very well with a wooden spoon. Keep warm for several hours. Apply until skin heals. Store in the refrigerator.

    The ointment is also used against fungi, has antimicrobial properties.

    Crumbled Butter

    You will need:

  • dried sushi - two tablespoons;
  • olive oil - half a cup.
  • Heat the oil to sixty degrees and pour it over the grass placed in a thermos. After twelve hours, pour into a saucepan and simmer in a water bath for thirty minutes. Keep the oil in the refrigerator door in a dark glass container. Treat burns, abrasions, wounds with this remedy.


  • fresh dried grass herb - one part;
  • alcohol - ten parts.
  • The raw material is filled with alcohol and infused for two weeks in a dark place, then filtered and stored in a dark glass bottle. You need to drink every time after eating. Single dosage: a quarter of a glass. The duration of the treatment course is half a month.

    In the acute stage of pneumonia, it is contraindicated to take the tincture, you need to wait until the crisis passes

    Spasms of blood vessels of the heart

    You will need:

    • dried crustacean - one and a half tablespoons;
    • boiling water - a glass.

    Infuse the herb for half an hour, then strain. Consume a third of a glass four times a day on an empty stomach. It is recommended to do this for a month.

    The infusion will improve the work of the heart and all vessels of the arterial-venous-capillary group.

    Dried mushrooms as an adjunct to treatment

    For some diseases, especially those occurring in a severe form, this plant is used only in combination with other herbs. As the main remedy, it will be ineffective.

    Lower limb atherosclerosis

    This disease should be treated in a comprehensive manner.


    You will need:

  • cinnamon rosehip (fruits), holly cassia (fruits and leaves) - a tablespoon each;
  • grass creeper marsh and kidney tea - two tablespoons each;
  • drooping birch (leaves) - three tablespoons;
  • peppermint (herb) - two dessert spoons;
  • carrots, roots of eleutherococcus prickly and burdock - in a small piece;
  • boiling water - liter.
  • Insist the ingredients in a thermos overnight. Drink one third of the glass after you eat, waiting about half an hour.

    Preventive therapy for atherosclerosis is used in the fall or spring (two months each)

    Herbal tea


    • leaves or buds of warty birch and black poplar - 10 g each;
    • raspberries - 20 g;
    • field horsetail, letter, grass and dill seeds, lemon balm, motherwort - 30 g each;
    • hawthorn fruits - 40 g;
    • dried crusts - 60 g;
    • boiling water - half a liter.

    Insist half an hour. Drink half a glass of infusion on an empty stomach before meals. It is advisable to withstand a three-month course.


    You will need:

    • oregano, sage and birch leaves - 100 g each;
    • boiling water - 3 liters.

    Keep medicinal raw materials filled with hot water for two hours warm. Add the filtered infusion to the prepared bath (the water temperature in it should be from thirty-five to thirty-seven degrees). It will take ten procedures: two a week. They are recommended in the initial stage of the disease.

    Foot baths


    • dried crustaceans - 50 g;
    • boiling water - liter.

    The infusion is prepared for two hours, then filtered and diluted with ten liters of water of forty degrees Celsius. In total, you need to take from twelve to fifteen baths: once every three days. The water temperature should be thirty-eight degrees. Keep your feet in it for about ten minutes. Baths are also used in the treatment of diseases such as clogged veins, obliterating endarteritis, trophic leg ulcers, varicose veins.

    Treatment of atherosclerosis is a very long process: it is necessary to drink herbs from one and a half to two years, alternating medicinal charges. Improvements appear earlier, but it is strongly recommended to complete the entire course to consolidate the effect. Any one infusion or decoction can be taken for three to four months maximum, after which a two-week break is required, then you will need to choose another recipe.

    With atherosclerosis, it is advisable to eat honey: a teaspoon four times a day

    To fight the disease, also include in your daily diet fresh fruits (oranges, grapes, apples, grapefruit, peaches, pomegranates, apricots or dried apricots), berries (strawberries, black currants, strawberries, feijoa), vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes ), dill, walnuts, seaweed. Keep salt intake to a minimum. Walk more often, avoid stressful situations with all your might.

    Varicose veins

    One of the healing agents used in this disease is an oil infusion. You will need the following components:

  • chaga;
  • the roots of marshmallow, valerian, burdock and elecampane;
  • the herb of the string, nettles, dried flies and St. John's wort;
  • horsetail;
  • oats;
  • millet;
  • corn grits;
  • mint leaves;
  • vegetable oil.
  • Well-mixed raw materials (the components are taken in equal parts), grind and insist on oil: the ratio is one to two. Better in the cellar or in the bedside table, shaking the container every sixty days. Then the infusion will need to be poured into a saucepan and heated to sixty degrees, then placed in a bottle and kept in the dark for another thirty days. Only then can the oil be rubbed into the sore spots. Better at night. You must complete two ten-day courses, between which you must take a twenty-day break. After six months, treatment will need to be repeated.

    Broths are best cooked not in metal dishes, but in enamel or ceramic ones. For alcoholic tinctures and oil infusions, the most suitable containers are dark glass bottles.


    This recipe is used for high acidity:

  • plantain and dried cress - four parts each;
  • knotweed and centaury - two parts each;
  • yarrow flowers - one and a half parts;
  • mint leaves, calamus root and caraway fruits - one part each;
  • boiling water - a glass.
  • Two teaspoons of well-mixed plants are poured with boiled water and infused for eight hours. Dosage: half a glass. Frequency of admission: three times a day before eating (about half an hour). The infusion is recommended to be consumed within four weeks.

    With low acidity:

    • peppermint leaves - 20 g;
    • marsh creeper grass - 15 g;
    • knotweed herb - 15 g;
    • yarrow flowers - 15 g;
    • chamomile flowers - 10 g;
    • dill seeds - 10 g;
    • valerian root - 10 g;
    • cumin seeds - 10 g;
    • hop cones - 5 g.

    Stir everything, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in the oven for 10-12 hours, strain. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 250 ml, then - the same amount of funds every two hours until it ends.

    Liver problems

    You need to take the following ingredients:

  • corn stigmas, field horsetail, rose hips - in three parts;
  • sandy cmin flowers - four parts;
  • white rose petals, wild strawberries and chamomile flowers - two parts each;
  • dill seeds, young birch leaves, juniper berries, calendula root - one part at a time;
  • boiled water - half a liter.
    Pomegranate Helps Fight Liver Disease
  • Pour boiling water over four tablespoons of medicinal raw materials and keep on low heat for about half an hour. Then you need to wait until the broth has cooled down, and drink three tablespoons three times a day.

    Heartburn, lower abdominal pain


    • St. John's wort;
    • cottonweed;
    • mint leaves;
    • centaury.

    Take everything equally, mix. Insist a tablespoon of plant materials for an hour in a thermos, pouring half a liter of boiled water there. Drink three tablespoons before meals.

    Obliterating endarteritis

    This disease is treated in a comprehensive manner. You need to start by taking foot baths. The recipe for their preparation was given when describing the treatment of atherosclerosis. They are taken every two days before going to bed for half an hour. The course is sixteen procedures. In severe cases, twenty-four or twenty-eight.

    In the intervening days, when you are not taking a bath, apply ointment to your feet. The recipe for its preparation:

    • dried crusts - 10 tablespoons;
    • boiling water - liter.


  • Pour the dried sushi into a saucepan, pour hot water into it and boil for fifteen minutes.
  • Keep on the stove for the next twenty minutes, reducing heat to low.
  • After finishing with the filtering procedure, put four hundred grams of unsalted butter in the broth and resume boiling. Stir all the time.
  • When the water has evaporated, the product is ready. Lubricate your feet from toes to knees with it - gently, without pressing.
  • One of the means for the treatment of endarteritis is compresses with ointment from the marsh creeper

    Apply sterile gauze folded in several layers with a generous amount of ointment on the wounds. After securing with a light bandage, put on stockings and wrap your legs. Make sure that nothing squeezes them. This procedure is carried out at night. If you made a bandage in the middle of the working week, then at three o'clock in the morning it must be removed so that the temperature of the legs returns to normal. If the lower extremities get cold during the treatment period, this will only exacerbate the disease.

    Another course of therapy includes taking a decoction: pour a canvas bag with a liter of water with one third of a glass of dried crushed milk, boil for about fifteen minutes, then simmer the same amount in a water bath. Daily rate: one and a half glasses, divided by three times. Drinking is recommended on an empty stomach. Reception of funds stops with the end of the course of baths.

    For spasms and pain, use the collection:

  • peppermint;
  • Japanese sophora;
  • fruits of the muzzle;
  • thyme herb;
  • All of the listed drugs are taken equally and mixed. The infusion is prepared as follows: two tablespoons of the collection for half a liter of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for an hour. Usage rate: one and a half glasses, divided into three times. Drink before meals.

    Oncological diseases


  • motherwort (grass), yarrow, birch buds, linden blossom (or three-leafed watch), dried cumin and sandy cumin - 100 g each;
  • wormwood herb - 150 g;
  • succession grass, bearberry leaves, immortelle (dried flowers) and rose hips - 200 g each;
  • nettle leaves - 250 g;
  • sage - 350 g.
  • boiling water - two and a half liters.
  • You need six tablespoons of well-mixed raw materials. Filling with boiled water, herbs need to be simmered on the stove or in the oven for three hours. Make sure not to boil. After straining, drink the product before every meal. One-time rate: one tablespoon. It is recommended to take two monthly courses, arranging a ten-day rest between them.


    You need to take:

  • dryweed, St. John's wort, rose petals - a third of a tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil (preferably flaxseed or olive) - one glass.
  • Vegetable raw materials are placed in a dark glass bottle, poured with oil and left for half a month in a place protected from light. The finished drug is filtered through a dense cloth and poured back into the bottle. Choose a cool place for storage. The bandage should be changed every three days in the first two weeks, and then every five days.


    When treating strokes, phyto-gatherings should be smoothly alternated. You will have to be treated for a long time and continuously.

    Recipe number 1


  • dried crustacean - four tablespoons;
  • mistletoe leaves - four tablespoons.
  • In the evening, pour the herbs in a thermos with a liter of boiled water, leave until morning. You need to drink everything in a day.

    Recipe number 2


  • hawthorn flowers;
  • cottonweed;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • motherwort.
  • For infusion, take a tablespoon of medicinal herbs in a glass of boiled water. Wait for it to cool. You can drink one to three glasses a day. It is better to start with a small dose, gradually increasing it.

    Stroke treatment is long-term and continuous

    Recipe number 3


  • motherwort grass and astragalus;
  • flowers of calendula, immortelle and clover;
  • valerian roots;
  • wild rosemary shoots;
  • rose petals;
  • white willow bark;
  • fennel fruits.
  • Equal parts of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. For the infusion, two tablespoons of plant materials and 2.5 cups of boiled water are required. This is followed by a six-hour infusion. Once you've strained, start drinking a quarter cup five times a day.


    You will need:

  • yarrow herb, dryweed;
  • nettle and eucalyptus leaves;
  • the roots of calamus, licorice and burnet;
  • boiling water.
  • All must be taken equally. For the infusion, you need a teaspoon of mixed herbs. They should be steamed with hot water for twenty minutes. Strain and drink throughout the day, dividing the glass of the remedy into four doses. It is recommended to use it for ten days, you can use it for two or three days less.

    With erysipelas, an alcoholic tincture of dried cinnamon is used

    Compresses are also made three times a day using alcohol tincture. She prepares like this:

  • Half a tablespoon of dried crushed milk is poured into a bottle.
  • Filled with a glass of alcohol.
  • Placed for two weeks where there is no access to sunlight.
  • The filtered product is stored in a glass jar with a lid.
  • In the interval between procedures, the inflamed skin is lubricated with sea buckthorn oil.

    In case of exacerbations, when the temperature rises, severe pains are tormented, in addition to folk remedies, it is necessary to take antimicrobial drugs and follow other prescriptions of the attending physician.

    Angina pectoris

    You need to take the following components:

  • caddie, astragalus woolly-flowered, hawthorn flowers - two tablespoons each;
  • valerian root, dill seeds, peppermint leaves - one tablespoon each;
  • boiled water - one glass.
  • Simmer a tablespoon of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiled water for fifteen minutes in a water bath. Strain and drink throughout the day, dividing the broth into four doses. Preferably half an hour before meals. The recommended course is half a month.

    Chronic gastroduodenitis


  • chicory roots - two tablespoons;
  • compound fruits of hops, St. John's wort, dried cress, centaury - a tablespoon;
  • chamomile inflorescences and peppermint leaves - a teaspoon each.
  • boiling water - three glasses.
  • Boil the herbs in hot water for about seven minutes. When the decoction has cooled, pour half a teaspoon of spirulina powder into it. Consume throughout the day, dividing one and a half glasses of the drug into three doses. Drink before meals (half an hour). A monthly course is recommended. The reception of the broth must be alternated with other herbal preparations.

    Most consider spirulina to be algae, in pharmacies it is sold as a dietary supplement in the form of tablets, flakes, powder

    Peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer


  • sushi dried-up - four parts;
  • cyanosis blue roots - four parts;
  • chamomile flowers - one part;
  • boiling water - a glass.
  • The infusion is prepared in a thermos for three hours: a tablespoon of plant materials placed inside is poured with boiling water. Drink one tablespoon three times a day for severe pain on an empty stomach.

    In case of gastric ulcer with high acidity, a vitamin-oxygen herbal composition is recommended:

  • rose hips - 50 g;
  • herbs of motherwort, cayenne, St. John's wort, peppermint leaves, calamus root - 15 g each;
  • boiled water - a glass;
  • sugar syrup to taste.
  • The infusion is prepared for an hour. Acceptance rate: half a tablespoon on an empty stomach three times a day.

    If the rosehip is May, then the infusion is usable for no more than two days.

    They are also treated using the following method: on an empty stomach, they take an infusion of marsh creeper, and after waiting two hours after a meal - a decoction of cyanosis roots.

    Contraindications: ulcers and gastritis with high acidity during an exacerbation. In such cases, it is strictly forbidden to engage in herbal medicine without the approval of a doctor.

    Other fees used in traditional medicine

    Here are a few more fees used in traditional medicine for various ailments:

  • arrhythmia. Herbs of dried mint, peppermint, adonis, motherwort, apple peel, leaves of dream, podbela, blackberry, tartar, leuzea, burdock roots, fruits of simple mountain ash;
  • duodenitis. The herb of cayenne, celandine, mountaineer, hop seed, licorice roots, valerian, calamus, snake mountaineer;
  • circulatory failure. Dried mushroom, peppermint, lingonberry leaves, whitewash, strawberries, dill seeds, rowan fruits, elecampane roots, valerian, hawthorn flowers, horse chestnut;
  • chronic pancreatitis. Herbs of dried flak, horsetail, yarn, agaric, oregano, green beans, coriander seeds, plantain, strawberry leaves, immortelle flowers, galangal roots, valerian;
  • enuresis. Herbs of dried caraway, lemon balm, bitter wormwood, ashberry, horsetail, meadowsweet, motherwort, caraway seeds, fireweed leaves, elecampane roots, immortelle flowers.
  • Having chosen a suitable collection, make an infusion from it: two tablespoons of the herbal mixture for one and a half glasses of boiled water. You can start drinking the remedy six hours before meals three times a day. Norm: a third of a glass at a time.

    With arrhythmia, treatment can last four months, with duodenitis - five weeks, with circulatory failure - up to six months, with pancreatitis - two months, with enuresis - up to three months.


    The dryer cannot be used in the following cases:

  • tendency to low blood pressure;
  • bradycardia;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • individual intolerance.
  • Swamp sushi is not used to treat children under 5 years old; in children under 12 years old, therapy takes place only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

    If an allergic reaction occurs, this drug should be stopped immediately. During pregnancy, during lactation, be sure to consult with your doctor before using the dried fruit. Without a doctor's prescription, it is not recommended to treat serious diseases with folk remedies.

    Swamp (or marsh) dried mire is a medicinal plant that is ubiquitous. It has the appearance of a herbaceous annual shrub that can be seen on wet soils near water bodies (rivers, swamps, lakes), this grass also grows in vegetable gardens, fields, slopes, in ditches, in flood meadows.

    In its natural area, the marsh creeper occupies the northern and central regions of the continent of Eurasia, spreading at the latitude of the same name from Iceland to Japan. In the common people, there are other names for this herb: toad, as well as toad, cut or worm grass.

    Botanical description

    The cane is an annual plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Among the numerous varieties of this plant, only the marsh creeper has medicinal properties. The cane has a pubescent, branching stem, up to 25 - 30 cm high, and small elongated leaves with a wide base and a pointed end. The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem.

    A branching stem is a distinctive feature of this species (forest and field creepers have a straight single stem). The blooming period of the marsh creeper is summer (from June to August), its flowers are yellowish, collected in inflorescences "baskets", the middle flowers in the inflorescences are tubular, the marginal flowers are filiform. In place of flowers, seeds of a gray-green color ripen.

    Biochemical composition

    The composition of the marsh creeper contains valuable and useful substances:

    • carotene;
    • alkaloids;
    • flavonoids;
    • thiamine;
    • essential oils;
    • fatty acid;
    • vitamins (PP, A, B, C, ascorbic acid);
    • phytosteroids;
    • tanning components;
    • macro- and microelements.

    Valuable substances are contained in the stems, leaves, roots and flowers of the plant, it is they that determine the medicinal properties of the marsh beetle.

    Pharmacological characteristics

    Marsh grass marsh creeper has different types of effects on the human body. Among them:

    1. vasodilator;
    2. hypotensive;
    3. hemostatic;
    4. anti-inflammatory;
    5. antispasmodic;
    6. bactericidal;
    7. sedative;
    8. astringent.

    The dried mushroom, prepared in accordance with the recipe, stimulates the regeneration of skin tissues and mucous membranes, burn surfaces, ulcers. The grass creeper is used for hypertension, it lowers blood pressure, stabilizes the work of the heart, reducing the frequency of its contractions, helps with angina pectoris. In patients with diabetes mellitus, it has a vasodilating effect.

    It is used for gastritis, stomach ulcers, it improves bowel contractions. The herb is used to treat tuberculosis and pneumonia, neuroses and insomnia of various origins. The dried fruit improves blood clotting and stops bleeding of various localization (uterine, intestinal, renal, hemorrhoidal, external). Dosage forms made from this herb are used in veterinary medicine.

    Useful preventive properties

    It helps with heartburn, eliminates headaches and excessive sweating. It is useful to gargle with broths from crushed milk for tonsillitis, tonsillitis and stomatitis - it relieves inflammation, removes purulent plugs, reduces the concentration of microorganisms in the lymph nodes and pharyngeal tonsils.

    Basic drugs

    Several main types of dosage forms are prepared from dried crushed milk: decoctions, infusions, tinctures, baths and ointments.

    Decoction- This is a saturated aqueous solution of the herb (the water is then subjected to a short boil). A decoction is prepared from dry raw materials, which is poured with hot water, boiled and insisted. Usually take 1 tbsp. dried dryers for 1 glass of hot water. The broth is boiled for no more than 5 minutes, insisted for 30 minutes, after which it is used, taken orally in the amount prescribed by the recipe, douches and rinses are made from it.

    Infusion- this is an infused (without boiling) dried crustacean in water, oil or alcohol. An alcoholic infusion is usually called a tincture. Prepare the infusion by adding 100 g of solvent to 1 tsp. herbs. Water is added hot, alcohol without preheating, vegetable oil is heated together with the grass in a water bath. The infusions are kept for 12 hours to 7 days, depending on the recipe, and then filtered. The tincture is used as directed in the appropriate dosage.

    Baths are used to treat hypertension as a distraction therapy. For this purpose, 150-200 g of herbs are poured with boiling water (3 l), insisted and cooled to 40 ° C, after which foot baths are made (duration - no more than 30 minutes). Hemorrhoids are treated with sit-down trays made of dried creeper.

    Ointments are prepared by adding honey and butter to the drier. Store the ointment in the refrigerator and use it as directed.

    Folk recipes

    Bath with varicose veins... It is necessary to pour 100 g of dry grass with 5 liters of water, boil, then leave for 10 hours. Before use, the broth must be slightly warmed up. The temperature of the foot bath should not exceed 37 ° C, the bath time should be 30 minutes.

    Oil for burns... 10 g of dried crustaceans are poured with 100 g of warm vegetable oil (heated to 60 ° C), insisted for 12 hours, filtered. Lubricate the burn surface with oil 2 - 3 times a day. Warm up the oil a little before use. The oil can be used to heal ulcers and wounds.

    To normalize the work of the heart 2 tbsp. l. Pour herbs with boiling water (150 ml), keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Insist for 2 hours, then strain, add 300 ml of water and take half a glass three times a day. This broth also helps with inflammatory processes in the body, is used as a means of stimulating the immune system.

    Decoction from mouthwash for stomatitis and gingivitis, sore throat, tonsillitis... 1 tbsp herbs are poured with boiling water (200 ml) and insisted for half an hour, filtered and rinsed several times a day (3-4).

    There are many medicinal recipes for this herb. It can be used in combination with other herbs: St. John's wort, violet, centaury, mint, plantain, caraway seeds, motherwort, valerian, etc. Several herbs contained in multicomponent preparations enhance the medicinal effect of each other.

    Collection and procurement

    The marsh caddie has the maximum therapeutic effect during the flowering period (June - August). The plant is harvested during the flowering period, pulling it out of the soil by the root. Dried medicinal raw materials under a canopy (it is impossible to dry in the sun) after preliminary cutting off the rhizomes. You can dry the grass in dryers (drying temperature - 35 - 40 ° C).

    Contraindications and conclusion

    The main contraindications for marsh creeper are: the presence of allergies to the components of the medicinal herb, low blood pressure (hypotension), thrombophlebitis, diseases of the gallbladder (especially calculous cholecystitis), increased blood clotting, bradycardia. Drying is not recommended for children, women in position and during breastfeeding.

    The grass creeper marsh pharmacognosy is a valuable source of substances useful for the human body. With regular and correct use, the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of various dosage forms of this plant are obvious. This means that nature itself has taken care of our health, we just need to be able to competently use what is always with us.

    The dried mushroom has a pronounced hypotensive and wound healing effect. In addition, the herb exhibits choleretic, laxative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for hypertension stage I-II, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis. Dried mushrooms are added to the collection for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high and low acidity, ulcerative colitis, as well as diabetes and tuberculosis. In folk medicine, the plant is widely used as an external remedy. For the healing of damaged tissues, compresses, lotions, tampons from infusions of dried cumin are prescribed; grass is added to bath fees; wound-healing ointments for the treatment of burns and erosions are prepared from a mixture of dried cumin powder and butter.


    Hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding period, age up to 18 years, bradycardia, hypotension, vegetative dystonia.


    General recipe

    Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place, wrapped for 1 hour, drain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    With heart palpitations, angina pectoris, headache, climatic hot flashes, insomnia, fears

    Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, cook in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, squeeze, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, for 3 weeks.

    With gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

    6 tablespoons of chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, drain. Add the volume of boiled water to the initial volume, add 5 tablespoons of honey. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

    Rinses. With stomatitis, gingivitis

    Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Rinse the mouth with warm infusion 3-4 times a day.

    Oil extract

    Outwardly. Applied in the form of lotions and compresses for the treatment of burns, difficult-to-heal infected wounds, ulcers, lichens

    Grind the grass to a powder. Pour 1 tablespoon of powder with 1 glass of any vegetable oil, insist for 10 days in a sealed container, shaking occasionally, carefully drain from the sediment.

    Ointment for burns, wounds, abscesses, neglected ulcers

    1 tablespoon of finely chopped herbs, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of butter. Mix everything well, leave for 3 days.

    Douching for ulcers and erosion of the uterus

    Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs with 1.5 cups of boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes, insist, wrapped for 30 minutes, drain. Do douching with warm infusion 1-2 times a day.


    50 grams of chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol in a glass bottle, insist for 1 week in a dark place, shaking occasionally, drain. Take 1/2 teaspoon 3-4 times before meals.


    For legs with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis

    With hypertension, it is effective to combine the intake of a decoction and foot baths

    Pour 250 grams of chopped herbs with 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Pour the infusion into a bowl, the procedure lasts 30 minutes.

    With varicose veins

    Pour 100 grams of chopped herbs with 5 liters of boiling water, insist under a closed lid for 8-10 hours, strain. Pour into a bath with a water temperature of 35-37 degrees, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

    With increased excitability, insomnia

    Pour 80 g of dry chopped herbs with 3 liters of boiling water and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes, then bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes over moderate heat. After removing from heat, insist the broth for another 1 hour, strain and add to the filled bath.
    Water temperature - 35-36 ° С. The duration of the procedure is 10-12 minutes. Take a bath with dried drier daily for 15-20 days.

    With hypertension stage I

    Brew 150 g of dry chopped herbs with 3 liters of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 2 hours. Strain the ready-made infusion and add to the water for a sitz bath - 30 liters.
    Water temperature - 38 ° С. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. To carry out the baths with dried drier 2 times a week.

    Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

    Pour 100 g of dry chopped herbs with 5 liters of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 8-10 hours. Strain the ready infusion, pour into a basin or bucket and add warm water so that the temperature of the bath is no higher than 36-37 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. After the bath for 40-50 minutes, lie down, slightly raising your legs (put a pillow under them). Perform the procedures for 5 consecutive days with a break for the sixth. Course - 10-15 baths.

    The marsh cane is an annual short-growing herb that grows in swampy meadows, the banks of reservoirs and ponds. In some areas, it is called "toad grass" or "toad", which indicates its use in folk medicine in the treatment of angina pectoris and pulmonary tuberculosis. By the name "scrofula" you can understand that scrofula was treated with it. It has also been actively used since antiquity for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    Botanical description and preparation

    Description: the caddie belongs to the Asteraceae family. The woolly felt outfit makes the color of the plant grayish. The taproot is highly branched. The stem begins to branch from the ground itself. The oblong narrow leaves are arranged alternately, reaching 5 cm in length. Each process of the stem ends in small, but dense flower baskets in the form of bunches with yellowish flowers. Small achene fruits are colored gray-greenish.

    Grass harvesting begins simultaneously with the beginning of flowering, in the second half of June. They continue to collect the dried cinnamon until September, until the flowering ends. In dry weather, the plant is pulled out together with the root, shaken off from the soil, laid out on the surface in a thin layer and dried directly in the sun. Dryers are used to speed up the harvesting process during high humidity. The temperature is set to no more than 50 ° C.

    It must be remembered that the density of the flowers does not allow the plant to dry out quickly. And if the collection turns out to be underdried, then it will quickly deteriorate. At the end of drying, the raw materials must be sieved through a sieve and packed in linen bags up to 20 g or in cardboard boxes of 100 g. If the preparation and storage are performed correctly, the shelf life of such a collection reaches three years.

    The natural area of ​​the marsh cayennean is the entire European part of Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The grass grows both in the Amur region and in Kamchatka. Often, the toad can be found in the garden as a weed. There are many geographic races of the dry hen, and sometimes they are mistaken for independent species. But they have no differences between themselves.

    Pharmacological properties

    There are components in the crushed milk that are no longer found in any other plant. It is they who determine the beneficial properties of the plant.

    Table. Chemical constituents.

    Name Pharmacological properties
    TanninsA significant content of tannins was found in the grass - about 4%, which determines the area of ​​using the herb for medicinal purposes: antifungal, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic
    ResinsDue to the high content of natural resins (16%), the plant has bactericidal, wound healing and anti-putrefactive properties. It also has a sedative and diuretic effect
    Vitamin AThe carotene content in the herb ranges from 12 to 55 mg / 100 g. This indicates the possibility of using it in the treatment of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, pancreatitis, dermatitis, eye diseases.
    Vitamin B1Thiamine, found in the plant, is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system, it is important for the organs of vision and the condition of the skin
    Essential oilThere is little oil in the composition, only about 0.05%, but it is extracted for use in aromatherapy. It can also stimulate the healing of ulcers and wounds.
    FlavonoidsOne of them is gnaphalozide A. It is found only in the dried cassis. It has a strong antiulcer effect on the body and a weak hypotensive
    AlkaloidsVery few of them were found, which clearly indicates the absence of a harmful effect on the body. However, it has been found that the alkaloid gnaphaline has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.

    The whole complex of substances also determines the field of medical application of the dried hen:

    • Treatment of the initial stage of hypertension.
    • Healing of wounds, ulcers and burns.
    • In gynecology, thrush in women is treated.

    Raw crushed milk is also used for problems with the genitourinary sphere in men.

    Folk remedies and their use

    Broths, infusions and tinctures are prepared on the basis of dried crushed milk. It is believed that the drugs are not inferior to valerian in their sedative effect.

    Indications Recipe How to apply

    Hypertension, nervous irritability, insomnia, fever, sore throat, heavy menstruation, diarrhea, gastrointestinal ulcer, thrush in the mouth, chronic gastritis, increased heart rate

    Raw materials - a tablespoon; water (100 ° C) - glass; infusion - two hoursDaily dose - 2 glasses for four times intake in equal portions
    HypertensionDry raw material powder or fresh juiceOne of the two drugs is taken three times a day, one teaspoonful.
    A decoction of several herbs: rhizomes of burnet, motherwort, hawthorn, mistletoe, dried cress. All components are mixed in equal parts and two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured with three glasses of water (100 ° C). After eight hours of infusion, filter and take after meals (3 times a day)One-time intake rate - 100 grams
    ThrombophlebitisInfusion for the bath. Grass in the amount of 200 grams is steamed in five liters of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, the diseased legs are placed in the solution for half an hour. Baths with such a concentration of herbs are useful for the whole body.This procedure can be done frequently. The best time is before bed.
    Skin diseasesAlcohol-oil extract. The grass is cut into large pieces and poured with vodka. The dishes are closed and left in the room. After 12 hours, vegetable oil is poured in an amount equal to half of the available mass and the agent is evaporated in a water bath mode for 24 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, the raw material is carefully squeezed out, and the liquid is filtered through a dry filter. The finished product will be transparent with a brownish-green color. Pour the extract into a glass container, close the lid and store in a cool placeUsed as lotions and compresses
    Healing wounds, ulcersOintment. To do this, the herb is ground very finely and mixed with butter. The proportions of the components in this mass are not of fundamental importance. When mixed with honey, the healing effect is enhanced.It is used to lubricate lesions and apply compresses
    A concentrated broth is prepared in water at the rate of 50 grams of raw materials per one liter of boiling waterThe cooled agent is used for rinsing and lotions
    Pulmonary tuberculosis, shortness of breathTincture: 100 grams of vodka is mixed with 2 tablespoons of raw materials and left for a week in a sealed containerTake one teaspoon before meals three times a day
    BurnsPrepare the product in linseed oil. They are poured with raw materials so that it completely covers the grass. Leave for a day, then squeeze and filterApply as compresses
    PancreatitisA collection of several herbs is being prepared. Mushroom mire, flax seed, marsh calamus (rhizomes), celandine in a ratio of 4: 4: 2: 1. Everything is thoroughly crushed and mixed. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with water (100 ° C) and infused for two hours.The daily norm is one glass. Divided into three portions and taken after meals

    Herbal preparations are sold in pharmacies. The packages are accompanied by instructions for use.

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