Mariupol State University (MSU). Mariupol State University, Moscow State University All about the Mariupol Humanitarian Institute reviews

Cement 18.01.2024

provides its students with the opportunity to receive a qualified education and subsequently a job in public and private institutions in the Donetsk region and Ukraine as a whole.

The educational institution was founded in 1991.

Address of the educational institution: 87500, Mariupol metro station, Stroiteley Avenue, 129 a.

Mariupol State University- classical university of IV level of accreditation. The university structure includes 5 faculties, 25 departments, a Center for pre-university training and work with foreign students, international scientific and educational and cultural centers:

Representation of the European Organization of Public Law (EPLO) in Ukraine;

Regional European Information Point;

Institute of Ukrainian-Greek Friendship and Hellenistic Studies;

Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports of Greece for obtaining an international certificate of knowledge of the Modern Greek language;

Representative office of the International Union "Dante Alighieri";

Examination Center for the International Certificate of Italian Language Proficiency (PLIDA);

Center for Gender Research and Education of Moscow State University;

International Center for the Environment;

Italian, Polish, Israeli, Chinese cultural centers.

In structure 4 faculties:

Faculty of Philology;

History department;

Faculty of Economics and Law;

Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The main task of the faculties: the formation of a professionally competent, spiritually rich, happy, humanistically oriented, integral personality with a strong character. She must realize that scientific knowledge and the latest production technologies make sense only if they are based on a high level of moral and spiritual education of their bearers. Every specialist must understand and foresee in advance the extent to which new scientific discoveries and technologies will contribute to human development, and they will not harm the physical and mental health of the inhabitants of the Earth.

To improve the educational, methodological, financial and logistical support of practices, labor protection at practices, the state of student field practice bases Moscow State University a permanent commission has been organized for the preparation and conduct of student internships Moscow State University the composition of which is approved by order of the rector.

Moscow State University constantly cares about improving social and living conditions for students, teachers and staff. In dormitories with a total area of ​​292 thousand square meters. m. is home to about 15 thousand students, graduate students, students of the preparatory department and advanced training courses. Students live in rooms of 1-4 people, graduate students - 1-2 people. The university strives to provide a place in the dormitory for everyone in need. For students on a budget, this rule is fully complied with; for students on a contract basis, the university provides a dormitory on a contractual basis, subject to availability.

The dormitories have all the conditions for living, studying and recreation. There are reading rooms, relaxation rooms, aerobics rooms and gyms, a swimming pool, sports grounds, and a leisure center.

Much attention is paid to creating conditions for study and recreation in dormitories. Reading rooms are equipped for studying in the hostel. In addition, the halls on each floor are equipped in such a way that students can also study there.

The dormitories have computer classes, rehearsal rooms for music and theater studios, rooms for gyms and aerobics classes, recreation rooms and children's rooms.

The program sets a goal - to form an integral system in the educational institution for the training of young scientists and scientific-pedagogical workers.

New horizons open up for students, because they are given many new opportunities to develop and realize their own abilities. They participate in the research work of Moscow State University, publish their first scientific works, patent new inventions, study a lot of new information to increase the general level of education. They can also continue their studies in graduate school at Moscow State University and other universities, where they prepare and defend their scientific works and dissertations to obtain a prestigious job both at Moscow State University itself and at enterprises, in scientific organizations of the Educational-Research-Production Complex “Specialist”, etc. .

To provide sports leisure for students, there are 7 sports sections. Visiting the sections is free and available to every student. These sections include:

Football section;

Basketball section;

Section of Fine Arts and Design;

Chess section;

Ballroom dancing section;

Section of computer games and strategies;

Modeling section.

For a successful system of organizing and implementing the educational process, the university has a modern, developed material and technical base: 7 academic buildings; consulting center; a network that connects all educational buildings and is connected to the Internet; educational and information institute of innovative technologies; 34 computer classes equipped with the latest generation computers.

Much attention in the direction of education at the university is paid to the study of foreign languages. Students have a special opportunity to simultaneously learn several foreign languages ​​and special vocabulary.

Based on referrals from various enterprises, almost all organizations and institutions send students to study at this institute. These are factory workers, workers of public utilities, tax services, and from various private organizations and firms.

There are also specialized courses for engineering and technical workers in various areas and courses for reserve positions for management positions in factories, departments, services, and enterprises.

There are courses for advanced training of school teachers and courses to test their knowledge on labor protection, industrial safety and industrial emergencies.

Students and listeners are educated and taught by highly qualified teaching staff of the university, leading specialists and heads of services, who are not just theoretical teachers, but have practical experience, which is the key to studying specialists in various fields. They constantly update the specialist training program to improve the entire educational level of students and the masses of the university. Of course, all these factors significantly influence the professional growth of students graduating from the university.

Scientific and teaching staff Mariupol State University works in conditions of rapid educational and information changes, the university implements progressive teaching methods, uses the experience of domestic and foreign scientists. The educational environment of the university promotes constant self-improvement and self-development of students.

Mariupol State University provides an opportunity for young people to test their knowledge in practice. In recent years, the university has been actively exploring the international educational space.

So, Mariupol State University - a higher educational institution for training qualified specialists with an excellent material and technical base and organization of leisure activities for students.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

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