Religious organization of spiritual administration of Muslims. Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Perm Territory • Islam in the Perm Territory. Tensions between spiritual leaders

Choosing an apartment 25.12.2022

The case of protests by townspeople against the construction of temple complexes, the most showcase of which was the opposition against the construction of the Church of St. Catherine in Yekaterinburg, poses several questions for deep understanding for society. The two most important of them: “Democracy is the implementation of the will of the majority or taking into account the opinions of the minority?”, “Should justice be done if it destroys peace and harmony?”

1st deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia

On May 15, the Muslim world marks the anniversary of al-Nakba, the “catastrophe” that forced more than 700,000 Palestinians from their homes. Today, after 70 years, several generations of their descendants remain in refugee status, while settlement activity on the other side has not stopped, despite any international acts. Unfortunately, and this is especially bitter to note on the days of the next anniversary of the Victory over Nazism, over the past 70 years, humanity has not been able to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and return refugees to their homes. On the contrary, on top of each unresolved conflict node more and more new rounds of contradictions and hostility are layered.

The Muslim Ummah of Russia today is seriously concerned about building a system of education and enlightenment that would meet modern realities. The head of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, Ravil Gainutdin, told TASS about how it works and when the first candidates of science in Islamic theology will appear.

1st deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia

Today in St. Petersburg there is a historic meeting between two outstanding leaders of our time - Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan. The Almighty is once again giving our countries a chance to build strategic cooperation.

First Deputy Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims Russian Federation(DUM RF) Damir Mukhetdinov gave a lecture to students of Perm state institute arts and culture (PGIK). The topic of the lecture is “Russian Islam - the path to comprehension and contextualization.”

Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Perm Territory

Bibarsov Ilham Anvyarovich

Born on January 1, 1981 in the village of Srednyaya Eluzan, Gorodishchensky district, Penza region. In 2000, after graduating from secondary school No. 1 in Chaadaevka, he entered the Russian Islamic University in Kazan. In 2003 he also entered the Tatar State Humanitarian Institute Pedagogical University. In 2007, he successfully graduated from both higher educational institutions. Since June 2005 - imam-khatib of the Perm Cathedral Mosque.

Ilham-hazrat is a clergyman who is constantly seeking and introducing new forms and methods of working with youth, students and schoolchildren. Thus, through his efforts, in 2006, the teaching of a new course, the Fundamentals of the Religion of Islam, began at Cadet School No. 1 in Perm.

On February 11, 2013, Ilham Bibarsov at the III Extraordinary Reporting and Election Congress of the Centralized Religious Organization “Centralized Religious Administration of Muslims of the Perm Territory” was elected Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Perm Territory. Actively continues the policy of the previous leadership of the Spiritual Administration, aimed at uniting the Muslims of the region and solving pressing socially significant problems. Engaged in religious and spiritual education of believers, conducts classes on the basics of Islam. Permanent organizer and leader of meetings with believers in cities and regions of the Perm region.

He considers the main goal of his work to be the unity of the Muslim community. Currently he is working on strengthening Muslim communities in Perm and the Perm region and building new mosques.

Hobbies: scientific and theological literature, works on the history of Islam. An active supporter of a healthy lifestyle and sports.

Married, has a daughter and two sons.

Eternal memory to the Hero. Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin expressed prayerful condolences in connection with the death of Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev: Today, at the 97th year of his life, our brother, Army General, President of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev, completed his earthly journey. On behalf of the Council of Muftis of Russia, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and myself personally, I express sincere words of condolences. I am with my brothers and sisters in prayer. A legend, a hero, the pride of the Tatar people, all the peoples of our Russia, the peoples of the Soviet Union, has passed into the Eternal Peace.

The Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, was included in The Muslim-500 ranking of the most influential Muslims in the world for 2020. The spiritual leader of Russia's Muslims is number 123.

On September 17, the pre-congress Plenum of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan was held in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa. On behalf of the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, the event was attended by a delegation led by the first deputy chairman of the SMR and the deputy chairman of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Russian Federation, Rushan Hazrat Abbyasov. The delegation also included the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the SMR, Ali Hazrat Khasanov.

CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION To the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin Dear Mufti! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 60th birthday. You dedicated your life to spiritual service and did a lot to ensure that the traditional values ​​of Islam are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Deep knowledge and the ability to make informed decisions allowed you to gain authority both among Russian Muslims and foreign co-religionists, and to earn the respect of representatives of other faiths.

On the instructions of the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the SMR, Renat Abyanov, on Thursday, June 27, 2019, took part in the VI International Golden Horde Forum “Pax Tatarica: the genesis and legacy of the statehood of the Golden Horde.”

If the Catholic and Orthodox churches are characterized by a strict vertical of power with a clear definition of the seniority of clergy in relation to each other, then in Islam the situation is much more complicated. There is no single head here, like the Pope in Catholicism; individual parishes are autonomous, so resolving controversial issues and developing a common strategy occurs through negotiations and compromises between individual muftis of Russia. During the Soviet era, they were united into one structure, but then centrifugal forces caused the formation of several coordination centers of Russian Muslims, the relations between which were far from ideal.

First among equals

To a person far from understanding church relations, it seems that there is a single spiritual leader of Russian Muslims who regularly appears in front of television cameras and congratulates the entire Islamic community on the main religious holidays.

However, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, who heads the Council of Muftis of Russia, is in fact not an unconditional authority among Russian Muslims. The organization, which he founded in 1996, unites only 15% of Islamic communities in the country.

The muftis of Russia act more independently and do not look back at the supreme authorities. The very essence of the construction and installation work provides for the possibility of individual structures withdrawing from it without any special consequences.

What is construction and installation work?

The Council of Muftis of Russia is a large coordinating organization that unites Muslim clergy from different regions of the country. It unites almost 1,500 primary religious communities of Muslims operating from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. This structure is headed by Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, who is also the chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia.

In the era of formation, each chairman of a separate Spiritual Administration of Muslims who joined the structure of the organization automatically became a co-chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, but today the final number of senior ranks in the hierarchy has been determined. Now there are only four co-chairs, they are the Mufti of Bashkortostan, the Mufti of the Asian part of Russia, the Mufti of the Saratov region and the Mufti of North Ossetia.

The SMR unites mainly the muftis of regions where Muslims are not the predominant population, the only exception being Bashkortostan.

SMR and society

The training of clergy is carried out in Islamic universities, which are supervised by the Council of Muftis of Russia. The largest of them is the Moscow Islamic University. In addition to it, there is the Russian Islamic University in Kazan and the Nizhny Novgorod Islamic Institute. You can also get secondary education in the spiritual sphere thanks to specialized educational institutions in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Saratov.

Within the framework of the JMR, there is a public organization, the Union of Muslim Women of Russia, headed by Naila Ziganshina.

Connecting with the Congregation

The word of Muslim shepherds is spreading to the masses of the faithful thanks to the products of printed publications under the jurisdiction of the Council of International Relations. These include the Medina and Islamic Book publishing houses. There is a Miradio radio channel on the Internet.

Until recently, the SMR had the opportunity to address its flock through a short program “Muslims” aired on the second federal channel. However, its format was quite specific; it was primarily focused on the Tatar population and touched upon issues that were of no interest to the majority of Russian Muslims.

“Muslims” were practically not watched in the North Caucasus, where the bulk of the Islamic population of Russia is concentrated, and by Russian-speaking Muslims in the CIS countries. The logical result was the closure of the not very successful project.

Tensions between spiritual leaders

PR managers of the Council of Muftis of Russia conduct a rather aggressive information policy on their official websites and in third-party means mass media. The result of this is confusion regarding the true limits of Ravil Gainutdin’s power. Even the leaders of Daesh (an organization prohibited by law on the territory of the Russian Federation), who declared the Russian Federation enemy number one, consider the chairman of the SMR to be the main mufti of the country.

However, the Supreme Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadzhutdin, the leader of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, completely disagrees with the irreconcilable militants, as well as with the ideologists of Ravil Gainutdin. Independent and influential muftis of the republics also treat the sheikh with dubious respect North Caucasus, among whom the representative of the Chechen Republic, where the positions of religion are especially strong, especially stands out.

The split began in the early nineties, when regional organizations of Muslims in the European part of Russia, headed by Ravil Gainutdin, announced their withdrawal from the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate. Since then, the low-intensity conflict between high-ranking clergy has continued, and the question of the chief mufti of Russia remains open.

Zyaki-hazrat Aizatullin: “King Saudi Arabia made it clear who to work with. All Muslims in Russia saw this."
Volga region and Islam / Society

At the beginning of October, His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia visited Russia Salman ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud (Salaman), which many have already called historical. The delegation led by the monarch arrived with a plan that included ambitious proposals for cooperation in many areas: politics, economics, trade, investment, scientific research. More

Mufti, Chairman of the RDUM RM at the Central Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation Zyaki-hazrat Aizatullin

Much less noticed was the meeting of the king with the leaders of Russian Muslims on October 7 at the Saudi embassy, ​​dedicated to the fight against extremism and terrorism, which took place at the initiative of the guests.
In a preliminary announcement on the website of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea, the following was stated: “As part of King Salman’s visit, his meetings with representatives of the Muslim clergy of Russia are planned, during which they will discuss, in particular, the exchange of experience in the field of countering religious extremism... Representatives of the Russian and Arabian The clergy will discuss issues of interaction in the field of education, youth education, as well as finding ways to prevent the strengthening of radical Islamic groups.”


As the media reported after the audience: “During the meeting, the king emphasized the high importance of cooperation and dialogue between representatives of different religions and cultures to strengthen the principles of mutual forgiveness, the fight against extremes and extremism, and the achievement of security and peace in the world.”

The importance of this conversation is reinforced by the fact that the king of Saudi Arabia bears the high title of custodian of two shrines: the holy mosques in Mecca and Medina. Thus, he has the most direct relation to religion, as, for example, the monarch of the British Empire, who had the official status of defender of the faith, or even the head of the Church in the Russian Empire.

In addition, it is known that Saudi Arabia, along with United Arab Emirates is one of the richest Muslim countries. This means that it is a financial and ideological donor to the rest of the Islamic world, which believers are guided by. We talked about the signals that were indicated by King Salman during his visit to Russia with the Mufti, Chairman of the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Mordovia at the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate of Russia Zyaki-hazrat Aizatullin.

This visit is very important for Muslims in Russia,” says Aizatullin. - Representatives of Saudi Arabia, more than a thousand people, came with the king. First of all, I think that this meeting helped to identify and voice the problems of Russian Muslims. We, Muslims of Russia, still have little knowledge; we do not always act as the prophet bequeathed to us, as our ancestors lived. Moreover, we live in a multinational state. Russian Muslims sometimes do not know how to fit into a diverse society. As a result, problems arise that are characteristic not only of Russia, but also of Europe and the whole world. Muslims in Mordovia also have problems: they do not have their own cemetery, disagreements over the introduction of school uniforms.

Supreme Mufti of Russia, head of the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate Talgat Tadzhuddin

- IN modern society There really are a lot of disagreements, and everyone has the right to express their opinion; another thing is that in doing so we are guided by the rules of the law. As you know, the King of Saudi Arabia received the Supreme Mufti of Russia, the head of the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate Talgat Tajuddin. Tajuddin “on behalf of the Islamic leaders of Russia by right of seniority” (as reported by the official Arabic channel of the Saudi Press Agency (SPA)) received a place next to the king and made a speech. This showed that it was the leader of this federal Islamic association that the custodian of the two shrines recognized as an equal party in the dialogue.

Our elders just came to see me. I note that many older people (and age is highly respected in Islam) zealously observe traditions. But young people are moving further and further away from the covenants. They think they don't need it. The Supreme Mufti of Russia, head of the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate Talgat-Hazrat Tajuddin is a follower of traditional Islam. His election took place under Brezhnev, in the 80s. At that time, he often flew to Saudi Arabia and knew the father of the current king well. The USSR and KSA were allies. In the difficult 90s, when America tried to quarrel between us, Talgat Tadjuddin did a lot to ensure that the connection between the two states did not break. Tajuddin conducted long-term negotiations and convinced representatives of the Arab side that under no circumstances should interaction with Russia be stopped. He urged people not to trust the American side, which would try to use the Arab world for its own purposes. But American intelligence was also not asleep; in the end, they managed to weaken our influence in the Arab countries as much as possible and interrupt the economic interaction of our powers.

Now Saudi Arabia and Russia have admitted that this was a mistake. Including with the participation of Talgat Tajuddin, the Arabians realized that cooperation with the Americans is beneficial only for America. Now Türkiye is beginning to understand this.

Chairman of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board Ravil Gainutdin

It is worth noting here that Tadzhuddin’s Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate, although the oldest muftiate, is not a monopolist similar to the Russian Orthodox Church in its spiritual sphere. In the European and Asian parts of Russia, the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation, led by Ravil Gainutdin, has also been operating since 1994. It is noteworthy that on the eve of the king’s arrival in Moscow, Mufti Gainutdin gave an interview to the First Information Channel of Saudi Arabia, where he introduced himself as the leader of Russian Muslims. Apparently, he also claimed to represent the Russian ummah at the meeting with the king. How can one explain that the king met with the Head of the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate, Tadzhuddin, while skimping on the representative of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Directorate, Ravil Gainutdin?

According to unconfirmed information, during the king’s visit, Mufti Gainutdin insisted on a personal meeting with him, but was refused. In turn, the reluctance of the Saudi king to visit the main mosque of Russia could be connected precisely with its affiliation with Gainutdin and the monarch’s reluctance to meet with this mufti.

The answer to the question may well be related to the fact that at the World Islamic Conference held last year in Grozny, a fatwa (theological conclusion) was adopted condemning Islamic radicals (ISIS*, Salafis or Wahhabis, Hizb ut-Tahrir*, Brotherhood -Muslims”*) and an appeal to the President of Russia with a call to wage a tough fight against them.

After this, Mufti Gainutdin and co-chairman of the SMR, Saratov mufti Muqaddas Bibarsov, criticized the “Grozny fatwa,” trying, under various pretexts, to convince everyone of its illegitimacy and uselessness. This prompted a sharp response from the Mufti of Chechnya to Gainutdin: “One cannot help but get the impression that you and the Council of Muftis of Russia, which you head, are engaged in condoning radicalism and Wahhabism in our country.” Saudi Arabia most likely noticed this. And they drew conclusions.

It is obvious that the Arabs no longer intend to defend Wahhabism in Russia, as was the case in the 1990-2000s. Not long ago, the kidnapping and subsequent demand for a huge ransom of members of the royal Saudi family by representatives of gangs operating in Syria became public knowledge. Not everything is calm inside the kingdom either: every year, terrorist plots by Islamists are uncovered, based on the sermons of radical imams in mosques. If earlier it seemed that radicals could become a convenient tool for changing regimes in other countries (from Afghanistan to Syria), then terrorists became a threat to the Al Saud dynasty.

In Saudi Arabia, the kingdom once created by the Wahhabis, there have been noticeable changes in religious doctrine - in July 2016, the vice-speaker of the Kingdom's Advisory Council, Muhammad al-Jefri, stated in the European Parliament: “We do not have religious values, which are commonly called Wahhabism,” in our country. And at the end of the same year, Mawlid, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, was celebrated at the state level for the first time in Saudi Arabia - a holiday that Salafis sharply reject as an “innovation.”

Zyaki-Hazrat, you are talking about problems, but the citizens of Russia are not only having problems, we simply do not feel safe from the fact that radical sentiments among the Muslim community are intensifying in certain regions of the republic.

There can be no talk of any threats against compatriots! - Zyaki Aizatullin responded to this. - Yes, in the 90s, during the period of rampant banditry, various criminal groups waged war among themselves, but now are not those times.

There is information that some young men from the village of Belozerye, Romodanovsky district, went to fight in Syria on the side of gangs banned in the Russian Federation, thus “glorifying” Mordovia as a supplier of terrorist recruits. According to our sources, they maintained contacts with the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation Ravil Gainutdin...

They say that 200 people left! And it was from Belozerye that they came to kill. But excuse me, these people didn’t leave overnight! They were recruited, they gathered, prepared, said goodbye to relatives... And where were the servants of the law who receive salaries to nip such actions in the bud! Why didn't they do this? Those who went to fight were not only allowed to leave - it seems that they were helped to do so!

I had a grandfather, Khamza, he studied at a madrasah before the revolution, in the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region. He's up to last day worked as an imam throughout his life. My father worked as an imam during the USSR and is still an imam. I grew up in a deeply spiritual family and did not hear or know about any other spiritual movements of Islam. What I was taught is Islam, which developed even before the 1917 revolution.

Naturally, we condemn terrorism,” emphasizes Zyaki Abdulkarimovich. - And radical movements and terrorism are formed from a lack of knowledge. And the radicals fill this gap in some unknown place. And when they become terrorists, for some reason the police come to me! How can I be responsible for people I don't control? They study somewhere, they are told something, they are misled. Should I be responsible?

Ravil Gainutdin - a student of Talgat Tadzhuddin, worked as his deputy. But in the 90s they disagreed,” Aizatullin returns to the topic of the question. - They helped Gainutdin organize his organization. I can say that the then Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev and the Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov helped him a lot in this.

And for what? - Hazrat Zyaki poses the question. And he himself answers it - so that there is a conflict between Muslims.

It is worth pointing out that on October 8, at a meeting with representatives Russian media The head of the Saudi Foreign Ministry clearly stated his country's efforts in the fight against unconventional and radical Islam: “We will not allow anyone to spread the ideology of hatred, finance this ideology or terrorism. We are very strict in this regard: we have removed several thousand imams from mosques for extremism, and we are modernizing our education system to eliminate the possibility of misunderstanding the texts.”

Will the policy of the King of Saudi Arabia, who, among other things, preferred dialogue exclusively with muftis who have previously shown themselves to be consistent fighters against Islamic radicalism, strengthen your fellow believers in their rejection of extremist manifestations?

The King of Saudi Arabia considered the meeting with Talgat Tajuddin sufficient. He made it clear who to work with. All Muslims in Russia, including Mordovia, saw this.

* Banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation- a centralized religious organization created in 1994 in Moscow. Since its establishment, the chairman of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Russian Federation has been Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin.

Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation
General information
Other names Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia (until 2014), Moscow Muftiate
date of creation
Founder Ravil Gainutdin
Law school Hanafi and Shafi'i madhhabs
Countries Russia
Mufti Ravil Gainutdin
Deputies Damir Gizatullin
Damir Mukhetdinov
Rafik Fattakhetdinov
Ildar Alyautdinov
Residence Moscow
Main temple Moscow Cathedral Mosque
Controls Majlis, Presidium, Chairman
Departments Apparatus, Administration of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Directorate, Department of Construction and Architecture, Protocol Department, Secretariat, Press Service.
Controlled organizations about 400 organizations from 37 regions of the Russian Federation
Higher education institutions MIU, Research Institute named after. Kh. Faizkhanova, primary madrasah at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, MIC, primary madrasah at the Historical Mosque of Moscow, NIM "Makhinur", NIM named after. Sheikh Abduljalil Bikkinin
Informational resources
Editions Islam minbar
Web sites
Information on Wikidata?


Created as the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Central European Region of Russia.

On December 9, 1998, at the congress it was renamed the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European Part of Russia (DUMER).

On September 21, 2014, at the VI Congress of the organization, it was decided to rename it the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation (DUM RF).

According to the Congress of the Spiritual Administration on September 23, 2009, it includes 367 local and centralized religious organizations of Muslims from 37 regions. By the end of 2011, according to the department for working with MPOM [ decipher] Spiritual Administration, the jurisdiction of the Muftiate includes about 400 religious organizations in the Central, Ural, Southern, Northwestern, and Volga Federal Districts.


The residence of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation is located in the complex of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Supreme body The decision-making body is the Majlis - a congress of delegates of the clergy and parishioners of the spiritual administrations of Muslims as part of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Russian Federation. The Presidium and the Chairman directly supervise the activities of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Russian Federation. The chairman of the organization, according to the charter, is elected every five years.


In the structure of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Russian Federation: Apparatus (Department of Internal Affairs and Department of Education and Science), Administration of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board, Department of Construction and Architecture, Protocol Department, Secretariat of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board, press service of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board.

Deputy Chairmen

Deputy chairmen: first deputy chairmen - Damir Gizatullin, Damir Mukhetdinov, deputy chairman - Rafik Fattakhetdinov. Imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Imam-Muhtasib of Moscow

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