Unusual homemade moonshine stills. How to assemble a moonshine still with your own hands. Coil material

Systems 18.10.2023

Having tried many varieties of vodka at a price of 100-600 rubles per bottle, I realized that high-quality moonshine is much better. After all, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to drink current vodka, and it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to buy real Russian vodka. For all these reasons, I decided to make a homemade device for the production of moonshine.

Nowadays, real grain alcohol is rarely used to produce vodka. Vodka producers can even obtain alcohol from natural gas. The most disgusting store-bought alcohol tinctures - “With Honey” and “Lingonberry” - contain artificial additives that overcome the terrible smell of bad alcohol, but do not relieve a severe hangover the next morning.

To produce good moonshine at home, you need to get some utensils for mash. There is a simple rule: the larger its volume, the better. In my first experiments, I used ten-liter bottles for mash. Now I have 18-liter bottles in my arsenal, as well as milk cans.

Next, you need to have a pressure cooker and a thermometer. We drill a hole in the lid of the pressure cooker where we need to insert a thermometer. A piece of silicone tube can serve as a seal. You can cover the top with dough. A flask of this kind is also needed.

You also need to have a reflux condenser. We'll talk about its purpose a little later.

Ariometers (alcohol meters) serve well as a coil, which also performs the function of a refrigerator.

So, let's start assembling. Place the pressure cooker on a sprayer (gas stove). And then - according to the sequence shown in the pictures. When installing silicone tubes, you can use dough as a sealant. Cold water is supplied to the refrigerator from below!

After the assembly is complete, it’s time to pour the mash. Along with it, you need to add 2 tablespoons of activated carbon BAU-A and just a little potassium permanganate.

One pressure cooker can produce moonshine within half an hour. Condensation starts at 88 degrees on the thermometer and lasts until 97 degrees. We mercilessly remove the first 20-30 grams to avoid spoilage of the entire product. Don't be greedy on them!

During cooking, various nasty things accumulate in the flask.

But after the dephlegmator and condensation of the moonshine in the refrigerator, you can evaluate the purity of the color of the finished product!

Ready-made moonshine can be drunk, but it is better to clean it. To do this, take two egg whites and pour them into a 1 liter jar of moonshine. Then strain through cheesecloth. Now you need to make a filter from white bread, oats, BAU-A activated carbon, cotton wool, bread, gauze. It is recommended to filter the almost finished product three times through it.

The resulting moonshine can be diluted with spring or regular drinking store water. The optimal alcohol content in the drink is 50 degrees.

A moonshine still is designed to produce a strong alcoholic drink from a liquid with a small content of ethyl alcohol (mash). This uses the process of distillation (distillation).

To make a moonshine still with your own hands, we need to know its main components:

  • Distillation cube;
  • Coil or refrigerator;
  • Connecting hoses;
  • Dephlegmator or steam steamer.

Distillation cube (distillation container)

For a still at home, it is best to take a pressure cooker. The pressure cooker is easily accessible. Many people already have it at home, and if not, it’s easy to buy. The second advantage of a pressure cooker is its excellent tightness. To get rid of unnecessary pressure, pressure cookers are equipped with a special fitting. If you remove the valve from this fitting, you will get a ready-made hole for the release of alcohol vapor. The fitting is connected to the coil (refrigerator). For this, a metal tube (stainless steel or copper) is used. A hose can also be used for this purpose.

There are many other options for stills you can use besides a pressure cooker. They can be made of copper, aluminum, stainless steel or glass. The main requirement is that the container must be hermetically sealed.

Coil (refrigerator)

If you plan to produce moonshine in small quantities, then a laboratory refrigerator (direct-flow or ball-type) is a good choice for home use. You can buy such a refrigerator anywhere where laboratory equipment is sold. By the way, from laboratory equipment you can assemble a completely finished distillation apparatus (the distillation cube will also be made of glass). True, at home such a design will not be very practical. After all, glass is a rather fragile thing.

A refrigerator with a coil is a more reliable solution than a glass refrigerator. Besides, it will cost less. It is made from a metal tube, for example copper. You can buy such a tube at any hardware store or market. To make a coil out of a tube, you will have to do a little work with your hands - wrap it several times around a pipe of a suitable diameter. To prevent the tube from bursting, sand should be poured into it before the procedure.

The coil is inserted into some container. The main thing is that it is easy to process. For example, it could be a plastic bottle. The entry point of the coil and the place where it exits from the container must be well sealed. Then 2 more holes are made in the container. Coolant (water) is supplied to one of them, and it goes to the other. Coolant is supplied from below.

Connection hoses

As already noted, the distillation cube and the refrigerator can be connected to each other either with a metal tube or a hose.

The hose should only be made of silicone. Silicone is a chemically inert material. It does not react with heated alcohol vapors. Accordingly, the finished product will not have any foreign smell or taste. If you use a rubber hose, the moonshine will turn out terribly smelly. Silicone hoses are sold in the same place where all laboratory equipment is sold.

Moonshine still with reflux condenser

The above-described scheme for making a moonshine still at home has only one drawback - fusel oils and other unnecessary substances get into the moonshine. Because of this, its qualities, including taste, are reduced.

Why is this happening? When the mash boils, components with a low boiling point (low-boiling) first evaporate from it. The longer the boiling process continues, the more the concentration of heavy-boiling components in the finished product increases, and these are fusel oils and other elements that are absolutely unnecessary for us.

To combat this negative phenomenon, a do-it-yourself moonshine still is supplemented with another device. It is called a reflux condenser (or steam chamber). The reflux condenser is placed between the distillation tank and the refrigerator. It is a container with a volume of 1 to 3 liters. The heaviest boiling components are condensed in the reflux condenser. Hazardous substances are the first to enter the reflux condenser, where they condense and no longer boil.

To make a reflux condenser, in addition to a jar with a metal lid (must close tightly), you need 2 fittings with external threads, 2 nuts, an awl, a felt-tip pen and heat-resistant glue. The reflux condenser is made like this:

  • Attach fittings to the lid of the jar and circle with a felt-tip pen;
  • Use an awl to make holes. To do this, you need to move the awl along the drawn lines until the metal is rubbed;
  • Insert and secure the fittings with nuts, sealing them on both sides with heat-resistant glue or cold welding;
  • Connect the reflux condenser with the distillation tank and the refrigerator, also hermetically. In this case, the tube entering the reflux condenser should be one and a half centimeters lower than the one leaving.

The most primitive moonshine still

At home, the easiest way is to make a moonshine still without using a reflux condenser or even a coil. But ease of manufacture will be its only advantage.

Take a large saucepan (up to 50 liters, or even more) and pour mash into it. A container is placed on the surface of the mash to collect the finished product. This container can also be placed on some kind of stand so that it is located above the surface of the mash.
Then place a bowl of cold water on top of the open pan. Then the structure is sealed with clay or dough. Thus, a bowl of cold water simultaneously performs 2 functions: a condenser-cooler and a lid.

It works like this. The pan is placed on the fire, the mash begins to boil and its vapor touches the cold bottom of the bowl. The condensate then drips into a container placed above the mash. The quality of moonshine with this method of its production turns out to be extremely low, because there can be no talk of any separation of vapors. Most likely, it is impossible to assemble a more primitive device than this at home.

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Moonshining is a completely legal activity today, permitted by law. Unless, of course, you are going to compete with the state by selling your own strong alcoholic product.

For yourself, home holidays and meetings with friends you should drive. And if you make a moonshine still with your own hands, you will get a distillate that is both cheaper than store-bought alcohol and safer, considering the amount of counterfeit products on the shelves.

If you have seen, or even driven, in your life, you should not consider yourself a distillation guru. Creating a high-quality CA requires not only ingenuity and plumbing skills, but also special knowledge, accurate calculations.

In modern products it is no longer possible to get by with just a cooling coil. To obtain a homemade distillate that is harmless to health and pleasant to taste, it is necessary to clean it during distillation. It will help to cope with this task additional equipment.


A moonshine still is a device consisting of several modules (their number depends on specific tasks). Components:

  • Alembic. This can be either an independent container or an adapted one from those available on the farm.
  • Coil- a tube through which alcohol vapor moves.
  • Fridge– water jacket around the coil.
  • Awnings for purifying moonshine from fusel oils during distillation. A steamer and/or bubbler are required. You can install a reinforcing frame and even a full-fledged distillation column.
  • Connecting elements– metal or silicone (for water supply/discharge – PVC) tubes.

Buy or collect?

There is no clear answer to this question. First of all, you need to proceed from your capabilities and needs. If you have limited funds, you can, after studying the market, choose a simple device for yourself with the possibility of further improvement.

For example - still with rebated lid– direct-flow or with one steam steamer. But - with the possibility in the future of purchasing awnings compatible with the cube: drawers, columns, etc.

However, much cheaper, at the same time - at the level of expensive industrially manufactured devices, you can assemble your own moonshine still. By investing your soul, knowledge and strictly following the instructions, you will receive an elite distillation installation that meets your expectations.

What to pay attention to when making

The main thing, as in any other homemade product, is quality of materials and direct hands. If welding work is to be done, then you must master this skill or entrust this part of the work to an experienced welder. In many cases, you can do without welding (soldering), using only a drill, suitable pipes and gaskets.

Important. Do not weld entire canopies together using stainless steel tubing.

Although this is convenient in terms of tightness and quick assembly of the structure, it makes high-quality flushing and cleaning of the systems impossible. It is much more convenient to connect individual canopies with flexible tubes through fittings.

Material selection

Considering that when heated in a sealed system (and it should only be that way), pressure increases, the device requires durable materials.

For cubes and canopies, the safest are considered stainless food steel and copper. Many people still use aluminum, although it has been clearly proven that this material interacts with the components of mash and alcohol, forming unpredictable chemical compounds that are harmful to health.

Carefully. Do not use aluminum in moonshine.

After all, that’s why you build your own apparatus to distill high-quality alcohol.

To connect individual parts, ready-made tubes are used:

  • stainless steel. They should be mounted on fittings in such a way that the bubbler can be disconnected from the refrigerator if necessary and both modules can be cleaned/rinsed separately. The advantage of stainless steel tubes is that they securely hold the canopies over the cube;
  • made of silicone. Only such tubes are permissible for connecting parts in contact with alcohol vapor. Silicone is an inert material and does not react with any components of the mash. Lasting. Does not lose properties at temperatures from -60°C to +250°C. Odorless;
  • made of rubber, PVC or other flexible plastic. Under no circumstances should they be used to connect a line through which alcohol vapor moves. Not only will the distillate acquire a disgusting smell and taste of PVA glue or rubber, but it will also be saturated with the most harmful chemical compounds. Suitable for supplying cold water and draining waste (heated) water.

Important. In all dismountable connections, use only silicone gaskets for the reasons described above.

You can purchase ready-made gaskets, cut them from silicone plates, or make them from silicone heat-resistant sealant.

How to assemble a moonshine still yourself?

Advice. If this is your first device, make it with one steamer. But in such a way as to make improvements in the future.


Without it, distillation is impossible. You can cut a sheet of food grade stainless steel and weld the cube from scratch. What is possible only for very skilled home craftsmen with the skills of a designer and welder. It is much easier to use ready-made containers available in the house.

Pan or bucket

For small volumes of mash, an enamel or stainless steel pan with a capacity of 9 liters is suitable. Bucket – only enameled with a lid. Galvanization is poison in its purest form.

Attention. Considering that it is impossible to fill the cube with mash from the top, the useful volume will be 7 liters.

But for larger “appetites”, you can use a two- or even a four-bucket pan.

Only the cover is subject to alteration. You need to make a hole in it, insert a fitting and seal the connection tightly with epoxy glue or heat-resistant sealant. Even better is to remake the glass lid, which already has a hole for screwing on the handle. Remove the handle, insert a fitting with silicone gaskets on both sides, and put on a silicone tube.

Next step - sealing the connection between the lid and the pan. A more convenient design is where the lid is not put on top, but is, as it were, recessed into the side. Remember:

  • Knead a thick (preferably rye) dough and arrange it in a “sausage” around the entire perimeter of the pan.
  • Install the lid, pressing it against the side.
  • Clamp the connection in 5-6 places with small clamps or paper clips. They will hold the lid tightly and securely.
  • Additionally, coat “suspicious areas” with the test. Once dry, the dough will provide a reliable seal.

Milk flask (can)

Today you can buy a stainless steel milk can. It is more reliable and safer than aluminum, although more expensive. If you can't afford a new one, look for a used one. Requires minimal modification: just make a hole in the cover and install the fitting.

Advice. Buy and install a silicone gasket instead of a rubber one. They are sold in online stores.

Pressure cooker

An option that does not require any modification at all. It is enough to remove one of the blast valves and install a silicone tube on the existing pipe.

Let the second valve remain; during the distillation it will not interfere and will even serve as an additional safety measure in case you leave and forget that you have moonshine there.

The volume, however, is most often limited to 5-6 liters. However, there are also 12 liters on sale.


The advantage of this device is that it does not require a stove, since it runs on electricity. Disadvantage: pressure cookers larger than 6 liters are not produced.

And the useful volume will be no more than 5 liters. In order to convert, you need to remove the steam valve and install a tube in its place.

Advice. Having removed the upper part of the valve (it is dismountable), you will see a finished fitting - put the tube on it.

Beer keg

You can find many examples of using a distillation cube on the Internet. The only difficulty is the narrow neck and the impossibility of proper washing. Therefore, it is better to make a flanged cover.


Depending on operating conditions (presence or absence of hot water), the refrigerator can be made flowing or non-flowing. It consists of two parts: coil (copper or stainless steel tube) and water jacket.


At home, you can make it from a plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 8-10 mm. You will also need:

  • plugs on both sides, in which holes are made for the coil outlets;
  • 2 fittings. The lower one is for the input of cold water, the upper one is for the output of waste, heated water;
  • silicone sealant.

For high-quality cooling (distillation), it is necessary that the coil occupies no more than 20% of the internal area of ​​the refrigerator and at least 1.5 mm remains from the walls.

Attention. In a flow-through refrigerator, the usual length of the tube from which the coil is wound is 1.5-2 meters, and the gap between the turns is 1-1.2 cm (counted from the middle to the middle of the tube).

The refrigerator is installed vertically or at an angle of at least 45°.


To reduce carrying cold water and scooping up heated water, it is better to fit a 20-30 liter container under the refrigerator. There are two manufacturing options:

  1. Create a coil around the perimeter of the refrigerator container and make a conclusion near the bottom, sealing the connection. The inconvenience of the design is that the refrigerator cannot be adapted to any other needs.
  2. Wind the coil so that it can be inserted into a suitable container with cold water (bucket, pan, plastic barrel). In this case, the coil outlet rises above the container and an outlet tube is connected to it. In this case, there is no need to spoil the container needed on the farm.

The length of the stagnant coil is 2-4 meters.

Steamer and bubbler

These are modules of a similar design in the distillation system, installed between the distillation cube and the refrigerator. Their purpose is partial selection from alcohol vapors of fusel oils, as well as strengthening the distillate.

Attention. By installing 5-10 bubblers in succession, you can achieve 90-proof alcohol.

Although it won’t be as clean as when used. And the transfer speed will be extremely low.

At home, both of these devices are glass jars with screw-on lids, in which two fittings are hermetically sealed: one is connected to a hose coming from the cube, the other is leading to the next steamer/bubbler or directly to the refrigerator.

The steam tank contains only fittings that extend slightly into the cans. The incoming steam is cooled. Heavier impurities (fusel) settle to the bottom of the jar as liquid, and alcohol vapor passes further through the outlet tube.

A bubbler (also known as a wet steamer) is distinguished by the fact that the incoming fitting is fitted with a tube that does not reach the bottom of the can by several millimeters. While cooling, the vapor in the jar quickly transforms into liquid and then the steam passes through it with gurgling, also leaving fusel oils.

Attention. None of the modules, nor their symbiosis (as a rule, the steamer comes first, followed by the bubbler) ensures complete purification of the distillate from impurities, but the resulting final product is much cleaner and tastier than without these canopies.

Heating Methods

Homemade moonshine stills are suitable for heating at:

  • wood stoves and even fires;
  • gas stoves;
  • electric stoves;
  • if you have a special spacer (purchased on the Internet) - and on induction cookers.

In addition, many are striving to create a device with heating. This is convenient, because the device can be used wherever there is access to electricity.

To ensure high-quality heating, you can use two heating elements (after the distillate begins to appear, one is turned off). Or purchase a thermostat (which is preferable) and adjust the power and temperature as you wish.

Installation of thermometers

A thermometer is an indispensable thing in the arsenal of a modern moonshiner. Without it, it is impossible to carry out the correct distillation with the selection of heads and tails.

Therefore, take care about purchasing and installing it. For the needs of moonshine brewing, bimetallic (the cheapest, but not very accurate), electronic and digital are used. The last two species react more accurately and quickly to temperature changes.

Thermometers are installed in the cube (top part) or in the lid of the cube. To do this, you need to make a capsule from a stainless or brass (copper) tube the size of the thermometer probe and integrate it into the cube using welding or a fitting.

Other options for making a moonshine still with your own hands

There are so-called block structures with reinforcing frame. To do this, build a cover on flanges for wing nuts. Weld a pipe with a diameter of 30-50 mm and a height of up to 45 cm vertically to the lid. From this pipe, take a steamer/bubbler, or directly a pipe to the refrigerator.

This drawer is called a reinforcing film column and works on the principle of heat and mass transfer. With it you will get a largely purified and fortified moonshine.

If you stuff it either with metal wire kitchen sponges or SPN, the purity and strength of the final product will further increase, although the distillation speed will decrease.

Design The moonshine still consists of:

Now in more detail about each component.

1. Distillation capacity or - cubic.

As containers For a moonshine still, the easiest way is to use a pressure cooker; it initially has good tightness and easy accessibility.
Pressure cookers are equipped with special fittings to relieve excess pressure.
You can unscrew the valve from the fitting, thereby obtaining an outlet for releasing steam.
The fitting is connected to the refrigerator using a hose or metal tube.

What an old Soviet pressure cooker looks like, suitable for converting it into a moonshine still:

Any other container made of stainless steel, copper or aluminum will do, as long as it is sealed.
For example, a beer keg, a travel thermos, an aluminum milk flask, etc.

2. Refrigerator. He's a snake.

For small volumes it is easiest to use laboratory ball or once-through refrigerator, because it is the easiest to obtain, it is sold in any store with laboratory equipment and is not expensive. You can also buy a ready-made glass distillation apparatus in stores with laboratory equipment, but in domestic conditions its use will not be practical enough, because glass is a very fragile material.
In addition, glass is chemically inert, i.e. does not form any harmful compounds or odors upon contact with hot alcohol steam during the distillation of mash.

The photo shows a laboratory refrigerator installed on a homemade moonshine still from a pressure cooker:

In addition to the glass refrigerator, an equally affordable and proven design is the coil. It can be made, for example, from a copper tube. A tube for air conditioners is well suited and, moreover, it can be bought at any construction market or store, it costs less than a laboratory refrigerator and the design of the moonshine still turns out to be more reliable and practical, but you will have to work more with your hands.

The most basic design is coil inserted into any container that can be easily processed, for example a plastic drinking water bottle with a volume of 5-10 liters. The entry and exit points of the tube into/from the container are sealed. Coolant supply from below.

A more complex design is a metal tube, for example copper, inserted inside any hose of larger diameter.
The hose is sealed on the sides to prevent coolant from spilling out.
The image below shows the simplest one implementation of such a coil, arrows show the main nodes:

You can make it more beautiful and more reliable with the help of plumbing accessories:

3. Connecting hoses.

To connect the distillation tank and the refrigerator, you can make an adapter from a copper or stainless tube, or use silicone hose.
If you choose a hose, then use only silicone hoses.
Silicone the material itself is inert and does not react with hot alcohol-containing steam and does not impart any taste or smell to it, unlike rubber hoses, after which moonshine makes it terribly smelly.
Silicone hoses can be purchased at a laboratory supply store.

You can tell silicone from rubber by burning.
Silicone burns without soot and leaves behind white ash, while rubber, on the contrary, smokes and leaves black soot.

In more complex designs of moonshine stills, various additional components can be used to improve the quality of the resulting product (steamers, drop eliminators, etc.), or for convenient control and monitoring of the distillation process (thermometers, barometers, diopters). Which apparatus is best to assemble depends on what you want to get from it, for example, to obtain raw alcohol it is best to use large stainless steel containers, to obtain fruit and berry distillates it is good to use a copper container and coil, and the distillation of grain wort can only be done with steam or in a water or other bath, so that the wort does not burn, you cannot do without a steam generator.

Moonshine brewing in Eastern Europe is an integral part of the culture; all kinds of distillation units are used for these purposes.

These are mainly homemade moonshine stills, and their production at home is almost a competitive discipline, in which moonshiners share their successes on various Internet forums.

This topic is very extensive, and every year the culture of moonshine brewing and the manufacture of distillation units becomes even greater.

And in order to fully understand what a moonshine still is and what it is needed for, as well as what its structure and principle of operation are, and most importantly, how to assemble it at home with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the issue in more detail.

A moonshine still is a device designed for the production of alcohol-containing drinks at home through evaporation and further condensation of the liquid part of the mash.

There are two main modern types of units based on the type of distillation process. The first are distillers; evaporation and condensation of the liquid occurs once.

This group also includes double distillation apparatuses, in which the “evaporation-condensation” cycle occurs twice in a row, but does not fundamentally change the process.

The second group is rectifiers, in which constant cyclical repeated evaporation and condensation of liquid occurs with simultaneous mass exchange between rising steam and flowing reflux.

Design and principles of operation

Distillers have a simpler structure; the basic design of such a device includes a distillation cube, hoses and a refrigerator. In addition, it may include additional purification units, such as a steam steamer, a bubbler or a simple film reflux condenser, which does not introduce significant changes to the distillation process.

The design of rectifiers is more complex; in addition to the listed distillation cube, hoses and refrigerator, they necessarily include a drawer, a reflux condenser and a thermometer.

The first two nodes physically ensure rectification; a thermometer is necessary to maintain the correct temperature, which in this process, unlike distillation, is critically important.

How to make a homemade moonshine still with your own hands at home

In order to assemble a household distiller, it is necessary to manufacture its component parts; we will consider the necessary and possible additional devices.

The basic components include:

  • , the mash is heated in it, and the power of the entire system depends on its volume. The container can be made from scratch, for this purpose food-grade stainless steel is most often used, with copper in second place in popularity. In addition, a distillation cube can be made from a pressure cooker, multicooker, enamel pan or food flask.
  • —Hoses— are necessary for transferring hot steam between the component parts of the device, as well as for supplying water to cooling devices, such as a refrigerator or a reflux condenser jacket. Most often, food-grade silicone is used, which is easy to process, chemically inert and inexpensive, but due to its poor temperature resistance it requires supporting devices. A more reliable, but also more expensive option are tubes made of food grade stainless steel or copper. The first metal is very durable and difficult to process; copper is more malleable, but is more expensive and requires regular cleaning of the surface.
  • necessary for condensation of alcohol-containing vapor. Two main designs are used: co-cooling and direct-flow cooling. The first model has a more compact size and can be used without running water, but has problems with condensate plugs. The second does not have such problems, moreover, the efficiency and power of this model is higher, weaknesses: it works only from water supply and is quite large in length, which places demands on the working area.

Additional nodes:

  • - this is a means of additional purification; it can also be used for maceration - saturating alcohol with the aroma and flavor of fruits, berries and spices by passing alcohol-containing steam through them. The design of the product is very simple - a hollow container with two pipes: inlet and outlet. As the steam passes through the air gap, it cools, and some of the impurities, condensing, settle in the container, the cleaning intensity is low.
  • It is almost identical to the dry steam tank in design, but has a longer inlet pipe that reaches to the bottom of the container. This feature is necessary for the steam to pass through the water column with which the bubbler is filled before operation. As a result, more significant cooling occurs and, accordingly, more intensive purification of moonshine.
  • necessary to maintain the optimal temperature at which more fusel oils, which have a higher boiling point, will precipitate from the steam.
  • - This is a small product that is installed at the outlet of the refrigerator. Designed to determine the strength of the distillate directly during distillation.

It’s not difficult to make a moonshine still at home if you choose a fairly simple configuration shown in the diagram.

  1. It is better to use a pressure cooker as the basis for the distillation cube, in which you only need to arrange pipes in the lid for steam outlet and a thermometer.
  2. You can easily make a steamer or bubbler with your own hands from a glass jar with a screw-on lid, a pair of fittings and silicone sealing gaskets.
  3. A direct-flow refrigerator will require a pair of copper tubes for the inner layer and a pair of plastic ones for the cooler jacket. You can buy a food grade silicone hose at a hardware store or market.
  4. Financially, a design of this kind is very economical, and the quality of the moonshine will not suffer, since high-quality materials are used in all important areas: stainless steel, glass, silicone and no rubber, plastic or aluminum.
  5. Of course, such a home-made moonshine still will be far from the aesthetics of a factory unit.

For the manufacture of more complex units, for example, a rectification or strengthening (mash) column, which includes units such as drawers and frames, you will need not only materials, but also some metalworking skills. The same applies to simple ones created from scratch from food-grade stainless steel or copper.

Popular types of moonshine stills

Among homemade homemade units made by yourself, one of the most popular is. The widespread use of this kitchen utensil is due to the high quality of the base container.

It is made of food-grade stainless steel, has a convenient and reliable sealing system and is structurally almost identical to a distillation cube; all that remains is to drill a couple of holes.

Another popular option in the last decade is . The device has even more advantages than a pressure cooker:

In addition to the food-grade stainless steel container and sealing system, it is equipped with a non-stick coating, but, more importantly, it is equipped with a high-quality heating system with convenient controls.

In addition, making such a moonshine still at home is easy for both experienced and just beginning moonshiners.

Those who need a high-power distiller will be interested in the model. They have been manufactured for almost 50 years, but previously only Soviet-style aluminum cans were used as a basis, in which harmful oxides began to form when the protective coating was damaged.

Now there is an opportunity to purchase new or used food grade stainless steel containers. A product of this kind is distinguished by high quality both in material and workmanship and can serve as the basis for both a simple distiller and a more complex column system.

All fans of noble alcohol will appreciate it. It is the ability of this metal to bind sulfur compounds that eliminates the unpleasant taste and aroma in any moonshine.

This is useful not only for the distillation of grains and grains, but even for simple sugar mash, the distillate from which will become noticeably better.

Those who have a garden and need to make alcohol without transporting raw materials, or simply those who live in the countryside, will like it.

Its characteristic feature is a large water container in the refrigerator, thanks to which the coil has time to cool due to natural heat exchange, and not from adding new portions of cold water.

The most original and controversial is. In it, evaporation and condensation of liquid occurs not once, but twice in a row.

The complex design and principle of operation makes it difficult to create an effective model, so this model has equal numbers of fans and critics. The latter mainly include those who have had bad experiences with this technology.

When choosing what you can use to make a moonshine still at home, you need to equally look at both the requirements for the future unit and the possibilities for its implementation.

In addition, there must be rationality in everything: when creating a distiller from a multicooker, there is no point in spending money on a steam line made of food-grade stainless steel, and if you have a flask made of it, it is better to think about a mash column than about a simple model with a steamer and a refrigerator.

However, not only the material is important, the quality of processing of materials and the correct selection of the power of each unit have no less weight.

Before taking on a project, it is better to estimate the future unit on paper several times and consult with experienced moonshiners on the forum

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