Acidity after eating. What provokes an increased level of acidity in the stomach. Clinical picture with high acidity

Lime 02.08.2021

Persistent heartburn, acid regurgitation, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are different names for the same disease. This disease is associated with high acidity, which can appear after a heavy meal or become chronic. As a rule, this disease is treated very simply. However, be sure to check with your doctor before starting treatment, even if you choose safe methods, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Effective treatment

Avoid provocative foods and drinks. You can monitor your condition yourself, noticing from which products you feel bad. Write down what you eat and see how your condition will be within 1 hour after eating. If, because of what you ate, your condition worsens, you should eliminate this product from your diet. Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • Citrus fruit
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Chocolate
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic, onion
  • Alcohol
  • Note: Most of these products have not been studied enough to draw definitive conclusions. It is far more important to identify what triggers the symptoms than to avoid all of the foods listed above.

Raise the head of the bed. If possible, raise the head of the bed 15-20 centimeters. Gravity will keep the acid in your stomach. Do not use pillows for this purpose, as this will only increase intra-abdominal pressure and make the problem even worse.

Get rid of those extra pounds. Losing weight will help to relieve pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter so that stomach acid does not enter the esophagus.

Eat small meals. Reduce the amount of food you eat per meal. This will reduce the pressure on the stomach.

Eat slowly. This will help the stomach to digest food more easily and faster. Food will not stagnate in the stomach and will not put pressure on the sphincter.

Make sure there is no pressure on the stomach. The pressure will increase the acidity. Increased intra-abdominal pressure is very often the result of a hiatal hernia (this is a displacement of a part of it into the mediastinum of the stomach), pregnancy, constipation or overweight.

  • Avoid wearing clothing that squeezes your belly.

Possibly effective treatment

Eat an apple a day. As the old English proverb says: "He who eats an apple a day does not visit the doctor." If you are acidic, eat an apple every day. If the proverb says so, why not give it a try? Either way, apples are safe. While there is no evidence that apples are effective antacids, many people say that apples help them get rid of heartburn.

Drink ginger tea. There is currently no evidence that ginger treats acidity, however, ginger seems to soothe the stomach. You can use ginger tea bags or use fresh ginger. Take one teaspoon of fresh ginger, cover with boiling water and leave for five minutes. Drink tea any time during the day, but preferably 20-30 minutes before meals.

  • Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing agent for the stomach. It also helps relieve nausea and vomiting. Ginger tea is considered a safe drink for pregnant women.

Make changes to your diet. Although not proven, many experts believe that eating too late can worsen symptoms. Do not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime. A full stomach puts pressure on the upper sphincter, which normally prevents acid from the stomach from reaching the esophagus. Therefore, take the last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Avoid stress. According to recent studies, subjectively stress causes reflux symptoms, however, from an objective point of view, stress does not affect the acidity of the stomach. Identify situations that you find stressful and tiring. Find ways to avoid these situations, or prepare yourself for them with various relaxation methods.

  • Try meditation, yoga, or just follow a good sleep routine. Other good ways to relieve stress and anxiety include deep breathing, acupuncture, massage, warm baths, and even simply reciting a mantra in front of a mirror. All of these can dramatically increase your energy to cope with stress.

Try herbal treatments. None of the methods presented below are proven. However, if symptoms of hyperacidity are associated with ulcerative colitis or intestinal inflammation, there is some evidence that these methods help. But don't rely on herbal treatments alone.

  • Drink aloe vera juice. Drink 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice. You can drink the juice throughout the day, but no more than one to two cups a day. Aloe vera acts as a laxative.
  • Drink fennel tea. Crush a teaspoon of dill seeds and cover with a glass of boiling water. Add honey to taste and drink 2-3 cups daily 20 minutes before meals. Fennel reduces acidity.
  • Try slippery elm. It can be drunk as tea or taken as a pill. If you drink slippery elm like tea, drink 90 to 120 ml daily. If you will be using a tablet form, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Slippery elm has soothing and enveloping properties.
  • Try licorice tablets. Licorice root can be found in chewable tablets. This is a very useful tool. Licorice root heals the stomach and regulates acidity. Follow the manufacturer's instructions when choosing the correct dosage. However, as a rule, the doctor will prescribe 2-3 tablets every 4-6 hours.

Take probiotics. Probiotics are a mixture of "good" bacteria found in the intestines. These may include the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii, bifidobacteria, and lactobacilli. Studies show that probiotics improve the overall health of the intestines, however, it is not yet possible to claim that they normalize acidity.

  • One of the easiest ways to add probiotics to your diet is to consume yogurt with active cultures daily.

Destruction of myths

  • Smoking does not actually exacerbate symptoms. Previously, it was believed that tobacco worsens the condition of patients with acid reflux. However, there were three studies that showed that patients did not get better after they quit smoking.
  • Be careful with the raise on your toes. Calf Raise is used by chiropractors and has no direct evidence of its effectiveness. Besides exist evidence that this exercise can induce reflux. So getting on your toes will hurt rather than help.
  • Don't rely on mustard. There is no evidence that mustard can help normalize acidity.
  • Never take baking soda for heartburn. Doctors do not recommend this method.

Understanding and Treating Acidity with Medication

Find out the symptoms. Before you start using drugs that lower acidity, make sure that you have really increased acidity. Acidity symptoms:

  • Heartburn
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Bloating
  • Black stools (from internal bleeding)
  • Burning or prolonged hiccups
  • Nausea
  • Dry cough
  • Dysphagia (a feeling of being "stuck" or obstructing the passage of food through the mouth, pharynx, or esophagus).

Take medication as needed. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and have symptoms that indicate that you have hyperacidity, consult your doctor. If you have tried numerous herbal and other natural therapies and are not seeing results, you may need medication. Medication can help you reduce the acidity in your stomach. If the acidity is left untreated, it can lead to esophagitis, esophageal bleeding, ulcers, and a condition called Barrett's esophagus, which increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

  • If you are taking medications that increase acidity, contact your doctor to change the prescription if possible.

Take antacids. These drugs can be purchased without a prescription. They neutralize acid. Antacids usually provide short-term relief. If you cannot do without antacids after two weeks of treatment with them, you should definitely consult your doctor. Long-term use of antacids can lead to mineral imbalance in the body, diarrhea and kidney disease.

Take H2 blockers. These drugs reduce the secretion of stomach acid. H2 blockers - Cimetidine (Tagamet), Famotidine (Pepsid) and Ranitidine (Zantac). If you use this group of drugs in low doses, you do not need a prescription. If in higher doses, you may need a prescription, which you can get from your doctor. If you are using histamine H2 receptor blockers, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Side effects of this group of drugs:

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions and don't overdo it. Even antacids, if taken for a long time, can cause unpleasant consequences.

Take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They block acid production in the stomach. For example, you can pay attention to the following drugs: Esomeprazole (Nexium), Lansoprazole (Prevasid), Omeprazole (Prilosec), Pantoprazole (Protonix), Rabeprazole (Acifex), Dexlansoprazole (Dexilant) and Omeprazole (Zegerid). If you are taking PPIs without a prescription, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Side effects of PPIs include:

  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Hives.
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Problems with urination.
  • Take medications that strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter, such as Bethanechol (Urecholine) and Metoclopramide (Raglan). Ask your doctor about these drugs.

Increased acidity of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet

Increased acidity of the stomach is most often accompanied by such a serious disease as, which causes an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Gastritis in the general form is widespread, which consists in a long-term change in the biochemical environment and damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive organ with concentrated acids and alkalis.

The general concept of "gastritis" in modern medical practice is divided into a whole range of subspecies of the disease, which are classified according to several separate indicators. The fact is that the indicated disturbances in the gastric environment and digestive functions can be caused by a number of reasons, and not just one. One of the characteristics by which the determination of the type of gastritis in a patient is carried out is acidity.

Gastritis is divided into types with low (for example, atrophic) and high acidity (hyperacid). The article discusses the features of the second type of disease, their symptoms and treatment, approaches to therapy, provides a number of necessary diets and instructions.

Causes of high acidity and features of the disease

In addition to dividing gastritis according to the acidity of the stomach environment, a general classification of the phases of the disease is also made:

  • Acute gastritis (sometimes a temporary manifestation without subsequent complications);
  • Chronic gastritis (damage to the gastric mucosa periodically causes exacerbation phases).

Let's start a description of the features of the disease with an acute form. In these cases, the increased acidity of the gastric cavity and its internal damage are caused by external stimuli. As a rule, gastritis is:

  • Serious food poisoning, including chemicals (corrosive gastritis);
  • Transfer of long-term infectious diseases (fibrinous gastritis).

In these cases, the patient's condition can rapidly deteriorate up to critical, while he experiences severe pain and is unable to eat anything. As a rule, the timely elimination of poisoning and depletion of the gastric resource - flushing of the gastrointestinal tract, restoration of flora, acidity and structure of the walls with the help of drugs- allows you to neutralize damage and prevent the overflow of the disease into a chronic form.

Chronic hyperacid gastritis is a consequence of a not so active, but constant irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. At the same time, at the initial stages of the disease, the patient experiences only periodic discomfort in the iliac cavity, which can be easily confused with ordinary heartburn. As a rule, at the time of contacting a gastroenterologist, internal injuries have already managed to reach the stage when a cyclic reaction starts and a chronic stage begins, and complex treatment is necessary.

The main types (they are the reasons) of chronic hyperacid gastritis:

  • Bacterial (type B, caused by bacteria);
    Chemical (type C of the general classification), by source is divided into:
  • Reflux gastritis (acid discharge into the stomach from the intestines and gallbladder);
  • Medicinal (disorders are caused by prolonged use of aggressive medications).

Bacterial gastritis- This is the most common form of the disease. It is this genesis that is diagnosed in 90% of cases when patients refer to a gastroenterologist. The immediate cause of the disruption of the stomach is a change in the internal flora and excessive reproduction of Helicobacters. This bacterium belongs to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and is present in more than half of people in a harmless form. However, when stimulating its development and increasing the population, waste products disrupt the acidity of the stomach and, as a result, the work of the glands that secrete gastric juice.

Chemical types of gastritis are much less common, but their diagnosis and treatment methods are well developed. Here the reason for the change in the internal environment of the stomach, the secretion of glands and subsequent ulcerative damage is not in bacterial waste, but in the release of bile or drug suppression. Since both of these factors are purely endogenous and have a long-term effect on the mucosal walls without the manifestation of external symptoms, they also cause a chronic form of gastritis with periodic exacerbations.

Important! Note:

Hyperacid gastritis is typical for patients aged 20 to 50 years, when the endogenous prerequisites for its development rarely arise on their own. The common cause that causes all gastroenterological dysfunctions is malnutrition and the use of harmful substances. At:

  • eating foods with disturbed acidity;
  • frequent changes in periods of malnutrition and overeating;
  • frequent use of alcohol (stressful effects on the mucous membrane);
  • and heavy smoking.

The risk of earning a need for high acidity becomes several times higher. Poor-quality and heavy food coupled with non-observance of the food intake regime, substitution of some important products for others, more aggressive (coffee, energy drinks, fast food, sugar) - these are problems very close to any modern person, which most likely entail the complications indicated above.

Symptoms and signs of increased stomach acidity

As with any other stomach disease, the symptoms of chronic gastritis with high acidity are divided into two categories: external, that is, those that the patient can notice in himself, and internal. The latter are found only after special medical tests and research.

External signs of gastritis include:

  • Frequent colic and cutting pain in the iliac region;
  • Sharp jumps in appetite with a tendency to increase it;
  • Constant, regardless of the type and time of eating;
  • Whitish or gray coating on the tongue;

It should be noted that the manifestation of each symptom of gastritis in isolation does not at all mean serious disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and the state of mucous tissues. In the same case, if the whole complex of signs is felt regularly or for a long time, you should make an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

Seeing a doctor is necessary to accurately determine the reasons for the appearance of gastritis in the patient and establish its type. After all the research, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Methods for diagnosing gastritis and establishing the degree of damage to the walls of the stomach include:

  1. Specialized;
  2. and feces;
  3. Gastroscopy;
  4. Taking a sample of the acidic environment of the stomach.

Blood tests and discharge are necessary to confirm (or refute) the main cause of gastritis - Helicobacter pylori. With an increase in the population of bacteria in the body, a trace of their metabolic products remains in the analyzes. Taking a sample of the environment allows you to determine the type of disease (hyperacid or atrophic) and select the appropriate course of treatment. With the help of gastroscopy, the doctor can see the extent of the damage to the tissues of the stomach and assign the current stage to the disease.

In conclusion of the section, we note that in the chronic form of gastritis with high acidity, the above symptoms do not appear in the patient constantly, but only during periods of exacerbation of the disease. The deterioration of the stomach is most often caused by the following reasons:

  • Binge eating;
  • Abuse of hot, spicy, salty foods;
  • Eating fatty foods;
  • Alcohol consumption;
  • Long period of fasting.

Even after effective treatment, gastritis with high acidity in a chronic form is exacerbated by one or a combination of these factors. Unfortunately, for patients at this stage of the disease, especially those who have reached an advanced stage, adherence to diets of varying degrees of severity is constantly recommended.

Treatment methods: traditional and folk methods

After carrying out all the necessary examinations and accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a complex treatment of gastritis with high acidity, which is aimed at achieving three main effects:

  1. Destruction of pathogenic bacteria of the "pilari" type (in the case of the most frequent type B gastritis);
  2. Regulation of gastric acid secretion;
  3. Restoration of normal stomach acidity.

For the first purpose, antibiotics are used, most often Clarithromycin or Amoxicillin. The drugs are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Their action neutralizes the immediate causes of increased stomach acidity.

Reducing acid production of the gastric glands is carried out with PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors). The restoration of acidity in the internal environment of the stomach is achieved with the help of well-known antacids - Maalox or Smecta - and heartburn pills (Rennie, for example).

In addition, with severe pain, antispasmodics (the most famous is Noshpa) can be prescribed, but their use should not be abused - during the period of treatment, the patient is prescribed strict diets, including with the maximum exclusion of drugs.

When treating with folk remedies and relief of symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis are often used:

  • Warm or honey;
  • Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, mint.

It should be noted that such gastric lavage with traditional medicine is not a complete treatment, but only for a short time relieve the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity. In order to prevent signs of the transition of the disease into a deep chronic and atrophic form and to cure it quickly, it is better to consult a doctor.

In case of damage to the mucous membranes and tissues that form the walls of the stomach, the digestive function is impaired, so not all foods can be eaten.

  • Spicy and salty dishes;
  • Fatty meat and meat broths;
  • Fresh fruits, especially sour;
  • Alcohol.

It is these products that cause the most severe irritation of the internal environment of the stomach. Of course, chips, soda, gelatinous and chemical sweets and strong coffee should be excluded from the diet. The same dietary advice is given for gastritis with normal acidity. Also, great attention should be paid to the complexity of food intake, that is, do not allow dry food, which causes complications. If these rules are not followed, the disease is much more difficult to cure. Among the most suitable foods for a diet, experts recommend:

  • Steam cutlets from poultry;
  • Side dishes: buckwheat porridge, potatoes, rice;
  • Oatmeal, with milk or cream;
  • Boiled rice or noodles soups;
  • Wheat (white) bread (yesterday's baked goods, not fresh, this is important);
  • Steam omelets or soft-boiled eggs;
  • Drinks: broths of wild rose, weak tea or coffee with milk;
  • Sweet juices.

The listed products have a minimal load on the stomach during digestion, but they contain all the elements necessary for the body in sufficient quantities. During therapy, the patient should remember that a diet for gastritis with high acidity is not a desirable, but a strictly mandatory condition for cure. Even with minor violations, spasms and worsening of the condition are possible. It should be eaten in small portions and often, 5-6 times a day. This is important so that the increased acidity of the stomach does not affect the body's own tissues.

During periods of treatment or exacerbations, the framework of the diet is compressed even more, limiting the patient to mashed potatoes, chicken broth and boiled rice. Nevertheless, with the right medication and timely consultation with a doctor, the time of complications can be significantly reduced. Today, almost all types of gastritis can be cured. Sometimes it even turns out to remove the disease from the chronic stage and completely restore the functions of the gastric membrane, but for this, medical prescriptions must be strictly observed.


The development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be associated with the destabilization of the level of gastric acid, therefore, you need to constantly maintain normal acidity, and also know what kind of acid in the stomach in a person is normal. With the development of unpleasant symptoms, indicating various pathologies, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Read more about the acidity of the stomach and will be discussed in this article.

Gastric juice is a special liquid with a complex composition. The juice is produced by the stomach, or rather, by the cells of its mucous membrane. Outwardly, it looks a little like ordinary glue: it is transparent and does not have a characteristic odor. In addition, stomach acid may contain small lumps of mucus. It contains organic compounds, minerals, various enzymes, mucus, and gastrin, a hormone synthesized by the G-cells of the stomach.

On a note! Also, gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, or, as doctors call it, hydrochloric acid (a colorless caustic liquid with a pungent odor). It plays an important role in the functioning of the digestive system, as it is contained in the gastric juice in large quantities.

Hydrochloric acid rate

It should be noted that acidity of gastric juice is measured in units of pH... Under normal circumstances and in the absence of health problems, the rate of acidity of the gastric juice of a person should vary in the range from 1.5 to 2 pH. Diagnosis should be carried out on an empty stomach, otherwise laboratory results may be unreliable.

If we talk about the minimum and maximum permissible rates, these are, respectively, 0.86 and 8.3 pH. These indicators, as a rule, depend on the production of hydrochloric acid by the patient's stomach. According to statistics, the proportion of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice of an absolutely healthy person ranges from 0.4% to 0.5%.

Factors provoking a change in acidity

Consider the main reasons for the increase in acidity:

  • improper or unbalanced diet;
  • excessive consumption of smoked, fried or spicy foods;
  • the presence of bad habits that negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract (smoking and alcohol abuse);
  • the consequences of taking potent medications. First of all, this concerns analgesics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Improper diet is one of the possible causes of acidity.

Since only metabolic processes are able to reduce the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, this most often happens with the elderly, whose metabolic processes in the body slow down with age. The most common causes of low stomach acidity include:

  • the development of an inflammatory process that affects the digestive tract;
  • poor digestibility of the food used;
  • atrophy of the gastric mucosa;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • poor metabolism (metabolism).

Most of these factors are influenced by the patient's lifestyle, in particular, his nutrition. Therefore, to maintain the digestive system and the whole body in a healthy state, doctors recommend revising your diet.

Typical symptoms

The following symptoms may indicate a decrease or increase in hydrochloric acid in the patient's stomach:

  • spasmodic contractions of the walls of the stomach, manifested, as a rule, in between meals;
  • painful sensations in the right side of the abdomen;
  • burning sensation in the stomach;
  • sour belching that occurs after eating;
  • the formation of a white or green plaque on the surface of the tongue;
  • the appearance of intestinal colic, which is associated with a violation of digestive processes;
  • violation of stool (diarrhea or constipation);
  • increased gas formation;
  • dullness of the hairline, which is often accompanied by hair loss;
  • drying of the patient's skin;
  • the appearance of symptoms of anemia;
  • acne may appear on the skin of the patient's face.

In the process of increasing or decreasing the level of acidity, the patient's gastric secretion does not function correctly, sometimes intermittently, due to which hydrochloric acid is produced in a deficiency or excess. These violations often provoke the development of additional symptoms:

  • decreased immunity - both local and general;
  • the appearance of signs of toxicosis;
  • flatulence, bloating;
  • disruption of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and pharynx, which occurs due to the cough reflex;
  • irritation of the sphincter;
  • the development of an inflammatory process that affects the patient's respiratory system;
  • violation of intestinal microflora.

On a note! Violation of the acid balance in the stomach negatively affects metabolic processes, as a result of which the breakdown of proteins in the body occurs slowly. The patient's intestine assimilates poorly or does not assimilate useful substances (minerals and vitamins) at all, which leads to a sharp decrease in the patient's weight. In rare cases, anemia develops.

Treatment methods

After the diagnostic examination, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The main goal of therapy is to normalize the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. For this, various methods of treatment are used, including taking medications, a therapeutic diet and the use of traditional medicine.

Pharmacy preparations

To normalize the acidity of the stomach, the patient is prescribed drugs of different groups. What kind of drug is suitable in your particular case - only the doctor knows, so you cannot self-medicate.

Table. Review of drugs for normalizing stomach acid.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

A common drug used as a depressant drug that stabilizes the secretion of gastric juice. It has several contraindications, so before using it, be sure to read the instructions.

Antiulcer drug, which belongs to the group of histamine blockers. It is often prescribed for the treatment of various gastroenterological diseases, among which is the increased acidity of the stomach. Available in pill form.

The action of this drug is to block cholinergic receptors, as well as to form a protective barrier on the walls of the stomach, which protects them from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid. The tool belongs to the group of antacids.

The action of baking soda is to neutralize hydrochloric acid in the patient's stomach, so it is often used in case of increased acidity of the stomach. But here you need to be extremely careful, as an overdose can harm your health. Therefore, all actions must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Another drug, the action of which is based on the stabilization of the production of hydrochloric acid. Aluminum hydroxide acts as an active component.

To avoid serious consequences, you must coordinate all your actions with your doctor. Otherwise, you risk not only not coping with the pathology that has arisen, but also provoke the occurrence of other health problems.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is often used as an adjunct to traditional therapy. There is still no official confirmation of the effectiveness of the use of traditional medicine with increased or decreased acidity of the stomach, but this does not stop traditional healers.

The most common folk remedies are:

  • freshly squeezed aloe vera juice;
  • chamomile tea;
  • a decoction of ginger, which improves the digestive processes in the body;
  • liquorice root;
  • mastic (you can find it in health food stores without any problems).

But despite the naturalness of traditional medicine, their incorrect use can lead to undesirable consequences... To avoid trouble, you need to consult your doctor. First of all, this is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to certain components of drugs.


Eating a special diet is another important part of treatment. As a rule, it is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, the patient should exclude from his diet:

  • strong tea and coffee;
  • berries, citrus fruits;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty, fried, sour and spicy foods;
  • rich soups.

At the same time, the following foods must be added to the diet:

  • boiled potatoes, cauliflower;
  • steamed egg omelet;
  • still mineral water;
  • crumbly cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • vegetable puree;
  • low-fat varieties of fish and meat;
  • fermented milk products low in fat.

On a note! It is advisable to replace tea and other drinks with pure water, and doctors recommend eating in small portions, but often. This will avoid overeating, which negatively affects the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, overloading them. Only if you follow the right diet can you expect a quick recovery.

Prevention measures

There are many different methods that can be used to prevent an increase in gastric acidity. After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it, so doctors recommend taking preventive measures. Below is a step-by-step instruction, the observance of which will avoid many stomach problems, including a violation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Step 1. Eat right. A healthy and balanced diet will help prevent the development of many gastrointestinal diseases. Make sure you eat healthy foods such as beans, fish, low-fat dairy products, poultry, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, you should avoid large amounts of sugar and salt, fatty foods and other foods that increase blood cholesterol.

Step 2. Lose excess weight if necessary. Being overweight tends to have a negative effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also on the digestive system.

Step 3. Eat fractionally. This means that you need to eat in small portions, but often (4-5 times a day). This will speed up the metabolic processes in the body. Also, experts recommend paying attention not only to what you eat, but also to how you do it. All food must be thoroughly chewed before swallowing, otherwise the stomach will be subject to increased stress.

Step 4. Exercise regularly. This will not only speed up metabolic processes, thereby improving the functioning of the digestive system, but also lose a couple of extra pounds. To do this, it is enough to engage in any kind of sports 3-4 times a week. Swimming or cycling is great. Try to find for yourself what you like.

Step 5. Give up smoking and other bad habits that negatively affect the body. We are also talking about alcohol abuse, nighttime snacks, overeating, etc. Compliance with these recommendations will improve your health and, most importantly, prevent stomach problems. read in our article.

Video - Increased acidity of the stomach

Stomach acidity is an indicator that characterizes the acid content in gastric juice. Gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid, is essential for digestion. The content of this acid can change due to the penetration of infection into the body and the development of an infectious process, or when the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted. When the acidity level changes, this entails a lot of problems, and not only with the gastrointestinal tract, but also with other organs.

Production and neutralization of stomach acid

The gastrointestinal tract performs a number of functions, including secretory. It implies that the glandular cells secrete juices necessary for digestion, which contain enzymes and factors that contribute to their activation. Acid is released into the stomach rhythmically.

The mucous membrane of the stomach is divided into two zones: the one that produces hydrochloric acid, and the other that secretes bicarbonates, which neutralize this acid. The zone that is responsible for the formation of acid is at the level of the cardiac finish of the stomach. It contains parietal cells that produce hydrochloric acid. There are more of them in the male body, and less in the female.

In the gastric mucosa of every person there are endocrine cells that are responsible for the production of hormones: gastrin, acetylcholine and histamine. There are also hormones somatostatin and prostaglandins, which slow down the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

In the mucous layer of the stomach, there are cells that produce mucus in an alkaline environment, which protects the stomach cells themselves from hydrochloric acid, which could otherwise "eat away" them. If the production of a protective mucous mass is impaired, or the alkaline substance itself is destroyed, the mucous layer of the stomach suffers. This explains the occurrence of gastritis, which ultimately lead to stomach and duodenal ulcers.

That is, the stomach combines both an aggressive environment (necessary for the digestion of food) and a protective (alkaline) one. If the balance of these environments is disturbed, pathologies arise, that is, stomach diseases. Intragastric pH-metry in such cases is an affordable and effective diagnostic method.

Yogis of antiquity conventionally divided all foods into acidic and alkaline. Diet scheme recommended for healthy people: one part acidic foods, two parts alkaline foods. Alkaline foods reduce the body's need for protein and have a positive effect on our health. Acidic foods "age" the body ahead of time.

Consequences of increasing acidity

When the acid-base balance (balance) is disturbed, the development of such unpleasant consequences for the body is likely:

  • decrease in the regenerative capacity of cells
  • decrease in the body's defenses
  • recurrent headaches
  • stool disorders
  • metabolic disorders
  • various allergic manifestations

The average pH should be 7.40. In pharmacies, test strips are sold with which you can determine the level of acidity.

If you eat a lot of acidic foods, as well as violate the water balance of the body, acidification processes occur. As a result, oxygen gets worse into tissues and organs. Minerals begin to be absorbed worse, and some of them are not absorbed at all, for example, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium. This leads to the development of vascular and heart diseases, immunity becomes much weaker than that of a person with normal pH.

Acidification is called acidosis in the medical literature. If you describe the consequences in more detail, you can highlight the following possible violations:

The causes of increased acidity are divided into two groups: internal and external. the most common external causes are:

  • smoking cigarettes
  • drinking alcoholic beverages
  • a large amount of food that irritates the mucous membrane in the diet (this includes very hot, spicy, fatty, spicy foods)
  • work related to chemicals, nitrates
  • self-medication or improper prescription of medications (antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs and salicylates)

Internal causes of increased stomach acidity:

With gastritis, acidity can be either low or high. with high acidity today they are divided into three types: A, B, C. With type A, antibodies to the cells of the gastric mucosa are formed in the body for genetic reasons. With antral gastritis (also called type B), the place of transition of the stomach into the duodenum suffers. This type of disease can be triggered by Helicobacter pylori or by the backflow of intestinal contents into the stomach. Type C is usually triggered by alcoholic beverages, medication, or chemical poisoning.

The listed reasons lead to the formation of erosion on the gastric mucosa. Then gastritis is classified as erosive. It can occur in both acute and chronic form. Medical statistics show that the largest number of people with such a diagnosis is among young people than among adults and the elderly.


The main symptom is late pain in the "under the spoon". The patient himself may characterize the pain as pulling, aching or dull. It appears 2 hours (or so) after eating. This leads to the fact that a person begins to refuse to eat, despite the fact that eating for a while makes the pain subside.

Heartburn is also a common symptom of acidity. It is a baking sensation that rises from the stomach to the throat. This is the throwing of excess hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. The reason may not be obvious. Basically, the symptom appears after eating sour foods and foods:

  • tomato juice
  • peach juice
  • orange, lemon, grapefruit juice (or citrus mix)
  • mineral water
  • fatty foods and dishes
  • dishes with a lot of spices (especially pepper, suneli hops, etc.)

Alkaline mineral waters such as Borjomi and Polyana Kvasova help to calm down with increased acidity. The method of drinking a baking soda solution has also been known since ancient times. Solutions of unroasted sunflower seeds also help. These methods are not all that safe, because neutralizing the acid with alkali is harmful to the walls of the esophagus and stomach, which leads to the appearance of ulcers. Ulcers, in turn, can lead to bleeding, peritonitis, etc.

After eating, with increased acidity, sour belching may appear. Less commonly, nausea and / or vomiting occurs immediately after eating or after a couple of hours. People with high acidity of the stomach are prone to constipation, they have intestinal colic (it feels like the stomach "twists", which disappears after a bowel movement). The tongue has a typical appearance: hyperemic, coated with a bloom of white or gray-white tint closer to the center, but not completely.


You can determine the acidity of the stomach by the degree of staining of urine. This requires ion exchange resins, such as Gastrotest or Acidotest. Today, the method is rarely used because its accuracy is being questioned. There is such a diagnostic method of high acidity as fractional intubation of the stomach. With the help of a tube, part of the contents of the stomach is aspirated, taken to the laboratory, and the Ph level is measured there. The disadvantage of this method is the disruption of the normal functioning of the stomach and mixing of the contents of different zones of the organ. The method cannot be called accurate.

The method called "intragastric pH-metry" is called the exact method. Acidity is measured directly in the digestive tract. The technique used for this process is acidogastrometers. They simultaneously measure acidity in different areas of the gastrointestinal tract for a certain time. The method is subdivided into the following types:

  • short-term pH meter
  • express pH meter
  • endoscopic pH meter
  • daily pH meter

For diagnosis, it may be necessary to assess the neutralizing function of the stomach, which is the difference between the minimum acidity in the antrum and the maximum acidity in the stomach itself. They say about a compensated function if the indicator is 4.0 or more, if the indicator is in the range of 1.5 - 3.9, this indicates a subcompensated function, and an indicator less than 1.5 indicates decompensation.


It is possible to eliminate the symptoms of high acidity on your own, but the effect will be short-lived. In addition, the pathology is likely to aggravate, due to which new symptoms will develop, and the old ones will worsen. Drinking a glass of milk reduces acidity. Also known are drugs such as Almagel, Maalox, Gastal, Gaviscon and Rennie. They relieve stomach discomfort. Treatment is possible only after contacting a specialist and conducting a full diagnosis.

Basically, high acidity is recorded with gastritis. Accordingly, if the pathology is treated, then the acidity level will normalize. If there are no pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor ascribes medications to the patient that lower the Ph level. The following drugs normalize the normal acidity level:

  • Histamine blockers (, nizatidine)
  • Proton pump blockers such as lansoprazole and omeprozole
  • Antacid medicines, including maalox
  • Holinoblockers, gastrocepin (in rare cases, solely by the decision of the attending physician)
  • Baking soda is a homemade method to reduce stomach acidity (overdose can cause alkalosis)

The above drugs are taken on average for 8 days or more. But in each case, this period may differ. But drugs do not play the most important role in normalizing stomach acidity. The main thing is a special diet. Without it, medications will only help for the time that you take them, and after the drug is discontinued, the symptoms will return.

Diet with increased acidity of the stomach

A therapeutic diet means that fatty soups will be excluded from the diet. It is possible and even necessary to eat vegetable light soups, because liquid food has a beneficial effect on the digestion processes. In addition to vegetable soups, you can also soups based on lean fish or lean meat. If heartburn is present, or you have an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, you can use the following dishes:

  • vegetable puree
  • mashed potatoes without spices
  • buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • rice porridge without hot spices
  • omelet (without oil or with a little oil)

A diet with high acidity implies that there may be vegetables in the diet, but only with a small amount of fiber:

  • cauliflower
  • carrot
  • potatoes
  • swede

It is better to give up the use of sorrel and radish. Fruits are allowed, except for citrus fruits and berries. When exacerbating, it is better to exclude fruits. The dishes are prepared with vegetable oils, including sunflower and olive oils. During an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, it is better not to salt the dishes.

As for drinks with high acidity, they prefer green tea (weakly brewed), jelly and dried fruit compote. You can not drink carbonated drinks (even mineral water with gas) and coffee. After eating, water and any drinks should not be drunk. Tea after the main meal is also not drunk. Fractional meals are assumed (often in small portions). Overeating may worsen acidity symptoms.

It is important to remember how the foods are combined. Separate protein-rich foods with carbohydrate meals. Those with a sweet tooth will have to give up their habits. You can arrange for yourself the right desserts: add your favorite dried fruits and stevia (a natural sweetener) to the rice porridge. If an exacerbation of increased acidity is not observed, once a week you can use a chocolate bar, cake or a piece of cake. With gastritis with high Ph, you should not eat:

  • sauces
  • ketchups
  • pastries
  • pickles
  • black bread

The diet includes milk and dairy products (including cottage cheese), pears, bananas. Mineral water for the treatment of high acidity is taken every day, 1.5 hours before meals. If you stick to a diet, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, the symptoms subside in a couple of days.

Folk remedies for high acidity

If you have, drink ½ cup cold milk, ½ cup plain vanilla ice cream. There is such a popular method: 2-5 leaves of fresh mint are steamed in a glass and drunk in small sips after cooling. It is advisable to drink this infusion after a meal (after an hour).

If you are worried about flatulence and heartburn due to high acidity, you can chew 5-6 leaves of fresh basil after meals. Beet sugar should be replaced with palm sugar, this will affect the acidity of the stomach. It is also recommended to drink up to 8 glasses of water a day, which has a positive effect on the water balance and the Ph condition of the stomach.

Diet with increased acidity of the stomach

Day 1... Buckwheat porridge is prepared for breakfast and eaten pureed. It can be cooked in milk. For dessert, a curd soufflé is served, you can drink ½ glass of weak tea. For lunch, you can boiled egg with vegetables. For lunch, they serve vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, carrot puree and 1-1 / 2 cups of dried fruit compote. For dinner, it is suggested to cook steamed fish and pasta cutlets (no oil added). Before going to bed, you can drink milk or kefir.

Day 2... For breakfast, they cook oatmeal in milk, as well as meatballs (steam, from low-fat meats). Tea with milk and mashed potatoes and carrots are also served. For the second breakfast of the second day of the diet, you can cook cottage cheese and beetroot pancakes. For lunch, it is proposed to serve mashed zucchini soup with croutons, beef stroganoff with noodles (boil meat), plums as a dessert. For dinner, you can make lazy dumplings (minimizing the amount of oil), a glass of weak tea. Before going to bed, give the patient a glass of milk or sourdough and biscuits.

Day 3... For breakfast, they give a boiled soft-boiled egg with a slice of toasted bread. For the second breakfast, it is proposed to prepare a soufflé from carrots and apples. Rice soup with milk, steamed chicken cutlets, omelet without butter and fruit jelly are served as lunch on the 3rd day. As a supper, the patient can use meat puree and mashed potatoes with a little spinach. Before going to bed, you can use a curd soufflé.

Day 4... Rice porridge is served for breakfast in mashed form, you can use ½ glass of tea. The second breakfast is a sandwich of toasted bread, butter and cheese, as well as tea with added milk. For lunch, you can puree soup made from vegetables or fish, boiled veal with rice and vegetables, apple mousse. For dinner on the 4th day, boiled potatoes, Polish fish, decoction of herbs or rose hips are offered. Before going to bed, give milk or cream with cookies.

Day 5. For breakfast, you can give the patient a casserole of noodles with cottage cheese, tea with milk. As a second breakfast, fruit or berry jelly with a bagel (preferably pre-dried) is offered. As lunch on the 5th day, mashed chicken soup, baked chicken meat with rice, a salad of grated apples and boiled carrots are offered. For dinner on this day, beef meatballs are served with a side dish of noodles, you can drink ½ glass of tea. Some time before bedtime, they give milk or a decoction of herbs with a small amount of cookies.

Day 6. Egg soufflé, pureed oatmeal porridge, tea (weak) are offered for breakfast. Milk jelly is served for the second breakfast. For lunch, we offer carrot puree soup with croutons, mashed potatoes, steam fish meatballs. As a dinner on this day, you can give boiled potatoes with spinach, veal schnitzel, rosehip broth (1 glass). Before going to bed, give a liquid dairy product with 1-2 croutons.

Day 7... Breakfast includes milk semolina and meat soufflé. As a second breakfast, there is a fruit soufflé, as well as tea with the addition of milk. For lunch, you can give vegetable puree soup, baked apples, a little jam. For dinner, they serve vegetables with minced meat, cottage cheese pudding, 1-1 / 2 glasses of tea (preferably green). Before going to bed, give cream or milk.

To prevent an increase in acidity, a number of rules must be followed. They are not heavy and do not require serious effort, but will help keep the acidity of the stomach in order. Of course, proper nutrition is in the first place. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins should be balanced. It is important to follow the food intake regimen. The last time they eat is 3 hours before bedtime. If we are talking about light meals, for example, about low-fat dairy products, they can even be 30 minutes before bedtime.

Try to avoid hunger and mono-diets, do not overeat, but eat dry food. It is best to avoid fried, fatty foods and foods. Eat food that is warm, not hot or cold. It is better to give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking) if you decide to put the acid-base balance in order. Observe the terms and conditions of food storage.

It is necessary to observe individual hygiene, to sanitize the mouth on time. Treat any disease on time, since all organs and systems in the body are connected. And the most unexpected disease can affect the balance of the stomach media. Any medication should only be taken as directed by a doctor. Try to think positively and avoid stress, it is with psycho-emotional stress that most gastrointestinal diseases begin.


One of the most important places among the pathologies of the digestive system is occupied by diseases of the stomach. Among them there are both individual diseases and background conditions. The increased acidity of the stomach belongs to the second group, but it is an important prerequisite for the development of irreversible pathological changes in the organ.

Preparations for increased acidity of the stomach

To prevent the negative effect of hydrochloric acid, which is a large part of gastric juice, doctors prescribe medications of different groups. The form of drugs and the treatment regimen are selected individually, depending on the patient's condition, the cause of the pathological process, the symptoms that appear. As a rule, drugs are used in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions. Treatment of increased acidity of the stomach is carried out by the following groups of drugs:

  • Antibiotics Since the most common cause of high acidity is the active activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the main method of combating it is the intake of antibacterial agents. The most effective antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Tsiprolet, Metronidazole.
  • Proton pump inhibitors. Their action is aimed at stopping the destruction of the digestive walls. Often prescribed: Helikol, Omez, Omeprazole.
  • Antacids. They neutralize the excess of hydrochloric acid, eliminate spasms, prevent the stomach contents from being thrown into the esophagus. This group includes: Maalukol, Fosfalugel, Almagel.
  • Sorbents. Effectively reduce acidity, prevent intoxication of the body. Frequently used: Polysorb, Activated carbon.
  • Histamine receptor blockers. Accelerate the process of restoration of the level of hydrochloric acid. Doctors allocate the following drugs: Famotidine, Ranitidine, Kvamatel.
  • Antispasmodics. Reduces the pain in the stomach that often accompanies heartburn. Popular drugs: No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverin.
  • Neurotropic drugs. They are prescribed if the cause of high acidity is nervous overstrain, prolonged depression. Representatives of this group: Aprofen, Buscopan, Difacil.

In addition to these medicines, combined drugs are often prescribed, which affect the body in a complex manner. They help not only get rid of acidity, but also other unpleasant symptoms (pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting). Among the best:

  • Maalox. Antacid drug. Destroys free hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, has an enveloping, adsorbing effect. Active ingredients: Algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide. Assign 1-2 tablets 3-4 times / day after meals. Duration of admission is no more than 2-3 months. Side effects include itching, hives, diarrhea, constipation. Contraindications for use: severe renal failure, fructose intolerance, hypophosphatemia, children under 15 years of age. The average cost of the drug is 206 rubles for 20 chewable tablets.
  • Gastal. Combined antacid. Reduces acidity, eliminates dyspeptic symptoms (belching, heartburn, flatulence), enhances the regenerative and protective processes of the gastric mucosa. The main active ingredient is magnesium hydroxide. Assign 1-2 absorbable tablets 4-6 times / day 1 hour after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is up to 14 days. During admission, side effects may occur in the form of changes in taste, nausea, constipation, diarrhea. The remedy is contraindicated for severe renal failure, Alzheimer's disease, lactose intolerance, in children under 6 years of age. The average price of a drug is 150 rubles for 12 tablets.
  • Motilium. Has an antiemetic effect, accelerates emptying, increases the duration of duodenal and antral gastric contractions. The main active ingredient is domperidone. Prescribe the drug 10 mg (1 tablet) 3 times / day. The course of treatment is no longer than 4 weeks. Possible side reactions: dry mouth, menstrual irregularities, asthenia, drowsiness, headache, lack of libido. Contraindications for admission: prolactinoma, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The average price in pharmacies is 360 rubles for 10 tablets.


Effective drug treatment with increased acidity of the stomach will not be if you do not adjust the diet. The purpose of the diet is to eliminate dyspeptic disorders, reduce the acid factor. To reduce the excitability of the stomach, secretion stimulants (alcohol, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, coffee, mushrooms, broths), as well as irritants of the mucous membrane (marinades, spicy, salty, hot, fatty foods, seasonings, spices) are excluded from the menu. The sparing regimen includes fractional meals in small portions, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

Food with high acidity of gastric juice includes lean meat, vegetables without coarse fiber, well-boiled cereals. Allowed Products Table:

Vegetables, herbs

Fruits, berries

Meat products

Dairy products, eggs


Zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, parsley, lettuce, fennel, celery.

Bananas, apricots, peaches, apples, raspberries, strawberries.

Rabbit, chicken, turkey, veal, beef liver, beef tongue.

Kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cream, milk, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, quail.

Jelly, jam, marshmallows, candy, honey, sugar.

During treatment, products with connective tissue (veins, cartilage, skin) should not be consumed, since they are not digested. Stomach irritating vegetables (onions, garlic, turnips, peas, beans) and highly extractive broths should be limited. Thick pasta, pearl barley, corn and barley cereals cause an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, so it is also advisable to refuse them.

Sample menu

During a period of not very pronounced exacerbation, the diet is varied, since it is allowed to include almost all cereals, many vegetables, lean meat and fish in it. An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

Treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of heartburn and other symptoms of acidity at home using improvised means. It should be remembered that in order to avoid the development of complications, any self-treatment should be coordinated with the attending physician. The best folk recipes for high acidity:

  • Chamomile. Brew 2 tsp. dry herbs in 250 ml of water, leave for a couple of hours, then strain. Take this dose half an hour before meals three times a day for 7-10 days.
  • Baking soda. Stir ½ tsp. in 200 ml of warm water and drink at a time. Use the remedy only for pronounced symptoms.
  • Carrot juice. Drink 1/2 cup freshly squeezed carrot juice in the morning on an empty stomach for 14 days.
  • Flax seeds. Pour a glass of water over 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed, cook for 5 minutes. Insist the slimy solution for 2 hours, then take 1 s. l. after eating 4 times / day until the condition improves.

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