Cabbage soup for weight loss recipe. Cabbage soup for weight loss. Advantages in terms of accessibility and simplicity

Ventilation 26.08.2020

Every girl wants to be slimmer and knows a thousand ways to lose weight. The cabbage soup diet is a proven option. It reliably reduces weight and helps maintain shape. A person who sits on such a diet achieves results, but to make them more impressive, people follow the rules.

Diet rules do not require expensive foods. A person will have to eat soup for a week, the recipe for which is located below. In addition to cabbage soup, tea, coffee and herbal teas are allowed. It is advisable not to add sugar, or at least replace it with honey in minimal quantities. People sometimes use it, but it is also not desirable to do this.

People eat enough soup throughout the day; tea, coffee, water and decoctions too, but it is better to limit drinking with sugar, cut sweets for all seven days of the diet. In addition to soup, foods that are in the diet menu are allowed every day, so cabbage soup will not have time to get bored during weight loss.

Grocery list

The recipe for weight loss is to make cabbage soup. People who want to lose weight eat this soup up to six liters a day. Cooking the soup takes little time; it is prepared in the morning all week.

For soup for six liters of water, a head of cabbage, five onions, a can of tomatoes in their own juice or 3-5 fresh ones, a couple of bell peppers, herbs, a pinch of your favorite spices. These are products that will be required for one day. Sometimes it is possible to do without them, then it is better not to apply - the effect will be even stronger in a week, so you will lose a couple of kilograms more.

In order not to be too hungry and monotonous during weight loss, one product is added daily, which is used for a snack.

List of additional products:

  • a large baked potato topped with a teaspoon;
  • a couple of low-carb fruits;
  • fresh vegetables or boiled;
  • 100 grams of any lean meat, fish or poultry.

Each product should be included in food for one day all week. On one day of losing weight, baked potatoes will be an addition to the soup, on the other they take fruits, and on the third, boiled meat. This alternation makes it easier to move the monotonous diet menu.

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Menu plan

First day

On the first day, as in all subsequent ones, the soup is cooked using the recipe given below, potatoes with butter are added to the additional product. Losing weight people boil a large, weighty potato or two medium ones, peel, cut into pieces, pour them with any vegetable oil. You can have a snack with this product, tea, decoctions and coffee are drunk without restrictions.

Second day

It is supposed to eat, like all the following days, up to six liters of cabbage soup, but the additional product is already fruit. You need to choose fruits that are not rich in carbohydrates. You shouldn't eat fruits like, or grapes.

Third day

On this day, people who want slimness, besides soup, eat vegetables. Any vegetables other than potatoes are fine. If you want, vegetables are allowed to be boiled or steamed. The use of oil, salt, spices and other seasonings for vegetables is prohibited. It is permissible to add a few drops of lemon juice.

Fourth day

Girls on the fourth day eat meat. Boiled over low heat, the meat is cooked without oil, salt and spices - this will be an additional snack, it is eaten on the fourth day. The use of fish is allowed. Lemon juice is added to the fish.

The fifth day

On the fifth day, you cannot eat anything but soup.

Tea, herbal teas, coffee and non-carbonated water are allowed. The body gets used to the diet and the fifth day passes, as a rule, easily, the feeling of hunger rarely occurs. The main thing is to hold out for the first three to four days. Reviews of the hardest days of the diet are often written by people on the third day.

Sixth day

In addition to the soup, take a large, boiled potato. It is allowed to drink tea, coffee, herbal teas and water without restriction. It is important to remember that some herbs can increase your appetite. It is better not to use such herbs, even if they are your favorite drink. It is allowed to add lemon to tea.

Seventh day

People include vegetables on the final day of the diet, all kinds of vegetables except potatoes. The body has already missed the taste for six days, so on the seventh day it is allowed to add a little favorite spices to the vegetables. The main thing is not to make the vegetables too hot.

Soup recipe


  • 1 forks of cabbage;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 5-6 onions;
  • 5 tomatoes or a can of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • Herbs, salt, spices and seasonings are optional.


We take a large saucepan with 6 liters of water, put chopped cabbage, finely chopped bell peppers, onions and grated carrots there. Bring vegetables to a boil, add finely chopped tomatoes or canned tomatoes, salt, spices and cook for another 15 minutes. After we set aside the pan from the heat, sprinkle with herbs and let it brew.

  • A person gets a serious test for the body, because he lives seven days on a cabbage diet. People, trying not to harm the body, before the diet try to make sure that a person is healthy and has enough vitamins. With problems, it is better not to use a diet.
  • Repetition of such a food plan can be no more than once every two weeks, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have lost weight. Finding seven days on such a diet is difficult, so the body needs a rest of at least fourteen days, if the process of losing weight continues.

  • It is permissible to change the recipe for the soup, change the bell pepper with beets or add zucchini to its composition. Soup preparation is possible only from non-starchy vegetables.
  • People on this diet become slim and get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this nutrition plan, the calorie content is low, but there is no feeling of an empty stomach. Psychologically, this sensation helps discipline to go through the diet. Thanks to this fact, reviews from such a menu are often positive.


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White cabbage puree soup is recognized as one of the most effective dishes in the fight against excess weight. A low-calorie diet is built on its basis.

About the dish

White cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals. In terms of ascorbic acid content, it surpasses even citrus fruits. Ascorbigen contained in cabbage is not destroyed during heat treatment and storage. Other types of cabbage are also suitable for cooking: Peking cabbage, broccoli, Savoy cabbage.

Cabbage is rich in coarse fibers that help remove toxins from the body and stimulate digestion. Vegetables contain vitamins important for health:

  • C - participates in the synthesis of elastic protein, due to which the skin gains elasticity, and the aging process slows down;
  • K - a participant in the processes of hematopoiesis, which is responsible for blood clotting;
  • B 9 (folic acid) - prevents the development of anemia, participates in the synthesis of amino acids;
  • A - antioxidant that improves vision, skin condition, helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • b vitamins, which normalize metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The trace elements that make up cabbage also play an important role. The vegetable is rich in potassium, which is responsible for the normalization of the heart, phosphorus, iron. Phytosterol effectively reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes.

How to make diet soup

Diet white cabbage puree soup can be prepared in different ways. All fat burning soup recipes contain another important ingredient - celery.

Root and leaf celery helps burn fat in the same way as cabbage. The action of the two ingredients enhances the effect, promotes rapid weight loss.

The dish must be prepared for 1 day. The duration of the classic recipe vegetable soup-based diet is 7 days. To preserve all the beneficial properties, you will need to prepare the dish daily. There is no need to add salt.

For the preparation of cabbage cream soup, as a base (instead of chicken broth), sometimes they take a dietary béchamel sauce based on skim milk. In this case, vegetables are boiled in milk, adding starch at the end of cooking. It turns out a dish of delicate consistency. Purée in a blender in the same way.

Girls who want to become slim must love cabbage and dishes made from this wonderful product with all their hearts. We will teach you how to cook delicious and incredibly healthy cabbage soup for weight loss. The recipe for this delicious dish is extremely simple and has several variations. We'll look at three possible sets of ingredients to add variety to the diet of our slimming beauties. In the second half of the text, a suitable weekly diet will be set out, the result of using this complete and inexpensive menu is usually a clear weight loss and body beauty. The intestines are promptly freed from harmful contents, a lot of minerals and valuable vitamins enter the body. One 100 gram serving contains only 6-10 calories. If there are no serious health problems and pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, then this light vitamin dish is definitely worth trying. By the way, "French soup" is its second name.

Slimming Cabbage Soup Recipes

The three recipes discussed below are the most popular. In all cases, cut food must be combined with water, boiled until all products are cooked. To test a dish, try a spoon. If the ingredients are already soft, then you're done. Add the prepared soup with fresh herbs.

Recipe 1

You will need a rich set of healthy foods.

  • Medium-sized white cabbage - 1 piece.
  • Medium carrots - 6 pieces.
  • A small amount of green onions.
  • Medium onions - 6 pieces.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 5 pieces, these vegetables can be replaced with good tomato juice - 250 milliliters.
  • Green bell pepper - 2 pieces.
  • A cube of concentrated vegetable broth.
  • Celery root.
  • A bunch of green celery.
  • Green string beans - 500 grams.
  • Add salt and seasonings to your taste.

Recipe 2

The second recipe is slightly different from the previous one, but it is also delicious and dietary.

  • White cabbage - 1 piece, it is optimal to take a medium head.
  • Broth vegetable cube.
  • Tomatoes - 6 pieces.
  • A bunch of celery.
  • Green bell pepper - 2 pieces.
  • Desired amount of salt and favorite spices.

Recipe 3

The last recipe differs from the previous ones in the presence of a cereal culture.

  • Cabbage is half a medium head of cabbage.
  • Quality brown rice - 20 grams of the product is boiled separately and added to the soup ready-made.
  • Celery root.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Bulgarian pepper (green or yellow is suitable) - 1 piece.
  • Medium onion.
  • Add the required amount of spices and season with salt.
Cabbage soup:a hearty, healthy and easy-to-prepare dish rich in vitamins - an excellent basis for an effective diet

Cabbage soup diet

So, now you know how to cook cabbage soup for weight loss. The recipe can be used any of the three suggested. It is optimal to alternate them - this will help make the diet boring. There is a simple weekly food system that involves daily consumption of cabbage soup. Naturally, you will have to exclude from the diet everything that is fat and all harmful products. It's nice to add feasible physical activity, they are selected on an individual basis. In this case, we are only considering nutrition. Let's break down this popular diet day by day.

First day

Use cabbage soup in suitable portions. Add fruit during the day. It is undesirable to use grapes. Give up the banana.

Second day

We eat cabbage soup, and in addition to this basic dish - any green vegetables. Ideally, if you manage to eat fresh vegetables, but it is permissible in canned form. If you feel hungry in the evening, then you can dine with baked potatoes. It is undesirable to consume legumes.

Third day

The menu today includes traditionally soup, in addition to which you can eat fruits and vegetables. Better not to eat banana and potatoes.

Fourth day

This day is similar to the previous one in that you can also eat fruits and vegetables, excluding potatoes. Recommended to eat 1 banana and a glass of low fat milk.

The fifth day

Supplement the main dish with boiled chicken breast and a moderate amount of tomatoes.

Sixth day

The penultimate day again includes cabbage soup, to which add beef and any kind of lettuce.

Seventh day

The final day of the diet involves the use of the same soup, except for it, we will cook brown rice. It will be most beneficial if you add raw vegetables to the dish. Supplement the diet with fresh fruit juice.

It is impossible to predict the results of this diet - in each case it works differently. If the diet is used in combination with other activities for weight loss, then it is really possible to lose 2-5 kilograms of weight. This diet can be considered safe if there are no contraindications. Ideally, before practicing any diet, get detailed advice from a specialist and be examined for pathologies. If nothing prevents the implementation of the diet, then use cabbage soup for weight loss on your health, you already have a recipe for this beloved and hearty dish.

Cabbage soup for weight loss is the basis of the popular low-calorie diet, which allows you to quickly lose weight. The secret of such a diet is simple: due to a decrease in calorie content and fat content in it, you will rapidly lose weight. Due to the fact that the soup is very light, you can eat it as much as you like, which means that the body will not experience hunger and try to accumulate reserves immediately after the diet. However, it is important to ensure that the weight does not return, and to adhere to the correct nutrition at the end of the diet.

Cabbage soup diet

The staple of this seven-day diet is diet cabbage soup. Every day you can add some more foods to the diet - they are strictly scheduled and require strict adherence. So, let's consider them in more detail:

  • 1 day. Add fruits to the soup diet, except for grapes and bananas;
  • 2nd day. In addition to soup, we eat only green vegetables (fresh is preferable, but canned ones are also possible - but not legumes). If you are hungry, add baked potatoes to dinner;
  • 3rd day. In addition to soup, vegetables and fruits are allowed, with the exception of potatoes and bananas;
  • 4th day. In addition to soup, vegetables and fruits are allowed, with the exception of potatoes. On this day, you can afford a banana and even a glass of low-fat milk;
  • Day 5. The diet on this day is excellent: in addition to soup, we eat chicken breast and tomatoes;
  • 6th day. In addition to soup, it is allowed to eat beef and any lettuce;
  • 7 day. In addition to soup, we eat brown rice with fresh vegetables and freshly squeezed fruit juice.

French cabbage soup (this is one of the many names for this dish) should certainly be present on your menu every day at least 2-3 times. Even in spite of the fact that in recent days you will most likely get very tired of it. Fortunately, there are different ways to make kale soup, and you can change the recipe a little during the week to add variety to your diet.

Cabbage soup for weight loss: recipes

Let's look at how to cook cabbage soup. There are several recipes, in which there is no fundamental difference, so you can choose the one that you like.

Cabbage soup: calories

Depending on the amount of water, such a soup per 100 grams gives from 6 to 10 calories. Can't believe it? Yes, this is really very little, but due to the low calorie content of the components and a large amount of water, this dish is really very light. It is thanks to this ease that fast weight loss is achieved - in some cases up to 6-7 kilograms (if there is a lot of excess weight). And most importantly, the body receives a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber, due to which there is an active cleansing of the intestines.

You can safely pamper yourself with fragrant cabbage soup during the period of weight loss. Cabbage is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, but there are no unwanted fats in it at all. Therefore, cabbage soups are included in dietary diets. There is even.

Diet food

To get rid of extra pounds, you need to reduce the energy volume of food consumed per day, and physical activity (energy expenditure) - to increase. Only a lack of energy forces the body to “burn” fat.

The unit for calculating the energy value of food - kilocalorie (kcal) - allows you to determine which food is dietary and which is not. The higher the calorie content of a product or dish, the worse.

Soups can and even should be included in dietary diets, as hot first courses with plenty of liquid relieve hunger for a long time.

For them to help melt excess weight, you must:

  • cook in water or low-fat (chicken, beef) broth with minimal use of oil;
  • use low-calorie vegetables and herbs as ingredients.

Diet Cabbage Soup is a great example of a daily weight loss meal. But the course of losing weight on this dish is short-term. For a short period of time (up to a maximum of 10 days), dietary cabbage soup becomes the main and main dish of the day. Low-calorie foods are added to it: fruits, vegetables, boiled chicken, brown rice.

For example, the daily diet looks like this - cabbage soup (without restrictions) plus some of the food sets (calorie content is indicated at 100g):

  1. Fruits with a calorie content of up to 60 kcal (bananas, dried fruits are not allowed).
  2. (vegetables with a calorie content of up to 50-60 kcal, for example, cabbage, carrots, onions, beets, celery, ground peppers, herbs, etc.) with a vegetable oil dressing.
  3. Boiled brown rice with or fresh vegetables.
  4. Boiled skinless chicken breast with vegetables, etc.

Important! Cabbage soup is included in any diet that allows vegetables. It perfectly complements the diet of carbohydrate, vegetable, Brazilian diet. For those who do not adhere to a ready-made food plan, but themselves consider the calorie content of dishes, it will also come in handy.

Recipes with photos

On a cabbage diet, soup can be cooked immediately in a large volume; the dish will not stay in the refrigerator for a long time. The recipes are for a pot with a capacity of 5-6 liters.

Important! Before cooking, vegetables and herbs are thoroughly washed and cleaned. Salt, pepper, and other spices are added according to personal preference.


You will need the following set of products:

  • white cabbage - 1.5-2 kg;
  • celery stalks - 350-400 g (5-6 stalks);
  • turnip onions - 400 g;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • carrots - 400 g (5-6 pieces of medium size);
  • bulgarian pepper - 200 g (2-3 pcs.).

Use greens as you see fit. Usually a few feathers of green onions, a bunch of parsley with dill are enough.

The process of making cabbage soup for weight loss is very simple:

  1. Cut vegetables, herbs, add water to a saucepan.
  2. 5-7 minutes after the start of the boil, reduce heat to low.
  3. The dish is ready when the vegetables are soft.

Feature! Fresh tomatoes can be replaced with canned ones (of the same volume). And add a spoonful of tomato paste to the soup.


The recipe uses red cabbage, but you can use regular white cabbage if you want.

Ingredients for borscht:

  • red cabbage - 1.5-2 kg;
  • beets - 200 g (2 pcs.);
  • carrots - 200 g (2 pcs.);
  • turnip onions - 3 medium onions;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • tomato paste;
  • vinegar or lemon juice.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, you need to cook the beets. It is rubbed on a coarse grater together with carrots, put in a frying pan, stewed with a little water and 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  2. Cut all the other ingredients of the soup, add water in a saucepan, cook until half cooked.
  3. Add beets with carrots, finely chopped herbs, bay leaf, squeeze out the garlic with a garlic press.
  4. Turn off the stove after 5 minutes.
  5. Diet borscht is insisted for 1-2 hours, then it turns out to be especially tasty.

Important! To make the borscht a rich "beetroot" color, pour lemon juice on the beets and carrots when stewing. An option is to use water with a small amount of vinegar added (a couple of drops to half a glass of water, to mild acid). Then the beets will not lose their thick shade.


Brussels sprouts and cauliflowers differ in taste from white and red cabbage. But these varieties have all the useful properties of their family.

For a large casserole of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower soup you will need:

  • brussels sprouts - 20-25 pcs.;
  • cauliflower - 1-1.5 kg;
  • ground pepper - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • ghee - 2 tablespoons

Cooking process:

  1. Chopped tomatoes with carrots are pre-stewed in ghee (it is better to grind carrots on a grater) with the addition of water. You can add green onions to the mixture.
  2. Load Brussels sprouts and cauliflower into a saucepan (they are taken into inflorescences). Cover with water, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Then send chopped bell peppers to the pan, cook for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add tomato and carrot dressing.
  5. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove, leave the soup to brew for at least an hour.

Celery can be added to the ingredients (2-3 stalks). It is finely chopped and loaded into a saucepan along with bell peppers. Sprinkle the finished soup with fresh or dry dill.

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