How to cook healthy scrambled eggs. How to cook scrambled eggs? Delicious scrambled eggs for breakfast: recipes, photos

Bearing structures 19.01.2024
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The simplest dish - fried eggs - you also need to know how to cook. How to fry eggs without oil? Things to consider to get the perfect dish: temperature, time, choice of cookware. What do we eat or what does scrambled eggs consist of? About the benefits, harm and calorie content. A step-by-step recipe for classic fried eggs and an original version of cooking sweet peppers with bacon.

Very easy to prepare

It would seem that there is no special science in how to cook ordinary scrambled eggs. But for many, the dish burns, the yolks spread, and the whites are not cooked through. Before learning about the secrets of cooking, how to make it tasty and quickly and how long it is fried, let’s consider what is included in the popular dish.

Composition and nutritional value

As a percentage, the nutritional value of scrambled eggs is distributed as follows: fats - 51%, proteins - 46%, carbohydrates - 3%. Due to the fact that eggs by their nature are a medium for embryos, they contain everything necessary to ensure normal life. Namely, more than fifty bioelements, including oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. Egg yolk is rich in proteins, which stimulates muscle growth, vitamins, lipids and minerals. Large amounts of phosphorus and calcium strengthen bones, nails and teeth.

Benefits and harms

First of all, the benefit or harm of scrambled eggs depends on the freshness of the egg. In order to preserve the freshness of eggs longer, you need to keep them in the coolest place of the refrigerator in trays. The place in the door will not work - it is the warmest.

Place eggs in storage trays with the pointed end down. A large number of pores are located at the blunt end, through which the eggs “breathe”, thereby remaining fresh longer.

Eggs are considered the main source of salmonellosis. Therefore, it is better not to eat them raw or undercooked.

Not everyone can enjoy an omelette. This dish is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people with liver diseases and children under 1.5-2 years old (the exception is the yolk - it can be used from 7-8 months). People with high cholesterol levels should avoid eating yolk.

Previously, it was believed that a large amount of cholesterol in eggs had a detrimental effect on the body. But the results of scientific research have proven that lecithin, which is also included in eggs, prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the cavities of blood vessels.

What else is useful about fried eggs is that they are almost completely digestible (98%). The nutritional value of the composition is equal to 250 ml of milk and 60 g of meat. Eggs are especially important in the diet of children. They rank second in importance after milk.

Calorie content of scrambled eggs

Are eggs high in calories? Eggs are a low-calorie product. The calorie content of fried eggs per 100 g, including vegetable oil, is 158 kcal. Based on the number of eggs, the calorie content of fried eggs is:

  • from 1 egg - 109 kcal;
  • from 2 eggs - 189 kcal;
  • from 3 eggs - 360 kcal.

To get a dietary breakfast, you can fry only proteins. The calories in scrambled eggs without yolk are practically unnoticeable - only 43 kcal per 100 g. But the protein content in the white of one egg is the daily norm for the body.

Rules for cooking scrambled eggs

How to cook delicious scrambled eggs and in what oil should you fry them so that they don’t burn, become runny or hard? Despite the fact that this is one of the simplest dishes, not everyone can do it perfectly. A few simple rules and tricks will help you easily make scrambled eggs in a matter of minutes.

  • Choose a frying pan. The ideal option is a thick ceramic or cast iron frying pan. A wide one is suitable for a large number of eggs, a small one is suitable for one or two, so that the edges of the white do not spread and burn.
  • Use 2 types of oil. To ensure that the food does not burn and acquires a pleasant aroma, fry in vegetable oil and butter.
  • Temperature conditions. You need to beat the eggs into a well-heated frying pan, otherwise they will absorb excess fat and take a long time to cook. For efficient cooking, select medium heat. On high, the edges will burn, and the middle will not have time to fry.
  • How long to fry eggs? It is impossible to determine readiness down to the minute, since different dishes are used, eggs are not the same size, and the temperature on the stove is different. The dish is considered ready when the protein has hardened. You can gently taste the yolk with your finger. It shouldn't be too soft.
  • Prepare for several servings. Fried eggs for 2 or more servings are not cooked evenly because one egg white covers the other. To eliminate this, you should make cuts in several places on the semi-finished protein.
  • Add salt correctly. If you add salt at the beginning immediately after whisking it into the pan, the yolk will most likely spread and become covered with white spots, so it is better to do this at the end. In addition, if you fry scrambled eggs correctly, then you should salt not the yolk, but the white.

How can you tell whether eggs are fresh or not without breaking them? Very easy. The longer they lie, the more air and less moisture they contain. Place the egg in a container of cold water. If it “lies” on the bottom in a horizontal position, it is fresh; if it is slightly tilted, it lies for about a week, and if it floats vertically, it is dangerous to consume such a product, it is stale.

Scrambled eggs without oil - 3 ways

There are several ways to fry eggs without oil. After all, food prepared in this way becomes less caloric and healthy. This dish can be included in diets for weight loss and treatment of the digestive system.

  • Method 1. Take a cotton pad and moisten it with vegetable oil. Squeeze well. Wipe the bottom of the pan. A ceramic or non-stick frying pan is suitable for this method. Fry the eggs over low heat, shaking slightly to prevent them from burning. Such a minimal dose of oil will not harm your figure or health.
  • Method 2: Cooking spray. Due to the aerosol, the amount of sprayed fat per serving is negligible. However, the food does not burn.
  • Method 3. Pour a little water into a heated frying pan so that it completely covers the bottom. When the water boils, beat in the eggs. Fry covered over low heat until done.

Classic recipe

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - to taste.


Since you can cook fried eggs not only in a frying pan, we will use the oven method.

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  2. Beat in the eggs carefully so that the yolks do not spread. Add some salt.
  3. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for another 3-4 minutes.
  4. Cut the eggs into whites and keep the lid closed to prevent food from sticking to the pan.

Sweet pepper fried egg with bacon

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • bacon (ham) - 2 slices;
  • large bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste.


  1. Wash the peppers and dry them. Cut 2 circles 1.5-2 cm thick from the middle.
  2. Cut the bacon or ham into small pieces.
  3. Since frying eggs in a frying pan does not take long, fry the peppers over medium heat for 1-2 minutes on each side.
  4. Melt the butter inside two pepper slices. Place bacon tightly in the middle.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, beat one egg on top. Cover the pan with a lid and fry until done.
  6. Turn off the pan and let sit for another 1-2 minutes. During this time, the scrambled eggs will “lag behind” the pan.
  7. Transfer the finished fried egg in the “mold” to a plate or sandwich. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Fried eggs are the most popular breakfast dish in many countries. Preparation takes a minimum of time, its benefits are obvious, and everyone likes the taste. The only negative is that it is almost impossible to diversify the preparation. But you can use various additives (ham, bacon, cheese, tomatoes), sauces and herbs. And then everyday fried eggs will definitely not get boring.

Other egg recipes


There is nothing easier than cooking scrambled eggs - an undeniable fact. However, the result can be different from case to case: sometimes the dish is a success, and sometimes the cook fails - not only does he not want to feed others, but he doesn’t want to eat it himself. And the appearance is sometimes not up to par: just some kind of culinary rags. So, how to properly cook scrambled eggs so that they are both tasty and beautiful? I hope the tips from our recipe will help you improve your culinary rating, go ahead!

  • First, you need to say a few words about the frying pan: a high-quality product from a well-known brand will dramatically increase your chances of getting to the top of the list of “fried egg masters.” Size is also important: it is better to use a large frying pan for a large portion, otherwise one or two eggs may spread over a large area and the layer will be very thin, and no one needs this (well, unless this is your exclusive creative idea). For small portions (bachelor's version), it is best to use medium and small frying pans. But when it comes to a noisy company, then a large frying pan is just right for preparing “grand scrambled eggs”.

As for the material, there are no specifics, you can cook with both Teflon and ceramics, but I am a supporter of the old school: I prefer a cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom - garbage!

  • So, the first thing you need to do is heat the frying pan over low heat, adding oil to it. When choosing butter, adhere to your personal standards: after all, some simply cannot imagine fried eggs without aromatic fried lard, while others, sternly shaking their heads and raising their index finger, confidently pronounce the verdict: “only butter,” while others will not cook fried eggs without their favorite vegetable oil - and they will all be right, because “the taste and color are not scrambled eggs.” As for the amount of oil: for two or three eggs you can take a tablespoon of oil or fat.
  • What’s more important here is to optimally heat the frying pan (it should be heated together with the oil): with low heating, the scrambled eggs can absorb a lot of fat, but when the oil warms up enough and starts to sizzle (or “crackle”), you can put the eggs in the frying pan. Although, there is an opinion among experts that you need to first carefully break the eggs into a plate, and only then into the frying pan. We will not discuss this method, but rather focus on the method of breaking an egg.
  • It is better to break it not into a frying pan, as some people do, but with a knife, sharply hitting the edge of the shell, but without touching the yolk. I think any cook can easily pass this qualification. And don’t forget to wash the eggs before cooking – this is a must.

It should be noted that when preparing this dish, you need to master the “art of managing the lid,” that is, experimentally find out for how long to cover the scrambled eggs. If you overcook the eggs under the lid, the yolk will become cloudy and soft-boiled; if you don’t cover it at all, the yolk will be beautifully yellow and soft. To arm yourself with a lid or not - the choice is yours.

  • It is better to salt scrambled eggs at the end of cooking or even after (this applies to seasonings, pepper), with fine salt (if coarse salt gets on the yolk, it can cause the walls of the yolk to break, and it can leak out.) If your yolk is broken and you decide to cook an omelette - scrambled eggs (the eggs are mixed before cooking), then you can add salt here at the beginning.
  • Scrambled eggs cook quickly: 3-5 minutes (plus or minus the size of the stove flame). A good visual indicator of readiness is the appearance of a bright golden crust around the edges of the protein - this means it’s time to prepare the plate. Please note that the cooking time for the yolk is longer: the white will cook faster. If you are preparing scrambled eggs, you don’t have to wait long, but after stirring the scrambled eggs a couple of times, turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew.
  • A huge advantage of scrambled eggs are the additives, thanks to which this quick dish becomes a favorite (many, of course, love simple scrambled eggs). There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here: scrambled eggs with bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, just with potatoes (a very popular option), bright and shocking: in general, we risk hanging out on the internet for a long time, listing possible variations of this folk dish. We can briefly summarize: the additives are prepared “before”, fried in advance to the desired consistency, and then the eggs are poured in. The most popular addition is flour and milk, they turn scrambled eggs into an omelet.
  • You must serve the scrambled eggs “hot and hot” by lifting them with a spatula. This freshly prepared dish will taste perfect. The dizzyingly intoxicating aroma of freshly prepared fried eggs will lift even those who naturally find it very difficult to wake up!

Well, friends, go for it! Prepare this ideal breakfast with love, in good spirits (if your stomach is not empty, this is a minus: approach the preparation of scrambled eggs with aging, let you have a keen appetite), and most importantly - experiment, find your own signature (family) recipe! Enjoy your meal!

Despite the fact that scrambled eggs are an easy dish to prepare, if you don’t know some secrets, you can easily ruin them. So let's figure out how to cook scrambled eggs so that they turn out amazingly delicious! After all, this is a universal dish, suitable for dinner, and even to take with you for a snack.

How to cook scrambled eggs correctly

There are all sorts of scrambled eggs: fried, scrambled, with and without additives... But no matter what recipe you choose for yourself, there are general rules that allow you to cook scrambled eggs on the stove, guaranteed to be delicious. Necessary

  • choose the right utensils for frying (a thick-bottomed frying pan is ideal for this purpose, preferably cast iron, medium-sized: on a small one the product will turn out too thick, on a large one it will be too thin and dry);
  • heat the fat well (if it is not heated enough, it will be absorbed into the eggs, making them less tasty, and if it is overheated, the dish will burn on the bottom, but will remain raw on top);
  • properly salt the food (if you fry a dish in a frying pan on the stove, then salt it not at the beginning of cooking, but at the end, shortly before you remove it from the stove; sprinkle the already fully cooked scrambled eggs with spices).

This dish tastes best when using a mixture of vegetable and butter for frying. It’s just that the creamy one will burn, and the vegetable one does not highlight the taste of the eggs so richly.

On average, this dish takes about three to five minutes to prepare. Its most popular varieties are fried eggs and scrambled eggs. How to cook scrambled eggs correctly? If we want to make fried eggs, carefully break the eggs so as not to damage the yolk directly into the frying pan. The degree of roasting depends solely on the tastes of the eater. If you are not a fan of raw yolk, then you should cook this dish covered or very carefully turn it over to the other side after the edges of the white have hardened. It is necessary to salt not the yolk (so as not to damage it), but the white.

Scrambled eggs can be prepared in two ways.

  1. At the first time, the eggs are broken directly into the frying pan, but immediately stirred so that the white and yolk are combined.
  2. Or the eggs are first stirred (not beaten) in a bowl and then poured into the pan. When stirring, you can add a little sour cream or milk to them.

With both the first and second cooking methods, the dish must be stirred (it is best to do this with a wooden spatula) throughout the entire cooking time. Such scrambled eggs are not monolithic, that is, they do not look like an omelette, but are a granular mass.

Let's move on to dishes enriched with various additives. Let's start with the simplest thing - learn how to cook scrambled eggs with cheese. You can use it to fry both fried eggs and scrambled eggs. To do this, you need to sprinkle grated cheese on the eggs at the very beginning of cooking, and then proceed as usual.

Do you want something more satisfying? Then let's talk about how to cook scrambled eggs and sausage. For six eggs we need 2 tomatoes, 30 grams of cheese, 200-250 grams of sausage, several fresh champignons, two slices of bread, a mixture of oils (butter + vegetable) for frying.

You can take either black or white bread - whichever is more popular in your family. It must be peeled, cut into small cubes, and fried in a mixture of heated oils. Transfer to a plate and set aside for now. Cut the peeled tomatoes into large slices and quickly fry so that they do not lose their shape. Transfer to another bowl. Cut the sausage into cubes, champignons into thin slices. Fry and leave in the pan. Reduce heat to low, add croutons to the pan, break eggs, stir. Place the tomatoes on top, pressing them against the fried eggs. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook for five to seven minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle the food with herbs. This dish is also delicious served cold.

You already know how to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cheese, croutons and sausage. Let's learn how to cook this dish in pomodoro! For one serving you will need a large ripe tomato, an egg, a little butter, a slice of cheese, salt and spices to taste. You can also add meat, fried mushrooms, and other products as desired to these scrambled eggs.

You need to select the core of the tomato by cutting off the top. Put butter and cheese into the tomato and release the egg on top. If you want scrambled eggs with filling, then all the additives must be placed on the cheese before breaking the egg. Now the dish can be sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until the eggs reach your desired level of firmness.

How to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave

Cooking scrambled eggs in the microwave is even faster than on the stove. This method will help you out when you are completely limited in time. How to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave?

You will need: two eggs, special microwave-safe dishes, butter. Heat the dishes, grease them with butter, and break the eggs into them. Carefully pierce the yolks with a fork or toothpick. Leave on for 45-60 seconds at full power. Ready!

Would you like some deviled eggs? Then break the eggs into a bowl, stir them, add sausage or vegetables, pour into a greased microwave-safe bowl and place in the oven for a minute at full power.

How to cook scrambled eggs in a slow cooker

It has long occupied an important place in the lives of modern housewives. Therefore, the question of how to cook scrambled eggs in a slow cooker is quite reasonable. Nothing could be easier!

Scrambled eggs are cooked in a multicooker using the “baking” mode. You need to grease the bowl of the device, break eggs into it, sprinkle with salt and spices and set to cook. Ten minutes is enough for six eggs. If you want a dish with cheese, add grated cheese 2 minutes before the end of baking.

It is in vain that scrambled eggs are considered a dish for bachelors and students. Properly prepared, it becomes a real family, cozy, satisfying meal!

Omelettes and scrambled eggs- dishes that are often prepared for breakfast or as a light snack between main meals based on eggs. The variety of their recipes is so great that you can include such dishes in your diet every day. At the same time, each time the dish can be prepared in a completely new way.

The only difference between an omelet and scrambled eggs is that omelettes are prepared with the addition of milk, dairy and fermented milk products, and scrambled eggs are prepared in their “pure” form. Both dishes can be supplemented with a wide variety of products: cheese, vegetables, herbs, spices and herbs, sausages and meat products.

Both omelet and scrambled eggs have some special features in their preparation. It’s worth taking them into account in any case, because you want to make such dishes at home no less tasty than those made by a professional chef.

You can prepare a tender and fluffy omelette for breakfast by following these recommendations:

  1. The ratio of eggs and liquid part should be 2 to 1, which is approximately 1-1.5 tbsp. liquid per egg.
  2. You can prepare an omelet not only with milk, but also with fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream, as well as other dairy products, and even mayonnaise. It is the mayonnaise and sour cream in the dish that help it acquire a delicate creamy taste.
  3. The ingredients of the omelette must be thoroughly mixed and beaten by hand. It is better not to use a blender or mixer for these purposes. Kitchen utensils such as a whisk and fork are ideal.
  4. If necessary, ordinary wheat flour will help thicken the structure of the omelet. However, this component should be used in small quantities. So for 4 eggs you should not use more than 1.5 tsp. flour.
  5. To prepare an omelet, you can only use whites. Then such a dish for every day will turn out to be light and dietary. If you use only yolks, the omelette will turn out quite dense. But the recipe for making an omelet-soufflé requires the use of both white and yolk, but you just need to beat them separately.
  6. The classic way to prepare an omelette is to fry it in a frying pan under a closed lid, but the omelette can also be baked. In both cases, you need to use thick-bottomed cookware with a non-stick coating. It should warm up and give off heat evenly. The most suitable option is a cast iron frying pan coated with Teflon.
  7. Omelette is most often fried in sunflower oil, but it will be tastier if you add a piece of butter to it or use only it.
  8. When frying, pour the whipped egg-milk omelette mixture only onto a well-heated frying pan. The dish is fried over high heat until it forms a crust on the bottom. Then turn down the heat and keep the dish on the fire until it is completely baked.
  9. To increase satiety and improve taste, a variety of products are added to the omelette. It is best to place them in the egg-milk mixture when it has slightly set in the pan. However, additives can also be mixed with raw omelette. At the same time, it is recommended to heat treat vegetables and some other products in advance, since they require more time to cook. In addition, “juicy ingredients” such as zucchini and tomatoes require pre-treatment. During the frying process, they release a lot of juice, which can negatively affect the fluffiness of the omelette.
  10. You need to sprinkle cheese and herbs on the omelette just a couple of minutes before it’s ready.
  11. Prepare the omelette by covering it with a lid with a hole for steam to escape. In this case, the lid, greased on the inside with butter, will allow the omelette to rise much higher.
  12. When preparing an omelette for breakfast, do not rush to immediately remove the lid and place the dish on plates. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Thanks to this, the omelette will not fall off and will be saturated with the aromas and taste of additives, if, of course, there are any.

Omelet is a wonderful dish to prepare at home for every day. Like any other, it has its own characteristics of creation. The main nuances that should be taken into account when preparing an omelet were listed above; all others will be indicated directly in the selected recipe.

Secrets of delicious scrambled egg recipes for every day

Scrambled eggs are no less popular dish for everyday breakfast than omelet. It is easier and faster to prepare, but it turns out quite tasty and light. However, if necessary, you can increase the satiety of this dish by adding ham, pieces of meat, cheese, vegetables, or even using a side dish.

Recipes for making scrambled eggs are very diverse. The most popular, perhaps, is the recipe for making fried eggs. All you need to do is crack the egg into a frying pan heated with oil and fry until done. Readiness is determined by the desired degree of doneness. In three minutes, the white will set completely, and the yolk will remain liquid. In seven minutes the egg will be completely fried.

In addition, there are several other types of scrambled eggs. The most famous are chatterbox and mazunya. The recipe for preparing the first type of dish involves mixing the white and yolk, and the second recipe suggests separating the white and yolk, whisking separately, frying the white part in a frying pan first, and then pouring the whipped yolk on it, which should also be brought to readiness.

It is recommended to salt scrambled eggs either at the beginning of the cooking process or in the middle so that the salt crystals have time to dissolve. Sprinkle with herbs a couple of minutes before readiness, as well as cheese.

Dry scrambled eggs will be saved by adding juicy tomatoes to the pan. In addition, any sauce to your taste will save the situation.

Recipes for making scrambled eggs usually involve a frying process. In this case, you should choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating, because eggs like to stick to the surface of the pan. When baking in the oven, scrambled egg pans should be greased with butter. This way the taste of the dish will become more pleasant, and the scrambled eggs will not take root firmly in the dish.

When preparing scrambled eggs at home, remember that this dish requires adding a small amount of fat. It is best to use butter. Scrambled eggs cooked in a Teflon frying pan without fat will turn out too dry and, accordingly, not so tasty.

Here, perhaps, are all the main secrets of preparing delicious scrambled eggs at home for every day.

In custody…

Omelettes and scrambled eggs are, without a doubt, wonderful breakfast dishes that can be prepared with a minimum of effort and a minimum of time. Simple, fast and tasty - that’s how these dishes can be described.

Step-by-step recipes with photos in this section of the site will help you look at omelettes and scrambled eggs in a new way. In addition to the classic cooking options, they offer a lot of new options.

Cooking omelettes and scrambled eggs according to our step-by-step recipes will be a real pleasure, because the text descriptions are supplemented with step-by-step photos. Thanks to them, the implementation of this or that procedure will not raise any doubts.

So, choose the appropriate recipe and cook with pleasure!

Scrambled eggs are one of those dishes that can be prepared in minutes. And it is from here that those who first stood at the stove begin their journey to the heights of culinary excellence.

It would seem that it would be so difficult to break eggs into a frying pan and fry them? But how many burnt scrambled eggs were thrown into the trash bin! And all because they neglected the advice given by chefs and experienced housewives.

Subtleties of cooking scrambled eggs

  • For scrambled eggs, choose fresh eggs. Their quality can be determined by immersing them in a container of water. A recently laid egg will lie on the bottom. Something that is more than one day old will try to rise to the surface. Well, an egg that starts to peek out of the water on one side is already risky to eat.
  • In a not very fresh egg, the yolk becomes weak and if the egg is not carefully released into the frying pan, it often bursts.
  • It is advisable for the scrambled eggs to be at room temperature. Therefore, if you decide to fry them, remove them from the refrigerator in advance.
  • Before using, be sure to wash the eggs in warm water and soap to prevent salmonella, the causative agent of salmonellosis, from getting into the dish.
  • Fry the eggs in a thick-walled frying pan or non-stick frying pan.
  • The diameter of the pan depends on the number of eggs. The dishes should be such that when broken, the eggs lie in one layer, without overlapping each other.
  • There are two types of fried eggs: scrambled and fried. Fried eggs are scrambled eggs with a soft-boiled yolk surrounded by a white, dense white. Scrambled egg is prepared by first mixing the white and yolk, so the scrambled eggs have an almost uniform consistency and an even yellow tint.
  • Most often, scrambled eggs are cooked in butter or ghee. This scrambled egg turns out to be the most delicious. But it can be fried in lard or vegetable oil. It all depends on taste preferences and what kind of fat is available.
  • Scrambled eggs are cooked with onions, tomatoes, lard, herbs, sausage or meat.
  • It can be sprinkled with any seasonings or just salt.
  • Salt is added to scrambled eggs at the very end of cooking. If you salt the eggs right away, ugly whitish specks will appear on the yolk. For the same reason, they try to use fine salt or salt only the protein.
  • Scrambled eggs are cooked over a moderate flame, since over high heat they will burn from below, remaining half-baked inside, and over low heat they will become heavily saturated with fat.
  • Fry the scrambled eggs under the lid so that both the white and the yolk are ready at the same time.
  • Don't crack eggs straight into the pan. Firstly, if you lack skill, you will end up with unevenly fried eggs: the first egg will be overcooked, and the last one may turn out to be runny. Secondly, you can accidentally break a spoiled egg into the pan. Therefore, first break the eggs into a plate, and then, tilting it, carefully pour them into the frying pan.
  • If the white begins to brown unevenly, you need to lightly stir it with the tip of a knife, being careful not to touch the yolk.
  • The readiness of scrambled eggs is determined by the appearance of the white and yolk. Usually the yolk should be half liquid, as if soft-boiled. But if scrambled eggs are prepared for a child, then they are brought to a state where the yolk is hard-boiled.

Natural scrambled eggs


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • ghee – 15 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method

  • Break the washed eggs into a plate so as not to damage the yolk.
  • Place a piece of oil in a frying pan and heat it to about 110°, avoiding darkening. Pour the eggs from the plate.
  • First fry without a lid over moderate heat, then add salt to the eggs, cover the pan with a lid and cook the scrambled eggs until cooked.

Scrambled eggs with bacon


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • lard – 45 g.

Cooking method

  • Heat the frying pan. Place the bacon cut into small cubes on it. Fry until light brown.
  • Carefully crack the eggs into a plate. Pour them over the fried bacon. Cook like natural scrambled eggs. Do not add salt, as the bacon is salty.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 15 g;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method

  • Carefully crack the eggs into a plate.
  • Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them for two minutes. Cool quickly, remove the skin. Cut into slices and place on a plate, removing the seeds.
  • Heat butter in a frying pan, add tomatoes. Fry for a few minutes until some of the moisture has evaporated.
  • Gather the tomatoes into a pile in the middle of the pan. Pour the eggs into the empty space. Add some salt. Fry until done. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

Scrambled eggs with sausage


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • boiled sausage – 50 g;
  • salt;
  • ghee – 15 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method

  • Heat oil in a frying pan. Cut the sausage into slices, fry in oil until golden brown.
  • Drop the eggs onto the sausage. After some time, add salt. Close the lid and fry until done. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • ham – 30 g;
  • fresh champignons – 30 g;
  • ghee – 15 g;
  • ketchup – 30 g;
  • black pepper.

Cooking method

  • Wash the champignons and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut into slices.
  • Cut the ham into cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the mushrooms, and let the liquid boil away. Lightly fry the mushrooms, add the ham. Warm everything together for 1-2 minutes. Pour in ketchup, pepper, stir.
  • When the contents of the pan come to a boil, release the eggs. Do not add salt as there is enough salt in the ingredients. Close the lid and fry until the eggs are ready.

Scrambled eggs with black bread


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • rye bread – 50 g;
  • ghee – 25 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method

  • Cut rye bread without crusts into thin slices. Then cut them into squares or triangles.
  • Place in a frying pan heated with oil and lightly fry on both sides.
  • Drop the eggs onto the bread and add salt. Close the lid and cook until done.

Fried eggs in sweet pepper


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • large beautifully shaped bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • greenery;
  • ghee – 20 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash the bell pepper, cut off the cap, remove the seeds. Cut it crosswise into 1 cm wide rings.
  • Break each egg into a separate mug.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan. Place the pepper mold. Press it with a fork so that it does not come off the bottom of the pan. Pour the egg into this mold. Do not remove the fork until the egg has set, otherwise the white will seep under the pepper and you won’t get a perfect shape. Add some salt. In this way, build two more flowers.
  • Using a wide spatula, place the finished scrambled eggs in pepper on a plate and garnish with herbs.

Curly scrambled eggs can be fried in a slice of bread, in a special mold, in a tomato circle, or in a bun.

Scrambled eggs can be prepared in the form of a pie. To do this, you need to fry the scrambled eggs, and then carefully fold it in half directly in the frying pan and fry it on both sides. Such scrambled eggs turn out rosy and crispy on the outside, but remain tender and juicy on the inside.

It can be stuffed with herbs, vegetables, mushrooms, and sausage.

To prevent the scrambled eggs from cooling quickly, place them on a heated plate.

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